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The Teacher’s Guide to

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
Section 1: Getting Started 5
How to log in to Google Classroom 6
How To Join A Class As A Teacher: 7
How To Move From One Classroom To Another 8

Section 2: The Stream 9

Purpose and use of stream 10
Post announcements 10
Create Announcement 10
Delete Announcement 15
Move announcement 15
Comment Settings 15

Section 3 : People 17
How to add students 18
Who are added as teachers in the classroom 20
How to select students and select actions 21

Section 4 : Classwork 23
Option 1: Create an Assignment 24
Option 2: Quiz Assignment 29
Option 3: Question 32
Materials 46

Section 5: Reusing Posts 52

Reusing Posts 53

Section 6: Rubrics 54
Create or Reuse a rubric for assignments 55
Export and Import a shared rubric 60
Edit or Delete a Rubric 61
Section 7: Communication 63
Communication 64
Google Calendar Integration 64

Section 8: Google Drive 65

Google Drive Folder Structure 66

Section 9: Getting Around 67

Navigation 68
Google Classroom Homepage 68
Google Classroom Settings 68

Section 10: Scheduling Online Classes Through Google Meet 70

How to Schedule an Online Class Through Google Meet in 71
Google Classroom
Ways to share link to join online class 75
How to start online class through Google Meet 76

Section 11: Tips & Resources 80

Google Classroom Tips 81
Additional Resource 82

Google Classroom is an application designed to help students and teachers

communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments, go paperless, and
much more!
The Teacher’s Guide to

This guide is chocked full of step-by-step instructions for using Google Classroom,
managing classes, creating announcements, discussions, assignments, assignment
management and tips! You will also find helpful screenshots of the teacher side of
Google Classroom. This reference guide is great for new users and full of handy
reminders and tips for more experienced users.

Things You Should Know:

• Google Chrome: To maximize the features in Google Classroom, teachers and
students should use the Google Chrome Browser. Some features work in other
browsers, but not all. Plus, Google Chrome is a fantastic learning environment
for all things Google!
• Menus: Google uses two symbols across Google Classroom, and other Google
applications (including mobile applications) to represent menus and more actions:
three lines = menu (usually the main menu)
three dots = more actions (additional options and actions)
Anytime you see these symbols, there are additional features, actions or options to

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5 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
How To Log In To Google Classroom

There are 2 ways to go to Google Classroom:

1. Type in the address bar in a browser

2. Or log in to your gmail account and then click the nine dots on the top right
and directly select “Classroom”.

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How To Join A Class As A Teacher:
Teachers will be invited to Classrooms as needed. They can join the class through an
invitation received in their email. They just need to click on the “Join“ button.

Note: You cannot change your role later, so be sure to select the correct role. If you
or your students select the incorrect role, you must contact your Google Apps IT
administrator to correct the error.

Or, they can log into Google Classroom and they will see a Classroom to which they
have been invited. They will need to click on the “Accept” button to join
the classroom.

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How to Move From One Classroom to Another
Teachers will be assigned to multiple classrooms depending on which sections and
subjects they teach. By clicking on a particular class on the home screen, they can
enter that classroom.

As a teacher you will see 4 tabs at the top.

1. Stream- it’s like a social media platform with the latest post appearing at the top.
It’s a stream of information. This keeps track of everything that’s coming in.
2. Classwork Page- you can set assignments and home tasks, set quizzes, share files,
materials or even leave little notes to your classroom.
3. People – people is where you go to add your students. You can also add parent’s
email addresses to your students.
4. Mark/ Grade book – this is where all the grades assigned to students are collected
and you can review everything students have done and what sort of scores they
received for that work. This is like a personal register where you can see the status
of all your students’ assignments.

All the tabs/options and the features are explained in different sections of
this manual.
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The Stream is where teachers view and add announcements, assignments,
discussion topics, and comments.

Purpose and use of stream:

a. Welcoming students
b. Posting announcements
c. Posting the routine (as an attachment)
d. Notice for face-to-face classes through google meet
e. And most importantly - whenever a teacher shares a material, or assigns tasks in
‘classwork’, it will automatically get published on stream.

Post announcements to your students

You can post announcements to your class on the Stream page. Announcements are
posts with no assignments. Use them to give notices to your students.
Announcements appear on the Stream page in chronological order. If you want, you
can move an older post to the top.

Students get an email for each announcement, but they can turn off the email
notification feature. You can draft and schedule announcements, and control who
comments or replies to posts.
Create an announcement
You can post announcements to one or more classes, or to select students in a class.
You can also add attachments.
How to post an announcement
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. On the Stream page, click Share something with your class.
4. Enter your announcement and click Post.
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Post to additional classes
Announcements to multiple classes go to all students in those classes.

Next to For, click the Down arrow, select the classes you want to include.

Post to individual students

Unless you’re posting to multiple classes, you can post an announcement to
individual students. You can’t post to more than 100 students at a time.
1. Click All students, All students again to deselect students.

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2. To select a student, click their name. On the Stream page, you can see the number
of students the announcement was posted to.

Add attachments
You can add attachments, such as Google Drive files, YouTube videos, or links, to
your announcement. Google Drive items are view-only to students and editable by
Note: If you see a message that you don’t have permission to attach a file, click Copy.
Classroom makes a copy to attach to the announcement and saves it to the class
Drive folder.

To delete an attachment, next to the attachment, click Remove.

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Post, schedule, or save a draft announcement
As you type your announcement, Classroom will automatically save it and put a draft
in the Saved announcements section at the top of the Stream.

