Results of Special Election: Delegate Meeting

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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 1


Volume 27, No. 9 September 2008
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From the Desk

Larry Kall, 76 Results of
of President Special Election
George By Isabelle Scherel, Elections Chair
Loewenstein A special election was held Friday, August 1, 2008, from
8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Delegates came to cast their votes to fill three
empty officers positions.
George Loewenstein retained his Presidency with 104 votes.
It is with deep sorrow that we learned of the passing of Larry
Second was David Israel with 90 votes; third was Phyllis
Kall. He served UCO for many years. During my tenure as
Richland with 51 votes.
President, he served as Chairman of the Cable Committee and
the Transponder Committee. We will miss his reports, which The two Vice President positions went to Jerry Karpf with 107
were always spiced up with his great sense of humor. Larry votes and close behind was Ken Davis with 96 votes. Following
will be greatly missed by all of us. We pray that his family will was Bob Marshall — 82 votes; Howard Silver — 73 votes;
Larry passed away on Claudette LaBonte — 72 votes; and Marcia Ziccardy — 27 votes.
know no more sorrow.
August 5, 2008. Larry was A special thanks to Randy Borchardt for his excellent help
I would like to report that Channel 63 is now being manned
President of Village Mu- in assisting our committee during the election process.
by Vice President Ken Davis as Chairman and Ed Black. They
tual and a member of the Below are the Associations who did not vote:
are actively seeking to expand their committee of two.
UCO Executive Board. • ANDOVER D-E-G-H-I-J
There has been a lot of discussion that UCO should be run
He was also Chairman of • BEDFORD B-C-H-I
as a business with a paid manager. Pat Blunck has been mis-
the Transponder Commit- • BERKSHIRE A-C-E-G-H-I
named when we referred to him as our property manager. Ac-
tee, Chairman of the • CAMBRIDGE G
tually, his license is that of a CAM (Community Association
Cable Committee, Presi- • CAMDEN A-F-G-I-M-N
Manager). His services to UCO are varied and include, but are
dent of the Board of the • CANTERBURY B-C-G-H-J-K
not limited to:
Somerset Area and Presi- • CHATHAM J-S-U
• advice on contracts and agreements between UCO and sub-
dent of Somerset B. • COVENTRY F-G-K
He served on many • DORCHESTER K
• advice regarding supervision of onsite personnel
committees in the past. • EASTHAMPTON A-B-C-E
• advice on correspondence between boards and unit owners,
Among them: Lighting • HASTINGS D-E-F-H
contractors, etc.
Committee, Ombudsman • KENT B-E-I-J-L-M
• establishing specifications for obtaining and evaluating bids
and Infrastructure Com- • NORWICH C-D-H
• advising the board on significant legislation, financial prac-
mittees. • OXFORD 300
tices, including preparation of UCO’s annual budget.
He also was a certified • KINGSWOOD C-F
• maintenance of physical facilities
instructor and Supervising • NORTHAMPTON G-H-J-L-O
These are just a few of the duties of Pat. There are many
Zone Coordinator of • SALISBURY C-D-E-G
more. From this day forward, he shall be referred to by his
AARP Driver Safety Pro- • SHEFFIELD A-B-D-E-F-H-I-O
proper title — Community Association Manager (a property
gram in Palm Beach • SOMERSET C-J
and business manager all rolled into one).
I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to thank
He will be sorely • SUSSEX B-D-I-J
the Delegates who voted me back into office. In the interest of
missed by the residents • WALTHAM A-B-G
peace and harmony, we will select the most qualified volun-
here in Century Village. • WELLINGTON A
teers to chair our committees, without considering who voted
for whom and why.
Lastly, our office building is moving along nicely, with elec-
trical and plumbing work in progress at the moment. Plastridge
Agency plans to sponsor the refreshments at our grand open-
Delegate Meeting
ing, hopefully scheduled for mid-October. As always, we will
keep you up to date. o
Fri., Sept. 5, 2008, 9:30 am, Clubhouse Theater

The latest photo of the new UCO Building. Photo by Ken Davis.
Page 2 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

At the Delegate By Dot Loewenstein
Several people asked me
Assembly where my article was in the Claudette
August issue. Perhaps I forgot
Betty Lapidus to write it, or there was noth- LaBonte
ing special to say.
This month, however, our
Clubhouse Library was closed
]August 1, 2008 day and Friday, August 7 and on July 21. There were four of I first want to thank the near Duck Island. She will
Elections — had taken 8, you can meet the local Po- us who volunteered to clear Transportation Committee for consult with her legal counsel
place this morning from 8 to 9 litical Candidates here in C.V. out some items that had been agreeing to return for a con- and get back to us. For further
a.m. We are waiting for the CERT: There will be a table there so long they were start- tinuation meeting. We had information on this subject,
results. at the Health Fair on 8/6/08 in ing to smell. With the coopera- much to do and they went please refer to her article.
This Session of the Delgate the Party Room. tion and encouragement of home with homework. I also Now back to the subject of
Assembly Was Opened — by Transponders: Larry Kall Anita Cruz, the entire mainte- had been given homework GAS. We have met with the
V.P. Frank Cornish at 9:30 a.m. reported that the arm equip- nance crew came to help. They from our Treasurer, Dorothy owner of the Chevron gas sta-
in our auditorium. ment at the Haverhill Gate has brought huge yellow recycle Tetro, who brought the recent tion at the corner of Military
Attendance: There was a been hit by lightning and re- bins (four of them!) and as we gas bill to my attention. Un- and Community. They in-
quorum of 181 seated Del- paired and then it was hit by a filled them, they transported believable! formed us that they have a gen-
egates. Pat Blunck, our LCAM motorist and repaired again. them to the recycle area on the Gas prices are our enemy erator which will be needed
(Licensed Community Cable: Larry reported that side of the building. Addition- and the committee has worked during hurricanes in order to
Association Manager), was in order to get digital channels, ally, they provided large gar- diligently trying to eliminate refuel. They also will set up a
present. it will be necessary to get a bage cans on wheels, and into overlapping routes and what special lane for our buses dur-
Pledge of Allegiance: Led Comcast Converter Box at a these went magazines and can be done to save money ing and immediately after hur-
by Al McLaughlin, was recited price of $3.41 per month, per many jigsaw puzzles that had with minimal impact on ser- ricanes so they do not have to
by all present. unit, for each TV set in your missing pieces. vice. They submitted their rec- wait in line with the cars for
Minutes — had been dis- apartment. For details, please At that point, the shelves ommendations and the fuel. The best part is we will
tributed and read. A correction see his column in the UCO were less than full, and the analysis of the information be paying pump price less five
was made and duly noted. Reporter. In depth discussion maintenance crew began re- will begin. The results will be cents per gallon on our usage
Motion to accept corrected followed regarding direct TV moving every single book presented at the next Transpor- of approximately 3,000 to
minutes by George Franklin, equipment. from every single shelf! Then tation Meeting on Monday, 3,500 gallons per month.
seconded by Roberta Fromkin Community Relations they cleaned the shelves, August 18, 1:30 p.m. at the You are probably receiving
— passed. Committee: Ted Silverman vacuumed the floor, and Clubhouse (usually in Class- this publication after my re-
V.P. Cornish greeted all. reported that to honor our Cen- shampooed the carpet. The room B, but check with desk). turn. However, I will be gone
Committee Reports tenarians living in CV, we will smell in there now is lovely On a positive note, it was until August 17, so if you have
Insurance Committee: have a party for them on Oc- and everything sparkles. voted to zig-zag through the left any messages and have not
Dan Gladstone reported on tober 24 in the Party Room. Somehow, magically, new streets of Camden and received a call back, please be
additional prices for our insur- We have 16 residents who are books have appeared already, Windsor. We already have patient and I will make every
ance and announced that there 100 years of age. For details, and the shelves are being re- stops in the area but going this effort to call upon my return.
will be an open meeting this please see his column in the filled once again. The nice way makes it a continuous run. Driver of the month is
afternoon at 3 p.m. in the Mu- UCO Reporter. He then re- thing about this is that we The start date will be pub- Archange Darius. o
sic Room. ported that should we have a have a great turnover of in- lished later as two benches
ventory and there’s always No person shall be
Maintenance: Jerry Karpf hurricane, ice trucks will be must be moved and additional
here to help us. something new, and perhaps stop signs must be installed. permitted to occupy a
reported that the next meeting
is scheduled for September 9 Phyllis Richland — an- exciting, to explore. We discussed with Anita unit without a certificate
in Room C. nounced that we owe apprecia- Cruz of WPRF Inc. the possi- of approval per Florida
Continued on page 3
Transportation: Claudette tion to V.P. Frank Cornish, bility of overnight parking statute 718.
LaBonte reported that there who has been doing a great job
will be changes made in the
bus schedules. Please note
these changes. She then re-
during this period of transition.
Lights Out: All of a sud-
den there was a flash of lights
Open Meetings
ported on trying to get better and noise in the auditorium. DATE: DAY: TIME: MEETING: LOCATION:
prices for gasoline for our All the electricity and lights 08/22/08 Friday 01:00 p.m. Safety Room B
buses. Please read her column were cut off. 08/26/08 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Operations Classroom C
in the upcoming UCO Re- We were advised to calmly 08/28/08 Thursday 10:00 a.m. Officers Classroom B
porter. proceed to the exits and to va- 09/02/08 Tuesday 01:00 a.m. Executive Board Room A
Safety Committee: George cate the building as soon as 09/05/08 Friday 09:30 a.m. Delegates Theater
Franklin announced that if you possible. 09/05/08 Friday 01:00 p.m. Editorial Music Room
have any safety issues, please At this point, the meeting 09/05/08 Friday 02:00 p.m. Security Classroom B
write them up with your name was adjourned. 09/09/08 Tuesday 09:30 a.m. Irrigation/Infrastructure Channel 63
and address and drop them off We all complied with the 09/09/08 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Maintenance Room C
at the UCO office. He will re- advice to vacate the building, 09/10/08 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Beautification Room A
spond to your questions. He and departed approximately 09/11/08 Thursday 10:00 a.m. Community Relations Room B
also reported that next Thurs- 10:20 a.m. o 09/15/08 Monday 01:30 p.m. Transportation Room B
09/16/08 Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Operations Room C
09/17/08 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Budget Room C
Special Phone Numbers 09/25/08
10:00 p.m.
01:00 p.m.
Executive Board
Room B
Room A
for Residents 09/30/08
Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana
UCO Office
UCO Office
Guest Entry (automated) ..............689-1759 10/03/08 Friday 09:30 a.m. Dels Vote on Budget Theater
Security (talk/emergency) ............689-0432 10/03/08 Friday 01:00 p.m. Editorial Music Room
Clubhouse: Main..........................640-3120 10/03/08 Friday 02:00 p.m. Security Room B
10/09/08 Thursday Closed Yom Kippur UCO Office
UCO Office..................................683-9189 10/30/08 Thursday 10:00 a.m. Officers Room B
UCO Reporter .... 683-9336 • Fax 683-2830 Please note: These dates are subject to change.
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 3

Clubhouse Library
Continued from Page 2
We have moved the Biog-
Frankly Speaking raphy (green dots) section to Investigations
the back right, next to the plas-
Vice President tic magazine rack. Green la- David Frankel
bels are being identified with Louise Gerson
Frank J. Cornish the first letter of the name of
the person written about, such
as “R” for Roosevelt, regard-
less of the author’s name.
Many Villagers have ex- dent, who tendered his resig- The History (blue dots) Did you know that we have we look them over and ana-
pressed their gratitude to me, nation, following the over- section has also been moved a group of dedicated and lyze them. Then we tell the
for “picking up the pieces.” As whelming rejection of his to the back left. We’ve knowledgeable volunteers Association the results. It is
you know, the daily operations interpretation of “Open Meet- moved the remaining jigsaw who come in every day and up to the Association to ac-
of UCO did not stop due to the ings” at the July 11th meeting, puzzles to the bottom shelves work in the Investigation De- cept or reject someone with a
President and Senior Vice and yet less one month later, in various bookcases, be- partment? troubled financial or criminal
Presidents’ resignation at the he was re-elected, by a slim cause many people were un- David Frankel, Louise background.
close of the Delegates’ Meet- majority. able to reach them at the tops Gerson, Henri Kalma, Charlie UCO Investigations do not
ing on July 11th. Their state- As always, the majority of the bookcases. In fact, we Schecter, Jack Spund and make decisions for the Asso-
ments have appeared in rules and I would like to reas- have cleaned all the tops of Sandy Levine are our regulars. ciations. It is up to the Associa-
August’s edition of the Re- sure you of the commitment I all the bookcases, so the only Abe Malawski and Nora tion bylaws and board.
porter, while mine did not made when first I ran for this things remaining are various Consigli are snowbirds and If you reject an application
make the deadline. office. items of art. Cynthia Kronish fills in at a with good reason, we will
Without the assistance and I am only “beholden” to Untouched were the For- moment’s notice when send everything to our Attor-
co-operation of the several you, my goal is to bring unity, eign Languages, which are needed. Each and every one of ney to see if he legally agrees
other individuals, whose sole sanity and sound business being maintained by other vol- us went through months of with you.
interest is the welfare of this practices back to the Village, unteers. New signs are posted, training and if there are any Please keep all Confiden-
community, nothing would where it belongs. To that end, and a section has been identi- questions we do not hesitate to tial Investigation Enve-
have been accomplished. I will work with whomever is fied as Trade Novels. These request legal advice. lopes in a secure locked
The results of the August 1st part of the equation. appear to resemble paper- Everyone should be 55 or place and keep them indefi-
Elections are noted elsewhere. As always, I can be reached backs, but are taller, and in a older as this is a Senior Com- nitely. You never know when
The Delegates cast their votes, during business hours at the different category, called Trade munity under HUD. the State will check for dis-
re-electing the former Presi- UCO Office. o by librarians. o When reports come back, crimination! o

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Page 4 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Did You Know

