ملف الوبائيات بعد التعديل

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Definition of Epidemic :A clear excess in the number of cases of a given disease (over the

expected level) i.e in comparison with the expected level or what is expected in a given time
period .

Pandemic: is a worldwide spread of an infection or a disease.

What methods of prevention of this virus?

* Always wash your hands well with soap, water or other disinfectants that are used to wash
hands, especially after coughing or sneezing and using restrooms, and before and after handling
and preparing foods.

* Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze and cover your mouth and nose with it, then dispose
of it in the waste bin. And if the tissue is not available, it is preferable to cough or sneeze on the
upper arm, not on the hands.

* Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with the hand as possible, as hands can transmit
the virus after coming into contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus.

* Wearing masks in places of gathering and crowding, such as Hajj or Umrah.

* Make sure to follow other healthy habits such as nutritional balance and physical activity, and
get enough sleep.

* Maintaining general cleanliness.

* Avoid contact with the injured as much as possible.

And the need to see a doctor when necessary, and follow up on new information about the
disease by the Ministry of Health.

What are the preparations made by the Ministry of Health to prevent the disease and how it can
be pursued and controlled and prevent infection by infection?

1- Raising the maximum degree of readiness in all quarantine departments at the different entry
points in the country.

2- Matching all travelers coming from the areas where the disease appeared.

3- Immediately isolate any suspected case of coronavirus.

4- A circular on health facilities, to publicize and deal with cases, and preventive measures.

5- Raising the degree of readiness and control procedures, and equipping the isolation
departments in hospitals.

6- Activating procedures to monitor acute respiratory diseases and raise awareness.

7- Follow the global epidemiological situation around the clock.

Steps for investigations of an epidemic :

Step 1 :

1- Verify the diagnosis and early detection of an epidemic or outbreak of covid-19

2- Determine whether there is an outbreak – an excess number of cases from what

would be expected.

3- Compare the current rate with the previous rate of the disease in other areas of
the world that get the outbreak such China, Iran and Italy.

Step 2 :

1- Establish a case definition: Non-ambiguous

2- Clinical / diagnostic verification
3- Person / place / time descriptions
4- Identify and count cases of illness, deaths and number of successfully cured
5- Put criteria for case definition; a statement about clinical observation , Lab test ,
x-ray with some restriction to time, person , place.
6- Classify cases according to degree of severity. (mild, moderate and severe)

Step 3 :

1- Plot an Epidemic Curve: Graph of the number of cases (y-axis) by their date or
time of onset (x-axis)
2- Interpreting an epidemic curve Overall pattern: increase, peak, decrease. Type
of epidemic? Incubation period?

Step 4 :

Calculate the attack rate: Which is a special form of incidence rate where the
duration is the period of the epidemic.

Step 5:
1. Test hypothesis, is the difference between the risk association due to chance
factor or not.
2. Asses the attributable risk AR among exposed and non-exposed persons and
the relative risk RR.

Step 6 :

1- taking sample from source (water, food, body fluids)

2- contact tracing which help in identifying additional cases by asking the diseased
person, mothers of diseased children or relatives.

Step 7 :

Control measures to stop the epidemic.

1-attack the source and the mode of transmissions.
2-treat and isolate all cases.
3-increase resistance of local population.
4-continue surveillance to ensure that control measures have been effective.

Step 8:

Report what have been done (results and conclusion)

Step 9:

Recommendations to prevent and control further spread and to prevent recurrence.

Objectives of investigation of an epidemic:

1- to know the source of the epidemic.

2-to satisfy the people( the politics and the community leaders ) in order to calm them.

3-to train the health care providers especially the juniors .

4- scientific values ( scientific researches ) to discover new findings regarding the etiology or the
control measures .

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