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Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática

Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014


Samir Angelo Milani Martins∗, Luis Antonio Aguirre†

GCoM – Grupo de Controle e Modelagem, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica
Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, Praça Frei Orlando 170 - Centro, 36307-352
São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, 31270-901
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.


Abstract— This paper presents a methodology for modelling the hysteresis and dynamics of a magneto-
rheological damper (MRD) using a NARX model with four unit-delayed regressors, rather than a system of
non-linear differential equation which uses a Bouc-Wen model. The main contribution of the paper is to shown
the validity of the obtained model and to provide numerical evidence to the fact that by reestimating the
parameters of the obtained structure several other hysteresis curves can be readily obtained.

Keywords— Systems with hysteresis, NARX models, Bouc-Wen, Magneto-rheological dampers.

1 Introduction (Ikhouane e Rodellar, 2007). Apart from that

shortcoming, the use of the Bouc-Wen model in
Hysteresis is a non-linear behaviour usu- feedforward inverse control is a very hard task.
ally found in actuators as magneto-rheological
Alternative techniques are the so-called gray
dampers (MRD), sensors, mechanical connections,
and black-box procedures. Black-box modelling
electromagnetic servo motors and biomedical sys-
techniques only use dynamical data acquired to
tems, which exhibit natural memory effects be-
build the models. Some model classes include
tween the input and output (Ismail et al., 2009;
the Nonlinear AutoRegressive model with eXo-
Aguirre et al., 2012). The hysteresis phenomenon
geneous (NARX) inputs (Leontaritis e Billings,
is related to the natural memory of inelastic be-
1985a; Leontaritis e Billings, 1985b) and neural
haviour. In case of magneto-rheological dampers,
networks (Hopfield, 1982). Such model classes
the restoring force depends not only on instan-
have also been used in the modelling of systems
taneous deformation, but also on the history of
with hysteresis. NARX polynomial models with
high non-linearity degree (tenth degree) are able
Modelling problems found in systems with to represent the main hysteresis loop (Leva e
hysteresis as tracking errors and limit cycles have Piroddi, 2002). It was shown in (Du et al., 2006)
been extensively studied in science, more specifi- that neural networks are also able to reconstruct
cally in engineering (Worden et al., 2007). Mod- the hysteresis exhibited by the Bouc-Wen model.
elling and control of hysteretic systems is a chal-
lenge in problems that require a high degree Structure selection is a decisive step in system
of accuracy and performance (Amthor et al., identification in general (Hong et al., 2008), and
2010; Sireteanu et al., 2012). To meet this de- for systems with hysteresis in particular (Leva e
mand several techniques for identification and Piroddi, 2002). The results reported in this pa-
control of systems with hysteresis have recently per show that the ERR (Error Reduction Ratio
been developed (Gunnar et al., 2006; De Moer- (Korenberg et al., 1988; Billings et al., 1989)) cri-
looze et al., 2010; Ding e Taheri, 2010; Assimaki terion for model structure selection does not work
et al., 2011; Mohammadzaheri et al., 2012). properly for systems with hysteresis. Thus, an
Traditional white-box models of hysteretic alternative technique based on term clustering is
systems are usually complicated (Ismail et al., used.
2009). A phenomenological model was initially This paper is concerned with the MISO
proposed by Bouc (Bouc, 1967) and extended by (multi-input single output) black-box identifica-
Wen (Wen, 1976). The Bouc-Wen model and tion of NARX polynomial models of systems with
modified versions of it (Du et al., 2006; Talatahari hysteresis. The Bouc-Wen model of a magneto-
et al., 2012) are still widely used to model sys- rheological damper (Du et al., 2006) is used as a
tems with hysteresis. In this model, the structure bench test. In particular we aim at i) determining
is obtained from physical laws, whereas the pa- a very simple model structure able to reproduce
rameters are estimated from data usually by least- the hysteresis loop and that could, in the future,
square techniques. The model is composed by a be used in model-based control of hysteretic sys-
first-order non-linear differential equation which tems; and ii) showing that this simple model can
may become unstable after parameter estimation represent a wide range hysteresis loops, only re-

Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática
Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014

estimating the model parameters.

