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Handwriting Performance on the ETCH-M of Students in a Grade One Regular

Education Program

Article  in  Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics · February 2007

DOI: 10.1080/J006v27n02_04 · Source: PubMed


38 197

5 authors, including:

Katya Polen Feder Daniel Bourbonnais

Health Canada Université de Montréal


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Handwriting Handwriting is an important task learned during the early
school years. A high proportion of a child’s school day is taken
up with learning to write, which is an essential ingredient for
performance in success at school (McHale and Cermak 1992). This complex
perceptual-motor skill requires adequate performance in visu-
preterm children al-motor coordination, motor planning, cognitive/perceptual
skills, and tactile and kinesthetic sensitivities (Maeland 1992).

compared with There is evidence of deficits in motor, perceptual-motor, and

visual-motor integration skills in children born preterm (Mar-
low et al. 1993, Goyen et al. 1998, Luoma et al. 1998), which
term peers at may interfere with handwriting competency.
The rate of major neurological impairment in preterm
age 6 to 7 years infants is approximately 5–20% (Vohr et al. 2000, Tommiska et
al. 2003). However, a larger percentage of children (30–50%)
demonstrate learning and behavioural difficulties at school age
(McCormick et al. 1990). Despite average intellectual ability in
Katya P Feder* PhD OT (C), Rehabilitation Science; the majority of preterm children (Bohm et al. 2002, Bowen et
Annette Majnemer PhD OT (C), Associate Professor, School al. 2002), comparative studies have documented developmen-
of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University; tal difficulties in up to 50% of such children compared with
Daniel Bourbonnais PhD OT, Professor, School of term-born peers (Goyen et al. 1998, Saigal et al. 2000, Doyle et
Rehabilitation, University of Montreal; al. 2001). Factors such as the extent of prematurity, perinatal
Robert Platt PhD, Departments of Pediatrics, Epidemiology, medical complications, behavioural difficulties, sex, maternal
Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University, education, and self-concept may be important predictor vari-
Montreal, Quebec; ables (Zelkowitz et al. 1995, Samson et al. 2002).
Marc Blayney MD, Department of Neonatology, Children’s Persistent motor impairments are common features in
Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario; preterm children. At age 12 to 13 years, one-third of such chil-
Anne Synnes MD MHSc, Department of Pediatrics, dren show significant motor impairment compared with their
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. term peers, with pronounced differences in manual dexterity
tasks (Powls et al. 1995). These minor motor impairments,
*Correspondence to first author at 187 Goulburn Avenue, often not documented until early school-age, range from 25%
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 8E3, Canada. to over 50% (Goyen et al. 1998), with variability due to the
E-mail: measures used and population characteristics. Although pre-
term infants are at high-risk for motor deficits, the impact on a
functional skill such as handwriting, to our knowledge, has
not been addressed. The one controlled study that docu-
Preterm infants are at high risk for developmental impairments mented handwriting ability in this population did not use a
at school age. However, the impact of these impairments on standardized measure (Marlow et al. 1993).
important life skills, such as handwriting, is unknown. Forty- The first objective of this study, therefore, was to describe
eight first-grade children (27 males, 21 females; mean age 6y handwriting performance in preterm, first-grade children
7mo, SD 3.9mo; range 6y 1mo to 7y 3mo) born preterm compared with term, sex-matched peers from the same class.
(birthweight <1250g; gestational age <34wks), without Second, we investigated the relationship between handwriting
major physical or cognitive disabilities, were matched to 69 performance and sensorimotor skills in the preterm group,
healthy, term control children (32 males, 37 females; mean including fine motor coordination, in-hand manipulation, visu-
age 6y 10mo, SD 3.6mo; range 6y 3mo to 7y 4mo) by sex and al-motor integration, visual perception, proprioception, and
school class. All children were assessed using the Evaluation sensory awareness of the fingers. Third, the association bet-
Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript and several ween handwriting and psychosocial factors was determined.
sensorimotor measures. Preterm children demonstrated
significantly lower legibility and slower speed scores (p<0.01) Method
compared with control children for most of the handwriting Preterm cohorts born 1992–1994 in first grade (age 6–7y) of
tasks. Factors associated with legibility were visual elementary school were recruited from the Children’s Hospital
perception and eye–hand coordination (r≤ 0.50; p<0.05) and of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic and
sex (r≤ 0.12; p=0.01). In-hand manipulation and finger represents a regional sample. This study was approved by the
identification (r≤ 0.43; p<0.01) were significantly correlated hospital’s Science and Ethics Committee.
with slow handwriting speeds. Behaviour difficulties Potential preterm participants who met the inclusion crite-
associated with hyperactivity and poor attention (Connors ria were extracted from the records of the CHEO Neonatal
Abbreviated Symptoms Questionnaire) had a confounding Follow-Up Clinic. Inclusion criteria were: a documented birth-
influence on both legibility and speed. These findings may weight of <1250g and gestational age <34 weeks. Exclusion
help guide early identification efforts and medical/therapeutic criteria (for both groups) were: children diagnosed with cere-
interventions for preterm children. bral palsy, cognitive impairment (defined as repetition of an
academic year), chromosomal abnormalities, genetic syndro-
mes, major auditory impairment requiring hearing aids, or vis-
See end of paper for list of abbreviations. ual impairment of <20/200 visual acuity. Preterm children with

