Medical Lab L3-L4

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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



NTQF Level III and IV

Ministry of Education
June 2011

Ministry of Education Medical Laboratory Services Version 2

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the

policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by
using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and,
adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element.
TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and
anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian standards,
which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a
specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a

standard format that comprises:
 Occupational title and NTQF level
 Unit title
 Unit code
 Unit descriptor
 Elements and Performance criteria
 Variables and Range statement
 Evidence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the

occupation with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level (Unit of
Competence Chart) including the Unit Codes and Unit Titles
 contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
 occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for this standards and for the individual, a career

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services
Occupational Code: HLT MLS


HLT MLS4 01 0611 HLT MLS4 02 0611 HLT MLS4 03 0611

Schedule Laboratory Monitor Quality of Use Laboratory
Work for a Small Test Results and Application Software
Team Data

HLT MLS4 04 0611 HLT MLS4 05 0611 HLT MLS4 06 0611

Maintain Laboratory/ Create or Modify Perform
Field Workplace Calibration Microbiological Tests
Safety Procedures

HLT MLS4 07 0611 HLT MLS4 08 0611 HLT MLS4 09 0611

Perform Perform Immuno- Perform Serological
Hematological Tests haematological Tests Tests

HLT MLS4 10 0611 HLT MLS4 11 0611 HLT MLS4 12 0611

Perform Histological Perform Clinical Utilize Specialized
Preparation Chemistry Tests and Communication Skills
Procedures Procedures

HLT MLS4 13 0611 HLT MLS4 14 0611 HLT MLS4 15 0611

Establish Quality Develop Teams and Manage and Maintain
Standards Individuals Small/Medium
Business Operations

HLT MLS4 16 0611 HLT MLS4 17 1012

Migrate to New Manage Continuous
Technology Improvement System

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HLT MLS3 01 0611 HLT MLS3 02 0611 HLT MLS3 03 0611

Apply Quality System Prepare, Standardize Perform Standard
and Continuous and Use Solutions Calibrations
Improvement Process

HLT MLS3 04 0611 HLT MLS3 05 0611 HLT MLS3 06 0611

Maintain and Control Obtain Representative Monitor
Stocks Samples in Implementation of
Accordance with Workplan/Activities
Sampling Plan

HLT MLS3 07 0611 HLT MLS3 08 0611 HLT MLS3 09 0611

Perform Microscopic Perform Perform Urinalysis
Operation/Examination Parasitological

HLT MLS3 10 0611 HLT MLS3 11 0611 HLT MLS3 12 0611

Process and Interpret Apply Quality Control Lead Workplace
Data Communication

HLT MLS3 13 0611 HLT MLS3 14 0611 HLT MLS3 15 1012

Lead Small Team Improve Business Maintain Quality
Practice System and
Processes (Kaizen)

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV
Unit Title Schedule Laboratory Work for a Small Team
Unit Code HLT MLS4 01 06 11
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to schedule
laboratory work for a small team to meet operational
requirements. It covers the ability to identify resource
requirements and then document, monitor and adjust
schedules in response to operational variations and in
consultation with the relevant personnel.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Determine work 1.1 Demand for laboratory services is determined and
requirements prioritized in the work area for the planning period.
and laboratory 1.2 Information is accessed and verified on orders/service
resources requests, stocks and delivery.
1.3 The personnel, material and equipment are determined
and required to deliver services.

2. Develop 2.1 Schedules which meet the demand for services are
schedules in prepared and the best use of available resources is
consultation balanced with the skill development opportunities
with the 2.2 Work schedules are distributed to the team or appropriate
relevant personnel and confirm contents with them.
3. Monitor 3.1 Workflow and outputs are monitored against the schedules
schedules and any variations or potential disruptions are recognized.
3.2 Possible causes for the variations are identified and
possible adjustments are discussed with senior personnel.

4. Adjust 4.1 Schedules are adjusted in response to operational

schedules in variation.
consultation 4.2 Outputs are maintained or renegotiated in accordance with
with the senior the work requirements.
4.3 Documented schedules are updated and distributed to the
appropriate personnel.

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Variables Range
Laboratory work Laboratory work may include:
 setup, pre-use and calibration checks of equipment
 preparation and standardization of solutions
 maintenance of laboratory facilities, equipment and
 collection, preparation and storage/dispatch of samples
 testing and analysis of raw materials, products and
 preparation of products (e.g. sterile media) and product
 trial and modification of methods
Scheduling for a Scheduling for a small team may include but not limited to:
small team  identification of resources to maintain work flow including:
 interpreting production data
 analyzing job tasks
 prioritizing tasks within a work schedule
 determining appropriate human resources in terms of
skills and numbers
 determining material and equipment requirements
 monitoring information regarding orders, stocks and
monitoring of work outputs adjustment of work schedules as
agreed with senior personnel to accommodate unexpected
events, such as:
 processing abnormal and urgent results
 delays in arrival of samples
 seasonal variations and bad weather
 analyzing and solving operational problems resulting in
unacceptable test results
 unexpected events, such as equipment failure and
sudden personnel absences
communication with senior personnel including:
 determining and organizing work priorities and schedules
 analyzing and solving problems affecting work schedules
 adjusting work schedules as necessary
 identifying possible problems for following shift
appropriate communication with team members in
relation to:
 explaining work schedules, priorities and sequences
 distributing work schedules
 maintaining required output
 documentation of outputs and resource usage

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 quality and quantity of outputs
 supplies of stock materials
 maintenance and servicing of equipment
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and safety  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
(OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation -
Management these requirements must not be compromised at any
requirements time
 all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  schedule the work activities of a small team to meet
operational requirements
 determine required resources accurately
 plan schedules that are efficient and satisfy operational
requirements without compromising safety, quality,
accuracy and ethics
 adhere to timelines whenever possible
 recognize non-standard behavior in samples and
 recognize potential disruptions to planned timetable
 compensate for a variety of work environments (e.g.
outdoors or night work)
 handle a variety of schedules and contingencies
 adjust schedules and resource requirements efficiently in
response to variations
 communicate and document schedule variations in
accordance with procedures
 recognize and use capabilities of team members
 Communicate effectively with team members.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  sufficient knowledge of the enterprise's information
Attitudes systems, procedures and equipment to schedule the
laboratory work for a small team to meet operational
 enterprise business goals as a basis for decision making
and actions
 basic planning strategies

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 accurate scientific and technical terminology
 scientific and technical details underpinning the
processes or techniques involve
 enterprise standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the
processes or techniques involved
 schedules of analysis times for service range
 operational factors that may affect the type of tasks
 resource requirements of the work to be scheduled
 hazards of operations, equipment and materials involved
 enterprise procedures relating to occupational health and
safety (OHS), access and equity
 quality requirements for the tasks scheduled
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  scheduling the work activities of a small team to meet
operational requirements
 determining required resources
 recognizing non-standard behavior in samples and
 compensating for a variety of work environments (e.g.
outdoors or night work)
 adjusting schedules and resource requirements efficiently
in response to variations and disruptions
 communicating and documenting schedule variations in
accordance with procedures
 recognizing and using capabilities of team members
 communicating effectively with team members
Resource Resources may include:
Requirements  workplace procedures
 Workplace documentation (e.g. service data)
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV
Unit Title Monitor Quality of Test Results and Data
Unit Code HLT MLS4 02 06 11
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to analyze a series of
test results and data to detect potential or actual non-
conformances, assess their significance and recommend
preventative or corrective actions. The unit assumes personnel
will have access to enterprise quality assurance procedures
based on the Ethiopian and/or international standards. This unit
of competency does not cover the adaptation or development of
test methods or procedures.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Verify the 1.1 All relevant data files and technical records are retrieved
accuracy of and collated for the specified time interval, tests or service
data and range or project.
technical 1.2 Data records are inspected to check the integrity of data
records entry, alterations, transfers and calculations.
1.3 Technical records are confirmed to contain sufficient
information that provides an audit trail for the tests involved.
2. Assess the 2.1 Charts and tables are used to determine whether
quality of data/results are within the specified limits.
data/results 2.2 Data trends and results are analyzed for blanks, samples
duplicates and/or check to detect systematic uncertainties.
2.3 Statistical tests and enterprise procedures are used to
check data acceptability.
2.4 Estimations of uncertainties are checked to be reasonable
and consistent with the test method, client or product
specification requirements.
2.5 Results that cannot be reconciled with technical records
and/or expected outcomes are identified.
3. Identify 3.1 User checks and calibration performance records are
potential reviewed to confirm that equipment/ instrument meets test
causes for specifications.
unacceptabl 3.2 Obvious sources of interferences that may have occurred
e results during measurements are checked.
3.3 Technical records are reviewed to identify human or
environmental factors that could affect reliability of results.
3.4 Records of sample collection and preparation are reviewed
to confirm the chain of custody requirements and
adherence to sampling procedures.
3.5 Check that any documented deviations from sampling
procedures and/or test methods were technically justified
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and authorized.
3.6 Check the condition of sampling equipment and/or stored
samples if available/appropriate.
4. Report 4.1 The quality of test results and data is summarized.
findings to 4.2 Potential sources or instances of non-conforming work are
the relevant documented and their significance assessed.
personnel 4.3 Appropriate preventative/corrective actions are
recommended to improve sampling, testing and/or
calibration activities.
4.4 Reports are prepared in a format and style consistent with
their intended use and enterprise guidelines.

Variables Range
Standards, Standards, procedures and/or enterprise requirements may
and/or  national measurement regulations and guidelines
 enterprise recording and reporting procedures
 equipment startup, operation and shutdown procedures
 material safety data sheets (MSDS)
 National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA)
Accreditation programs requirements:
 principles of good laboratory practice (GLP)
 production of test results and laboratory schedules
 quality manuals, equipment and procedures manuals
 standard operating procedures (SOPs) and published
preparation methods
Technical Technical records consist of data and information generated
records during sampling, testing and/or calibrations which indicate
Whether quality or process parameters have been achieved.
They may include:
 request forms, service agreements
 worksheets, work books, check sheets and work notes
 original observations, derived data and calculations
 control graphs
 external, internal test reports and calibration certificates
 clients notes, papers and feedback
 listing of data and the personnel responsible for sampling,
performance of each test/calibration and checking of
Charts, tables Charts, tables and statistical tests may include:
and  run charts and control charts
statistical tests  histograms, frequency plots, stem and leaf plots, box
plots and scatter plots
 probability and normal probability plots
 regression methods for calibration, linearity checks and
comparing analytical methods

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 analysis of variance
 data acceptability tests
Instrument Instrument calibration/performance records may include:
calibration/  checks that equipment/instrument complies with
performance specifications
records  dates, results and copies of reports and certificates of
calibrations, adjustments, acceptance criteria and due
date of next calibration
 maintenance plan, maintenance carried out to date
 damage, malfunction, modification or repairs
Sources of Sources of interferences may include:
interferences  spectral interference (e.g. in inductively coupled plasma)
 physical interference (e.g. in atomic absorption
 matrix effects
 presence of contaminants
 masking of analytes
Human and Human and environmental factors may include:
environmental  lack of operator competence and/or training
factors  inadequate attention to detail, fatigue and stress
 inadequate hygiene and sterility
 unacceptable dust, humidity, temperature and illumination
 electromagnetic disturbances
 variations to gas, electricity and water supply
 unacceptable sound and vibration levels
Sample Sample preparation problems could result from:
preparation  incomplete preparation
problems  segregation
 sample disturbance
 incorrect sample containers
 incorrect sample handling (filtered/non-filtered,
temperature control and preservation)
 incorrect particle size
 incorrect matrix
 incomplete digest
Preventative/ Preventative/corrective actions could include:
corrective  regular use of certified reference materials
actions  internal quality controls using secondary reference
 participation in inter-laboratory comparison or proficiency
testing programs
 replicate tests or calibrations using the same or different
 retesting or recalibration of retained items
 correlation of results for different characteristics of an item
 additional audits and management reviews
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 regular quality checks on consumables
 enhanced staff observation, supervision and/or training
 more detailed sample specifications, test methods and
 feedback from clients on improving quality system, testing
and calibration activities
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
safety (OHS) environmental management requirements which may be
and imposed through state/regional or federal legislation -
environmental these requirements must not be compromised at any time
Management  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
requirements samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Assessment  verify the accuracy and completeness of data, results and
technical records
 recognize significant trends in data and/or aberrant results
 use statistical tests to estimate uncertainties and
determine data acceptability
 analyze sampling, sample preparation testing and/or
 calibration activities to identify potential causes of
 unacceptable data/results
 apply effective problem solving strategies
 recommend appropriate preventative/corrective actions to
control potential/actual non-conforming work
 follow enterprise procedures for documenting and
 Reporting information about quality.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  characteristic properties of the materials in question
Attitudes  specifications for samples, tests and/or calibration
activities under investigation
 scientific and technical knowledge of the procedures,
equipment, materials and
 instrumentation used to generate the test results and data
 methods for statistical analysis of data (means, ranges,
standard deviations, confidence limits and data
acceptability) and sampling procedures
 problem solving techniques and root cause analysis
 enterprise and/or legal traceability requirements

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 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  verifying the accuracy and completeness of data, results
and technical records
 recognizing significant trends in data and/or aberrant
 using statistical tests to estimate uncertainties and
determine data acceptability
 analyzing sampling, sample preparation testing and/or
calibration activities to identify potential causes of
unacceptable data/results
 applying effective problem solving strategies
 recommending appropriate preventative/corrective actions
to control potential/actual non-conforming work
 following enterprise procedures for documenting and
reporting information about quail
Resource Resources may include:
Requirements  data files and technical records, and laboratory
information management system (LIMS)
 appropriate software
 enterprise quality manual and procedures
 access to samples, sampling equipment and test
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could be
assessed on its own or in combination with other competencies
relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Use Laboratory Application Software
Unit Code HLT MLS4 03 06 11
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Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to use and apply
computer Application software in the laboratory/field for
analysis and reporting.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Access 1.1 Software required for the task is identified.
application 1.2 Software is opened from a personal computer or network
software terminal.
2. Use software 2.1 Input a range of scientific data into a computing system.
for the 2.2 Searches are conducted for the retrieval of required data.
specified 2.3 Application features are used for efficient computation.
purposes 2.4 Data sets and databases are constructed for numerical
and graphical analyses.

3. Produce 3.1 Data is analyzed using the features of the software

reports of package.
retrieved data 3.2 Options are selected for constructing data reports.
and/or 3.3 The results of data analyses are printed using the features
processed of the software package.
data 3.4 Data is integrated from diverse application software units
in a report.
3.5 The outcomes and rationale are reported for
computerized database searches where appropriate.
3.6 Computerized data sources are referenced according to
the style requirements of the enterprise.
4. Perform 4.1 Backup worked data according to the enterprise standard
simple record procedures.
housekeeping 4.2 Archive data is maintained according to the enterprise’s
standard procedures.
4.3 Hard copy data is maintained according to the standard
enterprise’s operating procedures.
4.4 Approved antivirus software and general standard
quarantine procedures are applied.

Variable Range
Information May include but not limited to:
sources  manuals of enterprise standard instructions
 hardware manuals
 software manuals
 training materials to orient software to enterprise needs
 on-screen instructions embedded in the software
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Software May include but not limited to:
packages  word processing
 spreadsheets
 databases
 graphical and statistical analysis
 laboratory information systems
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and safety  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
(OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation -
Management these requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  select the most appropriate software package for the task
from the suite of software applications available
 use routine instruction sets of the software package to
complete the task
 use software to analyze data such as quality control and
instrument performance characteristics
 back up electronic storage
 Use scanning software to protect in-house software and
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  applications of the software package
Attitudes  terminology associated with the software packages
 basic knowledge of the types of spreadsheet, database,
data analysis packages that are available
 application of specific software package features to relevant
laboratory tasks
 relationship between the protocol for data input and file
storage of the data
 general file and record maintenance
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  using software application features and instructions to input,
save, analyse, sort, retrieve and display the records or data

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 using software for the analysis, reporting and management
of laboratory and field data and information
 using in-house software manuals to augment skills and
solve operational problems
 selecting the most appropriate software package for the
 backing up electronic storage
 using scanning software to protect in-house software and
Resources may include:
Implication  access to a computer network or a personal computer
 software packages that include a database package,
spreadsheet, statistical analysis and simple graphics output
 Input and output data.
Competence may be assessed through:
Methods of
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Context of
simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Maintain Laboratory/Field Workplace Safety
Unit Code HLT MLS4 04 06 11

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Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to monitor and
maintain occupational health and safety (OHS) and
environmental programs Within a work area where the person
has supervisory responsibility for others.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Perform all 1.1 The established work practices and personal protective
work safely equipment are used to ensure personal safety and that of
other laboratory personnel.
1.2 Equipment, materials and reagents are cleaned, cared for
and stored as required.
1.3 The generation of wastes and environmental impacts is
1.4 Safe disposal of laboratory/hazardous wastes is ensured.
2. Ensure others 2.1 Hazard controls, personal protective clothing and
in the work equipment appropriate to the work requirements are
group are able ensured to be available and functional.
to implement 2.2 Current information on OHS and environmental policies,
safe work procedures and programs are provided and communicated
practices to others.
2.3 Ensure hazards and control measures relating to work
responsibilities are known by those in the work area.
2.4 Support is provided to those in the work area to implement
procedures to support safety.
2.5 Training needs are identified and addressed within the level
of responsibility.
3. Monitor 3.1 Ensure enterprise procedures are clearly defined,
observance of documented and followed.
safe work 3.2 Identify any deviation from identified procedures and report
practices in and address within level of responsibility.
the work area
3.3 Ensure personal behavior is consistent with the enterprise’s
policies and procedures.
3.4 Encourage and follow up others to identify and report
hazards in the work area.
3.5 Monitor conditions and follow up to ensure housekeeping
standards in the work area are maintained.
4. Participate in 4.1 Any identified hazards and inadequacies in the existing risk
risk controls are reported and addressed within the level of
management responsibility and according to the enterprise’s procedures.
processes 4.2 Participate in risk assessments to identify and analyze
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4.3 The implementation of procedures is supported to control
risk (based on the hierarchy of control).
4.4 Ensure records of incidents in the work area and other
required documentation are accurately completed and
maintained according to the enterprise’s procedures and
legislative requirements.
5. Support the 5.1 Inform and consult work group on OHS and environmental
implementatio issues relevant to the work role.
n of 5.2 Outcomes of consultation on OHS and environmental
participative issues are promptly reported back to the work group.
5.3 Resolve, or promptly refer to appropriate personnel,
matters rose relating to OHS and the environment.
6. Support the 6.1 Ensure that enterprise procedures for dealing with incidents
implementation and emergencies are available and known by work group.
of emergency 6.2 Processes are implemented to ensure that others in the
work area are able to respond appropriately to incidents
within the work and emergencies.
6.3 Participate, as required, in investigations of hazardous
incidents to identify their cause.

