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Created by:

Ibrahim Hakim, Imelsa Adhatiara S.,

Mayra Subhiani S., M. Zoelva Mi’raj

Praise the writer prayed to the presence of Allah SWT. That the author has
completed the assignment of subjects to discuss past activities in paper form.
In preparation of this task or material, not a few obstacles that writers face. But
the authors recognize that fluency in the preparation of this material are not
others thanks to the help, encouragement and guidance of parents, so that the
obstacles that face writers resolved. Therefore, the authors thank:
1. Teachers who have given the task, instructions, to the author so that authors
are motivated and accomplish this task.
2. Parents who have participated in helping, guiding, and overcome the
difficulties that this task is completed.
Hopefully, this material can be useful and contributions for the needy,
especially for the writer so that the expected goals can be achieved, Amiin 
Created by:
Ibrahim Hakim, Imelsa Adhatiara S.,
Mayra Subhiani S., M. Zoelva Mi’raj

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to tell about past action.
Time Signal : yesterday, last (week, month, year, Sunday, etc), .... ago, two days
Pattern :
(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object / complement
(-) Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object / complement
(?) did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object / complement

1. She practiced of Volumetric Laboratory last week.
2. She didn’t cover the equipment of Microbiology Laboratory.
3. Did the student at AFNI Laboratory yesterday?
4. By eight o’clock everyone in the office started work.
5. They found incubator at the laboratory of microbiology yesterday.

Regular Verbs: Irregular Verbs:

Study – Studied Go – Went
Practice – Practiced Buy – Bought
Stay –Stayed Bring – Brought
Wash – Washed Take - Took
Created by:
Ibrahim Hakim, Imelsa Adhatiara S.,
Mayra Subhiani S., M. Zoelva Mi’raj

Past Continues Tense

Past Continues Tense is used to tell about past action.
Pattern :
Subject + be (was/were) + verb-ing + object/complement

I , He, She, It → was

You, Thay, We → were

How to combine between Past Continues and Simple Past Tense. We ussually use
“When and While” → ketika.

Example :
1. The teacher was explaining tha materials when she come.
2. While she was listening the radio, tha baby was crying.
3. While they were admiring the painting she was looking at the flower
4. You didn’t listen when the teacher was explaining the problem to you.
5. When he was walking back to the classroom, he remembered
6. I was reading the newspapers when I heard a strange noise.
7. When she was running down the steps, she fell down.

NOTE : We can put “when and while” at the beginning or at middle of sentence.
Created by:
Ibrahim Hakim, Imelsa Adhatiara S.,
Mayra Subhiani S., M. Zoelva Mi’raj

Past Perfect Tense

Pattern :
(+) Subject + had + verb-3 + object/complement
(-) Subject +had + Not + verb-3 + object/complement
(?) Had + Subject + verb-3 + object/complement
Example :
1. I had passed the examination.
2. She had visited her parents.
3. They had bought a new notebook.
4. He had made the determination at laboratory.
5. I had seen it before. I would like to see it again.
6. My roommates had finshed dinner by the time I got home.
7. Mrs. Lin had taught at this school for nine years.
8. Class had begun by the time I got there.

How to combine between Simple Past Tense and Pas Perfect Tense we usually use
“before and after”.

Pattern :
Before + Subject + verb-2, Subject + had + verb-3
After + subject + had + verb-3, Subject + verb-2
Created by:
Ibrahim Hakim, Imelsa Adhatiara S.,
Mayra Subhiani S., M. Zoelva Mi’raj

Example :
1. He had finished his homework before he went to bed.
2. After she had gone to bookstore she ate at restaurant.
3. After the guestes had leaved, I went to bed.
4. He had been a newspaper reporter before he became a salesman.
5. After they had walked for about twenty minutes, they decided to have a
6. After he had worked for three hours in the sun,he felt very tired.
7. Before England, he never had flown in an aeroplane.
8. The engine of the plane had caught fire before the plane landed.
Created by:
Ibrahim Hakim, Imelsa Adhatiara S.,
Mayra Subhiani S., M. Zoelva Mi’raj

The big thanks for Allah s.w.t , who made we can finished our report.
Thanks to all part, who help we in made this report. Once again, thank you for
your time, had saw our report. We hope, this report can useful for lot people.

Thank you for your attention . Wassalamualaikum wr.wb. 

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