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Republic of the Philippines

Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

Utilization of Inquiry-based Learning Strategy Checklist for Teachers



Below are the indicators of inquiry based learning strategies that you are possibly applying. Please put a
check mark on the column that corresponds to your belief as to its degree of agreement. (4-Always, 3-
Most of the Times, 2-Seldom, 1-Never)

1 2 3 4

1. I engage students in order to reveal their current/prior understanding.

2. I give opportunities to allow students to share their understanding.

3. I encourage students to share their understanding with each other.

4. I encourage students to share questions about the topic.

5. I listen to students’ ideas and provides a positive response – one that

respects the students’ ideas even if they are not correct, but expresses
that the discussion itself is important.

6. I engage students in a scientifically oriented question.

7. I connect the students’ understanding/questions with the scientifically

oriented question.

8. I provide students with the opportunity to test their ideas.

9. I ask student questions that help lead students, without giving

answers, toward a better idea of the phenomenon tested.

10. I ask student questions that help reveal their evolving understanding.

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

11. I demand evidence from students to support their explanations.

12. I allow students to share their ideas about the explanations with

13. I encourage students to connect ideas from prior experience to the

recent classroom explorations.

14. I provide students the opportunity to explain another problem based

on the recent classroom explorations.

15. I provide students a chance to express their new ideas with each

16. I provide time for the students to reflect on what they have learned.

Utilization of Inquiry-based Learning Strategy Checklist for Students

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur



Below are the indicators of inquiry based learning strategies that your teachers are possibly applying.
Please put a check mark on the column that corresponds to your belief as to its degree of agreement. (4-
Always, 3-Most of the Times, 2-Seldom, 1-Never)

1 2 3 4

1. Engages students in order to reveal their current/prior understanding.

2. Gives opportunities to allow students to share their understanding.

3. Encourages students to share their understanding with each other.

4. Encourages students to share questions about the topic.

5. Listens to students’ ideas and provides a positive response – one that

respects the students’ ideas even if they are not correct, but expresses
that the discussion itself is important.

6. Engages students in a scientifically oriented question.

7. Connects the students’ understanding/questions with the scientifically

oriented question.

8. Provide students with the opportunity to test their ideas.

9. Asks student questions that help lead students, without giving

answers, toward a better idea of the phenomenon tested.

10. Asks student questions that help reveal their evolving understanding.

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

11. Demands evidence from students to support their explanations.

12. Allows students to share their ideas about the explanations with

13. Encourage students to connect ideas from prior experience to the

recent classroom explorations.

14. Provide students the opportunity to explain another problem based

on the recent classroom explorations.

15. Provide students a chance to express their new ideas with each

16. Provides time for the students to reflect on what they have learned.

Letter to the Respondents

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

Dear Respondents,

We, the grade 12 students under academic strand STEM of ISPSC-Cervantes Campus are currently
conducting a research entitled, “Utilization of Inquiry Based Learning Strategy in ISPSC Cervantes Campus SHS
Department Sy. 2019-2020”, as part of the requirement in the subject research.

In this regard, we may request for your participation and cooperation to answer questionnaires that we will
be floating to gather the necessary data to this study. It is assured that the data provided by you shall be used only to
ascertain the utilization of Inquiry-Based Learning in the school. The data furnished and the identity of the
respondents will be kept confidential.

We hope for your positive response. Thank you and God bless!


Poyoaon, Rosalie Fernandez, Giezilyn

Ohelen, Perlen Sepulchre, Joyce

Habon, Cecille Bailen, Allen Rey

Reyes, Ginny Rose Andres, Farrah

Reyes, Krizel Anne Saldaen, Karen

March 16, 2020

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

Dr. Renato Sawey

Campus Administrator
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus, Cervantes, Ilocos Sur



We, the grade 12 students under academic strand STEM of ISPSC-Cervantes Campus are currently conducting a
research entitled, “Utilization of Inquiry Based Learning Strategy in ISPSC Cervantes Campus SHS Department SY
2019-2020”, as part of the requirement of our subject, Research Project.

In relation to this, may we have the honor to seek permission from your good office to float questionnaires to your
Senior High School students and teachers to gather information regarding this research. Rest assured that all
information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you very much in anticipation for the consideration accorded to this request.


Poyaoan,Rosalie Reyes, Ginny Rose Saldaen, Karen Reyes, Krizel

Ohelen,Pearl Bailen, Allen Rey Fernandez, Giezilyn

Habon,Cecille Andres,Farrah Hame Sepulchre,Joyce

Noted by:

Severo B. Talipo Susana Pe Ed.D. Renato Sawey Ed.D.