Your Theater ...bulls do not see red, they From the
are colorblind; they react to the
Claudette waving cape? Listening Post
LaBonte ...for the very first Thanks- Syd Kronish
giving dinner, the pilgrims and
Indians did not eat turkey, but
Where was I last month re- • Sat., Sept. 20, 8:00 p.m. — **********
A couple of months ago, I New York.
garding the “Sleeper of the Michael Rapposelli ...Rutherford B. Hayes’ wife
listed a number of “remem- Here are more of my lovable
Month”? All accolades but no • Thu., Sept. 25, 8:00 p.m. — was the first “first lady” to be
brances,” or memories, of memories:
name of the performer. It was Cavendish Presents so-called?
what we loved not too many • Men wore straw hats in the
Josie O’Donnell for the month • Sat., Sept. 27, 8:00 p.m. — **********
years ago. summertime (only)
of June. How can I expect you Sound Trax Singers ...Kirk Douglas owned the
I asked readers if they had • Women wore hats and
to remember a name if I don’t I am sorry I do not have the movie rights to One Flew
any to add to our lists. Here’s gloves in all seasons
give it to you? bios yet as the article is being Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and
one from Madeline Tolish: • Children walked to school
Regarding the sleeper for submitted prior to my leaving gave them to son Michael to
Every New Yorker who re- • Shoe repair shops fixed
July, I don’t really have one on vacation. Further informa- produce?
sided in any of the five bor- “worn out” shoes
as I was away for some of the tion is provided in the monthly **********
oughs during our era will • Tickets for New York ball
shows. If I don’t see them all, folder, Happenings, which can ...the song Take Me Out to
remember Mayor Fiorello parks cost 50¢ for bleach-
I don’t want to be unfair to be picked up at the ticket of- the Ball Game was written
LaGuardia gathering the chil- ers, $1.10 for grandstands
the performances I missed. fice in the Clubhouse. in 1908?
dren around the radio while • Times Square restaurants:
There also will be no Please note that shorts are **********
he read the Sunday comic Childs, Horn & Hardart and
“Sleeper” for August as I will not permitted in the theater on ...when you visit a web site,
strips to them. (My father, Toffenetti’s
miss two shows. show nights and for the Satur- it records the name of your
who was a baker in Brooklyn, • Unforgettable movies:
In the meantime, here is day night dances. server, the city and state you
had the pleasure of baking Humphrey Bogart in The
what you can see for Sep- Check your ticket for the live in, the last site you visited,
Mayor LaGuardia’s inaugu- Maltese Falcon; Richard
tember: start of the theater perfor- how long you spent on the site,
ration cake.) Dix and Irene Dunne in
• Sat., Sept. 6, 8:00 p.m. — mance, as there is no admit- and what browser you use?
No one could belt out a song Cimmaron
Adam Leslie tance 10 minutes after the start **********
like Kate Smith when she sang • How about the Charlie
• Sat., Sept. 13, 7:00 p.m. — of the show. ...when the Addams Family
God Bless America and let’s Chan films starring Warner
Jessie Hoffinan See you at the Theater. o were cartoon characters drawn
not forget Jimmy Durante and Oland, and Sherlock
by Charles Addams for The
his famous nose. Holmes thrillers featuring
New Yorker, they did not have
The Century Village Orchestra is individual names until they
It was a much smaller world Basil Rathbone?
looking for musicians to fill our string sec- in those days. My cousin was • Before Hopalong, there
came to sitcom fame?
married to Robert Ripley’s were such cowboy heroes as
tion (violin, viola, cello and bass). We also **********
brother Douglas, and one of Tom Mix, Hoot Gibson and
need French horn, percussion, bassoon play- ...the so-called Mary Jane
my father’s cousins was mar- Tom Tyler
girls’ shoe got its name from a
ers and an associate conductor. Call Rickie character in the Buster Brown
ried to Sophie Tucker, the One UCO Reporter readers with
at 683-0869 for more information. of These Days gal, all while their wonderful memories can
comic strip, and before that, it
living in the magical city of send them to me at the paper. o
was also worn by boys? o

☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 5


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Office: 561-804-9603 • Fax: 561-640-0224 • Cell 561-512-2485
5776 Okeechobee Blvd., WPB, FL 33417 •
From the Desk of * ANNUAL RENTALS *
CAMBRIDGE C furnished, ceramic tile & carpet 499
Commissioner WALTHAM G
furnished, ceramic tile, screened patio
furnished, carpet, tile
furnished, carpet
NORTHAMPTON R furn, ceramic tile, beautiful condo 600
furn, carpet & ceramic tile
furnished carpet, very nice
CANTERBURY H furnished, carpet, nice!!! 550
SALISBURY F furn, ceramic tile, new range, fridge 575
CHATHAM P furnished, ceramic tile, very clean & pretty 525
CAMBRIDGE C furn, carpet, cozy, very nice 575
WALTHAM G furnished or unfurnished, ceramic tile, nr CH 525
WALTHAM F furnished, near East Gate, carpet 550
SUSSEX A unfurnished, redone, cul-de-sac, cpt, tile in kit 600
Next Year will still be looking at a defi- CANTERBURY H unfurn, new carpet, newer AC, painted 550
BERKSHIRE G furnished, near West Gate, rent to own 575
Looks Even Wor$e cit of $60 million. GROUND FLOOR 1/1
NORTHAMPTON G furnished, gardenview, carpet, wall units 495
A couple of months ago, I So, how do we close this WINDSOR Q furn, berber carpet, new kitchen, 3 ceil fans 625
BEDFORD G furnished, carpet & ceramic tile 575
explained how the housing shortfall? Tapping reserves NORWICH I unfurn, carpet, wall units 550
WALTHAM F unfurn, carpet, linoleum, nr East Gate 450
slump, state-mandated rev- again is out of the question, HASTINGS B furnished, gardenview, pergo floors 575
COVENTRY G furn/unfurn neg, ceramic tile and/or carpet 500
enue cuts and voters’ adoption and there’s nothing left in the NORWICH L furnished, carpet, near Fit Center & E-Gate 475
CAMDEN B furnished, carpet, near W-Gate and pool 500
of an additional homestead capital budget because we DORCHESTER A furnished, tile, shows nice place 600
CAMDEN H furnished, new AC, newer fridge 550
exemption (Amendment 1) killed just about every project SUSSEX B furnished, tile floors, windows 550
KINGSWOOD D unfurn, ceramic tile, carpet, new app 600
would make this an especially this year. That leaves a huge CAMDEN J unfurnished, ceramic tile, carpet, newer AC 625
WALTHAM F furnished, new bath, wood floors 600
difficult budget process. Well, hit to the operations budget; CANTERBURY F
furn, new bathroom, wood floor
furn, nr Kent Pool, CT, state of art shower
things are worse than we major layoffs and deeper ser- CAMDEN B
sweet w/lakeview, newer appliances
cute as a pie! ceramic tile, furnished
thought. And I’m sorry to say vice reductions are inevitable. BERKSHIRE I
great condo carpet, partially furnished
furn, nr clubhouse and new kit, new carpet
next year looks even bleaker. Besides trimming everywhere SHEFFIELD F
near Hastings Fitness Center
furnished, nr the Fitness Center, gardenview
Unlike several cities facing we possibly can, I think we need CHATHAM U
unfurnished, carpet/tile, gardenview 495
similar revenue shortfalls, the to look at some new revenue SOUTHAMPTON B
furnished, carpet, near pool, golfview
unfurn, new bathrooms and kitchen, redone
BCC (Board of County Com- sources, such as user fees. For PLYMOUTH R
completely redone! move right into
furnished, gardenview, carpet
missioners) is not raising the example, boaters may have to SALISBURY F
ceramic tile, new appls, furn
upgrades galore! CT, furn
millage rate this year to make pay $10 a year for a permit to use CANTERBURY K
unfurn, pergo fls, CT, new appls
golfview, part furn, ceramic tile
up the difference. We have de- our county boat ramps. DORCHESTER C
furn/unfurn cul-de-sac near pool, gdnvw
near Hastings Fit Ctr, furn/unfurn
cided to get by with whatever Parking is currently free at WALTHAM C
furn, near E-Gate, CH, carpet, pretty
ceramic tile, furn, close to pool
county-owned beach parks, EASTHAMPTON C beautiful condo, cpt and CT, unfurn 850
revenue has already been col- SOUTHAMPTON A furn, hardwood floors, new kit 650
lected. Each week it seems there while most municipal beaches NORTHAMPTON N unfurn, carpet, waterview 550
HASTINGS D furnished, ceramic tile, carpet 575
is a new list of county jobs, pro- have meters. Maybe the CANTERBURY F furn, lower set back, near pool 550
SHEFFIELD N carpet, furn, near Fitness Center 600
grams and services on the chop- county should start charging CAMDEN H unfurn, carpet, CT, new appls 575
ping block. Making these cuts for beach parking, too. WINDSOR partly furn, ceramic tile, gardenview 600
DORCHESTER C furn, carpet, gardenview 800
is painful, but it’s what the vot- The Juno Pier charges a WELLINGTON L unfurn, carpet, central air 850
KENT F furnished, near Kent Pool, Great Deal 600
ers said they wanted. nominal admission. Why not GOLF’S EDGE E furn, carpet, near pool w/lift 750
COVENTRY A furn, wood, cpt, nice patio 800
We’ve cut funding for road ask a dollar or two to stroll out NORWICH H furnished, nice 650
COVENTRY A very pretty, furn, carpet lite & brite 700
construction, median land- on the boardwalks at the WINDSOR G furn, CT, gardenview, near W-Gate 650
NORTHAMPTON J furnished, waterview 600
scaping and beautification, Wakodahatchee and Green STRATFORD K furn, large patio, central air 700
CAMBRIDGE A furnished, great location 850
building permit processors, Cay Wetlands facilities? ANDOVER G newly furnished, pretty, walk right in 900
CANTERBURY G furn, CT, linoleum, keeps cool, add appls 700
vegetation inspectors, Golfers pay greens fees. EASTHAMPTON C unfurn, new counters, DW, disposal 650
sheriff’s vehicles, business Wouldn’t tennis players kick NORWICH H unfurnished carpet/tile 800
CAMDEN F unfurn, new appls, wtrvw, carpet 700
incubators, and teen residency in a few dollars to play on our CHATHAM R carpet, tile, shows great 850
STRATFORD J furnished only, ceramic tile 950
shelter beds, and we’re not county-owned tennis courts? DORCHESTER E close to pool, fully furnished 700
done. Some of these cuts have How about $1 to borrow a COVENTRY G furnished, ceramic tile, redone 600
PLYMOUTH V furnished, lots of privacy, central air 750
been initiated now to reduce book or a DVD from the li- CHATHAM D renovated, waterview, furnished 650
COVENTRY C ceramic tile, near Clubhouse, E-Gate 650
the hit on reserve funds. We brary? It’s still a lot cheaper ANDOVER A beauty! ceramic tile, furnished 700
GOLF’S EDGE D furnished, carpet tile 600
can’t afford to deplete our re- than buying them. SHEFFIELD F new appls, repainted tile fls, countertops, great! 600
serves in case we have a ma- Palm Tran and Tri-Rail are NORWICH I furn, carpet, near Clubhouse & Fitness 650
GOLF’S EDGE E w/lift, carpet, furn, near pool 800
jor storm or some other experiencing record ridership. SOUTHAMPTON B furn, nr pool, cpt, elev building 700
BEDFORD C mirrored walls in LR, queen beds, scr patio 750
catastrophic emergency. Maybe their fares should be WALTHAM A furn, cook island, central AC 700
NORWICH L PT furn, CT redone completely 800
Next year (FY-2010), Palm increased to cover more of NORWICH H furn, carpet, tile, near E-Gate 850
COVENTRY A furn, pergo, carpet, ceiling fans 800
Beach County is anticipating their operating costs. SHEFFIELD O beautiful! extra clean cul-de-sac 750
COVENTRY E furnished inside corner 750
at least a five percent loss in I realize that none of these CHATHAM K newly redone 775
WALTHAM D gardenview, new AC, fresh painted 850
property valuation, and our options will be very popular, WINDSOR C
furn/unfurn, waterview, nr W-Gate
totally redone kit, nr E-Gate, furn
administrator says to expect but lawmakers and citizens NORWICH C
carpet, furn, gardenview 575
a $110 million budget short- who demanded property tax NORTHAMPTON A
furn, AC, CT, gardenvu
carpet, furn, near pool
fall if the millage rate re- relief had to know there would NORTHAMPTON N
furn, cul-de-sac, cpt, CA
furn, 1st mo free w/12 mo lease
mains at 3.78 mills. Even if be a trade off in public services. SALISBURY F
furn, nr E-Gate, Clubhouse, clean
cnr unit, furn, beauty!
we decide to raise the mill- That’s just basic economics. NORTHAMPTON B furnished and waterview

age rate — something the As always, I welcome your BEDFORD B furnished, ceramic tile shower stall only

BCC hasn’t done since 1998 comments and suggestions. WALTHAM C

3 mo @1,375/4 mo @ 1,250
— to the state-allowed roll- Please feel free to call me or SHEFFIELD F
cpt, furn
CT, lots of lite
back rate of 4.07 mills, we my staff at 355-2202. o BEDFORD B
NORTHAMPTON H cpt, furn, wtrvw 1,200