• To post the announcement immediately, click Post.

• To schedule the announcement for later:
1. Next to Post, click the Down arrow “ Schedule”
2. Next to the date, click the Down arrow and select a date and time.
3. Click Schedule.
The announcement is automatically posted at the scheduled date and time.
4. (Optional) To schedule the announcement for another class, schedule it first
for one class and reuse the announcement in the other class.
• To save the announcement as a draft, next to Post, click the Down arrow
“ Save draft”
• To see your scheduled and draft posts, go to the top of the Stream page.

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Add a comment to a posted announcement
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. On the Stream page, find the posted announcement and click Add class
4. Enter a comment and click Post.
5. Class comments are public and can be seen by all members of the class.

Edit an announcement
Edits affect individual classes. For multi-class announcements, make edits in
each class.
1. Go to
2. Choose an option:
• For a posted announcement:
1. On the Stream page, next to the announcement, click More “ Edit”
2. Enter your changes and click Save.
• For a scheduled or draft announcement:
1. At the top of the Stream page, click Saved announcements.
2. Click the announcement and enter your changes.
3. Choose an option:
i. For a scheduled announcement, click Schedule.
ii. For a draft announcement, next to Post, click the
Down arrow “ Save draft”

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Delete an announcement
1. Go to
2. Choose an option:
• For a posted announcement:
1. On the Stream page, next to the announcement, click
More “Delete”.
2. To confirm, click Delete again.
• For a scheduled or draft announcement:
1. At the top of the Stream page, click Saved announcements.
2. Next to the announcement, click Remove “Delete” .

Move an announcement to the top

You can move an announcement or any other post to the top of the stream. This
helps to ensure students see a particular post when they first log in to classroom.
Please note that this post will again fall down as more posts are added so if you want
a particular post to remain on top, you will need to move it to the top regularly.
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. On the Stream page, on the announcement, click ” Move to top”

Comment Settings
In the Stream Tab, just next to the nine dots on the top of the page, you will find a
drop-down menu. This is the Setting button.

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1. Students can post and comment: (This is the default setting.) This means students
have the ability to create their own posts and add to the stream with the options
seen below. Comments are a great way to encourage communication and
collaboration in the classroom. Set some guidelines and always monitor!
2. Students can ONLY comment: This means that students can comment on the
teacher’s posts in the stream. This is a good way to allow questions, clarification
and continue communicating with students.
3. Students can post here with text and optional attachments, files, videos, and links.
4. ONLY the teacher can post or comment: No comments are allowed by any
students inside Google Classroom.
Note: The teacher can always see ALL of the comments, even after they have been
deleted. In the stream, there is a toggle button to “show deleted items.” Flip the
switch and see what’s been deleted. Make sure your students understand that
everything they post is under your watchful eye!

Classroom Tip!

When discussing the use of student posts and comments, use this as a
teachable moment to discuss online etiquette and digital
citizenship skills.

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This page is for inviting teachers, adding students and parents.

Adding Students
Add Students with the Class Code:
When you create a class, Classroom will generate a class code that you can give to
your students that will allow them to join your class.

This seven digit code is unique to your domain and your class. The class code can be
found in the left sidebar of the Stream.

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Inviting Students
1. Go to People tab
2. Under Students section click on plus sign at the right hand corner.

3. Type students email ID

4. Click Invite Students.
Then students will get an invitation mail to join the class.

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Who are added as teachers in the classroom:
a. Teacher of that subject
b. Academic supervisor
c. Observers or Heads of Academics
d. T&D
e. Admin
Please note: The teacher of the subject will work with all the instruments under
Classwork and grade. Some of you, for example Class Teachers, will be tagged to all
the subjects of your section but you will not need to be active in those classes.
Subject teachers will have the primary responsibility to be active and manage their
subject’s classroom. Others will act as observers only.

Activities that the teacher can do with the names under the “People” tab:
1. Add students
2. Add parents
3. Email others in the teacher role (see above list)
4. Send email to individual students
5. Send email to selective students
6. Send email to all students
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7. Send email to other teachers
8. Send email to parents
9. Send work of students to their parents, if needed

How to select students and select actions

Other actions can be applied through the “action” button.
a. Remove students: you can remove any student you want. This should only be
done with the consent of your Supervisor and applies to students who have left
the school or transferred to another section or campus.
b. Mute students: In case there is any student sending unnecessary comments, you
can mute that student. That means they will not be able to comment or post in
the classroom.

Please note: There is a helpful facility of reviewing each student’s progress by clicking
on individual students in the people section. If we click on any student’s name, it will
take you to a page where the student’s performance throughout the academic year is
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There is a record of
• If the student has submitted assignments on time or not
• Their grade or score for each assignment, test, quiz, etc.
• If they have missed any assignment
• Which assignments are due
• If the assignment was submitted but not graded, that can also be easily found

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23 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Option 1: Create an Assignment

When you create an assignment, you can post it immediately, save a draft, or
schedule it to post at a later date. After students complete and turn in their work, you
can grade and return it to the students.

When you create an assignment, you can:

• Post to one or more classes
• Post to individual students
• Add a grade category
• Change the point value (total marks)
• Add a due date or time
• Add a topic
• Add attachments
• Add a rubric
• Turn on originality reports

How to Create an Assignment

1. Go to
2. Click Classwork.
3. At the top, click Create - Assignment.
4. Enter the title and any instructions.

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Post to one or more classes
Under For, click the Down arrow- select the class or classes you want to include.

