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Bilateral ties


Co-creating the Future
Relations between India and Japan have entered a qualitative new
phase with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the Land of
the Rising Sun in mid-December 2006, writes N. Chandra Mohan

Executive Summary indicated that the new relationship would not be surprised, if in ten years' time,
Indo-Japan relations entered a qualita- go well beyond steps to improve economic Japan-India relations overtake Japan-US
tive new phase with Indian Prime Minister cooperation and engineer a transformation and Japan-China relations. Both countries
Manmohan Singh's visit to the Land of the in the strategic aspect of the bilateral rela- must translate this vision into reality.
Rising Sun in mid-December 2006. The tionship. Shinzo Abe, Japan's youngest- Both countries are seeking a closer
tone and tenor of his meetings with his ever Prime Minister has written in his book engagement with each other.
Japanese counterpart, Shinzo Abe clearly Towards A Beautiful Society, that, he will ❖ Large Japanese businesses that staked

out a presence in India are making prof- law with India, he has unfolded his vision For long, there has been only talk of the
its and expanding capacities. of integrating the latter into the New Asian immense potential of India; that the level of
❖ Decks have been cleared for Japanese Order — a broad coalition of democracies Indo-Japanese trade and investment is still
SMEs, who are innovation drivers, to in the region. very far from tapping that potential and so
come to India in a big way. Manmohan Singh, for his part, too is a on. Looking to the future, Abe wants this
❖ Increasing investments are bound to visionary like Shinzo Abe and economic state of affairs to change drastically. The
drive faster growth in bilateral trade. diplomacy is his forte. While addressing the India of ten years ago is not the same India
❖ Both countries are expected to start 3rd India-ASEAN business summit in Delhi ten years later. If the Japan-India relation-
working together to realise their com- in October 2004, he outlined his vision of ship is to blossom and overtake that of
mon dream of pan-Asian integration. a pan-Asian community encompassing Japan-US and Japan-China in ten years'
❖ Beyond economic cooperation, there is ASEAN, China, Japan, Korea and India time, this vast potential must be har-
the likelihood of Japan and India part- rivaling NAFTA and EU. Such a bold con- nessed. For starters, Japan's gaze must
nering to develop Asia's new security ception is bound to strike a deep chord in firmly turn towards India.
architecture. Japan that similarly conceives of a vast Japan, the world's second largest econ-
East Asian economic free trade zone that omy, and India, the world's fastest-grow-
Introduction includes China, India, ASEAN, Australia, ing free market democracy, have similar
Shinzo Abe's ascendancy as Japan's Japan, New Zealand and South Korea. concerns about the rise of China and its
90th Prime Minister offers the most Towards this end, Japan has proposed implications for the New Asian Order. From
favourable conjuncture for radically trans- starting negotiations in 2008 and conclud- the point of view of Japanese business,
forming India-Japan relations. He wants to ing a pact by 2010. however, the present context is ripe for
start on a different footing with India to reworking their strategies towards India.
leverage the immense possibilities of bilat- Economic Co-operation The current prospect, in fact, is one where
eral economic cooperation. As Japan To be sure, there is a vast agenda 90 per cent of multinationals (including
shares universal values such as freedom, before Japan and India on economic coop- Japanese) are making profits in India when
democracy, human rights and the rule of eration. compared to 45-50 per cent in China.


