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1. Discuss in detail the three basic methods of problem solving in engineering.

discuss their relative merits and demerits
2. Explain how the behavior of a fluid particle is different from that of a solid under the
action of an applied force.
3. Explain the various components of Numerical Solution and errors in CFD tools.
4. State and derive the relation for Reynolds’s Transport theorem.
5. What is modeling errors? Also suggest method to reduce them.
6. Derive a Continuity equation by using Reynolds’s Transport theorem
7. Derive a Momentum equation by using Reynolds’s Transport theorem.
8. Write the Continuity, Momentum and Energy equation for Viscous and In viscid flow.
9. The differential Equations of velocity potential for a study two dimensional flow is where 
is velocity potential of absolute velocity vector V is
 x 2  2x y  y 2 
1  2 xx 
 xy  1  2  yy 0 Explain the mathematical behavior of this
 a  a2 
 a 
10. Explain what is post-processing and pre-processing in CFD.
11. Enlist some important area of application of CFD.
12. Experimental testing stage can be reduced, but cannot be completely eliminated using
CFD. Comment.
13. Find out whether the following differential equations are elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic:
a) The One dimensional heat conduction equation given by
T  2T
t x 2
b) Laplace equation given by
 2  2
 0
x 2 y 2
14. Write the general mass conservation equation in differential form in Cartesian co-
ordinate system. Using the same derive the mass conservation equation applicable for :
Three dimensional flow of incompressible fluid.
15. List down the commercially available CFD packages available in the market.
16. Explain structured grid and Unstructured grid
17. Explain the various Discretization techniques.
18. Explain what is meant by truncation error.
19. Explain general method of determining the classification of partial differential equations
by the Eigen value method.
20. Explain the polynomial approach to find a second order accurate finite difference at the
21. Explain the von Neumann stability method to study the stability of linear difference
22. Using Taylor’s series derive first order forward-difference and backward difference
expressions for y .
23. Using Taylor’s series derive second order central-difference for .
 2u
24. Derive a fourth order accurate central finite difference for
x 2
25. Explain the boundary fitted co-ordinate system.
26. Explain the elliptic Partial difference equation method with suitable example.
27. Draw a flow chart for the Gauss Elimination Method
28. What are Eigen Value problems? What are Eigen values & Eigen vectors> Compute
highest Eigen value and corresponding Eigen vectors for the system below
3x – y = 0 , -2x+4y-3z =0, -y + z =0
29. What are finite difference? Classify them and show their utility in solving engineering
problems. Show that, in general, central finite differences are more accurate. Explain the
situations where central finite difference cannot be implemented.
30. Explain partial finite differences. Obtain the partial finite differences of 2nd order.
31. Classify basic elements used in meshing step of finite element modeling.
32. What is meant by element equation in FEM? Why is FEM termed as “piecewise
33. Explain the importance of optimal fit step in the procedure of FEM. Derive the element
equations for 1D linear element and 2D linear element triangular element. Give the
properties of shape function.
34. Discuss finite difference formulation for a plate of unit size with two of its edges
subjected to steady state temperatures and other two edges insulated.
35.Explain the Explicit and Implicit Approach for transient problem with its advantages and
36. Explain the sources of Error incurred in numerical solution of a partial differential.
37. Explain the CFL stability criteria.
38.Explain the Crank-Nicholson form of difference Equation and its importance.
39.Explain the various steps in FEM.
40. Find the temperature at point P by FEM.
Point X-coordinate Y-Coordinate
2 3
1 0 0 T1 = DD, T2 = 2* DD,
2 0 1
T3 = YYYY , T4 = MM
3 1 1
1 4
4 1 0

P MM / 20 DD / 35

Where DD- You’re Birth Date, MM: - Your Birth Month and YYYY- is Your Birth Year.

41. The nodal values of all element following solution is as below. Compute the value of
variable at a point P within the element as shown in fig.
Node No. X- Coordinate Y-Coordinate Variable value

4 3.0 6.0 154.0

5 0.0 0.0 454.0

6 6.0 0.0 MM2

P (3*MM2)/500 MM2/500 ?

42. Explain the elliptic grid generation.

43.Explain the approximation of Surface Integral and Volume Integral in FVM.
44.Explain the Various Convection Schemes ( First order Upwind Scheme, Central
difference Scheme, Quick Scheme )
45. Explain the steps used in Ansys CFX for observing flow over cylinder.
46. Explain the steps used in Ansys Fluent for two dimensional steady state conduction problem.
47. Draw the flow chart for ----------------- Iterative Numerical Method. (------ Any method from ur
48. Explain “Trapezoidal Rule” and “ Simson’s 1/3 rd rule.
49. What is meant by grid generation/ meshing? Also discuss its need in numerical solution
50. Is it always necessary to use upwind/ Quick scheme for the convective terms? Give reasons in
support of your answer.
51. Using graphical technique show that 3P CDS is more accurate compared to FDS / CDS for first
order derivative.

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