Endocrine System

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iN Unit Chemical Co-ordination 8) Introduction ¢ Hormonesare long distance signaling substances. Endocrine gl ine system regulates functions that do not require instant response Co-ordination rereleased ands are ductless glands which secrete hormones. Endocri between different organs affected by hormones, iscalled chemical co-ordination. Hormont diteetly into blood stream or lymph. Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals. They act as intercellular messengers released in trace quantities. Hormones © Starling coined the term hormone, The I‘ hormone discovered/detected was secretin. Gastrin and Somatostatin are called local hormones based on their action. Hormones either accelerate or inhibitth Physiological activities. Most of the hormones are specific on their targets (e.g TSH). Se . Cg Thyroxine & STH act onall somatic cells. Hormones are short lived. They . piel 'y are degraded in liverand kidneys, Hyper or hyposecretions produce specific diseases Scanned with CamScanner e) sed on chemical nature | ipl jaded into 3 classes Steroid hormones Hormones(b: 1, Aminehormones ~ Derived fromsingleaminoacid ~ Polymeres of ADH, Oxytocin re Peptide hor rnanes c = recrae aT saminoacids(3-49) cholesterol ~ eg: Catecholamines inephri a Aldosterone Sepineplirinn & small peptide hormones i ji ‘Testosterone, Ror-epinephirine) = polymersaf'50-200 Thyroxine aminoacidsare estrogens ete, called protein hormones e.g. Insulin, Glucagon, Parathormone cic _ FSH, TSH,LH ete,,are com hormones with glyco-proteins plex protein Human Endocrine system producing tissues /cells ofthe Thymus & Gonads.Nor- Human endocrine system is made up ofendocrine glands +hormone Itincludes Pituitary , Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, idney also produce hormones endocrine organs like gastro intestinal tract, liver, Hypothalamus @ tis located below the thalamus of diencephalonandconnects neural & endocrine systems. Itreceivs sensory impulses & sendsappropriate neural and orendocrinesignals. Itcontains several neurosecte cells. They secreteneurohormones. Neurohormonesare transported to neurohypophysis through hypotalam® -hypophysial tract. @ Hypothalamus produces 2types of hormones, They are - 1. eleasinghormones, 2. inhibitinghormon® © Growth hormone releasing hormone(GHRH/Somatocrinin) of hypothalamus stimulates pitti? torelease somatotropin. © Growth hormone-inhibit wd ‘bi inghormone(GHII orsomattropininibitsptuitary Fomeesines™ hormone. They are producedby theneuronsofhypothalamus and reachanteriorpituitary through hyPoo™* ys portal system . © They regulate the functions of anterior pituitary, © Posteriorpituitary functions under the neural regulation of Hypothalamus. HHypothatamusise ‘Master control centre’ of endocrine system. ” Scanned with CamScanner earohypophysis. it ps fromthe «th of oral region called Rathke's fn. Posterior p 0 pothalamus as infundibular process. called pars intermedia. Asterir pituitary/Adenohypophysis -Growth hormone 2. Prolactin, 3. Thyroid ite 5. Follicle stimulating hormone 6. Luteini: L fh 1 n. It stimulates cells of liver to produce insulin | plates leading to bone elongation. It “th and help in decreasing catabolism of teotropic hormone (LTH). Itcauses enlargement omen, maintains corpus luteum that release fema tes thyroid gland to produce/secrete Adrenncarticotropic hormone (ACTH) regulates adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids or Meraid hormones, ' Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates prowth & developmentof the oy; Serials, In males FSH and androgens regulate spermatogenesis, nan follicles in » Suteinizing hormone (1) * toonates, it stimulates interitial eells/leydig cells of testes synthesize and eercte m ithe chicfandropen. In females LI ‘lchormones. Androgens, Testosterone tres) stimulates « i Mulates ovulation and stn jh: Wo produce estrogens & progesterane, Italso helps in maint mrs ining c« Wether are called gonadotropins SOUS LuteuM, ESH & # “8 ermedia © Mente ply one hormone called melanaey te sth Merwanes. Ary oT — Hing hormone cys vertebrates st stimulates sie SH). Wis ing % insig om ih a hificant in Scanned with CamScanner \ x Posterior pituitary (or) neurohypoph: The two hormones are oxy, cin ang or * stores hormones secreted by hypothal nts, Hstimulates museles oF uterus in fen leg