Many MNCs are also reporting higher prof- stated that "India and Thailand are growing through the good offices of the
itability in India than they do globally, fast because of their focus on quality in Confederation of Indian Industry that start-
according to the Boston Consulting Group. manufacturing", adding significantly that ed a TQM division way back in 1988.
To tap the unfulfilled promise of their they soon would "overtake Japan if Clusters of 8-14 enterprises were formed
bilateral relationship, both Japan and India Japanese companies do not pay attention in which they shared mutual experiences
must exploit their natural synergies and to quality." and learnt together in order to improve
complementarities. Japan is a "hard" To buttress his statement, Okuda men- their performance. From modest begin-
power with world-class manufacturing tioned that despite appeals at the highest nings in Nashik in the state of Maharashtra,
prowess. India is a "soft" power in IT and levels to devote greater attention to quali- 65 clusters now operate all over the coun-
services. Japan must look closely at collab- ty, Japanese companies are not interested try to internalise TQM.
orations with India in this field. Japan is in winning awards like the Deming prize The sea change in Indian manufactur-
short of natural resources. India has abun- while the total quality movement (TQM) ing during the last ten years is basically
dant raw materials. Japan has capital. was spreading fast in India and many com- driven by this commitment to quality, cost
India's strength is the availability of a panies are winning this coveted prize. and delivery. The engineering industry in
skilled workforce with a strong engineering When he headed the Deming award com- the country has seen the development of
and scientific capability and not just low mittee, three Indian companies were strong support industries in the form of
wages. Japan seeks markets. India has a among the six Deming awardees. Okuda capital equipment and tooling manufactur-
flourishing domestic market. lamented that no Japanese company has ers and a credible and mature supplier
When Abe talks of universal values that won this award of late! Ever since the base has emerged — from which many
both nations have in common, this includes Deming award was constituted, Indian have become world-class companies with
a strong commitment to quality. India companies have won 15 out of 30 such global aspirations in their own right.
today bears, in fact, the strong imprint of prizes. Japanese MNCs who have not treated
Japan's influence in this regard. None The TQM movement in India is an India as a global sourcing and manufactur-
other than Hiroshi Okuda, former chairman enduring legacy of Japanese involvement ing hub can thus develop India as either a
of the world's biggest car company, in India since the early 1980s. It was fos- dominant sourcing hub or alternative to
Toyota Motor Corporation, who led a tered by the dedication of gurus like Hajime China.
Keidanren delegation to India last year, Ishikawa, Yoshikazu Tsuda and Shoji Shiba Toyota itself happens to be one of the


beneficiaries of the new India as it could joint venture with the government as a tures is crucial in sending signals back
roll out its first vehicle within 18 months minority partner in the early 1980s. At home that India is or isn't a good place to
with 75 per cent local content — the present, this company is one of the most invest. Japanese business had a good
fastest implementation as yet amongst its successful and profitable among the vari- excuse to sit on the wall so long as the
overseas plants! The company has major ous Japanese businesses in India. Indian government faced off with Suzuki in
stakes in India's booming car market and It was the advent of Suzuki that trig- the late 1990s over Maruti. The negative
has plans to rollout a small car to take on gered the automobile revolution in India feedback was indeed overwhelming. But
Suzuki's entry-level model. The factory in with its hatchback model. This became once its problems finally were resolved,
India, slated to open in 2009 at the earli- India's Volkswagen — people's car — that matters dramatically improved for
est, will have the capacity to produce symbolised the Great Indian Middle Class Japanese business in India.
150,000 low-cost cars a year. Indications Dream. Being the lowest priced small car in More importantly, when problems of a
are that India would be the first country to the world, it brought car ownership to the flagship venture blow over, it sends an all-
produce that car, much before Toyota reach of the urban salariat, including work- clear signal, especially to small and medi-
expands its car production all over the ing women. Riding on the success of the um enterprises (SMEs) from that country.
world. Maruti-800, the company acquired and still SMEs are typically risk-averse, as they can-
Similarly, the Suzuki-controlled Maruti retains a position of dominance in India's not absorb the setbacks that bigger com-
Udyog Ltd is also stepping up its invest- car industry, with a market share of 50 per panies perhaps can. They are technology
ments in a big way. This company, which cent. The government also decided to exit and innovation drivers and typically are
expects to sell 650,000 cars and is aiming the auto business and allowed Suzuki to family-owned. Which is why they keep
at a million in sales by 2010, is, in fact, the gain control in 2003. putting up a lot of conditions and queries
flagship venture of Japanese collaboration Being a flagship Japanese venture, the before they foray into unknown and distant
with the government of India. At a time vicissitudes of Suzuki's experiences — fric- markets. These include the sanctity of con-
when few businessmen from his country tions in doing business in India — naturally tracts; intellectual property rights regimes
dared to venture into the Indian economy, became the barometer of the India-Japan in the country — patents, trademark, and
Osamu Suzuki was the first to enter into a relationship. The experience of such ven- copyrights — among other things.