Variable Range
Hazards Hazards may include:
 electric shock
 microbiological organisms and agents associated withsoil,
air, water, blood and blood products, and human oranimal
tissue and fluids
 solar radiation, dust and noise
 chemicals, such as acids, heavy metals, pesticides and
 aerosols from broken centrifuge tubes and pipetting
 sharps, broken glassware and hand tools
 flammable liquids and gases
 fluids under pressure
 disturbance or interruption of services
 occupational overuse syndrome, slips, trips and falls
 manual handling, working at heights and working in
confined spaces
 crushing, entanglement and cuts associated with moving
machinery or falling objects
 factors, such as inadequate work practices, lack of training
or fatigue are not hazards but are conditions that may result
in the loss of control of the hazard and cause injury or
Addressing Addressing hazards may include:
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hazards  hazard and incident reporting and investigation procedures
 elimination
 substitution, such as review of nature of substances or
processes used
 isolation
 use of appropriate equipment, such as biohazard
containers, laminar flow cabinets, Class I, II and III
biohazard cabinets
Administrative procedures, such as:
 ensuring access to service shut-off points
 recognizing and observing hazard warnings and safety
 labeling of samples, reagents, aliquoted samples and
hazardous materials
 handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment in
accordance with labeling, MSDS and manufacturer's
 identifying and reporting operating problems or equipment
 cleaning and decontaminating equipment and work areas
regularly using enterprise procedures
 applying containment procedures
 following established manual handling procedures for tasks
involving manual handling
 using appropriate equipment and procedures to avoid
personal contamination and contamination of others
 following risk control measures to minimize environmental
 using practices which minimize waste
 reporting to appropriate personnel of abnormal emissions,
discharges and airborne contaminants, such as noise, light,
solids, liquids, water/waste water, gases, smoke, vapor,
fumes, odour and particulates
 minimizing exposure to radiation, such as lasers,
electromagnetic and ultraviolet
 using MSDS
 using personal protective equipment, such as gloves, safety
glasses, goggles, face guards, coveralls, gowns,
Policies, Enterprise policies, procedures and programs include those
procedures and that directly or indirectly cover OHS and environmental issues,
programs such as:
 hazards and control measures
 minimization of environmental threats
 minimization and disposal of waste
 standard operating procedures (SOPs), work instructions,
laboratory manuals, operator's manuals and manufacturers'
operating manuals
 safety, emergency, fire and other incidents
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 selection and use of personal protective clothing and
 reporting of hazards and incidents
 consultation and issue resolution
 risk management contractor and employee handbooks
formulas and batch sheets
Risk assessment Risk assessment includes:
 analyzing the risk
 identifying factors influencing the risk and the range of
potential consequences
 effectiveness of existing controls
 likelihood of each consequence considering exposure and
hazard level
 combining these in some way to obtain a level of risk
 comparison of the determined risk with pre-established
criteria for tolerance (or as low as reasonably
achievable)and the subsequent ranking of risks requiring
OHS and OHS and environmental issues may include:
environmental  identification of hazards
issues  assessment of risk and decisions on measures to control
 risk reduction measures
 implementation of controls
 investigation of injury and incidents
 hazards not otherwise addressed
 problems in implementing risk controls
 incidents
 clarification of policies or procedures
Consultation Consultation with the workgroup on OHS and environmental
issues may involve:
 following OHS procedures and environmental risk control
 information sessions on existing or new issues
 meetings between employer and employees or
 access to relevant workplace information
 use of clear and understandable language
 provision for non-English speaking personnel
 provision for hearing-impaired personnel
 awareness of databases and online software for the
inventory, manifest and information retrieval regarding
hazardous materials
 formal arrangements, such as health and safety committees
and health and safety representatives (where appointed)
 informal arrangements, such as toolbox meetings and
coffee breaks

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Incidents and Incidents and emergencies may include:
emergencies  workplace injury and accidents
 biological and chemical spills
 leakage of radioactivity
 fire
 security threat
OHS and May include but not limited to:
environmental  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
management environmental management requirements which may be
requirements imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
requirements must not be compromised at any time
 all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  work safely at all times
 ensure others in the workgroup work safely and follow OHS
and environmental policies and procedures for hazard
identification and risk control
 communicate OHS and environmental issues with
designated personnel
 ensure that enterprise procedures for dealing with incidents
and emergencies are available and known by work group
 communicate effectively with personnel at all levels within
the enterprise and OHS specialists
 prepare brief reports for a range of target groups.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  definition of hazard, physical hazard, risk and risk
Attitudes management
 hazards commonly found in the work area and standard
risk controls
 signage, symbols and signals relating to OHS
 location and purpose of personal protective equipment and
emergency/hazard control equipment in the work area,
including first aid facilities and personnel
 use, care and storage requirements for personal protective
clothing and equipment used in work areas
 roles and responsibilities under OHS legislation of
employers and employees, including supervisors and
 requirements for record keeping that address OHS, privacy
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and other relevant legislation
 principles and practices of effective OHS management,
including hazard identification, risk assessment and risk
 the hierarchy of control
 enterprise procedures for OHS and environmental
 key personnel within enterprise management structure and
the OHS management system
 sources of OHS information, including specialist advisors
 the elements of an OHS management system which
includes that part of the enterprise's overall management
system for developing, implementing, reviewing and
maintaining the activities for managing OHS risks
associated with their business
 how the characteristics and composition of the workforce
impact on OHS management
Demonstrates skills to:
 performing all work safely
Underpinning  following procedures for hazard identification and risk
Skills control
 ensuring others in the team are able to implement safe
work practices
 preparing brief reports for a range of target groups,
including OHS committees, OHS
 representatives, managers and supervisors
Resources may include:
 laboratory/field work environment, equipment and materials
Resources  personal protective equipment and safety equipment
Implication  enterprise OHS management system, policies and
Competence may be assessed through:
 Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Methods of  Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Assessment  questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Management Level IV
Unit Title Create or Modify Calibration Procedures
Unit Code HLT MLS4 05 0611

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Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to create or modify
calibration procedures in response to the introduction of
alternative/new equipment, changing test circumstances,
activities involved in research and development trials or to meet
client needs. The unit covers research of current calibration
procedures and technology, development or modification of a
procedure, its subsequent trialing and confirmation that it is fit
for purpose. This unit of competency does not cover the ability
to create or edit software controlled calibration procedures as
this is covered in another unit of competency.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Assess the 1.1 Confirm that the authorized calibration procedure is not
suitability of appropriate for intended use or requires modification.
available 1.2 Research suitable alternative established calibration
calibration procedures, if available.
procedures 1.3 Establish whether an available procedure can be
customized or if a new procedure is needed.
1.4 Obtain internal approval to develop or modify a calibration
procedure, as necessary.
1.5 Confirm that available resources meet all the requirements
of the alternative or new procedure.
1.6 Gain authorization for any deviation from requirements
previously agreed with client.
2. Develop 2.1 Identify and document all relevant calibration data to be
calibration collected, including parameters and ranges to be tested.
procedure 2.2 Describe all new instructions or modifications to methods
to ensure repeatability of test.
2.3 Document all hazards and safety measures to be
2.4 Specify data to be recorded and produce a results
template, if required.
2.5 List the requirements for calibration approval and rejection.
2.6 Confirm that all calibration requirements can be fulfilled by
using the procedure.
3. Prepare 3.1 Use the appropriate personal protective equipment, safety
equipment for equipment and procedures.
testing 3.2 Assemble and set up reference standards and associated
equipment prior to testing.
3.3 Verify performance of reference standards and measuring
equipment prior to use and adjust or calibrate as
3.4 Identify and minimize potential sources of measurement

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4. Trial 4.1 Perform individual steps and confirm they are adequately
modified/new documented to ensure repeatability of measurement.
calibration 4.2 Critically analyze readings to confirm they are the result of
procedure a valid measurement and record data as required.
4.3 Adjust device under test to bring readings within tolerance
and record results.
4.4 Analyze the resulting test data to detect trends or
inconsistencies that may significantly affect the accuracy or
validity of test results.
5. Confirm the 5.1 Compare results achieved with those from other calibration
modification procedures.
or new 5.2 Systematically analyze all measurement and
calibration environmental factors that may influence the result and
procedure is take corrective action, if necessary.
fit for purpose 5.3 Arrange for internal peer checking of calibration
procedure, data and results and incorporate feedback.
5.4 Quantify the uncertainties of results obtained by analyzing
equipment specifications and test methodology.
5.5 Compare results with those obtained by other laboratories,
if applicable.
5.6 Confirm that the modified/new procedure is fit for purpose
and relevant to the client's needs and document as
6. Document 6.1 Ensure that the procedure is written in accordance with
and review enterprise procedures or statutory and regulatory
modified/new requirements.
calibration 6.2 Ensure that the procedure has been reviewed in
procedure accordance with enterprise procedures.
6.3 Report and present the procedure to appropriate personnel
for validation before us.

Variables Range
Modifying or developing new test methods may involve
using, testing and/or calibrating the following:
Modifying or
developing  common test equipment, such as balances, masses,
micrometers, pressure equipment, spectrophotometers,
new test rules, thermometers, timing devices and weighing
methods instruments
 instrument calibrators
Hazards Hazards may include:
 electric shock
 disturbance or interruption of services
 manual handling of heavy equipment boxes
 sources of electromagnetic radiation
 fluids under pressure
 heat sources, such as ovens
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Safety procedures may include:
 use of personal protective equipment, such as hearing
protection, gloves, safety glasses and coveralls
Safety  ensuring access to service shut-off points
procedures  handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment in
accordance with labels, MSDS, manufacturer's instructions
and enterprise procedures and regulations
 regular cleaning of equipment and work areas
Communication may be with:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and customer
 peers and other laboratory or relevant technical personnel
Communication  clients and stakeholders
 external auditors, or accreditation agency, such as National
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA)
 equipment manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts
The working environment will have a controlled environment but
Working could be a:
environment  purpose-built designed facility
 mobile facility in the field

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  research current, alternative calibration methods and
equipment for a given request
 apply specialized technical knowledge to critically analyze and
resolve complex problems associated with measurement non-
conformances where solutions are not obvious or readily
 develop or adapt methods to suit technical and/or client
 conduct reliable calibration/testing trials to ensure a high
degree of reproducibility
 explain complex calibration procedures to clients and clarify
requirements and deviations
 liaise with peers and technical staff from other laboratories to
clarify and validate test methods
 estimate measurement uncertainty and apply statistical
techniques for analyzing test and/or calibration data write
calibration procedures using an unambiguous, logical
sequence of instructions that meet statutory and regulatory
 prepare all test documentation accurately, concisely and in
accordance with requirements
 recognize opportunities for improvements to procedures.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge And  requirements for the competence of testing and calibration

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Attitudes laboratories as they affect job role and responsibilities
 limits of authority and procedures for creating or modifying
calibration procedures
 structure and terminology used in standard calibration
methods, procedures, requests and instructions
 current calibration methods, procedures and technology
applications used in laboratory
 implications of modifying standard calibration procedures
 equipment specifications and limitations and the implications
of equipment substitution
 hierarchy and appropriate selection of reference materials
 handling, transport, storage and operation of reference and
working standards
 laboratory environmental control requirements
 calculation procedures to give results in appropriate accuracy,
precision and units
 methods for statistical analysis (means, ranges and standard
deviations) and estimation of uncertainty of measurement
(may include the use of software)
 equipment and testing method troubleshooting procedures
 enterprise procedures and legislative requirements for
documenting calibration procedures
 enterprise and/or legal traceability requirements
 relevant health, safety and environmental requirements
 layout of the enterprise, divisions and laboratory
 organizational structure of the enterprise
 lines of communication
 role of laboratory services for the enterprise and customers
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  researching current, alternative calibration methods and
 applying specialized technical knowledge to critically analyze
and resolve complex problems associated with measurement
non-conformances where solutions are not obvious or readily
 developing or adapting methods to suit technical and/or client
 conducting reliable calibration/testing trials to ensure a high
degree of reproducibility
 explaining complex calibration procedures to clients and
clarifying requirements and deviations
 liaising with peers and technical staff from other laboratories to
clarify and validate test methods
 estimating measurement uncertainty and applying statistical
techniques for analyzing test and/or calibration data
 writing calibration procedures using an unambiguous, logical
sequence of instructions that meet statutory and regulatory
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 preparing all test documentation accurately, concisely and in
accordance with requirements
 recognizing opportunities for improvements to procedures
Resource Resources may include:
Requirements  specialized calibration/test equipment, reference standards
and materials and laboratory facilities
 access to a library of calibration methods, procedures and
equipment specifications
 enterprise quality manual and procedures
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Prepare Culture Media
Unit Code HLT MLS4 05.06 11
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to prepare culture
media Which is free of contamination to facilitate optimal growth
of organisms and cells? It includes the ability to organize the
materials, equipment and work environment and follow standard

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare 1.1 Prepare mixture of media and solvent to ensure solution and
culture media even settling of heat soluble materials.
1.2 Label media to allow tracking in subsequent processes.

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1.3 Use a vessel large enough to endure adequate mixing and
heating of the media
1.4 Dispense media into vessels for sterilization, leaving room
for expansion during heating and cooling
2. Sterilize media 2.1 Load the sterilizer in keeping with maximum permitted loads
and appropriate positioning of materials.
2.2 Ensure a sterilization indicator is correctly placed with the
load to monitor sterilization process.
2.3 Operate sterilization cycle in accordance with manufacturer's
requirements to achieve sterilization at the required settings.
2.4 Cool media to the temperature specified in the media
formulation procedures.
3. Pour, label 3.1 Add labile constituents where necessary, under conditions
and store that will not lead to their denaturation or contamination of
media media.
3.2 Ensure even mixing of additives and media before
3.3 Aseptically dispense media to minimize occurrence of
procedural contamination.
3.4 Label media to allow for selection, avoiding areas of the
culture vessel required for examination of colony growth.
3.5 Store media to maximize shelf life and minimize
3.6 Date batch media to ensure correct batch rotation
3.7 Incubate control plates as a sterility check
4. Perform 4.1 Inspect media for any evidence of possible contamination
quality control or problems with structure or sterilization.
checks 4.2 Check usability of selective media by growth of expected
4.3 Check stored stocks at regular intervals for conformance to
required standards.
5.Maintain work 5.1 Use personal protective equipment and safe work practices
area and to ensure safety of self and others.
equipment to 5.2 Place disposable and reusable items into relevant
prevent cross- receptacles.
infection and
5.3 Clean and disinfect work area and equipment after use.
5.4 Transport disposable and reusable contaminated materials
to relevant areas for disinfection, sterilization and cleaning or

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Variable Range
Equipment Equipment may include:
 balance
 pH meter
 hot plate stirrer and Bunsen burners
 autoclave and incubator
 membrane filtration equipment
 measuring cylinders, flasks and glassware and Petri-dishes
 distilled water apparatus
 automatic agar pourers
 labeling equipment
 refrigerators
 sterilization indicators
 self-refilling syringes
 Falcon dishes
 media storage bottles and tissue culture bottles
Media maybe prepared from:
Media  formulated powders obtained from microbiological
 first principles under supervision of a technical officer or
culture media may include:
 agars
 broths
 solutions
culture  slopes
media  basic balanced salt solutions
 deeps
 enriched media, such as blood sugar, chocolate agar,
tetrathionate broth and selenite broth
 control media
 differential media, such as eosin-methylene blue agar and
MacConkey's agar
 selective media, such as deoxycholate-citrate agar,
Lowenstein-Jensen medium
 labile constituents, such as blood
Sterilization techniques may include:
 autoclaving
 steam and membrane filtration
 boiling
Sterilization  microwaving
techniques  radiation
 high temperature
 high pressure steam
 gas
 chemical treatments

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Quality control checks may include:
Quality control  streaking out of cultures to a single colony
checks  lawn cultures
Hazards may include:
 micro-organisms and agents associated with soil, air, water,
blood and blood products, and human or animal tissue and
Hazards fluids
 sources of heat, such as ovens, burners and autoclaves
 sharps and broken glassware
 fluids under pressure and such as steam
 radiation used for sterilization
Safe work practices may include:
 use of material safety data sheet(MSDS)
 use of personal protective equipment, such as safety
glasses, gloves and coveralls
 use of biohazard containers and laminar flow cabinets
 correct labeling of reagents and hazardous materials
Safe work  handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment in
practices accordance with labels, MSDS, manufacturer's instructions,
and enterprise procedures and regulations
 allowing the chamber pressure of the autoclave to return to
zero and temperature to cool to 80-90oc before opening
autoclave door to prevent boil over or plugs/caps being
blown off flasks or tubes
 regular cleaning and/or decontaminating equipment and
work areas

Evidence Guide
Critical Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Aspects of
 prepare culture media which is free of contamination to facilitate
the optimal growth of organisms and cells
 use appropriate sterilization techniques, such as maintaining
adequate space between containers
 perform post-sterilization procedures, such as dispensing or
adding using aseptic technique
 ensure the sterilized media has cooled down sufficiently to
ensure that heat labile constituents, such as blood, hormones or
antibodies are not inactivated when added to the media
 consistently follow enterprise procedures
 report non-compliances, anomalies or out of specification
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
 basic microbiological concepts and terminology such as growth
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and Attitudes rates in culture, production of gas and haemolysis of red cells in
 growth requirements of micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi,
protozoans, viruses and multi-cellular parasites) in terms of their
laboratory culture
 the purpose, content and features of culture media and the
relationship between the correct preparation of culture media
and the optimal growth of organisms or cells nature, properties
and use of a range of biological media
 the relationship between sterile practices, hygiene procedures
and the ability to obtain growth free of contamination
 the importance of physical requirements, such as pH and
temperature on optimal growth of organisms and cells
 the effect of inappropriate storage on culture media quality and
 cleaning and sanitizing requirements of equipment and work
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
 calculating mass and volume
 measuring accurately
 making media to support growth of the relevant micro-organism
or tissue
 preventing cross-contamination
 following enterprise procedures consistently
 labeling and storing culture media according to enterprise
 accurately recording data
 reporting non-compliance, anomalies or out of specification
 sorting, collecting, treating, recycling or disposing of waste
 using appropriate personal protective equipment
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  work schedule and enterprise procedures, including advice on
safe work practices
 relevant equipment and personal protective equipment
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning knowledge
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated

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Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Perform Microbiological Tests
Unit Code HLT MLS4 06 06 11
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to contribute to the
culture, isolation and identification of micro-organisms, such as
bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans, and parasites in order to
investigate the physiology and pathology of human.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Receive 1.1 Check samples and request form details before they are
samples and accepted.
process 1.2 Return samples and request forms that do not comply with
associated requirements to source with reasons for non-acceptance.
request forms 1.3 Log samples, recording details that allow accurate tracking
and chain of custody.
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1.4 Distribute samples for local testing or dispatch samples to
other testing facilities.
1.5 Store samples appropriately where testing or transport is to
be delayed.
2. Prepare for 2.1 Select work area and equipment required for the safe
safe handling of materials that may contain micro-organisms of
microbiological specified risk groups.
work and 2.2 Wear protective apparel, replacing it when contamination is
aseptic suspected.
applications 2.3 Apply correct disinfection procedures to work areas before
and after use.
2.4 Locate relevant emergency equipment for timely response
to microbiological accidents.
2.5 Apply standard precautions when handling biological
2.6 Minimize the production and release of aerosols, using
biological safety cabinets where necessary.
2.7 Clean spills, and report all spills and suspected incidents to
2.8 Wash hands before and after laboratory work.
2.9 Ensure the safe disposal of biohazardous materials and
other laboratory wastes in accordance with enterprise
3. Process 3.1 Prepare thin smears of samples for subsequent staining to
samples for enable microscopic identification of cells.
direct 3.2 Prepare liquid films of specimens for direct observation for
examination motility or cell structure.
3.3 Prepare samples to concentrate material for subsequent
staining or microscopy.