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2005, 47: 163–170 163

grade 3 intraventricular hemorrhage were excluded. Parents participants, letters were distributed to parents of all first grade
were contacted, the study was explained to them, and written children in the selected school classes. Inclusion criteria for the
consent was returned. Participants attended 40 different ele- control children were being the same sex as the preterm child
mentary schools from three School Boards, including three and gestational age of >37 weeks. Appointments were booked
private schools. Permission was obtained from the School for the first two children who met the inclusion/exclusion
Boards and individual school principals. To recruit the control criteria.
Those conducting the tests and teachers were blinded as to
group assignment (preterm or control). All participants attend-
ed regular first grade classes and were proficient in English.
Participants were assessed individually by an experienced
Table I: Preterm group performance on Evaluation Tool of
occupational therapist in an enclosed room at CHEO using a
Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript (ETCH-M; Amundson
standard height table (74cm) and chair (48cm). A battery of 10
1995; n=48)
tests was administered in random order during a 2-hour peri-
ETCH-M Quartiles od with a rest midway. The tests included sensorimotor tests, a
Mean (SD) 25 50 75 handwriting evaluation, and a perceived self-competence mea-
sure. Parents were asked to complete the Connors Abbreviated
Symptoms Questionnaire (Connors ASQ; Connors 1989) and
Word, % 49.2 (28.2) 23.8 53.1 66.7
three questions indicating maternal education level; the class-
Letter, % 68.0 (15.6) 60.7 68.2 78.6 room teacher was asked to complete a handwriting rating
Numeral, % 80.1 (19.2) 66.2 88.2 94.1 scale for each participant. The instruments used (described in
Appendix I) are widely used clinically to evaluate children of
Speed early school age and they have acceptable psychometric prop-
Lower-case alphabet 205.6 (126.7) 108.7 153.5 302.7 erties. Unless otherwise specified, a cut-off standard deviation
writing, s (SD) of 1.5 below the mean was used. This cut-off is based on
Upper-case alphabet 171.8 (88.4) 109.5 141 205.7 test recommendations and/or cut-offs that are believed to be
writing, s clinically relevant in identifying children with difficulties.
Numeral writing, s 45.2 (19.7) 30.2 38.5 54.5

Near-point copying, 15.6 (6.0) 10.5 15.4 19.3 Descriptive statistics, paired t-tests, and χ2 analyses were car-
letters/min ried out to compare performance between preterm children
and controls on handwriting and sensorimotor measures; six
Far-point copying, 14.1 (4.7) 10.4 13.9 17.4
preterm participants with no matched controls were exclud-
ed. Pearson’s product moment correlation was carried out
Sentence composition, 13.7 (9.4) 5.6 14.2 19.6
letters/min between handwriting performance measures and sensori-
motor variables (all continuous). Multiple linear regression
analyses were used to determine the significant predictors of
handwriting legibility and speed (p<0.50). Conditional mul-
tiple linear regression analysis was also performed to identify
important factors (p<0.50) contributing to performance dif-
Table II: Mean (SD) scores for legibility and speed in
ferences between matched pairs. Birthweight and behavioural
Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript
difficulties were entered into all models as possible con-
(ETCH-M; Amundson 1995) for preterm and control groups
founders. Other independent variables that were analyzed
ETCH-M Preterm group Control group Paired t-test included: age, sex, maternal education, intraventricular hem-
(n=42) (n=42) (p) orrhage (IVH), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and bron-
chopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).
Word, % 49.7 (29.8) 67.0 (21.6) 0.004
Letter, % 67.7 (16.5) 76.9 (12.9) 0.005 A total of 48 children (92% participation rate), born preterm
and proficient in English, were tested (27 males, 21 females;
Numeral, % 79.8 (19.2) 85.8 (15.6) 0.078 mean age 6y 7mo, SD 3.9mo; range 6y 1mo to 7y 3mo). Pre-
term children were matched to controls (mean age 6y 10mo,
Speed SD 3.6mo; range 6y 3mo to 7y 4mo) by sex and class attended.
Upper-case, s 82.3 (89.0) 138.8 (46.4) 0.005 Twenty-four of the preterm group had two controls with an
average of their scores (control A and B) used for analysis; 18
Lower-case, s 221.0 (127.9) 127.9 (43.0) 0.0001 preterm children had one control and six children had no con-
trols due to recruitment difficulties. The majority of children
Near-point, 14.8 (5.9) 21.8 (7.4) 0.0001 demonstrated a right-hand preference (preterm 44/48; con-
letters/min trols 58/69) and all were tested during the first grade school
year except for one from the preterm group and nine controls
Far-point, 13.5 (4.4) 17.1 (5.5) 0.001
who were tested during the summer following first grade.
Nine preterm children and one control child wore corrective

