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Principles of

B one Graf t ing

R. David Roden Jr, DMD, MD

 Bone grafting  Osteocytes  Osteoclasts  Fibroblasts

The maxilla and the mandible are embryologically Trabecular bone houses the cells responsible
derived from the first branchial arch. They both for bone turnover and regeneration. Osteoblasts
have a cartilage scaffold during development, are the cells responsible for bone formation.
but unlike bones of the appendicular skeleton, They arise from osteoprogenitor cells. They are
these cartilages only act as a scaffold for neural found in the trabecular bone as well as on the inner
crest cells to form the bone. This type of bone surface of the periosteum lining the outer surface
formation is known as intramembranous ossifica- of the cortical bone. Osteoblasts produce osteoid,
tion and is similarly found in the calvarium and the matrix for bone formation, made primarily of
other facial bones. The appendicular bones arise type 1 collagen. Once osteoblasts are surrounded
from preformed cartilage. Under the direction of by the matrix they produce, they further differen-
regulatory proteins, neural crest cells migrate tiate into osteocytes and no longer produce
along the cartilaginous scaffolds of the maxilla matrix.
and mandible to begin the process of bone Osteoclasts are cells responsible for bone
formation.1 resorption. They start out as mononucleated
Bone is classified as cortical bone and trabec- precursor cells in the macrophage linage and
ular bone between the cortices. Cortical bone is through a series of signals become activated
made of dense, compact bone containing series multinucleated osteoclasts. Once in the marrow,
of haversian systems with lacunae housing osteo- osteoclasts, through delicate hormonal regulation,
cytes. Trabecular bone fills the marrow space resorb bone. The process of resorption creates
between the cortices. This bone consists of series ruffled edges and forms Howship’s lacunae where
of trabeculae and is also known as spongy bone. the osteoclast is housed.
Cells in the trabecular bone include osteoblasts,
osteoclasts, and hematopoietic cells. BONE MEMBRANES

BONE HISTOLOGY The cells responsible for the osteogenic potential

of bone are housed in the tissues lining bone.
Histologically, compact bone is divided into The outer layer, periosteum, contains osteoblasts
multiple osteons or haversian systems, the func- and progenitor cells in its inner surface or
tional units of bone. Each osteon has a central ha- cambium layer. The lining of the internal surface
versian canal containing vasculature. Volkmann of the bone, endosteum, also contains osteoblasts
canals are present allowing for biochemical and osteoprogenitor cells.
communication between osteons. Osteocytes
are housed in lacunae and communicate with BONE MATRIX
each other through series of canaliculi. Osteocytes

are terminally differentiated osteoblasts and are Bone consists of both organic and inorganic
the primary mechanoreceptors of bone. There is substances. The organic part of bone constitutes
evidence that osteocytes function as the regulator approximately 30% of bone and is 90% type 1
of bone turnover by monitoring fluid flow through collagen. The remaining 10% of organic bone is
their processes in the canalicular system.2 comprised of noncollagen proteins. Sixty-five to

Burton and Roden Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1771 Independence Ct, Suite 2, Birmingham, AL 35216, USA
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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 22 (2010) 295–300

1042-3699/10/$ – see front matter ª 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
296 Roden