4. Prepare pure 4.1 Select culture media to maximize growth of micro-

cultures for organisms.
microbiological 4.2 Inoculate media aseptically, applying techniques suitable
work and for purpose of culture.
aseptic 4.3 Incubate inoculated media in conditions to optimize growth
applications of organisms and cells.
4.4 Subculture on suitable media to optimize production of
pure cultures.
5. Perform 5.1 Select staining techniques to demonstrate required cellular
procedures characteristics.
that can assist 5.2 Stain prepared films to demonstrate diagnostically useful
in the characteristics.
identification of 5.3 Inoculate and incubate media with pure cultures to assist in
micro- the biochemical and immunological identification of micro-
organisms organisms.
5.4 Perform tests on pure cultures to assist in the biochemical
and immunological identification of micro-organisms.

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6. Estimate the 6.1 Count cells in undiluted samples to indicate the dilution
number and/or necessary to reliably count organisms in culture.
size of micro- 6.2 Prepare serial dilutions of samples aseptically for culture
organisms in and colony counting.
samples 6.3 Count colonies for calculating number of viable organisms
per unit volume.
6.4 Count micro-organisms in samples and cultures using
spectrometric and electronic methodologies, where
6.5 Estimate and document uncertainty of measurement in
accordance with enterprise procedures where relevant.
7. Contribute to 7.1 Prepare inoculums suitable for antibiotic sensitivity testing.
antibiotic 7.2 Dispense or position antibiotic discs as indicated by
sensitivity enterprise protocol.
testing where
required 7.3 Incubate inoculated media under conditions to maximize
growth of cultured organism.
7.4 Read and record sensitivity reactions, noting phenomena
that can assist in the correct interpretation of results.
8. Maintain 8.1 Make entries on report forms or into computer systems,
records of accurately calculating, recording or transcribing data as
laboratory required.
work 8.2 Maintain instrument logs as required by accreditation
8.3 Maintain security and confidentiality of all clinical
information, laboratory data and records.

Variable Range
May include but not limited to:
 protective and physical containment facilities and equipment
for safe handling of micro-organisms
 personal protective equipment such as gloves, gowns,
masks and safety glasses and gloves for working with
extremes of heat and cold
 carbon dioxide cabinets and incubators
 transfer equipment, such as inoculating loops, pipettes
(quantitative and qualitative), flasks, tubes and spatulas
 liquid nitrogen containers for cell storage
Equipment,  filtration membranes
 microscopes with bright field and other relevant illumination
and systems systems and stereomicroscopes
 counting chambers for micro-enumeration
 colony counting devices
 Bunsen burners and bench incinerators
 Incubators and water baths anaerobic jars, fermentation
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chambers, continuous culture systems and other devices for
controlling growth environments of micro-organisms
 laboratory information management systems (LIMS),
databases, record and filing systems
 stains, media, reagents and biological materials necessary
for laboratory testing
 laboratory glassware and measuring equipment
 disinfecting and sterilizing solutions and equipment, such as
ultraviolet (UV) lamps, autoclaves
 materials suitable for the safe containment, collection,
processing and disposal of biological and non-biological
cleaning, hygiene, personal hygiene requirements
 enterprise procedures, standard operating procedures
(SOPs) and operating manuals
Standards,  incident and accident/injury reports
procedures  instructions to comply with new legislation, standards,
and/or guidelines
enterprise  quality system and continued improvement processes
requirements  safety requirements for equipment, materials or products
and material safety data sheets (MSDS)
 sampling procedures (labeling, preparation, storage,
transport and disposal)
 schematics, work flows and laboratory layouts
 test procedures (validated and authorized)
 waste minimization, containment, processing and disposal
Communication may involve:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and customer
Communication  personnel in other laboratories in the enterprise or in other
enterprises to which work may be referred
 customers, patients and clients
 external auditors and accreditation agencies (e.g.National
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA))
May include but not limited to:
 all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
Occupational environmental management requirements which may be
health and safety imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
(OHS) and requirements must not be compromised at any time
environmental  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
Management samples and require standard precautions to be applied
requirements where relevant, users should access and apply current industry
understanding of infection control issued by the National Health
and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and State/regional
Departments of Health or federal legislation

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
of Competence  safely perform tasks for the culture, isolation, identification and
use of micro-organisms
 not contaminate him/herself, other people, the work area,
equipment or the samples or materials under test
 not contaminate media or reagents during manipulations
involving transfer of cultures
 identify artefacts or image aberrations attributable to
misalignment or obstruction of light paths or condensers used
in bright field, dark ground, phase and fluorescent microscopy,
or with other steps in microscopic examinations
 be consistently accurate in the identification of Gram reactions
 be consistently accurate in the description of bacterial colony
forms on common media used in bacteriological
 prepare data and documentation that is accurate, concise and
in accordance with enterprise requirements
 report all incidents or accidents
 disinfect any spillage and safely dispose of all contaminated
 Decontaminate the work area upon completion of work.
Demonstrates knowledge of:
 microbiological terminology, including, where relevant, that of
bacteriology, parasitology, virology and mycology
 disinfection and sterilization as applied to practical aspects of
Underpinning microbiology
Knowledge and  microbial diversity
Attitudes  micro-organisms of importance in medicine, in production of
foods and other manufactured goods, and in assessment of the
natural environment
 cell biology and chemistry related to laboratory phenomena,
such as growth and isolation of organisms for identification
 rationale for sample dilution when preparing materials for
enumerating organisms and other pure culture work (e.g. Most
Probable Number (MPN) technique)
 need for accurate identification of sample source (e.g. body,
specimen, process line and field location)
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Demonstrates skills to:
 using protective clothing and biological safety cabinets
 safely performing tasks for the culture, isolation, identification
and use of micro-organisms
 not contaminating oneself, other people, the work area,
Underpinning equipment or the samples or materials under test
Skills  not contaminating media or reagents during manipulations
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involving transfer of cultures
 identifying artefacts or image aberrations attributable to
misalignment or obstruction of light paths or condensers used
in bright field, dark ground, phase and fluorescent microscopy,
or with other steps in microscopic examinations
 Gram reactions
 describing bacterial colony forms on common media used in
bacteriological investigations
 preparing documentation that is accurate, concise and in
accordance with enterprise requirements
 reporting incidents or accidents
 disinfecting spillage and safely disposing of all contaminated
 decontaminating the work area upon completion of work
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  a standard microbiology laboratory with relevant equipment,
samples and reagents
 enterprise procedures, test methods and equipment manuals
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning knowledge
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level IV
Unit Title Perform Hematological Tests
Unit Code HLT MLS4 07 06 11
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to determine levels,
function, activity and interactions of cellular and plasma
components of blood using tests and procedures identified with
the discipline of hematology laboratory.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Process 1.1 Sort specimens according to tests requested, urgent
samples and status and volume.
associated 1.2 Return samples and request forms that do not comply
request details with requirements to their source with reasons for non-
1.3 Log acceptable samples and request forms, applying
required document tracking mechanisms.
1.4 Process samples as required by requested tests.
1.5 Store samples and sample components appropriately until
ready for testing.
2. Perform tests 2.1 Select authorized tests that are indicated for the
requested investigations.
2.2 Conduct individual tests according to documented
methodologies, applying required quality control
2.3 Record all results, noting any phenomena that may be
relevant to the interpretation of results.
2.4 Seek advice of section head or other responsible
colleague when result interpretation is outside parameters

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of authorized approval.
2.5 Store unused sample or sample components, for possible
future reference, under conditions suitable to maintain
3. Maintain a 3.1 Use established safety work practices and personal
safe protective equipment to ensure personal safety and that of
environment other laboratory personnel.
3.2 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect.
3.3 Minimize the generation of wastes personnel, work area
and environment from contamination.
3.4 Minimize the generation of wastes.
3.5 Ensure the safe disposal of biohazardous materials and
other laboratory wastes in accordance with enterprise
4. Maintain 4.1 Make entries on report forms or into computer systems,
laboratory accurately calculating, recording or transcribing required
records data as required.
4.2 Update instrument maintenance logs as required by
accreditation checklists.
4.3 Maintain security and confidentiality of all clinical
information, laboratory data and records.

Variable Range
Equipment, materials and systems may include:
 blood mixers
 reference material for automated and manual quality control
and quality assurance systems
 instruments for the semi-automated or automated electronic
counting and partial characterization of blood cells, the
Equipment, measurement of haemoglobin and the computation of red
materials cell indices
and systems  staining machines
 safe working cabinets
 centrifuges, water baths and incubators
 volumetric glassware and measuring devices
 cell counting chambers
 microscopes for bright field and phase contrast
 coagulometers
 counters for single or multiple cell types
 computer information systems, databases, record and filing
 general laboratory glassware and equipment associated
with a serology laboratory
Communication may involve:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and

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customer service)
 other laboratory or clinical personnel
Communication  patients and clients
 personnel of accreditation agencies (e.g. national
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA))
May include but not limited to:
 all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
environmental management requirements which may be
Occupational imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
health and safety requirements must not be compromised at any time
(OHS) and  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
environmental samples and require standard precautions to be applied
management where relevant, users should access and apply current industry
requirements understanding of infection control issued by the National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and
State/regional Departments of Health or federal legislation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  count and measure cells
 derive cell data that can assist with classification of cell
 stain cells, identify their morphology and classify them
 determine of the amount and function of blood components,
such as haemoglobin and other substances quantified by
 measure clinically useful phenomena, such as erythrocyte
 assess haemostasis, coagulation, fibrinolysis and
 recognize problems in systems and documentation
 use the enterprise information system efficiently
 critically analyze information in enterprise documents
 prepare documentation that is accurate, easily understood
by the intended audience and in accordance with enterprise
 manage tasks and organize work to ensure the timely
completion of tasks
 use samples, reagents and materials economically and
dispose of wastes safely
 use equipment safely
 Maintain equipment, recording and reporting malfunctions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  the necessity for a patient or client focus when performing
Attitudes laboratory procedures and tests, including issues of
confidentiality and security of clinical and laboratory
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information and data the relationships that exists between
the sample and the test result, including:
 sample collection
 the preservation and timely testing of samples
 sample storage requirements and issues of artefact
 sub-sampling routines, including the nature of unstable
particulate suspensions
 validated tests
 quality control
 quality assurance
 the use and maintenance of laboratory equipment and
resources that contribute to accurate, precise, timely
and economical generation of data for use by clinicians
 the investigation of blood cell disorders, including
anaemia, leucocytoses and leucocytopaenias,
leukaemia and thrombocytopenia
 heritable and acquired coagulopathies and therapeutic
drug related alterations in haemostatic and coagulation
 haematological responses to infection, immunisation
and malignancy
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  counting and measuring cells
 deriving cell data that can assist with classification of cell
 staining cells, identifying their morphology and classifying
 determining of the amount and function of blood
 measuring clinically useful phenomena, such as erythrocyte
sedimentation or detecting markers of immune response
 assessing homeostasis, coagulation, fibrinolysis and
 contributing to the general maintenance of equipment and
processes to ensure ongoing compliance with enterprise
and laboratory accreditation
 recognizing problems in systems and documentation
 using the enterprise information system efficiently
 preparing documentation
 organizing work to ensure the timely completion of tasks
 using samples, reagents and materials economically and
disposing of wastes safely
 working safely
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  standard haematology laboratory with relevant equipment,
samples and reagents
 Enterprise procedures.

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Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV
Unit Title Perform Immunohematological Tests
Unit Code HLT MLS4 08 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the ability of technical personnel to perform
routine tests and procedures that are part of the requirements
of pre- and post-blood transfusion practice. The unit also
covers tests and procedures that are indicated in laboratory
investigations in obstetric and perinatal medicine, in suspected
haemolysis and haemolytic episodes and in other clinical

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Process 1.1 Check and match samples and request forms before they
samples and are accepted.
associated 1.2 Return samples and request forms that do not comply
request forms with requirements to their source with reasons for non-
1.3 Log acceptable samples, applying required document
tracking mechanisms.
1.4 Process samples as required by requested tests.
1.5 Store sample components appropriately until required for
2. Perform tests 2.1 Select authorized tests that are indicated for the
requested investigations.
2.2 Conduct individual tests according to documented
methodologies, applying required quality control
2.3 Record all results, noting any phenomena that may be
relevant to the interpretation of results.
2.4 Seek advice of section head or other responsible
colleague when result interpretation is outside parameters
of authorized approval.
2.5 Store unused samples, for possible future reference,
under conditions suitable to maintain viability.
3. Maintain a 3.1 Use established work practices and personal protective
safe equipment to ensure personal safety and that of other
environment laboratory personnel.
3.2 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment from
3.3 Minimize the generation of wastes.
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3.4 Ensure the safe disposal of biohazardous materials and
other laboratory wastes in accordance with enterprise
4. Maintain 4.1 Make entries on report forms or into computer systems,
laboratory accurately recording or transcribing required data as
records required.
4.2 Maintain instrument logs as required by accreditation
4.3 Maintain records of blood and blood products received,
used and returned to supplier.
4.4 Maintain security and confidentiality of all clinical
information, laboratory data and records.
5. Issue blood 5.1 Complete documentation required to permit the issuing of
and blood blood or blood components that have been cleared for
products use by clinical staff.
5.2 Advise courier of transport requirements to ensure blood
or blood products are delivered in a timely and safe

Variable Range
Standards,  cleaning, hygiene and personal hygiene requirements
procedures  enterprise procedures, standard operating procedures
and/or enterprise (SOPs) and operating manuals
requirements  guidelines, policies and business rules of the Ethiopian Red
Cross Blood Service that are operable from time to time
 incident and accident/injury reports
 instructions to comply with legislation, standards, guidelines
and codes
 Guidelines for Pre-transfusion Testing, published by the
Ethiopian Society of Blood Transfusion
 quality system and continued improvement processes
 safety requirements for equipment, materials or products
 sampling procedures (labeling, preparation, storage,
transport and disposal)
 schematics, work flow and, laboratory layouts
 statutory and enterprise occupational health and safety
(OHS) requirements
 stock records and inventory
 test procedures (validated and authorized)
 waste minimization, containment, processing and disposal
Equipment, Equipment, materials and systems may include:
materials and  centrifuges, light boxes, calibrated pipettes, water baths,
systems incubators and microscopes
 laboratory information management systems
(LIMS),computer databases, record and filing systems
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 general laboratory glassware and equipment identified with
an immune hematology laboratory
 antis era and phenotyped red cells and other relevant
Communication Communication may involve:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and
customer service)
 other laboratory or relevant medical or nursing personnel
 patients and clients
 external auditors, or accreditation agency (e.g. National
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA))
 couriers
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and safety  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
(OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current industry
understanding of infection control issued by the National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and
State/regional Departments of Health or federal legislation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  perform tests accurately and organize work so that the
needs of all relevant patients and clients are met in a timely
 detect and record accurate evidence of blood group antigen
and antibody reactions
 recognize problems in systems and documentation
 use enterprise information systems efficiently
 critically analyse information/documents
 prepare documentation that is accurate, concise and in
accordance with enterprise requirements
 manage tasks and organize work to ensure the timely
release of blood and blood products, as they complete
routine tasks
 use samples, reagents and materials economically and
dispose of wastes safely
 use equipment safely
 Maintain equipment, recording and report malfunctions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  scientific, medical, clinical, technical and workplace
Attitudes terminology relevant to normal and abnormal immunology

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and immunohaematology
 antigen antibody reactions
 testing procedures for the determination of blood groups
and the detection of antibodies
 types of blood products and their use
 validated and authorized procedures, as described in the
laboratory's manual of procedures
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  following the laboratory's validated and authorized
 selecting and applying testing procedures in terms of the
suspected or known nature of the antibody and its possible
range of testing behaviours
 detecting and recording accurate evidence of blood group
antigen and antibody reactions
 selecting, testing and issuing blood cleared for transfusion
 selecting and applying confirmatory tests as required
 selecting and issuing blood products for therapeutic or
prophylactic use
 critically analyzing information/documents and recognizing
problems in systems and documentation
 using enterprise information systems efficiently
 preparing documentation that is accurate, concise and in
accordance with enterprise requirements
 managing tasks and organizing work to ensure the timely
release of blood and blood products
 using samples, reagents and materials economically and
disposing of wastes safely
 using equipment safely
 maintaining equipment, recording and report malfunctions
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  standard transfusion/immunohaematology laboratory with
relevant equipment, samples and reagents
 Enterprise procedures, test methods and equipment
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
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Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Perform Serological Tests

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Unit Code HLT MLS4 09 0611
Unit Descriptor
This unit of competency covers the ability of technical
personnel to perform routine tests and procedures that are part
of the requirements basic serological test practice.

Elements Performance Criteria

1.1 Check and match samples and request forms before they
are accepted.
1. Process 1.2 Return samples and request forms that do not comply with
samples and requirements to their source with reasons for non-
associated request acceptance.
forms 1.3 Log acceptable samples, applying required document
tracking mechanisms.
1.4 Process samples as required by requested tests.
1.5 Store sample components appropriately until required for
2.1 Select authorized tests that are indicated for the requested
2.2 Conduct individual tests according to documented
2. Perform tests methodologies, applying required quality control
2.3 Record all results, noting any phenomena that may be
relevant to the interpretation of results.
2.4 Seek advice of section head or other responsible colleague
when result interpretation is outside parameters of
authorized approval.
2.5 Store unused samples, for possible future reference, under
conditions suitable to maintain viability.
3. Maintain a safe 3.1 Use established work practices and personal protective
environment equipment to ensure personal safety and that of other
laboratory personnel.
3.2 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment from contamination.
3.3 Minimize the generation of wastes.
3.4 Ensure the safe disposal of biohazardous materials and
other laboratory wastes in accordance with enterprise
4. Maintain 4.1 Make entries on report forms or into computer systems,
laboratory accurately recording or transcribing required data as
records required.
4.2 Maintain instrument logs as required by accreditation
4.3 Maintain records of blood and blood products/serum,
4.4 Maintain security and confidentiality of all clinical
information, laboratory data and records.