164 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2005, 47: 163–170

eyeglasses. A significantly greater number of preterm children Manuscript (ETCH-M; Amundson 1995) legibility/speed for
reported receiving remedial help in an identified academic area preterm children (r=–0.56–0.54; p≤ 0.040) and controls
(preterm 12/48 vs control 8/69; p<0.001) and in occupational (r=–0.43 to –0.41; p≤ 0.002), such that better teacher ratings
therapy services (preterm 16/48 vs control 4/69; p<0.001) were associated with better ETCH-M performance.
during the school year. The majority of preterm children and
controls (60.4% and 62.3% respectively) had not attended a FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HANDWRITING PERFORMANCE IN
nursery/preschool program, but the majority (73% and 78.3% PRETERM CHILDREN
respectively) had attended kindergarten (age 4 years). Sensorimotor tasks
A comparative analysis of sensorimotor variables appears in
HANDWRITING PERFORMANCE Table IV. The percentage of preterm children scoring 1.5SD
Preterm handwriting performance (n=48) and comparative below the mean was approximately threefold greater than con-
analyses between preterm children and controls (n=42 pairs) trols for the following subtests of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test
are shown in Tables I and II. Handwriting performance in the of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP; Bruininks1978): Fine Motor
controls is described elsewhere (Feder et al. Forthcoming). Composite, Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity, Upper Limb
Coordination, Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills, and Visual Motor
Handwriting legibility Integration (VMI). The majority of preterm children (41/48)
There was a significant difference (p<0.01) in word and let- achieved perfect scores on the proprioception subtest. On
ter legibility between matched pairs, with scores lower for Motor Accuracy (MAC; Ayres 1989), part of the Sensory Inte-
preterm children. The percentage of preterm children scoring gration and Praxis Tests (SIPT; Ayres 1989), and Finger Iden-
<1.5SD below the mean for word, letter, and numeral legibili- tification (part of SIPT), 31.2% and 8.5% of preterm children
ty was 10.4%, 6.2%, and 4.2% respectively. Simple regression scored within the mild or definite dysfunction categories res-
demonstrated a significant association between sex and letter pectively, while one-third demonstrated difficulties on the
legibility (r≤0.12; p=0.14). A significant sex difference in let- Steadiness Test. In rotation and translation (In-hand Manip-
ter legibility (t=–2.5; p=0.14) and numeral legibility (t=–2.2; ulation Skill Test; Exner 1992), 35.4% and 41.7% of the preterm
p=0.031) in preterm children was noted with lower scores for children demonstrated difficulties that were proportionally
males, which is similar to control group findings (Feder et al.

Handwriting speed Table III: Teacher rating of handwriting performance in

Preterm children demonstrated significantly slower speeds preterm children and controls
compared with controls in most tasks (p<0.005; Table II) Handwriting performance Preterm ratings Control ratings
except numeral and sentence composition with wide vari- (n= 38) (n= 59)
ability in speed evident for both groups (Table I). Consistent
with control group findings, no significant sex difference in Legibility
writing speed was noted. Above average/acceptable 23 46
Needs improvement/very poor 15 13
Pencil grasp Speed
The static tripod graspa was the most common in preterm Above average/acceptable 21 45
children (46.5%), followed by the lateral tripodb grasp Needs improvement/very poor 17 14
(25.6%). Thumb placement was opposite other fingers (rather
than flexed into palm, crossed over the top of other fingers, or
any other position) in 66.7% of the preterm group with finger
position mid-range in 60.4%; web space was open or elliptical Table IV: Means (SDs) and paired t-tests on sensorimotor
in most preterm children (47.9% and 41.7% respectively). variables for preterm and control groups
Pencil grasp was not always maintained consistently during
the handwriting evaluation. These findings were remarkably Sensorimotor variables Preterm Control p
similar (p<0.05) to control group findings. group group
(n=42) (n=42)
Teacher rating of handwriting performance Fine Motor Compositea 44.6 (11.9) 49.8 (9.7) 0.014
The majority of teachers (preterm children 38/48; controls Upper Limb Coordinationa 10.5 (5.5) 13.9 (5.4) 0.001
59/69) completed the handwriting rating scale (Table III). An Response Speeda 2 (5.6) 18.1 (5.5) 0.086
inverse correlation exists between teacher rating of hand- Visual Motor Controla 13.0 (6.1) 15.7 (5.7) 0.014
writing and the Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting- Upper Limb Speed and Dexteritya 13.6 (5.4) 14.9 (3.8) 0.034
Visual Motor Integration (11.7) 96.4 (9.0) 0.005
aStatic tripod grasp: pencil rests in open web space and is stabilized Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills 109.8 (17.2) 7.3 (14.5) 0.034
against thumb and index pulp with fully opposed thumb and wrist Motor Accuracy –0.67(0.97) –0.45 (0.62) 0.064
slightly extended with forearm resting on desk top. Fingers posed Finger Identification –0.23 (1.1) 0.35 (0.76) 0.010
in tripod posture but hand moves as a unit. Steadiness Test 14.9 (14.3) 7.2 (10.5) 0.021
bLateral tripod grasp: pencil is braced at index pulp and radial side Rotation 57.6 (15.7) 46.3 (8.8) 0.0001
of third digit against adducted thumb with web space partially to Translation 60.3 (22.8) 46.7 (10.2) 0.0001
completely closed; fourth and fifth digits flexed. Localized
aBruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency subtests
movement of three radial digits and wrist movement with slight
wrist extension, forearm resting on desk (Amundson 1995). (Bruininks 1978).