ale i, * Oxytocin works on smooth muscle is also Le Stimulates mammary giands to eject milk Vasopress ADH). Itca st i ). Itcaus absorption of wat Xl electrolytes in DC T of nephron, od ating Pineal gland sa hormone called melatonin, in ungy "Sieg ul abolism, menstrual eyeteandga” ANd det, © Htisalso called epiphysis cerebri, Itsec hour (circadian/diurnal) rhythms, body temperature, met body. In somte animals it stimulates gonads or inhibit the gonads, Thyroid gland © Itis the largest endocrine gland. It lies near the junction of larynx & trachea Itis endo, origin. “ @ Its bilobed and lobes are connected by isthmus and appears asa‘H’ shaped gland, Thy |s made up of follicles and stromal tissue. Thyroid follicular cells produce 2 lormones rex: ri-iodothyronine (T3), Iodine is necesen Thyroxine or tetra - iodothyronine (T4), b. Tr synthesis of thyroid hormone. @ T4andT3 have similar functions. Thyroid hormones are also called ealorigenic hormones @ They regulate - basal metabolic rate, erythropoiesis, water & electrolyte balance and metab of carbohydrates, proteins & fats. © Thyroid hormones increase BMR by stimulating the use of celhular O, to produce ATP. (BM Basal Metabolic Rate, i.., the rate of O, consumption atrest). Thyroid hormones also maint body temperature ofa homeotherm, Calcitonin : Parafollicular cells of thyroid secretes a polypeptide hormone called - Thyro aki sumbytint (TCT). Itmaintains levels of Ca®* & phosphates in blood. It decreases blood calciumbyattit bones. Increased calcium levels in plasma stimulates calcitonin secretion. prt ee Parathyroid gland @ Two pairs of parathyroid glands are present inman. They secrete parathyroid hormon’| cl parathormone. Its sccretion isregulated by Ca** levels in blood. PTH isalso knownas i i 5 i hormone. PTH stimulates resorption of bone. It also stimulates reabsorption fea itt renal tubules and gut. PTH and thyro¢alcitonin (TCT) together regulates calcium balan wa i al promotes formation of calcitriol from vitamin D (1.25 dihydroxy vitamin D is the chem" calcitriol). % Scanned with CamScanner 261 Jafverine System and Chemical Co-ordi hymus gland # Thymus gland is located near the heart below tbreast bone", Hormones secreted by thymus are called “Thymosins’ (peptide hormones). Thymosin help in the differentiation of “T” lymphocytes thatprovide cell mediated inmmunity Ht stimulates the produetion of antibodies that help in humoral immunity. In adults thymus shrinks to the size it wi of birth. In old people thymosin atthe ( production goes down due to thymus degeneration “sdrenal glands Hence they are also called cortex is peripheral and oln in two adrenal glands are present at the anterior end of kidn suprarenal glands. They contain cortex and medullary tissues. The jermal in origin, while the medulla is central and ectodermal in origin. mesode Adrenal cortex zona glomerulosa, middle zone i: The hormones of adrenal cortex lo corticoids. Aldosterone « Iris differentiated into three zones. The outerzone is called zona fasciculata & inner zone is called zona reticula ctively known as corticoids. The zona glomerulosa produces miner f mineralo corticoid. Its seeretion is controlled by angiotensin II. Aldosterone helps in ‘ilance. It increases reabsorption of Na’ & H,O from renal smotic tubules and increases the excretion of K’ & Phosphate ions. Aldosterone also maintains o ure & blood pressure. Prevention of aldosterone seerction kills a person. dona fasciculata ht secretes Glucocorticoids, Cortisol is the important corticoid (or) hydro cortisone. It regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Glucocorticoids arc life savinghormones, They stimulate gluconcogenesis, lipolysis and proteolysis, Cortisol regulates cardio-vascular system, kidney function & production ofRRC. Cortisol and other glucocorticoids generates anti-inflammatory reactions. Cortisol ac #:stre4s combat hormone. dna reticularis Z conticoids. Androgens are the principal mle sex cortioids and oestrogens strogens are conicoids, They cause male and female secondary sexual char acters, in males a i ales aan spectively, ‘ ‘Arenal medutta “8152. hormones called adrenaline (or) epinephrine ‘They are cotteot & noradre e¢ollectively known as eatecholamine te They areseean tite norepinephrine, Mer striey ee — UrnY eMerpene : vg tb Hence called emergency hormones or hormones ofr Bemergency situations, “Tal medulla