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Tieng Arh, Nhin vin vein feng Tiéng Anh dam thoai dauk cho nhan vién Van phong SPOKEN ENGLISH FOR OFFICE STAFF Nguyén Thanh Yén 2 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong Contents Using this book 7 OVERTURE 11 Graphic Co., Ltd. 12 Quiz, Quiz, Quiz! 23 AT THE OFFICE UNIT 1: A NEW FACE (AT THE OFFICE) 16 Asking someone's name, occupation & company Saying your name, occupation & company Asking and saying where things are at an office Office furniture, equipment, and stationery UNIT 2: A MODEL SECRETARY 27 Learning by listening: subject, verb & tense Courtesies UNIT 3: INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE MANAGER 38 Requesting people to do things Confirming you will or can do things Apologizing when you cannot do things Asking for permission Giving permission Refusing permission and giving a reason Tigng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng ~ 3 UNIT 4: A FOREIGN VISITOR 51 Receiving a visitor Receiving visitors with an appointment Saying people aren't available at the moment UNIT 5: THE GRAPHIC TOWER BUILDING 68 Asking and saying where places are in a building Asking and saying where places are in the city UNIT 6: GETTING AROUND (IN THE CITY) 79 Asking and talking about facilities or places near you Asking and saying the way Unit 7: ANSWERING THE TELEPHONE 93 Answering the telephone Asking to talk to someone on the telephone Operating a switchboard Announcing a call Unit 8: TAKING A MESSAGE 103 Reading addresses and telephone numbers Asking names, addresses and telephone numbers Writing down names, addresses, and telephone numbers Taking a message 4 — Ting Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng UNIT 9: MAKING AN APPOINMENT 122 Asking for an appointment Discussing the date and the time for an appointment UNIT 10: ASSIGNMENT AT THE AIRPORT 139 Attracting people's attention Introducing yourself and your company Greeting people formally and informally Introducing people formally and informally Conversation openers: how to start talking with foreign guests and hosts UNIT 11: PROBLEMS AT GRAPHIC 153 Making suggestions about work Asking for more details at work UNIT 12: GETTING THE JOB DONE 163 Making inquiries on the telephone Reporting about the work ENCORE 179 Congratulations 180 How to congratulate people and how to express condolence Congratulating People Expressing Condolence Tiéng Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 5 A BANGKOK SPECIAL 185 Places in Bangkok which foreign visitors often ask about CURTAIN CALL 189 Phrases to Remember 190 Vocabulary 220 Key to Games and Exercises 233 6 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng Using this book This book can be used as a reference book or it can be used as a book of instruction for office staff who wish to improve their com- municative skills when contacting English speaking visitors or col- leagues. This book can be used by students working alone or you can at- tend one of the English for Professionals training programs organ- ized by the author. We would like to ask you to invite your friends to study this book together with you. Especially when you are studying without the supervision of an instructor. It is much easier and much more fun to practise your English and the instructions of this book in group than alone. FORMAT A unit of this book usually consists of: 1. ACONVERSATION to introduce the topic of the unit and the con- text in which the vocabulary and the phrases introduced in the unit can be used. The dialogue also provides you with listening and reading practice. 2. Two or more sections called WAYS TO SAY IT in which this book introduces teaching targets, structures, grammar, vocabulary and fluency practice. 3. EXERCISES to practise the teaching targets. 4, QUIZ & THE LIGHTER SIDE. Between units, conversations, teaching targets and exercises you will find many quizzes, funny stories and games to further help you practise and expand your English skills and to make learning English much fun. Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 7 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK 1. CONVERSATION Read the dialogue carefully if you are using this book together with your friends. Read the conversation in pairs with different friends taking the part of one of the people in the conversation. Listen carefully to the conversation if you are using this book with tapes or with the supervision of an instructor. Make sure you understand the story of the conversation. It doesn't matter if you cannot understand every word. Turn to the conversation of Unit 1 and try it. 2. WAYS TO SAY IT Focus #1, Focus #2, ... The FOCUS windows are constructed in question-answer ses- sions (speaker A - speaker B - speaker C). The lines of the different speakers are always synchronized. The first line of speaker A with the first line of speaker B (and C), the second line of speaker A with the second line of speaker B (and speaker C), etc. If you are using this book with your friends, read the FOCUS windows in pairs with different friends taking the part of speaker A (line 1), speaker B (line 1), speaker A (line 2), speaker B (line 2), etc. Turn to FOCUS #1 of Unit 1 and try it. Attention In the ATTENTION windows you will find further explana- tions about the correct use of English words and-phrases. The ATTENTION windows will attract your attention at some questions often asked by non-native students as well as mistakes often made by non-native speakers of English. Check Unit 1: FOCUS 1: ATTENTION. 8 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong 3. EXERCISES This book provides many different types of assignments for practising your English. In the EXERCISES following the FOCUS windows you will be able to practise what you have learned in the windows. Students studying in a group will have a lot of fun with the Practice Makes Perfect sessions which present everyday situations to act out. Always read the instructions of the exercises carefully and make sure you know what to do! In the Exercise and Practice Makes Perfect sessions you will find: a. Interviews Practise asking and answering questions. Always ask and an- swer with complete sentences. Check Unit 1: Exercise 1. b. Diagrams/Illustrations Complete the spaces in the diagrams or pictures with full sen- tences. Check Unit 2: Exercise 1, Exercise 2. c. Acting out a skit Read the instructions carefully and make up conversations with your friends. You may substitute the names in the exercises with your own names or the names of your company. Check Unit 2: Practice Makes Perfect. d. Role Plays Check the indicators (instructions) carefully. You must follow the instructions when making up conversations. Make sure you un- derstand what is expected of you. Check Unit 3: Exercise 1, Unit 8: Exercise 3: ROLE PLAY. Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 9 e. Open dialogues Complete the conversations with full sentences. Check Unit 6: Exercise 2: OPEN DIALOGUE. 