Handwriting in Preterm Children Katya P Feder et al. 165

five times greater than the control children. behavioural difficulties (score>20). In our sample, behaviour-
Correlational analysis was carried out to determine the al difficulties, including hyperactivity and decreased attention
association between these sensorimotor tasks and handwrit- (Connors ASQ), was associated with word (r=–0.40; p=0.005)
ing difficulties (Table V and Table VI). and letter legibility (r=–0.41; p=0.003), lower-case (r=0.374;
p=0.009) and upper-case alphabet writing (r=0.31; p=0.033),
Perinatal variables and near-point copying speeds (i.e. copying from a paper
Mean gestational age of our preterm sample was 27.8 weeks placed in front of the child; r=–0.39; p=0.005), such that chil-
(SD 2wks; range 24–34wks) and the mean birthweight was dren with behavioural difficulties had lower legibility and
997.3g (SD 174.8g; range 470–1235g). Correlational analysis slower speeds. Simple regressions also demonstrated associa-
revealed no significant association between these variables tions with legibility (r≤ 0.16–0.17; p<0.005), and speed
and legibility or speed. Medical records indicated 17/48 of (r≤0.09–0.16; p<0.05). All participants scored medium/high
the preterm group had IVH (grade 1–2), 23/48 had BPD on the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social
(grade 1–3), and 16/48 had ROP (grade 1–3). No significant Acceptance Scale (PCSAS; Harter and Pike 1983) with no sig-
difference in handwriting performance between groups with nificant difference between matched pairs. No association
or without these medical complications was demonstrated. between PCSAS and handwriting was found.

Psychosocial factors MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS

Most preterm children scored within the average range (mean The best-fitting multivariate regression models (Table VII)
8, SD 6; range: 0–28) on the Connors ASQ, with only two chil- revealed that the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (TVPS; Gardner
dren in each group (preterm and control) rated as having 1982) was a significant predictor for letter legibility (p=0.027),

Table V: Pearson’s correlations for sensorimotor tasks and handwriting legibility in preterm group

Sensorimotor tasks Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript

Word legibility Letter legibility Numeral legibility

BOTMP Fine Motor Composite 0.36a 0.38a 0.47b

Visual Motor Control 0.39a 0.52b 0.57b
Upper Limb Coordination 0.22a 0.21a 0.26
Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity 0.20a 0.29a 0.38b
Visual Motor Integration 0.34a 0.38b 0.36a
Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills 0.40b 0.54b 0.49b
In-hand Manipulation
Rotation –0.21a –0.28a –0.26
Translation –0.12a –0.09a –0.05
Steadiness Test –0.10a –0.24a –0.39b
Sensory Integration Praxis Test
Motor Accuracy 0.30a 0.46b 0.39b
Finger Identification 0.28a 0.37a 0.29a

BOTMP, Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (Bruininks 1978). ap<0.05; bp<0.01.

Table VI: Pearson’s correlations for sensorimotor tasks and handwriting speed in preterm group
Sensorimotor tasks Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript: Speed Tasks
Upper-case Lower-case Near-point Far-point
alphabet alphabet copying copying

BOTMP Fine Motor Composite –0.28 –0.24 0.22 0.09

Visual Motor Control –0.30a –0.25b 0.21 0.14
Upper Limb Coordination –0.29a –0.22 0.16 0.06
Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity –0.32a –0.32 0.29a 0.06
Visual Motor Integration –0.27 –0.37a –0.22 –0.03
Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills –0.27 –0.31a 0.25 0.17
In-hand Manipulation
Rotation 0.24 0.19 –0.28a –0.10
Translation 0.44a 0.43b –0.31a –0.22
Steadiness Test 0.07 0.01 –0.20 0.00
Sensory Integration Praxis Test
Motor Accuracy –0.31a –0.34a 0.17 0.07
Finger Identification –0.22 –0.33a 0.10 0.17

BOTMP, Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (Bruininks 1978). ap<0.05; bp<0.01.