Now that Suzuki's problems are a thing in India of late is any indication, this might exports and sourcing of components that
of the past, the decks have indeed been well not be true at present or in the future. are of the most demanding engineering
cleared for SMEs from Japan to come to Maruti is fast becoming the global hub specifications are bound to figure in its cal-
India in a big way. For instance, the Japan for the Japanese parent's small car manu- culations. The upshot is that more foreign
External Trade Organisation has already set facture as it will soon turn out more pas- direct investments from Japan will be
up a Business Support Centre that should senger cars than the 705,190 cars made export-intensive as well.
help Japanese SMEs launch their business by Suzuki's factories in Japan last year. As Reflecting the growing self-confidence
in this country and seize the booming an integral element of this MNC's global of Japanese business in India, Nissan
opportunities across a wide range of indus- strategy, Maruti's latest best-selling model, recently decided to dump its alliance with
tries such as chemicals, textiles, R&D, the Swift, also happens to be its first car to Suzuki to manufacture cars. Nissan and
biotechnology and food processing. be launched in India only a few months Suzuki had earlier agreed in June 2006 to
Tapping the innovation of Japan's SMEs is after its debut in Japan and Europe. broaden their business plans to include the
a major agenda for the Japan-India relation- Besides exporting cars to Europe, Suzuki use of each other's manufacturing facilities
ship in the future. also plans to increasingly source its compo- in India. Japan's second largest car manu-
At a different level, the resolution of nent requirements worldwide, including facturer — in which Renault has a 44 per
Japan's flagship venture's woes in India diesel engines, from Maruti's facility and cent stake — which has since decided to
has also resolved another bogey fostered vendors. team up with India's Mahindra and
by quite a few studies. Notably, that for- This is the way forward for other Mahindra. Carlos Ghosn, head of both
eign direct investment from, say, American Japanese MNCs as well, especially those Renault and Nissan, has said the India
firms were observed to have a more posi- who have built up considerable volumes in move must succeed if Renault is to hit its
tive and significant impact on export-inten- their joint ventures in India. Honda is a case 2009 output goal of 800,000 vehicles.
sities of India's non-traditional sector when in point as its joint venture with the Munjal Thanks to the booming fortunes of
compared to investments by Japanese Group expects to sell roughly as many Japan's flagship venture, more and more
firms. This may have been true to some motorcycles in India as it sells in Japan. Japanese businesses are ramping up their
extent in the past. But if Suzuki's example With such tremendous growth in volumes, capacities. Besides Toyota, Mitsubishi


Chemicals is also expanding its capacities affair that is rapidly souring. neers per 1,000 persons. But Japan has
to produce purified terephthalmic acid. For more Japanese investments to 30-times more such skilled people and it
Honda, too, is thinking of growing its head towards India, both countries must will be truly befitting if it becomes a part-
presence notwithstanding an industrial harness their synergies and complementar- ner and shares its expertise with India in
relation problem at its facility last year in ities. Japan's investments in China are high-end R&D by shifting some of its facil-
the state of Haryana. If this incident had partly of a defensive nature. In the two- ities to the country in the future.
happened any time during the 1990s, wheeler industry, for instance, Honda, Trade naturally follows investments.
when Japanese were debating whether Kawasaki and Suzuki are forced to invest China gets more Japanese FDI and its trade
or not to come to India, it would have in the mainland to stop Chinese two- with the Land of the Rising Sun also rises
given them just the excuse not to stay wheeler manufacturers from dominating in tandem. Japan's investments, in fact,
put. But times are now a-changing, the country's market with their knock- are 30 times higher than its exposure in
thanks to China. offs! Japan's rising investment profile in India. Japan's trade with China is also 30
All these current plans aggregate to India now and in the future is somewhat times higher than its two-way trade with
investments of $600 million per annum different as it reflects their growing confi- India. Is it therefore any surprise that the
over the next three years but still represent dence in a strategic partner who shares low levels of Japanese investment in India
only a teeny-weeny fraction of Japan's common values of a strong commitment translate into below par levels of bilateral
exposure to China and the Association of to quality. trade as well?
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). For all The ultimate synergy, of course, is However, considering the rapidly
the talk of investment plans, India when the "hard" power trucks with the changing investor perceptions in favour of
accounts for less than 4 per cent of the "soft" power beyond the hubs and global India — Singh's visit resulted, for instance,
4,100-odd Japanese companies worldwide sourcing requirements in manufacturing. in an agreement to develop an industrial
while more than a half of them do business This will be in the area of services where corridor along the Delhi-Mumbai multi-
with China. For a sense of perspective, the India is a major global player as a knowl- modal freight corridor — big-ticket
cumulative actual Japanese investments in edge power. More than 150 MNCs have Japanese investments are likely and bilater-
India so far are less than their investments already set up R&D facilities in the country al trade is bound to explode beyond current
in China in a single year - but this is a love to tap its pool of 157 scientists and engi- level $6.5 billion.