Adviser Head of SHS Campus Administrator

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

Education is known as a conscious effort to develop the potential human resources (HR). It is

the only way for humans to be better in improving their resources to compensate for any

developments that are not far behind by advances in technology. Education aims to develop our

human qualities, as an activity that is aware of the purpose, then in practice, it is a continuous

procession in every type and level of education which are all related in an integral educational

system. Generally, education can be regarded as an activity which goes on in a society and its

aims depends on the nature of the society in which it operates; so education is sensitive to time,

place and circumstances. This is because it is constantly changing, adapting itself to new

demands. Quality education is achieved by having good teachers, who are enabled by good

teaching and learning processes, and facilitated by conducive learning environment. True quality

of teachers is of great concern to any investor in education industry. There should be professional

learning of teachers in order to help students learn, have deep mastery of both their subject

matter and pedagogy (Darling-Hammond, 1979). Teaching methods that facilitate active student

learning rather than promote passivity and rote memorization should be recommended for use by

teachers. The approaches for teaching can be broadly classified into teacher centered and student

centered. In a teacher-centered approach to learning, teachers are the main authority figure in this

model. Students are viewed as ‘empty vessel’ whose primary role is to passively receive

information (via lectures and direct instructions) with an end goal of testing and assessment. It is

the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their students. In this

model, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities. Student learning is measured

through objectively scored tests and assessments. In Student-Centered Approach to Learning,

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

while teachers are the authority figure in this model, teachers and students play an equally active

role in the learning process. The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning

and overall comprehension of material. Student learning is measured through both formal and

informal forms of assessment, including group projects, student portfolios, and class

participation. Teaching and assessments are connected; student learning is continuously

measured during teacher instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class

participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. Inquiry has

been described as a teaching method which combines student-centered, hands-on activities with

discovery (Uno, 1990).

Inquiry based learning is also a student-centered way of learning where students develop

their own questions to examine, engage in self-directed inquiry (diagnosing problems,

formulating hypothesis, identifying variables, collecting data, documenting their work,

interpreting and communicating results), and collaborate with each other (National Research

Council, 2000; de Jong, 2006; Dorier and Maab, 2012; Pedaste et al., 2015). It is an approach to

learning that emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling

students what they need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions,

and share ideas. IBL uses different approaches to learning, including small-group discussion and

guided learning. Instead of memorizing facts and material, students learn by doing. This allows

them to build knowledge through exploration, experience, and discussion. One of the most

satisfying outcomes of this method of teaching is seeing the “light of knowledge” ignite in a

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

student’s eyes after he or she figures out the solution to a problem. Inquiry is a way to rejuvenate

a student’s curiosity about the world, and it may help students to become more open, to take

more risks and responsibilities in class, and to be more objective and precise.

According to a certain research entitled “Different countries, different approaches to

teaching and learning?’ by Nicky Dulfer, Amy Mckernan &Kimberley Brindle from Melbourne

University, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) developed a new

Approaches to Teaching and Learning framework designed to guide and support teacher’s

pedagogical decisions in all of its educational programmes. They identified them as; Based on

inquiry, focused on conceptual understanding, developed in local and global contexts, focused on

effective teamwork and collaborations, differentiated to meet the needs of all learners and

informed by assessment. It has also been stated in their findings that teachers focus on student

choice and efficacy by asking students to write their own learning goals and structure their own

experiments. These problem based learning which is part of inquiry-based learning moved the

role of the teacher from ‘sage on the stage, to ‘guide on the side”. Inquiry-based learning is an

innovative process. It has also become one of the most popular learning methods in the

developed countries such as USA and Canada. Today there is a more of a global society and

students in American schools today will enter extreme competiveness among the talented

graduates for the best careers (Cornish, 2004). There have been reviews of the American

Education pedagogical shifts. Sherman (2009) adhered that a progressive movement in education

is paramount to the potential success of American students in the future. His research outlined

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

two levels of inquiry based instruction that is distinct in American classrooms in recent times;

differentiation and open education. Ramnarain (2016) examined the factors influencing IBL in

South Africa and highlighted that a lack of professional science knowledge increased teachers’

uncertainty in IBL. For two primary reasons, samples from Finland and South Korea were

investigated to know the factors influencing IBL in the said countries. First, although they had

been proven to be top-tier countries in terms of high science achievement, students in both

countries present low interest in science. Secondly, despite cultural differences in education,

teachers in both countries prefer to practice teacher-centered traditional instruction in teaching

(Lavonen & Laaksonen, 2009; Park, Lee, Oliver, & Cramond, 2006). Thus, implementing

inquiry in education or in teaching is an important matter for the countries, since it is a

recognized facilitator in drawing the attention of students , as well as constituting a student-

centered approach.

