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Hello All,

Thank you Mam(s) for providing your valuable inputs for our queries.
Please find below the MOM for the Partners related discussion held today:

1. Partner will be allowed only to create EVENTS record. Partners who will be
selected at CAMPAIGN level should only be allowed to create EVENTS.

[ Developer]:
a. MVG Applet Config to Select All partners in below hierarchy of logged in user.
b. Selecting 1 or more partners.
c. Event level Control : + New Record only accessible to Partners selected above. (
IN addition to team members which is already configured)
d. more if come later.

2. The field percentage share by partner will be editable and required only when
users selects Partner share flag.
There will be 2 more fields exposed on Partner i.e IOCL share and Partner
share.These fields to have zero value until campaign is APPROVED.Once Campaign is
APPROVED share amount to be calculated as per APPROVED amount.

[ Developer]:

a. If Partner Share Flag = Y, then

a.1 Make below Fields Editable & Required(Field User Prop), Else Read-Only
a.1: percentage share by partner (Make Always Read-only when Approva
Status = Approved)
a.2: IOCL Share Amount ( Always RO)
a.3: Partner Share Amount (Always RO)

- Calculated Fields to be Configured for storing IOCL & Partner
Share(Use Existing 2 Fields for Storing)
- Expose those on UI ( Default Value : 0 until not approved)
- Make Calculation based on Approved Amount Value:
IOCL Share = (Approved Amount* Percentage Share/100)
Partner Share = (Approved Amount* (100-Percentage
- Remaining Budget ( Re-Calculation):
= If Shared with Partner = Y, Then IOCL Share,
Else Previous Value

3. The validation on EVENT for request budget greater than zero to be removed so
that EVENTS with zero value can be created.

[ Developer]:
- Remove validation to make sure we can submit Events with even 0
Requested/Approved Budget.

4. The budget at EVENT should be calculated from IOCL share amount.

[ Developer]: Understood.
- Remaining Budget ( Re-Calculation):
= If Shared with Partner = Y, Then IOCL Share,
Else Previous Value

5. CLAIMS to have restriction of budget only for entries with Reimbursement flag as
Y, for entries with reimbursement flag as N no budget restriction to be given.
[ Developer]:
- Calculation from Remaining Budget Occur only for
- No Calculation related to Funds for REIMBURSBALE Flag = N
- REIMBURSBALE Flag = N Claims would not go to Expenses tab
(Applet Filter)

6. In case budget at EVENT is zero, at CLAIMS the reimbursement flag should be pre
defaulted to N.

[ Developer]: Understood,

7. A new field as INVALID flag to be created at CLAIMS level, this field will be
editable only for Field Officer(FO), so that FO can mark the CLAIM entry as INVALID
only those entries where REIMBURSBALE FLAG is N.

[ Developer]:

- INVALID Flag Editable only for FO. (Check Existing Positon Validations already
in place to check FO).
- New Cloumn to be introduced (Check Existing Coloumn at Extn. table if
available any)
- Field values to be Y/N same like REIMBURSBALE FLAG.

-- (PoC) To Send Inbox Item when Claims are marked as INVALID.

IBM team to explore the option of sending ALERT to Partners in this scenario where
FO marks CLAIM entry as INVALID.

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