Note: You can’t post to individual students across multiple classes. Posts to multiple
classes are shared with all students in the classes.
Post to individual students
By default, an assignment posts to all students in the class. You can post an
assignment to individual students. However, you can’t post to individual students if
more than one class is included. And, you can’t post to more than 100 individual
students at a time.
1. Next to All students, click the Down arrow All students to deselect it.

2. Select the students you want to post the assignment to.

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Add a grade category
With grade categories, you and your students can see the category an assignment
belongs to, such as Homework or Essays. Teachers also see the categories on the
Grades page.
Under Grade category, click the Down arrow. Select a category from the menu.

Change the point value

You can change the point value (total marks) of an assignment or make the
assignment ungraded. By default, assignments are set at 100 points.
1. Under Points, click the value.

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2. Enter a new point value or select Ungraded.
Note: When students complete an ungraded assignment, they tap Turn in or, if no
files get turned in, Mark as done. If a student doesn’t tap Turn in or Mark as done
before the due date, the assignment is marked Missing. If there’s no due date, it’s
marked Assigned.
Add a due date or time
By default, an assignment has no due date. To change this:
1. Under Due, click the Down arrow .
2. Next to No due date, click the Down arrow .

3. Click a date on the calendar.

4. (Optional) To set a due time, click Time enter a time and specify AM or PM.

Add a topic
For PG to KGII, the topics will be the different subjects that children are taught –
Maths, English, Bangla and so on. All assignments/tasks/questions will need to be
assigned to a topic.

For Class I to XII, each subject has its own classroom so the topics will be the unit
titles. Teachers should create a topic whenever they start a new unit and all
classwork/home tasks for that unit must be categorized under that topic.
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Under Topic, click the Down arrow.

1. Choose an option:
○ To create a topic, click Create topic and enter a topic name.
○ To select a topic in the list, click it.
Note: You can only add one topic to an assignment.

Add attachments
You can add attachments to your assignment, such as files from your computer,
Google Drive files, YouTube videos, or links.

To delete an attachment, next to it, click Remove .

To decide how students interact with an attachment, next to the attachment, click the
Down arrow and choose an option:
● Students can view file—All students can read the file, but not edit it.
● Students can edit file—All students share the same file and can make changes to
it. If they add or edit the file, then all students will be able to see it – this is a
shared document.
● Make a copy for each student—Students get their own copy of the file with their
name added to the document title. For Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files, both
you and the student can edit the document. When students turn in the
assignment, they can’t edit the document until you return it to them.
Note: This option is only available before you post an assignment.

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Option 2: Quiz Assignment

Create a quiz assignment

When you create a quiz assignment, Classroom creates a blank quiz using a Google
Form and attaches it to the assignment. You can then edit the quiz and add questions.
You can also:
• Import grades
• See student answers and return grades

Like any assignment in Classroom, you can edit, delete, or reuse a quiz assignment.
You can also choose when to post the assignment.
You can add point values, feedback, and release the student’s grade after they submit
their answers.
How to create a quiz assignment
Create a quiz assignment
1. Go to
2. Click Classwork.
3. At the top, click Create Quiz assignment.

4. Enter the title and any instructions.

5. (Optional) To prevent students from opening other pages during the quiz, next to
Locked mode on Chromebooks, click the switch to the On position. This will not
work for students who are accessing Google Classroom through other devices
though so we should NOT choose this option for now.
6. (Optional) To import grades, next to Grade importing, click the switch to the On
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position. You need to import the grades since a different app – Google Forms –
will be recording the quiz answers so you need to bring those into Google Class
room through this option.
7. You can also:
○ Post to one or more classes
○ Post to individual students
○ Add a grade category
○ Change the point value (total marks)
○ Add a due date and time
○ Add a topic
○ Add attachments
Note: If you change the name of the quiz in Drive, the name is updated in Classroom.

Lock a quiz
If students are using Chromebooks managed by your school, you can lock the
Chromebook browser while they’re taking your quiz. This is not currently applicable
for our students and we should not choose this option for now.

When the quiz is in locked mode:

● Students can’t open other browser tabs.
● The teacher gets an email if a student exits the quiz and then reopens it.
● Unmanaged devices won’t be able to access the quiz.

When you create your quiz assignment, next to Locked mode on Chromebooks, click
the switch to the On position.

When students open the quiz on a managed Chromebook, they see a message that
their Chromebook is in locked mode while they take the quiz.
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30 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Import grades
You can import the grades into Classroom when your students are done taking the
quiz. When you create your quiz assignment, next to Grade importing, click the
switch to the On position.

When you turn on Grade importing:

● The form is limited to one response per user.
● The user’s email address is collected automatically.
● Only users in your domain can respond to the form.
Import grades
1. Go to
2. Click Classwork.
3. Click the quiz assignment - View Assignment.
4. On the Student Work page, click Import Grades.
5. Click Import.

Classroom enters grades for each student. If you didn’t assign points to questions in
your quiz, the assignment is labeled ungraded.

Important: Importing grades overwrites manually assigned grades.

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See student answers and return grades
See student answers
1. Go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. On the quiz assignment, click the quiz attachment.

4. Click Edit Responses.

Return grades
1. Go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Click the quiz assignment.
4. On the left, select the students you want to return grades to.
5. Click Return to confirm.