4. QUIZ / THE LIGHTER SIDE You should use an English dictionary to help you understand the story and complete the tasks in the Quiz and Lighter Side sections of this book. The author strongly advises you to use an English College Dictionary and NOT an English-Vietnamese dictionary, especially if your English is quite good and you can fairly well understand the conversations and do the exercises in this book. 10 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhdn vién Van phdng OVERTURE Welcome To Graphic Co., Ltd. and The Great At The Office Quiz Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 11 RAPHIC CO., LTD. MANAGING DIRECTOR Mr. Donald Travis ‘TIVE SERVICE, PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION production manager Mr. Somchai Kobjitti SALES & CLIENT SERVICE DIVISION sales manager Mr. Wirat Mathong ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE & ACCOUNTING office manager chief accountant panera Miss Kanjana = Mrs. Suda ar director media director |sespeope 3 Tirawatana ——_Pongvirai Mr. Poul Taylor Mr. fim Preson secretaries 2 | accountants 2 artists 10 copy writers 5 receptionist 1 cashier 1 photographers 3 [sub editors 4 Joperator 1 computer artists 3. editors 2 clerks 2 translators 2 typists 2 Goonic Co., Ltd. is an imagi- nary company located in Siam ‘Square, Bangkok, Thailand. Graphic Co., Ltd. is a production and adver- tising company that plans and pro- duces materials for promotional campaigns. This includes packaging and display materials, advertise- ments, company reports, booklets, etc. The people we will meet in this book are executives of Graphic, their employees and visitors who have dealings with the company. The characters in this book are all fictional. Any resemblance with names or people that do exist is purely coincidental. Cong ty Tréch nhigm h@u han Graphic (Dé hga), 1a mét cong ty tuéng twgng dong Quing trudng Siam, Bangkok, Thai Lan. Céng ty Trach nhigm héu han Graphic |i cong ty san xuat va quang cdo chuyén thiét ké va sn xudt cdc vat ligu cho c4c chién dich khuyén mii. Viée nay g6m cA cde vat ligu déng g6i va trung bay, quang cio, béo cao ciia cdc cong ty, sch huéng dan, v.v... Nhéng ngudi ching ta sé gap trong quyén sach nay la nhiing ngudi diéu hanh cong ty Graphic, nhan vién va khdch cia ho 6 giao dich vdi cng ty. Cac nhan vat trong quyén sich nay déula gia tudng. Bat ct su ging nhau nao vé tén hoic ngudi cé that déu hoan toan 1a sy tring hop ngau nhién. 12 ~ Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong Join our Great At The Office Quiz !!! J oin the Great At The Office Quiz which in several rounds spread throughout this book will both test your knowledge and comprehension of the things you have learned and further introduce new phrases, expressions and idioms. It is fun, fun, fun. To take part in the quiz, just mark the correct answer in the check box. Then turn to the key at the end of your book for the correct solution. You score three points for every correct answer. You can keep track of your scores on the scorecard following Round #1. Are you ready? Yes? Excellent. Now turn to Quiz Round #1 ... Hay tham gia Cugc a6 vui tring giai ldn trai qua nhiéu vong thi xuyén suét quyén sich nay. Cuge thi nay sé vita kiém tra kién thie va sy hiéu biét cia ban vé nhitng diéu ban da hgc va vila gidi thigu thém céc cym ti, thinh ng@ va dic ngi méi. That vui, vui, vui. pé tham gia cudc dé vui, chi can anh diu vao céu trd lai déng trong 6 wudng. Sau dé lat sang phan dap 4n & cudi sich cia ban dé kiém dap an dang. Ban ghi duge 3 diém cho mi cAu tra Idi ding. Ban c6 thé theo doi diém s6 cia ban trén phiéu diém sau Round #1, Ban da sin sang chva? Roi phai kh6ng? Tuyét lim. Bay gid hay chuyén sang Cau dé Round #1... Quiz ca® Unit 01, A New Face At The Office, is about OQ asecretary who has just bought a new pair of glasses. 2 a secretary who has just had plastic surgery. O a new employee. (Answer key #1) ®& AND DON'T FORGET TO NOTE YOUR POINTS ON YOUR SCORECARD! @ Tigng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng - 13 QUIZ: SCORECARD 14 - Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong AT THE OFFICE The story of a “model” secretary, her colleagues and polite and sometimes not so polite foreign visitors. Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng - 15 A NEW FACE (AT THE OFFICE) * Asking new friends about their names, occupations and companies Héi nhong ngudi ban méi vé tén, nghé nghiép va céng ty cda ho * Asking new colleagues about their names Héi nhong ngudi déng nghiép mdi vé tén cla ho * Talking about stationery and office equipment Noi vé van phong phim va thiét bi van phong * Asking and saying where different things are at an office Héi va néi vi tri cde dé dac khac nhau & van phong 16 - Ting Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong CONVERSATION Graphic Co. Ltd. is a fictitious company located in Siam Square in Bangkok. A few days earlier Graphic hired a new secretary, Miss Sopa. Kanjana, the office manager at Graphic, is now show- ing Sopa around on her first day at the office. &: Good morning. Are you the new secretary? Xin chao. Cé 1a thu ky méi phai khong? K: Welcome to Graphic, Sopa. My name's Kanjana. I'll show you around, Sopa nay, chao mitng cé dén cong ty Graphic. Tén tdi la Kanjana. T6i sé hudng din 6 di quanh day. $: Thank you, Kanjana. © show (someone) around huéng dan ai di quanh ngi nao Right = Yes Vang / Da. Céng ty tréch nhiém hitu han Graphic la m6t céng ty gid twéng dong 6 Qudng truéng Siam 6 Bang- kok. Cach ddéy vai ngay céng ty Graphic thué mét thu kg mdi, c6 Sopa. Kanjana, truéng phéng hanh chink cia céng ty Graphic hién dang huéng dén Sopa di quanh véo ngay dau tién c6 dy dén co quan. (s: Good morning. Yes, that's right. My name's Sopa. Xin chao. Da, ding vay. Tén téi la Sopa. Ks Your desk is over there on the right, and I'll be over here at the desk in the front. Ban lim viéc clia c6 & dang kia bén phdi, va t6i sé ngéi & day tai ban lam viéc phia trudc no. Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 17 kK: The accountants are using the left cabinet. Most of the files that you'll be working on are in the right cabinet. Cac k€ todn vién dang ding ti bén trai, Hau hét cdc hé so cé sé dung toi 1a ti bén phai. & The filing cabinets are over there in the rear. Let me show you. Cac ti dung hé so & dang kia phia sau. BE t6i chi c6 xem. K: But I think that you'd better have a look around yourself and make yourself at home®). Nhung téi nghi la t6t hon cé ty di xem quanh day va ctf tu nhién, K: Reports on present activities are in the top drawer, bro- chures are in the second drawer from the top, and so on®, Cac bdo céo vé cac hoat déng hién nay 6 ngan td én cong, cac te thong tin quang cdo d ~ ngan td tht hai ké ngan trén cling, van van. ®andsoon van van. have a look around di xem quanh day () make yourself athome cif wy nhién 18 — Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vin Van phong WAYS TO SAY IT * Asking someone's name, occupation & company Héi tén, nghé nghiép & céng ty ca ai * Saying your name, occupation & company Ni tén, nghé nghiép & céng ty cda ban + : What's your name? My name's & I'm an accountant, My name : My occupation: My company: Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 19 a What's your name? Tén c6 / chi /anh la gi? m What do you do? C6 / Chi / Anh lam nghé gi? = Who do you work for? C6 / Chi / Anh lam viéc 6 dau? (khi muén hdi tén céng ty) m May I have your name? Cho phép t6i duge biét ten cia 6ng q? (vn trang trong, xem Unit 4) — What's your job? — What's your work? — What do you work? Work va job dé bj ding nham lan. Work la cong viéc va job la viéc lam. Hay xem bai d6i thoai sau vé c4ch ding ding ca work. : What are you working on for the moment? : I'm translating an English textbook. : What's your line of work? : I'm a designer. : What does your work involve? : I design billboards. Where do you work? Khi muén hdi tén céng ty ma ding Where do you work? la khéng ding. Khi cin hdi dia diém cda co quan thi hdi nhu bai d6i thoai sau: A: Where is your office? B: It's on Silom Road. 20 - Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Whan vign Van phong EXERCISE 1: NEW FACES Practise with your partner. Find & out the following information about NAME: your partner and make notes. f Hay luyén tép v6i ban dong tap cia OCCUPATION: ban. Tim ra cae théng tin sau vé ban | COMPANY: déng tap va ghi chi. Quiz o> > When your boss asks you for a PUNCH, you 2 bring him a fruity drink. o hit him like Mike Tyson. 2 give him a small machine to make little holes in paper. (Answer key #2) DON'T FORGET TO NOTE YOUR POINTS ON YOUR SCORECARD! Stationery and office equipment Find the following items in the Hay tim cdc m6n dé sau trong hinh. picture. 1. desk 15. switchboard 30. glue 2. (desk) drawer 16. typing paper 31, cutter bar 3. desk chair / 17. carbon paper 32. calendar swivel chair 18. notepad 33. waste basket 4. filing cabinet 19. diary 34, letter basket 5. bookcase 20. file(s) 35. brochure(s) 6. (water) fountain 21, envelope(s) 36. catalogue(s) 7. typewriter 22. ruler(s) 37. magazine(s) 8. calculator 23, (set) square 38. blotting pad 9. computer (P.C.) 24, paper clip(s) 39. paperweight 10. diskette(s) 25, thumbtack(s) 40. box(es) / container(s) 11. keyboard 26. stapler /staple(s) 41. fax machine / 12, monitor 27. punch facsimile 13. reading lamp 28 tape 42. photocopier -29. (a pair of) scissors Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng - 24 = cre he y \ sy u Io au) ©). ® roy PNY) a] VOR * A ESL term i C Patines Pao. . 