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Raynier I.


What is an Email?
It is short for Electronic mail; an e-mail or email is an information stored on a computer that is
interchangeable between two users over an internet. Email are messages that contains text, files, images,
or other attachments sent through a network into a specific individual or group.

Parts of an email message

An email message consists of the following general components:


The message headers contain information concerning the sender and recipients. The exact content of mail
headers can vary depending on the email system that generated the message. Generally, headers contain
the following information:
 Subject. Subject is a description of the topic of the message and displays in most email systems
that list email messages individually. A subject line could be something like "2010 company
mission statement" or, if your spam filtering application is too lenient, "Lose weight fast!!! Ask
me how."
 Sender (From). This is the sender's Internet email address. It is usually presumed to be the same
as the Reply-to address, unless a different one is provided.
 Date and time received (On). The date and time the message was received.
 Reply-to. This is the Internet email address that will become the recipient of your reply if you
click the Reply button.
 Recipient (To:). First/last name of email recipient, as configured by the sender.
 Recipient email address. The Internet mail address of the recipient, or where the message was
actually sent.
 Attachments. Files that are attached to the message.


The body of a message contains text that is the actual content, such as "Employees who are eligible for
the new health care program should contact their supervisors by next Friday if they want to switch."  The
message body also may include signatures or automatically generated text that is inserted by the sender's
email system.
New media of Business Writing.
Social Media
One of the most common that is being used in business writing is the social media. Through social media
you can easily communicate with other individuals or groups. Even in business, but the counterpart of it is
that it is not that formal. It can a casual communication if social media is the one being used.

Three types of emails:

1) Direct emails:  These are the personal emails that are sent from one person to another, with
content that is designed to do a specific thing: thank for a meeting, book lunch, introduce the
organization, or convey an attachment.  They are customized, specific to the sender and recipient,
and sent directly from a person’s email program.  
Pros:  Personal and relevant. Cons:  Very time-consuming – doesn’t scale.

2) Broadcast emails:  Broadcasts can be sent mechanically to a distribution list from within

Outlook or Gmail.  The key driver behind this type of email is the one-to-many nature of it. 
Today, the effectiveness of Broadcast emails is constrained by spam filters (that incorrectly
categorize many broadcasts as spam) and legislation – CASL as an example – that requires
onerous tracking and permissions to be able to send an email.  It is possible to customize
Broadcasts, but it is usually limited to inserting a first name into the body of the email. 
 Pros:  Fast and (mostly) pain free.  Cons:  Bulk mail content is not customized, and may be
irrelevant.  No one wants to be on a “list”.

3) Sequence emails:  Sometimes called nurture emails or drip marketing emails, these are a series of
emails that are sent to a specific person after a specific stimulus. 
A nurture email series is written as a Direct email – eg one-to-one – but it is only sent out after the
stimulus event.  Unlike Direct emails, however, the sending of a nurture email can be automated.  Pros: 
Maintains a connection, and when well-written, highly relevant.  Cons:  Tougher to write, as they must be
written to be relevant to all potential recipients.  Investment in technology.
This week’s action plan:  Three key questions if you are considering Sequence emails: What is the
stimulus, what is the goal of the nurture email sequence, and what is the “off-ramp” call-to-action for
people to self-identify as ready to transact.  You’re likely already doing Direct and Broadcast emails. 
This week, consider how you might integrate Sequence emails into the mix.

Letter of Attachment
Letter of attachment, it is also known as the letter of internship, it is a cover letter for the students looking
to build career experience.

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