166 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2005, 47: 163–170

even when adjusting for confounders (behavioural difficulties, developing children, poor hand writers scored lower on the
sex). ROP, IVH, and BPD were entered into each model togeth- TVPS compared with good writers, with the TVPS being the
er with a weak confounding influence on MAC found in letter best predictor. Visual Sequential Memory, a TVPS subtest, was
legibility, only such that clinical conclusions were not affected. a significant predictor of handwriting speed (Tseng and
Multivariate analyses were not carried out for numeral legi- Murray 1994, Tseng and Chow 2000). Our findings validate
bility, proprioception, or perceived competence as the sample the important association between visual perceptual skills and
distribution was skewed to higher end performance. handwriting ability in preterm children.
Translation (In-hand Manipulation Test) was an important The relationship between other sensorimotor components
predictor (p≤0.01) for all speed tasks, except far-point copying and handwriting is documented in several studies. Tseng and
(i.e. copying from a wall chart or blackboard), even when Murray (1994) found that poor hand writers scored worse on
adjusting for confounders (behavioural difficulties, birth- the TVPS, the MAC, the VMI, Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity,
weight, age at testing). In lower-case alphabet writing, Finger with the VMI and the MAC being the best predictors. These
Identification was also an important predictor (p=0.015). In associations were also demonstrated in our population. In par-
lower- and upper-case alphabet writing, no confounding effect ticular, the relationship between MAC and handwriting perfor-
of sex or maternal education was seen. mance has been supported by several investigations (Maeland
Conditional linear regression analysis was used to test the 1992, Tseng and Murray 1994, Cornhill and Case-Smith 1996).
association between predictor variables contributing to the dif- According to Cornhill and Case-Smith (1996), MAC is a tracing
ference in scores between matched preterm and control pairs. task different from the copying or dictation style handwriting
These findings reinforced those of multiple linear regression performed by first grade children, and should only be evaluat-
such that TVPS was significantly associated with differences ed when legibility is poor and more reliant on the visual system.
between pairs in both word (r≤0.18; p=0.005) and letter legi- Our study supports their conclusion that eye–hand coor-
bility (r≤0.33; p<0.0001) and translation was significantly dination is a fundamental component of handwriting.
associated with differences in lower-case (r≤0.09; p=0.056) Translation, was an important predictor of most handwrit-
and upper-case alphabet writing speeds (r≤0.13; p=0.018). In ing speed tasks in our study. Cornhill and Case-Smith (1996)
near-point copying, MAC was an important predictor acco- found that in typically developing children, translation and
unting for 18.2% of the variance with no confounding effect rotation emerged as significant predictors of legibility using the
seen (p=0.005). Finger Identification was also significantly Minnesota Handwriting Test (Reisman 1993); however, speed
associated with lower-case speed (r≤0.19; p=0.004) and rea- was not measured. No association between finger localization
ched borderline significance in predicting upper-case speed or identification and alphabet writing was found in studies of
differences when modelled with translation (r≤ =0.20; typically developing children (Berninger and Rutberg 1992,
p=0.067). There was a confounding effect of behavioural diffi- Feder et al. Forthcoming). However, evidence indicates that
culties for letter and word legibility whereas a confounding this component may be important in high-risk populations or
influence was demonstrated by behavioural difficulties and/or children with known motor/handwriting impairments. A study
age for handwriting speed tasks and, therefore, these were of preterm children at school age documented worse finger
adjusted for in the above models. identification scores compared with normal values (De-Maio-
Feldman 1994). Our correlational findings corroborate those
In this study, preterm children performed significantly worse
on handwriting performance measures compared with term
peers, demonstrating lower legibility and slower writing speeds. Table VII: Best fitting multivariate regression models:
Preterm children also demonstrated difficulties on most sen- handwriting legibility/speed in preterm group
sorimotor skills, including fine motor coordination, manipu-
lative skills, visual motor integration, visual perceptual skills, Predictor models β coefficient r2 p
and sensory awareness of the fingers.
As handwriting is influenced by the nature of instruction Letter
received and the extent of practice, it is important to evaluate a Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills 0.262a 0.502* 0.027
children’s handwriting compared with their peers from the Motor Accuracy 3.43a 0.087
same instructional setting (Ziviani 1995). One of the strengths Word
of this study is the matched design using same-classroom Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills 0.431a 0.260 0.071
peers. In addition, our preterm cohort represents a regional
sample with a high participation rate. We controlled for sex
Lower-case alphabet writing (s)
because of its important confounding influence on handwrit- Translation 2.272b 0.429* 0.004
ing (Maeland 1992, Karlsdottir and Stefannson 2002, Feder Finger Identification –35.522b 0.015
et al. Forthcoming). Upper-case alphabet writing (s)
In our study, specific sensorimotor factors emerged as hav- Translation 1.693c 0.284 0.001
ing important associations with handwriting performance. The Near-point copying (letters/min)
TVPS, a non-motor visual perceptual test, was closely associat- Translation 0.0854d 0.299 0.014
ed with handwriting legibility whereas Translation (In-hand aAdjusted for confounders, behavioural difficulties, sex; badjusted
manipulation test) demonstrated a strong association with for confounders, behavioural difficulties, birthweight; cadjusted for
most handwriting speed tasks. These two variables were also confounder, behavioural difficulties; dadjusted for confounders:
important factors in explaining the differences in legibility behavioural difficulties, age at testing. *Indicates r2 for two
and speed between matched pairs. In studies of typically predictor variables modelled together.

