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(19) World Intellectual Property

Organization I
International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2013/030614 Al
7 March 2013 (07.03.2013) P O PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
B61F 5/30 (2006.01) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
(21) International Application Number:
PCT/IB201 1/002646
(22) International Filing Date: HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
26 August 201 1 (26.08.201 1) KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
(25) Filing Language: English OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE,
(26) Publication Language: English SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT,
(71) Applicants (for all designated States except US): AK-
TIEBOLAGET SKF; S-415 50 Goteborg (SE). CON- (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
TITECH LUFTFEDERSYSTEM GmbH [DE/DE]; kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
Philipsbornstrasse 1, 30165 Hannover (DE). GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
(72) Inventors; and TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): GAWINSKI, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, ΓΓ , LT, LU, LV,
Hubertus [DE/DE]; Magdeburger Weg 2, 3 1867 Lauenau MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
(DE). LE MOIGNE, Thierry [FR/FR]; 15, rue Edmond TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
Chedehoux, F-37380 Reugny (FR). PAULIN, Laurent ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
[FR/FR]; 3 rue de Bel Air, F-37380 Monnaie (FR).
SCHMIECHEN, Rolf [DE/DE]; Am Kammerholz 3, Published:
97525 Schwebheim (DE). — with international search report (Art. 21(3))
(74) Agent: KOHL, Thomas; SKF GmbH, Gunnar-West-
er-Strasse 12, 97421 Schweinfurt (DE).

(57) Abstract: Railway bogie (1) comprising a
bogie frame (7), a wheelset including wheels
(4) mounted on a rotatable axle, at least one
109 axlebox (2) wherein at least one rolling bear
Fig. 2 SO ing is assembling for supporting the rotating
axle, and at least one suspension (6) mounted
on a link arm (5) of the said at least one axle-
box (2), and an adapter assembly (8) for in
stalling the bogie frame (7) onto the wheelset
the said adapter assembly (8) comprises two
parts, the first part being a first adapter (80)
which is fast with the at least one suspension
(6) and the second part being a second adapter
(100, 200) which is fast with the bogie frame
(7), the said two adapter parts (80) and (100)
being able to cooperate in order to have the
wheelset able to support the bogie frame (7).

Railway bogie assembly, with two-part adapter assembly for

hydraulic suspension

The invention relates to a railway bogie assembly comprising

at least one hydraulic suspension and having an adapter assembly
being required for assembling the said hydraulic suspension to a
bogie frame.

From UIC standard, a railway bogie comprising helical springs

is well known. The said helical springs are mounted integral on
the lower part o f the axlebox and connected with the bogie frame
using caps integral with the bogie frame for fixing the top of the
helical springs.

However, this kind of bogie suspension in displacement on

railway is particularly noisy. Then in some European countries,
freight train passages are forbidden near the cities at night.

For damping the resulting noise, the US application US2002-

0089102 A l discloses a hydraulic suspension comprising a membrane
that can be used in rail vehicles. The patent DE 102005004721 B4
discloses the bogie assembly with such a hydraulic spring.

Such a railway bogie assembly comprises:

a wheelset comprising a rotatable axle, wheels
mounted on the axle and at least one axlebox wherein at least
one rolling bearing i s mounted for supporting the rotatable

at least one hydraulic suspension mounted on an

axlebox link arm;
a bogie frame; and
- a bridging adapter attached to the said bogie
frame on one hand and to the said at least one hydraulic
suspension .
However, the bridging adapter disclosed in WO2005/091698 is
not suitable for an industrial manufacturing since it presents two
major drawbacks.

First, the bridging adapter design does not allow an easy and
efficient assembling process of the bogie frame to the axlebox
equipped with the hydraulic suspensions. The bridging adapter has
to b e first attached to the hydraulic suspensions by bolts, and
then the resulting assembly i s attached (by welding for example)
to the bogie frame. Precise assembling i s particularly difficult
to achieve by doing so.

Second, fixing means such that bolts can support axial

efforts but may be damaged or even break in case of shear stress.

One object of the present invention is to overcome these

drawbacks by providing an improved railway bogie assembly
comprising at least one axlebox and at least one suspension, so
that the railway bogie has an adapter assembly facilitating the
assembling process and having improved assembly rigidity.