SOUTHAMPTON B carpet w/lift 1,200
COVENTRY A cpt, wd flrs, furn 1,200

New Bus Schedule SUSSEX B

carpet 1,200


carpet and ceramic tile



Page 6 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

The official newspaper of Century Village

24 Camden A, West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Relations
Tel: 561-683-9336 • Fax: 561-683-2830 Ted Silverman
Office hours: By appointment
Editor: Irv Lazar ............................ Co-Editors: Syd Kronish,
Maybe Dogs Should May I take this opportunity employee attired in a tuxedo
Dot Loewenstein, Joe Saponaro, Myron Silverman Be Leashed to thank my committee mem- will deliver gifts to the homes
As I was walking on Mon- bers Betty Lapidus, Leslie of any honoree who is unable
Editorial Board .................... All Editors, Pres and Vice Pres day, August 4, about 6:45 a.m., I Darrigan, Phyllis Frishberg, to attend. He will be accom-
Production .................................................... John Saponaro passed Coventry B and watched Eileen Pearlman, Jackie panied by a volunteer with a
a woman standing next to a large Karlan and Myrna Shechter for camera to record this event.
Editorial Associate ........................................ June Saponaro German Shepherd with no leash their hard work and dedication Dan, the manager of the
or collar. to make our Dessert Buffet Wal-Mart superstore on Mili-
Advertising Staff .......................................... Mindy Weingart
Looking at the woman next for our Centenarians on Oc- tary Trail and Belvedere, has
Photographers ................................ Ken Graff, Howie Silver to the dog, there was no way she tober 24 a success. informed me that they will
could have restrained the animal Presently, we have identified donate $500 in gift cards.
Artist .................................................................. Helen Siegler if an incident occurred. and verified 15 Century Villag- Kevin, the manager of
Maybe the allowed animal ers as “100 or more” years of Home Depot on Okeechobee
Circulation ...................... Len Cohen, Jack Eisen, Bill Karp,
buildings should have leash and age. Leslie Darrigan will be vis- and Jog Road, will supply the
Dave Rabinowitz, Paul Skolnick, Mindy Weingart collar rules. iting with each Centenarian, floral decorations for the tables
To Be Accepted .. items must display name, address, phone #. M. Kelly taking their pictures and getting and individual flowers for our
Classified Ads for CV Residents Only: Doctor, Doctor, I Need approval for use in a montage. honorees.
Personal items for sale or wanted may be listed a Doctor Eileen Pearlman will be speak- Leslie Darrigan informs us
on a “space available” basis, FREE of charge. There are many good doc- ing to Willard Scott so that this that Walgreens pharmacies
(Submit on 8.5" by 11" paper.) tors in this world — my son- montage will be displayed on will contribute up to $500 in
Submissions & Articles ... Please type in caps and lower case in-law, for one. But here in his television show the day of gift cards and that CVS phar-
letters, double spaced, any item. On a “space available” basis.
Century Village, we do not or the day after our Dessert macies will donate up to $400.
Deadlines ....... 7th of each month (call about special problems).
have the cream of the crop. Buffet honoring them. Winn-Dixie has made com-
Visit your Century Village web site: One doctor says, you don’t We cannot accept cash or mitments for gift cards, but the
need another blood test. We checks as donations, but are amount needs approval.
will wait four months, even accepting gift cards, goods and And I am awaiting confir-
services. mation from the Community
OFFICERS though the patient had two
hospital stays due to loss of
blood. The last time, she
This buffet is by invitation
only. Blanche Perez and Crys-
Relations Department of
Publix Supermarkets as to
24 Camden A, West Palm Beach, FL 33417 tal Lancaster of Riverside how much support we can
needed four units of blood.
UCO Office: Tel 561-683-9189 • Fax 561-683-9904 Bank will pay for the printing expect.
Another doctor says, wait
Office Hours: Mon-Thu 9am-1pm • Fri 12 noon-4pm and mailing of the invitations Eileen Pearlman has been in
till your visit next month and I
President: George Loewenstein will put you back on choles- and reply cards. They are also contact with some of our local
Vice Presidents: Sal Bummolo, terol medication. At her last providing a “100+ birthday officials who will be attending
Frank Cornish, Ken Davis, Jerry Karpf visit, her cholesterol was 500! cake” and individual birthday the Dessert Buffet.
Treasurer: Dorothy Tetro Still another winning doctor cupcakes for each of our hon- Have a good summer, stay
Corresponding Secretary: Avis Blank told this patient that his leg was orees, and the raisins, nuts and in good health and, most of all,
Recording Secretary: Betty Lapidus other goodies. A male bank try to stay cool. o
fine. He was looking at it from
Community Assn. Manager:Pat Blunck
across the room! He then went
Executive Secretary: Mary Patrick Benton
Co-Office Managers: Mary Benton, Edie Levine to an urgent care facility where At the Library 790-6070). Patrons seeking
Office Assistants: Sandy Levine, they X-rayed the foot, sent him information assistance should
By Chuck Waugh
Florence Pires, Isabel Scherel, Irv Small, for a sonogram, gave him a teta- call the Telephone Reference
Okeechobee Library
Lillian Yanofsky, Marcia Ziccardy nus shot and sent him (on the section at the Main Library at
Bookmobile Loaded with
Receptionists: Sidele Bushaikin, next visit) to a wound clinic. 233-2600.
New Books
Rhea Cohen, Natalie Hauptman, Claudette LaBonte, People like these doctors. The Okeechobee Boulevard
The Okeechobee Boulevard
Marie Oliver, Harriett Arnovitz, Carol Fuchs, They are very personable. Branch Library Bookmobile is
Branch Library renovation is
Estelle Steppler They talk to you like they are located next to the Bank At-
on target for completion later
your friend. I don’t need an- lantic. The hours are: Monday,
Executive Board other friend…I need a doctor!
this year. Until then, a Book-
mobile is in the parking lot of Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Dave Bernstein Claudette LaBonte So, this is what I think.
the library during the branch Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to
Randall Borchardt Irv Lazar You have to be proactive with
renovation. The Okeechobee 6:00 p.m., and Friday and Sat-
Sandy Cohen Evelyn Leibowitz your doctor. You have to tell
Boulevard Branch Library urday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00
David Frankel Al McLaughlin them your health history each
Bookmobile is jam-packed p.m. All Village residents, in-
George Franklin Haskell Morin time you go for a visit. Your
with a collection of new cluding seasonal residents, are
Roberta B. Fromkin Marie Oliver history is on the chart, but they
books, large print books, eligible for a free library card
Louise Gerson Joe Saponaro don’t read it before each visit.
DVDs, and Books-on-CD. Li- with proper ID.
Dan Gladstone Phil Shapkin I had a wonderful doctor
brary customers are able to Stop by the Bookmobile at
David Israel Myron Silverman on 45th Street. But, when I had
place holds on materials at the the Okeechobee Branch today.
Jackie Karlan Ted Silverman 102 temperature last winter, I
bookmobile, online, or by call- If you have never been on a
Syd Kronish Carole Szepesi called for an appointment. The
ing any branch in the library bookmobile, you will be
Jeanette Veglia secretary told me I could come
system (Wellington Branch amazed! o
The United Civic Organization Reporter is published monthly without charge to in two weeks. When I finally
the residents of Century Village, West Palm Beach, FL.
saw him, I told him this and
The United Civic Organization, aka UCO, is a not-for-profit organization. Its
officers, directors, editors, staff, and any committee people are not responsible for he said, next time you call, say In Appreciation
typographical errors or misrepresentations in any advertisements or articles. They you are a family friend. A special thanks to all who gave their time and efforts to
are not responsible and assume no liability for the content of, or any opinions
expressed in, any contributed articles which represent the author’s own opinions I left his practice. When I my campaign for Vice President of UCO.
and not necessarily the opinion of UCO. Acceptance of advertising for products or find a good doctor, I will let I appreciate the sincerity and thought on my behalf.
services in no way constitutes an official endorsement of the product or service.
you all know. Sandy Cohen Claudette LaBonte
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 7

Al McLaughlin

Good news again: There called to get the building keys

have not been any major crimes and no one had the keys. It was
in the Village again. Palm necessary to break the front
Beach Sheriff’s Office again window to gain entry to this
reported a few “Fender unit when the owner needed
Benders” and tickets for speed- help. It is also necessary to
ing or failing to stop. There have a valid contact person
have been some problems out- listed so that we can call to
side three units facing the golf help make plans when an
course. The golf course’s fence emergency happens. The
along Haverhill Road is broken Building President should
and they are not interested in have this information.
repairing the damage to the Finally, thank you for show-
fences, so we must protect our ing your IDs to the guard at the
own property by locking our gate after your fellow residents
property and having enough break the gate arm. The only
light on to keep people away gate that has been broken in
from our buildings. Also, al- the past few months is a resi-
ways lock your car. dent transponder gate. Please
We request that you make ask your driving friends to
sure that a key to each door is slow down when entering the
CERT The UCO Reporter is Now Available available to the President of automatic gate. The gate is not
(Community Emergency to Be Read Online at your building to assist the 911 controlled by the guard it is
Response Team) response person. On a recent Continued on Page WHERE?
By Phyllis Siegelman day, four phone numbers were
I hope we have not become
complacent again, Hurricane
season is still upon us. It is still
Hurricane Check List Kit Check List
• Water — the most important! One gallon per person, per
Below is a list of things you should do before, during and day. Portable cooler.
important for us to make all
after a hurricane. This short list was put together from all the • Packaged foods — canned meats, fruits, vegetables, juices,
provisions in case of a storm.
information the Emergency Committee could find. milk, soup, sugar, salt, pepper, peanut butter, jelly, crack-
This means medical supplies,
Things to Do Now ers, granola bars, cookies, hard candy, sweetened cereals,
food stuffs, water, lanterns or
• Review your insurance policy. instant coffee, tea bags.
glass enclosed candles and
• Register with the Emergency Management program if you • Manual can opener (not one operated by electricity).
must depend on electricity for your life support in any man- • Toiletries — toilet paper, soap, feminine supplies, denture
On August 4, 2008, CERT
ner. Example: oxygen, refrigeration for insulin, etc. needs, extra eyeglasses.
conducted its first emergency
• If you want to install shutters, speak with your Association • First aid kit — bandages, gauze pads, tape, scissors, twee-
drill. The phone team did a
President. Storm panels are recommended. (Note: Century zers, needles, antiseptic, safety pins, sunscreen, aspirin.
great job in contacting all
Village is not an evacuation area. Our buildings and our • Battery operated radio and extra batteries, for flashlights,
members. There were 15
area are considered very safe in a hurricane.) etc. and charge rechargeable batteries.
people and three HAM opera-
• If you are leaving for the hurricane season, remove or se- • Eating utensils — paper cups, plates, plastic knives and forks.
tors that were present. We still
cure all items on your patio. Take them inside. Remember, • Extra medicine — prescriptions.
have a good deal of work to
it is not the wind that destroys, but the objects the wind • Flashlights. Matches. Candles.
do, but we will be ready in case
throws around that causes destruction. • Plastic trash bags — to store many of the items in this section.
we are needed in the Village.
• Select a safe room in your apartment, away from windows • Change of clothing. Gloves. Mosquito repellant.
A health fair was given on
and doors and all flying debris. Example: Use your bath- During the Hurricane
August 6, 2008. A CERT table
room if it has no windows, or a hallway. • Stay in your safe room or hallway.
was very well manned. We
• Check stair lights and emergency lights on building. • Close and stay away from all windows.
were fortunate to enlist the
Things to Do One or Two Days Before the Storm • If electricity goes off, use only flashlights during the storm.
names of future CERT mem-
• Remove all patio furniture. Install your shutters. • Keep on your person at all times keys to home and car,
bers who will take the next
• Remove recyclable containers to your laundry room and driver’s license, cash.
secure your Dumpsters. Tie down lids. • Bring into the safe room a pillow or mattress in case you
We are still in need of more
• Fill your car’s gasoline tank. need to cover yourself from flying debris. Also, bring in as
members and those who can-
• Turn your refrigerator and freezer to its coldest settings many items from the hurricane list as you can — espe-
not join but will help in case
and freeze water in plastic jugs. They will keep food colder cially drinking water.
of an emergency. Please come
longer, if electricity goes off, and when thawed out, can be • If no electricity, use your battery-operated radio and tune in to
to the next meeting being held
used for drinking. FM 100.7 Y-100; 107.9 WIRK; 102.3 WHLG; AM 1290 WBZT;
on August 18, 2008 at 6:30
• Wear your Medic Alert tag. 1450 WSTV. Don’t listen to rumors. Get the truth from the radio.
p.m. Those who are members
• Clean your bathtub and then fill with water for sanitary After the Hurricane
and have not attended a meet-
purposes. This is not for drinking. • Stay tuned to the radio for instructions.
ing in a while, we would love
• Place all your valuables, such as treasured pictures, per- • Don’t use the telephone, unless you have a life-threatening
to see you and introduce you
sonal papers, insurance papers, etc., in waterproof contain- emergency.
to all the new people who have
ers or plastic garbage bags. Store them on the top shelf of • Don’t drink tap water unless you are told it is OK. Boil the
joined. Please don’t forget:
the closet. Also wills, contracts, deeds and bonds, pass- water for five minutes before using.
Bring a friend with you.
ports, Social Security cards, bank accounts, immunization • Do not refreeze thawed out food. If electricity is out, try
For more information about
cards, birth certificates, etc. store foods in freezer compartment.
CERT, call Marcia Ziccardy at
• Secure checkbook, cash, ATM card. Do not leave valuables • Your Security and C.O.P. rover cars will be around to make
561-640-4258 or Phyllis Sie-
in a home safe during the hurricane. sure all buildings are secure. o
gelman at 561-471-7750. o
Page 8 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Palm Beach Home Health, Inc.

Lic. #HHA299992049

In home health care to fit your needs.

2150 S. Congress Ave., WPB, FL 33406 • 561-963-5544 • Fax 561-963-1883
Have you ever wondered what Home Health is? Have you ever had or thought that you might qualify for a Skilled Nurse
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What is Home Health? Home Health is skilled care services delivered to your home. Home Health patients are those
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disabled, the frail elderly, and the chronically or terminally ill. Home Health patients are in need of medical, nursing, or
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Do you qualify for a Skilled Nurse Assessment? You may qualify for a Skilled Nurse Assessment if you have a new
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Assessments help make sense of your medication regime and explain your disease process, in addition to helping the
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We hope it was helpful. If you still have questions, please feel free to call us for additional information.

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Office Hours: 9am-5pm, phone answered after hours by on call person.


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Short Term or Long 20 Years Experience

Elizabeth L. Debay-Wilson

62 Camden C
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
561-686-3923 Home
561-506-4460 Cell
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 9

HB 601 changes. The Association will be required to insure Choices

A/C + compressors.
By Dot Loewenstein
After January 1, 2009 home-owners insurance of individual
Choices, choices, choices
owner must contain a provision to include special assessment
— daily we have to make de-
Insurance coverage of no less than $2,000.00 per occurrence.
cisions. Which brand of
All improvements or additions to the condominium prop-
canned corn is less expensive?
Dan Gladstone erty that benefit fewer than all unit owners shall be insured
Should we splurge on fruit that
by the unit owner or owners having the use thereof, or may be
comes from Guatemala? Per-
insured by the Association at the cost and expense of the
haps we can take the 2 p.m.
unit owners having the use thereof.
bus instead of the crowded one
The Association shall require each owner to provide evidence
that leaves at 1 p.m.
This month, we and WPRF finally have reached the final of the currently effective policy of hazard and liability insur-
Many residents complain
step of rearranging and putting together the package deal of the ance... Upon the failure of an owner to provide a certificate
about the movies that come in
insurance policies of WPRF. within 30 days, the Association may purchase a policy of
a package to all the Century
The successful ending of this episode was owed mostly due insurance on behalf of an owner. The cost may be collected
Villages. We have a choice,
to the wonderful cooperation of the people at WPRF and the in the manner of collection of assessments.
which I often implement.
Operations Committee of UCO. We praise the good will of All reconstruction work after a casualty shall be undertaken
Leave the theater if this par-
these individuals at WPRF that reached, on certain occasions, by the Association. A unit owner may repair only with written
ticular movie has too many
“beyond the call of duty.” consent of the Board and after the method, qualifications, etc.,
unpleasant words, too much
As the result of this cooperation, Century Village in West was approved by the Board. The owner shall get the permits.
violence, or is just plain bor-
Palm Beach has its own set of insurance policies with a pack- Unit owners are responsible for the cost of reconstruction of
ing. There are evenings when
age that we have been seeking for years. It gives us better cov- the condominium property for which the unit owner is required
I would rather stay home and
erage, and by far, improved our deductibles. to carry casualty insurance and any such reconstruction work
watch Jeopardy.
One advantage among others is the liability policy. We now undertaken by the Association shall be chargeable to the unit
As for TV, will it be Judge
have our own $1 million per occurrence instead of “sharing” it owner and enforceable as an Assessment. The Association must
Judy, Dr. Phil, or Oprah? Soap
with the other three Century Villages. be an additional named insured and loss payee on all casu-
operas are prolific as are reruns
Our deductibles have changed from $3 million flat de- alty insurance policies issued to unit owners.
of old favorites. All-sports and
ductible on every occurrence to $600,000 deductible on the Any portion of the condominium property insured by the
all-news channels are avail-
Main Clubhouse, $100,000 on the gym, $37,000 on the con- Association in casualty shall be, repaired, as necessary by the
able 24/7 to those who find
tents, and so on. Association as a common expense. All insurance deductibles,
themselves addicted. We can
And above all, the renewal premiums are cheaper than the uninsured losses, and other damages in excess of hazard in-
always turn it off, and spend
previous year. surance coverage maintained by the Association are a com-
time reading instead.
Last month, the Governor signed into law the new HB601 mon expense except that:
Since we are in Florida,
that rewrites the insurance part of 718.111(11). Here are some A unit owner is responsible for any portion of the condo-
there seems to be a rule that
highlights that we chose to give you some idea on the changes. minium property not paid by such insurance proceeds, if such
we must spend time in the
The quotes from the new law speak for itself and it put much damage is caused by intentional conduct, negligence, or fail-
pool, but I feel we have a
more responsibility on the unit owners and removes a lot of the ure to comply with the rules of the Association by a unit owner.
choice, and prefer to go after
burden from the Associations. The Association is not obligated to pay for repair of casualty
4 p.m. when it’s less crowded.
Partial Highlights of HB 601 as a common expense if the casualty losses were known or
Others are known to go first
The bold type is UCO’s; see disclosure at the bottom. HB 601 should have been known to a unit owner and were not re-
thing every morning and do
is a complete rewrite of 718.111(11) — (the insurance section). ported to the Association until after the insurance claim of
pool exercises for their health.
After a casualty, if the Association insures it, the Associa- the Association was settled or resolved.
The younger crowd appear
tion repairs it and if there is not enough money from insurance An Association is not obligated to pay for any repair due to
to be tied to their computers,
proceeds (because of a deductible or otherwise), the Associa- casualty loss to any improvements installed by anyone if it ben-
while us older folks could care
tion will assess. efits only the unit for and is not part of the standard im-
less about instant news from
If an owner makes an improvement (for example, a bal- provements installed by the developer on all units as part of
celebrities, jokes forwarded by
cony enclosure), the unit owner will be required to insure it original construction, whether or not such improvement is lo-
our friends, and of course the
and repair it in a casualty, even if the improvement is outside cated within the unit.
ever-present spam. Excuse us
of the unit boundaries. The bill also revises the Association’s The effective date of HB 601 is July 1, 2008. As of 6/7/08,
for our lack of interest. We
insurance responsibility. the Governor has not signed it into law.
have the UCO Reporter and
It must have adequate insurance and have it appraised every This article is for information only, not to be used in any
Channel 63 to give us imme-
three years for the replacement value. legal matter. o
diate news of importance, and
we have an attorney to read the
slanderous items we are told
Call for Volunteers appear on the Internet for the
world to see.
As you may have noted, I have been appointed to Chair Delegates have learned to
think for themselves, weigh
the Cable Committee. the options, and make a
choice, usually based on a poll
Currently this is a Committee of one and I would like of the residents in their
association. The August 1st
to change that; I would like to expand the Committee voting brought a large number
of delegates to the clubhouse,
to at least five. and they chose Jerry Karpf and
Ken Davis to join George
This is a call to anyone who has worked in the TV/ Loewenstein. Ed Black and
Ken Davis worked together to
cable industry and would thus have specific knowledge get Channel 63 back on the air,
of the marketing and technical components of cable op- and David Israel has exhorted
all his followers to “leave be-
erations. hind fighting, blaming and di-
visions of groups and work
Please send me an Email at if together for the good of all.”
We agree. o
you would like to volunteer.
David Israel & & & &
Page 10 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