This paper is organized as follows: biblio- f = c1 ρ̇ + k1 (x − x0 ),
graphical review has been presented in this sec-
tion. Section 2 presents preliminary concepts, nec- ρ̇ = [αz + c0 ẋ + k0 (x − ρ)] ,
essary for understanding the whole text. The sec- c0 + c1
tion 3 presents the methodology used to obtain ż = −γ|ẋ − ρ̇|z|z|n−1 − β(ẋ − ρ̇)|z|n
the model. The results are presented in the sec- +A(ẋ − ρ̇),
tion 4, while concluding remarks and perspectives α = αa + αb uBW ,
for future research are shown in section 5.
c1 = c1a + c1b uBW ,
c0 = c0a + c0b uBW ,
2 Preliminaries u̇BW = −η(uBW − E). (2)

2.2 NARX polynomial models

2.1 Bouc-Wen Model for MRD
A general SISO NARX model (nonlinear au-
The Bouc-Wen model (Wen, 1976) is a phe- toregressive model with exogenous inputs) can be
nomenological model frequently used to identify written as (Chen e Billings, 1989)
systems with hysteresis like magneto-rheological
dampers (Spencer Jr. et al., 1997). This model y(k) = F [y(k−1), . . . ,y(k−ny ),
is based on the rate independent property (Bouc, u(k−d). . . u(k−nu )]+e(k), (3)
1967), which can be mathematically expressed as:
where u(k) and y(k) are respectively the input and
   output signals and e(k) accounts for uncertainties
dz dx dx and possible noise. In this work F [·] is assumed
= g x,z,sign , (1)
dt dt dt to be a polynomial with nonlinearity degree ℓ. In
prediction error minimization (PEM) estimation
problems, a moving average (MA) part is usually
included in the model to reduce bias. In this paper
ρ x constrained parameter estimation will be pursued
Bouc-Wen and therefore the MA parcel will not be used.
The NARX part of model (3) can be expanded
as the summation of terms with degrees of nonlin-
c1 earity in the range [1 ℓ]. Each (p + m)th-order
k0 term can contain a pth-order factor in y and an
f mth-order factor in u and is multiplied by a con-
c0 stant parameter cp,m (τ1 , . . . ,τm ) as follows:
X nX
ℓ ℓ−m y ,nu p
y(k) = cp,m (τ1 , . . . ,τp+m ) y(k − τi )
m=0 p=0 τ1 ,τm i=1

× u(k − τi ) + e(k), (4)

Figure 1: The model for a magneto-rheological where the third summation is

damper proposed by Spencer et al (1997), used as ny ,nu
X ny
X ny
X nu
X nu
a bench test in this paper and also by Du et al. ≡ ··· ··· , (5)
(2006) and Leva and Piroddi (2002). τ1 ,τm τ1 =1 τp =1 τp+1 =d τp+m =d

and the upper limit is ny if the summation refers

where z the hysteretic model output, x the input. to factors in y or nu for factors in u. The model
Spencer et al (1997) used this approach to identify structure can be chosen using orthogonal tech-
the hysteretic component of a magneto-rheological niques (Chen e Billings, 1989).
damper (the variable z of equation 2), coupled Steady-state analysis is accomplished by tak-
with a damping dynamic(c0 and c1 in Figure 1), ing ȳ = y(k − τ ), ∀τ = 1, . . . , ny , ū = u(k −
so that the phenomenological model is composed τ ), ∀τ = d, . . . , nu and in that case equation (4)
by a sum of all effects (damping and hysteretic can be rewritten as
effects). In that case, the model structure was en-
X nX y ,nu
ℓ ℓ−m
tirely obtained using white-box approach, whereas
ȳ = cp,m (τ1 , . . . ,τp+m ) ȳ p ūm
the parameters were tuned from empirical data. m=0 p=0 τ1 ,τm
The restoring force (f ) depends also on the input ℓ ℓ−m
voltage (E) that governs the damping intensity of
= Σyp um Ωyp um . (6)
c1 and c2 . m=0 p=0

Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática
Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014

The constant within the large parenthesis in ratio) (Piroddi, 2008). In the next section a sim-
equation (6), denoted Σyp um , is the cluster co- ple structure selection procedure which is far less
efficient of a set of terms, called term cluster, computer intensive than the SRR and that proved
indicated by Ωyp um . Terms of the form y p (k − helpful will be described.
i)um (k − j) ∈ Ωyp um for m+p ≤ ℓ, where i and
j are any time lags (Aguirre e Billings, 1995). In 3.2 Cluster-based structure selection
words, a term cluster is a set of terms of the same
type and the respective cluster coefficient is the An Euler dicretization of the rate independent
summation of the coefficients of all the terms of property (Eq. 1) yields:
the corresponding cluster.
To identify the Bouc-Wen model, a NARX z(k)−z(k−1)
MISO model with three inputs u1 , u2 and u3 was ≈ gd [x(k−1),z(k−1),
used. In this case, (6) becomes:
sign (v(k−1))] v(k−1), (8)

ℓ (ℓ−m)
X X (ℓ−f
ȳ = Σyp uv1 ua2 um
m=0 a=0 v=0 p=0
z(k) ≈ z(k−1) + T gd [x(k−1),z(k−1),
×Ωyp uv1 ua2 um
, (7)
sign (v(k−1))] v(k−1), (9)
being f = m+a, q = f +v. One of the aims of this
where T is the integration step, x the displace-
paper is to investigate how these concepts can be
ment, v the velocity and gd [·] a nonlinear func-
used as an auxiliary tool for structure detection of
tion. Taking ℓ = 3 , a discretized model for the
NARX models of hysteretic systems.
hysteretic part of Eq. 2 is

3 NARX models for Bouc-Wen hysteresis

= −γ|v(k−1)|z(k−1)|z(k−1)|
The phenomenological model for a magneto- T
rheological damper, containing a Bouc-Wen hys- −βv(k−1)|z(k−1)|2
teresis (equation 2) was used as the data gen- +Av(k−1), (10)
erating system, with integration step equal to
h = 0.002 s. The inputs (displacement x and which can be written in the form of Eq. 9. In
the voltage input - E) were generated by low-pass other words, the discretized Bouc-Wen model for
filtering of two independent realizations of white a MRD (Eq. 10) is a particular case of the dis-
Gaussian sequences. It is important to highlight cretized rate independent property (Eq. 9), which
that a specific data set was generated for identifi- uses only unit-delayed regressors and its combina-
cation purposes. tion.
The discrete rate independent property de-
3.1 “Classical” structure selection scribed in (10) indicates that a NARX model for
a Bouc-Wen hysteretic system has to have a func-
In our first approach, the data tion gd which includes at least unit-delayed re-
{y(k), u1 (k), u2 (K), u3 (k)}k=1 were used, where gressors of velocity (v), its sign (sign(v)) and the
the output y is the hysteretic force (f ), and the regressor z(k − 1). To include the external damp-
inputs are u1 the voltage (E), u2 the velocity ing effect and other dynamic, the model should
(v) and u3 represents the sign of the velocity also have a regressor of E, the input voltage that
(sign[v]). Model structure selection was per- controls damping intensity.
formed using the ERR criterion together with the In this way, since hysteresis is a quasi-static
AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) (Korenberg behaviour (Ikhouane e Rodellar, 2007), cluster
et al., 1988; Billings et al., 1989). After paremeter analysis may be used as a powerful tool to indi-
estimation, all resulting models were unstable. cate which regressors should compose the discrete
Although the ERR criterion has been used function gd [·], in order to represent a system com-
with great success in a number of cases (Boynton posed by a Bouc-Wen hysteresis.
et al., 2011; Nepomuceno et al., 2007; Billings e It is well-known that in an hysteretic system,
Wei, 2005), some of its shortcomings have been a low-frequency (quasi-static) excitation leads to
well reported (Aguirre e Billings, 1995; Piroddi, a non-linear relationship between input and out-
2008; Martins et al., 2013). Alternative proce- put, which is different for loading and unloading
dures are available such as the ad hoc proce- (Ismail et al., 2009). The term clusters of a NARX
dure suggested in (Leva e Piroddi, 2002) for a model are naturally obtained when steady-state
system with hysteresis or the more general ap- analysis is performed. The following procedure
proach based on the SRR (simulation reduction was used to identify which term clusters should

Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática
Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014

compose a NARX model for a system with Bouc- uine were: Ω0 , Ωy , Ωu1 , Ωu3 , Ωu2 u1 , Ωu3 u2 y . This
Wen type hysteresis. approach considerably reduces the amount of can-
A pool of candidate terms is generated with didate regressors and therefore decreases the com-
ny = nu = ℓ = 3. The nonlinearity degree was putational cost.
chosen in such way that the NARX model has the
same non-linear degree of the Bouc-Wen model −1.05
x 10

of the benc test (equation 2). The ERR crite-

rion was used to classify, at the beginning, regres-
sors from the set of candidates. Regressors were −1.1

inserted sequentially and the model cluster coeffi-

cients were computed for the resulting nested fam-

ily of model structures with increasing number of −1.15

terms, as proposed in (Aguirre e Billings, 1995).

If a cluster coefficient tends to zero or oscillates as −1.2
the number of model terms increases, this suggests
that the regressors of such a cluster are unneces-
sary for representing the static behaviour. In this −1.25
1 2 3 4 5 6
paper a term cluster with zero or oscillating co- Number of terms

efficient was considered unnecessary to represent

hysteresis. Figure 2: Akaike information criterion (AIC) com-
One aim of the structure selection step is to es- puted for the sequence of terms selected using the
timate a quasi-static structure, which is expected ERR criterion. The points were connected by lines
to follow the discrete rate independent assumption for convenience only.
A sign change in the cluster coefficient means
The reduction in the number of candidate
that if that cluster is inserted in the model, two
clusters in fact, reduced the size of candidate
very different hysteresis curves gd+ [·] and gd− [·]
terms from 35 to 6, since the present paper only
can be approximated. Clearly, in this case, at least
considers unit-delayed regressors. The AIC crite-
one of the curves (gd+ [·] or gd− [·], or both) is
rion was used to determine the model size, which
spurious, so justifying the exclusion of that term
turned out to be dim(θ) = 4, where θ is the num-
cluster. Thereby, term clusters that do not have
ber of model parameters (Figure 2), hence:
a sign change or do not tend to zero are the only
ones able to describe the hysteresis.
According to the rate independent property, y(k) = 0,8347y(k−1) + 0,0442u3(k−1)
the model has only first-order terms. Further,
it is known that hysteresis is a quasi-static be- +0,6704u2(k−1)u1 (k−1)
haviour. In this sense only first order regressors −0,4648u3(k−1)u2 (k−1)y(k−1),(11)
of the genuine clusters are chosen to compose the
final model. It should be highlighted that, accordingly to the
For the present case, the reference model discrete rate independent property (Eq. 9), the ob-
(Eq. 2) also has a dynamic given by c0 and c1 . tained model has to have a unit-delayed output re-
Then, in order to get a model valid both for hys- gressor y(k − 1) followed by a nonlinear function
teresis and dynamic, as the final step, the ERR ĝd [E(k−1),y(k−1),sign(v)(k−1)]. The model ob-
was computed for the first-order genuine regres- tained by the proposed approach (Eq. 11 ) has this
sors, selected in the previous step. Then, based general structure, but much simpler when com-
on the AIC, the model size was chosen. Proceed- pared with the Bouc-Wen model for the MRD
ing in this way the number of genuine clusters was (Eq. 2).
reduced from thirty five to six. As it will be shown For model validation other sets of data were
in Section 4 the estimated model structure is at produced using the Bouc-Wen model. One of
the same time rather general and simple. In the such data sets with the model free run simula-
whole procedure, as in (Leva e Piroddi, 2002; Du tion is shown in Figure 3 and 4. Dynamical per-
et al., 2006), the signals were normalized, in order formance was quantified by the normalized root
to reduce numerical conditioning issues. mean square error:
u PN
4 NARX Identification of a Bouc-Wen u (y(k) − ŷ(k))2
erms = t Pk=1 N
. (12)
model 2
k=1 (y(k) − ȳ) )

