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Class: SSC – 7 Adviser: Mrs. Jay Anne Flores

_______√___ 1. PRINTED MODULES

Subject Number of Copies
English 35
Science 35
Mathematics 35
Filipino 35
EsP 35
AP Not needed
TLE 35
MAPEH (Music) 35
Algebra 35
Computer 35

_______√___ 2. Folders – 8 pcs per students, properly labeled

_______√___ 3. Plastic Envelope – 2 per student , properly labeled
_______√___4. Bili-bila box, properly labeled
_______√___ 5. Student’s Classhome schedule
_______√___ 6. Note for the parents, a gentle reminder on what they have to do.
_______√___ 7. A list of teachers’ contact numbers
_______√___ 8. Bila-bila box containing all modules for delivery.
_______√___ 9. Group Chat with parents, remind them of the schedule of dry run.
_______√___ 10. Group chat with epresentation, google meet lesson prepared all prepared.
_______√___ 11. Check whether the barangay kiosk is ready.
_______√___ 12. School kiosk is ready with the e-presentations.
_______√___ 13. Talk to knowledge source on what they have to do during the dry run.
_______√___ 14. Designate teachers who will be in help for the distribution.
_______√___ 15. Are vehicles available for transport?
_______√___ 16. Tarpaulin for every barangay
_______√___ 17. Final schedule of Teachers’ support
_______√___ 18. Learner’s Performance and Progress Monitoring Report (Create a template per
subject area per week)

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