5 a ; 3 an steteteereeteeeee) eaeaeel i 8 7 E RID CvcKEN e : = : s : EEE HE con € -_ tt [ boasncel ion ; g | | aifeecereh so orcas et) { he ‘S05 { i c siAW babar wa] | sau i ‘SOG sai as Susan . T COCA L ee aa a EE Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng - 73 CONVERSATION 2 A visitor is leaving the Graphic of: M6t ngudi khach sdp roi vin phong fices and he would like some infor- _ctia céng ty Graphic vd 6ng dy muén mation about a place in the city m6t s6 thong tin vé mOt noi trong where Graphic is located. thanh phé noi céng ty Graphic déng. 5 R: Yes, sir. May I help you? 7 a me, miss Da, thua éng. Ti cé thé gidp| Xin 161 6 dng duge chi? R: Certainly, sir. The DK book- store is in Siam Square. It's Iv: Could you tell me where behind the Lido Theater. the DK bookstore is? Da dugc, thua éng. Hiéu s4ch C6 vui long cho t6i biét DK 6 Quang truéng Siam. hiéu sach DK 6 dau vay? N6 é phia sau Rap hat Lido. 74 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng WAYS TO SAY IT ¢ Asking and saying where places are in the city Héi va ndi dia diém cdc noi trong thanh phd B: It's 1. NEXT TO XK Road [al] 4, IN FRONT OF 5. BEHIND 6. ON THE CORNER OF X Road Soi X X Road [a] [4] < 8 a Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 75 EXERCISE 2: HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR CITY? Work with your friend. Look at the Hay lam viéc véi ban cia ban. Xem plan (page 73) and ask and say sodé (trang 73), héi va néi dja diém where the following places are: cdc not sau: 1. the Siam Intercontinental Hotel: 4. the Coca Restaurant A; Where is the Siam Interconti- 5, the DK Bookstore nental Hotel? 6. the National Stadium B: It's on .......... Road, .. 7. the Canton Restaurant 2, Dunkin Donut 8. the A & W Optician's Where is Dunkin Donuts? 9. Siam Center B: It's on .......... Road, se. 40. Mr. Donut 3. the MBK Shopping Center ase A: Where is the MBK Shopping Center? B: It's on.......... Road, .... (Answer key #118) MY CITY ® Write where the following places are in your city: Hay viét dia diém céc noi sau trong thanh phé cia ban: YOUR HOUSE: My house is YOUR OFFICE/SCHOOL: THE BEST HOTEL: The best hotel is It's on THE BIGGEST DEPARTMENT STORE: | YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT: 76 - Tiéng Anh dim thogi danh cho Nnan vién Van phong Practise what you have learned to- Hay luyén tp nhitng gi ban da hoc day with your friend. Ask and an- _hém nay véi ban ciia ban. Héi va tra swer where different places are in Idi cée dia diém khac nhau trong your city. Ask and answer about: —_thinh phé cia ban. Hoi va tra ldi ve: oa bank (the City Bank/the ......... bank) aa hotel (the ......... hotel) a some big companies (......... airlines/......... ) a some famous restaurants (......... restaurant) THE LIGHTER SIDE Can you help me out? Xin co gidp tdi viéc nay nhé. Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong — 77 Quiz When a foreign visitor at your office asks you about a place to eat near your office, you tell the visitor that you don't know. o tell the visitor about an expensive restaurant. 2 ask the visitor what kind of food he likes to eat. (Answer key #19) 78 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng GETTING AROUND (IN THE CITY) * Asking and talking about facilities or places near you H6i va ndi vé cdc tién ich hode cde noi gan ban * Asking for directions and giving directions to places near your building Héi duéng va chi dan dén cdc noi gan toa nha lam viée ctia ban Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phing — 79 CONVERSATION A visitor is leaving the Graphic offices and he asks the reception- ist for some information about places near the Graphic Building. The receptionist must make sug- gestions” about facilities? near her office and she must explain how to get there, v: Excuse me, miss ...? Xin 16i 6 .. Vs Could you tell me if there are any good restaurants near here? C6 vui long cho t6i biét gin day cé nha hang nao t6t khong? IR: Certainly, sir. Thua 6ng, chdc chan cé a. suggestions ai dé nghi, Idi gidi thiéu facilities cc tién ich (nhu hiéu sach, nha hang, khach san, cong vién, ... a: Perhaps you ought to try the New Light Restaurant. It's in Soi 1, next to the British Council. C6 1é 6ng nén thi dén nha hang New Light. N6é 6 Duéng 1, canh H6i déng Anh. M6t ngudi khach sdp rai vdn phong eda céng ty Graphic vd éng dy héi 06 tiép tin m6t s6 thong tin vé céc noi gén Téa nha Graphic. C6 tiép tan phdi gidi thiéu vé cdc tién ich gan co quan cia minh va c6 dy phdi gidi thich cach di dén dé. ®: Yes, sir. Could I help you? P Da, thua 6ng. T6i cé thé gidp éng dugc chi? © how to get there cach di dén do (9 perhaps you ought to try cé |é ong nén tha dén 80 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vin Van phong IR: Walk out of the office and turn left. Turn left again at the first soi. Vv: How do I get there Turn right at the second block®, from here? The New Light Restaurant is next Tur day toi di dén dé to the British Council. cach nao? Ra khdi co quan va queo trai. Queo trai lan nda é soi dau tién. Queo phai d day phé thit hai. Nha hang New Light 6 canh H6i déng Anh. Vv: Turn left, turn left again at the first soi. Turn right at the second block. Queo trai, queo tréi lan naa 6 soi dau tién. Queo phai 6 day phé thi? hai. ® block day phé, day nha Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 81 WAYS TO SAY IT * Asking and talking about facilities or places near you Héi va ndi vé cdc tién ich hogic cdc noi gan ban Hi vé cdc tién ich: AD Gidi thiéu cac tién ich: B: Certainly, ~ Perhaps you = ought to try the =Maybe « should” pany -X Hotel, —X Restaurant. cage TEE XAc dinh dia diém: B: -TheX Hotel is onX Road, . - =Itis =in'SoiX, Khéng cé cdc tién ich hodc khong biét: C: I'm afraid there isn't. ~ aren't, D: I'm sorry, but I don't know. 82 - Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nan vién Van phong = - Perhaps you ought to try the |m — You must go to the X Hotel. X Hotel. - I want you to go to the X — Maybe you should try the X Restaurant. Restaurant. must va want la d6ng ti khéng pha Perhaps you ought to va Maybe hgp trong van phong trang trong. you should la cum ti lich sy khi dé nghi hay gidi thiéu. ~ I'm afraid there isn't. ~ I'm sorry, but there aren't. - I'm sorry, but I don't know. i % Quiz — Our manager Mr. Yis |~ planning to be in ... tomorrow and ... > ~ visiting ... next week and ... > — We saw your advertisement in the (newspaper) and ... > ~ We are regular clients of your company and ... > ES Dat van dé: A: — ... our manager has got a matter he'd very much like to discuss with you/Mr. Z. — .., there are some details he'd very much like to talk about with you/Mr. Z. — ... Mr. Y, our manager, was very interested in your offer/ products/services. — ... our manager, Mr. Y would very much like to discuss some details with Mr, Z. Ue Hai y kién vé mét cudc hen: Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nnan vién Van phong - 127 ATTENTION !!! = 3 mw C&n gidi thigu tén hodc tén céng ty. - My name is Somchai from R.T. . - I'm calling from Graphic. @ Hello, 1 am Somchai. Kh6ng chi giéi thigu ten ma khéng cé tén cong ty. @ Ty gidi thiéu hodc néu nguén gidi thigu | w-— I will come to see you (qua m6t ngudi nao dé, qua bao chi, this afternoon? quang céo, ... — I must see you tomorrow. — You were recommended to us by a i Mr. X of A Co. and our manager ooo to talk with you ‘ something. has got a matter he'd very much like to discuss with you. — Can I come see you? — Our manager Mr. Y is planning to| - How about coming to my be in ... tomorrow and there are office to talk about some some details he'd very much like business? to talk about with you. Day la nhing c4ch néi khong — We saw your advertisement lich sy. in the Nation, and Mr. Y, our manager, was very interested in your offer/products/services. — We are regular clients of your company and our manager Mr. Y would very much like to discuss some details with Mr. Z. . @ Héiy kién vé mét cugc hen mét cach lich sy: — Do you think it would be possible for you/them to meet? — Do you think it would be possible to arrange a meeting? — Do you think it would be possible to arrange an appointment? 