This May Consist of 2 Major Parts: How To Use Autodock Vina?

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This may consist of 2 major parts

PART: I Prepare the config.txt file

PART: II Perform the AutoDock Vina


How to prepare the ‘config.txt’ file for AutoDock Vina job?


Edit the .pdbqt file names and grid size in config.txt file

.pdbqt files name of the receptor

and ligand, respectively

No of conformers (like AutoDock GA run)

I don’t have idea about this statement,

kindly, keep this as it is
Strictly, follow this, space and lower case may sensitive

If you performed docking already using AutoDock, you could able to get these grid
values from your ‘protein.gpf’ file.

If you wish to create or edit this ‘config.txt’ file in Windows environment you
better to use Notepad++ or ConTEXT or TextPad editor(s)

Congratulations! Now you are successfully create the config.txt file for AutoDock Vina input

Now, We’re going to perform the AutoDock Vina
Log in to linux (Ubuntu)
STEP: 1 Create a folder

SETP:2 Keep the following files in the mother folder

We just before created Download executable

config.txt file vina (linux) file

Already prepared .pdbqt files

while performing AutoDock

(i) protein.pdbqt

(ii) ligand.pdbqt (You could able to prepare these files from AutoDock Tools)

(iii) vina program file (You could able to download this file from web)

(iv) Just before we’re created the config.txt file for our ligand and their target
receptor (Model file has been enclosed)
STEP: 3 Open the Terminal

Statement: 1 Set the PATH of the mother folder

Statement explanation:

\ → This backward slash an indicates the space section.

I have type the Vina(space)Docking. So, I given the
statement Vina\(space) Docking CAPITAL letters are
cd - change directory
case sensitive
Statement: 2

vina comment (Important)

Statement explanation:

Statement File name

cd /home/mani/Desktop/Vina\ Docking/
./vina --config config.txt

Start scoring function

Starts to analyzing the binding site

Performing Docking
Print the results

Final binding energy

AutoDock Vina Successful Completed

for give the opportunity to teach you

For more details visit:

Cite: O. Trott, A. J. Olson,"AutoDock Vina: improving the speed and accuracy of

docking with a new scoring function, efficient optimization and multithreading”,
Journal of Computational Chemistry 31 (2010) 455-461.

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