Handwriting in Preterm Children Katya P Feder et al. 167

reported by Malloy-Miller et al. (1995) in a subgroup of chil- Acceptance date 27th May 2004.
dren demonstrating execution/coordination difficulties. Acknowledgements
Proprioception/kinesthesia may also play a role in hand- I would like to thank the children and families who participated in
writing performance by providing directionality informa- this study. A special thank you to Louise LaFleur for administrative
tion/cues for keeping within boundaries and influencing grip assistance, and Sue Harcourt for occupational therapy assessments;
and degree of pressure applied during writing (Cornhill and to Montreal Children’s Hospital Biostatistical Consulting Service for
statistical support and Vicki Stuhec for assistance with data entry; to
Case-Smith 1996). However, handwriting studies incorporat- our research assistants, Emily Dawson, Kiersten Leus, Christine
ing proprioception have produced conflicting results high- MacDonald, Caroline Senior, Sonia Singh, and Tim Flood. These
lighting measurement challenges in evaluating this function study results were presented at the 2003 annual conference of the
(Cornhill and Case-Smith 1996). Proprioceptive deficits were American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
in Montreal, Quebec. This project was supported by grants from
not documented in our sample, which may be due to our REPAR (Quebec), the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
selection of test instruments. Research Institute, and the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation. A
Sex was an important confounder for legibility in our study 2-year doctoral studentship was awarded to Katya Feder from the
while behavioural difficulties had a confounding influence on Canadian Institutes of Health Research/Canadian Occupational
speed and legibility. Our study supports the substantive litera- Therapy Foundation Partnership Fund.
ture indicating that males have worse legibility than females
(Karlsdottir and Stefansson 2002). Attentional or behavioural References
factors, often not considered in handwriting studies, were Amundson SJ. (1995) Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting.
found to be important factors in handwriting performance. Homer, AK: OT Kids.
Ayres AJ. (1989) The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests. Los
Tseng and Chow (2000) found that poor hand writers exhib- Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
ited decreased performance on a normalized vigilance task, Beery KE, Buktenica NA. (1989) Developmental Test of Visual-
which corroborates our findings. Motor Integration–Revised. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.
There is evidence that domains of perceived competence Berninger VW, Rutberg J. (1992) Relationship of finger function to
diminish from the ages of 6 to 9 years in preterm children beginning writing: application to diagnosis of writing disabilities.
Dev Med Child Neurol 34: 198–215.
(Zelkowitz et al. 1995, Jongmans et al. 1996). However, our Birnbaum R, Majnemer A, Shevell M, Limperopoulos C, Wood-
sample demonstrated average to above average perceived Dauphinee S. (1999) Psychometric properties of an upper
competence in all domains. It may be that in first grade, extremity steadiness tester in children of school age. Can J
these children have not yet developed an appreciation of Rehabil 12: 285–293.
Bohm B, Katz-Salamon M, Smedler AC, Lagercrantz H, Forssberg H.
their difficulties, which is reflected in their perceived com- (2002) Developmental risks and protective factors for
petence scores. influencing cognitive outcome at 51⁄2 years of age in very-low-
Handwriting is a functional skill that children must perform birthweight children. Dev Med Child Neurol 44: 508–516.
daily during the early school years. Children spend from 31 Bowen JR, Gibson FL, Hand PJ. (2002) Educational outcome at 8
to 60% of their school day performing handwriting/fine motor years for children who were born extremely prematurely: a
controlled study. J Paediatr Child Health 38: 438–444.
tasks (McHale and Cermak 1992). Our findings suggest, there- Bruininks H. (1978) Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency.
fore, that children born preterm are more likely to face multi- Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service.
ple challenges in their daily functioning at school. Functional Conners CK. (1989) Conners Rating Scale Manual. North
limitations in preterm children have been documented in a Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems.
Cooper J, Majnemer A, Rosenblatt B, Birenbaum R. (1993) A
number of areas (mobility, self-care, communication; Msall standardized sensory assessment for children of school age. Phys
and Tremont 2000). In this context, handwriting performance Occup Ther Pediatr 13: 61–80.
difficulties present an additional functional limitation for this Cornhill H, Case-Smith J. (1996) Factors that relate to good and
high-risk group. Furthermore, handwriting problems are linked poor handwriting. Am J Occup Ther 50: 732–739.
to lower academic success and poor self-esteem (Mather and DeMaio-Feldman D. (1994) Somatosensory processing abilities of
very low-birthweight infants at school-age. Am J Occup Ther
Roberts 1995). Future studies should evaluate the relationship 48: 639–645.
between sensory, cognitive, and language skills and hand- Diekema SM, Deitz J, Amundson SJ. (1998) Test- retest reliability of
writing performance. the Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript. Am J
Occup Ther 52: 248–255.
Doyle LW, Casalaz D, for the Victorian Infant Collaborative Study
Clinical significance Group. (2001) Outcome at 14 years of extremely low birthweight
Our findings provide a detailed elucidation of handwriting dif- infants: a regional study. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
ficulties in preterm infants. The identification of variables asso- 85: F159–F164.
ciated with handwriting performance may guide therapeutic Exner CE. (1992) In-hand manipulation skills. In: Case-Smith J,
interventions for preterm children. Furthermore, our findings Pehoski C, editors. Development of Hands Skills in the Child.
Rockville, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association. Inc.
underscore the importance of early targetting and manage- p 35–45.
ment of behavioural difficulties in this population. Screening Feder KF, Majnemer A, Bourbonnais D, Blayney M, Morin I.
for handwriting problems may facilitate early intervention Handwriting performance on the ETCH-M in typically
and circumvent secondary problems associated with deficient developing Grade One children. Phys Occup Ther in Pediatr.
handwriting in this population. It is critical that rehabilitation Gardner MF. (1982) Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (Non-Motor) –
specialists, educators, and medical practitioners minimize the Manual. Seattle, Washington: Special Child Publications.
impact of longstanding handwriting difficulty on children’s Goyen TA, Lui K, Woods R. (1998) Visual-motor, visual-perceptual, and
daily functioning, from both an academic and psychosocial fine motor outcomes in very-low-birthweight children at 5 years.
point of view. Dev Med Child Neurol 40: 76–81.
Harter S, Pike R. (1983) The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence
and Social Acceptance for Young Children – Manual. Denver, CO:
DOI: 10.1017/S0012162205000307 University of Denver.