According to the invention, such an adapter assembly is

characterized in that it comprises a first adapter fast with the
at least one suspension and a second adapter fast with the frame
bogie, these said first and second adapters being able to
cooperate in order to have the wheelset able to support the bogie
frame .

The second adapter comprises at least one bracket which is

fast with an assembling plate on its bottom surface. The upper
surface of the at least one bracket is directly fast with the
bogie frame or fast with an elongated part which i s fast with the
bogie frame.
The first adapter consists in a spigot which protrudes from
the centre of the suspension. Advantageously, the spigot has a
cylindrical shape.

Advantageously, the first adapter also comprises an

attachment base having a disc shape. This attachment base is
provided with a lower surface fast with an assembling surface
defined on top of the suspension. This attachment base is also
provided with an upper surface wherein the assembling plate of a
second adapter bracket i s dedicated to rest. The spigot protrudes
perpendicularly from the assembling surface through a traversing

Advantageously, the spigot and the attachment base form a

unique device.

The assembling plate of the second adapter bracket is

traversed by an assembling opening through which i s inserted the
spigot o f the first adapter. The assembling opening is circular
and has substantially the same diameter a s the cylindrical shape
o f the spigot, and the height o f the spigot cylindrical shape i s
substantially equal to or greater than the thickness of the
assembling plate. Then when the spigot is inserted into the
bracket opening, there is no clearance between the two mounted
parts and no radial movement.

According to further aspects of the invention, which are

advantageous but not compulsory, such an adapter assembly may
incorporate one or several of the following features a s long as
there is no contradiction:

- The upper surface of the base attachment of the first

adapter is substantially equal to or greater than the lower
surface of the said base attachment.
- The upper surface of the base attachment of the first
adapter is substantially equal to or greater than the surface of
the associated assembling plate of each second adapter bracket.
- The lower surface of the base attachment of the first
adapter is substantially equal to the assembling surface defined
on top of each suspension.
- The spigot has a lower cylindrical part and an upper part
having a truncated conical shape.
- The spigot i s the extension of a metallic centrepiece of
the suspension.
- The spigot is welded, or glued, or fixed by bolts or by any
other connecting means to the suspension and/or the base
attachment of the first adapter.
- The axlebox is equipped with at least two suspensions. The
second adapter comprises a first bracket and a second bracket at
each end. The said first and second brackets are linked together
by an elongated part. Any additional bracket is located between
the said first and second brackets and fast with the elongated
part. Such an elongated part permits a facilitated assembling and
a better adjustment of the second adapter positioning on the bogie
frame compared to the use of separated and distinct brackets.
Moreover, the elongated part enables a better distribution of
forces and avoids having too important stress on the brackets
alone .
- The second adapter has a first bracket positioned under the
straight lower part of the frame bogie and a second bracket
positioned under the curved lower part of the frame bogie.
- One bracket of the second adapter positioned under the
straight lower part of the frame bogie defines an empty volume
between its surrounding side walls, the elongated part on the top
and the assembling plate on the underside, this empty volume being
such that the lower surface covered by the assembling plate is
strictly greater than the upper surface covered by the elongated
plate .
- One bracket of the second adapter positioned under the
straight lower part of the frame bogie is provided with a lateral
wall which covers three faces and has right angles with both the
assembling plate and the straight end of the elongated part, and a
bracket extreme end surface. Advantageously, the bracket extreme
end surface is covered by a plane side wall being inclined and
forming an obtuse angle with the elongated part, and an acute
angle with the assembling plate. According to another feature, the
bracket extreme end surface i s a recess. The advantage of such a
bracket design compared to a standard cylindrical bracket i s that
the elongated plate has a limited length thus requiring less
material, but without decreasing the bracket rigidity.
- One bracket of the second adapter positioned under the
inclined lower part of the frame bogie is provided with a
surrounding wall defining an empty volume with the inclined
section of the elongated part on the top, and the assembling plate
on the underside. Advantageously, this bracket i s provided with an
upper opening on its upper surface. Advantageously, this bracket
is provided with a recess forming a wide upper opening on its
upper surface, the elongated part being directly attached to the
surrounding wall of the bracket and not covering the bracket empty
volume. Therefore the upper part of the spigot can fit in the
elongated part thickness enabling an optimization of the necessary
available space and a reduction of the necessary material quantity
can b e obtained.
- Brackets are rigidly maintained to the elongated part
and/or the frame bogie by rigidity means.
- All the parts of the second adapter are welded together.
- The complete second adapter i s molded.
- The second adapter is preferably welded to the frame bogie
by the elongated part.
The railway bogie assembly comprises hydraulic
suspension (s ).

