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Today's the day! I'm guessing you may have recognized yourself in the
story I've told over the last two days...

You're feeling the soul-crushing overwhelm of trying to decide what

product to sell...

the mind-numbing strain of deciding which know-it-all marketing

expert's advice to follow...

and the energy-draining agony of figuring out where in God's name

you're going to find another $100 bucks and enough time in the day to
do it all.

At this very moment, you may be exactly where I was 9 years ago —

Just about ready to give up your dream of building a 6-7 figure online
business and resigning yourself to grinding out a paycheck in the cube
farm for the next 30+ years.

All I've got to say to you right now is DON'T DO IT.

At least until you do me — and yourself — the favor of grabbing your

FREE copy of my Going Pro Manifesto!

In it you'll find a cut-to-the-chase distillation of the lessons I learned to

turn my head (and my business) around.

PLUS the exact tactics, strategies, and practical, proven steps I took to
go from amateur level sales, to my first $1 Million in the next 12
months. And since then...

This same framework has helped me launch 4 different online brands

of my own. Make $21,000,000 in total sales. Coach over 200,000 other
successful entrepreneurs. And create a powerful sales platform,
SamCart, that is now used by thousands of businesses, who have now
generated a combined $500,000,000 in sales.


This isn't a pie-in-the-sky pep-talk or another complicated marketing

scheme that's going to scramble your brains and take up a ton of time.

It's the EXACT opposite. This is all about simplifying. It's stuff I learned

the hard way that worked for me - and I know can work for you....

And today I'm making it as easy as possible for you stop being an giving you the chance to get my Going Pro
Manifesto — completely FREE! Just cover the few bucks for shipping,
and tell me where to send it...

This book is a perfect distillation of my years putting this simple plan

into action — and transforming my business from a nearly dead-in-the-
water enterprise to an 8-figure company that's helped me create the
lifestyle I've always dreamed about....and I want to send you
a FREE copy...

Listen, I printed off about 500 of these things, and I'm reserving this
first batch to give away to my email subscribers (that's you).

Because I've seen what it's done in my own business and in my

student's businesses...and I want that same thing for you.

All I'm asking is for you pay the couple dollars it costs me to ship this to
you — and to do me one very important favor.

After you get my Going Pro Manifesto start putting it into action ---
shoot me an email or message on Facebook letting me know how it's
working for you. Because that's my favorite part...seeing it change your
life and your business.

Fair enough?
Ok, so now all you have to do is request your FREE Going Pro
Manifesto now and let me know where to ship it and we'll throw it in
the mail ASAP.

Sound good?

Awesome. Click here now >>


I can't wait to see what The Going Pro Manifesto does for you!

Talk soon...


P.S. Okay, I know I made you wait three days to be able to get your
hands on The Going Pro Manifesto --- but don't wait any longer.

I only have a limited number to give away to you + all my email

subscribers — and I'm guessing those won't last too long! Click here to
let us know you want one now --- and we'll drop it in the mail today

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