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Uttaranchal Institute of Technology

Make-Up Sessional Examination -2013-14

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Branch: Mechanical Semester: 5th
Subject: Manufacturing science II
Sub Code: TME-504
Max Marks: 30 Times: 1hr
Roll No.:
All questions are compulsory
Programmable calculator is not allowed

Q.1 Attempt any four parts 2.5marks each

(a) What do you understand by metal cutting?
(b) What is chip formation?
(c) What do you understand Up Milling and Down Milling?
(d) What are the advantages & limitation of welding?
(e) Differentiate between AC & DC arc Welding.
(f) Define with a neat sketch Gas Welding.

Q.2 Attempt any two parts 5marks each

(a)Write short note on mechanics of chip formation.
(b) Define Tool wear and Tool Life.
(c) Explain working principle of LBM
(d) Explain HAZ.

Q.3 Attempt any two parts 5 marks each

(a) Give the working principle of Turret/capstan lathe. And what are the
advantage and application of it?
(b) Explain Submerged Arc welding.
(c) Explain briefly defects in Welding.

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