- 6 -

According to any of the aspects of the invention, the

assembly process implies the following steps:
First, the wheel set comprising the axle, the
wheels, the axleboxes and the suspensions are all mounted
together ;
The first adapters are fast with the suspensions,
by bolts inserted in bores for example;
The second adapters are fast with the frame bogie,
by welding for example;
Spigots o f each first adapter are inserted in the
same time in the associated bracket assembling openings.

According to a further embodiment, the invention concerns a

railway coach which i s mounted upon the railway bogie. The railway
coach may b e directly supported by the bogie frame for permitting
the railway coach displacement on rail tracks. Moreover, one can
mount two railway bogies at each end of the railway coach for
supporting it.

One advantage of such an assembly is that no bolt or clamping

means are required for maintaining the frame bogie to the wheelset
via the suspension. A better stress shear resistance is thus
obtained. Only the bogie frame weight and the adjustment o f the
spigot with the assembling openings of the second adapter bracket
ensure the maintenance of the assembly. It also enables easy
replacement .

Since the upper part of the spigot is in conical shape, an

extreme positioning precision is not required for positioning the
frame bogie associated with the second adapter above the wheel set.
Indeed, even if the positioning is not perfectly done, the spigots
enter the second adapter assembling openings and slid down the
slope o f the upper conical part for having a perfect positioning.
Further advantages, features and details o f the invention
will b e described with reference to the appended and non-limiting
drawings wherein:
Figure 1 is a side view of the railway bogie;

Figure 2 is a perspective view of the left part o f

the railway bogie assembly according to the first embodiment;

Figure 3 is a longitudinal cross section o f the

adapter according to the first embodiment mounted on the
axlebox having hydraulic springs;

Figure 4 is a perspective view of the first


Figures 5a to 5e are face, top, bottom, right and

left side views respectively o f the second adapter according
to one embodiment;

Figure 6 is a perspective view of the left part o f

the railway bogie assembly according to another embodiment;

Figure 7 i s a longitudinal cross section o f the

adapter according to another embodiment mounted on the
axlebox having hydraulic springs.

Figure 1 and 2 show views o f the railway bogie assembly 1 of

the so-called Y 25 type. The railway bogie 1 comprises two
axleboxes 2 whereby their housings 3 enclose at least one rolling
bearing (not shown) for supporting each one end of rotatable axles
(not shown) having a rotation axis X-X' . Each pair of wheels 4 is
fixed to one rotatable axle. Since the left and the right axlebox
assemblies are identical, the following drawing description will
only describe the left railway bogie side.

Each axlebox 2 is extended to the left and the right side b y

two link arms 5 on which hydraulic suspensions 6 are mounted on
each of said link arms 5. The attachment between each link arm 5
with its associated hydraulic suspension 6 i s not limited to the
one disclosed in WO2005/091698 and can b e of any other type. The
link arms 5 and their associated suspensions 6 are symmetrical
about a substantially vertical axis X - i' through the middle of
the axlebox 2. The vertical axis -X i s perpendicular to the
substantially horizontal axis X-X' .

The railway bogie assembly 1 also comprises a bogie frame 7

and an adapter assembly 8 shown in Figure 3 which discloses a
longitudinal cross section o f the adapter assembly whereby the cut
is directed according to a plane being defined by the axes of
rotational symmetry of the two hydraulic suspensions 6.

The bogie frame 7 is mounted on the axleboxes via the

hydraulic suspensions 6 and an adapter assembly 8 wherein a first
adapter 80 i s fast to each suspension and a second adapter 100 i s
fast integral to the bogie frame 7 .

According to figures 2 to 4 , the first adapter 8 0 comprises

an attachment base 8 1 having a disc shape with an upper surface 83
greater than the lower surface 82.

Moreover the lower surface 82 is equal to the assembling

surface 9 on the top of each hydraulic suspension .