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Variable Range
cleaning, hygiene and personal hygiene requirements
enterprise procedures, standard operating
procedures(SOPs) and operating manuals
 guidelines, policies and business rules of the Ethiopian
 incident and accident/injury reports
Standards,  instructions to comply with legislation, standards, guidelines
procedures and/or and codes
enterprise  quality system and continued improvement processes
requirements  safety requirements for equipment, materials or products
 sampling procedures (labeling, preparation, storage,
transport and disposal)
 schematics, work flow and, laboratory layouts
 statutory and enterprise occupational health and safety
(OHS) requirements
 stock records and inventory
 test procedures (validated and authorized)
 waste minimization, containment, processing and disposal
Equipment, materials and systems may include:
 centrifuges, light boxes, calibrated pipettes, water baths,
incubators and microscopes
Equipment,  laboratory information management systems
materials (LIMS),computer databases, record and filing systems
and systems  general laboratory glassware and equipment identified with
serology laboratory
 antisera (antigen and antibody) and other relevant reagents
Communication may involve:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and
Communication customer service)
 other laboratory or relevant medical or nursing personnel
 patients and clients
 external auditors, or accreditation agency (e.g. National
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA))
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and safety  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
(OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
requirements must not be compromised at any time
 all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current
health institution understanding of infection control issued
by the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) and State/regional Departments of Health or
federal legislation
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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  perform tests accurately and organize work so that the
needs of all relevant patients and clients are met in a timely
 detect and record accurate evidence of antigen- antibody
 recognize problems in systems and documentation
 use enterprise information systems efficiently
 critically analyse information/documents
 prepare documentation that is accurate, concise and in
accordance with enterprise requirements
 manage tasks and organize work to ensure the timely
release of blood and blood products/serum or plasma/, as
they complete routine tasks
 use samples, reagents and materials economically and
dispose of wastes safely
 use equipment safely
 maintain equipment, recording and report malfunction
Demonstrates knowledge of:
 scientific, medical, clinical, technical and workplace
Underpinning terminology relevant to normal and abnormal serology
Knowledge and  antigen antibody reactions
Attitudes  testing procedures for the determination of diseases and
the detection of antigen and/or antibodies
 types of blood products/plasma and serum/ and their use
 validated and authorized procedures, as described in the
laboratory's manual of procedures
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Demonstrates skills to:
 following the laboratory's validated and authorized
Underpinning procedures
Skills  selecting and applying testing procedures in terms of the
suspected or known nature of the antigen and/or antibody
and their possible range of testing behaviours
 detecting and recording accurate evidence of antigen-
antibody reactions
 selecting and applying confirmatory tests as required
 critically analyzing information/documents and recognizing
problems in systems and documentation
 using enterprise information systems efficiently
 preparing documentation that is accurate, concise and in
accordance with enterprise requirements

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 managing tasks and organizing work to ensure the timely
release of test results
 using samples, reagents and materials economically and
disposing of wastes safely
 using equipment safely
 maintaining equipment, recording and report malfunctions
 standard serology laboratory with relevant equipment,
Resources samples and reagents
Implication  Enterprise procedures, test methods and equipment
Competence may be assessed through:
 Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Methods of  questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
Assessment  project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level IV

Unit Title Perform Histological Preparation Procedures
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Unit Code HLT MLS4 10 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the ability to perform straightforward
Histological procedures involving processing and sectioning
(by hand or rotary microtome) of human and animal tissues in
paraffin wax.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Assemble 1.1 Confirm the number and type of sections required.
equipment and 1.2 Collect equipment and arrange the workspace so that
materials equipment can be used safely and efficiently.
1.3 Perform pre-use and safety checks to ensure equipment is
fit for purpose.
1.4 Report faulty or unsafe equipment to appropriate personnel
1.5 Inspect processor reagents for deterioration and adequate
volume and report any items requiring replacement.
2. Process and 2.1 Select program and reagents for processing.
embed animal 2.2 Monitor processor regularly during processing sequence to
tissue ensure dehydration, clearing and infiltration are complete.
2.3 Check that temperature of wax is suitable for embedding
2.4 Check that volume of wax is sufficient for uninterrupted
embedding of processor load.
2.5 Embed tissue in correct orientation.
2.6 Allow block to solidify evenly according to wax
3. Cut sections of 3.1 Place and secure block and knife in microtome strictly in
animal tissue accordance with safety directions.
3.2 Label required number of microscope slides in accordance
with enterprise traceability requirements.
3.3 Cut ribbons of representative sections at the required
thickness observing prescribed safety measures.
3.4 Float sections onto water bath to flatten tissues.
3.5 Pick up sections onto microscope slides ensuring
identification on slides matches that on block.
3.6 Apply procedures to prevent cross-contamination between
3.7 Inspect sections and reject items that do not meet
4. Stain sections 4.1 Select reagents specified in the method.

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4.2 Stain sections according to the method.
4.3 Examine sections microscopically to ensure expected
staining outcomes have been achieved.
4.4 Mount sections to ensure long term preservation.
4.5 Attach permanent labels giving specimen details according
to enterprise traceability requirements.
5. Maintain a 5.1 Ensure personal safety and minimize cross-contamination
safe work through the use of personal protective equipment.
environment 5.2 Handle all specimens and equipment in accordance with
enterprise safety protocols/procedures.
5.3 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment.
5.4 Minimize generation of waste and environmental impacts
5.5 Collect and dispose of all wastes safely
5.6 Report hazards and incidents to designated personnel
using enterprise procedures.

Variable Range
Equipment, reagents, specimens and systems may include:
 tissue processors
 microtomes and microtome knives (non-disposable
Equipment,  embedding centers
reagents,  flotation baths and drying ovens
specimens and  microtome knife sharpeners
systems  reagents, such as formaldehyde, ethanol, xylene, paraffin
and stains
 reference material for automated and manual quality
control and quality assurance systems
 fresh and fixed specimens
 computer information systems, databases, record and filing
systems, including specimen accessioning
Histological procedures may include:
 cutting paraffin sections of organs, such as kidney, liver,
Histological small intestine, stomach and tongue
procedures  staining tissue sections with Haematoxylin and Eosin
(human and animal tissue)
Pre-use checks may include:
Pre-use checks  safety/serviceability
 cleanliness
 routine maintenance
Hazards may include:
 micro-organisms and agents associated with soil, air, water,
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Hazards blood and blood products, and human or animal tissue and
 chemicals and stains
 aerosols
 sharps and broken glassware
Safety protocols/practices may include:
 use of MSDS(material safety data sheet)
 use of personal protective equipment, such as gloves,
Safety safety glasses, goggles, faceguards, coveralls and gowns
protocols/  use of biohazard containers and laminar flow cabinets
practices  correct labeling of reagents and hazardous materials
 handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment in
accordance with labels, MSDS, manufacturer's instructions,
and enterprise procedures and regulations
 regular cleaning and/or decontamination of equipment and
work areas

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence process, embed and cut tissue safely to enterprise
 stain sections according to enterprise procedures
 manage tasks and organize work to ensure the timely
completion of tasks
 use specimens, reagents and materials economically and
dispose of wastes safely
 maintain equipment, recording and reporting malfunctions
 minimize cross-contamination between specimens
 maintain traceability through all steps from receiving a
specimen through to completion of a procedure
 work safely
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  functions of the components of a rotary microtome
Attitudes  safety precautions relevant to tissue processing,
embedding and microtomy
 importance and appropriate use of certified reference
 relationship of the anatomy and morphology of tissue types
and the macroscopic and microscopic appearance of
stained sections
 correlation between poorly maintained processing reagents
and resultant tissue blocks being difficult to cut or
unsuitable for cutting
 relationship between correct orientation of the tissue during
embedding and ability to cut sections from surface required

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for subsequent microscopic examination
 occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures related to
micrometry and handling irritating, volatile, flammable and
potentially carcinogenic substances, such as formaldehyde,
xylene, histoclear, ethanol and chloroform
 safe and environmentally responsible disposal of wastes
 enterprise and/or legal traceability requirements
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  processing and embedding of plant and animal tissue
 cutting of sections free of wrinkles, scores and folds and at
the specified thickness to demonstrate tissue and cellular
structures, granules, inclusions and organelles
 regressive haematoxylin and eosin staining
 cover slipping slides, ensuring that no air bubbles are
formed and material is preserved for the life of the slide
 labeling slides clearly with case number, specimen and
stain details
 maintaining equipment and recording and reporting
malfunctions appropriately
 maintaining traceability through all steps from receiving a
specimen through to completion of a procedure
Resources may include:
 standard laboratory equipped with appropriate equipment
Resources and materials, such as microtomes, stains, human and
Implication animal tissues
 processing system for paraffin blocks
 associated OHS equipment, such as extractor systems
 enterprise procedures and standard methods
Competence may be assessed through:
Methods of
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Context of
simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

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Unit Title Perform Clinical Chemistry Tests and Procedures
Unit Code HLT MLS4 11 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to interpret Clinical
chemistry test requirements, prepare samples, conduct pre-use
and calibration checks on equipment and perform routine
chemical tests/procedures. These tests will involve several
measurement steps. The unit includes data processing and
interpretation of results and tracking of obvious test
malfunctions where the procedure is standardized. However,
personnel are not required to analyze data, optimize
tests/procedures for specific samples or troubleshoot equipment
problems where the solution is not apparent.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Interpret and 1.1 Review test request to identify samples to be tested, test
schedule test method and equipment/instruments involved.
requirements 1.2 Identify hazards and enterprise control measures
associated with the sample, preparation/test methods,
reagents and/or equipment.
1.3 Plan work sequences to optimize throughput of multiple
samples, if appropriate.
2. Receive and 2.1 Log samples using standard operating procedures (SOPs).
prepare 2.2 Record sample description, compare with specification and
samples note and report discrepancies.
2.3 Prepare samples and standards in accordance with
chemical testing requirements.
2.4 Ensure traceability of samples from receipt to reporting of
3. Check 3.1 Set up equipment/instruments in accordance with test
equipment method requirements.
before use 3.2 Perform pre-use and safety checks in accordance with
relevant enterprise and operating procedures.
3.3 Identify faulty or unsafe components and equipment and
report to appropriate personnel.
3.4 Check equipment calibration using specified standards and
procedures, if applicable.
3.5 Quarantine out of calibration equipment/instruments.
3.6 Ensure reagents required for the test are available and
meet quality requirements.
4. Test samples 4.1 Operate equipment/instruments in accordance with test
to determine method requirements.
chemical 4.2 Perform tests/procedures on all samples and standards, if
species or appropriate, in accordance with specified methods.
properties 4.3 Shut down equipment/instruments in accordance with
operating procedure.

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5. Process and 5.1 Record test data noting atypical observations.
interpret data 5.2 Construct calibration graphs, if appropriate, and compute
results for all samples from these graphs.
5.3 Ensure calculated values are consistent with expectations.
5.4 Record and report results in accordance with enterprise
5.5 Estimate and document uncertainty of measurement in
accordance with enterprise procedures, if required.
5.6 Interpret trends in data and/or results and report out of
specification or atypical results promptly to appropriate
5.7 Determine if obvious procedure or equipment problems
have led to atypical data or results.
6. Maintain a safe 6.1 Use established safety work practices and personal
work protective equipment to ensure personal safety and that of
environment other laboratory personnel.
6.2 Minimize the generation of wastes and environmental
6.3 Ensure the safe collection of laboratory and hazardous
waste for subsequent disposal.
6.4 Care for and store equipment and reagents as required.

7. Maintain 7.1 Enter approved data into laboratory information

laboratory management system.
records 7.2 Maintain confidentiality and security of enterprise
information and laboratory data.
7.3 Maintain equipment and calibration logs in accordance with
enterprise procedures.

Variable Range
Standards, May include but not limited to:
 calibration and maintenance schedules
 enterprise recording and reporting procedures
enterprise  equipment manuals
requirements  • equipment startup, operation and shutdown procedures
 material safety data sheets (MSDS) and safety procedures
 material, production and product specifications
 national measurement regulations and guidelines
 principles of good laboratory practice (GLP)
 production and laboratory schedules
 quality manuals and equipment and procedure manuals
 SOPs
 waste minimization and safe disposal procedures
Chemical tests May include but not limited to:
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methods  LFT ,RFT,FBS
 control of starting materials, in-process materials and
finished products
 environmental monitoring
 basic troubleshooting and/or problem solving within the
scope of SOPs and enterprise processes
Chemical May include but not limited to:
principles and
 enzymes, proteins, glucose, lipid profiles …
concepts  chemical reactions involving acid/base, redox, complex ion
formation, solubility and equilibrium
 energy levels and absorption/emission spectra relevant
health, safety and environment requirements
Hazards Hazards may include:
 chemicals:
 acids (e.g. sulphuric, perchloric and hydrofluoric)
 heavy metals and pesticides
 anions (e.g. fluoride)
 hydrocarbons (e.g. mono-aromatics)
 aerosols from broken centrifuge tubes, pipetting
 sharps and broken glassware
 flammable liquids and gases
 disturbance or interruption of services
Hazard control measures may include:
 ensuring access to service shut-off points
 recognizing and observing hazard warnings and safety
 labeling of samples, reagents, aliquoted samples and
hazardous materials
 handling and storage of hazardous materials and
equipment in accordance with labeling, MSDS and
manufacturer's instructions
Hazard control  identifying and reporting operating problems or equipment
measures: malfunctions
 cleaning and decontaminating equipment and work areas
regularly using enterprise procedures
 using personal protective clothing and equipment, such as
gloves, safety glasses and coveralls
 using containment facilities (PCII, PCIII and PCIV
 physical containment laboratories), containment
 equipment (biohazard containers, laminar flow cabinets,
class I, II and III biohazard cabinets) and containment
Records may include:
 test and calibration results
Records  equipment use, maintenance and servicing history
 faulty or unsafe equipment

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Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and safety  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
(OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current industry
understanding of infection control issued by the National Health
and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and State/regional
Departments of Health or federal legislation

Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  interpret test methods/procedures accurately
 prepare and test samples using procedures appropriate to
the nature of sample
 perform calibration checks (if required)
 safely operate test equipment/instruments to enterprise
standards and/or manufacturer's specification
 prepare calibration graphs and calculate results using
appropriate units and precision
 apply basic theoretical knowledge to interpret gross features
of data and make relevant conclusions
 identify atypical results as out of normal range or an artefact
 traces and source obvious causes of an artefact
 communicate problems to a supervisor or outside service
 record and communicate results in accordance with
enterprise procedures
 maintain security, integrity, traceability of samples,
 sub-samples, test data and results and documentation.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  chemical principles and concepts underpinning
Attitudes test/procedure
 purpose of the tests
 concepts of methodology
 principles and concepts related to equipment/instrument
operation and testing
 function of key components of the equipment/instrument
and/or reagents
 effects of modifying equipment/instrument variables
 use of calibration procedures
 enterprise and/or legal traceability requirements
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements

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Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  interpreting test methods and procedures
 sample preparation procedures
 performing calibration checks
 using instruments for qualitative and/or quantitative analysis
 maintaining and evaluating reagents
 troubleshooting basic equipment/method
 using calculation methods, including appropriate units,
uncertainties, balancing equations, and the concentration of
the solution given the chemical reaction for the titration
 preparing calibration graphs and calculating results using
appropriate units and precision
 applying theoretical knowledge to interpret gross features of
data and make relevant conclusions such as identifying
atypical results as out of normal range or an artefact
 tracing and sourcing obvious causes of an artefact
 recording and communicating results in accordance with
enterprise procedures
 maintaining security, integrity, traceability of samples, sub-
samples, test data, results and documentation
Resources  standard laboratory equipped with appropriate test
Implication equipment/instruments, standards and reagents
 Enterprise procedures and standard methods.
Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Context of
simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
Unit Code HLT MLS4 12 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of
internal and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate group
discussions, and contribute to the development of
communication strategies.

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Elements Performance Criteria
1. Meet common 1.1 Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues are
and specific identified and met.
n needs of 1.2 Different approaches are used to meet communication
clients and needs of clients and colleagues.
colleagues 1.3 Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a
manner which does not compromise the standing of the
2. Contribute to 2.1 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of
the information are developed, promoted, implemented and
development reviewed as required.
communicatio 2.2 Channels of communication are established and reviewed
n strategies regularly.
2.3 Coaching in effective communication is provided.
2.4 Work related network and relationship are maintained as
2.5 Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used where
2.6 Communication with clients and colleagues is appropriate to
individual needs and organizational objectives.
3. Represent the 3.1 When participating in internal or external forums,
organization presentation is relevant, appropriately researched and
presented in a manner to promote the organization.
3.2 Presentation is clear and sequential and delivered within a
predetermined time.
3.3 Utilize appropriate media to enhance presentation.
3.4 Differences in views are respected.
3.5 Written communication is consistent with organizational
3.6 Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with
organizational standard.
4. Facilitate 4.1 Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction
group are defined and implemented.
4.2 Strategies which encourage all group members to
participate are used routinely.
4.3 Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions are
routinely set and followed.
4.4 Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate

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4.5 Evaluation of group communication strategies is
undertaken to promote participation of all parties.
4.6 Specific communication needs of individuals are identified
and addressed.
5. Conduct 5.1 A range of appropriate communication strategies are
interview employed in interview situations.
5.2 Records of interviews are made and maintained in
accordance with organizational procedures.
5.3 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal
communication techniques are used to ensure that required
message is communicated.

Variable Range
Strategies  Recognizing own limitations
 Utilizing techniques and aids
 Providing written drafts
 Verbal and non verbal communication
Effective group  Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an
interaction interaction in a non judgmental way
 Using active listening
 Making decision about appropriate words, behavior
 Putting together response which is culturally appropriate
 Expressing an individual perspective
 Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and
exploring impact with relevance to communication
Types of Interview  Related to staff issues
 Routine
 Confidential
 Evidential
 Non disclosure / Disclosure
Interview  Establish rapport
situations  obtain facts and information
 Facilitate resolution of issues
 Develop action plans
 Diffuse potentially difficult situation
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Demonstrated effective communication skills with clients
accessing service and work colleagues
 Adopted relevant communication techniques and
strategies to meet client particular needs and difficulties
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Communication process
Attitudes  Dynamics of groups and different styles of group
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 Communication skills relevant to client groups
Demonstrates skills to:
Full range of communication techniques including:
 Active listening
 Feedback
 Interpretation
Underpinning  Role boundaries setting
Skills  Negotiation
 Establishing empathy
 Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as
specified by the organization
Resource Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context for Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Establish Quality Standards
Unit Code HLT MLS4 13 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to
monitor quality of work, establish quality specifications for work
outcomes, participate in maintaining and improving quality at
work, identify hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality output, assist in planning of quality

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assurance procedures, report problems that affect quality and
implement quality assurance procedures.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Health service specifications are sourced and legislated
quality requirements identified.
specifications 1.2 Quality specifications developed and agreed upon.
for service
1.3 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to
organization staff / personnel in accordance with the
organization policy.
1.4 Quality specifications are updated when necessary.
2. Identify 2.1 Critical control points impacting on quality are identified.
hazards and 2.2 Degree of risk for each hazard is determined.
critical control
points 2.3 Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance
with organization quality procedures.
3. Assist in 3.1 Procedures for each identified control point are developed
planning of to ensure optimum quality.
quality 3.2 Hazards and risks are minimized through application of
assurance appropriate controls.
3.3 Processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality
assurance procedures are developed.
4. Implement 4.1 Responsibilities for carrying out procedures are allocated
quality to staff.
assurance 4.2 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the
procedures enterprise’s quality assurance program.
4.3 Staffs are given induction training on the quality assurance
4.4 Staffs are given in-service training relevant to their
allocated procedures.
5. Monitor quality 5.1 Quality requirements are identified
of work 5.2 Inputs are inspected to confirm capability to meet quality
outcome requirements
5.3 Work is conducted to produce required outcomes
5.4 Work processes are monitored to confirm quality of output
and/or service
5.5 Processes are adjusted to maintain outputs within
6. Participate in 6.1 Work area, materials, processes and product are routinely
maintaining monitored to ensure compliance with quality requirements
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and improving 6.2 Non-conformance in inputs, process, product and/or
quality at work service is identified and reported according to workplace
reporting requirements
6.3 Corrective action is taken within level of responsibility, to
maintain quality standards
6.4 Quality issues are raised with designated personnel
7. Report 7.1 Recognize potential or existing quality problems.
problems that 7.2 Identify instances of variation in quality from specifications
affect quality or work instructions.
7.3 Report variation and potential problems to
supervisor/manager according to enterprise guidelines.

Variable Range
Sourced  end-users
 customers or stakeholders
Legislated  Verification of service quality as part of consumer legislation
requirements or specific legislation related to service content or
 use of tools and equipment for construction works
 workplace environment and handling of material safety,
Safety  following occupational health and safety procedures
procedures designated for the task
 respect the policies, regulations, legislations, rule and
procedures for construction works

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Monitored quality of work
 Established quality specifications for service
 Participated in maintaining and improving quality at work
 Identified hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality service
 Assisted in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reported problems that affect quality
 Implemented quality assurance procedures
Demonstrates knowledge of:
 Monitoring quality of work
 Establishing quality specifications for product
Underpinning  Participating in maintaining and improving quality at work
Knowledge and  Identifying hazards and critical control points in the
Attitudes production of quality product
 Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures

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 Reporting problems that affect quality
 Implementing quality assurance procedures
Demonstrates skills in:
 Monitoring quality of work
 Establishing quality specifications for service
Underpinning  Participating in maintaining and improving quality at work
Skills  Identifying hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality service
 Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reporting problems that affect quality
 Implementing quality assurance procedures
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  Workplace or fully equipped environment with necessary
tools and equipment as well as consumable materials
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Develop Individuals and Teams
Unit Code HLT MLS4 14 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to
determine individual and team development needs and facilitate
the development of the workgroup.