Students get their grades immediately. They can see their grades from the Classwork
page by clicking the quiz attachment and then View score.
Note: You can let students see their grade immediately after they submit their

Option 3: Question

As a Classroom teacher, you can post short-answer or multiple-choice questions. After

you post a question, you can track the number of students who’ve responded on the
Stream page. You can also draft questions to post later and post a question to
individual students.
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After students complete and turn in their work, you can grade and return it to the
When you create a question, you can:
• Post it to one or more classes
• Assign it to one or more students
• Add a grade category
• Change the point value (total mark)
• Create a multiple-choice question
• Add a due date or time
• Add a topic
• Add attachments

How to create a question

1. Go to
2. Click Classwork.
3. At the top, click Create Question.

4. Enter the question and any instructions.

5. For short-answer questions, students can reply to each other and edit their
answer. You can turn these options on or off.
○ Students can reply to each other—To allow students to view and comment
on classmates’ answers after answering the question, click the switch to the
on position. To prevent students from seeing each other’s answers, click the
switch to the off position.
○ Students can edit answer—To allow students to edit their answer after
submitting, click the switch to the on position .
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Note: There is no character limit for short-answer questions.
Post to one or more classes
Under For, click the Down arrow. Select the class or classes you want to include.

Note: You can’t post to individual students across multiple classes. Posts to multiple
classes are shared with all students in the classes.

Assign to one or more students

By default, a question is posted to all students in the class. You can post a question to
individual students. However, you can’t post to individual students if more than one
class is included. And, you can’t post to more than 100 individual students at a time.

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1. Next to All students, click the Down arrow “All students” to deselect it.

2. Select the students for the question.

Add a grade category

You can add grade categories to questions. With grade categories, you and your
students can see the category a question belongs to, such as Homework or Essays.
Teachers also see the categories on the Grades page.

Under Grade category, click the Down arrow. Select a category from the menu.

Change the point value (total marks)

You can change the point value of a question, or make it ungraded. By default,
questions are set at 100 points.
1. Under Points, click the value
2. Enter a new point value or select Ungraded.

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Create a multiple-choice question
1. Next to Short answer, click the Down arrow “Multiple choice”

2. Click Option 1 and enter the first answer option.

3. Click Add option and add as many options as you want.

4. (Optional) To delete an option, next to it, click Remove .
5. By default, when students turn in a question, they see a class summary of
answers. To turn off this feature, next to Students can see class summary, click the
switch to the off position .
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Add a due date or time
By default, a question has no due date. To change this:
1. Under Due, click the Down arrow.

2. Next to No due date, click the Down arrow.

3. Click a date on the calendar.

4. (Optional) To set a due time, click Time enter a time and specify AM or PM.
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Add a topic
1. Under Topic, click the Down arrow .

2. Choose an option:
○ To create a topic, click Create topic and enter a topic name.
○ To select a topic in the list, click it.

Add attachments
You can add materials, such as Google Drive files, links, or YouTube videos to your

To upload a file, click Attach. Select the file and click Upload.

To attach a Google Drive file:

1. Click Drive.
2. Select the item and click Add.

To attach a YouTube video, click YouTube and choose an option:

● To search for a video to attach:
1. In the search box, enter keywords and click Search .
2. Click the video Add.
● To attach a video link:
1. Click URL.
2. Enter the URL and click Add.

To attach a link, click Link , enter the URL, and click Add Link.
To delete an attachment, next to it, click Remove.
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Post, schedule, or save a draft question
Note: If you see a message that you don’t have permission to attach a file, click Copy.
Classroom makes a copy to attach to the question and saves it to the class
Drive folder.
To post the question immediately, click Ask.
To schedule the question to post later:
1. Next to Ask, click the Down arrow Schedule.
2. Next to the date, click the Down arrow and select a date and time.
3. Click Schedule. The question will automatically post at the scheduled date
and time.
Note: To schedule the question for another class, schedule it first for one class and
then reuse the question for the other class.

To save the question as a draft, next to Ask, click the Down arrow Save draft.

To see scheduled and draft questions, click Classwork.

Edit a question
Note: If a question is posted to several classes, editing it in one class doesn’t change it
in any other class.
1. Go to
2. Click Classwork.
3. Next to the question, click More Edit
4. Choose an option:
○ For a posted question: Make your changes and click Save.
○ For a scheduled question: Make your changes and click Schedule.
○ For a draft question: Make your changes. Then, next to Ask, click the
Down arrow Save draft.

Add a class comment to the question:

1. Go to
2. At the top, click Classwork the question View Question.
3. To add a comment to the class, at the top, click Question.
4. Click Add class comment, enter your comment, and click Post.

Reuse a question
To reuse a question, see Reuse a post.
Delete a question
If you delete a question, all grades and comments related to the question are deleted.
However, any attachments or files created by you or your students are still available in
Google Drive.
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Warning! Once deleted, there’s no way to undo deleting a question.
1. Go to
2. Click your class Classwork.
3. Next to the question, click More Delete. To confirm, click Delete again.

Have students see or add comments to a question

When you create a question, you can instruct students to leave class comments. In
both multiple-choice and short-answer questions, students can read and respond to
class comments. Students can also comment privately to teachers.
Assignments with Google Drive files:
When you add Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, or Google Drawings files as
part of an assignment, you will get additional options for that assignment.

1. Student can view file: each student is given access to a view/read-only version of
the file.
2. Student can edit file: each student is given access to edit and collaborate on the
SAME file. This is a shared document so students will be able to see each other’s
3. Make a copy for each student: each student is given an individual, editable copy of
the file inside their Google Drive.
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Grade and return an assignment
In Classroom, you can give a numeric grade, leave comment-only feedback, or do
both. You can also return assignments without grades.
You can grade and return work from:
• The Student work page.
• The Classroom grading tool.
• The Grades page.

