Teaching Guide For Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs

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By: Ma. Leonora V. Alusen

Assistant Professor
College of Business and Accountancy
Lyceum of the Philippines -Laguna


Student Suggested Activity

Ask the students to make an illustration between the difference of Job and Work. Present the
output in class.

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Suggested Documentary

The Largest Factory in the World and Chinese Labor

Length of Video: 45:54 minutes

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Suggested Video Clip about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Video Length: 19:03 minutes

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Suggested Case Analysis

The Case of the Malicious Manager

Strike, Inc. is a well-known company in the field of Information Technology (IT). It has
been the main and primary producer of educational software and business operational progress
like database filing, computerized payroll system and hardware designed swipe machine and
barcode system. Jeffry Jacobs, the manager has been working for the company for almost 25
years. His expertise in system application and development made him the best and the most
competent in the managerial position. He is aggressive and hardworking but at times
unpredictable and bossy. His personal attachment and close professional interaction with female
employees of the company have been noticed by many.

One day, Bernadette Ryan the head of the system development went to Jeffrey’s office
for product consultation. The meeting went on and Jeffrey’s comment about the new project is
its marketability and user-friendly functionality. Bernadette on the other hand continued to
explain the advantages of the system when Jeffrey stood up and approached the door. She just
continued discussing the features of the new system being developed. Without her knowing it,
Jeffrey suddenly appeared at her back, sort of listening to her discussion. Jeffrey started to make
sleek moves; he intentionally put his hands, touched and sort of massaged Bernadette shoulders.
Bernadette was surprised about the actions of her boss. She stood up and said “I better go,” as
she was walking out of the room, Jeffrey got hold of her arms and said, “I know you like what
I’m doing. Come on try me!” Bernadette felt that she was being harassed and exclaimed, “Stop
or I’ll scream!” ‘This is sexual harassment! “Jeffrey felt more aggressive and told Bernadette
that being the manager, he has the right to be the boss and handle his subordinates his own way.
Jeffrey further imposed that if she would not submit herself to his personal aggression, he would
tell other employees the incident. Moreover, he would definitely fire her and tell everyone that it
was Bernadette who did the first move of flirting. Bernadette was shocked. She ran out of the
door to get rid of Jeffrey’s malicious and questionable disposition.


1. Is the action of Jeffrey Jacob considered sexual harassment? If so, what type of sexual

2 What appropriate actions should Bernadette do in order to prove that the incident

3. State the implications of sexual harassment to Bernadette and to organization.

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Suggested Documentary Video Length 58:19 minutes

Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by filmmaker Robert Kenner. The
Academy Award-nominated film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding
that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and
abusive of both animals and employees.

Suggested Documentary Video Length 2:05:33

Super Size Me is a 2004 American documentary

film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an
American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film
follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March
2, 2003, during which he ate only McDonald's
food. The film documents this lifestyle's drastic
effect on Spurlock's physical and psychological
well-being, and explores the fast food industry's
corporate influence, including how it encourages
poor nutrition for its own profit.

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Suggested Student Activity

Mini Paper 1: Work in groups. Go to a particular community marketplace, supermarket, farm or

fruit garden. Make a survey of the various and usual problems that arise between sellers and
buyers and the solution to those problem. Write a paper about it.

Mini Paper 2: Each activity is required to ask five people in the school campus about their own
definition of deception. Those five people should be diverse in age, interests, religious beliefs,
ethnic group or regional affiliation. Write a report on the findings and conclusions.

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Suggested Video Clip

Video Length 2:01minutes

Video Length 3:34 minutes

Suggested Activity for Students

In groups of five do your scare and shame campaign, and be ready to present in class.

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