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Elements Performance Criteria

1. Provide 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically

team identified and implemented in line with organizational
leadership requirements.
1.2 Learning plan to meet individual and group training and
developmental needs is collaboratively developed and
1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self evaluate performance and
identify areas for improvement.
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected
from relevant sources and compared with established team
learning process.
2. Foster 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives are
individual identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
and requirements of competence standards.
organization 2.2 Learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning
al growth goals, the learning style of participants and availability of
equipment and resources.
2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring
assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team
achievement of competencies.
2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are
identified and approved in accordance with organizational
3. Monitor and 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and
evaluate implement improvements in future learning arrangements.
workplace 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are
learning assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of
development programs and the extent of additional support.
3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of learning.
3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained within
organizational requirement.
4. Develop 4.1 Open communication processes to obtain and share
team information is used by team.
commitment 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its
and agreed roles and responsibilities.
4.3 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team.
5. Facilitate 5.1 Team members actively participated in team activities and
accomplish communication processes.
ment of 5.2 Team’s members developed individual and joint
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organization responsibility for their actions.
al goals 5.3 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational

Variable Range
Learning and  Coaching, monitoring and/or supervision
development  Formal/informal learning program
 Internal/external training provision
 Work experience/exchange/opportunities
 Personal study and Career planning/development
 Performance evaluation
 Workplace skills assessment
 Recognition of prior learning
Organizational  Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
requirements  Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements
 Safety policies, procedures and programs
 Confidentiality and security requirements
 Business and performance plans
 Ethical standards
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
Feedback on  Formal/informal performance evaluation
performance  Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
 Obtaining feedback from clients
 Personal and reflective behavior strategies
 Routine and organizational methods for monitoring service
Learning  On the job coaching or monitoring
delivery  Problem solving
 Presentation/demonstration
 Formal course participation
 Work experience
 Involvement in professional networks
 Conference and seminar attendance

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  Identified and implemented learning opportunities for others
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 Gave and received feedback constructively
 Facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team
 Negotiated learning plans to improve the effectiveness of
 Prepared learning plans to match skill needs
 Accessed and designated learning opportunities
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge and attitude on:
Knowledge and  Coaching and monitoring principles
Attitude  Understanding how to work effectively with team members
who have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and
 Understanding how to facilitate team development and
 Understanding methods and techniques to obtain and
interpreting feedback
 Understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing
personal development opportunities and options
 Knowledge of career paths and competence standards in the
health institutions
Underpinning Demonstrate skills on:
Skills  Ability to read and understand a variety of texts, prepare
general information and documents according to target
audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation
effective relationships and conflict management
 Communication skills including receiving feedback and
reporting, maintaining effective relationships and conflict
 Planning skills to organize required resources and equipment
to meet learning needs
 Coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to
 Reporting skills to organize information; assess information
for relevance and accuracy; identify and elaborate on
learning outcomes
 Facilitation skills to conduct small group training sessions
 Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural,
physical and mental backgrounds
Resource Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
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Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

Unit Title Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Unit Code HLT MLS4 15 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the operation of day-to-day business activities
in medical laboratories. The strategies involve developing,
monitoring and managing work activities and financial
information, developing effective work habits, and adjusting
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work schedules as needed.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify 1.1 Work requirements for a given time period are identified
daily work taking into consideration resources and constraints.
requirements 1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs,
requirements and deadlines.
1.3 If appropriate, work is allocated to relevant staff or
contractors to optimize efficiency.
2. Monitor 2.1 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to
and manage provide optimum results.
2.2 Staff, clients and stakeholders are communicated within a
clear and regular manner, to monitor work in relation to
business goals or timelines.
2.3 Problem solving techniques are applied to work
situations to overcome difficulties and achieve positive
3. Develop 3.1 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance
effective work is achieved between competing priorities using
habits appropriate time management strategies.
3.2 Input from internal and external sources is sought and
used to develop and refine new ideas and approaches.
3.3 Business or inquiries are responded to promptly and
3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the
health institutions and clients.
4. Interpret 4.1 Relevant documents and reports are identified.
information 4.2 Documents and reports are read and understood and any
implications discussed with appropriate persons.
4.3 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked,
evaluated, organized and reconciled.
4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained
correctly and in accordance with legal and accounting
4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a
timely manner and in accordance with legal requirements.
4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up on.
5. Evaluate 5.1 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according
work to business demands.

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performance 5.2 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary
modifications to existing work and routines or changing
needs and requirements.
5.3 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and
recorded to aid in future planning and evaluation.
5.4 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical
approach to workplace practices and decisions.

Variable Range
Resources may  staff
include:  money
 time
 equipment
 space
 sales targets
Business goals  budgetary targets
may include:  team and individual goals
 health services targets
 reporting deadlines
 gaining additional research and information to make better
informed decisions
Problem solving  looking for patterns
techniques may  considering related problems or those from the past and
include: how they were handled
 eliminating possibilities
 identifying and attempting sub-tasks
 collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional
Time  prioritizing and anticipating
management  short term and long term planning and scheduling
strategies may  creating a positive and organized work environment
include:  clear timelines and goal setting that is regularly reviewed
and adjusted as necessary
 breaking large tasks into smaller tasks
 getting additional support if identified and necessary
Internal and  staff and colleagues
external sources  management, supervisors, advisors or head office
may include:  relevant professionals such as lawyers, accountants,
management consultants
 professional associations

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person must be able to demonstrate:
Competence  ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate work
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 ability to interpret financial documents in accordance with
legal requirements
Underpinning Essential knowledge and attitudes include:
Knowledge and  Federal and Local Government legislative requirements
Attitudes affecting business operations, especially in regard to
occupational health and safety (OH&S), equal employment
opportunity (EEO), institutional relations and anti
 Technical or specialist skills relevant to the business
 Relevant health institution code of practice
 Planning techniques to establish realistic timelines and
 Identification of relevant performance measures
 Quality assurance principles and methods
 Relevant marketing, management, sales and financial
 Methods for monitoring performance and implementing
 Structured approaches to problem solving, idea
management and time management
Underpinning Essential skills includes:
Skills  Literacy skills to interpret legal requirements, company
policies and procedures and immediate, day-to-day
 Communication skills including questioning, clarifying,
reporting, and giving and receiving constructive feedback
 Numeracy skills for performance information, setting targets
and interpreting financial documents and reports
 Technical and analytical skills to interpret business
documents, reports and financial statements and projections
 Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
 Problem solving skills to develop contingency plans
 Using computers and software packages to record and
manage data and to produce reports
 Evaluation skills for assessing work and outcomes
 Observation skills for identifying appropriate people,
resources and to monitor work
Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications  Access to relevant workplace documentation, financial
records, and equipment
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Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context for Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV

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Unit Title Migrate to New Technology
Unit Code HLT MLS4 16 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to apply skills and
knowledge in using new or upgraded technology. The rationale
behind this unit emphasizes the importance of constantly
reviewing work processes, skills and techniques in order to
ensure that the quality of the entire business process is
maintained at the highest level possible through the
appropriate application of new technology. To this end, the
person is typically engaged in on-going review and research in
order to discover and apply new technology or techniques to
improve aspects of the organization’s activities.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Apply existing 1.1 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be
knowledge and used as the basis for developing new skills.
techniques to 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used
technology and to enhance learning.
1.3 New or upgraded equipment are identified, classified and
used where appropriate, for the benefit of the
2. Apply functions 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted
of technology to according to the specification manual.
assist in solving 2.2 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied
organizational within the organization.
2.3 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment are
used for solving organizational problems.
2.4 Sources of information are accessed and used relating
to new or upgraded equipment.
3. Evaluate new or 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for
upgraded performance, usability and against OHS standards.
technology 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from new
performance or upgraded equipment.
3.3 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate.

Variable Range

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Environmental  May include but is not limited to recycling, safe disposal of
Considerations packaging (e.g. cardboard, polystyrene, paper, plastic)
and correct disposal of waste materials by an authorized
Feedback  May include surveys, questionnaires, interviews and

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of  Competence must confirm the ability to transfer the
Competence application of existing skills and knowledge to new
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge and attitudes on:
Knowledge and  Broad awareness of current technology trends and
Attitudes directions in construction health institutions (e.g.
systems/procedures, services, new developments, new
 Knowledge of vendor product directions
 Assess and analyze value chain
 Ability to locate appropriate sources of information
regarding building construction and new technologies
 Current industry products/services, procedures and
techniques with knowledge of general features
 Information gathering techniques
Demonstrate skills on:
 Research skills for identifying broad features of new
Underpinning  Ability to assist in the decision making process
Skills  Literacy skills in regard to interpretation of technical
 Ability to solve known problems in a variety of situations
and locations
 Evaluate and apply new technology to assist in solving
organizational problems
 General analytical skills in relation to known problems
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning

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Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level IV
Unit Title Manage Continuous Improvement System
Unit Code HLT MLS4 17 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in
which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are
promoted and rewarded.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Review 1.1 Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance

programs, of key systems and processes
systems and 1.2 Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, operational
processes and product/service delivery systems
1.3 Identify performance measures, and assessment tools
and techniques, and evaluate their effectiveness
1.4 Analyze performance reports and variance from plans for
all key result areas of the organization
1.5 Identify and analyze changing trends and opportunities
relevant to the organization
1.6 Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to
identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities
2. Develop options 2.1 Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and
for continuous innovation as an essential element of competition
improvement 2.2 Foster creative climate and organizational learning
through the promotion of interaction within and between
work groups
2.3 Encourage, test and recognize new ideas and
entrepreneurial behavior where successful
2.4 Accept failure of an idea during trialing, and recognize,
celebrate and embed success into systems
2.5 Undertake risk management and cost benefit analyses
for each option/idea approved for trial
2.6 Approve innovations through agreed organizational
3. Implement 3.1 Promote continuous improvement as an essential part of
innovative doing business
processes 3.2 Address impact of change and consequences for people,
and implement transition plans
3.3 Ensure objectives, timeframes, measures and
communication plans are in place to manage
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3.4 Implement contingency plans in the event of non-
3.5 Follow-up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of
3.6 Manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively
3.7 Evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes
3.8 Communicate costs and benefits of innovations and
improvements to all relevant groups and individuals

Variable Range
Sustainability may  addressing environmental and resource sustainability
include: initiatives, such as environmental management systems,
action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits
 applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace
 complying with regulations and corporate social
responsibility considerations for sustainability to enhance
the organisation's standing in business and community
 determining organisation's most appropriate waste
treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use,
recoverable resources and wastewater treatment
 implementing ecological footprint
 implementing environmental management systems, e.g.
ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life
cycle analyses
 implementing government initiatives,
 improving resource and energy efficiency
 initiating and maintaining appropriate organisational
procedures for operational energy consumption
 introducing a green office program - a cultural change
 introducing green purchasing
 introducing national and international reporting initiatives,
 introducing product stewardship
 reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
 reducing use of non-renewable resources
 referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as
sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line
 supporting sustainable supply chain.
Supply chains  network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms
include: them into intermediate products or services and then
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finished goods or service, and delivers them through a
distribution system
 procurement, production and distribution, viewed as
interlinked not as discrete elements
Performance  budget or cost variance
reports may  customer service
include:  environmental
 financial
 quality
 other operating parameters

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence of the following is essential:
Competence  demonostration of consultation processes to introduce or
evaluate an existing continuous improvement process or
system, including suggested actions or an action plan
 generation of an idea or concept which exhibits creative
thinking and which offers the possibility of advantaging the
 how the concept or idea was introduced, tested and
evaluated - the idea or concept does not have to have been
shown to work or to be adopted by the business
 knowledge of quality management and continuous
improvement theories
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  quality management and continuous improvement theories
Attitudes  creativity/innovation theories/concepts
 risk management
 cost-benefit analysis methods
 creativity and innovation theories and concepts
 organizational learning principles
 quality management and continuous improvement theories
 risk management
 sustainability practices
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities in
relation to
 the services/products delivered or concepts/ideas
 flexibility and creativity skills to think laterally
 leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality and an
openness to innovation
 teamwork and leadership skills to foster a commitment to
quality and an openness to innovation

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Resources Access may be required to:
Implication  workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
 appropriate documentation and resources normally used in
the workplace
Methods of Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a
Assessment combination of the following to generate evidence:
 demonstration in the workplace
 suitable simulation
 oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of
principles and techniques associated with change
 evaluation of strategies established to monitor and evaluate
performance of key systems and processes
 review of briefing of groups on performance improvement
strategies and innovation
Those aspects of competence dealing with improvement
processes could be assessed by the use of suitable
simulations and/or a pilot plant and/or a range of case studies
and scenarios.
In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by
questions to assess essential knowledge and those aspects of
competence which are difficult to assess directly.
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting / environment.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level III
Apply Quality System and Continuous Improvement
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT MLS3 01 0611
This unit of competency covers the exercise of good laboratory
Unit Descriptor
practice and effective participation in quality improvement teams.
Personnel are required to ensure the quality and integrity of their
own work, detect non-conformances and work with others to
suggest improvements in services.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Satisfy quality 1.1 Access information on quality system requirements for own
system job function.
requirements 1.2 Record and report quality control data in accordance with
in daily work quality system.
1.3 Follow quality control procedures to ensure results, or data,
are of a defined quality as laboratory service to acceptance
or rejection.
1.4 Recognize and report non-conformances or problems.
1.5 Conduct work in accordance with sustainable energy work
1.6 Promote sustainable energy principles and work practices to
other workers.
2. Analyze 2.1 Compare current work practices, procedures and process or
opportunities equipment performance with requirements and/or historical
for corrective data or records.
and/or 2.2 Recognize variances that indicate abnormal or sub-optimal
optimization performance.
2.3 Collect and/or evaluate batch and/or historical records to
determine possible causes for sub-optimal performance.
2.4 Use appropriate quality improvement techniques to rank the
probabilities of possible causes.
3. Recommend 3.1 Analyze causes to predict likely impacts of changes and
corrective decide on the appropriate actions.
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optimization 3.2 Identify required changes to standards and procedures and
actions training.
3.3 Report recommendations to designated personnel.
4. Participate in 4.1 Implement approved actions and monitor performance
the following changes to evaluate results.
implementation 4.2 Implement changes to systems and procedures to eliminate
of possible causes.
actions 4.3 Document outcomes of actions and communicate them to
relevant personnel.
5. Participate in 5.1 Review all relevant features of work practice to identify
the possible contributing factors leading to sub-optimal
development performance.
of continuous 5.2 Identify options for removing or controlling the risk of sub-
improvement optimal performance.
5.3 Assess the adequacy of current controls, quality methods
and systems.
5.4 Identify opportunities to continuously improve performance.
5.5 Develop recommendations for continual improvements of
work practices, methods, procedures and equipment
5.6 Consult with appropriate personnel to refine
recommendations before implementation of approved
improvement strategies.
5.7 Document outcomes of strategies and communicate them to
relevant personnel.

Variables Range
Quality control Quality control procedures may include:
procedures  standards imposed by regulatory and licensing bodies
 enterprise quality procedures
 working to a customer brief or batch card and associated
quality procedures
 checklists to monitor job progress against agreed time, costs
and quality standards
 preparation of sampling plans
 the use of hold points to evaluate conformance
 the use of inspection and test plans to check compliance
Methods for Methods for statistical analysis may include:
statistical  means
analysis  median
 mode
 ranges

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 standard deviations
Problem solving Problem solving techniques may include:
techniques  identifying inputs and outputs
 sequencing a process
 identifying and rectifying a problem step
 root cause analysis
 implementing preventative strategies
Quality Quality improvement tools and techniques may include:
improvement  run charts, control charts, histograms and scatter grams to
tools and present routine quality control data
techniques  plan, do, check, act (PDCA)
 similarity/difference analysis
Sustainable Sustainable energy principles and work practices may
energy include:
principles and  examining work practices that use excessive electricity
work  switching off equipment when not in use
practices  recycling and reusing materials wherever practicable
 minimizing process waste
Quality Quality improvement opportunities could include
improvement improved:
opportunities  test processes
 hygiene and sanitation procedures
 reductions in waste and re-work
 safety procedures
 communication with customers
 methods for sampling, testing and recording data
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
safety (OHS) environmental management requirements which may be
and imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
environmental requirements must not be compromised at any time
management  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
requirements samples and require standard precautions to be applied
 where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and
State/regional Departments of Health or federal legislation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  use the enterprise's quality systems and business goals as a
basis for decision making and action
 apply all relevant procedures and regulatory requirements to
ensure the quality and integrity of the products/services or
data provided
 apply and promote sustainable energy principles and work

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 detect non-conforming services in the work area
 follow enterprise procedures for documenting and reporting
information about quality
 contribute effectively within a team to recognize and
recommend improvements in service
 apply effective problem solving strategies
 implement and monitor improved practices and procedures
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  specifications for laboratory services in the candidate's work
Attitudes area
 quality requirements associated with the individual's job
function and/or work area
 scientific and technical knowledge underpinning the
processes, procedures, equipment and instrumentation
associated with the candidate's work tasks and duties
 workplace procedures associated with the candidate's regular
technical duties
 sustainable energy principles
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
 lines of communication
 role of laboratory services to the enterprise and customers
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  applying problem solving techniques and strategies
 applying statistical analysis
 detecting non-conforming tests/ services in the work area
 documenting and reporting information about quality
 contributing effectively within a team to recognize and
recommend improvements in service
 implementing and monitoring improved practices and
Resource Resources may include:
Requirements  enterprise quality manual and procedures
 quality control data/records
 customer complaints and rectifications
 candidate's supervisors and peers
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a

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Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could be
assessed on its own or in combination with other competencies
relevant to the job function.

Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level III

Unit Title Prepare, Standardize and Use Solutions
Unit Code HLT MLS3 02 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to prepare,
standardize and monitor the quality of solutions.

Element Performance Criteria

1.Prepare 1.1 Select appropriate procedure for solution preparation.

solutions 1.2 Select equipment, materials and solvent of specified purity.
1.3 Measure appropriate quantities of reagents for solution
preparation and record data.
1.4 Select and assemble specified laboratory equipment and
appropriate grade of glassware.
1.5 Perform specified dilutions.
1.6 Prepare solutions to achieve homogeneous mix of the
specified concentration.
1.7 Label and store solutions to maintain identity and stability.
2. Standardize 2.1 Assemble appropriate laboratory equipment.
and use 2.2 Perform serial dilutions as required.
solutions 2.3 Standardize the solution to the required specified range and
2.4 Label and store solutions to maintain identity and stability.
2.5 Use standard volumetric solutions to determine concentration
of unknown solutions.
3. Calculate and 3.1 Calculate specified concentrations.
record data 3.2 Use authorized procedure if data is to be modified.
3.3 Estimate and document uncertainty of measurement in
accordance with enterprise procedures, if required.
3.4 Record all relevant details according to laboratory procedures
and report results.

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3.5 Report concentration with appropriate units.
4.Monitor the 4.1 Check solutions for visual deterioration and expiry date.
quality of 4.2 Restandardise or dispose of dated or deteriorated solutions.
solutions 4.3 Record details and label solutions according to laboratory
5. Maintain a 5.1 Use established safe work practices and personal protective
safe work equipment to ensure personal safety and that of other
environment laboratory personnel.
5.2 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment.
5.3 Minimize generation of waste and environmental impacts.
5.4 Ensure the safe collection of laboratory and hazardous waste
for subsequent disposal.
5.5 Store equipment and reagents as required.

