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Bangladesh Journal of Neuroscience 2008; Vol.

24 (1) : 9-16

Initial Neurologic Symptoms Among Bangladeshi

Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Abstract vision (optic nerve involvement, 64%), motor

This study was undertaken in the weakness (92%), sphincteric disturbances
Department of Neurology, Bangabandhu (92%) and a lower rate of brainstem and
Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), cerebellar involvement. Painful tonic
Dhaka, from January 2002 to December spasm was a prominent feature among
2003. The objective of this study was to Bangladeshi patients with multiple sclerosis
determine the initial neurologic symptoms (8 out of 25, 32%).
of multiple sclerosis among Bangladeshi Out of 25 patients, one (4%) expired due
patients. to aspiration pneumonia. Twenty four (96%)
A total of 25 respondents of multiple survived. Among them 9 (36%) has
sclerosis patients as cases selected by restricted activity, 7 (28%) were bedridden,
McDonald et al. (2001) diagnostic criteria 5 (20%) were chairbound, 2 (8%) had minor
disability and were in work and 1 (4%) was
for multiple sclerosis were enlisted during
completely normal.
the study period. The clinical details,
investigations of the respondents were Introduction
reviewed. Data were recorded in Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory
predesigned data collection sheet. Out of demyelinating disease of central nervous
25 cases, male patients were 12 (48%) and system (CNS) causing significant morbidity
females were 13 (52%), ratio being 1:1.08. with a variable course, thought to result from
Majority of the patients presented at immune response to myelin sheath with
second, third and fourth decades of life. variability in frequency. It typically presents
Most of the patients (56%) had acute onset, between the ages of 18 and 45 years,
followed by subacute (28%) and insidious although the true onset of the disease likely
(16%). Certain clinical characteristics predates the initial symptoms in most
among Bangladeshi multiple sclerosis individuals1.
patients are noteworthy, namely, number Multiple sclerosis is more frequently
of male and female patients almost equal encountered in western countries and is
(48% vs 52%), a higher rate of impaired distinctly unknown in certain ethnic and
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU),
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, BSMMU, Dhaka.
3. Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, BSMMU, Dhaka.
4. Professor, Department of Neurology, BSMMU, Dhaka.
5. Professor and Head, Department of Neurology, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka.

racial groups, such as Eskimos, Native Aims and Objectives
Americans, Indians and Africans2. The Many studies are available from other
variation in prevalence of MS according to countries of Asia, especially from Japan,
geographical location and the modification Saudi Arabia and India. There has been no
of clinical picture by ethnic groups are all study from Bangladesh. The aims of this
well known features of the disease 3. study was to find out and describe the initial
Current estimates suggest that the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and
prevalence in the United States is compare the observed clinical features
approximately 350,000 with an annual between Bangladeshi MS patients with
incidence of about 12,0004. Prevalence is those of the western MS patients.
low in Saudi Arabia and other Arab Middle Materials and Methods
Eastern countries with rates varying This prospective study was carried out in
between 4 and 12 per 100,000 inhabitants5- the Department of Neurology, Bangabandhu
7. In contrast amongst Caucasians rate is
Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU),
as high as 309 per 100,000 have been Dhaka, among both indoor and outdoor
reported8,9. It was thought that MS was patients, during the period of January 2002
uncommon in Bangladesh and other to December 2003. A total number of 25
tropical and sub-tropical countries10-12. patients were assessed, investigated and
Susceptibility is also associated with diagnosed having MS during the study
particular genetic factor, such as HLA-DR2, period, who fulfilled the McDonald’s
and there are documented differences in diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis23.
Caucasians and Orientals with MS patients Patients with recent vaccination and/or viral
in terms of HLA association and oligoclonal infection, patients suffering from systemic
bands (OCBs)13-15. lupus erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid
arthritis (RA), sarcoidosis and other
There have been relatively a few studies collagen vascular disease, neoplasm,
from Asia, India16 and in particular no study cervical spondylosis and metabolic
from Bangladesh. Asian MS has disorders were excluded from the study.
traditionally been thought of as a distinct
Clinical diagnosis of MS patients was based
entity characterized by optic nerve and
on medical history and clinical examination.
spinal cord involvement, with predominant
Confirmation of clinical diagnosis was done
visual involvement in the beginning being by available relevant investigations,
more common 17 and less frequent specially MRI of brain and/or spinal cord
involvement of cerebellum18-22. with contrast when required. Necessary
Clinical pattern of multiple sclerosis in laboratory procedures were done to
Bangladesh is unknown. However, the ascertain exclusion criteria.
detection of MS have increased as a Informed consents were taken from each
consequence of use of modern investigative patient before his/her inclusion in the study.
facilities, particularly with the availability of All relevant information from history, clinical
MRI facilities, increased awareness among findings and investigations were
medical professionals and patients. documented in predesigned data collection

