Collinson Hall: BSI Case Study

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BSI Case Study

BS 10500 Case Study: Specification for an Anti-bribery Management System

Collinson Hall
Collinson Hall is a privately-owned Managing Director Steve Walker
estate agency based in St. Albans, says “We fully intend to continue
Hertfordshire with 24 employees. with our blend of experience,
It provides sales, letting, property knowledge, dedication and
management and valuation innovation. We are here to help
services to the public and business people with property and we believe
community in both residential and we have the strongest team with the
commercial markets. It has a head widest experience to help our clients. Steve Walker
Managing Director of Collinson Hall
office with 20 employees and a
We aspire to be the best in
branch office with 4 employees,
everything that we do - without
both located in St. Albans. It’s
cutting corners. Quality and integrity
business activities are limited to
come as standard - with assets of
the St. Albans area.
such high value you should be able
to take it for granted.”
BSI Case Study

Reason for interest in BS 10500 Assessment of Collinson Hall’s The Managing Director checks the
anti-corruption programme background of new employees before they “The experience of checking
• Collinson Hall operates in the real are employed: the company has a small and
estate sector. While the company
against BS 10500 our processes against
stable workforce. They have written terms of
operates to the highest of ethical Collinson Hall’s Managing Director discussed employment, with disciplinary procedures. BS 10500 was very
standards, there are numerous each BS 10500 requirement with a BSI The company operates an office rather interesting: it certainly seems
appointed consultant, and compared the than a personal commission system, on top that once implemented, the
bribery risks which exist due to
company’s policies with the BS 10500 of a sizeable basic salary: the commission
the nature of the sector, and BS 10500 requirements can
requirements. The assessment identified forms the minor part of employees’ overall
the public often perceives that which elements of BS 10500 Collinson Hall remuneration, and is therefore unlikely to be fairly easily met as part of
unethical practices occur in already had in place, and the elements which act as a corruption incentive. The company the company’s day-to-day
the sector. would need to be implemented. has in place a conflict of interest policy and business processes.”
whistle-blowing procedures.
• While the company already had The company is a small business, with 24 Steve Walker
employees. The Managing Director, who is The assessment found that improvements Managing Director of Collinson Hall
in place management, financial
also the owner, exercises effective day to day would need to be made to Collinson Hall’s
and commercial controls which
control. The determination of the Managing policies and procedures so as to be
would help prevent bribery, it had Director that the company should behave compliant with BS 10500. In particular,
not formally implemented an anti- ethically and avoid any corrupt transactions, many of the policies and procedures which
bribery compliance programme. his active day to day control over the business, the company was already in practice An appropriate senior manager will the company, and also to the risks faced Complying with BS 10500 will take up
and his frequent personal communication of operating would need to be formalized
• Collinson Hall therefore wished to become compliance manager, responsible by it: BS 10500 processes only need to be additional management time, which is
the company’s ethics to the staff, provide the and documented so as to become part of for ensuring that the company effectively implemented to the extent reasonable and always very limited, particularly in a small
use BS 10500 to help it implement primary level of anti-bribery control. the official management process. Collinson develops and implements the policy and proportionate to a company’s business size business. Therefore, Collinson Hall believes
an anti-bribery management Hall willingly agreed to implement these
In addition to these personal controls, supporting procedures. and bribery risks. that it would be beneficial if there were
system, which can both help to transactions are controlled through
additional procedures, and determined to additional incentives for businesses to
commence implementation immediately. The Managing Director and appropriate The company supports the enhancement
prevent bribery occurring in relation routine good management practices. implement BS 10500 over and above the
senior managers will also undertake a of its procedures, and the more formal
to the company’s business and be Appropriate backing documentation will A written anti-bribery policy will be developed control and reputational advantages.
bribery risk assessment, by considering approach to systems and documentation
used as a positive marketing tool always be attached to payment requests. and be communicated to all employees. the company’s different types of business required by BS 10500, as it thinks that it
For example:
to promote the company as a Cash is never used for major transactions. All employees will sign receipt of the policy, activities, clients and other parties, and results in a stronger and safer business • A professional indemnity insurer could
Purchases, sales and other business and will receive in-person training in relation
highly ethical practice. assessing where the bribery risks lie in each model, which is less prone to management provide a discount off premium for a
transactions are suitably supported by to the corruption risks faced in their day to respect. Having identified these potential error or oversight. business which is certified to BS 10500
the necessary documents and approvals. day activities, and the company’s policies and risks, they can then assess the likelihood of (to reflect lower risk);
A gifts and hospitality policy is in place. procedures to prevent these risks. All of the enhancements to its processes
that risk occurring, and how effective their
which Collinson Hall will need to implement • Organisations could require their
procedures would be in identifying and
so as to be compliant with BS 10500 will consultants, agents and suppliers to be
avoiding the risk. Any weaknesses in the
be relatively easy for it to implement. They accredited to BS 10500 (which would
procedures would be identified as part of the
will require some up-front work to prepare level the playing field by requiring all
process, and any improvements instituted.
Further measures to be the necessary documents and procedures competitors to be certified);
established include: and to educate the employees. However,
Learning once prepared and implemented, it is likely
• Continuing professional development
From the assessment, Collinson Hall learnt (CPD) points could be awarded by
• A formal process to undertake due that relevant BS 10500 requirements can
that, while it already had in place controls professional institutions to managers
diligence on business partners and be reasonably easily met as part of the
who are responsible for internal
which would help prevent bribery, it would
higher risk clients company’s day-to-day business process
need to implement a formal anti-bribery compliance programmes (to reflect
without undue burden on its resources.
management system in accordance with the knowledge enhancement they
• A gifts and hospitality register
BS 10500, so as to provide an optimal level Ultimately, Collinson Hall wishes its have to undertake to implement
• The company will document of control and assurance. compliance with BS 10500 to be certified by such a programme).
all aspects of the anti-bribery a reputable independent certifying agency.
The additional policies and procedures Collinson Hall believes that BS 10500 could
management system It sees a positive marketing and business
which it needed to implement were be usefully supplemented by pro forma
advantage in having such certification.
clear from BS 10500, and the company documentation which businesses could
However, this would depend on the
commenced immediate implementation. use as a template (eg code of conduct,
certifying agent charging a reasonable sum.
contractual anti-bribery clauses, whistle-
If the cost of certification was too high, the
Benefits of the standard company will implement an ABMS which is
blowing policies, gifts and hospitality policies
Collinson Hall believes that BS 10500 is etc). As there are differences between
compliant with BS 10500, and will market
an appropriate tool to help it enhance its business sectors, business associations could
itself as being compliant, but may not get
anti-bribery programme. It is clearly written publish such documentation for their sector.
independently certified.
and understandable, scalable to the size of
About BS 10500: 2011 Specification for About BSI Standards
an Anti-bribery Management System BSI is the UK’s national standards organization, recognized globally
In November 2011, BSI Standards published BS 10500: for its independence, integrity and innovation in the production of
Specification for an Anti-bribery Management System. standards and information products that promote and share best
BS 10500 is intended to help an organisation to implement an
effective anti-bribery management system. It can be used both BSI works with businesses, consumers and government to
in the UK and internationally. The requirements of UK law and represent UK interests and to make sure that British, European and
internationally recognised good practice are taken into account. It international standards are useful, relevant and authoritative. BSI has
is applicable to small, medium and large organisations in the public, been instrumental in the creation, development and promotion of
private and voluntary sectors. instantly recognizable and well-renowned standards. These include:

In order to comply with BS 10500, an organisation must implement • BS 25999-1 for business continuity management
a series of management measures, including the adoption and • BS ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management
communication of an anti-bribery policy, training and guidance • BS EN ISO 9001 for quality management
for employees, appointing a compliance manager, undertaking
• BS EN ISO 14001 for environmental management
risk assessment and due diligence, controlling gifts and hospitality,
• BS OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety management.
implementing effective procurement, commercial and financial
controls, and instituting reporting and investigation procedures. For further information, please visit:
Compliance with BS 10500 cannot provide assurance that no
bribery has occurred or will take place in relation to an organization.
However, the standard can help establish that the organization has BSI Standards is part of BSI Group, a global independent business
implemented reasonable and proportionate measures designed to services organization that inspires confidence and delivers assurance
prevent bribery. to customers with standards-based solutions. Originating
Well-managed ethical organisations are likely to implement anti- as the world’s first national standards body, the Group has over 2,250
bribery management systems in their organisations in the same staff operating in over 100 countries through more than 50 global
way that they would implement quality, environmental and offices. The Group’s key offerings are:
safety management systems. • The development and sale of private, national and international
Organisations can use BS 10500 to measure and self-declare their standards and supporting information
compliance with anti-bribery best practice. In addition, they may • Second and third-party management systems assessment
obtain independent certification of their compliance with the and certification
standard, just as they do for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001. • Product testing and certification of services and products
The cost of implementing an anti-bribery management system which • Performance management software solutions
is compliant with BS 10500 is likely to be minimal when compared
• Training services in support of standards implementation and
to the loss and damage which could be suffered by an organisation
business best practice.
which gets involved in corruption.
To obtain a copy of BS 10500, please visit:

This case study was enabled by the Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting innovation in the UK.

For more information, please visit

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