Variables Range
Solutions Solutions may include but are not limited to:
 solutions of strong/weak acids and bases
 oxidizing/reducing agents
 stains for cells, buffers and antibodies
 diluents for maintaining isotonicity
 organic solutions and histological fixatives
Apparatus and Apparatus and reagents to prepare standard solutions may
reagents include:
to prepare  balances
standard  pipettes, burettes, volumetric glassware and weighing bottles
solutions  desiccators and filtering media
 ovens and muffle furnaces
 solutions, indicators and primary and secondary standards
 auto titrators, pH meters and other related meters and
electrodes for determining equivalence points, top pan and
analytical balances
 magnetic stirrers and heaters, and water baths
Checking Checking usability of solutions may include:
usability of  examining stained samples for correct staining reactions
solutions  performing pH checks
 checking red cell suspensions for haemolysis
 isotonicity for saline
Hazards Hazards may include:
 chemicals, such as strong acids and bases, and stains
 sharps and broken glassware
 burners, hot plates, ovens and furnaces

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Safe work Safe work practices may include:
practices  Use of material safety data sheets (MSDS).
 use of personal protective equipment, such as gloves,
 safety glasses, goggles, faceguards, coveralls and gowns
 use of biohazard containers, laminar flow cabinets and fume
 correct labeling of reagents and hazardous materials
 handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment
 in accordance with labels, MSDS, manufacturer's
 instructions, and enterprise procedures and regulations
 regular cleaning and/or decontaminating of equipment and
work areas

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  use balances and volumetric glassware
 select and use primary and secondary standards
 select and use indicators
 perform quality assurance checks for solution performance
 calculate the concentration of the solution given the chemical
reaction for the solution
 recognize control results that are not within acceptable range
 record results to enterprise standards
 label and store solutions in accordance with enterprise
 interpret and follow enterprise SOPs
 interpret and use safety information, such as that provided by
MSDS and follow relevant safety procedures.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  solution terminology, chemistry of acids, bases, buffers and
Attitudes redox reactions
 concepts of methodology
 grades of glassware, reagents and their use
 reactions used for standardization and desirable
 enterprise communication and reporting procedures
 occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures, including
those for using corrosive materials
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  interpreting and following enterprise standard operating
procedures (SOPs)
 determining equivalence points using indicators and graphical
 using calculation methods, including appropriate units,
uncertainties, balancing equations, the concentration of the

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solution given the chemical reaction
 using apparatus and reagents to prepare standard solutions
such as balances and volumetric glassware
 selecting and using primary and secondary standards and
 performing assurance checks for solution performance
 recognizing control results that are not within acceptable
 interpreting and using safety information, such as that
provided by material safety data sheets (MSDS) and follow
relevant safety procedures
Resource Resources may include:
Requirements  standard laboratory equipped with appropriate volumetric
 laboratory reagents and equipment
 SOPs and testing methods.
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level III
Unit Title Perform Standard Calibrations
Unit Code HLT MLS3 03 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the ability to calibrate measuring and testing
equipment in accordance with standard calibration procedures
and document test methods. These procedures/methods specify
all associated reference standards, materials, equipment and
methods to be used and the required parameters or quantities
and ranges to be tested, including the criteria for rejection or

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare items 1.1 Select the authorized calibration procedure in accordance
for calibration with enterprise procedures.
1.2 Identify hazards and use appropriate personal protective
equipment, safety equipment and procedures.
1.3 Confirm all measuring equipment meets the laboratory's
specification requirements and complies fully with the
calibration procedure.
1.4 Assemble and set up specified reference standards and
associated equipment prior to testing.
1.5 Verify performance of reference standards and measuring
equipment prior to use and adjust or calibrate as necessary.
1.6 Identify and minimize potential sources of measurement
2. Perform 2.1 Perform individual tests without variance according to the
calibration documented procedure to ensure repeatability of
2.2 Confirm readings are the result of a valid measurement and
record data as required (as-found or before adjustment).
2.3 Adjust device under test to bring readings within
specification and record data (as-left or after adjustment) if
2.4 Analyze resulting test data to detect trends or
inconsistencies that would significantly affect the accuracy
or validity of test results.

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2.5 Seek appropriate advice when interpretation of results is
outside authorized scope of approval.
3. Document 3.1 Document compliance/non-compliance with requirements of
results test and/or specifications.
3.2 Estimate and document uncertainty of measurement in
accordance with enterprise procedures, if required.
3.3 Record the results of each test/calibration accurately,
unambiguously and objectively.
3.4 Ensure confidentiality of enterprise information.
4. Finalize 4.1 Prepare and issue a final report on the job/item detailing
calibration testing carried out, traceability, statement of compliance
and relevant information as required.
4.2 Report any non-compliance and verify next course of action
with supervisor.
4.3 Attach calibration labels, equipment stickers, quality control
tags and tamper resistant seals as required in enterprise
4.4 Store test equipment/measurement standards and results in
accordance with enterprise procedures.

Variable Range
Hazards May include but not limited to:
 electric shock
 disturbance or interruption of services
 manual handling of heavy equipment boxes
 sources of electromagnetic radiation (lasers and RF
 fluids under pressure
 heat sources, such as ovens
Safety procedures May include but not limited to:
 use of personal protective equipment, such as hearing
protection, gloves, safety glasses and coveralls
 ensuring access to service shut-off points
 handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment
in accordance with labels, material safety data sheets
(MSDS), manufacturer's instructions, and enterprise
procedures and regulations
 regular cleaning of equipment and work areas

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  maintain very close attention to procedures, accuracy and
precision of measurement to ensure integrity of
test/calibration results (especially during lengthy tests)
 critically examine each calibration step to ensure
repeatability and validity of data
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 apply all relevant procedures and regulatory requirements
to ensure the quality and integrity of the services or data
 prepare test/calibration documentation that is accurate and
complies with requirements
 operate equipment correctly and safely
 recognize problems or departures in systems and
documentation and initiate actions to prevent or minimize
 recognize and report opportunities for improvements to
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  purpose of methodology and calibration, including common
Attitudes terminology, concepts, principles, procedures, and
 National Association of Testing Authority's (NATA) role in
the measurement and testing system in Ethiopia
 traceability, including legal requirements for traceability
 requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories (e.g. AS ISO/IEC17025) as they affect job role
and responsibilities
 hierarchy and appropriate selection of reference materials
and instruments
 non-conformance/non-compliance procedures and
protocols associated with equipment, reference material
and calibration procedures
 troubleshooting procedures for equipment and test methods
 methods for statistical analysis (means, ranges and
standard deviations) and estimation of uncertainty of
measurement (may include the use of software)
 reporting procedures and legislative requirements
 handling, transport, storage and operation of reference and
working standards
 laboratory environmental control requirements
 relevant health, safety and environmental requirements
 layout of the enterprise, divisions and laboratory
organizational structure of the enterprise
 lines of communication
 role of laboratory services for the enterprise and customers
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  selecting and applying appropriate test methods and
calibration procedures
 maintaining close attention to procedures, accuracy and
precision of measurement to ensure the integrity of
test/calibration results
 using calibration and correction charts
 calculating to give results in appropriate accuracy, precision
and units
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 preparing test/calibration documentation that is accurate
and complies with requirements
 operating equipment correctly and safely
 recognizing problems or departures in systems and
documentation and initiating actions to prevent or minimize
 recognizing and report opportunities for improvements to
Resources  specialized calibration/test equipment, reference standards
Implication and laboratory facilities
 access to a library of calibration methods, procedures and
equipment specifications
 enterprise quality manual and procedures
Methods of  Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level III
Unit Title Maintain and Control Stocks
Unit Code HLT MTL3 04 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to order, maintain and
control the use of laboratory materials and/or equipment in the
work area.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Maintain and 1.1 Label, document and store stocks in accordance with
control stocks relevant standards and specific safety requirements.
of materials or 1.2 Follow stock rotation procedures to maximize use of stocks
equipment within permitted shelf life.
1.3 Identify stock discrepancies and replace redundant or
outdated stocks to maintain stocks at prescribed level.
1.4 Identify and replace damaged/worn equipment or arrange
for repairs or disposal as appropriate.
1.5 Initiate quality control sampling and testing procedures
when appropriate.
1.6 Report stock problems outside own knowledge and
authority limitations to relevant personnel.

2. Order and 2.1 Determine requirements of customers and suppliers using

receive appropriate communication and interpersonal skills.
materials and 2.2 Determine demand for stock, taking into account peak and
equipment seasonal variations in stock usage and production
2.3 Place and/or follow up approved orders using enterprise
systems and procedures.
2.4 Check condition of received goods and take appropriate
3. Maintain stock 3.1 Record all relevant details accurately using the specified
records forms/computer system.
3.2 Ensure that written information is legible and indelible.
3.3 File all records in the designated place.
4. Maintain a 4.1 Use established safe work practices and personal
safe work protective equipment to ensure personal safety and that of
environment other laboratory personnel.
4.2 Minimize the generation of wastes and environmental
4.3 Ensure the safe collection of redundant/outdated stocks for
subsequent disposal.

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Occupational health May include but not limited to:
and safety (OHS)  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
and environmental environmental management requirements which may be
management imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
requirements requirements must not be compromised at any time
 all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
 where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal
Workplace Workplace procedures may include:
procedures  ordering, purchase and receipt of stocks
 verification of temperature control for delivered and stored
 stocks
 organization of compatible batch or lot numbers
 storage of stocks, stock control and rotation of stock
 quality control testing, monitoring of use by dates of
standards and shelf life of reagents
 reporting non-conformances
Records Records could include:
 stock usage
 orders and progress of orders
 equipment servicing and repairs
 current inventories
 quality control sampling, testing and stock rotation
Communication Communication may require the use of equipment or systems,
such as:
 telephone, fax, email and mail
 online information systems, inventories, print records,
databases and catalogues
 filing systems
Communication may involve::
 suppliers
 freight companies
 internal customers
 external customers

Safety procedures Safety procedures may include:

 use of personal protective equipment, such as hearing
protection, gloves, safety glasses, coveralls and safety boots
 ensuring access to service shut-off points
 handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment in

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accordance with labels, MSDS, manufacturer's instructions,
and enterprise procedures and regulations
 regular cleaning of equipment and work areas

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of May include but not limited to:
Competence  confirm customer requirements with senior personnel where
there is doubt
 access online databases and/or catalogues efficiently
 interpret labeling information (lot number, batch and date)
and MSDS correctly
 apply procedures for safe handling, storage and transport of
 use required safety and manual handling equipment and
 perform quality control sampling and testing and rotate stock
in accordance with SOPs
 follow workplace procedures for predicting and/or
determining demand for stock
 maintain stock at prescribed levels for their work area,
through regular inspections, timely ordering of replacement
items and follow up of late orders
 cope with peak and seasonal variations in stock usage and
production conditions
 follow workplace procedures for researching, ordering and
receipt of stock
 complete and record all documentation accurately
 demonstrate effective and appropriate communication and
interpersonal skills when dealing with customers and
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  technical terminology relating to ordering and storage of
Attitudes stocks
 laboratory stock, product and service information
 types of chemical reactions and rationale for recommended
storage systems
 enterprise procedures and quality system requirements for
stock control
 codes of practice and regulations concerning the handling,
storage and transport of the stock involved
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 maintaining and controlling stocks or materials and
 ordering and receiving materials and equipment
 maintaining stock records
 maintaining a safe work environment

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Resource Resources may include:
Implications  stocks of materials and equipment
 stock order forms and documentation
 sampling and testing equipment.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training providers
or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could be
assessed on its own or in combination with other competencies
relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level III
Obtain representative Samples in Accordance with
Unit Title
Sampling Plan
Unit Code HLT MLS3 05 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to obtain a range of
samples that are representative of the whole specimen and to
prepare the samples for testing. All sampling activities are
conducted in accordance with a defined sampling plan.

Elements Performance Criteria

1 Prepare for
1.1 Confirm the sampling location, number and type of samples,
and timing and frequency of sampling from enterprise or
client's sampling plan.
1.2 Liaise with relevant personnel to arrange site access and, if
appropriate, all necessary clearances and/or permits
1.3 Select sampling equipment and conditions to achieve
representative samples and preserve sample integrity
during collection, storage and transit
1.4 Check that all procedures are in accordance with client or
enterprise requirements, relevant standards and codes.
1.5 Identify site and sampling hazards and review enterprise
safety procedures.
1.6 Assemble and check all sampling equipment, materials,
containers and safety equipment.
1.7 Arrange suitable transport to, from and around site as

2 Conduct 2.1 Locate sampling sites and, if required, services at the site.
sampling and 2.2 Conduct representative sampling in accordance with
log samples sampling plan and defined procedures.
2.1 Record all information and label samples in accordance with
traceability requirements.
2.2 Record environment or specimen conditions and any typical
observations made during sampling that may impact on
sample representativeness or integrity.
2.3 Transport all samples back to base according to standard
operating procedures (SOPs) and relevant codes.

3 Prepare 3.1 Prepare sub-samples and back-up sub-samples that are

samples for representative of the source.
testing 3.2 Label all sub-samples to ensure traceability and store in
accordance with SOPs.
3.3 Follow defined preparation and safety procedures to limit
hazard or contamination to samples, self, work area and
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3.4 Distribute sub-samples to defined work stations maintaining
sample integrity and traceability requirements.

4 Address client 1.1 Enter approved information into laboratory information

issues management system (LIMS).
1.2 Report all relevant aspects of the sampling and preparation
phases in accordance with enterprise procedures.
1.3 Ensure that information provided to client is accurate,
relevant and authorized for release.
1.4 Maintain security and confidentiality of all client/enterprise
data and information.
5 Maintain a safe 5.1 Clean all equipment, containers, work area and vehicles
work according to enterprise procedures.
environment 5.2 Check serviceability of all equipment before storage.
5.3 Use defined safe work practices and personal protective
equipment to ensure personal safety and that of other
laboratory personnel.
5.4 Minimize the generation of wastes and environment impacts
5.5 Ensure the safe collection of all hazardous wastes for
appropriate disposal.

Variable Range
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and safety  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
(OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
management requirements must not be compromised at any time
 all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current industry
understanding of infection control issued by the National Health
and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and State/regional
Departments of Health or federal legislation

Basic principles of Basic principles of sampling include:

sampling  representative samples
 preservation of integrity of samples
 maintaining identification of samples relative to their source,
enterprise and legal traceability
 cost-effectiveness of sampling
 consistency of sampling procedures
 sampling principles, including random, systematic and
stratified sampling
May include but not limited to:
Sampling tools  sampling frames, sampling tubes, dip tubes, spears, flexible

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and equipment bladders and syringes
 sample bottles or containers, plastic containers and
disposable buckets
 pumps and stainless steel bailers
 sterile containers, pipettes and disposable spoons
Maintenance of Maintenance of integrity of samples may include:
integrity of  use of compatible container, such as glass, plastic, amber
samples and opaque bottles
 use of appropriate preservatives, such as sodium azide,
toluene or antibiotics
 decontamination of sampling tools between collection of
consecutive samples
 wrapping container in foil
 purging of sample lines and boxes
 handling and transport to avoid disturbance or damage
 temperature control which may involve insulation of sample
without direct contact with the coolant
 wrapping in wet newspaper, cloth, sand or sawdust
 transfer of sterile sample into sterile container
 monitoring of storage conditions

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of May include but not limited to:
Competence  collect the specified quantity of sample to enable all
processing and testing to occur and back-up samples to be
 obtain a sample that is representative of the bulk specimen
 preserve the integrity of samples by closely adhering to
 label samples and sub-samples to satisfy enterprise/legal
traceability requirements
 identify atypical materials and samples and take appropriate
 maintain sampling equipment in appropriate condition
 complete sampling records using enterprise procedures
 follow safety regulations and enterprise OHS procedures
during sampling, transport and storage
 follow relevant legislative requirements for the disposal of
waste and the preservation of the environment.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  principles of representative samples
Attitudes  principles and procedures for random, systematic and
stratified sampling, consistency of sampling procedures
 preservation of the integrity of samples
 maintaining identification of samples relative to their source
 enterprise and/or legal traceability requirements
 cost effectiveness of sampling

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 characteristics of product/material to be sampled and likely
 links between quality control, quality assurance, quality
management systems and sampling procedures
 enterprise procedures dealing with legislative requirements
for the handling, labeling and transport of hazardous goods
 links between correct occupational health and safety (OHS)
procedures and personal and environmental safety
particularly at high risk sites
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  collecting representative samples in accordance with a
sampling plan
 techniques to preserve the integrity of samples
 identifying atypical materials and samples and taking
appropriate action
 maintaining sampling equipment
 completing sampling records
 working safely
 following requirements for the disposal of waste and the
preservation of the environment
Resource Resources may include:
Implications  variety of sample types
 sampling plans
 A selection of sampling containers and sampling equipment.
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training providers
or employers)
 Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Unit Title Monitor Implementation of Work Plan/Activities
Unit Code HLT MLS3 06 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to oversee
and monitor the quality of work operations within an enterprise.
This unit may be carried out by team leaders, supervisors or

Elements Performance Criteria

1 Monitor and 1.1 Efficiency and service levels are monitored on an ongoing
improve 1.2 Operations in the workplace support overall enterprise goals
workplace and quality assurance initiatives.
operations 1.3 Quality problems and issues are promptly identified and
adjustments are made accordingly.
1.4 Procedures and systems are changed in consultation with
colleagues to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
1.5 Colleagues are consulted about ways to improve efficiency
and service levels.
2 Plan and 2.1 Current workload of colleagues is accurately assessed.
2.1 Work is scheduled in a manner which enhances efficiency
organise and customer service quality.
workflow 2.2 Work is delegated to appropriate people in accordance with
principles of delegation.
2.3 Workflow is assessed against agreed objectives and
2.4 Colleagues are assisted in prioritisation of workload.
2.5 Input is provided to appropriate management regarding
staffing needs.
3 Maintain 3.1 Workplace records are accurately completed and
submitted within required timeframes.
workplace 3.2 Where appropriate completion of records is delegated and
records monitored prior to submission.
4 Solve 4.1 Workplace problems are promptly identified and
considered from an operational and customer service
problems and perspective.
make 4.2 Short term action in initiated to resolve the immediate
decisions problem where appropriate.
4.1 Problems are analysed for any long term impact and potential
solutions are assessed and actioned in consultation with
relevant colleagues.
4.2 Where problem is raised by a team member, they are
encouraged to participate in solving the problem.
4.3 Follow up action is taken to monitor the effectiveness of

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solutions in the workplace.

Variables Range
records May include but is not limited to:
 staff records
 regular performance reports.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of
Competence Look for:
 ability to effectively monitor and respond to a range
of common operational and service issues in the
 understanding of the role of staff involved in
workplace monitoring
 knowledge of quality assurance, principles of
workflow planning, delegation and problem solving.
Knowledge and To demonstrate competence, evidence of skills and knowledge
Attitudes in the following areas is required:
the roles and responsibilities of those involved in monitoring
work operations
overview of leadership and management responsibilities
principles of work planning
typical work organisation methods appropriate to the
industry sector
quality assurance principles
time management
principles of delegation
problem solving and decision making processes
industrial and/or legislative issues which affect short term
work organization as appropriate to industry sector
Underpinning 
Resource access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
 materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
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 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training providers
or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could be
assessed on its own or in combination with other competencies
relevant to the job function..