You can download grades for one assignment or for all assignments in a class.
View assignments or import quiz grades
View student assignments
Before viewing a student’s assignment, you can see the status of student work, and
the number of students in each category.
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork the assignment View assignment.
4. On the Student work page, you see the number and names of students grouped
by work status:
• Assigned—Work that students have to turn in, including missing or
unsubmitted work
• Turned in—Work that students turned in
• Graded—Graded work you’ve returned
• Returned—Ungraded (non-graded) work you’ve returned
• (Optional) To see the students in a category, click Turned in, As signed,
Graded, or Returned.
5. To see a student’s submission, on the left, click a student’s name.
Import grades from a Google Forms quiz
To turn on grade importing, ensure that a Forms quiz is the only attachment on an
If you didn’t turn on grade importing when you created the assignment, you can edit
the assignment after the assignment is posted and completed by students.
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork - the assignment - View assignment.
4. At the top-right, click Import Grades.
5. Click Import to confirm.
The grades autofill next to the students’ names.
Note: Importing grades overwrites any grades already entered.
6. (Optional) To return grades, next to each student whose grade you want to return,
check the box and click Return.
Students can see their grade in Classroom and Forms.
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Enter, review, or change grades
When you enter a grade, it syncs between the grading tool, the Grades page, and the
Student work page.
As you grade assignments, you might notice that the work or grade status is color
• Red—Missing work.
• Green—Turned in work or draft grade.
• Black—Returned work.
Other colors are based on your class theme and don’t indicate work or grade status.
Enter a grade on the Student work page
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork, then click assignment
4. Click View assignment.
5. To open and review any file the student attached, click the thumbnail.
6. (Optional) The default point value is 100. To change it, click the point value (total
marks). Enter another value or select Ungraded Update.

7. Next to the student’s name, enter the grade. The grade saves automatically.
8. Enter grades for any other students.
Students get their grades when you return their assignments. You can return
assignments during another grading session.
Enter a grade in the grading tool
You can enter grades and give your students personalized feedback with the
Classroom grading tool.

The default grade denominator (full marks) is 100, but it can be changed to any
whole number greater than zero. You can change the grade denominator at any time.
Changes to grade denominators only affect assignments that haven’t been returned.
Returned assignments maintain their original denominator.
1. Open a student assignment in the grading tool.
2. Click Grading .
3. Under Grade, enter the grade.

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42 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Note: You can return assignments without a grade.
You can see how the grade for an assignment has changed and how many times a
student has submitted an assignment.
Important: This feature is only available on turned in and graded assignments.
1. Go to
2. At the top, click Classwork the assignment View assignment.
3. On the left, click a student’s name.
4. Click See history.

Change a grade
You can change a grade after you return an assignment to students. Also, students
can do more work and resubmit the assignment. You can then change the grade and
return the assignment again.
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork the assignment View assignment.
4. Next to a student’s name, click the grade you want to change.
5. Enter a new number.
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43 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
The new grade saves automatically.
6. (Optional) Click Return Return to confirm.
Note: The student can view their new grade when you return their assignment.
Return work or download grades
Students can’t edit any files attached to an assignment until you return it. When you
return work, students get notifications if they’re turned on. You can return work, with
or without a grade, to one or more students at a time.
Return an assignment from the Student work page
Students can view their grades when you return their assignments.
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork the assignment View assignment.
4. Next to each student whose assignment you want to return, check the box click
Return, and confirm.
Note: To use Return, you have to select one or more students.

Note: If an assignment is incomplete, you can return it without a grade. In that case,
the grade status shows Assigned—or Missing if it’s late—and the grade field is empty.

Return an assignment from the grading tool

Students can view their grades when you return their assignments. The grading tool
syncs your feedback and grades to Classroom.

1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork the assignment View assignment.
4. Open a student’s assignment.
5. (Optional) Enter a grade or feedback.
6. (Optional) To return the student’s work, in the top-right corner, click Return.
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44 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
7. (Optional) To return work to multiple students:
1. Next to Return, click the Down arrow “Return multiple submissions”.
2. Next to the students’ names you want to return the assignment to, check
the box click Return.
You can return all assignments together during another grading session.

Return an ungraded assignment

When you return an ungraded assignment:
• Rather than a grade, next to the student’s name, you see Done .
• The student’s assignment is marked Returned.
Before you return the assignment, you can add a private comment.
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork the assignment View assignment.
4. On the left, check the box next to each student whose assignment you want
to return.
5. Click Return and confirm.

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45 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Download grades
You can download grades from Classroom to Google Sheets or to a comma-separat-
ed values (CSV) file. If you need a hardcopy of the grades, you can print the file you
Currently, you can only download grades in the computer version of Classroom.
Download grades to Sheets
1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork-the assignment-View assignment.
4. On the Student Work page, click Settings “Copy all grades to Google Sheets”
The spreadsheet is created in your Classroom Drive folder.

Download grades to a CSV file

1. Go to
2. Click the class.
3. At the top, click Classwork the assignment- View assignment.
4. On the Student Work page, click Settings and choose an option:
• To download grades for one assignment, select Download these grades
as CSV.
• To download all grades for the class, select Download all grades as CSV.
The file saves to your computer.

As a Classroom teacher, you can post resource materials, such as a syllabus, class-
room rules, or topic-related reading, to the Classwork page. Like other types of posts
on the Classwork page, materials can be organized by topic, reordered, and scheduled
to post later.