In the Philippines, inquiry-based teaching has been promoted and implemented together

with recently instigated curriculum reforms. The K-12 curriculum program strongly advocates

the philosophy of constructivism, multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary approach, contextualized

learning, and inquiry-based approach. Being inquiry based, the teaching-learning process in the

enhanced K-12 curriculum would allow the students to make connections, draw conclusions or

generalizations, explore and work cooperatively, discuss and debate, express knowledge in a

variety of ways, and use multiple intelligences so that they will become engaged and empowered

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

learners who can take ownership of their own learning (K-12 Toolkit, 2012; K-12 Science

Curriculum guide, 2013).


Every educator has struggled with the challenge of keeping their students engaged and

interested in their learning material. However, it has been found that teachers do not apply the

inquiry approaches in their classroom as much as expected (Capps and Crawford, 2013).

Capps and Crawford (2013) and Colbrum (2000) bring out lack of understanding and knowledge

of inquiry as a reason for teachers not using Inquiry Based Learning. Because of the role of

teachers in an Inquiry based classroom is unconventional, it is sometimes misunderstood.

Administrators, parents, or even students may not recognize the hard work that goes into

planning and implementing an inquiry-based approach.

Despite the positive findings and benefits if Inquiry based learning in classrooms, ISPSC

is not aware. Teachers and students of ISPSC are not clearly equipped or oriented with the

methods of teaching inquiry based learning. No research has been conducted yet if teachers

utilize inquiry based approached of learning. This prompted the researchers to do so.


This study is deemed significant to the following:

To the student:

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

This study aims to raise their awareness of inquiry-based learning and their teacher’s

teaching strategies.

To the teachers:

The result of the study serves as an avenue for them to reflect their way of teaching.

To the school:

This study serves as basis that inquiry-based learning is very important and is effective

for adaptation to improve student’s learning progress.


Crawford (2014, p. 516) reflects the view of many working in the field of inquiry in nothing that

is ‘advocated and expected yet surprisingly rare and enigmatic. There is a wealth of literature

discussing the types of inquiry and the efficacy of particular approach. Literature reviews

identify different dimensions of inquiry-based learning. One dimension is concerned with the

particular types of activities the student engaged with, procedural knowledge (OECD,2017). This

aspects reflects the range of activities such’ as repeating measurements to minimize error and

reduce uncertainty, the control of variables, and standard procedures for representing and

communicating data’ (OECD,2017,p.21). The second dimension of inquiry is concerned with the

level of guidance provided by the teacher (Furtak, et al.,2012; Ronnebeck et al., 2016). They

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

note that the prevailing views characterize practices as content –process and discovery-inquiry

and argue to a more evidence- explanation to inquiry-based learning and teaching.

Giving the many dimensions associated with characterizing IBL and its purposes, studies

of efficacy face multiple problems. Furtak et al, (2012) developed a framework to categorize the

different aspects of inquiry in a meta-analysis of inquiry-based teaching. They distinguished

between the “cognitive features of the activity and degree of guidance given to student” (p.300)

concluding the epistemic activities had the highest mean effects sizes compared with other forms

of inquiry, namely, procedural, and social. Furthermore, they pointed out “studies involving

teacher-lead activities had mean effect sizes about that .40 larger than those student-lead

conditions” (p.300). These findings support Lazonder and Harmsen’s (2016) meta-analysis, “that

guidance has a significant positive effect on inquiry learning activities, performance success,

learning outcomes”(p.23) and reinforce the views of Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006).

Hattie’s (2009) large-scale meta-analysis demonstrated low impact for Inquiry in general, but

medium to high impact for approaches involving an emphasis on questioning, metacognition and

collaborative and cooperative learning which many would view as key component of IBL

approaches. In a review comparing a different teaching approaches, Kirschner et al.(2006), found

that’ minimally guided instruction is less effective and less efficient that instructional approaches

that place a strong emphasis on guidance of the student learning process’ (p. 75). Analysis of the

PISA 2006 and 2015 data further illustrates some of the issues here as the 15-year old students

reporting the highest levels of Inquiry in their classrooms in the PISA 2006 and 2015

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

questionnaires also had lower levels of scientific literacy of achievement(McConney et al, 2014;

Jerrim, Oliver, & Sims, 2019.).

This finding highlights the importance of being clearer about the characteristics of IBL

that allow both higher engagement and positive learning outcomes. Minner et al,(2010).

Identified particular aspects of IBL that supported students conceptual understanding. In

particular, the review suggested that conceptual understanding was more likely to be achieved

through use of “teaching strategies that actively engaged students in the learning process through

scientific investigation” (p. 474) with emphasis on the “active thinking and drawing conclusion

from the data” (p. 474).