enhances / regulates dil BMCor Aight, Hormones of ation of pupils, piloereetion, « » Sweating, dilation of the Scanned with CamScanner 262 bronchioles etc. These hormones increase the rate of heart beat, stimulate breakdown of; Fo sete. Bye, | lipids and proteins. Pancreas - It is partly exocrine and partly endocrine. @ The exocrine partis called acini and the endocrine portion constitutes the Islets of Lan, 2 million). « & B cells are the chief cells of Islets of Langerhans. Bethans( © a-cells produce the hormone glucagon, It is secreted in response to hypoglycemia slycogenolysis in liver cells & increases the sugar levels in blood Chypete een stimulates Gluconcogenesis and decreases the glucose uptake by cells, hence calle, Te stimutga. | hormone, Glucagona,, | yperstycen: | © B-cells produce hormone Insulin. {regulates normal glucose levelsin the blood. Insulin nag the uptake of glucose and its utilization by body cells, It reduces glucose levels in blood, so cally hypoglycemic hormone, Insulin promotes conversion of glucose to glycogen, Glucagon & sy, maintain homeostasis of glucose in blood. Persistent hyperglycemia leads to diabetes mellitus | Testes | © They are male gonads present in scrotal sacs, © Testis is eytogenic gland and produces sperms or male gametes, Tt also Produces sex hormones The Leydig cells produce androgens, The Testosterone is the chiefandrogen, Andorgens help in maturation & functios ning of epididymis, Vasdeferens, seminal vesicles, prose gland, urethra etc. They also control development of ms Spermatogenesis ete. © secondary sexual characters, male sexual behaviu, © A pair of ovaries are present in abdominal cavity of females. | © They are cytogenic glands, which produce one ovum during ea ‘ach menstrual cycle & femal 3 | hormones. Estrogen & progesterone are the chiefhormones, © Estrogen is secreted by growing ovar an follicl © Progesterone is produced by corpus luteum {F fertilization do not take place corpustute Estrogens are responsible for deve lopment sexual behaviour, tof female secondary Paras functioning and becomes corpus abi’ nit sexual characters and fem" © Progesterone prepares utey Tus for imple inhibi ntation of blastocyst in uteru rts pregnant) nguterus contraction, ‘tin uterus, and supports pee © Deficiency ofprogesteronecannot sustain p regnaney. It i ion by mam? glands and milk secretion ‘En ¥: Italso enhances milk production by Scanned with CamScanner ical Co-ordination Un ormones of kidney, heart & G.Ltract crine Swen and Cl ys which als jal natriuretic adgcrine ore ic factor /atrh & decre: hropoietin. @ Kidney. heart & gastrointestinal tract (Glare important sion & hormones. Atrial myocytes of human heart scerete atrial natriured a ating blood vessels reabsorption of sodium, Justaglomenilar cells of kidney scerete hormone ery! peptide (A ‘P) ANE lowers blood pressure by dil This hormone regulate the « Exthropoictin controls the formation of RUC (Erythropolests). Je NaTTOW. differentiation & proliferation of erythroid progenitor cells in bony @ The Mucosa of GL tract secrete five major peptide hormones. ),(d) gastric inhibitory are : (a) gastrin, (b) secretin, (c) cholecystokinin (¢ fe Thehonnonesof Gl tra peptide (GIP) ete. per jands: s secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen from gastric gh astrin stimulat anereas to secrete HO & e Secretin is secreted by duodenal mucosa. It stimulates exocrine part of pa carbonate ions, the duodenum. The presence of fats in # Cholecystokinin isa polypeptide hormone, Itis produced by adder to constrict and release bile. chyme stimulates duodenum to secrete CCK . CCK causes gall Irstimulates panereas to release pancreatic digestive enzymes. ¢ Gastric inhibitory peptide inhibits gastric secretion& motility. ¢ “Growth’ factor’s hormone is secreted by many non-endocrine tissues. « Growth factors are necessary for growth of tissues and their repair or regeneration. Mechanism of hormonal action egulators. They stimulate or inhibit activities of target cells, which posses proteins). Hormones bind to these hormone receptors to produce their # Hormones are called r specific hormone receptors ( effect. # Hormone receptors are of two types - a. Membrane bound receptors b. Intracellular receptors ‘They produce second messengers such as iffuse into target cells ® Water soluble hormones cannot di phosphate). Second messengers regulate cellular