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46 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
When you add materials to the Classwork page, you can:
• Post to one or more classes
• Post to individual students
• Add a topic
Add materials
1. Go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. At the top, click Create Material.

4. Enter a title and a description.

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Add attachments
You can add Google Drive files, links, or YouTube videos to your materials.
To upload a file, click Attach. Select the file and click Upload.
To attach a Google Drive file:
1. Click Drive.
2. Select the item and click Add.

To attach a YouTube video, click YouTube and choose an option:

● To search for a video to attach:
1. In the search box, enter keywords and click Search .
2. Click the video Add.
● To attach a video link:
1. Click URL.
2. Enter the URL and click Add.
To attach a link, click Link , enter the URL, and click Add Link.

To delete an attachment, next to it, click Remove .

Post to one or more classes

Under For, click the Down arrow select the class or classes you want to include.

Note: You can’t post to individual students across multiple classes. Posts to multiple
classes are shared with all students in the classes.

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48 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Post to individual students
By default, material is posted to all students in the class. You can post material to
individual students. However, if more than one class is included, you can’t post to
individual students. You also can’t post to more than 100 individual students at
a time.

1. Next to All students, click the Down arrow All students to deselect it.

2. Select the students you want to post the material to.

Note: You’ll see the number of students you posted to in the class stream. To view the
students’ names, click number students on the material.
Add a topic
1. Next to Topic, click the Down arrow.

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2. Choose an option:
○ To create a topic, click Create topic and enter a topic name.
○ To select a topic in the list, click it.
Post, schedule, or save drafted material
To post the material immediately, click Post.

To schedule the material to post later:

1. Next to Post, click the Down arrow Schedule.
2. Next to the date, click the Down arrow and select a date and time.
3. Click Schedule.
The material automatically posts at the scheduled date and time.

To save the material as a draft, next to Post, click the Down arrow Save draft.

To see scheduled and drafted materials, click Classwork.

Edit material
Note: If material is posted to several classes, editing it in one class doesn’t change it in
any other class.
1. Go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Next to the material, click More Edit.

4. Choose an option:
○ For posted material: Make your changes and click Save.
○ For scheduled material: Make your changes and click Schedule.
○ For draft material: Make your changes. Then, next to Post, click the Down
arrow Save draft.

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51 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Reuse a post :
You can reuse posts (announcements, questions or assignments) that you have al-
ready created inside any of your classes. If you teach the same subject to multiple
class periods, this will allow you to copy your assignments over to each class, includ-
ing drafts.

• To reuse an announcement on the Stream page, in the Share something with your
class box, click Reuse post .

To reuse an assignment, question, or materials, click Classwork “ Create “ Reuse post.

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52 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
1. Click the class that has the post you want to reuse.
2. Click the post.
3. (Optional) If you’re copying this post to a different class, and don’t want to link
multiple classes to the same attachments, check the Create new copies of all
attachments box. This creates new documents in the Drive folder of the class you
are reusing this post in.
4. Click Reuse.
5. (Optional) Change any information. Add or delete any attachments
6. Choose an option:
• Save the post for later—Next to Assign, Ask, or Post, click the Down arrow
Save draft.
• Reuse an assignment—Click Assign.
• Reuse a question—Click Ask.
• Reuse an announcement—Click Post.

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54 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Create or reuse a rubric for an assignment
In Classroom, you can create, reuse, share, view, and grade rubrics for individual
You can give feedback with scored or unscored rubrics. If a rubric is scored, students
see their scores when you return their assignments.

Add or view a rubric

Rubric overview
For your reference, this image shows a finished rubric with the parts labelled.

Number Name Description Example

1 Criterion title The name of a criterion Introduction
you’re evaluating
2 Criterion A brief description of the The opening paragraph of your
description criterion’s focus essay
3 Level title Under a criterion, the title Excellent
of a specific performance
level. A word, phrase,
letter, or number.
4 Level Under a criterion, a Uses several introduction
description description of the strategies to engage the reader
expectations or and present the topic.
characteristics for a Establishes appropriate tone.
specific performance level Includes a clear, well-developed
thesis statement.
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55 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
5 Total rubric points The total points/marks 100
available for the rubric
6 Total criterion The total points available 20
Points for a criterion
7 Level points The points available for a 5
specific criterion level

Create a rubric
You can create up to 50 criteria per rubric and up to 10 performance levels per
Note: Before you can create a rubric, the assignment must have a title.
1. On a computer, go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Create an assignment with a title under Rubric, click Add Rubric
Create rubric.

4. To turn off scoring for the rubric, next to Use scoring, click the switch to the
Off position .
5. (Optional) If you use scoring, next to Sort the order of points by, select
Descending or Ascending.
Note: With scoring, you can add performance levels in any order. The levels
automatically arrange by point value.
6. Under Criterion title, enter a criterion, such as Grammar, Teamwork, or Citations.

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7. (Optional) To add a criterion description, under Criterion description, enter
the description.
8. Under Points, enter the number of points awarded for the performance level.
Note: The rubric’s total score automatically updates as you add points.
9. Under Level title, enter a title for the performance level, such as Excellent, Full
mastery, or Level A.
10. Under Description, enter the expectations for the level.
11. To add another performance level to the criterion, click Add a level and repeat
steps 8–9.
12. To add another criterion:
• To add a blank criterion, in the lower-left corner, click Add a criterion and
repeat steps 6–11.
• To copy a criterion, in a criterion’s box, click More Duplicate criterion and
repeat steps 6–11.
13. To rearrange criteria, in a criterion’s box, click More Move criterion up or Move
criterion down.
14. To save your rubric, in the right corner, click Save.