fect the first of this year regard- ters, windows, doors, or re- then vote to approve the same
ing the new hurricane codes. build patios on their unit. This amendment, and record it with
We then explained that this handout could be used as a the county clerk for it to be-
handout was prepared so that guide for the wording to be come legal. Every Board of
Maintenance an Association could deter- used in writing these amend- Directors must realize that if
mine what they could put into ments, and it was stressed that they don’t take any action on
Jerry Karpf their documents regarding the this example is only a sugges- placing the amendments into
upgrading or replacement of tion. The wording and content their documents, any unit
hurricane shutters, windows, is up to the Board to write. owner can put up whatever
doors and/or patios. Most im- After the new amendment is kind or color of hurricane pro-
portant is that the Board of prepared, the Board of Direc- tection they want. That is why
July 8, 2008 the Maintenance Com- Directors must give written tors must vote to approve the the Boards of all Associations
Before starting my article, mittee do not approve or permission before anyone can new bylaw. If the vote is affir-
e n d o r s e a n y p r o d u c t , install hurricane proof shut- mative, all unit owners must Continued on Page 19
I’d like to sincerely thank ev-
eryone who elected me a Vice manufacturer, or contrac-
President of UCO. I’ll try to tor, and furthermore, this
improve conditions in Century article cannot be used in
Village and try to help bring any legal matter.
peace to the Village. I’ll also • Another water drip alarm is
continue to chair the Mainte- sold in Lowe’s for about
nance Committee. $13 plus tax. You will find
Attendance at the mainte- it in the section with hot
nance meetings keeps getting water tanks. Thank you to
larger and larger. At the past the person who attends our
meeting we had over 120 meetings for the informa-
Association Presidents and tion that led me to find this
Board members present. Be- less expensive water drip
fore the meeting started, there alarm. A word to the wise:
were a few announcements: Don’t get caught in the
• All Delegates should try to middle of the night if the
attend the monthly Del- water heater goes — it is not
egate Meetings, otherwise, the type of problem you
they are missing out on a want to have. This device
lot of information that is could give you some warn-
made available to them. ing when your water heater
This information is not in starts to leak.
the UCO Reporter because I asked if everyone had re-
it is impossible to print ev- ceived a handout that was pre-
erything said at our pared, dealing with a new
monthly meetings. amendment to their docu-
• Our disclaimer precedes ments, concerning the new
every meeting: UCO and regulations that went into ef-

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Rock ’n Roll will never die! A story of the Young at Heart
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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 11

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Page 12 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 13

George Franklin

This month’s Safety article On a recent visit back to

is written by retired New York New York City, I saw too many
City Police Department Cap- intersections on Queens Blvd.
tain Ralph Wugman, a Safety with large yellow signs “A
Committee member. It will fo- Pedestrian Was Killed
cus on pedestrian safety. Crossing Here, Be Alert,
Since a number of Century Cross with Care.”
Village residents have been Your Safety Committee is
cited with moving violations, dedicated to protect and serve
the question comes to mind. our residents, but safe walking
“How safe are we as pedestri- is each one of our own respon-
ans?” Are we placing our- sibilities. Don’t become a sta-
selves in harms way by our tistic. Be safe! o
failing to exercise safe prac-
tices in our use of the road-
ways and streets inside our
village or on the streets of our
city? Let me point out from my
own recent experiences of un-
safe pedestrian actions in Cen-
tury Village:
• A female crossing a road-
way using a cell phone not
paying attention to traffic
around her.
• A male walking and read-
ing a book at the same time
not watching where he is
• A male walking in the road-
way again not paying any at-
tention to the oncoming
• I still see residents walking
at night and not wearing
light colored clothing or car-
rying a flashlight.
For safe walking habits
outside of our Village, cross
the street at marked cross-
walks and intersections when
• Make eye contact with driv-
ers so that they see you.
• Buses and trucks take
longer to stop; are you watch-
ing out for them?
• Pay attention to turning
vehicles, especially trucks
and buses making “Right
turns on Red.”
• Watch out for vehicles
backing out of parking

Try to Have the
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Page 14 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Where Are You Now? by pense” and she does not dis- $5,000 sea. 452-8863 or
Mary Higgins Clark, number appoint her readers with this
one on the New York Times’ latest novel, which she notes,
bestseller list. “Oh what a is based on a true story. In this For Sale
The Reader’s tangled web we weave, when book there are no four-letter
Corner first we practice to deceive!” words, the heroine is smart and Designer’s upper cnr unit, up-
If you want a suspense thriller the characters are well devel- dated, furn incl, MIC. Asking
Lenore Velcoff and a fast read, try this one. oped (albeit, too many). Once $69,900. 689-8391
Mack Mackenzie disap- again, this veteran writer has
pears from his New York a hit. Read it if you are a fan Greenbrier C, lg 2 BR 2 ba, FL
City apartment. Neither the of hers. If not, c’est la vie. o rm, gr vw, lux furnish, tile fls,
Lone Survivor by Marcus was the largest loss of life in police nor a private investi- CAC & htr, pvt pool next to
gator finds any trace of him. laundry & storage. Great price
Luttrell, written with Patrick
Robinson, is a true story of
SEAL history and the largest
loss of Special Operations Ten years later, his younger Classified neg: $180,000. 786-473-2682;
Navy SEALs, their training Forces since D-Day. How he sister, now an attorney, de- 561-478-6564
and missions. survives, what help he receives cides to put her life on hold
to try and locate him.
Ads For Rent
In the first half of the book, along the way and the mean-
Luttrell describes the physical ing of “lokhay warkawal” Once a year, on Mother’s
Day, Mack calls his mother to For Sale or Rent Condo is beaut renov, every-
and mental hardships he and makes for fascinating reading.
the other frogmen (another Luttrell also tells the paral- let her know that he is all right. thing new, new hurr resist,
This call and a note from him Furn, 1-1½, 2nd fl, nu 23 cu- wndow & patio drs, new appls
name for SEALs) suffer dur- lel story of what is happening
send his sister down a path bic side by side Whirlpool incl DW, oak cabs, 2 new ACs,
ing training. Once you read the back home in Texas, as told to
loaded with twists and turns as fridge, nu Tappan stove, nu fl CTs and CTs on walls in bath
day by day detailed account, him by his parents and his twin
she tries to solve the mystery door lock, nu roof, clean & & kit, marb fl in bath, new
you will never look at a SEAL brother, who is also a SEAL.
of what happened to her painted, nu flrg, nu pat tile, bath, new wtr htr, best deal in
the same way again. Their While it breaks your heart
brother. Along the way, she wndos & scrs, 3 fans, cpt & CV, close to CH. $515/mo.
training is so intense and gru- to read of the deaths of these
puts her own life in danger as HW tank 6 yrs old, 2 nu toi- 502-4583
eling that you can’t help but be brave young men, it is also dis-
she finds that her brother’s dis- lets, $4,000 53" Sony TV,
in awe of them. More than heartening to read of their fear
three-quarters of the men who of “political correctness” and appearance is linked to four sleeps 4 adults, 2 steps to pool, Wish I Said That
missing and presumed dead outdoor bldg pat, laundry & By John Saponaro
start the program drop out. the outcome of this fear. “Was
women. Clark makes many of bus stop, very motiv seller. “Psychology Today pub-
The mission into the moun- I afraid of the Taliban? No.
the characters that Carolyn Redu price already by $25,000 lished a study Thursday of the
tains of Afghanistan to kill a Was I afraid of the liberal me-
Mackenzie encounters appear to $55,000; make offers. 845- likes and dislikes of school-
Taliban leader and what hap- dia back in the U.S.A.? Yes.”
to be involved in these disap- 246-4319; 845-246-2060; children in America, which
pens there constitutes the sec- Though I do not agree with
pearances as she helps us un- 561-687-9324 revealed that most children
ond half of the book. It deals Marcus Luttrell’s politics and
with Operation Redwing. This the war in Iraq, I am extremely ravel the clues and brings us hate clowns. It’s not just the
to a fascinating, not frustrat- For Seasonal Rent children who hate clowns.
raid leads to the death of three proud of this young man, and
members of Luttrell’s four I know you will be, too, after ing, conclusion. Why do you think Congress
Mary Higgins Clark is Sheffield I, 2-1½ gr fl, remod, has such low approval rat-
man team as well as a rescue reading his story.
known as “the Queen of Sus- furn, tile, nr gym & pool. ings?” Argus Hamilton
team aboard a helicopter. It **********


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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 15

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Page 16 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Century Village Activities

Century Village ceramics Photo by Howie Silver

Sew and sew! Photo by Howie Silver

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5912 Okeechobee Boulevard, WPB, FL 33417 • Tel 561-697-8800 • Fax 561-697-3372
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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 17


Page 18 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 19

Tales from the complete proximity fuse, the The exploited Soviet duplicating cipher pages in or- Chapter 718 since 1978, and
same design that was used to Crypto-system used a code to der to keep up with demand. it contains many new laws and
Cold War shoot down Francis Gary Pow- convert words and letters into It was Arlington Hall’s Lt. some changes to existing laws,
Researched by Dave Israel ers’ U-2 in 1960. Under numbers, to which additive Richard Hallock, working on so it is important that all
Project Venona Feklisov administration, Julius keys from one-time pads were Soviet “Trade” traffic (so boards in Century Village read
“The real secrets are beyond Rosenberg is said to have re- added, encrypting the content. called because these messages them. Remember, H.B. 995
Top Secret and are known by cruited sympathetic individuals When used correctly, one-time dealt with Soviet trade issues), becomes effective on October
other names” to the KGB’s service, including pad encryption is theoretically Continued on Page ?!? 1, 2008, so do this as soon as
VENONA is a Signals In- Joel Barr, Alfred Sarant, Will- unbreakable. Cryptanalysis by possible. Because of all the
telligence (SIGINT) cover iam Perl and Morton Sobell. American and British code- Maintenance detailed information that was
name for the Cryptanalytic According to Feklisov’s ac- breakers revealed that some of Continued from Page 10 discussed at this maintenance
exploitation of a specific High count, he was supplied by Perl, the one-time pad material had must make it very clear that meeting about H.B. 995, it
Grade Soviet cipher system. un-der Julius Rosenberg’s direc- incorrectly been reused (reuse unit owners must get their would be impossible to write
Such successes are among the tion, with thousands of docu- of key is a violation of the written permission before they it in this article, so it is recom-
most highly classified secrets ments from the National prin-ciple rule of Cryptogra- purchase any hurricane shut- mended that you get your copy
of State and are normally never Advisory Committee for Aero- phy) by the Soviets (specifi- ters, windows, doors, or re- of this bill which is available
revealed publicly. In this case, nautics including a complete set cally, entire pages, although build their patios. The Board at the UCO office.
some 50 years after the events of design and production draw- not complete books), which of Directors will also have to The next meeting of the
in question, it was deemed ings for the Lockheed P-80 allowed decryp-tion (some- make sure that unit owners use Maintenance Committee will
“Critical” to a correct under- Shooting Star. Feklisov says he times only partial) of a small only contractors who are li- be on Tuesday, September 9,
standing of key historical learned through Julius that his part of the traffic. censed and insured. Permits 2008, in the Clubhouse Room
events that this story be told. brother-in-law David Green- Generating the one-time must be obtained before any C at 10 a.m. Dan Gladstone
Revelations from glass was working on the top- pads was a slow and labor-in- installation work starts. will be our guest speaker on
VENONA decryptions shed secret Manhattan Project at the tensive process, and the out- We then went into a discus- the new House Bill 601, which
light on such sensitive matters Los Alamos National Labora- break of war with Germany in sion about House Bill 995, deals with some changes to the
as; the existence of Soviet es- tory and used Julius to recruit June 1941 caused a sudden in- which concerns the major Insurance Laws in the state of
pionage at Los Alamos Na- him. Through this connection, crease in the need for coded changes and additions to Florida. We will also discuss
tional Laboratories. Identities key data on the Nuclear Bomb messages. It is probable that the Florida Law Chapter 718. This more of the ramifications of
soon emerged of American, was given to the Soviets. Soviet code generators started bill is the largest rewrite of H.B. 995. o
Canadian, Australian, and
British spies in service of the
Soviet government, including
$ Free Free Internet
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Page 20 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

