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Islamic University of Technology

Instrumentation & Measurements Lab- MCE 4408

Autonomous Solar Tracking Device
Lab Group- B21

INTRODUCTION Electricals: The electric components include Arduino uno, servo motor
(180 torque), Light sensors and necessary wirings.
We wanted to build an Arduino Based Solar Tracking System for Harnessing Maximum Solar
Radiation. The panning, sinlgle axis motion will be covered by a servo motor. Light detection
will be done by four light sensors. The interaction between the sensors and motors will be
controlled by an Arduino ATMEGA 328 microcontroller with necessary codes. All of these
components will be supported by a structure similar to the figure. The solar tracker should solve
the problem that is faced by fixed solar panels.

Fig: LDR Sensor

Fig: Arduino Uno
Fig: Servo Motor

Fig : Sun path diagram for Bangladesh Fig: Circuit design

Fig: Solidwork design of the panel

Mechanical: We manufactured gears, sensor holder and motor base from the workshop
according to our requirements. We collected a square stand bearing. Other components were

Coding: the coding segment of the project, which is handled by the coding division, has
successfully tested the open loop programming in Labview and Arduino IDE.

Fig: Nylon gear

Fig: Base plate

Fig: Flow chart of the

Arduino program
Fig: Sensor holder Fig: Stand bearing

Fig: Labview circuit

Fig: The solar tracking device

A Systematic Approach to Find the Optimum Tilt
Angle for Meeting the Maximum Energy Demand of
an Isolated Area

Fig. Analyzing the sensors in Labview Group members- ASM Redwan Haider (170011061), Tamzeed Ahmed Alvy (170011063), Muhammad Waqas
(170011069), Ahmad Fatehi Ali Mohammed Hezam (170011070), Md. Raisul Islam Atik (170011073), Hameed Ullah
(170011076), Usama Javed (170011084), Abdullah Mabkhot Taqi (160010006)


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