The Pan-Asian Vision ers and industry, however, is a different Bengal grouping of Bangladesh, India,
While the Doha Round of WTO multilat- matter. According to him, they pose Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand thus
eral trade negotiations miss crucial dead- greater challenges for harmonisation and appeared alluring, thanks to the ongoing
lines and head for failure, there is a verita- broader regional stability as they fragment tensions between India and Pakistan that
ble stampede in signing regional or bilater- the efficient global supply chains that have have virtually put paid to cooperation, if
al free trade agreements (FTAs). The Asian evolved in the region. not integration, in South Asia. Besides an
region, for instance, is witness to a rapid Why then did both countries ink bilater- FTA with Thailand, it signed a comprehen-
proliferation of such trade agreements - 81 als in Asia? There is no doubt that it was sive economic cooperation agreement
such agreements are in existence, with their common pan-Asian vision to forge a (CECA) with Singapore and is now finalis-
over 100 being either proposed or under regional bloc rivaling the EU in terms of ing one with ASEAN. The ones with
negotiation according to Haruhiko Kuroda, income and the Nafta in trade that was Thailand and Singapore are in operation
president of the Asian Development Bank. largely responsible. With the shadow of India's experience so far with such
The fact is that they are no Promised Land China looming over Asia, both countries bilaterals is highly instructive as they have
either for Japan or India, for that matter. also felt that they had to defend their turf entailed trade-offs between macro and
This only deepens their yearning for a by concluding agreements with countries micro objectives, between political and
wider pan-Asian agreement in the region like Thailand and Singapore. strategic economic considerations.
These agreements form an unruly mass But the big problem both Japan and India Accordingly, it is felt that any scrutiny of
of criss-crossing strings that Kuroda called face is that the building blocks to realise their overall cost-benefits for the country
a "noodle bowl" that hamper rather than this vision are of varying size and shape must also give adequate attention to the
facilitate free trade, especially for those left that might prove to be stumbling blocks to cost-benefits for farmers and industrialists;
out. Such FTAs entail different rules of ori- this process. as to whether more effective domestic pol-
gin and preferences that benefit only mem- India, for its part, also signed these icy measures need to be adopted to protect
ber countries. But whether the trade cre- bilaterals as it was extremely frustrated by the interests of such stakeholders if they
ation for such member countries is welfare- the slow pace of regional integration in its are affected. The Indo-Thai FTA, in partic-
improving for their stakeholders like farm- neighbourhood. BIMSTEC or the Bay of ular, also has the potential to cast a shad-