How Old Is Old? “tag” that identifies them, ing for all societies. In some day have little interest in or the woman she is today.
prejudice often follows. In this societies, people are consid- even seem to care about the My grandchildren call us all
By Stewart Richland
instance it’s against the aged. ered old when they become thinking of the elderly. How the time. They have questions
Living in a community like
There is no question that older “Grandparents,” or when they could anyone who survived to be answered. They want
“Century Village” makes you
people have limited regenera- retire. In America and in some the turmoil of the 20th century advice. They get it tempered
acutely aware that you reside
tive powers, are more prone to European nations, you are con- not have some real gems of with the wisdom of the elderly.
in a place where everyone is a
disease, sickness and senility. sidered “old” when you have wisdom to tell. I have always The elderly have so much to
senior citizen. Wherever you
So what! This is just part of lived a certain number of years envied those who had grand- share with each and every one
go, you are surrounded by resi-
the cycle that all human beings or reach the age to become eli- parents because mine died of us that it’s a shame and a
dents with the badge of aging,
are part of. gible to receive Social Secu- when I was quite young. waste for younger people not
“white hair.” When I leave for
Do you remember the fa- rity payments. In America, the My wife Phyllis is a prime to take advantage of the
work every morning at 6:00
mous riddle that Oedipus had politicians and social scientists example of a person who had knowledge and wisdom that
a.m., I don’t see the sun come
to solve? Oedipus encountered refer to those citizens that have her feet in three generations. the older citizens can share.
up, but I do see dozens of our
the Sphinx, who stopped any reached the age of 65 as senior Growing up in the Bronx, she I ask the younger generation
seniors walking singly or in
traveler and asked him a riddle citizens. Century Village, your had the great fortune to live in to reflect on this. Have you
groups taking an early consti-
that none had yet been able to place to retire and spend the the same building as her ever gone to your grandma’s
tutional before they begin their
solve. If the traveler failed, he rest of your days in sunny “Bubbie.” She never hesitates house and asked for a cookie,
daily activities.
was eaten by the Sphinx. The Florida, enjoying your Club- to tell everyone about the role then take a huge bite and then
Wherever you go, the pools,
riddle was “What walks on house and all the other ameni- her “Bubbie” played in her scream that, “this cookie
the Clubhouse, the gym, you
four feet in the morning, two ties (as touted by Red Buttons) life. Teaching her how to cook, tastes horrible.” No. Because
see our community in action.
in the afternoon and three at is a product of this thinking. to speak Yiddish, and the won- Grandma makes the best cook-
Norman Vincent Peale, the fa-
night?” The answer was Senior citizens are fascinat- derful quotations that help ex- ies, and she is old.
mous television evangelist,
“Man.” This summarizes our ing people. They have lived a plain the human condition. It’s unfortunate when the
constantly reminded his flock,
journey from birth to death. long time and they have seen These were important. But on media deign to portray older
“Live your life and forget your
The boundary between so much. They tell such great the top of the list was the deep folks at all, but when they do,
age.” Century Village is a liv-
middle-age and old-age really stories about the world and intellectual insights to the hu- it is almost always shown in
ing example of this principle.
cannot be defined. It really how things used to be. It’s a man condition that she im-
So where am I going with Continued on page 43
does not have the same mean- wonder that young people to- parted to her and has made her
this theme? The other evening
on the David Letterman show,
he made a rude and insensitive
remark about John McCain’s
age. Before I continue with
this tome, I want to be very “Best Dining Carving
7 ”
clear to all my readers that this
article is definitely not politi-
cal. One of the continuing and Value of 20 0
persistent themes of the “talk- sy, Food Cri
ing heads,” and I am referring
to radio, television and news-
print, is that McCain is too old
to be a viable candidate for the
Charles Pas
Palm Bea ch Pos t — Dec. 14, 2

Presidency. AMERICAN Select as many entrees as you care to eat
I am, as I have already HOMESTYLE Entrees Include Fresh Carved:
stated, not making a case for COOKING Roast Turkey & Dressing • Baked Ham
or against any candidate. What
Roast Beef • Leg of Lamb
I am angry about is that so Breakfast Buffet and Prime Rib (Sat Night)
many people in the news me-
Omelet Station Corned Beef (Tue & Thurs)
dia are taking a position that
dismisses the older generation Roast Pork (Sun & Wed)

$ 99
as mentally failing, lacking ••••••••••••••••••
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petent to make important de-
Perdue Fried Chicken (NO Trans Fats) $
Someone once commented Perdue Baked Chicken
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that “old age comes at a bad
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alternative? Have you ever
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that comes with old age? I did SENIOR CITIZEN
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and here are some very special Dinner Buffet

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insights. “Your investment in
health insurance is finally be-
Under 3 Free 3:30-6:00pm 7
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much worse.” “There’s noth- Typical Hot & Cold Foods Include:
ing left to learn the hard way.” Coffee or Tea Two Soups Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce
Just what is old age any-
Mashed Potatoes Spinach Leaves • Bean Sprouts
way? According to some, it for Your Broccoli • Green Beans Salad Vegetables
begins when we near the end
or surpass the average life span Table. Carrots • Zucchini Cottage Cheese
of human beings. Euphemisms Expires 10/31/08 Baked Squash & More Fruit Salad • Jello w/Fruit
are for older people, including
seniors or, as many politicians
Pies, Cakes & Beverages Available at Extra Charge
like to refer to us as, the “eld-
erly.” As often happens in so-
ciety when a group is given a 561-842-7791 vingsta
vingstationb uf
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 21

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centur ate, inc. has 150+ active listings incl
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$29,900 perfectly kept gr fl in rentabl bldg $43,900 X-lg patio on 2nd fl

$48,900 2 ACs, close to gate w/nu cpt & fresh paint $43,500 gr fl on wtr w/shower stall

$33,500 fully furn gr fl apt in rentable bldg $59,900 awesome vw, priced to sell

$59,900 2nd fl elev bldg w/vw beyond compare $76,000 beauti maint in elev bldg

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Century Village® Real Estate, Inc. Ben G. Schachter, Licensed Real Estate Broker. Prices/Inventory subject to change without notice.
Page 22 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

of this is the recent changes in ing year’s operations, includ-

the dress code for swimming in ing additional projects I would
the pools. In prior years, resi- like to implement, and I will
dents were allowed to swim be making my initial budget
Anita J. Cruz with t-shirts over their bathing presentation at the end of Au-
suits while in the pool; how- gust. Some changes, deletions
V.P., WPRF, Inc. ever, our security guards are and/or additions are always CALL TO ARTISTS
enforcing the posted rules made to the first draft of the The Century Village
which prohibit the wearing of budget, after which the UCO Art Committee
“street clothes” in the pools, Operations Committee and I is Requesting Your
which includes cotton t- shirts. agree upon and finalize the for Display in the
While many of our residents all policies under the Millen- Those residents who are look- coming year’s budget for pre- Main Clubhouse
are away for the summer, our nium Agreement, WPRF and ing for an approved “top” to sentation to the delegates no
Artwork Will Be Shown
WPRF staff is working hard. It the UCO Operations Commit- wear in the pool for protection later than October of each year. for Four Weeks
has been, and continues to be, tee have worked together to from the sun are urged to wear One last item of interest to on a Rotating Basis
my goal to improve the appear- find the best method available tops made of swimwear-like many of our residents —
Please Bring Your Art
ance, comfort and convenience to ensure that new or changed material (Lycra, spandex or Karaoke has not been cancelled. to the Clubhouse on
of the recreational facilities here policies are fair and are prop- polyester), now available in Many logistic and operational Monday, Sept. 22, 2008
in Century Village, and your erly enforced. This applies to most retail stores. In addition, changes have been necessary, 10 am to Noon or 6 to 7 pm
in Meeting Room C
comments and suggestions have the pool rules as well as the the rules prohibiting food at the but we still offer Karaoke to our
helped me gain insight into ar- general rules and regulations pools are now being enforced residents in the Party Room on Additional Information:
eas for improvement. for all WPRF facilities with unless the food is brought to a Tuesdays and Fridays. 1) One or two original pieces can
be submitted per Century
Summer Work: We have respect to resident and guest WPRF-approved function. Thank you all for your Village artist.
been working on several passes and dress codes. Another summer task keep- phone calls, suggestions and 2) All work must be framed or
gallery wrapped and ready to
projects this summer, including: Unfortunately, many of the ing me busy is the preparation letters about those items of in- hang.
• Improvement of the HVAC rules and regulations are nec- of the annual budget for pre- terest to you. It is your valued 3) Please include your name,
address and phone on the back
system, which is nearing essary to keep in place, and sentation to the UCO Opera- input that assists me and the of each piece.
completion with only a doing so does not please all of tions Committee. Each year, I UCO Operations Committee Questions:
Thomas Jones — 689-7008
couple of trouble spots left our residents. A good example present my plans for the com- in making wise decisions. o
(we have also changed AC
better service).
• Painting of interior hallways
and rooms (a year-round on- • WINDOW CLEANING • WINDOW CLEANING
going project).
• Complete remodeling of the
Hastings fitness Center 20% OFF 20% OFF
swimming pool.
• Landscaping improvements
Licensed and Insured Licensed and Insured
to the Clubhouse front is-
land and walkways. 2008-07498 2008-07499 2008-07498 2008-07499
• Redesign of the Theater
seating to better accommo- Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking
date wheelchair seating and window screens • Porch screening • window screens • Porch screening •
increase the number of
overall seats. Waterproof screening • And much more Waterproof screening • And much more
• Installation of new metal ex-
terior doors at various loca-
tions around the Clubhouse.
• Revitalization of the Art Com- 561-968-7520 561-968-7520
mittee, which is now actively
accepting residents’ art work • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals
for a rotating display through- & Operated Estimates Since 1974 & Operated Estimates Since 1974
out the Clubhouse, and
• planning for an Art Show
details about the Art Show
will be made available to
you in the coming months). • WINDOW CLEANING • WINDOW CLEANING
• Our residents now have ac-
cess to a computer, located
in the Staff Office, available 20% OFF 20% OFF
for use throughout the day,
including WIFI capabilities
Licensed and Insured Licensed and Insured
for Internet access.
• General maintenance through- 2008-07498 2008-07499 2008-07498 2008-07499
out the facilities, including in-
stallation of new gutters on the Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking
North side of the building. window screens • Porch screening • window screens • Porch screening •
• Installation of new Pool
Rules and Regulations signs Waterproof screening • And much more Waterproof screening • And much more
at each pool.
And speaking of rules and
regulations, such as those cur-
rently in effect at our pools, 561-968-7520 561-968-7520
you may be interested in how
such rules are implemented. • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals
While the UCO Operations & Operated Estimates Since 1974 & Operated Estimates Since 1974
Committee has the right to set
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 23

Grand CoCo Plum Come On In!

Opening Plaza
Next to Singing Bamboo
CONDITIONED • Family Haircuts
• Senior Discounts
• Clipper Cuts
HOURS: • Flat-Tops
9 am - 7 pm • Fades
9 am - 6 pm • Shag/Layer Cuts


NECESSARY Regular Haircut .............. $13.00
Senior Haircut .................$11.00
Children 12 & Under .......$11.00
Wash/Cut Blow Dry.... $25 & Up
HAIRCUTS 2845 Military Trail

Pita & Grill

• Glatt Kosher • Birthday Groups of
(under ORB Pita & Grill Five or More;
Birthday Kid is FREE
• Serving Lunch 10% OFF • Shabbos Specials
and Challah Available
and Dinner
• Eat-In or Take-Out COUPON Thursdays and
• Catering for Offer Expires on 9/30/08 • FREE Salad Bar
All Occasions with Entree

Hours: Sun 11am-10pm • Mon-Thu 12pm-9pm • Fri 11am-2 hrs before Shabbat • Sat closed
1649 Forum Place, Suite 4A, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
561-683-0782 • 561-683-3089 (fax) • 866-590-PITA 7 4 8 2

Certified Kosher Chef: Arie Lavon

Page 24 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 25

Avis Blank

As you know, migratory Cook rolled oats in boiling

birds do not go hungry during water in a large saucepan for
the winter season in Florida, about two minutes, stirring
but many non-migrating birds constantly until very thick.
in the northern United States Remove from heat. Stir in pea-
can starve after a blizzard or nut butter and suet until
very heavy snowstorm. melted. Stir in remaining four
You can do a good deed and ingredients. Cool and shape as
have fun at the same time by desired.
preparing breakfast for the Note: Trail Mix, nuts, ber-
birds now and freeze in the ries and peanuts can be added
freezer until needed. Those of if you have them on hand. o
you that reside in Florida dur-
ing the winter months can
have your family and friends
feed the birds for you while
you are away. When they do
so, they will think of you and
you will be rewarded during
the summer season by the
bird’s sweet song.
Breakfast for the Birds
• 1-1/2 cups quick-cooking
oats (not instant)
• 2 cups boiling water
• 1/2 cup chunky peanut
• 3/4 cup suet (or vegetable
• 1/2 cup birdseed
• 1 cup yellow cornmeal
• 1 cup Cream of Wheat ce-
real (not instant)
• 1/3 cup dry cranberries,

A Smart Blonde
Last year, I replaced all the
windows in my house with
those expensive double-pane
energy-efficient kind. Yester-
day I got a call from the con-
tractor who installed them. He
was complaining that the win-
dows had been installed a
whole year ago and I had never
paid for them yet.
Hellooooooooo? Now just
because I’m blonde doesn’t
mean that I am automatically
stupid. So I told him just ex-
actly what his fast-talking sales
guy had told me last year…
namely, that in just one year,
these windows would pay for
Hellooooooooo? (I told
him.) “It’s been a year!”
There was only silence at
the other end of the line, so I
finally just hung up…
He hasn’t called back, prob-
ably too embarrassed about
forgetting the guarantee they
made me. Bet he won’t under-
estimate a blonde anymore.
From the Internet
Submitted by Ken Davis
Page 26 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 27