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Services Level III
Unit Title Perform Microscopic operation/examination/
Unit Code HLT MLS3 07 0611
This unit of competency covers the ability to set up a light
Unit Descriptor
microscope for optimum resolution, to prepare routine samples
and to observe, identify and report sample characteristics.

Element Performance Criteria

1.Interpret test 1.1 Review test request to identify samples to be tested, test
requirements method and equipment involved.
1.2 Identify hazards associated with the sample, preparation
methods and equipment and implement enterprise control
2. Set up work 2.1 Collect equipment and arrange the Servicespace so that
area for equipment can be used safely and efficiently.
preparation and 2.2 Perform pre-use and safety checks to ensure equipment is fit
examination of for purpose and report faulty or unsafe equipment to
samples appropriate personnel.
3. Prepare 3.1 Log and label samples according to enterprise procedures to
samples for ensure traceability.
examination 3.2 Check suitability of the original and prepared sample for the
examination and report unsuitable samples to appropriate
3.3 Prepare and store the sample for examination following
enterprise methods.
4. Set up and use 4.1 Set up the light path to optimize resolution.
a light microscope 4.2 Select the appropriate objectives and filter for the sample
being examined.
4.3 Ensure that the lenses are clean.
4.4 Adjust settings and alignment of the light path to optimize
4.5 Place sample correctly on the stage
5. Observe, 5.1 Recognize and identify significant sample characteristics.
identify and report 5.2 Perform required calculations accurately.
sample 5.3 Prepare and view control samples and check that results are
characteristics consistent with expected values.
5.4 Identify and report out of specification or atypical results
promptly to appropriate personnel.
5.5 Record and report data in accordance with enterprise
6.Maintain a safe 6.1 Ensure safety and minimize cross-contamination through the
work environment use of personal protective clothing and safety equipment.
6.2 Handle all samples and equipment in accordance with
enterprise safety protocols.

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6.3 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment.
6.4 Minimize generation of waste and environmental impacts.
6.5 Collect and dispose of all wastes safely.
6.6 Report hazards and incidents to designated personnel using
enterprise procedures.

Variables Range
Checking sample Checking sample condition may include:
condition  labeling
 spillage
 spoilage due to incorrect storage and transport conditions
 temperature control
 suitability for the examination
Pre-use checks Pre-use checks may include:
 calibration
 cleaning/checking use by dates of reagents
 routine maintenance
Equipment Equipment may include:
 glass slides
 counting chambers (e.g. haemocytometer)
 optical graticules and stage micrometers
Light microscopes Light microscopes may include:
 bright field illumination microscopic examination up to 1000x
 stereomicroscopes and dissection microscopes
 compound microscopes
 phase contrast microscopes
 inverted microscopes
Biological Biological samples may include:
samples  smears, impression smears, sections, squashes, films, and
whole mounts
 a monolayer of cells in smears and films
 fixed smears for demonstration of bacteria by the
 methylene blue , Gram staining techniques and acid alcohol
fasting bacilli(AAFB)
 blood films stained by a Romanowsky technique to clearly
show differentiation of granulocytes
 stained and whole mounts of helminths
 midstream sample of urine
Checking Checking prepared samples may include looking for:
prepared  clean and scratch-free microscope slides to reduce artefacts
samples  preparation according to SOPs
 a homogeneous suspension of sample
 films and smears that have been fixed rapidly

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 thin films with a monolayer of cells
 appropriate whole mounts for intact organisms
 correct sample identification during and after processing
Sample  Sample characteristics are restricted to what can be viewed
characteristics by
 bright light microscopy and may include:
 shape and size of particles
 presence of contamination
 color
 consistency and variability
 number of cells (e.g. cells in blood or other particulate
samples, such as a yeast suspension or pollen grains)
 type of cells, percentage of atypical cells, presence/absence
of cells
 presence of stained material, such as artifacts
 color/staining and morphology
 motility
Calculations Calculations may include:
 dilutions
 percentage viability
 number of cells in original sample after dilution
 calculation of cells/ml in a number of squares of a counting
Hazards Hazards may include:
 micro-organisms and agents associated with biological
 chemicals and stains
 sharps and broken glassware
 aerosols
Safety practices Safety practices and personal protective equipment may
and include:
personal  use of MSDS
protective  use of personal protective equipment, such as safety
equipment glasses, gloves and coveralls
 use of biohazard containers and laminar flow cabinet
 correct labeling of reagents and hazardous materials
 handling and storing hazardous materials and equipment in
accordance with labels, MSDS and manufacturer's
 ergonomic layout, correct illumination and organization of
 regular cleaning and/or decontamination of equipment and
work areas
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
safety (OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation - these
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management requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
 where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and
State/regional Departments of Health or federal legislation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  . follow enterprise standards, procedures and practices
 prepare suitable samples
 recognize, identify and document significant sample
 set up a light microscope for optimal resolution
 maintain personal safety and that of others
 minimize cross-contamination and contamination of the
laboratory and environment.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  parts and functions of a light microscope
Attitudes  importance and appropriate use of controls and certified
reference materials
 hazards and risks in laboratories associated with performing
microscopic examination
 enterprise and/or legal traceability requirements relevant
health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  setting up the workbench and microscope ergonomically
 setting up, cleaning and using a light microscope to achieve
optimum resolution of the specimen
 using personal protective clothing and other safety equipment
 performing counts on samples
 performing basic measurements using grids
 logging and tracking samples through all steps from receiving
a sample through completion of a procedure and reporting
 interpreting and recording test results, including simple
 correctly handling and storing samples and equipment
Resource Resources may include:
Requirements  standard laboratory equipped with appropriate equipment,
such as light microscopes and samples
 enterprise procedures, standard methods and materials
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
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 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training providers
or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting This competency standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Perform parasitological examination
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT MLS3 08 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to determine the
structure and stage of parasites using tests and procedures
identified with the discipline of parasitology lab oratory.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Process samples 1.1 Sort specimens according to tests requested, urgent status
and associated and volume.
request details 1.2 Return samples and request forms that do not comply with
requirements to their source with reasons for non-
1.3 Log acceptable samples and request forms, applying
required document tracking mechanisms.
1.4 Process samples as required by requested tests
1.5 Store samples and sample components appropriately until
ready for testing.
2. Perform tests 2.1 Select authorized tests that are indicated for the requested
2.2 Conduct individual tests according to documented
methodologies, applying required quality control
2.3 Record all results, noting any phenomena that may be
relevant to the interpretation of results.
2.4 Seek advice of section head or other responsible colleague
when result interpretation is outside parameters of
authorized approval.
2.5 Store unused sample or sample components, for possible
future reference, under conditions suitable to maintain
3. Maintain a safe 3.1 Use established safe work practices and personal
environment protective equipment to ensure personal safety and that of
other laboratory personnel.
3.2 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment from contamination.
3.3 Minimize the generation of wastes.
3.4 Ensure the safe disposal of biohazardous materials and
other laboratory wastes in accordance with enterprise
4. Maintain 4.1 Make entries on report forms or into computer systems,
laboratory accurately calculating, recording or transcribing required
records data as required.

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4.2 Update instrument maintenance logs as required by
accreditation checklists.
4.3 Maintain security and confidentiality of all clinical
information, laboratory data and records.

Variable Range
Standards, Standards, procedures and/or enterprise requirements may
procedures and/or include:
enterprise  cleaning, hygiene and personal hygiene requirements
requirements  enterprise procedures, SOPs and operating manuals
 incident and accident/injury reports
 instructions to comply with legislation, standards,
 quality system and continued improvement processes
 safety requirements for equipment, materials or products
 sampling procedures (labeling, preparation, storage,
transport and disposal)
 schematics, work flows and laboratory layouts
 statutory and enterprise occupational health and safety
(OHS) requirements
 stock records and inventory
 test procedures (validated and authorized)
 training program contents
 waste minimization, containment, processing and disposal
Equipment, Equipment, materials and systems may include:
materials  reference material for automated and manual quality
and systems control and quality assurance systems
 instruments for counting
 staining materials
 safe working cabinets
 Centrifuges, blood mixers…
 microscopes for bright field and phase contrast
 counters for single or multiple parasite types
 computer information systems, databases, record and
filing systems
 general laboratory glassware and equipment associated
with parasitology laboratory
Communication Communication may involve:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and
customer service)
 other laboratory or clinical personnel
 patients and clients
 personnel of accreditation agencies (e.g. national

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Association of Testing Authorities (NATA))
Occupational health May include but not limited to:
and  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
safety (OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation -
management these requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
 where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessors should ensure that candidates can:
Competence  identify and count the different stages and types of
 stain parasites, identify their morphology and classify them
 measure clinically useful phenomena
 contribute to the general maintenance of equipment and
processes to ensure ongoing compliance with enterprise
and laboratory accreditation
 recognize problems in systems and documentation
 use the enterprise information system efficiently
 critically analyze information in enterprise documents
 prepare documentation that is accurate, easily understood
by the intended audience and in accordance with
enterprise requirements
 manage tasks and organize work to ensure the timely
completion of tasks
 use samples, reagents and materials economically and
dispose of wastes safely
 use equipment safely
 maintain equipment, recording and reporting malfunctions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  the necessity for a patient or client focus when performing
Attitudes laboratory procedures and tests, including issues of
confidentiality and security of clinical and laboratory
information and data
 the relationships that exists between the sample and the
test result, including: sample collection, the preservation
and timely testing of samples, sample storage
requirements and issues of artifact, sub-sampling routines,
including the nature of unstable particulate suspensions
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 validated tests
 quality control
 quality assurance
 the use and maintenance of laboratory equipment and
resources that contribute to accurate, precise, timely and
economical generation of data for use by clinicians
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 identifying and counting of the different stages and types
of parasites
 staining and identifying their morphology and classifying
 measuring clinically useful phenomena
 contributing to the general maintenance of equipment and
processes to ensure ongoing compliance with enterprise
and laboratory accreditation
 recognizing problems in systems and documentation
 using the enterprise information system efficiently
 preparing documentation
 organizing work to ensure the timely completion of tasks
 using samples, reagents and materials economically and
disposing of wastes safely
 working safely
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  standard parasitological laboratory with relevant
equipment, samples and reagents
 enterprise procedures
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Perform urinalysis
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT MLS3 09 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to determine the
quantity of different metabolic products in urine and
identification of the different components of urine sediments
using tests and procedures identified with the discipline of
urinalysis laboratory.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Process samples 1.1 Sort specimens according to tests requested, urgent status
and associated and volume.
request details 1.2 Return samples and request forms that do not comply with
requirements to their source with reasons for non-
1.3 Log acceptable samples and request forms, applying
required document tracking mechanisms.
1.4 Process samples as required by requested tests.
1.5 Store samples and sample components appropriately until
ready for testing.
2. Perform tests 2.1 Select authorized tests that are indicated for the requested
2.2 Conduct individual tests according to documented
methodologies, applying required quality control
2.3 Record all results, noting any phenomena that may be
relevant to the interpretation of results.
2.4 Seek advice of section head or other responsible colleague
when result interpretation is outside parameters of
authorized approval.
2.5 Store unused sample or sample components, for possible
future reference, under conditions suitable to maintain
3. Maintain a safe 3.1 Use established safe work practices and personal
environment protective equipment to ensure personal safety and that of
other laboratory personnel.
3.2 Clean up spills using appropriate techniques to protect
personnel, work area and environment from contamination.
3.3 Minimize the generation of wastes.
3.4 Ensure the safe disposal of biohazardous materials and
other laboratory wastes in accordance with enterprise
4. Maintain 4.1 Make entries on report forms or into computer systems,
laboratory accurately calculating, recording or transcribing required

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records data as required.
4.2 Update instrument maintenance logs as required by
accreditation checklists.
4.3 Maintain security and confidentiality of all clinical
information, laboratory data and records.

Variable Range
Standards, Standards, procedures and/or enterprise requirements may
procedures and/or include:
enterprise  cleaning, hygiene and personal hygiene requirements
requirements  enterprise procedures, SOPs and operating manuals
 incident and accident/injury reports
 instructions to comply with legislation, standards and
 quality system and continued improvement processes
 safety requirements for equipment, materials
 sampling procedures (labeling, preparation, storage,
transport and disposal)
 schematics, work flows and laboratory layouts
 statutory and enterprise occupational health and safety
(OHS) requirements
 stock records and inventory
 test procedures (validated and authorized)
 training program contents
 waste minimization, containment, processing and disposal
Equipment, Equipment, materials and systems may include:
materials  reference material for automated and manual quality
and systems control and quality assurance systems
 safe working cabinets
 centrifuges and refrigerator
 cell counter/formed elements and crystals/
 microscopes for bright field and phase contrast
 computer information systems, databases, record and
filing systems
 general laboratory glassware and equipment associated
with a urinalysis laboratory
Communication Communication may involve:
 supervisors and managers (laboratory, quality and
customer service)
 other laboratory or clinical personnel
 patients and clients
 personnel of accreditation agencies (e.g. national
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA))

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Occupational health May include but not limited to:
and  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and
safety (OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation -
management these requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
 where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessors should ensure that candidates can:
Competence  identify and count different formed elements, parasites and
 determine the quantity of metabolic products and the
different components of urinary sediments
 measure clinically useful phenomena such as metabolic,
renal and urinary tract disorder
 recognize problems in systems and documentation
 use the enterprise information system efficiently
 critically analyze information in enterprise documents
 prepare documentation that is accurate, easily understood
by relevant bodies and in accordance with enterprise
 manage tasks and organize work to ensure the timely
completion of tasks
 use samples, reagents and materials economically and
dispose of wastes safely
 use equipment safely
 maintain equipment, recording and reporting malfunctions
Underpinning  Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  the necessity for a patient or client focus when performing
Attitudes laboratory procedures and tests, including issues of
confidentiality and security of clinical and laboratory
information and data
 the relationships that exists between the sample and the
test result, including: sample collection, the preservation
and timely testing of samples, sample storage
requirements and issues of artefact, sub-sampling
routines, including the nature of unstable particulate
 validated tests
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 quality control
 quality assurance
 the use and maintenance of laboratory equipment and
resources that contribute to accurate, precise, timely and
economical generation of data for use by respected body
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Identifying counting of formed elements, parasites and
crystals in urine
 measuring and interpreting the chemical analysis of urine
 determining of the amount and function of blood
 measuring clinically useful phenomena such as metabolic,
renal and urinary tract disorders
 contributing to the general maintenance of equipment and
processes to ensure ongoing compliance with enterprise
and laboratory accreditation
 recognizing problems in systems and documentation
 using the enterprise information system efficiently
 preparing documentation
 organizing work to ensure the timely completion of tasks
 using samples, reagents and materials economically and
disposing of wastes safely
 working safely
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  standard urinalysis laboratory with relevant equipment,
samples and reagents
 Enterprise procedures.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Process and Interpret Data
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT MLS3 10 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the ability to retrieve data,
evaluate formulae and perform scientific calculations, present
and interpret information in tables and graphs and keep
accurate records. The unit requires personnel to solve
problems of limited complexity where the information may be
less obvious, but not contradictory, and can be determined by
direct reasoning.

Elements Performance Criteria

1.Retrieve and 1.1 Store and retrieve data using appropriate files and/or
check data application software.
1.2 Verify the quality of data using enterprise procedures.
1.3 Rectify errors in data using enterprise procedures.
2.Calculate scientific 2.1 Calculate statistical values for given data.
quantities 2.2 Calculate scientific quantities using given formulae and
data and estimate uncertainties.
2.3 Ensure calculated quantities are consistent with estimations
and expectations.
2.4 Report all calculated quantities using the appropriate units
and correct number of significant figures.
3. Present data in 3.1 Present data in clearly labeled tables and charts.
tables, 3.2 Graph data using appropriate scales to span the range of
charts and graphs data or display trends.
3.3 Report all data using the appropriate units and number of
significant figures.
4. Interpret data in 4.1 Interpret significant features of graphs, such as maximum
tables, charts and and minimum values, and limit lines.
graphs 4.2 Recognize and report trends in data.
5. Keep accurate 5.1 Transcribe information accurately.
records and 5.2 Verify the accuracy of records following enterprise
maintain procedures.
confidentiality 5.3 File and store workplace records in accordance with
enterprise procedures.
5.4 File all reference documents logically and keep them up-to-
date and secured.
5.5 Observe enterprise confidentiality standards.

Variable Range
Concepts of Concepts of methodology may include:

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methodology  that all laboratory measurements should be precise and
accurate, repeatability
Data Data may be recorded on:
 worksheets
 spreadsheets
 databases linked to information management systems
Data may include results of:
 observations
 tests and measurements
 analyses
 surveys
 quality assurance and control assessments
Data may be presented in the form of:
 graphs
 tables
 histograms
 pie charts
 bar charts
 control charts
 semi-quantitative observations and be expressed on a
 scale (for example, 1 to 4 or + to ++++)
Calculations Calculations may be performed:
 with or without a calculator
 using computer software, spreadsheets, databases and
 statistical packages
Calculations of Calculated of scientific quantities may include:
scientific  converting units involving multiples and submultiples
quantities  fractions, decimals, proportions and percentages
 percentage and absolute uncertainties in measurements
and test results
 statistical values of data, such as mean, median, mode
and standard deviation
 dose (mg), average mass, mass percentage, density,
specific gravity, moisture, relative and absolute humidity
and viscosity
 ratios, such as mass to mass, mass to volume and
volume to volume percentages
 concentration, such as molarity, g/100mL, mg/L, mg/ m L,
ppm, ppb, dilution mL/L
 average count, colonies per swab surface and cell counts,
such as live and dead/total
Records Records could include information associated with:
 laboratory test results/measurements
 safety procedures
 history of calibration and test results ,inventory
Occupational health May include but not limited to:
and  all operations must comply with enterprise OHS and

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safety (OHS) and environmental management requirements which may be
environmental imposed through state/regional or federal legislation -
management these requirements must not be compromised at any time
requirements  all operations assume the potentially hazardous nature of
samples and require standard precautions to be applied
where relevant, users should access and apply current
industry understanding of infection control issued by the
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
and State/regional Departments of Health or federal

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  code, record and check the documentation of data
 calculate scientific and statistical quantities relevant to the
workplace and present accurate results in the required
 recognize anomalies and trends in data
 maintain the confidentiality of data in accordance with
workplace and regulatory requirements
 keep records up-to-date and secure
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  concepts of methodology
Attitudes  the international system of units (SI)
 relevant scientific and technical terminology
 uncertainty associated with measurement steps
 procedures for coding, entering, storing, retrieving and
communicating data
 procedures for verifying data and rectifying mistakes
 converting units involving multiples and submultiples
 calculations involving fractions, decimals, proportions and
 determining statistical values of data such as mean,
median, mode and standard deviation
 procedures for maintaining and filing records, and
maintaining security of data
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 performing calculations of scientific quantities
 using scientific notation
 applying the concepts of methodology
 applying calculations to the workplace
 coding, recording and checking of data accurately
 presenting accurate results in the required format
 preparing graphs, tables and charts (pie, bar, histogram)
and interpreting trends
 preparing and interpreting process control charts
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 maintaining the confidentiality of data in accordance with
workplace and regulatory requirements
Resources Resources may include:
Implication  data sets and records
 computer and relevant software or laboratory information
 relevant workplace procedures.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Unit Title Apply Quality Control
Unit Code HLT MLS3 11 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
applying quality control to apparel production.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine 1.1 Quality standard documents are acquired and reviewed.
standards 1.2 Quality standards and procedures are introduced to staff
1.3 Quality standard procedures are ensured to be implemented
in accordance with the organization/workplace policy.
1.4 Standard procedures are revised / updated when necessary.
2. Assess quality 2.1 Products/work outputs and work performance are checked
of work and against organization quality standards and specifications.
delivered 2.2 Work outputs and performance delivered are evaluated
using the appropriate evaluation parameters and in
accordance with organization standards.
2.3 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective
actions are taken in accordance with organization policies
and procedures.
3. Record 3.1 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in
information accordance with organization procedures.
3.2 Records of work quality are maintained according to the
requirements of the organization.
4. Study causes 4.1 Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are
of quality investigated and reported in accordance with organization
deviations procedures.
4.2 Suitable preventive action is recommended based on
organization quality standards and identified causes of
deviation from specified quality standards of final service or
5. Complete 5.1 Information on quality and other indicators of service
documentation performance is recorded.
5.2 All service processes and outcomes are recorded.