seventy percent of bone is inorganic and made up Particulate, cortical, or cancellous, bone grafts
primarily of hydroxyapatite (Ca10[PO4]6[OH]2). begin the healing process by apposition of bone.
Other minerals present in the inorganic part of They provide the necessary scaffold for ingrowth
bone include magnesium, potassium, chlorine, of osteoblasts and precursor cells into the defect.
iron, and carbonate. Cortical bone can be differen- This apposition of bone is followed by resorption of
tiated from cancellous bone by the orientation of the graft material. Ideally, there is complete
the collagenous matrix. resorption of the graft material, which is replaced
by mature bone. Because cancellous grafts do
not have to first undergo resorption before apposi-
BONE HEALING tion, they revascularize faster than cortical block
grafts. There is a much higher percentage of newly
Bone healing can be subclassified into primary
formed bone and greater resorption of the graft
and secondary healing. As with soft tissue healing,
material when particulate grafts are used.
primary healing of bone implies direct contact or
Autogenous cancellous marrow grafts undergo
a gap of less than 1 mm between bone fragments.
a well-documented and predictable healing
This process of healing occurs by osteoclasts
process.3 Transferred in the graft are osteocom-
working in groups to create a cutting cone.
petent marrow stem cells and osteoblasts. These
Following this cutting cone of osteoclasts are oste-
cells initially survive at the grafted site through
oblasts secreting osteoid for future mineralization.
plasmatic diffusion of oxygen and nutrients. During
Secondary bone healing occurs through forma-
week 1, platelets degranulate and release growth
tion of a callus within which osteoid is produced
factors that are chemotactic, mitogenic, and
and mineralization occurs. This type of bone heal-
angiogenic. These growth factors include:
ing can be divided into three major phases. The
first phase is the inflammatory phase, which PDGFaa
occurs immediately. There is formation of a hema- PDGFbb
toma, which eventually becomes granulation PDGFab
tissue. The repair stage then begins as inflamma- TGF-b1
tory cells and fibroblasts invade the tissue. These TGF-b2
cells cause differentiation and recruitment of oste- VEGF
oblasts and provide a scaffold for further vascular EGF.
ingrowth. The osteoblasts lay down osteoid and
form the soft callus. This callus eventually is ossi- During weeks 2 and 3, the graft is undergoing
fied. The final stage of healing occurs with remod- revascularization through capillary ingrowth. As
eling. This phase occurs over months to years and revascularization occurs, the osteoblasts are
restores the bone to its original shape and near its induced to synthesize osteoid. Osteoid synthesis
original strength. and secretion occurs during weeks 2 through 8.
The principles of primary and secondary bone As osteoid is secreted, growth factors are
healing can be applied to bone graft healing. The released, which stimulate osteoclastic activity,
type of graft material used, block versus particu- leading to the remodeling phase of bone healing,
late, dictates which healing process occurs. which lasts from about week 8 throughout the life
Cortical block bone grafts heal by a process of the bone. Approximately 90% of the grafted
called creeping substitution. This process is site will be mature bone by 6 months.
similar to primary bone healing. Once the nonvas- The preferred situation with bone graft healing is
cularized graft material is transferred to the defect, to have regeneration of bone and not scar forma-
osteoclasts begin to resorb the graft material, tion. There are several principles that must be
allowing for fibroblast ingrowth and the creation adhered to in order for this to occur. First is an
of a matrix for vascularization of the graft. The adequate blood supply. The blood supply for the
osteoclasts create voids in the graft material that grafted material initially comes from the adjacent
are filled with osteoid from osteoblasts. This native bone and the remaining soft tissues at the
osteoid then becomes mineralized. Once the graft site. Early in the reparative phase of healing, there
material is resorbed, the newly formed bone is vascularization of the grafted material. There
undergoes remodeling and maturation. Ideally, also must be stabilization of the graft. Gross
the grafted bone would be completely resorbed, motion at the graft site will lead to fibrocartilage
and new bone would be formed. The cortical block formation and to nonunion of the graft. Micromo-
graft is never fully resorbed and replaced by new tion at the graft site cannot be avoided and may
bone. The grafted bone remains as necrotic actually be beneficial to graft maturation, acting
centers mixed with the newly formed bone. as a mechanical signal to stimulate graft healing.
Principles of Bone Grafting 297