Susan Wolfman

#1 REMAX @ Century Village

561-512-5183 Office • 561-401-8704 Main
561-340-1980 Fax
Ground Floor 1 BR/1 BATH Ground Floor 2 BR /1½ BATH
KENT-G Tile floors, new appliances, next to OXFORD-100 Beauty, waterside, all tile, new
central air conditioning ........................ $72,500
pool, nice fresh paint ........................ $27,500 DORCHESTER-H Water views, new kitchen,
NORWICH-O Pretty, near gate, new bath nicely furnished .................................... $69,900
and appliances ................................. $39,900 WALTHAM-G Corner, new CA, walk to
SHEFFIELD-K New oak kitchen, tile and Clubhouse, great price.......................... $47,900
ANDOVER-L Turnkey, rentable unit on water,
bath .................................................. $39,900 great association .................................. $49,900
EASTHAMPTON-A Clean and bright, NORWICH-N Pet friendly, updated garden,
across from gate ............................... $39,900 pat w/Frch drs (negotiable) .................. $59,900
Upper Floor 1 BR /1 BATH Upper Floor 2 BR /1½ BATH
NORWICH-J Tastefully furnished, turnkey
WINDSOR-M Nicely furnished, tile, walk to with tile, must see ................................. $49,900
pool .................................................. $29,900 SOUTHAMPTON-B Corner, new kit & baths,
ANDOVER-B Decorator turnkey rentable granite, tile fls on golf course ............... $99,000
unit, great investment........................ $37,500 NORTHAMPTON-F Corner and more on
NORWICH-C Excellent condition, new water .................................................... $59,900
NORWICH-N Pet friendly, corner, tile &
berber, stainless appliances .............. $24,900 more, great price too! ........................... $69,900
SHEFFIELD-K Oak kitchen, new air Luxury 2/2s
conditioning and flooring ................. $29,900 DOVER-C Ground, lakeside beauty, new kit,
Ground Floor 1 BR /1½ BATH tile, new patio ....................................... $99,900
SOMERSET-B Lakeside beauty, entirely new,
WINDSOR-G Turnkey furnished unit, open fl plan, tile & new patio ............. $107,500
absolute perfection ........................... $36,900 WELLINGTON-F Corner, tile, updated,
EASTHAMPTON-F Corner, new AC, new lovely .................................................. $119,900
stall shower, walk to gate .................. $39,900 WELLINGTON-L Stunning, completely
renovated, ready to move in .................. $99,000
CANTERBURY-J Corner, tile throughout, WELLINGTON-H Pristine, lovely vw$79,900
newer AC .......................................... $49,900 GREENBRIER Tile, mirrors, new everything,
WELLINGTON-E Spectacular lake view, shows like a model .............................. $159,900
sacrificed .......................................... $59,900 OXFORD-500 Oversized, ground floors, tons
of potential ........................................... $59,900
Upper Floor 1 BR /1½ BATH WELLINGTON-F Ground floor, gorgeous
STRATFORD-N Oversized beauty, new new kit, updated baths, tile, on lake .... $109,900
flooring, baths & new oven too ......... $28,000
WELLINGTON-D Nice price for beauti
floorplan, great waterview ................ $52,900 RENTS!
OXFORD-400 1½ gr fl OS acr fr pool, must see fl pl ..................................................... $750
SOUTHAMPTON-C Nice, furn, hurricane CAMDEN-I 1½ cnr, gr fl tile, acr fr pool .......................................................................... $550
shutters, stall shower ........................ $39,900 WINDSOR-G 2/1½ 2nd fl cnr, furn & clean ................................................................... $600
SHEFFIELD-D 2nd fl, parq fls, pris, nu kit/bath & wtr too .......................................... $600
SUSSEX-F Corner, tile floors, on preserve, SOUTHAMPTON-C 1½ beauty w/OS pat, furn, CAC .................................................... $650
WELLINGTON-L 2/2, stng, comp renov, tile thruout ....................................................$850
great buy!!! ....................................... $42,900 SOUTHAMPTON-C wood fls, part furn, nu appls & pat, CAC ...................................... $650
ANDOVER-K 1/1 gr fl, H2O, tile, furn ................................................................. $550/1,000
SOUTHAMPTON-C Wood lam thruout, COVENTRY-G 2/1½ gr fl, nr CH, tile, nice ...................................................................... $675
SHEFFIELD-J 1/1½ cnr, gr lf, pretty ........................................................ seasonal $5,000
new patio, furn.................................. $39,900 STRATFORD 1/1½ stng, tile, granite wtrvws, grt asn .................................................. $750
WELLINGTON-F Exquisite view, tile, WINDSOR 1/1 lovely retreat, tile, nice price .................................................................... $550

updated, great price.......................... $59,900 MANY MORE, SEASONAL TOO!

Page 28 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

The Plight of the From the ger surprise for you. “I’m most always a man) would be would lace up in the front. A
O’Toole.” invited to sit in this chair dur- tightly tied lace was worn by a
Century Big Book of ********** ing a meal. To sit in this chair proper and dignified lady as in
Twas the day of the meeting Jewish Humor Sol Cohen visits a kosher meant you were important and “straight laced.”
and all thru the room, Chinese restaurant on the in charge. Sitting in the chair, Common entertainment in-
A patient in a mental insti-
Lower East Side and to his one was called the “chair man.” cluded playing cards. How-
Not a brain cell was working, tution argued that he must be
surprise the Chinese waiter Today in business we use the ever, there was a tax levied
so cluttered with gloom. served only Kosher food. Fi-
addresses him in Yiddish. On expression or title “Chairman when purchasing playing
The bodies were there and nally the director acquiesced.
the way out, as he is paying the or Chairman of the Board.” cards, but only applicable to
A few days later, on the Sab-
they twitched like a bird check, he says to the propri- Needless to say, in those the “Ace of spades.” To avoid
bath, he saw the same patient
And everyone listened but etor, “You run a nice restau- days, personal hygiene left paying the tax, people would
smoking a cigar. “Wait a
nobody heard. rant. And a Chinese waiter much room for improvement. purchase 51 cards instead. Yes,
minute,” said the director. “We
who speaks Yiddish. What a As a result many women and wince most games require 52
The clatter, the chatter, the had to order special food for
gimmick that is.” “Not so loud, men had developed acne scars cards, these people were
arrogant stance, you and now you are smoking
says the owner, “He thinks it’s by adulthood. The women thought to be stupid or dumb
on the Sabbath!” “But doc-
The shivers of anger like St. English.” would spread bee’s wax over because they weren’t “playing
tor,” replied the patient. “Did
Vitus’ dance. their facial skin to smooth out with a full deck.”
you forget? I’m meshugenah.”
their complexions. When they Submitted by Bob Schenkel
And everyone practiced the ********** Time for a Little were speaking to each other,
art of “accuse.” A Texan visiting Israel and
And labeled the answers the feeling thirsty stops at a house
History Trivia! if a woman began to stare at Karaoke
another woman’s face she was
art of “excuse.” along the road. “Can you give In the late 1700s, many
told “mind your own bee’s
me a drink of water? Asks the houses consisted of a large
That “this” was no good and room with only one chair. Com- wax. Should the woman smile, Every Tuesday night
Texas. “Of course” says the
“that” was a shame, monly, a long wide board was the wax would crack, heck the from 6:30 to 9:30 and
Israeli and invites the Texan to
That “he” was a crook and folded down from the wall and term “crack a smile.” Also, Friday night from 6-9
come inside. “What do you
used for dining. The “head of when they sat too close to the p.m. in the Clubhouse
“she” was to blame. do? Asks the Texas “I raise a
the household” always sat in fire, the wax would melt and
But very few offered to hold few chickens” answers the Is- Party Room. Come join
the chair while everyone else therefore the expression “los-
out their hand raeli. “Really” says the Texan; the fun: music,
ate sitting on the floor. Once in ing face.”
“I’m also a farmer. How much dancing and singing.
And no one came forward a while, a guest (who was al- Ladies wore corsets which
land do you have?” Well, says
like brothers to band. the Israeli, “out from here,
There’s a whole lot of anger three miles and in back I have
at UCO today six miles — how about your
With thinking, of course, that land?” “On my ranch,” replies
the Texan, “I have breakfast
there’s “someone” to pay.
and get into the car and I drive
We seem to forget that it and drive — and don’t reach
takes a whole group the end of the ranch until
To laugh in the kitchen that dinnertime” “Wow” exclaims
makes chicken soup, the Israeli, “I once had a car
And it’s not just the chicken like that.”
that shines at the meal,
Leo Rosten tells of a young
But the various goodies that priest on New York’s East Side
finish the deal. who sees a large sign over a
Let’s get back to cooking a store, “Pincus and O’Toole.”
menu for all. The priest goes into the store
and is greeted by a man with a
Stop burning the pot and
beard and wearing a skull cap.
answer the call. The priest is delighted. “It does
Let’s start a new plate and my heart good to see how your
work with the rest, people and mine have come
And make Century known together in friendship and
as the Village that’s best. business. “Well” says the man
with the beard” “I’ve got a big-
Suzanne Cohen

UCO Quadrants 2008-09

Frank Cornish Jerry Karpf
Cambridge Coventry
Canterbury Easthampton
Chatham Norwich
Dorchester Plymouth
Kent Salisbury
Northampton Sheffield
Sussex Waltham

Sal Bummolo Ken Davis

Andover Berkshire
Bedford Camden
Golf’s Edge Dover
Greenbrier Hastings
Kingswood Somerset
Oxford Wellington
Southampton Windsor
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 29

Pregnant Pause puzzled look, asked, “Is it a

good baby?”
A three year old walked
over to a pregnant lady while
She said, “Oh, yes. It’s a Wish I Said That
Stamps in waiting with his mother in the
real good baby.” By John Saponaro
With an even more sur- “‘Before arriving at the Ha-
doctor’s office.
the News He inquisitively asked the lady,
prised and shocked look, he vana airport I didn’t know if I
asked, “Then why did you would be transported to the
Syd Kronish “Why is your stomach so big?”
eat him?” 1950s — as Cuba often is
She replied, “I’m having
From the Internet shown in movies — or to a
a baby.”
With big eyes, he asked, “Is modern city. The truth was
Say You Saw It in the
somewhere in between.”

the baby in your stomach?”
In these times of stress fac-
ing Americans — wars, high
Would you prefer a single, She said, “He sure is.”
colorful “Happy Birthday” Then the little boy, with a Reporter Bill Northey

gas prices, foreclosures, bank- stamp ?!? The Postal Service

ruptcies, job losses, soaring has those in stock too. Three
food prices, to mention a few
— we all could use a little
“cheering up.” Right ?!?
Happy Birthday stamps have
been released — in 1987,
1988, and one in 2002 fulfill-
Annuity Owners
That is why the U.S. Postal
Service tells us, in stamp form,
to get happy, and forget your
ing the mailing needs of the
public. The design shows the
word “Happy Birthday” in
Could Pay 50% to the
troubles. There are so many
occasions in life to celebrate.
Thus, the recently issued “Cel-
“We continually receive re-
quests for this stamp,” says
IRS in Taxes!
Manager of Stamp Develop-
ebrate” stamp has been reis-
sued to acknowledge a host of ment Terrence W. McCaffrey. Many annuity owners are losing
happy occasions, from birth- **********
days to engagements, to anni-
versaries and more. When
The master of fun and cel-
ebration, of course, is Walt
half of their annuity value to taxes
good times call for good
wishes, this stamp design will
Disney fans have long and most are not even aware of
hoped to see U.S. commemo-
add a touch of cheer to special
greeting cards and gift-bearing rative stamps featuring some the problem. The IRS is not re-
packages. of their favorite characters. In
The stamp design consists
of 12 colorful blocks arranged
2005, the USPS issued four
stamps showing Disney fa-
quired to notify annuity owners about
in four horizontal rows, with
three blocks in each row. Each
mous characters. McCaffrey,
who also designed this set of a little known secret that could save
stamps, commented, “Disney
block in the top three horizon-
tal rows contains a single let- characters have such wide ap- thousands of dollars in income and
ter of the alphabet, and peal not only in the U.S., but
together, the blocks spell out
the word “Celebrate.” The
also worldwide. A collabora-
tion between the USPS and
estate taxes.
three blocks in the bottom row Disney was a natural pairing.”
contain an exclamation point,
a star, and the denomination,
The four stamps in the set
show Mickey and Minnie, A FREE booklet is available that
42 cents. Alice in Wonderland and
Seventy-five million stamps t h e M a d H a t t e r, S n o w
White, Happy and The
shows current annuity owners how
were printed. First day of is-
sue postmarks can be obtained
by mail. You may purchase the
Little Mermaid.
If your local post office does
to avoid big mistakes and save
new stamps at your local post
office or call 1-800-STAMP-
not have any of these stamps
mentioned in this column, thousands!
24. You can affix the stamps phone toll free 1-800-STAMP-
to your envelopes, address 24, and also ask for a free cata-
them and place in a larger en- log to help you in your
knowledge of stamp collecting
This FREE booklet shows you the
velope and send to: Celebrate
Stamp, Postmaster, Special
Cancellations, P.O. Box
Is it possible that FDR’s fa-
vorite tune Happy Days Are
most costly annuity owner mistakes!
92282, Washington, D.C., Here Again will also be resur-
20090-2282. rected? I hope so! o
Call 1-877-374-3966 today to get
Notice to All Associations
Due to water restrictions in Palm Beach County, hos- your FREE copy of the booklet that
ing of the building will no longer be provided by Seacrest
Services, Inc. until the restrictions are lifted. These re- the IRS and insurance companies
strictions are Palm Beach County’s — not Seacrest
Service’s. Residents may contact Le’Roy Coffee at 1- would likely prefer you never read!
800-662-8876 to verify these restrictions. Residents may
pressure wash buildings, wash cars, boats or hand water
new plants with a garden hose, however, hosing of the
buildings is not permitted.
Call 1-877-374-3966
Should an Association want their building hosed
and are willing to sign a waiver stating they will pay
any fines for violations, Seacrest Services, Inc. will
Today for Your
then hose their building upon receipt of the signed
waiver. FREE Booklet!
Page 30 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008