128 - Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong EXERCISE 1: COULD YOU FIX AN APPOINTMENT FOR ME WITH ...? Open Dialogue Study the following picture care- Hay xem ky hinh sau va hodn thanh fully and complete the conversa- bai dam thogi. Hay viét vdo céc lai tion. Write in the words of the cla ngudi thir kj, ngudi phdi hen gdp secretary who must make an ap- cho gidm déc cia cé dy. pointment for her manager. Mr. Travis is interested in the following ad- 1990 BMW vertisement about a BMW and he wants his | Owner leaving secretary to call the advertiser. Excellent condition Ong Travis quan tam dén m4u quang céo sau vé Tel. 279-2024 BMW va 6ng ay muén thy kj cia minh goi dién (Mr. Watts) cho ngudi ding mau quing cao 46, ——_._| mre ; y Yes, what can | do for you? (Answer key #38) Tiéng Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 129 Fixing Appointments Study the following pictures care- Sully. Write the words of the secre- tary who must fix an appointment. Write: 1. the reason for calling (why) 2. what the call is about (@)Mr. Travis is going to a trade show in Tokyo next ‘week and his secretary must make preparations for his trip. DIARY Call Mr. Honda of Toyisha (Japan): fix appointment for next week Hay xem kg cac hinh sau. Hay viét cdc loi cia c6 thi kg, ngubi phdi dn dinh mt cu6c hen. Hay viét: 1g do goi dién (tai sao) ct dién thoai dé vé viéc gi There are too many mistakes Call Joe Clam of Cheat Accou office tomorro d Geamic co,,L1H 130 - Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong Why don't you call John Brown of Graphic? Here's his number. Jim Gooman, AIA CO., LTD. (Answer key #39) Roleplay Practise with your partner. Look Hay luyén tdp vdi ban dong tép cia at the pictures and make up tele- ban. Hay xem cdc hinh trén vd lam phone conversations. cdc bai dam thogi qua dién thogi. One partner is the secretary who must make an appointment for her boss. One partner is the receiver who answers the telephone. a for picture 1: Mr. Honda (the manager of Toyisha) o for picture 2: the secretary of Mr. Clam (of A & A) o for picture 3: the secretary of Mr. Brown (of Graphic) (Answer key #40) Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhdn vién Van phong — 131 WAYS TO SAY IT * Discussing the date and the time for an appointment Ban ngay va gid cho mét cuéc hen Hoi ngay va gid cho cudc hen: A: What -—day would it suit you? —time ~Mr....? Dé nghi ngay va gid cu thé: B: |- Would ~ the day:after an * Néu ly do khéng thé cé cudc hen vao ngay, gid dugc dé nghi: A: -I'mafraid Mr... —won'tbein’ ~ - on Friday: I'm sorry, but Mr. ... ~will be away - tomorrow fternoon. ~can'tmanage — = of Monday and 132 - Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong m= — What day would it suit you? — What time would it suit Mr. Brown? — How about the day after tomorrow? - Would tomorrow afternoon suit you? — How about next Monday? — How about the tenth of next month? @ ~ I'm afraid Mr. Cash won't be in on Monday and Wednesday. ~ I'm sorry, but Mr. Brooks will be away from Monday to Wednesday. — I'm afraid Mrs. Goodman can't manage the afternoon. = — That would suit us fine. — That would suit Mr. Travis perfectly. ~ That would be all right. m When would be suitable to you? Cau nay khong dung trong tiéng Anh chuan, .» Not tomorrow, but the day after. Khi muén néi ngay mét, phdi noi the day after tomorrow. - Can you tomorrow afternoon? —Do you want to meet next Monday? ~ Are you available the tenth next month? m — No, he cannot on Monday and Wednesday. — No, he is not here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. a -OK.. - Very good. - That would be good. Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vin Van phong — 133 EXERCISE2: WHEN WOULD IT SUIT YOU? Work with your partner. Make up Hay lam viéc voi ban déng tép cia conversations. Discuss a date and ban. Lam cdc bai dam thoai. Ban bac time for an appointment. ngay vd gid cho mét cuéc hen. ASK: date: > A: When would it suit you? PROPOSE: next Monday > B: Would next Monday be all right? DISAGREE: not next Monday ® A: I'm afraid M. ... will be away next Monday. PROPOSE: Tuesday > How about making it (for) Tuesday? AGREE: > B: Yes, next Tuesday would suit M. ... fine. a ASK: date: > A: When ? PROPOSE: tomorrow morning: > B: ? DISAGREE: not tomorrow morning: > A: PROPOSE: the day after tomorrow: > AGREE: > B: Yes, & Nowaskand answer about the Béy gid hay héi va trd 101 vB nhiing following: dibu sau: PARTNER A PARTNER B PARTNER A PROPOSE DISAGREE > PROPOSE not in the > lunch momin; not from the 8th 'till the 12th see belock not in the > the 14th >the not on Mon- day and Tuesday > Wednesday (Answer key #41) 134 — Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vign Van phong 5 perfect} MAKING AN APPOINTMENT Practise what you have learned to- Hay luyén tap nhitng gi ban da h day with your friends. Act out the —_hém nay véi cdc ban cia ban. Dién following conversation. bai dim thoai sau. You need three people: One partner takes the part of the secretary of B.E. Display Co., Ltd. One partner takes the part of the operator of International Soft- ware Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong. One partner takes the part of the secretary of Mr. Lee, the manager of International Software in Hong Kong. The Scene: The manager of B.E. Display is visiting Hong Kong next week. He would like to discuss some business with Mr. Lee, the man- ager of International Software in Hong Kong. The secretary of B.E. Display telephones to Hong Kong to ask for an appoint- ment. Instructions: Secretary of B.E. Display: o telephone: say your company and city a ask to speak to Mr. Lee/his secretary a say why you are calling, what you are calling about and ask for an appointment a discuss the date, the time Operator of International Software: co answer the telephone a say Mr. Lee isn't in, .. Secretary of Mr. Lee: co answer the telephone, help the caller a discuss the date and the time (Mr. Lee is not in on/at ...) Ting Anh dm thoai danh cho Nhan vin Van phong - 135 THE LIGHTER SIDE HOW EMBARRASSED ARE YOU ABOUT YOUR ENGLISH? M™ people in Thailand worry all the time about their English. They are always shy and embarrassed every time the word English is mentioned. How embarrassed are you about your English? Complete the following question- naire to find out. 1. When a foreigner comes into your office, you a. hope he will talk to you. b. hope he won't talk to you. c. run away. 2. When a foreigner says, “Hello.”, you a. say, “Hello”. b. smile and say nothing. . pretend you don't hear and walk on. 3, When your boss asks for a volunteer to receive a foreign visitor at the airport, you a. are the first to volunteer. b, only accept the assignment when you are asked. c. hide behind your desk. 4. When a foreign visitor asks you the way, you a. try to explain. b. say, “Sorry, no English”. c. wave your hand and walk on. 5. When you read the job vacancies in the newspaper, you a. don't worry if they ask for people with knowledge of English. b. worry a little bit if they ask for people with knowledge of Eng- lish but still apply. c. forget about it if they ask for people with knowledge of English. 136 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong 6, When you are asked about your English, you say, a. “I speak it not well but I can manage”. b. “I speak it a little.” c. “No, no”. 7. When you have to wait in a room with only English magazines and newspapers, you a. try to read a story. b. try to read the headlines or words under the pictures. c. don't try to read anything. When there is an English speaking person on the telephone you a. say, “May I help you?”. b. say, “Just a moment.” and find someone else to answer the phone. c. say, “Oh, Farang” and quickly put down the receiver. 8. 9. You often tell yourself, a. “I know enough English but I'd like to learn more.” b. “I want to learn English, but I'm too stupid.” c. “I don't care about learning English”. 10. If you had to go for an English job interview next month, would you a. not worry about it at all? b. find an English teacher to brush up your English? c. telephone and cancel the interview? 