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STUDENT: ___davidsamuel cuadros henao_______________GRADE: ___10-

TEACHER: Ricardo Valencia Muelas DATE: ___june 12th

AV: S + V + C
PV: OBJ + TO BE + V ( p.p ) + BY + S ( object pronoun )

SIMPLE PRESENT The orange is peeled by me.

SIMPLE PAST The orange was peeled by me.
SIMPLE FUTURE WITH WILL The orange will be peeled by me.
SIMPLE FUTURE WITH GOING TO The orange is going to be peeled by me.

ACTIVITY 1: write in English the following sentences in active and passive voice, please.

1. Los estudiantes no enviaron todas las actividades por plataforma.

Students did not sent all activities by platform web.
 Todas las actividades de la plataforma no fueron enviadas por los estudiantes
All activities on the platform were not sent by students
2. El músico va a comprar mañana algunos instrumentos musicales en ese
the musician Tomorrow is going to buy some musical instruments in that store.
 Algunos instrumentos en ese almacén serán comprados por el músico.
some musical instruments in that store are going to be bought tomorrow by the
3. ¿Las niñas lavaron sus muñecas viejas la semana pasada?
Did the girls wash their old dolls last week?
 la semana pasada fueron lavadas las viejas muñecas por las niñas?
last week were the old dolls washed by the girls?
4. El conductor arreglará el taxi la próxima semana.
The driver will fix the taxi next week.
 la próxima semana el taxi sera arreglado por el conductor.
next week the taxi will be arranged by the driver.
5. Yo no voy a construir otra habitación en mi casa.
I am not going to build another bedroom in my house.
 otra habitacion en mi casa no sera construida por mi.
another bedroom is not going to be built by me.
6. Nuestra amigo vende productos de limpieza en otros pueblos.
Our friend sells cleaning products in other towns.
 productos de limpieza en otros pueblos seran vendidos por nuestro amigo
cleaning products in other towns will be sold by our friend
7. ¿El perro muerde los juguetes plásticos?
Does the dog bite into plastic toys?
 juguetes plasticos seran mordidos por el perro?
Are the toys bitten by the dog?
8. Mi abuela no plancha mi uniforme todos los días.
My grandmother does not iron my uniform every day.
 mi uniforme todos los dias no sera aplanchado por mi abuela
my uniform will not be ironed every day by my grandmother
9. El mesero limpiará los vasos y las botellas con una tela húmeda?
Will the waiter clean the glasses and bottles with a damp cloth?
 los vasos y las botellas con una tela humeda seran limpiados por el mesero?
Will glasses and bottles with a damp cloth be cleaned by the waiter?
10. El periodista no compró los tres celulares anoche.
The journalist did not buy the three cell phones last night.
 los tres celulares anoche fueron comprados por el periodista
the three cell phones last night were bought by the journalist

ACTIVITY 2: Write the Word bank about the sentences given below.

ACTIVITY 3: Write your ouwn sentences ( one by each verbal tense ).

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