Using cluster-based approach for structure se- In order to validate the model over a wider
lection (Section 3), among thirty five candidate range of operating points, a second validation
clusters, the only six clusters classified as gen- data set was generated with sinusoidal signals

Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática
Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014

Validation 1
1 1.5







0 500 1000 1500 −1.5
Samples 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Figure 3: First validation data set. (− −) Bouc- Figure 5: Second validation data set. (− −) Bouc-
Wen, (—) identified model (11). Wen, (—) identified model (11).

Validation 1

0.5 2


−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Displacement −2
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
1 Displacement
0.5 2



−1.5 −1
−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Figure 4: Hysteresis of the first validation data

set. (− −) Bouc-Wen, (—) identified model (11). Figure 6: Hysteresis of the second validation data
set. (− −) Bouc-Wen, (—) identified model (11).

of displacement x(t) = sin(2π3t) cm and voltage

E(t) = 0.5 sin(2π0.5t) + 1.6 V (Figure 5 and 6).
the operating regions analysed, having as a great
Finally, a third validation test was performed, advantage its very low complexity, when com-
this time to check how the model reproduces the pared with the model in (Leva e Piroddi, 2002),
main hysteresis loop (Figure 7). (Du et al., 2006) and the Bouc-Wen model of the
Results are shown in Table 1. From the ob- magneto-rheological damper (Eq. 2).
tained values can be concluded that the model rep-
resents quite well the hysteresis and dynamic pre- Also, the obtained model is able to represent
sented by the magneto-rheological damper (Bouc- several hysteresis curves only re-estimating pa-
Wen plus damping dynamic - equation 2). More- rameters, being this another nice feature. Figure
over should be pointed out that the highest mod- 8 shows some examples of hysteresis curves that
elling errors are committed when the hysteresis can be obtained by varying the model parameters.
curve changes its structure. The dashed line represents the nominal hysteresis
curve (given by the model presented in Eq. 11),
Such effect can be explained once the system
whereas the continuous line shows some examples
changes from one hysteretic loop to other at each
of hysteretic curves that may be obtained by ad-
peak, i.e, past values no longer reflect, at that spe-
justing the parameters.
cific time, the current system’s state. After a very
short time and updating past values of inputs and
output, the model identifies the current operating
region of the system (the current hysteresis loop), Table 1: erms computed for first and second vali-
returning its prediction quality. dation data sets.
The performance of the model with four unit- Validation - 1 Validation - 2
delayed regressors is qualitatively and quantita- erms 0.1135 0.0915
tively general and satisfactory. Furthermore, the
model is able to describe the system hysteresis in

Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática
Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014

Main loop with simply and accuracy. This model is more
suitable for feedforward inverse control purposes,
when an estimative of the inverse model is neces-
Force 0
As a future research topic, it is proposed the
0 50 100 150 200 250 use of the nominal model in a feedforward inverse
control scenario and model-based control tech-
niques where the inverse-model estimative is fre-
quently necessary.

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
The authors are thankful to Brazilian agencies
Figure 7: Nominal model simulation (free run) for
the hysteretic main loop of the Bouc-Wen model. References
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