168 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2005, 47: 163–170

Jongmans M, Demetre JD, Dubowitz L, Henderson S. (1996) How and functional outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants
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functional handwriting. Percept Mot Skills 94: 623–662. adjustment in very low and normal birth weight children. J Clin
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≤ 32 weeks of gestation: a 5 year prospective follow-up. Dev Med Henderson A, Pehoski C, editors. Hand Function in the Child:
Child Neurol 40: 21–30. Foundations for Remediation. St Louis, MI: Mosby. p 184–193.
McCormick MC, Gortmaker SL, Sobol AM. (1990) Very low
birthweight children: behavior problems and school difficulties
in a national sample. J Pediatr 117: 687–693.
McHale K, Cermak SA. (1992) Fine motor activities in elementary Appendix I: Test instruments
school: preliminary findings and provisional implications for
children with fine motor problems. Am J Occup Ther 46: 898–903. Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript (ETCH-M)
Maeland AE. (1992) Handwriting and perceptual motor skills in The ETCH-M (Amundson 1995) is a criterion-referenced,
clumsy, dysgraphic, and normal children. Percept Mot Skills standardized tool that evaluates legibility and speed of manuscript
75: 1207–1217. writing and includes six different writing tasks reflecting classroom
Malloy-Miller T, Polatajko H, Anstett B. (1995) Handwriting error performance demands (lower/upper-case alphabet writing,
patterns of children with mild motor difficulties. Can J Occup
numeral writing, near-point copying, far-point copying, dictation,
Ther 62: 258–267.
Marlow N, Roberts L, Cooke R. (1993) Outcome at 8 years for and sentence composition). Domains of letter, word, and numeral
children with birth weights of 1250g or less. Arch Dis Child legibility incorporate all tasks combined and are expressed as total
68: 286–290. legibility percentages based on the number of readable letters,
Mather N, Roberts R. (1995) Informal Assessment and Instruction words, or numbers subtracted from the possible number in each
in Written Language: A Practitioner’s Guide for Students with case. Writing speed is calculated for all tasks except dictation. The
Learning Disabilities. Brandon, VT: Clinical Psychology test–retest reliability coefficients for first and second grade children
Publishing Co. Inc. are 0.71 for total word legibility, 0.77 for total letter legibility, and
Msall ME, Tremont MR. (2000) Functional outcomes in self-care, 0.63 for total numeral legibility (Diekema et al. 1998). The teacher
mobility, communication, and learning in extremely low birth
completed a checklist, designed by the authors, in which each
weight infants. Clin Perinatol 27: 381–401.
Powls A, Botting N, Cooke RWI, Marlow N. (1995) Motor child’s handwriting and speed was rated compared to classmates. A
impairment in children 12 to 13 years old with a birthweight of checkmark was placed under the most appropriate heading (above
less than 1250g. Arch Dis Child 72: F62–F66. average, average, needs improvement, or very poor) for legibility
Reisman JE. (1993) Development and reliability of the research and speed of writing.
version of the Minnesota Handwriting Test. Phys Occup Ther
Pediatr 13: 41–55. Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP)
Saigal S, Hoult LA, Streiner DL, Stoskopf BL, Rosenbaum P. (2000)
The BOTMP (Bruininks 1978) is a standardized test of motor deve-
School difficulties at adolescence in a regional cohort of children
who were extremely low birth weight. Pediatrics 105: 325–331. lopment for children from 41⁄2 to 141⁄2 years of age. The Fine Motor
Samson JF, de Groot L, Cranendonk A, Bezemer D, Lafeber HN, subtests of Response Speed, Visual-motor Control, and Upper Limb
Fetter WPF. (2002) Neuromotor function and school Speed and Dexterity were administered as well as Upper Limb
performance in 7-year-old children born as high-risk preterm Coordination. Raw scores were converted to standard scores
infants. J Child Neurol 17: 325–332. (mean 15, SD 5).
Tommiska V, Heinonen K, Kero P, Pokela M-L, Tammela O, Jarvenpaa
A-L, Salokorpi M, Virtanen M, Fellman V. (2003) A national two In-hand Manipulation Skill Test
year follow-up study of extremely low birthweight infants born in
The In-hand Manipulation Skill Test (Exner 1992) is a timed
1996–1997. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 88: F29–F35.
Tseng MH, Chow SM. (2000) Perceptual-motor function of school age procedure in two parts to evaluate rotation and translation using
children with slow handwriting speed. Am J Occup Ther 54: 83–88. the dominant hand. For the rotation test the child grasps a 21⁄2cm
Tseng MH, Murray EA. (1994) Differences in perceptual-motor peg from pegboard, rotates it 180 degrees in fingertips and returns
measures in children with good and poor handwriting. Occup it to pegboard hole. The child is timed while turning the peg five
Ther J Res 14: 19–36. times over two trials with the preferred hand. The test is
Vohr BR, Wright LL, Dusick AM, Mele L, Verter J, Steichan JJ, Simon administered twice and a summary score obtained. The translation
NP, Wilson DC, Broyles S, Bauer CR, Delaney-Black V, Yolton K, test is a timed task of palm-to-fingers and fingers-to-palm translation
Fleisher BE, Papile LA, Kaplan MD. (2000) Neurodevelopmental using a 21⁄2cm peg. For each task, the child is asked to pick up a
specific number of pegs (i.e. two, three, four, and then five pegs)
one at a time, hide them in the palm and then replace them in the
List of abbreviations pegholes. Scores are timed in seconds for both tasks.