sheet. Patients were seen every three The lesions at initial onset are shown in
months interval or as required in the Table III. Sixteen (64%) patients out of 25
Department of Neurology, BSMMU, and had optic neuritis as their first symptom.
subsequent data recorded in the data Five (20%) patients had optic neuritis alone.
collection sheet. Data collected were Seven (28%) patients had optic nerve and
compiled in a master sheet and required brain, 4 (16%) patients had optic nerve and
analyses were done using computer based spinal cord involvement at onset. Seven
software SPSS (Statistical Package for (28%) patients had myelitis alone, 1 (4%)
Social Science). had spinal cord and brain involvement, and
Results 1 (4%) had only brain involvement.
The age range of 25 patients of MS was 10 Table-III
65 years, with mean (±SD) 30.56±13.44 Lesions at initial onset among
years. The study included 8 (32%) cases Bangladeshi multiple sclerosis
< 20 years, 12 (48%) cases between 21 patients (n=25)
40 years, 4 (16%) cases between 41-60
First involvement Number of Percentage
years and 1 (4%) case above 60 years.
The peak age of incidence of MS was found
Only optic nerve 5 20.0
in 21-40 years age group (Table I).
Optic nerve + brain 7 28.0
Table-I Optic nerve + spinal cord 4 16.0
Only spinal cord 7 28.0
Age distribution of the study Spinal cord + brain 1 4.0
subjects (n=25) Brain alone 1 4.0
Optic nerve involvement (n=16)
Age group Number of Percentage Unilateral 8 50.0
(years) patients Bilateral 8 50.0
< 20 8 32.0
21-40 12 48.0 Table IV shows mode of onset among the
study subjects. Out of 25 cases, 14 (56%)
41-60 4 16.0
had acute onset, 7 (28%) subacute onset
>60 1 4.0 and 4 (16%) chronic or insidious onset.
Total 25 100
Table IV
Out of 25 patients of MS, 12 (48%) were Multiple sclerosis typing (according to
male and 13 (52%) were female. The male mode of onset) (n=25)
female ratio was 1:1.08 (Table II). Mode of onset Number of Percentage
Table II patients
Sex distribution of the cases (n=25) Acute 14 56.0
Sex Number of Percentage Subacute 7 28.0
patients Chronic/insidious 4 16.0
Male 12 48.0 Total 25 100
Female 13 52.0
In Table V, the number of previous attack
Total 25 100
has been shown. Out of 25 patients, 5

(20%) had one, 8 (32%) had two and 5 20 (80%) had rigidity of their limbs.
(20%) had more than two previous attacks. Sensory symptoms, like numbness and
Seven (28%) patients had no history of paresthesia, diminished or loss of
previous attack. sensation, were found in following order
Table-V respectively (84%, 60% and 4%). Impaired
Distribution of the respondents by vision was found in 16 (64%) cases. Seven
number of previous attacks (n=25) (28%) cases had pain in their eyes.
Symptoms like ataxia, sphincteric
Previous attacks Number of Percentage disturbance, paroxysmal attack were found
patients in a large number of patients {8 (32%), 23
One 5 20.0 (92%), 8 (32%), respectively}.
Two 8 32.0 Table-VII
More than two 5 20.0 Clinical presentation (n=25)
None 7 28.0 Presentation Number of Percentage
Total 25 100 patients
Table VI shows the course of the disease Upper + lower limb 10 40.0
among the respondents. Fifteen (60%) Only lower limb 13 52.0
Only upper limb 0 0
cases had relapsing remitting course, 7 No weakness 2 8.0
(28%) had secondary progressive course Rigidity 20 80.0
and 3 (12%) had primary progressive Sensory function
multiple sclerosis. Diminished 15 60.0
Lossed 1 4.0
Table-VI Normal 9 36.0
Numbness/paresthesia 21 84.0
Distribution of the cases according to Impaired vision 16 64.0
course of the disease (n=25) Both eyes 8 32.0
Only left eye 3 12.0
Disease course Number of Percentage Only right eye 5 20.0
patients Pain in the eyes
Only right eye 1 4.0
Relapsing 15 60.0 Only left eye 1 4.0
remitting MS Both eyes 5 20.0
Diplopia 1 4.0
Secondary 7 28.0 Ataxia 8 32.0
progressive MS Urinary Sphincteric 23 92.0
Primary 3 12.0 Urgency 7 28
progressive MS Incontinence 5 20
Retention 5 20
Total 25 100 Frequency 3 12
Hesitancy 3 12
Paroxysmal attack 8 32.0
The clinical presentations are summarized
(painful tonic spasm)
in Table VII. Out of 25 study cases, 23
(92%) had motor weakness, 10 (40%) had Functional status of the study patients has
both upper and lower limbs weakness, 13 been shown in Table VIII. Nine (36%)
(52%) had only lower limbs involvement, patients had restricted activities, 7 (28%)