Teacher’s views perceptions and beliefs are terms used somewhat interchangeably and

we use the term ‘teachers views’ throughout this paper to reflect the more direct interrogation of

their ideas, experiences of enactment and reflection of IBL. Teachers view place a key role on

teaching practices and persistence, acceptability of innovation and potential change (Donnell &

Gettinger, 2015). Teachers articulated conflicting beliefs about inquiry with respect to the aims

of meeting the curriculum and assessment demands., barriers and challenges in using a more

inquiry approach ( Kramer, Nessler, & Shluter, 2015) as well as promoting independent and deep

learning. Interviews and observations of 44 beginning science teachers in the US confirmed that

these teachers and enacted teacher-centered forms of inquiry in their classes, and scope about

“features of scientifically oriented questions and priority to evidence and explanation in their

discussion about inquiry ( Ozel & Luft, 2013, p.312.) Pre-service teachers tend to focus on the

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

investigative dimensions at the expense of “explanation-construction aspects of inquiry” (Forbes

& Davies,2010, p.822). A gap seems to exist between the procedural (hand-on investigative) and

more cognitive (explanatory) aspects of inquiry. Surveys and interviews with science teachers in

the US show that most teachers do not have “well-structured inquiry knowledge despite

reporting very frequent enactment” (Capps et al.,2016, p.954). It is difficult for teachers, new and

old, to use instructional methods that are abstract in nature and do not have easily defined

answers, such as inquiry-based lessons, but the inclusion of these skills may elevate teacher

competency levels.

Teachers reported that inquiry was “more as a process about which students should learn

and in which students should participate than as a vehicle for learning science content as teachers

reports focus more on the hand-on aspects of inquiry than on the sense-making aspects” (Asay &

Orgill, 2010,p.76; Schwarz et al.,2008). The tendency to include inquiry-based methods has the

overall effect of engaging students in critical thinking and problem solving skills (Hakverdi-Can

& Sonmez, 2012). Inquiry-based instruction might allow students to perform at a higher level.

Special attention must be given when looking at the teaching experience, the process intrinsic to

teaching in general and inquiry instruction specifically, the difficulty encountered when

instructing using inquiry, the improvement of the craft of teaching and the reform movements at

local state, and federal levels. “The Utilization of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction in


Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

Sociology Inquiry-Based Learning project helped students to (a) improve their knowledge of

scientific and statistical principles and process, (b) hone their scientific research skill, and (c)

gain respect for sociology specifically and social science more to determine the robustness of

these findings. Improve their scientific knowledge and quantitative skills and shift their attitudes

to (a) get more out of interdisciplinary internship of research team, or (c) get into an

interdisciplinary graduate or professional program.

IBL has been recommended as an effective method to be used in classrooms (Rocard et al.,

2007) with the aim to raise interest in subjects and careers, which is one of the top priotities in

current educational policies across Europe (Kearney, 2016).


This study aims to ascertain the extent of Utilization of inquiry-Based Learning strategy

in ISPSC Cervantes Campus Senior High School Department.

Specifically, this study aims to determine the extent of utilization of Inquiry-based

learning strategy as perceived by the teachers, to determine the extent of utilization of Inquiry-

based learning strategy as perceived by the students, and to determine if there is a significant

difference between the perception of the students and the teacher as to the extent of utilization of

the Inquiry-based learning in ISPSC.

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur


Research Design

This chapter presents the research design, sources of data, the research instrument, data gathering
procedure, and statistical treatment that was utilized in the study.

This study utilized the descriptive method of research wherein it can involve collection of
quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form, such as scores on the
test or the number of times a person chooses to use a certain feature of multimedia program, or it can
describe categories of information such as gender or pattern of interaction when using technology in a
group situation. Besides, it involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates,
depicts, and describes the data collection ( Glass and Hopkins, 1984 ).

This study was conducted during the school year 2019-2020. The respondents were randomly
selected from the SHS students and SHS teachers which can be seen from the table.

Table 1. Respondents of the study.




STEM 11 STEM 12 TVL 11 TVL 12


Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Republic of the Philippines
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Cervantes Campus
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur

The tool in gathering data from the respondents is a questionnaire checklist. The questionnaire
checklists consist of the list of indicators of inquiry based learning strategies.

Questionnaires were floated after the request and approval of the principals and director of Ilocos
Sur Polytechnic State College Cervantes Campus, respectively. The subject teacher guided the
researchers to float and collect the questionnaires for 100% retrieval.

The data were tallied, tabulated and analyzed using the frequency count and weighted mean. The
following scale was used to interpret the utilization of inquiry based learning strategies of the senior high
school students of ISPSC Cervantes Campus.


4 3.26-4 Always

3 2.51-3.25 Most of the time

2 1.76-2.50 Seldom

1 1.00-1.75 Never

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

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