ow over the warming Indo-Japan relations. automobile and consumer electronics indus- the global population and rival the EU and
For starters, India Inc's ambivalence try oppose the Indo-Thai FTA as they fear Nafta. The 16-nation zone would include
over the Indo-Thai FTA has been fueled in that Japanese companies will increasingly China and India, the world's two fastest
large measure by the skewed pattern of use bases like Thailand as a staging ground growing major economies, along with the
trade in favour of Thailand after the agree- for their assault on the Indian market. 10-member ASEAN, Australia, Japan, New
ment came into effect in September 2004. India Inc is similarly ambivalent about Zealand and South Korea. Japan has even
The recent trade numbers indicate, in fact, the CECA with Singapore. Here again, its proposed a concrete time frame for starting
that much of the gains have accrued to fear is that foreigners (read China) will mis- negotiations and concluding the pact.
Thailand for the 82 items that form part of use such agreements as a base for cheap- Japan's proposal drew a positive
the Early Harvest Scheme, which includes er exports to India. They consider the city- response from Thai businessmen who wel-
items like auto parts and electronic goods. state to be mainly a trading rather than comed the idea of an East Asian Free Trade
During 2005, Thailand's exports to India manufacturing hub although it has 4,000 zone to integrate economies in the region,
rose by 71 per cent, while India's exports plus MNCs operating in that country. but they were sceptical about whether the
fell by 33.8 per cent - which was a sharp Although the CECA allays these concerns former would liberalise its sensitive agricul-
reversal from an earlier situation when with clearly laid out rules of origin or value tural sector. If Japan's idea came to pass,
India registered surpluses. addition norms of 40 per cent, India Inc's it would help countries in the region over-
From a broader perspective, there are doubts nevertheless still persist. But it is come the "noodle bowl" effect of prolifer-
concerns over the prospect of diversion of expected that they will ease somewhat ating bilateral free trade agreements with
foreign direct investments as a conse- when these bilaterals get into full stride. different trade rules. It is worth noting that
quence of such bilaterals, especially from Notwithstanding such transitional prob- the ongoing negotiations for a Thai-Japan
Japan; that the major beneficiaries of its lems, both Japan and India are determined economic partnership agreement exclude
investment shift away from China are likely to press ahead with pan-Asian integration. Thai farm produce such as rice, sugar and
to be Thailand and ASEAN rather than In April this year, Japan formally proposed tapioca.
India. This possibility of investment diver- the formation of a vast Asian economic India, for its part, has no problems with
sion is why certain segments of India's free trade zone that would cover about half Japan's proposal in principle as the crucial


building block towards this end is ASEAN. Zealand", argued Kuroda. This is indeed enters duty free and so on. Here again,
As Kuroda — whose views accurately Japan's roadmap for pan-Asian integration. both India and Japan face similar problems.
reflect the Japanese standpoint — puts it, With Manmohan Singh sharing a similar The latter, too, is similarly sensitive to freer
" intra-ASEAN integration is crucial for pan- vision, India naturally is bound to go along imports of agricultural imports into the
Asian integration. ASEAN represents a with Japan's proposal. But the challenge country such as rice, sugar and tapioca
sizeable economic entity in Asia with a that the government faces is to overcome from major exporters like Thailand.
combined GDP of $861 billion and total apprehensions to its agreement with In the face of such daunting odds, real-
trade of $1 trillion in 2005." Consequently, ASEAN, especially as the stakeholders ising the larger pan-Asian vision is indeed
he welcomed the formation of an ASEAN concerned are farmers in politically sensi- the challenge before India and Japan.
economic community to create a common tive states. Here again, trade-offs are When Abe and Singh met in Tokyo, they
market by 2020, which has since been involved between political and strategic also agreed to initiate negotiations to ink a
fast-forwarded to 2015. economic considerations - whether to pro- Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Simply put, Japan's reasoning is that all ceed ahead with such FTAs even if they do Agreement that will perhaps address some
the major economies of the region, not translate into electoral support in states of the concerns of India Inc raised in con-
notably, China, India, Japan and South like Kerala as against significant macro- nection with the distortions of the Indo-
Korea have all signed framework agree- economic benefits for the country as a Thai FTA. It is also expected that Japan
ments with ASEAN. Negotiations are also whole will support India's bid to become a mem-
on with Australia and New Zealand. "As a Mention thus is made of the problems ber of the Asia-Pacific Economic Forum.
result, ASEAN is potentially well placed to being faced by that southern state's plan- But these are mere stepping-stones to a
minimise the "noodle bowl" effect of prolif- tation economy being buffeted by imports larger reality in which the entire Asian
erating FTAs by providing a feasible oppor- of spice and plantation products from region gets integrated.
tunity to formulate an ASEAN+3 (China, ASEAN routed through Sri Lanka which As Singh noted, this larger pan-Asian
South Korea and Japan) and even a has an FTA with India. Similarly, while integration is an idea whose time has come
Greater East Asian FTA that embraces palm oil is being imported into India at a — "of an integrated market, spanning the
ASEAN+3, India, Australia and New duty of 80 per cent, the finished product distance from the Himalayas to the Pacific