Soft tissue management at the bone graft site is
important to graft survival. An intact periosteum
will provide a barrier from the oral cavity as well
as a source for graft containment if primary closure
of the site can be obtained. The periosteum is also
a source of vascular supply for the graft.4,5 With
continuity defects and the use of cortical block
grafts, primary closure over the graft site is essen-
tial. Exposure of the block graft will lead to loss of
the entire graft. The use of particulate graft mate-
rial is more forgiving. Exposure of the particulate Fig. 1. Traumatic loss of alveolus. Demonstrates both
material may not lead to loss of the entire graft. horizontal and vertical bone loss.
Gentle debridement of the exposed material and
meticulous oral hygiene and wound care may
provides much native bone and ease of graft
allow for preservation of a portion of the grafted
material. Some containment systems such as tita-
nium mesh are forgiving, and with exposure, lead
to minimal bone graft loss.6,7 GRAFT FUNCTION
Immediate bone grafting of extraction sites is Bone grafting materials affect new bone formation
often used in oral and maxillofacial surgery prac- at the defect site in many ways. The material can
tices for the patient interested in implant restora- induce bone formation through cellular signaling
tions. Many methods for management of the soft or through the transfer of osteocompetent cells,
tissue with these grafts have been proposed. For or it may simply provide a scaffolding and have
the best esthetic outcome, primary closure of a space maintaining function for the host to grow
these sites may not be ideal. One must consider new bone. Graft materials therefore can be classi-
graft containment also. Methods for containing fied on their function and interaction with the host.
the graft material and obtaining an excellent A graft that transfers osteocompetent cells that
esthetic and functional outcome include primary begin the bone forming process is called an oste-
closure, placement of a collagen plug over the ogenic graft. The new bone at the site is formed
graft material, nonvascularized connective tissue from the cells transferred in the graft and not just
graft over the graft material, vascularized adjacent from the osteocompetent cells at the defect site.
connective tissue transfer, and use of allogeneic, The only osteogenic graft is an autogenous bone
xenogenic, and synthetic membranes.8–11 graft.
A graft that stimulates the host mesenchymal
stem cells to differentiate and begin bone forma-
tion is called an osteoinductive graft. This process
occurs through the transfer of proteins in the graft,
Bony defects are classified in many ways
(Figs. 1 and 2). The importance of the type of
defect present is that it will dictate what type of
grafting technique is used for reconstruction. The
simplest classification is to describe the direction
of bone loss. Horizontal bone loss indicates that
there is loss of bone width. Vertical bone loss is
loss of bone height. Vertical alveolar bone loss is
more difficult to reconstruct than horizontal bone
Another classification scheme is to define the
defect based on the number of bony walls remain-
ing at the site to be grafted. Total vertical bone loss
is a single walled defect, and due to the limited
amount of remaining native bone, it is the most
challenging to reconstruct. A fresh extraction
socket has five remaining walls (buccal, lingual, Fig. 2. Extraction sockets demonstrating five wall
mesial, distal, and floor or apical bone) and bony defects.
298 Roden

which begin a signaling cascade for the host to

form bone.
A graft that simply provides scaffolding for the
host to create new bone and has no biologic influ-
ence on the host is an osteoconductive graft.
There are no proteins or cells present in the graft
material to affect the host and influence bone

Classification of Graft Types

Bone grafting materials can be subclassified many
ways using a combination of their source of origin
and mineral content (Figs. 3 and 4). The source
can be subclassified further by species and by
where in the bone the graft is taken.
Cortical bone is a graft taken from the outer
compact bone of the graft source. It can be deliv-
ered in a particulate or block form by simple pro-
cessing measures. Cancellous graft material is Fig. 4. Autogenous bone graft.
taken from the softer trabecular bone. It is usually
found in a particulate form, but with proper
multiple biologic and synthetic sources. These
processing it also can be offered as part of
grafts can be cortical, cancellous, or a cortical
a block form.
and cancellous mixture. Most manufacturers and
Block bone grafts are typically cortical in nature.
processors offer the grafts with multiple particle
They hold their form very well and can be shaped
and formed with many different types of instru-
Another method of classifying grafts is based on
ments. Block bone can be from multiple sources.
their source (Table 1).12 The gold standard in bone
There are allografts, xenografts, and even
grafting materials is autogenous bone. This bone is
synthetic block grafts available. Multiple autoge-
harvested from the subject to which it is being
nous intraoral and extraoral sites can be used to
grafted. There is no antigenic response to the
harvest block grafts including the mandibular
grafted material and no chance of graft rejection.
ramus, the zygomatic buttress, the mental region
There are multiple sites for harvesting these grafts.
of the mandible, the cranium, and the anterior
Autogenous bone is the only source for transfer of
and posterior iliac crests.
viable osteoprogenitor cells and proteins. The
As discussed earlier, particulate grafts have the
disadvantage to autogenous grafts is the
advantage of being able to withstand exposure to
the oral cavity without total graft loss better than
block grafts. Particulate grafts are available from
Table 1
Graft classification based on source