metabolism in Cyclic Amp, Ca’*, IP, (inicital tr larget cells, :s and other water soluble hormones bind to * For example Peptide hormones and catecholamine! Membrane receptors and bring about their action on target cells. intracellularreceptors, found in the cytoplasm * Fatsoluble steroid hormones (eg, estrogen) binds with or nucleoplasm and regulate transoription in the target cells. Scanned with CamScanner Work: Zoology Qi, Vorking of a water soluble hormone en | | ® Epinephrine isa hydrophilic hormone. It binds to surface, membrane receptors on G protein of cell membrane binds to GTP to activate enzyme adenylate Selon liver 9 | forms eyelic AMP fromATP. Cyclic AMP(CAMP) is the second messenger carro; ® | phosphorylation reactions ina cascading manner. ‘tates © CAMP activates proteinkinase ‘A’ which inturn activates phosphorylase in liver ce © Phosphorylase splits Glycogen into glucose - 6 - phosphate, Finally glucose is released j Sed from Fat soluble hormones / Intracellular hormones \ © Lipid solublehormones interact with intracellular receptors. Steroid hormones, Tr iodothy, I u J Yoni ete, are lipid soluble hormones. They bind with intracellular receptors.and form hormone-see ay ren complexes, which enter nucleus to regulate gene expression. The hormonal mechanismotse : 7 ° ste hormones is called mobile-receptor mechanism. 7 For example Aldosterone which is a lipid soluble hormone binds to a specitic receptor fom aldosterone-receptor complex. This complex enters the nucleus and binds with DNA andstinulag production of specific mRNA molecule. ‘The mRNA re-enters into cytoplasm, attach to ribosomes and make them produce specitie prs or enzyme, which inturn affects the metabolism in the target cells. Thus hormones mainin homeostasis by their integrated actions and feed back mechanisms. Hormonal disorders due to hypo and hyper secretions © Overproduction (hypersecretion) or under production (hyposecretion) of hormones result nox disorders/abnormalities. Some important disordersare dwarfism, gigantism, acromegaly, ret simple goiter, exopthalmic goiter, diabetes, Addisons’s disease, Cushing syndrome etc. Gigantism This disorder is due to hypersecretion of growth stimulating hormone (somatotropin) by Gigantism, is characterised by over growth of skeleton, The hypersecretion of this hormone (CH appearance withenlargom® itu in adults result inacromegaly. People with acromegaly have gorilla | of bones of Jaw, hand & feet. Acromegaly people have thick nose, lips, eyelids and wide tips. Dwarfism 4 e ‘i yo! Dwarfism results from hyposecretion of growth hormone during childhood (before ossiifit™ skeleton). The effected children/people are called pituitary dwarfs/midgets. They ares" intellectually normal. Goitre gift ‘Two types of goitres are attributed to thyroxine, They are exopthalmic goitre and simle lt ; ’ g i (iodine deficiency goitre). Cancer of gland, development of nodules lead to hyperthy"™ adults this hyperthyroidism leads toa disorder called exopthalmic goiter. Scanned with CamScanner 265 goitre. mnere characters ofsimple & goitr ultsin defective ar nism. defective child cowthcalled creti sits in defectiv “sn ‘ow 1Q, abnormel 5 .n, deafnessand mu sm. low IQ, 2bn0! ™ jth myxedema § 7 ejema. People intolerance 10 ¢, dry skin an idism. It hyper parathyroi Bs f stones in Boper peraths meses in exects sand results i deformities and formation 0! titers jend leads to hypo-parathyroidism. Tis rglycemia (high glucose levels in todiahetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus is characterised by ,y und formation of ketone bodies. Diabetes patients are wee ani sults in insulin shock, Overdose of insulin also leads cist inspidus, Diabetes inupidus is associated with AEM winks ty adrenal conten ads to addivon's dinemins, Lowy i 1, rohisessblon pressute, darkeninyof skin snethenmmra ee eels Pay Mplons OF Addison's a resphand to SAFER, Cua bigs syndrome * Hyeevcreaion of ylucncantionins result in cushing'sayndrome © Cushing's uyndromme ie chavacterived by breakdown of ty Seating a spindly armsnoe Noy, Also sburusterbibit syanptenyy @Aamnen, spar nom Weal, ‘ily yet, PION redjatys ‘ediatribut Wee Hon of body Wontiive inn " ‘ve, buttilohunp, Pendulony 241 sepuction of yhucacontivols leads to hyperplyceny) om lycemia, ¢ SPAS DORHiON of yh HMYCOpEN My Over Scanned with CamScanner

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