Create a rubric
You can create up to 50 criteria per rubric and up to 10 performance levels per
Note: Before you can create a rubric, the assignment must have a title.
1. On a computer, go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Create an assignment with a title under Rubric, click Add Rubric Create rubric.

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4. Under Select rubric, click a title.
Note: To select a rubric from another class, in the class menu, enter a class name,
or click the Down arrow select a class.

5. (Optional) To view or edit the rubric, click Preview choose an option:

• To edit the rubric, click Select and Edit make your changes click Save.
• To preview other available rubrics in the class, click Back or Next

6. Click Select.
See an assignment’s rubric
1. On a computer, go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Click the assignment to expand it the rubric.
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4. To expand or collapse all criteria, click Expand criteria or Collapse criteria.
To expand or collapse individual criteria, click the Down arrow or Up arrow.

You can grade a rubric from the Student work page or the grading tool.
For instructions, go to Grade with a rubric.
Share rubrics with export and import
To share a Classroom rubric with a teacher outside your class, use export. When you
export a rubric, it saves to a folder in your class Drive called Rubric Exports. You can
share the folder, so another teacher can import your rubric into their assignment.
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59 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
After importing the rubric, the teacher can edit it in their assignment. The edits don’t
affect the original rubric. Teachers shouldn’t edit the rubric in the Rubric
Exports folder.
Export a rubric to share it:
1. Go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Click the assignment with the rubric you want to export the rubric.

4. In the top-right corner, click More , Export to Sheets.

5. To return to the Classwork page, in the top-left corner, click Close .
6. On the Classwork page, at the top, click Class Drive folder My Drive.
7. Choose an option:
• To share one rubric, click the Rubric Exports folder right-click the rubric.
• To share your entire Rubric Exports folder, right-click the Rubric
Exports folder.
8. On the right-click menu, select Share enter the name or email address of
teachers you want to share with.
9. Click Send.
Import a shared rubric:
1. Go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Click Create Assignment enter a title for your assignment.
4. At the right, click Add Rubric Import from Sheets.
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5. Click the rubric you want to import click Add.
6. (Optional) Make any edits to the rubric.
7. Click Save.
8. If the rubric doesn’t save, export and import it again
9. Don’t edit the file in Sheets.

Edit or delete a rubric

Edit an assignment’s rubric
You can edit or delete an assignment’s rubric before you start grading it. After you
start grading the rubric, you can’t edit its point values or delete it from the assign-
ment. Rubric edits only affect the assignment you’re in.
1. On a computer, go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Click the assignment to expand it the rubric.

4. In the top-right corner, click More Edit.

Note: This option isn’t available after you start grading with the rubric.
5. Enter your changes click Save.

Delete an assignment’s rubric

This option isn’t available after you start grading with the rubric.
1. On a computer, go to
2. Click the class Classwork.
3. Click the assignment to expand it the rubric.
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4. In the top-right corner, click More Delete.
5. To confirm, click Delete.

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Private Comments vs. Class Comments
There are two types of comments: private comments and class comments, which
are viewable by the entire class (if this has been enabled in your comment settings).
These are clearly labeled in the comment space, but students have to pay attention.
Be sure to give clear directions on where you want them to comment.

On each student post, you will have a more actions button (three dots). Using this
button you can choose to:
1. Move the post to the top of the stream
2. Delete the post
3. Or mute the student. (This is handy if a student is abusing the comments

Communicating Due Dates:

Google Classroom makes it easy for students to see what assignments they have left
to complete, and what is coming due soon. On the left side of the Stream, students
can view what assignments are due next. The mobile apps also allow push
notifications about assignments, due dates and more!

Automated Actions:
Google Classroom will automatically send students email notifications every time you
post an assignment, announcement or question in the class. (Note: Email
notifications will only work if email is enabled for your students through your
Google Apps domain. Students also have the ability to turn off email notification in
their settings.)

Google Calendar Integration

Viewing your Classroom Calendars:
Google Calendar is integrated into Google Classroom, which makes it easy for
teachers and students to see assignment due dates and more in one location. Each
assignment or discussion question with a due date will automatically be added to that
class’s Google Calendar.
1. Go to the Google Classroom Menu (three lines) near the top-left of your screen.
2. Select Calendar.
Here you and your students can view a weekly calendar of all of your classes together,
or filter for each class. You can also click on an assignment to go directly to that
assignment details page.
To add other types of events to your Classroom calendar, like the date for your class
field trip, you will need to go to and add them to each class

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65 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Google Drive Folder Structure

Google Drive Folders:

When you and your students connect to Google Classroom, Classroom will
automatically create a folder structure for you in Google Drive. This automation
makes organization for teachers and students so easy!

Inside your Google Drive (a), you will find one master folder titled, “Classroom.”
Inside the master Classroom folder is a subfolder for each of the classes you have

Inside each class folder is a folder for each assignment for that class.
You will also find other various files and folders depending on what you have
added to your classroom.
Note: The Templates Folder is created when you create a template in Google
and create an assignment that “makes a copy” for each student, as you see in my
example below.

Student Folders!
1. Master Classroom Folder
2. Class Folders created for each class you create in Google Classroom.
3. Assignment Folders created for each assignment you post.
4. This is a Template Folder that is created for the templates you have shared
in classroom assignments.
Note: It is recommended that you do NOT edit the templates folder.