Visit My Site
Office: 561-804-9603 • Fax: 561-640-0224 • Cell 561-512-2485
5776 Okeechobee Blvd., WPB, FL 33417
UPPER FLOOR CORNER 1 BED 1.5 OR 2 BATH Dorchester B - Furn. Beautiful ceramic tile floors, Pretty 35,000
Norwich G - Unfurn, carpet/vinyl tile, remodeled 28,000 Salisbury F - Furn, New Range, Frig, ceramic 40,000
Norwich O - Furn, Rentable, near E. gate Great 33,000 Berkshire G - Carpet, Ceramic Tile Rentable 27,000
Camden H - Unfurn. Lots of light Carpet, Rentable 39,000 Easthampton A - Lovely furnished upstairs unit, must see! 37,000
Dorchester D - Furn. Parquet floors, near pool 45,000 Berkshire G - Rent to own, Close to west gate 28,900
Golf’s Edge E - Unfurn, rentable, ceramic tile & encl patio 38,000 Kingswood C - Redone, rentable, pretty and furnished 39,000
Bedford E - Includes lift!! Lots of light! Carpet 40,000 Camden J - New bathroom utilities, New water heater 50,000
Norwich G - Unfurn. Remodeled, near Club 28,000 Kingswood C - Pretty, rentable, close to amenities 55,000
Camden I - Furn. carpet, rentable bldg. near pool 35,000 Coventry E - Central A/C, new furniture, mirror walls 39,900
Sussex A - Ceramic rile, New A/C, lots of light, rentable 42,000 Canterbury F - Furn., New Shower & tile in bathroom, A/C 39,950
Kent H - Furnished, rentable building 64,900 Northampton L - Partially furn, Newer Appliances 35,000
Sussex B - Rentable building, new a/c & h2o heater 56,000 UPPER FLOOR CORNER 2 BED 1.5 OR 2 BATH
Golf’s Edge E - Near club, furnished, Berber carpet, A/C 53,000 Dover C - partly furn, waterview, ceramic tile 74,900
Camden C - Water view, near pool and W. gate, pretty 39,000 Sheffield M - furn, encloed patio. Move right in!!! 49,000
Waltham C - Furn., newer refrigerator and counters 44,000 Norwich H - Redone, Beauty, Rentable, furn. Best Offer 60,000
Norwich G - Beauty, fully furn. newer A/C, near E, gate 44,000 Cambridge H - Stunning! Furn, new hurricane windows 69,900
Cambridge G - Furn., central A/C, near pool 49,900 Chatham J - cer tile, heart of everything 69,900
Easthampton H - Furnished, carpet, garden view 50,000 Canterbury J - cer tile, unfurn, nr pool 38,900
Windsor S - Fully furnished, very clean condo 55,000 Cambridge E - cpt, out cnr, furn, cpt 43,000
Coventry E - Furn, near E. gate and fitness center 69,900 Waltham I - new AC, pt furn, lots of lite! East gate 57,900
GROUND FLOOR CORNER 1 BED 1.5 BATH Easthampton F - new AC, nr east gate, priced to sell! 48,000
Sheffield N - Furn, Ceramic tile/carpet, rentable 49,000 Kingswood D - beauty, well taken care of, rentable 49,000
Coventry G - Ceramic tile, furnished, Redone 49,000 Waltham A - furn, rentable, cpt, nr club, east gate 58,000
Plymouth V - Lots of Privacy, Furn, Central Air 59,900 Hastings B - unfurn, lift, cpt, lite and brite 58,000
Waltham F - Handyman special!!! Rentable, nr east gate 22,000 Canterbury C - new wtr htr, CA, encl patio 59,000
Oxford 200 - Absolutely amazing!! Ceramic tile, new kit. 49,000 Waltham A - rentable, nr amenities, furn 68,000
Norwich G - Furnished, garden view, pergo floors 52,000 Sheffield M - cnr unit, mod app, close to Temple 45,000
Golf’s Edge D - Beautiful, near east gate. 55,000 Norwich L - Furn. Rentable, great location 70,000
Sheffield B - Unfurn. Waterview, very pretty 33,000 Sheffield O - Ceramic tile, Pretty Garden View 75,000
Andover F - Nice, Central 42,000 Sheffield O - Beauty!! Furn. Quiet area, near Hastings 75,000
Coventry C - Ceramic tile, walk in shower 40,000 GROUND FLOOR CORNER 2 BED 1.5 / 2 BATHS
Sussex A - Furnished, ceramic tile, rentable building 34,995 Salisbury F - Rentable, near east gate, outside corner 43,000
Sheffield M - Sweet and cozy, near Hastings fitness ctr. 49,900 Plymouth K - Ceramic tile, beauty, upgrades galore! 179,500
Berkshire F - Unfurnished, tile, new appl., central A/C 49,500 Andover M - Ceramic Tile, waterview, cul-de-sac 48,000
Windsor M - Furnished, central A/C, garden view 49,000 Norwich J - Furn, Near east gate. Great Price! 49,000
Cambridge G - Lots of upgrades!! Ceramic tile, nr pool 36,000 Coventry E - Furn, ceramic tile, close to clubhouse 66,000
GROUND FLOOR 1 BED 1/1.5 BATH Salisbury I - New vanities, tile near clubhouse 65,000
Dover B - Waterview, beauty, near clubhouse 65,000 Camden F - Waterview, unfurn. Washer and dryer 75,000
Norwich G - Furn only, ceramic and pergo fl, garden vw 52,000 Kent D - New everything!! Tenant in place 95,000
Camden E - Waterview, near pool, rentable, furnished 45,000 Northampton J - Rentable building, Waterview, very pretty 89,900
Camden J - Full of upgrades, turn key, new furniture 72,900 Southampton B - Partially furn, parking very close 104,000
Windsor N - Beauty, Near pool and west gate 46,900 UPPER FLOOR 2 BED 1.5/2 BATH
Camden H - Unfurnished, newer appliances 40,000 Wellington H - Unfurn, carpet, great waterview, shutters 58,900
Southampton C - Ceramic tile, near pool, golf view, unfurn 32,000 Waltham B - Rentable, furn, carpet, near East Gate 49,000
Easthampton C - Furnished, ceramic tile, newer appliances 55,000 Oxford 500 - Unfurn, Carpet, Redone 50,000
UPPER FLOOR 1 BED 1.5 BATH Berkshire H - Part Furn, Ceramic tile/carpet, newer appl. 49,000
Northampton - Lift, Waterview, ceramic/carpet, furn 34,000 Norwich B - Carpet, furn. Newer appliances. 49,000
Waltham G - Furn, Ceramic TIle, Screened Patio, Rentable 23,000 Golf’s Edge E - Furn. With lift, carpet, near pool! 59,000
Chatham U - Heart of community. Lots of light!! Nice! 33,000 Norwich A - Furn. Near amenities, well taken care of 58,600
Camden J - Tile, gardenview near large pool, furn. 45,000 Easthampton C - New countertops, cabinets, dishwasher 67,000
Salisbury D - Lift included!! Walk to east gate. Furn 34,000 Stratford B - Near east gate, ceramic tile, lots of light, rentable 65,000
Hastings F - Furn, Near Hastings Fitness Center 25,000 Northampton J - Very nice, Furnished, Carpet, rentable 43,000
Dover B - Unfurn, ceramic tile, waterview, Beauty 55,000 Bedford H - Part furn. Waterview, storm shutters, NICE 40,000
Dover A - Unfurn. Ceramic tile, waterview, new A/C 53,000 Wellington J - Beautiful Designer furnished. Granite tops 149,000
Waltham A - Furn, Carpet, Come enjoy 36,500 Kent F - Furn, near Kent Pool GREAT DEAL ! 38,000
Greenbrier A - ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! 95,000 Sussex E - Unfurn. Rentable, ceramic tile 52,000
Stratford N - Furnished, nice location 33,000 Oxford 100 - Furn. Waterview, Steps to pool 65,000
Southampton A - Unfurn. Redone, golfview 49,900 Sheffield G - New bathroom, furn., great design!!! 65,000
Golf’s Edge G - Beauty, carpet, ceramic tile 49,000 Windsor G - Furn, gardenview, ceramic tile 55,000
Dover C - Central A/C, elevator bldg, Near Clubhouse 56,000 Coventry D - Furn. Neg., new kit., all remodeled 43,000
Easthampton G - Furn, Berber carpet, 2 A/C units 49,000 Greenbrier A - Golf View, renovated, part furnished 105,000
Easthampton D - Lovely furn condo, near east gate 50,000 Coventry C - Newer Appl. Berber Carpet 49,000
Norwich H - Lots of upgrades, near E. gate 42,000 GROUND FLOOR 2 BED 1.5 OR 2 BATH
Chatham K - Newer appliances, near amenities, furn 44,000 Norwich H - Unfurn, Rentable, upgrades 55,000
Wellington F - Water view, furnished, elevator in bldg. 73,000 Norwich G - Furnished, near East Gate, Rentable 59,000
Canterbury D - Furnished, Motivated, near pool 48,500 Hastings C - Ceramic tile. Across from Hastings Pool!! 74,900
Southampton A - Hardwood floors, new appliances 75,000 Northampton H - Furn. waterview, rentable 49,900
GROUND FLOOR 1 BED 1 BATH Norwich L - Private area, rentable, furn New A/C 45,000
Sheffield K - Furn, carpet, great condition 65,000 Sheffield A - Waterview, decorator’s delight! WOW! Rentable 55,000
Norwich B - Furn, berber carpet, ceramic tile 28,000 Stratford B - Near Clubhouse, great floor plan 55,000
Bedford G - Furn, ceramic tile/carpet 33,000 CONDOS/HOUSES OUTSIDE CENTURY VILLAGE
Camden G - Handyman special, rentable, furnished 20,000 GOLDEN LAKES SALE
Northampton S - Beautiful ceramic tile, upgrades galore 28,000 Lake Frances - wtrvw, 1/2 convert, nu appls, CT, WM 86,500
Camden J - Unfurn. Near west gate, and pool 25,000 LAKE WORTH FOR RENT
Northampton G - Furn, Carpet, newer countertop 29,500 Rental, 2/2 furn, CAC, WD mo 1,200
Easthampton G - Furnished, carpet, near East Gate 19,900 TERRACINA
Chatham N - Rentable, Furn. Carpet 25,000 Cresta Circle - Great for families, incred lkvw, burg alm, tile fls, furn, hurr shtrs, comm activs & amits,
Canterbury H - WOW! 50” TV, tile, rug in kit 30,000 abs gorg!!! 369,000/will rent
Berkshire I - Drive right up Very pretty, new appl. 26,500 CRESTHAVEN VILLAS
Northampton Q - First floor, ceramic tile, 1 year old a/c 27,000 Crosley Drive East - 2/1.5 1st fl, furn, cptd retreat, feat CA, avail seasonally
Cambridge E - Ceramic Tile, upgrades galore!!! New!!! 30,900 mo 1,250/ann 700
Berkshire F - Furnished, great buy, just walk right in 28,000 MYLA LANE
Chatham S - Beautiful water view!! Furnished 33,000 2 BR 1 ba unfurn, very, very clean 700 per mo & 1,000 dep
Camden H - Rentable, near pool and west gate, pretty 25,000
Norwich B - Furn., clean, near laundry 40,000
Chatham K - unfur, rentable, very nice area, lake view 36,000 SPECIAL FEATURES
Kent H - Furnished, tile floors state of art shower!!
Camden H - Lovely furnished unit; must see!
Canterbury D - Furnished, new carpet, gdnvw, must see 36,000 This 2 BR 2 full baths is compl walk right in to. Fant
Easthampton - Furn/unfurn, carpet, new appliances 27,000
golfvu in front. Poolvu in front. $98,500
Sussex M - Beauty! Furn. Lift included!! 33,000 WELLINGTON
Canterbury H - Carpet, rentable, furn. Quiet area. 22,000
Norwich L - Carpet, Rentable, Part furn, near Hastings 20,000 This 2 BR & 2 full baths is state of arts, architectually
Sheffield A - Waterview, pergo floors, wall units, new a/c
Windsor D - Furn. Waterview, near east gate
des, incl spec wtrvw, HW flg thruout, comp renov kit,
Canterbury C - Rentable, cutie, furnished, garden view 35,000 feat gran ctrtps, X-storage, built-in shlvg, custom
Northampton S - Cul-de-sac, Near pool. Carpet garden view
Windsor D - Furn. Waterview, near west gate.
closets. All this for $165,000
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 31

The Village of There is a great golf course Yes, I Am a kids, and a few other things I The Answer to
with a golf club for tourists, heated can’t remember.
Hopes, swimming pools year-round. Senior Citizen! I’m sure everything I can’t Life Is Not 42
Opportunity and If your specialty is arts and The life of the party…even find is in a secure place. Why is it only drug dealers
crafts, ceramics or music, we if it lasts until 8 p.m. I’m wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and software developers call
Fulfillment have that, too. I’m very good at opening and that’s just my left leg. their clients “users”?
By “The Villager” For your 24 hour TV infor- childproof caps with a hammer. I’m having trouble remem- How is it possible to have a
Century Village, the para- mation, please watch Channel I’m usually interested in go- bering simple words like… civil war?
mount place where the hearts 63. You will see the up-to-date ing home before I get to where I’m realizing that aging is If you ate pasta and anti-
and minds as well as the hopes information on organizations, I’m going. not for wimps. pasta, would you still be
and dreams of all who reside clubs, classes, entertainment I’m awake many hours be- I’m sure they are making hungry?
here are embedded. and UCO announcements. fore my body allows me to adults much younger these If you try to fail, and suc-
Thousands of our residents A salute to UCO President get up. days, and when did they let ceed, which have you done?
from all parts of the world, all George Loewenstein, his of- I’m smiling all the time be- kids become policemen? Why is it called tourist sea-
religions, all races, all ethnic fice and staff for implement- cause I can’t hear a thing I’m wondering, if you’re son if we can’t shoot at them?
backgrounds meld together. ing and promoting the you’re saying. only as old as you feel, how Why is the alphabet in
Here, every one of us has multitude of far-reaching pro- I’m very good at telling sto- could I be alive at 150? that order? Is it because of
the opportunity, if we so de- grams and services vital to us ries; over and over and over I’m a walking storeroom of that song?
sire, to participate in a plethora all. Same honors to Anita and over… facts…I’ve just lost the key to Why is there an expiration
of activities and amenities Cruz, the V.P. of WPRF Inc., I’m aware that other the storeroom door. date on sour cream?
from early in the morning to and her hardworking employ- people’s grandchildren are not Now — have I already sent If all those psychics knew
late at night. ees for the same. as cute as mine. this to you? the winning lottery numbers,
Above all, we reside in a Let’s hear a big cheer to the I’m so cared for — long From the Internet why are they still working?
gated community with 24/7 se- UCO Reporter — The New term care, eye care, private If a mute swears, does his

curity. (You can even be a part York Times of CV. Read it. care, dental care. mother wash his hands with soap?
of this security system by vol- Enjoy it. Save it. I’m not grouchy, I just don’t Why do psychics have to
unteering to join C.O.P. — Citi- As the song goes: “We are like traffic, waiting, crowds, ask you for your name?
zens On Patrol — which covers family!” o lawyers, loud music, unruly From the Internet
all areas of the Village in coop-
eration with the Palm Beach
County Sheriff’s Office.
OK, let’s review some of the
activities and programs at your
convenience and pleasure.
Want entertainment? We
have new movies and dances —
free. There are Broadway shows
and entertainment by star per-
formers in our state-of-the-art
theater in the Clubhouse.
Speaking of dancing, there
are dance classes to learn and
improve your twinkle toes to
all varieties of dance — from
Lindy to Latin.
For your health, we have a
multi-faceted gym with differ-
Enriching Lives
ent types of equipment and
Also, the Village has a
staffed pharmacy to supply
your medical needs, and a li-
brary for your reading pleasure.
CERT (Community Emer-
gency Response Team), a new
safety program, started this
year to aid residents during a
hurricane. This training pro-
gram with special classes for
volunteers is now in progress. Our Adult Day Care Centers offer specialized programs and services designed to meet the
For boat enthusiasts, there
needs of seniors in our community who are cognitively and physically impaired. Our centers
is a boat and sailing club. Po-
litical devotees have a Demo- focus on therapeutic activities, allowing for better quality of life for the member and caregiver.
cratic and Republican club.
Tennis anyone? There is a Programs and services include:
very active tennis club with
many players. • Art therapy • Gardening • Caregiver support groups
Bingo betters have a mod- • Music therapy • Cooking • Limited transportation
ern game setup each week, • Life-enrichment classes • Athletics • And much more
except on the summer months.
There is a bridge club, a Financial assistance for those who qualify.
drama society, a humor club,
For more information, please call 561-687-5790.
and various clubs for former
“up North” folks.
there is a continuous bus sys-
tem (free) to all points of the
Schaffer Adult Day Care Center on the Marilyn & Stanley M. Katz Seniors Campus
Village, as well as to local
shopping and medical centers. 4847 Fred Gladstone Drive | West Palm Beach, FL 33417 | 561-687-5790 |
Page 32 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

“Dad Gets It Done!”
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Matt Mynahan Tel: 561-355-8331
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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 33

The Thrill Ride Starts Here

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Every Saturday

Package includes round trip shuttle, $20 FREE Play & FREE lunch at

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Cost $20 • Departs Casino 2:30pm
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Management reserves the right to change or cancel promotion at any time. Free Player’s Club membership is required. Player’s Club members or persons that have been trespassed or banned by the Seminole Tribe of Florida or
those who have opted into the self-exclusion program are prohibited from participating. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, please call 1.888.ADMIT-IT.
Page 34 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Century Village Good Samaritan Medical Center