ASQ Abbreviated Symptoms Questionnaire Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration–Revised (VMI)

BOTMP Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency The VMI Short-Form test (Beery and Buktenica 1989) is designed to
BPD Bronchopulmonary dysplasia assess visual-motor skills in 3- to 8-year-old children by copying a
ETCH-M Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript series of geometric forms (15) of increasing difficulty in a prepared
IVH Intraventricular haemorrhage booklet. The scoring procedure has well defined criteria and is based
MAC Motor Accuracy on the number of correct forms completed up to three consecutive
PCSAS Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competance and Social failures. A standard score can be derived (mean 100, SD 15).
Acceptance Scale
ROP Retinopathy of prematurity Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (Non-Motor; TVPS)
SIPT Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests The TVPS (Gardner 1982) evaluates strengths and weaknesses in
TVPS Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills seven component areas in children aged 4 to 13 years. These areas
VMI Visual Motor Integration include: visual discrimination, visual memory, visual-spatial

Handwriting in Preterm Children Katya P Feder et al. 169

relationships, visual form constancy, visual sequential memory, A value of 41 or above for females is abnormal; a value of 49 or
visual figure-ground, and visual closure. The child is asked to select above for males is abnormal.
from four to five choices that match a visual model. The number of
correct responses for each subtest is calculated and a scaled score Sensory Assessment Battery
(1–19) is derived (mean 10). This proprioception subtest (Cooper et al. 1993) was administered
to evaluate the index finger of the dominant hand only. The child’s
Finger Identification hand is supported by the examiner and vision occluded using a
Finger Identification is part of a battery called the Sensory screen while the child’s metacarpophalangeal joint is moved up or
Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT; Ayres 1989) and measures tactile down, holding the proximal phalanx laterally. The child verbally
sensory awareness in children. With vision occluded, the child is identifies the direction of movement by responding ‘up’ or ‘down’.
asked to indicate which finger the examiner touched. Examiners are The number of correct responses out of five is recorded. Cut-off
required to complete a comprehensive written and practical value is established at 5.
training course to administer the SIPT. Scoring is computerized;
a z-score is derived with a range of –3.0 to 3.0. The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social
Acceptance for Young Children (PCSAS)
Motor Accuracy (MAC) The PCSAS (Harter and Pike 1983) measures a child’s self-
MAC is part of the SIPT battery (Ayres 1989) that measures the degree perception within each of the following four subscales containing
of change in sensorimotor coordination in the arms and hands, six items each: (1) cognitive competence, (2) physical competence,
guided by visual cues. This test, which incorporates speed into the (3) peer acceptance, and (4) maternal acceptance. Items are
scoring system, emphasizes the motor aspect of tracing over a large presented in pictorial format. The examiner reads a statement
butterfly pattern. Scoring is the same as for Finger Identification. about the child in each picture following which the participant is
asked to select the picture and statement that is most like him/her.
Steadiness Test Scores are obtained for each subscale ranging from low (1) to high
This Steadiness Test (Birnbaum et al. 1999) comprises a metal grid (4) with the higher score indicating a higher level of perceived
on a stand with graded circular openings as well as a stylus which is competence.
attached to a silent impulse counter designed to record the number
of times the stylus touches the edge of the hole during a 15 second Connors Abbreviated Symptoms Questionnaire (Connors ASQ)
period. The child is asked to place the stylus in a designated circular Connors ASQ (Conners 1989) is a quick, easily administered 10-item
hole and to hold it steady in the opening without touching the screening tool for behaviours associated with hyperactivity and
sides. This instrument was used to measure upper extremity poor attention in children aged 3–17 years. The questionnaire is
steadiness with forearm supported. Two trials of 15 seconds were completed by parents with each item of the ASQ rated on a 4-point
administered for the dominant hand and forearm supported Likert scale ranging from (0), not at all to (3), very much. Cut-off
position only. The numeric value on the automatic counter was score is >20.
recorded and the average of the two trials was used for data analysis.

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