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Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Assignment 2
Suggested outline
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Analysis
3.1.Key aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset (LO3)
3.1.1. Characteristic traits and skills of successful entrepreneurs that differentiate them from
other business managers (P5)
- Research on personal characteristics, traits, mindsets of the chosen entrepreneurs
and small business owners
- The types of skills that typify entrepreneurs and how these skills differentiate from
other organization’s managers.

3.1.2. Aspects of the entrepreneurial personality that reflect entrepreneurial motivation and
mindset (P6)
- Entrepreneurial characteristics are reflected in their entrepreneurial motivation and
- Applying mindset theories

3.1.3. Exploring and examining different lines of argument relating to entrepreneurial

characteristics (M3)
- entrepreneurs born or made?
- Can characteristics be learnt and adopted by anyone?

3.1.4. Characteristic traits, skills and motivational drivers of successful entrepreneurs (D3)
Applying the concepts, theories of traits, skills, motivation, mindsets to draw lessons and make
recommendations to entrepreneurs.
3.2. Examine the different environments that foster or hinder entrepreneurship (LO4)
3.2.1. Examination of how background and experience can hinder or foster entrepreneurship
- The factors that influence the decision to start a business: The range of factors that
influence the choice to start-up a business, including personal background and
education, national culture, economic circumstances and character traits.
- The risks and rewards of business start-up: The potential rewards of business start-
up. The risks and uncertainties of business start-up and how they can be mitigated.
3.2.2. The link between entrepreneurial characteristics and the influence of personal
background and experience to successful entrepreneurs (M4)
- Entrepreneurial characteristics and situational factors in a personal context,
including family upbringing, lifestyle, cultural differences and personal motivation
and drivers.
- Using references to analyze the link between entrepreneurial characteristics and the
influence of personal background and experience of successful entrepreneurs
3.2.3. Critical evaluation of how background and experience influences entrepreneurs, both
positively and negatively (D4)
Applying references on background and experience (positively and negatively) of entrepreneurs to
draw lessons and make recommendations to entrepreneurs.

4. Conclusion

Tran, Please resubmit your files, I could not view on the screen.
-          Appropriate choice of entrepreneurs
-          Very good use of references
-          Good point about 
-           The concept of growth mindset was well applied in the analysis
-    Showing passion is a common characteristics among the chosen entrepreneurs
- Critical point: entrepreneurs with growth mindsets due to the fact that they embraced the
challenges, learned from failures and never give up. They accepted the negative feedbacks to
improve his business. Not only that, he also keep working hard
- Good point about locus of control is essential to the entrepreneurs, it is proved that people with
internal locus of control is the one who have the ability to become an entrepreneur, this have
been more specified by Nguyen Hai Ninh, Anthony Tan and Craig Kielburger
- Critical point: entrepreneurs are both born and made, however, if they are born with those
characteristics but not trying to maintain then they might fail.

-          Sometimes, too long paragraphs
-   Further make recommendations for young entrepreneurs with the lessons learned from the
analyzed entrepreneurs 
- Very good job.

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