11. When you are offered a free English course, you select a. a foreign teacher who speaks your language a little. b. a foreign teacher who speaks your language well. c. a Thai teacher. 12. Ifa handsome English speaking colleague invited you to go toa discotheque, would you a. accept eagerly since it's a chance to practise your English? b. accept if you were sure the foreigner could speak your language? c. refuse because you're too embarrassed about your English? (Answer key #442) Tigng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhdn vién Van phong - 137 Quiz When you are at the airport to meet a foreign visitor, you ask a “Hey, You! Are you Mr. Jackson?” a “Excuse me, Mr. Jackson ...?” a “Oh, hi. What's your name?” (Answer key #43) 138 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong ASSIGNMENT AT THE AIRPORT * Attracting people's attention Thu hot sy cho y cia ai * Introducing yourself and your company Gidi thiéu ban than va céng ty eda ban * Greeting people formally and informally Chao ai trang trong va than mat * Introducing people formally and informally Gidi thiéu ai trang trong va than mat * Starting conversations with foreign guests and hosts Bat chuyén voi khdch nude ngodi va cht nhan Tigng Anh dam thoai dann cho Nhan vign Van phong - 139 CONVERSATION Mr. Iso Honda has just arrived from Japan. Kanjana and Sopa from Graphic are at the airport to meet him. K: Excuse me ...? Mr. Iso Honda? Xin 161? Co phai éng la Iso Honda khéng a? : I'm Kanjana Tirawatana of Graphic. How do you do, sir? Téi /é Kanjana Tirawatana & céng ty Graphic. Xin chao dng. Ong Iso Honda wita tit Nhat dén. Kanjana vé Sopa é cong ty Graphic dang cé mat é sén bay dé d6n éng dy. lH: How do you do, miss Tirawatana? Xin chao cé Tirawatana. Cam on vi da dén dén t6i IK: You're welcome. Don't mention it Khéng cé chi. Khong 6 chi dau a. trip chuyén di 4: Thanks for coming to meet me. IK: Did you have a good tript, Mr. Honda? Thua 6ng Honda, éng da trdi qua chuy€n di tét dep chit a? H: Oh, yes, thanks. O, vang, cém on. 140 ~ Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong H: How do you do, Miss Sopa? K: Mr. Honda, I'd like you to Nice to meet you. meet Miss Sopa. She's our translator® at Graphi Thua éng Honda, tdi xin gidi thiéu vdi 6ng day 1a cé Sopa. C6 dy la bién dich vién cba Céng ty Graphic chung téi. Xin chao cé Sopa. Han hanh dugc gap cé. is: How do you do®, Mr. Honda? Xin chao 6ng Honda IK: Is this your first trip over here, IK: Shall we go to the car, | fy Mr. Honda? ae : Mr. Honda? Thua 6ng Honda, cé phdi day la Thua éng Honda, lan dau 6ng dén day khong a? ching ta dén xe chi? a? H: Well, I was here on a visit last year, but just for a few days. A, t6i da di tham noi nay nam réi, nhung chi trong vai ngay thdi. IH: Yes, of course. ® translator ngudi bién dich, bién dich vién © How do you do? Xin chao/Han hanh dugc gap Ong/ba (ding chao nhau lan dau gap g0) Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhén vién Van phong ~ 141 H: Have you ever been to Japan, Miss Tirawatana? C6 Tirawatana 4, cé cd bao gid’ dén Nhat chua? Ks By the way", please call me Kanjana. IK: No, I'm afraid I haven't. ea eee Da chua a. njana. Bythe way A, nay. (dang dau céu) Xem Focus #4 THE LIGHTER SIDE The Origin Of "Fa-Lang". Do you know why people in Thailand call me a “Fa-Lang”? No? Well, maybe this is why: You see, the first white man to come to Thai- land was from France. That man spoke French or “Francais”. But we all know that “R” is very hard for the Thai mouth, so Thai people said, “Flangais”. But we all know that in Thailand people like things to be easy and “FL” is very hard for the Thai mouth, so Thai people said “Falgais”. But in Thailand people DON'T LIKE PROBLEMS, and “C” and “S” are big problems for the Thai mouth, so now Thai people call me a “FA-LANG”. 142 — Ting Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vin Van phong WAYS TO SAY IT * Attracting people's attention Thu hot sy chu y cba ai * Introducing yourself and your company Gidi thiéu ban than va céng ty céa ban Thu hut sy cha y ctia ai: A: Excuse me...? © B: Yes ...? Tu gidi thiéu: WAYS TO SAY IT * Greeting people formally and informally Chao ai trang trong va than mat Chao trang trong: Lan dau hai ngudi méi gap thudng chao nhau How do you do? va ngudi chao dap lai ciing 1a How do you do? A: How do you do? B: How do you do? Chao than mat: Khi da quen biét nhau thi chao theo cach than mat nhu Tigng Anh dam thoai dan cho han vin Van phong - 143, ‘SAY m - Excuse me ...? Mr. Iso Honda ...? a - I'm Kanjana Tirawatana of Graphic. - I'm Lee Wang of International Software. m A: How do you do? B: How do you do? w — Excuse me Are you Mr. Honda? — Excuse me ...? What's your name? — Excuse me ...? I'm looking for Mrs. Green. Hi Are you ...? hoc What's your name? la khéng lich sy khi [an dau ap ai. ~ I'm Miss Kanjana. — I'm Mr. Lee. Chi ding Mr., Mrs., Miss trudc ho, khong ding cho tén. A: How do you do? B: I'm fine thank you. Dap lai cho Idi chao gap nhau lan dau tién 1a How do you do? Khi da quen biét nhau, ngudi chao trudc 1a Hello, how are you? va ngudi chao dap lai la I'm fine, thank you. 144 — Tigng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong ACT IT OUT# 1: Greeting people Work with your partner. Act out Hay lam viéc véi ban dong tdp cla the following conversations: ban. Dién cac bai dam thogi sau: @nr. Rao Sing, an Indian businessman, is arriving at the airport in your city. You work for A.B.C. Productions. Your company sent you to the airport to meet Mr. Sing. g attract the visitor's attention a introduce yourself (and your company) 0 greet (formally) @an old friend from your school days is arriving in your city. You are at the railway station to meet him/her. 0 attract your friend's attention o greet (informally) @ Mr. Tom Wolf is a foreign visitor to your city. You work for Fun Tours, a large travel agency in your city. Your company arranged for you to meet Mr. Tom Wolf at a restaurant in your city. You enter the restaurant. The person on table 5 is supposed to be Mr. Tom. Join him on his table. (Answer key #44) Tiéng Anh dim thoai danh cho Nhan vin Van phong - 145 WAYS TO SAY IT * Introducing people formally and informally Gidi thiéu ai trang trong va than mét Gidi thiéu ai trang trong: ATTENTION !!! Hello. ducc dap lai la Hello. How do you do? duc dap lai la How do you do?. 146 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong EXERCISE 1: THE PEOPLE OF GRAPHIC CO., LTD. Check the organization chart of Graphic Co., Lid. at the beginning of your book and introduce the dif- ferent people at Graphic to Mr. Honda from Toyisha Co., Ltd. o Mr. Travis: Xem lai biéu dé co cdu cilia cong ty tréch nhiém hitu han Graphic 6 dau quyén sach cia ban va gidi thiéu nhiing ngubi khdc nhau 6 cong ty Graphic véi 6ng Honda dén ti’ cing ty tréch nhiém hitu han Toyisha. Mr. Honda, please meet our managing director Mr. Travis. o Mr. Somchai Kobjitti: Mr. Honda, Mr. . He's a Mr. Wirat Mathong: a Miss Kanjana: (Answer key #45) EXERCISE 2: THE PEOPLE AT ...... . Hay hoc kg cdc tit sau: us Study the following words care- fully: personnel department/division/ section human resources department/ division/section sales department/division/ section public relations department/ division/section promotion department/division/ section purchasing department/division/ section marketing department/ division/section finance department/division/ section accounting department/ division/section administration department/ division/section auditing department/division/ section Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 147 managing director general manager personnel manager human resources development manager training manager production manager factory manager warehouse manager sales manager u@ Use the organization chart of Graphic Co., Ltd. (page 12) as an example and draw an or- ganization chart for your com- pany in the following space. marketing manager credit manager office manager purchasing manager/director finance and accounting manager auditor chief accountant foreign department manager Hay ding biéu dé co cdu cla céng ty tréch nhiém hitu han Graphic (trang 12) lam vi du vd vé mét biéu @® co céu cho céng ty cia ban véo ché tréng sau. & Introduce the different people on your organization chart to a foreign visitor at your com- pany. Peer