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Variable Range
Quality check  visual inspection
 physical measurements
 check against design/specifications
Quality standards  materials
 component parts
 final product
 production process
 conformity to specifications
Quality parameters  finish
 size
 durability
 product variations
 materials
 alignment
 color
 damage and imperfections

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  checked completed work continuously against organization
 identified and isolated faulty or poor product/output
 checked service delivered against organization standards
 identified and applied corrective actions on the causes of
identified faults or error
 recorded basic information regarding quality performance
 investigated causes of deviations of services against
 recommended suitable preventive actions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  relevant quality standards, policies and procedures
Attitudes  characteristics of products/outputs
 safety environment aspects of production processes
 relevant evaluation techniques and quality checking
 workplace procedures and reporting procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 interpret work instructions, specifications and standards
appropriate to the required work or product
 carry out relevant performance evaluation
 maintain accurate work records in accordance with

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 meet work specifications and requirements
 communicate effectively within defined workplace
Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications  access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment and materials relevant to the activity/ task
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context for Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Unit Title Lead Workplace Communication
Unit Code HLT MLS3 12 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to lead in
the dissemination and discussion of information and issues in
the workplace.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Communicate 1.1 Appropriate communication method is selected.

information about 1.2 Multiple operations involving several topics areas are
workplace communicated accordingly.
1.3 Questions are used to gain extra information.
1.4 Correct sources of information are identified.
1.5 Information is selected and organized correctly.
1.6 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when
1.7 Communication skills are maintained in all situations.
2. Lead workplace 2.1 Response to workplace issues is sought.
discussion 2.2 Response to workplace issues are provided immediately.
2.3 Constructive contributions are made to workplace
discussions on such issues as production, quality and
2.4 Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the
workplace are communicated.

3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems are identified as they arise.
communicate 3.2 Information regarding problems and issues are organized
issues arising in coherently to ensure clear and effective communication.
the workplace
3.3 Dialogue is initiated with appropriate staff/personnel.
3.4 Communication problems and issues are raised as they

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Variable Range
Methods of  Non-verbal gestures
communication  Verbal
 Face to face
 Two-way radio
 Speaking to groups
 Using telephone
 Written
 Using Internet

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Dealt with a range of communication/information at one
 Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
 Sought workplace issues effectively
 Responded to workplace issues promptly
 Presented information clearly and effectively written form
 Used appropriate sources of information
 Asked appropriate questions
 Provided accurate information
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Organization requirements for written and electronic
Attitudes communication methods
 Effective verbal communication methods
 Apparel/Garments Terminology
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Organize information
 Understand and convey intended meaning
 Participate in variety of workplace discussions
 Comply with organization requirements for the use of
written and electronic communication methods
Resource The following resources must be provided: variety of
Implications information, communication tools, simulated workplace
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge

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 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Unit Title Lead Small Team
Unit Code HLT MLS3 13 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead
small teams including setting and maintaining team and
individual performance standards.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Provide team 1.1 Work requirements are identified and presented to team
leadership members.
1.2 Reasons for instructions and requirements are
communicated to team members.
1.3 Team members’ queries and concerns are recognized,
discussed and dealt with.
2. Assign 2.1 Duties and responsibilities are allocated having regard to
responsibilities the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly
undertake the assigned task and according to company
2.2 Duties are allocated having regard to individual
preference, domestic and personal considerations,
whenever possible.
3. Set performance 3.1 Performance expectations are established based on client
expectations for needs and according to assignment requirements.
team members 3.2 Performance expectations are based on individual team
member’s duties and area of responsibility.
3.3 Performance expectations are discussed and disseminated
to individual team members.
4. Supervised team 4.1. Monitoring of performance takes place against defined
performance performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and
corrective action taken if required.
4.2. Team members are provided with feedback, positive
support and advice on strategies to overcome any
4.3. Performance issues which cannot be rectified or
addressed within the team are referenced to appropriate
personnel according to employer policy.
4.4. Team members are kept informed of any changes in the
priority allocated to assignments or tasks which might
impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction.
4.5. Team operations are monitored to ensure that employer/
client needs and requirements are met.
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4.6. Follow-up communication is provided on all issues
affecting the team.
4.7. All relevant documentation is completed in accordance
with company procedures.

Variable Range

Work requirements  Client Profile

 Assignment instructions
Team member’s
 Roster/shift details
Monitor  Formal process
performance  Informal process

Feedback  Formal process

 Informal process

Performance issues  Work output

 Work quality
 Team participation
 Compliance with workplace protocols
 Safety
 Customer service

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence  Maintained or improved individuals and/or team
performance given a variety of possible scenario
 Assessed and monitored team and individual performance
against set criteria
 Represented concerns of a team and individual to next level
of management or appropriate specialist and to negotiate
on their behalf
 Allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to
individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs of
the tasks to be performed
 Set and communicated performance expectations for a
range of tasks and duties within the team and provided
feedback to team members

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Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Company policies and procedures
 Relevant legal requirements
 How performance expectations are set
 Methods of Monitoring Performance
 Client expectations
 Team member’s duties and responsibilities
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Communication skills required for leading teams
 Informal performance counseling skills
 Team building skills
 Negotiating skills
Resource  Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Unit Title Improve Business Practice
Unit Code HLT MLS3 14 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
promoting, improving and growing business operations.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Diagnose the 1.1 Data required for diagnosis is determined and acquired.
business 1.2 Competitive advantage of the business is determined from
the data.
1.3 SWOT analysis of the data is undertaken.
2. Benchmark the 2.1 Sources of relevant benchmarking data are identified.
business 2.2 Key indicators for benchmarking are selected in
consultation with key stakeholders.
2.3 Like indicators of own practice are compared with
benchmark indicators.
2.4 Areas for improvement are identified.
3. Develop plans 3.1 A consolidated list of required improvements is developed.
to improve 3.2 Cost-benefit ratios for required improvements are
business determined.
3.3 Work flow changes resulting from proposed improvements
are determined.
3.4 Proposed improvements are ranked according to agreed
3.5 An action plan to implement the top ranked improvements is
developed and agreed.
3.6 Organizational structures are checked to ensure they are
4. Develop 4.1 The practice vision statement is reviewed.
marketing and 4.2 Practice objectives are developed/reviewed.
plans 4.3 Target markets are identified/refined.
4.4 Market research data is obtained.
4.5 Competitor analysis is obtained.
4.6 Market position is developed/reviewed.
4.7 Practice brand is developed.
4.8 Benefits of practice/practice products/services are
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4.9 Promotion tools are selected/developed.
5. Develop 5.1 Plans to increase yield per existing client are developed.
business 5.2 Plans to add new clients are developed.
growth plans
5.3 Proposed plans are ranked according to agreed criteria.
5.4 An action plan to implement the top ranked plans is
developed and agreed.
5.5 Practice work practices are reviewed to ensure they support
growth plans
6. Implement and 6.1 Implementation plan is developed in consultation with all
monitor plans relevant stakeholders.
6.2 Indicators of success of the plan are agreed.
6.3 Implementation is monitored against agreed indicators.
6.4 Implementation is adjusted as required.

Variable Range
Data required  organization capability
includes:  appropriate business structure
 level of client service which can be provided
 internal policies, procedures and practices
 staff levels, capabilities and structure
 market, market definition
 market changes/market segmentation
 market consolidation/fragmentation
 revenue
 level of commercial activity
 expected revenue levels, short and long term
 revenue growth rate
 break even data
 pricing policy
 revenue assumptions
 business environment
 economic conditions
 social factors
 demographic factors
 technological impacts
 political/legislative/regulative impacts
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 competitors, competitor pricing and response to pricing
 competitor marketing/branding
 competitor products
Competitive  services/products
advantage  fees
includes:  location
 timeframe
Objectives should  Specific
be 'SMART' , that  Measurable
 Achievable
 Realistic
 Time defined
Market research  data about existing clients
data includes:  data about possible new clients
 data from internal sources
 data from external sources such as:
 trade associations/journals
 Yellow Pages small business surveys
 libraries
 Internet
 Chamber of Commerce
 client surveys
 industry reports
 secondary market research
 primary market research such as:
 telephone surveys
 personal interviews
 mail surveys
Competitor  competitor offerings
analysis  competitor promotion strategies and activities
 competitor profile in the market place
SWOT analysis  internal strengths such as staff capability, recognized
includes:  quality
 internal weaknesses such as poor morale,
 under-capitalization, poor technology
 external opportunities such as changing market and
 economic conditions
 external threats such as industry fee structures, strategic

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 alliances, competitor marketing
Key indicators may  salary cost and staffing
include:  personnel productivity (particularly of principals)
 profitability
 fee structure
 client base
 size staff/principal
 overhead/overhead control
Organizational  Legal structure (partnership, limited liability company, etc.)
structures include:  organizational structure/hierarchy
 reward schemes
Market position  product
should  the good or service provided
include data on:  product mix
 the core product - what is bought
 the tangible product - what is perceived
 the augmented product - total package of consumer
 features/benefits
 product differentiation from competitive products
 new/changed products
 Price and pricing strategies (cost plus, supply/demand, ability
to pay, etc.)
 Pricing objectives (profit, market penetration, etc.)
 cost components
 market position
 distribution strategies
 marketing channels
 promotion
 promotional strategies
 target audience
 communication
 promotion budget
Practice brand  practice image
may include:  practice logo/letter head/signage
 phone answering protocol
 facility decor
 slogans
 templates for communication/invoicing

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 style guide
 writing style
 AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action)
Benefits may  features as perceived by the client
include:  benefits as perceived by the client
Promotion tools  networking and referrals
include:  seminars
 advertising
 press releases
 publicity and sponsorship
 brochures
 newsletters (print and/or electronic)
 websites
 direct mail
 telemarketing/cold calling
Yield per existing  raising charge out rates/fees
client may be  packaging fees
increased by:
 reduce discounts
 sell more services to existing clients

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of The candidate must be able to demonstrate:
Competence  ability to identify the key indicators of business performance
 ability to identify the key market data for the business
 knowledge of a wide range of available information sources
 ability to acquire information not readily available within a
 ability to analyze data and determine areas of improvement
 ability to negotiate required improvements to ensure
 ability to evaluate systems against practice requirements
 and form recommendations and/or make recommendations
 ability to assess the accuracy and relevance of information
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  data analysis
 communication skills
 computer skills to manipulate data and present information

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 negotiation skills
 problem solving
 planning skills
 marketing principles
 ability to acquire and interpret relevant data
 current product and marketing mix
 use of market intelligence
 development and implementation strategies of promotion and
growth plans
Underpinning Demonstrate skills on:
Skills  data analysis and manipulation
 ability to acquire and interpret required data
 current practice systems and structures
 sources of relevant benchmarking data
 methods of selecting relevant key benchmarking indicators
 communication skills
 working and consulting with others when developing plans for
the business
 negotiation skills and problem solving
 using computers to manipulate, present and distribute
 planning skills
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could be
assessed on its own or in combination with other competencies
relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Medical Laboratory Technique Level III
Maintain Quality System and Continuous Improvement
Unit Title
Processes (Kaizen)
Unit Code HLT MLS3 15 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit of competence covers the skills and knowledge
required to prevent process improvements in their own work
from slipping back to former practices or digressing to less
efficient practices. It covers responsibility for the day- to-day
operation of the work/functional area and ensuring that quality
system requirements are met and that continuous
improvements are initiated and institutionalized.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Develop and 1.1 Distribute and explain information about the enterprise's
maintain quality quality system to personnel
framework 1.2 Encourage personnel to participate in improvement
within work area processes and to assume responsibility and authority
1.3 Allocate responsibilities for quality within work area in
accordance with quality system
1.4 Provide coaching and mentoring to ensure that
personnel are able to meet their responsibilities and
quality requirements
2. Maintain quality 2.1 Identify required quality documentation, including records
documentation of improvement plans and initiatives
2.2 Prepare and maintain quality documentation and keep
accurate data records
2.3 Maintain document control system for work area
2.4 Contribute to the development and revision of quality
manuals and work instructions for the work area
2.5 Develop and implement inspection and test plans for
quality controlled products

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3. Facilitate the 3.1 Ensure all required procedures are accessible by
application of relevant personnel
standardized 3.2 Assist personnel to access relevant procedures, as
procedures required
3.3 Facilitate the resolution of conflicts arising from job
3.4 Facilitate the completion of required work in accordance
with standard procedures and practices
4. Provide training 4.1 Analyze roles, duties and current competency of relevant
in quality personnel
systems and 4.2 Identify training needs in relation to quality system and
improvement continuous improvement processes (kaizen)
4.3 Identify opportunities for skills development and/or training
programs to meet needs
4.4 Initiate and monitor training and skills development
4.5 Maintain accurate training record
5. Monitor and 5.1 Review performance outcomes to identify ways in which
review planning and operations could be improved
performance 5.2 Use the organization’s systems and technology to
monitor and review progress and to identify ways in which
planning and operations could be improved
5.3 Enhance customer service through the use of quality
improvement techniques and processes
5.4 Adjust plans and communicate these to personnel
involved in their development and implementation
6. Build continuous 6.1 Organize and facilitate improvement team
improvement 6.2 Encourage work group members to routinely monitor key
process process indicators
6.3 Build capacity in the work group to critically review the
relevant parts of the value chain
6.4 Assist work group members to formalize improvement
6.5 Facilitate relevant resources and assist work group
members to develop implementation plans
6.6 Monitor implementation of improvement plans taking
appropriate actions to assist implementation where
7. Facilitate the 7.1 Analyze the job completion process
identification of 7.2 Ask relevant questions of job incumbent
7.3 Encourage job incumbents to conceive and suggest
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opportunities improvements
7.4 Facilitate the trying out of improvements, as appropriate
8. Evaluate 8.1 Undertake regular audits of components of the quality
relevant system that relate to the work area
components of 8.2 Implement improvements in the quality system in
quality system accordance with own level of responsibility and workplace
8.3 Facilitate the updating of standard procedures and
8.4 Ensure the capability of the work team aligns with the
requirements of the procedure

Variable Range
Coaching and May refer to:
mentoring  providing assistance with problem-solving
 providing feedback, support and encouragement
 teaching another member of the team, usually focusing on a
specific work task or skill
Continuous May include:
improvement  cyclical audits and reviews of workplace, team and
processes may individual performance
include:  evaluations and monitoring of effectiveness
 implementation of quality systems, such as International
Standardization for Organization (ISO)
 modifications and improvements to systems, processes,
services and products
 policies and procedures which allow the organization to
systematically review and improve the quality of its
products, services and procedures
 seeking and considering feedback from a range of
 Kaizen
 Enterprise-specific improvement systems
Technology May include:
 computerized systems and software such as databases,
project management and word processing
 telecommunications devices
 any other technology used to carry out work roles and
Customer service May be:
 internal or external
 to existing, new or potential clients
Key process Key process indicators may include:
indicators  statistical process control data/charts
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 orders
 lost time, injury and other OHS records
 equipment reliability charts, etc.
Continuous May include:
improvement tools  statistics
 cause and effect diagrams
 fishbone diagram
 Pareto diagrams
 run charts
 X bar R charts
 Sigma techniques
 balanced scorecards
 benchmarking
 performance measurement
 upstream and downstream customers
 internal and external customers immediate and/or final

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence of the following is essential:
Competence  taking active steps to implement, monitor and adjust plans,
processes and procedures to improve performance
 supporting others to implement the continuous improvement
system/processes, and to identify and report opportunities
for further improvement
 knowledge of principles and techniques associated with
continuous improvement systems and processes
 assist others to follow standard procedures and practices
 assist others make improvement suggestions
 standardize and sustain improvements
Assessors should ensure that candidates can:
 implement and monitor defined quality system
 requirements and initiate continuous improvements within
the work area
 apply effective problem identification and problem solving
 strengthen customer service through a focus on continuous
 implement, monitor and evaluate quality systems in the
work area
 initiate quality processes to enhance the quality of
performance of individuals and teams in the work area
 gain commitment of individuals/teams to quality principles
and practices
 implement effective communication strategies
 encourage ideas and feedback from team members when
developing and refining techniques and processes
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 analyze training needs and implement training programs
 prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  principles and techniques associated with:
Attitudes  benchmarking
 best practice
 change management
 continuous improvement systems and processes
 quality systems
 range of procedures available and their application to
different jobs
 applicability of takt time and muda to jobs
 identification and possible causes of variability in jobs
 continuous improvement process for organization
 questioning techniques
 methods of conceiving improvements
 suggestion and try out procedures
 relevant OHS
 quality measurement tools for use in continuous
improvement processes
 established communication channels and protocols
 communication/reporting protocols
 continuous improvement principles and process
 enterprise business goals and key performance indicators
 enterprise information systems management
 enterprise organizational structure, delegations and
 policy and procedure development processes
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
 relevant national and international quality standards and
 standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the technical
work performed in work area
 enterprise quality system
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 coach and mentor team members
 gain the commitment of individuals and teams to
continuously improve
 innovate or design better ways of performing work
 communicate with relevant people
 prioritize and plan tasks related to encouraging and
improving use of standardized procedures
 negotiate with others to resolve conflicts and gain
commitment to standardized procedures
 facilitate other employees in improvement activities
 implement and monitor defined quality system requirements

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 initiate continuous improvements within the work area
 apply effective problem identification and problem solving
 strengthen customer service through a focus on continuous
 implement, monitor and evaluate quality systems
 implement effective communication strategies
 encourage ideas and feedback from team members when
developing and refining techniques and processes
 analyze training needs and implementing training programs
 prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation
Resources Access may be required to:
Implication  workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
 specifications and documentation relating to planned,
currently being implemented, or implemented changes to
work processes and procedures relevant to the candidate
 documentation and information in relation to production,
waste, overheads and hazard control/management
 enterprise quality manual and procedures
 quality control data/records
Methods of Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a
Assessment combination of the following to generate evidence:
 demonstration in the workplace
 suitable simulation
 oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of
procedures and contingency management; principles and
techniques associated with change management
 review of the audit process and outcomes generated by the
Those aspects of competence dealing with improvement
processes could be assessed by the use of suitable
simulations and/or a pilot plant and/or a range of case studies
and scenarios.
In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by
questions to assess underpinning knowledge and those
aspects of competence which are difficult to assess directly.
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting / environment.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Sector: Health
Sub-Sector: Medical Laboratory

Level V Medical Laboratory Services Management

Level IV Medical Laboratory Services

Level III Medical Laboratory Services

Level II Medical Laboratory Assistance

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business,

industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise

to the development of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of Ministry of Health,

Ministry of Education (MoE) and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who

made the development of this occupational standard possible.

This occupational standard was developed on June 2011 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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