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Transcription of 2004.035.

002 Doc-005
Transcribed with assistance from user vant
High Point
Dec. 26th 1875.

My dear Mother, Sister

and Brothers,

As you see from

date I am once more at home, came yester-
day, found Grandma better than I expected
and of course very glad to see me.

How can I thank you in words for the

delightful surprise which awaited me in the
shape of presents so beautiful and so exactly
what I wished. If you have received my
last letter you know that the Christmas tree
at Tyro was the cause of my not returning
as soon as I expected, so I was not here
Christmas eve to see the tree at the Seminary
but Mr. [S?]. Willis kindly took charge of my
share of the fruit; and a lion's share I think
it must have been.

From a full heart I

thank you for these gifts, but far more for
the thoughtful love which prompted them.

May He who withheld not the "unspeakable["]

gift send you all a "Happy New Year."

Ever with love

Yours, Eliza

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