Ocean, linked by efficient road, rail, air and head of Japan's Ground Self-Defence of Japan and India. This deepening of secu-
shipping services. This community of Force and General Tadashi Yoshida, chief rity cooperation with Japan (among other
nations would constitute an ‘arc of advan- of Japan's Air Self-Defence Force. nations as well) clearly signals the emer-
tage’, across which there would be large- These visits of Japan's service chiefs gence of a regional security strategy befit-
scale movement of people, capital, ideas, represent the most intensive security-relat- ting India's rising power status. India has
and creativity. Such a community would be ed interactions Japan and India have had to been tremendously beefing up its navy of
roughly the size of the EU in terms of date — a process that went much further late to make up for what it considers the
income, and bigger than Nafta in terms of when the then defence minister of India security deficit in the Indian Ocean.
trade." This is a bold vision that both Pranab Mukherjee visited Japan, China and Energy is at the heart of what Abe has
Japan and India share in common and must Singapore in May 2006. Both Japan and in mind for involving India in the regional
strive together to achieve in the future. India expressed their "determination to pur- security architecture in Asia. As Japan
sue cooperation" in the defence and secu- totally depends on imports for all its
Regional Security Architecture rity domain to promote "stability and pros- requirements for oil and gas, there appears
Beyond economic cooperation, Abe perity in Asia and the world at large". to be a profound rethink going on in that
also plans to integrate India into the emerg- Some of the shared objectives included the country regarding the strategic importance
ing security architecture of Asia. This is objective of "contributing to the safety and of energy; that Japan has been found lag-
bound to radically transform the global stability of regional maritime traffic", ging behind the changes occurring in the
partnership between the two countries, among others. rest of the world in which "quarrels
extending to uncharted areas of maritime Just like Japan, India, too, is having a between countries or players in the energy
defence, diplomacy and energy coopera- renewed focus on protecting its maritime market are now complicated by the fact
tion. The groundwork for this objective has interests, especially in the Indian Ocean. that matters such as defence, economic
already been laid earlier this year with the This was indeed the objective of Admiral and trade policies, environment and educa-
high-level visits to India of Admiral Takashi Saito's visit - notably to discuss on how tion become entangled in energy prob-
Saito, chief of Japan's Maritime Self- better to ensure safety at sea as also to lems."
Defence Force, General Tsutomu Mori, promote good relations between the navies The above quote is from a high-profile


report "The establishment of an interna- Malacca. It has held combat exercises with
tional energy security system" prepared by the American, Russian and French navies.
The Policy Council of the Japan Forum on Intra-ASEAN Japan now joins the list of 18 such navies
International Relations, which went on to
make recommendations as to how Japan
integration is that it is interacting with: Goodwill exercis-
es between the Indian Navy and Japan's
can better respond to the threats to its
strategic interests in energy. Significantly,
crucial for Maritime Self-Defence Forces thus will be
held, graduating to "future possible exer-
this report noted "India is in a unique posi- pan-Asian cises in areas of mutual interest" of a "pro-
tion of being capable of serving as a bridge gressively advanced nature".
between the oil-consuming nations of East integration. There are no prizes for guessing what
Asia and the oil-producing nations of the these areas of mutual interest are!
Middle East, and in that respect needs to Towards this end, Abe (a self-confessed
be emphasised as a partner in the area of Indophile) unfolded his vision of integrating
energy cooperation." imperatives with Japan. The country has, India into the New Asian Order, comprising
From a maritime cooperation perspec- in fact, already geared up to this crucial a broad coalition of democracies in the
tive, therefore, the strategic requirement challenge of ensuring the free flow of oil region, in his meetings with Singh. This
that is uppermost in Japan's mind is to and trade between the Middle East and the relationship thus will be many-sided and go
basically ensure the security of energy Asia-Pacific through the Indian Ocean. beyond the narrow focus on only improv-
transport routes, including the problem of The Indian Navy, for its part, has ing bilateral economic cooperation. Singh's
safe passage through the Straits of already held joint patrols with the Sri visit thus was a highpoint of sorts that
Malacca — which carries half of the Lankan, Thai and Indonesian navies as a presages a deep-going transformation in
world's oil and a third of global trade. India, crucial instrument of the country's Look the strategic aspect of a bilateral relation-
which also depends on imports for 70 per East policy of ensuring maritime safety in ship - much like Sino-Japanese relations
cent of its requirements of oil, shares these the Indian Ocean, including the Straits of blossomed not so long ago.


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