Summary, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

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This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations

of this study.


The study aims to determine the level or scale of employment readiness of Senior

High School(SHS) students in Mary’s Child Science Oriented School for the Academic

Year 2017-2018.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following problems:

1. What is the scale of employment readiness of Senior High School Students in

Mary’s Child Science Oriented School?

2. What are the factors influencing the employment readiness?

3. What are the possible interventions to further enhance the employment readiness

of SHS students?

This study used a quantitative type descriptive-development research in

identifying on how ready are the students to face the challenges of being employed.

Questionnaire was used to gather the behavior, skills and attributes of the respondents.

Also, the answers of the 45 Senior High School students which is the total population on

the questionnaire conducted were treated statistically to determine their scale of

employment readiness.


From the data obtained, the following are the findings:

1. The employment readiness scale of students in Mary’s Child Science Oriented

School is not well enough to work after graduation. It does not reach the expected

level of employment readiness, it only ranges to having the basic knowledge.

2. The researchers had observed factors influencing the employment readiness of a

student. These were their interpersonal relationship skill, attitudes, behavior,

appearance and education.

3. Based from the answers given by the respondents, it is possible that those who

answered “sometimes” must need further improvement. While those who

answered “seldom” and “never” were not yet ready to face employment after

graduating. This shows that the school should offer more activities that will

enhance the employment readiness of the students.


Based on the findings, this study concluded that:

1. The Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School students of Mary’s Child Science

Oriented School is not yet prepared or ready for work. They still need to improve

their skills. Not only their cognitive skills but, also their specific skills and

competencies. Especially, their employability skills.


2. The last factor influencing the employment readiness of the student is education.

However, it depends on them if they have better interpersonal skill, positive

attitude, proper behavior and good appearance to be considered as work ready.

3. By this, the researchers suggested that the school must offer more activities as

part of enhancing their employment readiness. In exchange, the students must

cooperate themselves from this activities by greatly participating.


Based on the findings and conclusions presented in this study, the following

recommendations are proposed:

1. The researchers suggest that students and the school also make ways on further

enhancing the skills, attitudes, behaviors, appearances and their education; in

order for them to be considered as work ready.

2. The students must be aware of this study, for them to know what their scale/level

is and for them to improve what should be improved for the sake of their future.

3. The school should conduct seminars for the students and involve them into

trainings such as on-the-job training; because it is better to gain experience than

just learning without execution.

4. Future researchers may study about the scale of SHS students of Mary’s Child

Science Oriented School again to have comparison in this study and the future

study, to also know if there is an improvement.

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