Students will have a similar folder structure that is created in their Google Drive for
each Class that they join in Google Classroom, and each assignment given. Sharing
rights will vary depending on the assignment and how it was shared. Take the time to
show students where their folders are in Google Drive, and show them the process of
“turning in” assignments. A few quick reminders will make your job much easier!

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67 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Google Classroom Navigation:
To navigate to your Google Classroom homepage and the other classes you have cre-
ated, click on the menu in the top-left of your screen (three lines). Note: this is also
how your students will toggle between classes.

In this menu, you will see the following options:

• Classes (Google Classroom Homepage)
• Classroom Calendar
• Assignments & Classes (that you are teaching)
• Assignments & Classes (that you are enrolled in as a student if any)
• Archived Classes
• Settings

Google Classroom Homepage
Below is an example of a Google Classroom homepage. There is a “card” for each
class that you have created and for those in which you enrolled in as a student.

• Click the title of the class to go directly to that class.

• Click the folder icon in the bottom-right of each card to go directly to the folder for
that class in Google Drive.
• Click the more actions button (three dots) to:
o Rename the class
o Archive the class (teacher option) OR Unenroll (student option) (Yes,
students can unenroll from your class. If they do, they will have to rejoin via
class code or invitation to access the class again)

Google Classroom Settings

Archiving classes
When you no longer need a class that you have created, you can archive using the
more actions button (three dots). A pop-up warning will appear. Click Archive to

You will still be able to view your class files in your Google Drive folder, but the class
will then be moved to the archived section. Students will also see it in their archived
section and will be able to see the assignments for that class.

Restoring Classes:
You can unarchive a class by visiting the Archived Classes section from the main
menu, then click on the action menu (3 dots) and choose, “Restore.”

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68 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Google Classroom Global Settings:
The last option at the bottom of your main menu on the Google Classroom homepage
is Settings. Here, you and your students can:
• Change or add a profile picture
• Go to your Google account settings
• Turn on/off email notifications

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70 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
How to Schedule an Online Class Through Google Meet in
Google Classroom
1. Go to
2. Click the class.

3. On the Classwork page, click Google Calendar

4. Click in the Google Calendar where you want to schedule an online class
(day and time)

5. Click on the box where you want to schedule the online class
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71 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
6. Write the title of the class under “Add title” caption, for example: Class IV Maths
Class or Class VIII Bangla Class
7. Schedule date, time, reminder
8. Add students/ teachers by clicking “ Add guests” and enter students or teachers
email – you will also be able to select a classroom to add if you want to invite all
the members of the classroom at once

9. The google meet link to join the class will appear under “Join with Google
Meet” caption
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72 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
10. To Set up a new repeating event, click “Does not repeat,” click the Down arrow .
Choose how often you want the event to repeat, and when you want the
repeating event to end.

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11. (Optional ) Click on “Add Description” if you want to give additional information
about the class.

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74 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
12. Click “Save” to save the schedule
13. Then click “ Send” to send invitation emails to your students or teachers.

14. After sending the invitation, students or teachers will receive an invitation
email like the one below.
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75 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Ways to share Google Meet link to join Online Classes:

Option 1: From Google Meet Homepage

• You can copy the google meet link from the address bar and share that link with
students to join.
• Or, you can copy the meeting link under the title “Meeting ready”.

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Option 2: Or, after clicking “Join” button, share the
link that will pop up by clicking “Copy joining info”.

How to start an online class through Google Meet

1. To start an online class, go to the Google calendar.

2. Then click on the link that you created and it will take you to the google meet
home page.
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3. Or, in the sidebar, click “Join a meeting” and paste the meeting link.

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4. While you are taking an online class, you can add other people:
a. Invite students or co teacher: click Add people. Then click invite icon.

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81 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Google Classroom Tips!

Collaborate with other teachers on your campus:

There are lots of little tips you will learn along the way. Be sure to share and collab-
orate with the other teachers on your campus, so your students receive a consistent
message. Start a Google Doc to share your best practices with each other.

Show Student the “Turn In” Button

The first time you assign a Google Doc, Slide or Sheet as an assignment where each
student gets a copy, you will need to show students how to go to the document that
you, the teacher, have already created and shared with them. Make sure they under-
stand you already have the right to see their work. Show them the Turn In button that
appears to the left of the blue share button near the top right of the screen. Some
students will be inclined to share with the teacher, or create a new document, so be
sure to walk them through the steps that you prefer.

Show Students How to Unsubmit an Assignment

As mentioned above, once a student turns in their work, they will no longer be able
to edit the file. If they need to go back and make changes or add attachments, they
need to unsubmit the assignmentor you, the teacher, will need to return it to them.

If there has been an update in Google Classroom while you have the page open, you
will see an option to refresh to see the changes. Be sure to show students this feature
so they can see updates you make to their assignments during class.

Turn in Photos or Videos of Work

Sometimes assignments are not digital, and that’s okay! You can still use Google
Classroom to track assignments and give feedback. Have students take a snapshot
and submit through Google Classroom. This is great for showing the steps of work-
ing through a math problem, showing progress on that art project, or evidence from
a science lab experiment. Short videos are also a great option for reflection on the
learning process.

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82 | The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom
Additional Resources
1. How to use google Classroom : Tutorial for beginners :
2. Google Classroom Tips and Tricks for Teachers :
3. How to use Google Drive :
4. How to use Google docs :
5. How to use Google Forms :
6. Grading in Google Classroom :

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