Medical Plaza will be sponsoring Focus Group luncheons
and Tenet Florida at Century Village Medical Center
This & That Limited seating by reservation only
Dr. Marilyn Physician Services Kindly contact
Joining Forces in Jerry Sherman 561-715-2788
Ducati Community Relations for
Century Village
West Palm Beach, FL — July Good Samaritan Medical Center
28, 2008 — The medical prac-
Just the other day, one of my gave myself permission to tice of Henry Katz, M.D., and In addition to primary care tunity to care for the residents
daughters called, and in the share these thoughts with you. Vivian Carta Sanchez, N.P., has services, the Century Village of Century Village,” said John
course of conversation, asked If anyone wants to find out joined Tenet Florida Physician Medical Plaza currently offers McDonough, Director of Te-
me if I have given any thought more about the research and Services, LLC. The practice is physical therapy and various net Florida Physician Services,
to what I have intended to do teaching hospitals or just dis- conveniently located at the Cen- medical specialties. Over the LLC, “We strive to be the
with my remains when my cuss this worthwhile subject tury Medical Plaza and dedi- next several months, Tenet healthcare provider of choice
time comes. with me, just call Dr. Ducati cated to serving the residents of Florida Physician Services for this community.”
I realize most children ask at 687-3935. Century Village. “Under the di- will increase the medical spe- Tenet owns and operates
their parents what they had for P.S.: I hope you will at- rection of this prestigious orga- cialty coverage and add diag- several hospitals in South
dinner or what shows they saw tend the “This and That nization, we will have the nostic services to meet the Florida including local hos-
at the Clubhouse, but just com- Group” which meets every opportunity to enhance our healthcare needs of the Cen- pitals Good Samaritan Medi-
ing from the funeral of a other Monday at 1:30 in medical services for our resi- tury Village community. “We cal Center and St. Mary’s
friend’s mother, this subject Clubroom A. o dents,” said Dr. Katz. are excited to have the oppor- Continued on Page 40
concerned her.
Briefly, I informed her that
I was donating myself to
medical research, which
opened a can of worms. What
if you are unacceptable? What
if they want only the good
parts, and how do they go
about this process?
I’m sure my Century Village
neighbors have thought about
this alternative more than a
few times. All of us are shar-
ing our second half of life, as I

Too Bad to Be
A man was caught trying to
sneak into the United States
hidden in a suitcase — talk
about your American
A mobile phone company
has invented a device that re-
charges cellphone batteries
when you dance. It requires
just one thing — disco to be
popular again.
An American newspaper
will now be edited in India.
There will be some changes:
Iraq will now be known as
Bollywood; Washington will
now be known as the Raj dy-
nasty; and President Bush will
now be known as Apu
Disguised with a mop on his
head, a lame bank robber
hoped to get his tricks. He was
busted before he could finish
saying “This is a stick-up.”
Flint, Michigan is cracking
down on droopy pants. It’s the
hometown of gadfly Michael
Moore, who took on the Bush
administration and the HMO
establishment. I don’t think
he’ll touch this brotherhood of
the traveling pants. o
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 35
Page 36 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008


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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 37

Marianne Smith Erwin, Broker-Associate, Illustrated Properties Real Estate, Inc.

771 Village Blvd., #205, WPB, FL 33409 • email: • websites: &
Looking to Buy or Sell? Call the “Condo Specialist” for Century Village!
Everything I List Turns to “Sold”
Inventory Needed NOW For This Season • The Most Professional Service with Proven Results!
Northampton N, 1/1.5, 1st fl cnr, Norwich K 2/1.5, 2nd fl, OS cnr, Sussex A, 1/1, 2nd fl, lovely unit,
beaut neutral tile thruout, updated comp tiled, updated appls in kit, compl furn w/updated kit appls &
kit & baths, nu CAC, wtrvu, unfurn, updated baths, fresh paint, accordion baths $575 ann $1,000 sea
great loc, make an offer today! Nu shuts thruout, gdnvw, xcel unit at Camden H, 1/1, 2nd fl, immac, furn,
price: $45,000 terrific price! $52,500 tot turnkey unit w/lovely gdnvu, walk
Dorchester G 2/1.5, 2nd fl, comp to Camden pool, close to West Gate
Dorchester B 2/1.5, 1st fl cnr, $625/mo ann $1,000/mo sea
immac, furn, nu kit appls, cptg & remod & updated, neutral 18" tile
Sheffield J, 2/1.5, 2nd fl outside cnr,
tile, CAC, newer roof. See this today! thruout, fresh paint, cust mirrs, up- immac, nuer cptg, nu tile, furn, gdnvu,
$59,900 dated appls, baths, elect & plmbg, lift walk to Fit Ctr & Synagogue
Norwich H 1/1.5, 1st fl cnr, im- incl in sale, no xtra fee, encl balc, $1,100/mo sea
mac, furn, updated kit & bath, great fully furn, a real beauty, new price
Kent A, 2/1.5, 2nd fl, gorg wtrvw, nr
$55,000 Kent
loc & XL price, rentabl bldg. Make pool, immac cond w/nuer tile &
offer today! $48,000 Northampton F 2/1.5, 2nd fl, IS cptg, updated kit & bath, furn, avail
Windsor E 2/1.5, 2nd fl, outside cnr, all 18" tile thruout, gorg lkvw, nu now $650/mo ann $1,000/mo sea
CAC (2006) & H2O htr (2006), up- Andover C, 1/1, 2nd fl, comp remod
cnr, gorg canal vu, nuer cpt & tile, dated appls, baths, wiring, plmbg,
kit appls, updated baths, nu CAC, nu sold unfurn, make offer, gorg unit w/new kit, bath, paint, new berber,
encl porch, next to Camden pool, a gorgeous $525/mo ann
$62,500 Southampton C, 1/1.5, 1st fl, comp
beauty at a great price $67,000
Southampton B 1/1.5, 3rd fl, elev, remod, encl pat fr golf cse, nu cptg, kit,
Waltham I 1/1.5, 2nd fl, immac, sensat golf cse & lkvws fr encl balc appls, acr fr pool $675/mo ann
comp furn, nuly paint, updated ap- which could be a den or office, up- Norwich E, 1/1, 1st fl, lovely furn
pls, encl balc w/gdnvw, nuer roof dated appls, cptg, CAC in great unit w/new 18" CT thruout, updated
(2006), rentabl, open to all offers, shape, sold furn, turnkey, steps to pvt kit & bath, close to CH & Synagogue.
close to CH & E-Gate $37,000 pool, make an offer today $37,900 See this today! $675/mo ann
Call Today to List with a Proven Professional!
I Have Buyers Calling to Buy Everyday! Phone 561-371-3311

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Page 38 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

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September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 39

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Page 40 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Century Village Medical

Continued from Page 34
Medical Center. The hospi-
tals will partner with the
Medical Plaza to conduct
wellness events, health fairs
and screenings tailored for
Century Village residents.
“We look forward to expand-
ing our relationship with the
residents of Century Village
and helping them maintain a
healthy lifestyle,” said Mark
Nosacka, Chief Executive
Officer of Good Samaritan
Medical Center.
Good Samaritan is one of
three Tenet hospitals in Palm
Beach County honored with
nine United Premium® Spe-
cialty Center designations for
2007 to 2009. The Palm
Beach Health Network is
comprised of Good Samaritan
Medical Center, St. Mary’s
Medical Center, Palm Beach
Gardens Medical Center,
Delray Medical Center,
Pinecrest Rehabilitation Hos-
pital, and West Boca Medical
Center. For more information
on Tenet South Florida Hos-
pitals, visit www.tenethealth
.com. To make an appoint-
ment with Dr. Katz or to learn
more about the Century Vil-
lage Medical Plaza, please
call 561-697-3131. o

Good Sa-
Center is
starting a
of monthly
h e a l t h
in Septem-
ber to be
held at the
P l a z a .
More infor-
mation to
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 41

Interior Resident of the Western Communities
“Quality Work at Affordable Prices”
JJJohn Pergolizzi Painting Inc.
Free Estimates Since 1980
Exterior Condo
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Family Owned & Operated Owner on Every Job

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Some of Our Specialties:
• Wallpaper Removal 561
• Garage Makeovers
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Lic. # U18473 Bonded Insured
Page 42 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008

Bounce collect sawdust like a tack

Use them all the time when
• Eliminate odors in dirty
playing baseball and soccer. I
laundry. Place an individual
use it when I am working out-
sheet of Bounce at the bot-
side. It really works. The in-
tom of a laundry bag or
sects just veer around you. All
this time you’ve just been put-
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ting Bounce in the dryer!
ers. Place a sheet of Bounce
• It will chase ants away
in your shoes or sneakers
when you lay a sheet near
them. It also repels mice.
• Golfers, put a Bounce sheet
• Spread sheets around foun-
in their back pocket to keep
dation areas, or in trailers,
the bees away.
or cars that are sitting and
• Put a Bounce sheet in your
it keeps mice from entering
sleeping bag and tent be-
your vehicle.
fore folding and storing
• It takes the odor out of Rhyming words around me flying!
them. It will keep them
books and photo albums Night and day I'm versifying,
smelling fresh.
that don’t get opened too Everything I hear or see,
• Wet a Bounce sheet, hose
down your car, and wipe Suddenly, it’s poetry!
• It repels mosquitoes. Tie a
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sheet of Bounce through a
wet Bounce. Normal people go to sleep,
belt loop when outdoors
during mosquito season.
Quick, bounce this on I must rhyme while counting sheep.
within the next five minutes! There’s no doubt I am possessed
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Nothing will happen if you
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computer) screen.
glad to hear these hints!
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From the Internet
to help eliminate static
cling, wipe your television
screen with a used sheet of
Bounce to keep dust from
The UPS Store •
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• Dissolve soap scum from 931 Village Blvd., #905
shower doors. Clean with a West Palm Beach, FL 33409
sheet of Bounce.
• To freshen the air in your
home, place an individual
sheet of Bounce in a drawer
or hang in the closet.
• Put Bounce sheet in
vacuum cleaner.
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gling. Run a threaded
needle through a sheet of
Bounce before beginning
to sew.
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Place an individual sheet of Trust THE UPS STORE for all your packing and shipping needs.
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• Clean baked-on foods from
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sit overnight, and sponge
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• Eliminate odors in waste-
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Bounce will magnetically
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• Wipe up sawdust from
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used sheet of Bounce will
September 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 43

How Old Is Old? years ago, I applied to a high Aspartame almost as rampant as multiple Baby Defaced
Continued from Page 20 school for a teaching position. sclerosis, especially with Diet
Poisoning When our son was born, my
After a brief interview, the Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.
caricature — sick, sexless mother-in-law came to visit us
principal asked me, “Why do If you are using Aspartame The victim usually does not
and silly. Very rarely do you in the hospital. And the whole
(NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, know that Aspartame is the
you want to work at your age?”
see fashion shows catering to time, she kept saying, “He
etc.) and you suffer from culprit. (S)he continues its use;
I responded that “I was a wine-
the older person. It’s as if we looks just like you!”
fibromyalgia symptoms — irritating the lupus to such a
lover and that I could be com-
are useless and should be A few months later, one of
pared to a first growth spasms, shooting pains, numb- degree that it may become a
shunted into a corner and for- my friends told me she had re-
Bordeaux which gets better ness in your legs, cramps, ver- life threatening condition.
gotten about. cently bumped into my
tigo, dizziness, headaches,
and better with age.” I was not Once a sufferer is taken off
I once read a poem about mother-in-law and mentioned
tinnitus, joint pain, unexplain- diet sodas, most of the symp-
hired. I assumed that this prin-
old people. what a beautiful baby our son
able depression, anxiety at- toms disappear. Vision loss has
cipal settled for a cheap non-
“The Old People Can!” was. “Yes, he is,” my mother-
tacks, slurred speech, blurred returned in many cases, and
vintage variety. Well, I am glad
You think they smell kind of in-law agreed. “And it’s amaz-
vision, or memory loss — you hearing loss has improved
that I live in Century Village,
funny. ing, because he was the ugliest
where great vintages abound probably have Aspartame poi- markedly. This applies to MS,
And just want them for their newborn I ever saw.”
and we just get better and bet- tinnitus, and fibromyalgia.
money. From the Internet
ter as the years go by. o When the temperature of At the World Environmen-
But give them a chance this sweetener exceeds 86 de- tal Conference, speaker Dr.
And they’ll buy you great Is Alzheimer
Alzheimer’s ’s In To all Associations or
grees F., the wood alcohol in H.J. Roberts stated that once
pants! Your Home? Groups who own a lift: The
Aspartame converts to form- free of the “diet products” and
The Old People Can! permit fee has been raised
Memory loss? Inconti- aldehyde and then to formic with no significant increase in
Old People Can… by the Bureau of Elevator
nence? Same questions acid, which in turn causes exercise, his patients lost an
I am a member of the Safety to $75 per year
asked over and over? metabolic acidosis. Formic average of 19 pounds over a starting August 1, 2008.
Knights of Pythias. Unfortu-
nately, all our members are
Alzheimer ’s suppor t acid is the poison found in the trial period. Any renewal application
“senior citizens,” with an av- group meets every Thurs- sting of fire ants. The metha- Readers with undiagnosed
after August 1, 2008 will be
nol toxicity mimics, among illness are advised to share this
erage age of about 82+. It is day, 1:00 pm, in The Crafts’ other conditions, multiple with their doctors. $125. All fees across the
with great pride to be con- Room (note change). No sclerosis and systemic lupus. Condensed from an board have been in-
nected to an organization that doctors! No sales! Systemic lupus has become Internet article creased.
each year collects and distrib-
utes thousands of dollars for

RTL, Inc.
children in need and sponsors
a “Special Olympics” pro-
gram which attracts hundreds
of children to participate in the
event. These senior citizens
are not sitting and watching
the sun set on their lives; they
are out there doing what we
Comprehensive Outpatient
“old folks” do the best — shar-
ing, teaching — and setting Rehabilitation Facility
How often do our grandchil-
dren ask us to tell them a funny
story? Very often they listen to Physical & Aquatic Therapy
their grandparents talking
about when they were younger
and its funny because we use Quality hands-on Physical and Aquatic Therapy are being offered at the
words differently than they do.
I know so many Century Vil-
West Palm Beach and Boynton Beach JCC.
lage seniors who volunteer in
organizations from health care
to education. If some of these
RTL is Medicare certified and we accept most insurance, private pay and
so-called societal pundits of workers compensation.
the news media would only
look beyond their noses, they
will see a vital, highly edu- Therapies offered by RTL:
cated, energetic segment of our
society. By the way, if you
study the election statistics, the Physical Therapy
group that has the highest
voter participation rate in the
Aquatic Therapy
United States are the elderly. Occupational Therapy
We cannot be taken for granted
by our politicians. We are just
Speech Therapy
too important.
Forgive me for writing so
much. I just had the need to
A Doctor’s prescription is required to receive the services offered
vent my frustrations about by RTL, Inc.
this “age” thing. To show you
how far these young reporters
will go, during the Olympic Transportation — see the UCO Reporter for the “Mall Bus” schedule to
swimming tryouts, a woman
won event after event, and she
the JCC.
was 41 years old. All that the
commentators could reflect
about was that she was 41.
For more information, please call
How typical. 561-963-9001
On a personal note: A few
Page 44 THE UCO REPORTER September 2008


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