were bedridden, 3 (12%) were chairbound, selected by McDonald et al. diagnostic
4 (16%) suffered only minor disabilities and criteria for multiple sclerosis23. Clinical
were still in work, and 1 (4%) had died. examination and laboratory investigations
Table-VIII were done in all patients.
Present functional status (n=25) In this study, 12 (48%) patients were male
and 13 (52%) were female (ratio 1:1.08).
Function Status Number of Percentage
There was no marked female
preponderance like other countries. The
Restricted activity 9 36.0
male female ratio in various countries are -
Bedridden 7 28.0 USA 1:1.826, Northern Ireland 1:1327, US
Chairbound 3 12.0 army 1:1.8 28, Japan 1:1.329, Taiwan
Minor disability 4 16.0 1:3.230, Hawaii 1:3.231, India 1:332 and
Normal activity 1 4.0 Thailand 1:325. The male female ratio is
Expired 1 4.0 higher in our country than western and
Total 25 100 oriental countries. Predominant male
health seeking behaviour and also less
Discussion allocation of hospital beds for female
Multiple sclerosis is an uncommon condition patients in country may explain the above.
in Bangladesh, and its prevalence, These findings are not consistent with those
incidence and other demographic data of Acheson, who previously pointed out that
remains to be determined. So far my the preponderance of female over male
knowledge goes no study has yet been patients seemed to be greater where the
published on multiple sclerosis in incidence of multiple sclerosis was low than
Bangladesh. The present study disclosed where it was high27.
that certain clinical features of multiple
We did not find any familial case. This
sclerosis patients are different from those
may be because of multiple sclerosis began
of multiple sclerosis patients in western
to be diagnosed during last few years in
countries, but the age distribution in
our country, and general population has no
Bangladeshi multiple sclerosis patients
idea about this disease.
were not significantly different from those
of western and other Asian countries24,25. With regard to initial lesion, this study
showed that optic neuritis (16/25, 64%) was
The present study was carried out to find
common initial lesion among the
out the initial symptoms of multiple
Bangladeshi multiple sclerosis patients.
sclerosis among Bangladeshi patients.
Five (20%) patients had optic neuritis alone,
The study subjects were taken from the
seven (28%) had optic nerve and brain
Department of Neurology (both indoor and
involvement, four (16%) had optic nerve and
outdoor), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib
spinal cord involvement. It was 43% in
Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka.
Japanese nationwide series, 14% in Israel,
During the study period, from January 2002
43% in Brazil, 36% in Germany, 56% in
to December 2003, 25 multiple sclerosis
Taiwan, 28% among UK army and 25% in
patients were evaluated. Patients were
the USA24,30,33-35.

Optic neuritis was lower than Thai series Shibasaki and Kuroiwa 39 found the
(68%) as shown by Jitpimolmard and condition in 11 (17.2%) patients out of a
Vejjajivaas25, which is almost equal to consecutive series of 64 patients with
Korean patients, where it was 64%36. It is multiple sclerosis, a much higher incidence
interesting that the incidence of optic than has been found in western countries28.
neuritis when combined with spinal cord In Thailand, Jitpimolmard and Vejjajiva25
and brain involvement, it was even higher observed no less than 3 in 15 patients with
among Bangladeshi patients. Though multiple sclerosis. It appears, therefore,
multiple sclerosis is not different from the that PTS is relatively frequent among
western variety, an increased frequency of multiple sclerosis patients in Bangladesh
visual involvement is a common feature in and in Asian countries where cases with
Asian variety32. Seven (28%) patients had severe spinal cord involvement are more
only spinal cord involvement presented frequently encountered.
initially as myelitis, which is comparable
in percentage with the other series
Multiple sclerosis is a leading neurological
disease causing chronic disability in young
The frequency of brainstem and cerebellar adults, especially in western countries,
lesions were much lower than the US army, which might cost a large amount of money
Brazil, USA, Japan, China and Taiwan. each year.
This is because of the use of brainstem
It has been established that multiple
evoked potential in developed countries that
sclerosis in Bangladesh exhibits some
unmasked the silent lesion in the brainstem. clinical difference in its initial neurological
Twenty three (92%) patients developed symptoms from those of western countries
weakness of the limbs. It is much higher but not from most of the Asian countries,
than Germany (43%)35, USA (54%)24, which may be due to racial, genetic and
Japan (24%)34 and Taiwan (40%)30 series. environmental influences.
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