eee eee eeree eer eee Hay gid thiéu nhitng ngwéi khac nhau trén biéu dé co cdu cia cong ty ban vot mét nguat khach nude ngoat dén céng ty ciia ban. o Mr. Green, please meet our managing director, M a Mr. Honda, may I introduce our a Mrs. Richards, I'd like you to meet Mr. a Miss Sally, Miss a Mr. Bob, __ »M , he's , she 148 - Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong ACT IT OUT #2: Introducing people Work with two partners. Make up Hay lam viée véi hai ban dong tap. conversations for the following: Lam céc bai dam thogi cho cdc tinh hudng sau: @two colleagues are at the airport to meet a foreign businessman. Partner one: introduce your colleague Mr. Jack Green, chief auditor (Partner two) to the foreign visitor Mr. Rao Sing (Partner three). @ Two friends are at a railway station to meet an old friend. Partner one: introduce your friend ..... (Partner two) to your old school friend (Partner three). @tTwo colleagues of Fun Tours travel agency are at a restaurant to meet a client. Partner one: introduce your colleague ......,a tour guide (Partner two) to the client Mr. Tom Wolf (Partner three). @two friends are at one of the friend's company party. Partner one: introduce your friend . (Partner two) to your manager M...... (Partner three). (Answer key #46) THE LIGHTER SIDE But this is the third time this week. You must pay attention! You've forgotten to type the inside ‘oddress in this letter, Miss Noi. pay attention cha y, luuy Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 149 WAYS TO SAY IT * Conversation openers: how to start talking with foreign guests and hosts Nhing cau mé dau cuéc dam thogi: cach bat chuyén véi khach nude ngodi va ché nhén B: Yes, of course. © Tao quan hé than mat, cdi md hon bang I6i xung hé tén, cht khong phai ho. A: By the way, please call me Kanjana. B: Oh, you can call me .... (first name/nickname) 150 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong on Ht @ - Thank you for coming to meet me. - Thank you for come to meet me. ~ Thanks for to meet me. Céu tric dting thank somebody for +V-ing ~ Thanks for meeting me. = — Notat all. ~ Don't mention (it). — You're welcome. m Never mind. Khéng dap Never mind cho Idi cam on. ~ It's a pleasure. m — Let's go to the car. -- Shall we go to the car? ~ I want to go now. ~ We must go now. — Can we go now? m - By the way, please call me Kanjana. — Oh, you can call me ... (first name/nickname) By the way la cau mé dau dé chuyén dé tai ni chuyén mét cach tu nhién. Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 151 RECEIVING A FOREIGN VISITOR AT THE AIRPORT Practise what you learned today Hay luyén tap nhiing gi ban dé hoc with your friends. Act out the fol- hm nay v6i eéc ban cla ban. Dién lowing conversation. bai dam thoai sau. You need three people: Two partners take the parts of two employees of LLT Co., Ltd. (of- fice manager - secretary - ...). One partner takes the part of a foreign visitor (Mr./Miss Hall). The Scene: The visitor from America is arriving at the airport and the two people of LLT are there to meet him/her. Instructions: 0 attract the visitor's attention, ask his/her name a introduce yourself, your company D greet o thank the hosts for meeting you 0 introduce your colleague © suggest going to the car 0 get on friendly terms (first name/nickname) Quiz He yu If you don't understand the instructions of your ‘ foreign supervisor, you Q say nothing because you're afraid he might be angry. Q say, “Could you explain it again, please? I don't quite understand.” Q go looking for a new job. (Answer key #47) 152 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong PROBLEMS AT GRAPHIC * Making suggestions about work Dua dé nghi vé céng viée * Asking for more details about assignments Hoi thém chi tiét vé cac nhiém vu dugc giao Ting Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng — 153 CONVERSATION Mr. Travis and Kanjana are talk- Ong Travis va Kanjana dang n6i ve ing about the work at the office. céng viéc & van phéng. Ts But they should have been here long ago. Nhung lé ra la phai 6 lau réi chi. Tt: Have those brochures that we ordered been delivered yet, Miss Kanjana? Cac té théng tin qudng cdo chung ta da dat dugc giao chua, cé Kanjana? kK: No, I'm afraid they haven't yet, sir. Thua ngai, t6i e rang chting chua duge giao a. &: They should have been delivered two weeks ago, sir. Thua ngai, 1é ra la ching phai dugc giao cach day hai tuan Ks Shall I telephone the printer, sir? Thua ngai, toi sé goi dién cho nha in nhé. 3 2} deliver giao (hang) 154 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng t: Tell them if they can't deliver K: I've already telephoned immediately®, we would prefer several times. What would to cancel the order and place you like me to tell them? our business elsewhere"... Téi da goi dién nhiéu lan Hay néi vai ho la néu ho khéng réi. Ngai muén t6i ndi vi thé giao ngay, ching ta sé huy ho thé nao? viéc dat hang va giao dich chd oy khac thi hon @immediately ngay lap tic © place our business elsewhere giao dich, lam an nai khac Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng - 155 WAYS TO SAY * Making suggestions about work Dua dé nghi vé céng via A: Shall -I ~ telephone the suppliers? ~we . —order‘some more?’ ~ get Susan on it? ~make it priority?’ B: - Yes, please. - Yes, of course: ~No, that's alright. ATTENTION !!! “SAY - i" < /DON'T — Shall | telephone the suppliers? |m - Can I telephone the suppliers? ~~ Shall we order some more? — We must order some more. — Shall I get Susan on it? — I want Susan to do that. — Shall I make it priority? — You should do it first. ~ Shall | leave a message? — Do you want me to leave a ~ Shall we place an ad in the message? newspaper? — You must put an ad in the newspapers. ~ Tsuggest that we ... Can, must, want, should nh trong ~ Maybe we could ... céc céu trén khong duge ding — It might be a good idea to... trong cdc céu dé nghi. 156 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong | MATCH, MATCH (Part One) Make suggestions to the supervi- sor for the different situations be- low. Match the right suggestions in the second column with the different problems in the first column. Hay dua dé nghj véi ngudi quén ty cho céc tinh huéng khéc nhau du6i day. Két cdc dé nghi ding 6 c6t thit hai véi cdc van dé khac nhau 6 cot thit nhdt. SITUATIONS 1] An order has not been delivered. 2] Mr. X didn't come for his appointment. 3| The manager needs someone of the staff who speaks good English. 4| The company is out of stationery. 5 | The company needs to hire more personnel. 6 | The manager needs informa- tion for teaching English to the staff. 7| The paper in the fax machine keeps jamming. 8 | The auditor made some | mistakes in the accounts. 9| Someone stole your manager's car from the car park. 10] Your manager has got a terrible headache. (Answer key #48) SUGGESTIONS Shall I ask Miss Lek to look into it? Shall I contact some language schools for more information? Shall | order some? (Z) Shall | telephone his office? (71 shail I call the suppliers? Shall I call the police? Shall I prepare an ad for the newspapers? Z Shall I contact the office automation company? (7) Shall I get you some paracetamol tablets? {([) Shall I telephone to make an appointment? Tiéng Anh dim thoai danh cho Nhdn vién Van phong - 157 WAYS TO SAY IT * Asking for more details at work Hi thém chi tiét & sé lam : Hay xem va hoc thugc cac c4ch néi 4 c6t bén. Khong nén néi cach khéc ngoai nhang cdch néi dé. Day la cdc cach ni lich sur dé dé i v6i ngudéi nghe khi ngudi ndi 6 khé khan vé tiéng Anh. m —I don't quite understand. ~ Could you explain it to me again, please? ~ Could you speak a little slower, please? I'm afraid my English isn't very good. - Could you give me some more details, please? I'm afraid | don't have much experience with this. 158 - Ting Anh dim thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong MATCH, MATCH (Part Two) Ask the supervisor for more de- tails about the different assign- ments below. Match the right questions for details in the second column with the different assign- ments in the first column. ASSIGNMENTS Could you place an ad for a junior secretary in the Bang- kok Post? 2] Could you buy a new calcula- tor for on my desk? 3] Could you reserve a room for my trip to Chiang Mai next week? 4] Can you fix an appointment with Mr. Wirat from IRC? 5 | Could you order some more computer paper? Could you leave a message for Mr. Jones in case he isn't in? 7] Could you get someone to translate this brochure? Could you tell Miss Sopa to make her report of the meet- ings with Mr. Honda a priority? [2] Could you enquire about the tuition fees for English in- struction at our office? Could you take care of the sale of our old desks? (Answer key #49) Hay héi ngudi qudn Ig thém céc chi Hét vé cdc nhiém vu duge giao khac nhau du6i ddy. Két ding cac cdu héi Adi thém chi tiét véi cde nhiém vy duge giao khéc nhau é c6t thit nhdt. ASK FOR DETAILS When would you like to meet him? O [Z1 Who would you like to translate it? [_] What brand would you like me to buy? [Z How many boxes would you like me to order? [J] What would you like me to say in it? [[) At what hotel would you like to stay? [] When would you like the instruction to start? [[] For how much would you like to sell them? (7 By when would you like it to be ready? (2) what would you like me to tell him? Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phing — 159 OPEN DIALOGUE: Problems at the office Complete the following conversa- tion. You are the senior secretary to the general manager of a trad- ing firm in Bangkok. You are in your manager’s office discussing some work, manager: Hay hodn thanh bai dam thogi sau. Ban la tht ky tham nién cia mét tong gidm déc céng ty mau dich ¢ Bangkok. Ban dang évdn phong cia ngdi tong gidm d6c cia ban ae ban mt c6ng vigc nao dé. I've just noticed that Dos (Co., Ltd.) still haven't settled their outstanding bills. SUGGEST AN ACTION: (send another reminder) manager: ASK FOR MORE DETAILS: manager: Yes, please. Send them a letter right away. Tell them that we would like to receive their remittance in the next few days. SUGGEST AN ACTION: (inform this the last reminder) manager: Yes, of course, they should have paid their bills months ago. ASK HOW TO SEND IT: manager: (Answer key #50) Send it by registered mail, please. 160 — Tigng Anh dam thogi danh cho Nnan vién Van phong Study the clipping from the classi- fied pages of a daily newspaper carefully: Hay xem ky mau nay duge cit ti trang quang céo cia m6t ta bao hang ngay: Now practise what you learned today with your friends. Act out the following conversation. Use the newspaper clipping to help you. Bay gid hay luyén tp nhitng gi ban da hoc hém nay véi c4c ban ciia ban. Dién bai dam thogi sau. Ding miu c&t tir bao nay dé gidp ban. You need two people: A consulting firm urgently requires SECRETARY Female, age not over 30 Friendly personality Good command of written & spoken English Typing both Thai & English Some knowledge of computer is an advantage Please send full résumé in English to: LL. (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 73/68 Suthisarn Road, Huay Kwang, BK 10400 One partner takes the part of the manager of L.L. (Thailand) Co., Ltd. One partner takes the part of the secretary to the manager of LL. (Thailand). The Scene: There is too much secretarial work at L.L. (Thailand) nowadays and the manager is talking about this problem with his/her secretary. Instructions: MANAGER: o tell your secretary that you need an extra secretary 0 confirm placing an advertisement in the newspapers co say what you would like in the advertisement 1 say you don't want to talk about salary in the ad a say in what newspapers you would like the advertisement co say how many days you would like it in the newspapers Tiéng Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 161 SECRETARY: 0 suggest that you advertise in the newspapers a ask about details for the contents of the advertisement o suggest that you mention salary in the advertisement co ask about details for the newspapers your boss wants to advertise in a ask about details for the amount of days your boss wants to advertise THE LIGHTER SIDE Good afternoon, Noi. What's cooking? Well actualy, | don't cook, Mr. Bob. | always eat out. What's cooking? (infmd.) = What's happening? C6 chuyén gi vay? / Dang xay ra chuyén gi vay? If your boss tells you to “get on the Graphic contract”, you Q go and stand on the Graphic contract. QO eat the Graphic contract. Q start working on the Graphic contract. (Answer key #51) 162 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong hy GETTING THE JOB DONE K * Making inquiries on the telephone Hdi tin qua dién thogi * Reporting to your supervisor Bdo cdo véi ngusi quan ly ca ban Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong — 163 CONVERSATION 1 Kanjana is on the telephone with |P: Sales division. May I help you? the sales manager of the printing BG phan kinh doanh day a. firm where her company ordered Cho phép téi gidp cé chu? brochures a few weeks ago. The brochures have still not been de- IK: Yes, I'm calling livered and Kanjana wants to in- from Graphic ... quire‘ about the delay®. Vang, t6i dang goi Kanjana dang néi chuyén qua dién tu’ céng ty Graphic ...] thoai véi truéng phong kinh doanh ctia hang in noi céng ty cia c6 dy dé dat cde t3 théng tin qudng céo céch ddy vai tudn. Cac té théng tin qudng cdo nay vdn chita duge giao va Kan- jana muén hdi vé viéc cham tré dé. IP: Oh, yes, Graphic. What can P: Oh, yes, your brochures. Ido for you? We've just started printing O, vang, céng ty Graphic. them today. T6i cé thé [am gi gitip c6 a? O, phai réi, cdc te théng tin quang céo cia c6. Chiing t6i iu: I'd like to inquire about vita bat dau in ching hém nay. the brochures we ordered fk: But we ordered the bro- a few weeks ago. chures three weeks ago! T6i muén hdi vé nhong Nhung chung toi da dat to thong tin quang cdo / cdc t8 théng tin quang ching t6i da dat céch céo dé céch day ba tudn day vai tudn. inquire hdi tham (vé viéc gi) Pdelay viéc cham tré, viéc tri hoan 164 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong iP: Yes, with the latest restric- tions“ on logging® and so on, the paper factories are having problems supplying® us with certain types of paper. Vang, vdi nhang han ché gan day nhat vé viéc dén g6, van van, cdc nha may gidy dang gap kh6 khan vé viéc cung cap cho ching t6i mét sé loai gidy P: I'm afraid we've been having some problems with shortage® of paper lately ... T6i e 1a chung téi dang gap m6t sé rac réi vé viéc thi€éu gidy gan day... Shortage of paper! Thiéu gidy! KM: And when will you be able to deliver them? Vay khi nao thi anh c6 thé giao hang cho ching t6i? P: They definitely will be delivered on Monday. Chac chan ching sé dugc giao vao thi hai. IP: Let's see. It's already Thursday today and we will be closed on Saturday. Dé xem. H6m nay Ia th nam réi va ching ti sé dong cia vao thu bay. 1: Next Monday? Tht hai toi a? shortage su thiéu hut logging viéc dén g6 “restrictions cdc han ché supply cung cap, cung Ging Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 165 viéc dé. P: I'm terribly sorry about the delay, but there is really nothing I could do about it. T6i thanh that xin Idi vé viéc cham tré nay, nhung that su t6i khéng thé lam gi dugc vé IK: Well, we'll be looking forward to receiving them on Monday then. Théi, thé thi chung t6i mong [a sé nhan dugc chung vao thd hai nhé iP: Certainly. Chac chan vay. THE LIGHTER SIDE The Origin Of... Do you know why people all over the world call my name and say, “O.K.”, whenever they want to say that they agree? No? Well, there are many stories about where I, “O.K.”, come from... Some people say that I come froma North American Indian tribe called the Choctaw. Whenever a Choctaw Indian agreed to trade something with the first white men to come to his lands, he would say, “Okeh”, which in the Choc- taw language meant, “Yes, it is so.” Some people say that I come from New York where in 1840 the followers of Mr. Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the U.S.A. (1837 - 1841), formed the “O.K. Club”. They probably named their organization after Mr. Van Buren's birthplace “Old Kinderhook”. an nde Still, some people say that I come from Boston (Massachusetts). In Bos- ton slang people say, “all correct”, when they want to say that they agree. ‘And then again, some people say that I come from Ireland. A long time ago, when our present U.S.A. was still a colony of Great Britain, there was an Trish captain in the British Merchant Navy by the name of O'Kay. Mr. O'Kay ‘was an excellent seaman but unfortu- nately enough, he could not read or write. So whenever he had to sign some papers he would just write “O.K.” O.K.? 166 - Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng WAYS TO SAY IT * Making inquires on the telephone Héi tin qua dién thogi Néu van dé cdn héi: m —I'd like to inquire about our = — I want to know about ... order for brochures. ~ I'd like to order a dozen boxes of computer paper. - I'd like to place an ad in your classified section. - You must send us ... — I want to booking a ticket ... Tiéng Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong - 167 flight to Tokyo next Friday. ~ I'd like some information about English language instruction. ~ I'd like to book a seat on a direct want, must la cach néi khéng lich su khi néu van dé can hdi. want to booking sai ng phap. C4u tric ding 14 want to book. EXERCISE 1: MAKING INQUIRIES Work with your partner. Make up conversations for the following situations. One person takes the part of PARTNER A who telephones to make inquiries. One person takes the part of PARTNER B who answers the telephone and responds to the in- quiries. 1. Inquire about a shipment of few weeks ago. floppy diskettes that you ordered a Hay lam viéc véi ban déng tép cia ban. Nghi ra cdc bai dam thogi cho cdc tinh hudng sau. M6t ngudi déng vai PARTNER A got dién thogi dé héi tin. M6t ngudi déng vai PARTNER B trd loi dién thoai va ddp lai cdc cdu héi tin d6. Tell the caller that the ship was re-routed. Monday. 2. Reserve a double room for next Ask for how many days the caller would like to reserve a room. ad in the newspaper. English language teaching. 5. Ask the company to send an engineer to repair a computer. 3. Make inquiries about placing an 4. Ask for some information about. Ask the caller how large an ad he/she would like. Ask if the caller would like the instruction at his/her company or at the school. Ask the caller what's wrong with the equipment. 168 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phong 6. Ask to book a seat on the flight to L.A. for next Monday. 7. Inquire about the firm's adver- tisement for a junior secretary in today's Nation. Tell the caller that the Monday flight is fully booked. Ask the caller to send a résumé. 8. Order 3 boxes of computer paper. Ask what size of paper the caller would like. (Answer key #52) CONVERSATION 2 Kanjana is reporting to Mr. Travis about her telephone call to the printer of the brochures that have not yet been delivered. jt: Have you found out about those brochures yet, Kanjana? C6 Kanjana, cé da tim hiéu vé nhiing t& théng tin quang cdo dé chua? K :Certainly, sir. Thua ngai, réi a. Kanjana dang béo cdo véi éng Travis vé cugc goi dién cia cb dy vot hang in cdc t théng tin qudng cdo chua duge giao. IK: They said they had problems with the supply of paper. Ho da ndi la ho gap khé khan vé viéc cung cdp gidy. ts The supply of paper? Viéc cung cap gidy la sao? Ting Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong — 169 tz And when did they say they would be able to deliver the order? Vay ho da ndi la khi nao ho sé cd thé giao hang da dat? IK: Yes, they said they couldn't get certain types of paper because of the recent™ restrictions on logging. Vang, ho da ndi la ho khéng thé cd mét sé loai gidy nao do vi nh@ng han ché gan day vé viéc dén gé. ia” recent gA gan day, méi day &: They promised us that the brochures would be here next} Monday, sir. Thua ngai, ho da hia voi chung ta la nh@ng te thong tin quang cdo dé sé duge giao dén day vao thi hai tdi a. WAYS TO SAY IT *° Reporting about the work Bdo cdo vé céng viéc Hoi vé céng viéc 170 — Tiéng Anh dam thoai danh cho Nh&n vién Van phong bao céo) ‘the Supply, Bao cdo vé cong viéc: (thudng ding thi qué khd trong cau B: ~They:sai = Hay 6n lai céch chia thi trong cdu faéng thudt: Khi tudng thuat / bao céo, ta thudng ding thi qua kh trong ménh dé chinh (ct 2) va dong ti trong ménh dé dugc tudng thuat cing thay déi so véi dong tur trong cau néi tryc tiép. (Tay thoi diém tudng thuat, 6 thé cé mét sé thi 4 cu néi tryc tiép van git nguyén nhu cau 7, 8, 9 6 dudi). 1 He is. 2They are . 3 She speaks . 4 He is planning ... 5 We will 6 He can 7 He was .. 8 They were .. 9 She ordered ....... 10 They have been .. Ting Anh dam thoai danh cho Nnan vién Van phdng - 171 m Trong cdu hdi Yes/No va cau hdi cé tt dé hdi: trong ménh dé duge tusng thu§t khong duge dao dong tira truéc chi nga nhu trong cau tryc tiép. Cau héi Yes /No: thém whether hodc if + chi ngi + dong ty Cau hdi co tis dé hdi: ty dé hdi + chi nga + dong ty Ishe in .... Are they Does she speak ... a When is he planning ........? How long ago have you ...? EXERCISE 2: REPORTED SPEECH Turn the following messages into Hay déi nhiing cdu sau sang loi n6i reported speech: féng thudt: a. Could you please tell him to call me back? (He asked) — He asked you to call him back. I won't be able to make it to the meeting today. (He said) ae 9 . The goods will be delivered tomorrow morning. (They promised that) 2 i. She spoke French and Japanese fluently. (She mentioned that) e. How many people are planning to join the program? (They wanted to know) 172 - Tiéng Anh dim thoai danh cho Nhan vién Van phdng . How many days do you want to advertise? (They asked me) g. The morning flight to Tokyo is fully booked. (They told me that) h. Mr. Honda will be arriving on the 10 a.m. flight from Tokyo. (They informed us that) i. Shall I make it priority? (She asked if) j. LLT are very pleased with the display materials. (LLT said that) (Answer key #53) EXERCISE 3: REPORTING TO THE MANAGER tz Do you remember the infor- Ban con nhé théng tin ngudi trd lot mation the person answering _ thdc mdc ciia ban é bai tap 1 ctia bat your inquiry in exercise 1 of nay da cho ban khéng? C6? Khéng? this unit gave you? Yes? No? Déy cdc cdu dy duoc ghi lai day: Well here it is again: (Xem Iqi bai tép 1 néu can). 1, The supplier of floppy diskettes: I'm afraid that the ship was re-routed. 2. The reservation clerk at the hotel: For how many days would you like to reserve a room? 3. The newspaper: How large an ad would you like (to place)? 4, The English language institute: Would you like the instruction at your company or at the school? . The computer company: What's wrong with the equipment? . The travel agent: I'm afraid that the Monday flight is fully booked. . The applicant: Could you send (us) a résumé? . The stationery supply store: What size of paper would you like? ernon Ting Anh dam thoal danh cho Nhan vign Van phong - 173 % Now check the questions of the supervisor below (first col- umn) and report the informa- tion back to the supervisor. 1. Have you found out what is happening with that order for floppy diskettes? 2. Did you reserve a hotel room for next week? 3. Have you contacted the news- paper about our ad? Bay gid hay xem céc cau héi cia nguoi qudn Ij dubi day (cot thi nhét) va tung thud thong tin tré lai vt ngudi cid 1G do. Certainly, sir. ne wanted to know .. Yes, of course, sir. I called and they asked .... re 4. Have you got any information about our project for English language instruction for the staff yet? Certainly, sir. I contacted a language institute and they wanted to know 5. When are they coming to repair that computer? 6. How about my flight to L.A. next Monday? 7. Has there been any reaction on our ad yet? I called and they asked that the Monday flight One applicant called, sir, and I told her .... 8. Have you ordered any com- puter paper yet? (Answer key #54) & Work with your partner. Make up conversations for the situa- tions above. One person takes the part of PARTNER A, the supervisor or manager. One person takes the part of PARTNER B, the employee who reports back to the supervisor. Certainly, sir. They asked Hay lam vigc vét ban ding tap cla ban. Nghi ra cdc bai dam thogi cho cdc tinh huéng bén trén. M6t nguoi déng vai PARTNER A, ngudi quan lg hay truténg phong. M6t ngudi déng vai PARTNER B, nhén vién bdo cdo lai v6i nguoi qudn yj. 174 — Ti8ng Anh dam thogi danh cho Nhan vién Van phong

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