Autograft Taken from the host;

The gold standard in bone
The only graft source that is
Allograft Graft taken from a genetically
similar donor
Cadaveric graft
Xenograft Graft taken from a genetically
dissimilar donor
Most commonly bovine
or porcine source
Synthetic Graft not taken from a living
graft donor
No cellular or protein products
Fig. 3. Socket bone graft technique using particulate in this graft
mixed (cortical and cancellous) allograft.
Principles of Bone Grafting 299

additional time and often additional surgical site adequate space maintenance of the surrounding
required for harvesting the graft. Autogenous tissue, the only containment required is an intact
grafts provide all three functional properties of periosteum.
a graft material: osteogenesis, osteoinduction, Particulate grafts require a containment system
and osteoconduction. that keeps the graft material at the site, assists
Another graft type is the allograft. This graft with maintaining space for bone regeneration,
material also is known as a homologous graft, withstands exposure to the oral environment,
because it is taken from a genetically similar prevents soft tissue ingrowth, and slowly resorbs
donor. The most common source of allograft is or is easily removed (Figs. 5 and 6).9 Common re-
from cadaveric donors. These grafts are pro- sorbable membranes are made from xenogenic
cessed to reduce antigenicity, and through this collagen sources or cadaveric dermis. These
process, all cellular material is killed. Therefore, membranes are slowly resorbable or are inte-
there is no ability for transfer of osteocompetent grated into the adjacent soft tissue but have the
cells with this graft type. Although never reported disadvantage of poor space maintenance for the
and very unlikely because of stringent donor selec- graft. They are best suited for use to prevent soft
tion and processing protocols, there is a chance tissue ingrowth and with grafts that are not reliant
for infectious disease transmission with allografts. on the membrane for structural support. Common
Most patients, with proper counseling, will accept nonresorbable containment systems include PTFE
this risk easily. Allografts are available commer- and titanium mesh. These are excellent sources
cially in many forms including block grafts, partic- for graft containment. and with titanium reinforced
ulate mineralized cortical, cancellous, mixed PTFE, there is excellent space maintenance with
cortical/cancellous, and demineralized. The these materials. One major disadvantage of these
particulate grafts are also available with varying is the difficulty encountered with their removal.
particle sizes. The grafts have the advantage of Titanium mesh is excellent for space maintenance
saving surgical time and no additional surgical and with exposure to the oral cavity will still allow
harvest site. Allografts provide the graft functions for graft healing.7 Many synthetic resorbable
of osteoinduction and osteoconduction. mesh materials are available for graft containment.
Xenografts also are known as heterografts, They are easily formed to the desired shape and
because they are from genetically dissimilar, are slowly resorbed. These materials do not
nonhuman sources. These grafts share many of tolerate intraoral exposure very well, and with
the same advantages and disadvantages of the
allografts. One difference is that the xenograft
has the highest antigenic potential because of its
being from a nonhuman source. These grafts
also are processed to decrease the antigenicity,
and there is a decreased chance for infectious
disease transmission as well. Common sources
for xenografts are bovine and porcine animals.
Xenografts provide the graft functions of osteoin-
duction and osteoconduction.
Synthetic graft materials are also available. The
ideal synthetic material is slowly resorbable and
will maintain space for bone formation. These
grafts are available in block and particulate forms.
There is no cellular or protein material with these
grafts. Their functional classification is only


In order for the graft to heal and allow for new bone
formation, it must be contained at the site of the
defect. Many different systems for graft contain-
ment are commercially available. The type of
containment or fixation the surgeon chooses will Fig. 5. Socket bone grafting technique demonstrating
be based upon location of the defect and the containment of the particulate bone graft material
type of graft material used. For defects with with a collagen plug and figure of eight suture.
300 Roden

For many oral and maxillofacial surgeons, bone
grafting is a daily procedure. This article was de-
signed to review the principles of bone healing
and bone grafting. There are many different
ways to reach the same goal when bone grafting
procedures are performed. With all of the avail-
able methods and materials, a clear under-
standing of these basic principles will assist in
the selection of a technique for each individual

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