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Assignment on

"How Else I Could Spend My Days in Isolation"

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Mishkat Ahmed Naoshad Dr M Shafiqul Islam,

Reg No. 2019333076 Associate Professor,
1st Year, 1st Semester, Department of English,
Shahjalal University of Science and
Department of
Technology, Sylhet
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Shahjalal University of Science And
Technology, Sylhet.

Date of submission: 01/06/ 2020

How Else I Could Spend My Days in Isolation
At the present world, the whole mankind is facing a great disaster called COVID-19. It
is a disease caused by a virus called Novel Corona Virus. This virus is very deadly and its
spreading power is very high. This is why it can affect many people at a time. To get rid of
this virus, we have to maintain social distancing, avoiding gathering of people. We have to
stay home and not to go outside without reason. So, we all are in isolation.

In my isolation, I am not happy. I have to stay home all the time but I have to do this for
the sake of me and my family. We can prevent corona virus from attacking us only by doing
this. While staying at home, I find it boring. My mind wants to go outside and to play in the
field but I can’t do that. The Corona virus has confined me inside the four walls of my house.
I can’t meet with my friends. I can’t buy ice creams from the shop. I can’t go to my
university. I am continuing my study at home but it is not much fruitful. Sometimes I spent
my time idly. If I can manage internet package, I join my online classes. If I can manage
more, I communicate with my friends through Facebook, watch videos in YouTube.
Sometimes, I search many unknown things in Google being led by my curiosity. For being
quarantined for a long time in the house, I have become lazy. Nowadays, I wake up late in the
morning. I don’t want to study more. I feel very weak. I don’t want to do many works
especially stressful works. I spent much time in watching TV. Sometimes I think what will
happen to us, what our future will be. I also think if we will be able to fight the virus and if
we will win or not. But I believe that we will surely win. The day of happiness will surely
come. We will play, sing and travel together again. This is all the things that I do in my

My isolation could be better. If my family members could arrange more delicious food
for me, I would have eaten them all with a happy mind. I could do some physical exercise.
Though I did some sort of exercise but it was not enough. More exercises would make me
more active. I could make more communications with my friends through Zoom App and
Facebook. It would make me happier. It also could have strengthened our ties with one
another. I could read more books which I usually can’t read for lack of time. This could have
made very happy. I could use my time gossiping with my family members. I could pray more
and more to Allah So that He may give us mercy and take this disease away. This all would
give me a better isolation.

I could not make the best use of my time during this isolation. But the isolation is not
over. So, I have time. I will do what I could not do. I will make the best use of this time.
Hope all friends will be happy during this isolation period.
Assignment on

"The World I Dream to Inhabit"

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Mishkat Ahmed Naoshad Dr M Shafiqul Islam,

Reg No. 2019333076 Associate Professor,
Department of English,
1st Year, 1st Semester, Shahjalal University of Science and
Department of Technology, Sylhet
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Shahjalal University of Science And
Technology, Sylhet.

Date of submission: 01/06/ 2020

The World I Dream to Inhabit

I have a dream to live in the world of happiness. Today’s world is full of many
problems. All the people are busy in gaining money and wealth. No one have the time for
love for one another. No one have the time for rest. This is how most of the people of the
world are being selfish. They are trying to get happiness but they cannot. Not all the people
are happy. There are terrorism, natural calamities, crimes in all the countries of the world.
There are rivalries between many countries of the world. Some countries are in war with big
terrorist groups. Some are in war with their own countrymen. Some countries are very poor.
The people of those countries lead their lives in many difficulties. They cannot get food all
the time when they need. There is hunger. They have to work so hard. They are not well paid.
They do not get the light of education. This is why, they cannot maintain hygiene. This is
why, they suffer from various kinds of diseases. They cannot get adequate treatment. And
their treatment system is not well. This is why, they suffer much. Because of their poverty,
they are not happy. All these things make me unhappy. I want all the people of the world be

I want a crime free world. I want a poverty free world. I dream of a world where there
are no natural calamities, terrorism. I want a world where there is no jealousy. I desire a
world free of hunger, poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and war. A violence free country can
give us a happy society. Every man wants to live in a happy society. I want every single
man of the world be happy. No one will be sick. No one will get hurt by any one. Everybody
will love one another. Everybody will help everybody. No discrimination will exist. There
will be no natural calamities. The world will be full of trees and plants. The greenery will
charm our minds. All the animals will live in harmony in jungles, oceans and rivers. There
will be no pollution at all. No one will cut trees. There will be no green house effect. All the
countries will live in harmony. There will be friendship among all the countries. That is the
world I want. That is the world I dream to live.

Though I know my all desire will not be fulfilled, yet I dream of that World to inhabit.

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