The attachment base 8 1 o f the first adapter 8 0 has an upper

surface 83 which is dedicated to b e in contact with one o f the-
brackets 101, 102 of the second adapter 100. The said upper
surface 83 is greater than the surface of the associated
assembling plate 103, 104 of each bracket 101, 102 of the second
adapter 100.

The first adapter 80 comprises a spigot 8 4 which protrudes

perpendicularly from the centre of the upper surface 83. The
spigot axis of symmetry i s parallel with the vertical axis X3.-X1' .
The spigot 8 4 has a lower cylindrical part 8 6 and an upper part 8 7
having a truncated conical shape.

The first adapter 8 0 according to Figures 3 to 7 is formed in

one unique device. According to another embodiment of the first
adapter 8 0 not shown here, the spigot 8 4 and the base attachment
are two separated parts mounted together during the assembly
process .

In figure 3 , the hydraulic suspension 6 and the first adapter

80 have bores for attaching them together via two bolts 85.

According to figures 2, 3 and 5a to 5e, the second adapter

100 comprises a first bracket 101 and a second bracket 102 at each
end, linked together by an elongated part 105. A n assembling plate
103, 104 i s fast with the bottom surface o f the first bracket 101
and the second bracket 102 respectively.

The first bracket 101 is dedicated to b e positioned under the

horizontal section 115 o f the bogie frame 7 .

The first end bracket 101 comprises a lateral wall 106 which
is parallel with the vertical axis Χι - ι ' . The cross-section along
a horizontal plane 2- 2' o f the lateral wall 106 has a U-shape.

A side wall 107 which i s a plane surface is fast with the

lateral wall 106. A n empty volume defined by the walls 106, 107
defines a lower surface S and an upper surface Si. The lower
surface S 2 is covered b y the assembling plate 103 on the underside
and the upper surface S is covered on the top by the elongated
part 105

The empty volume is such that the lower surface S2 is

strictly greater than the upper surface . The plane side wall
107 is then inclined forming an obtuse angle β with the elongated
part 105, and an acute angle with the mounting plate 103.

The second end bracket 102 o f the frame adapter 100 i s placed
under the inclined section 109 o f the bogie frame 7. η empty
volume i s defined by a surrounding wall 110, the elongated part
105 on the top, and the assembling plate 104 on the underside.

Each assembling plate 103, 104 is traversed b y an opening 108,

111 respectively through which is inserted the spigot 84 o f the
left first adapter 80, the said spigot fitting into the bracket
empty volume. The assembling openings 108, 111 are circular and
have the same diameter as the lower cylindrical part 86 o f the
spigot 84, and the height o f the lower cylindrical part 8 6 of the
spigot 84 is substantially greater than the thickness of the
assembling plates 103, 104.

The elongated part 105 i s provided with an inclined end 1 8

which is located under the inclined section 109 o f bogie frame.
This inclined end 118 i s provided with an upper opening 112 above
the second bracket 102. Therefore tools can be inserted during
manufacturing and/or the upper part 87 having a truncated conical
shape of the spigot 8 4 can fit in the elongated part thickness.

Both brackets 101 and 102 are rigidly maintained to the

elongated part 105 b y rigidity means 113, 114.

Figures 6 and 7 present an adapter assembly 10 according to

the second embodiment of the invention.

The second adapter 200 also comprises a first bracket 201 and
a second bracket 202 at each end, linked together by an elongated
part 205.
According another embodiment of the invention, the first
bracket 201 comprises a lateral wall 206 which is parallel with
the vertical axis Χ -Χι ' . The cross-section along a horizontal
plane X 2 -X2' of the lateral wall 206 has a U-shape. A recess 207 is
provided on the left side of the lateral wall 206. The empty
volume defined by the lateral wall 206 and the recess 207 is
covered on the top b y the left end of the elongated part 205 and
on the underside by the assembling plate 203. The recess 207 has
an inclined plane shape and forms an obtuse angle with the
elongated part 205, and an acute angle with the assembling plate

According to the second embodiment of the invention, the

second bracket 202 o f the second adapter 200 i s placed under the
inclined section of the frame bogie 7. An empty volume i s defined
by the surrounding wall 210, the inclined section of the frame
bogie 7 on the top, and the assembling plate 204 on the underside.

The elongated part 205 is directly attached to the

surrounding wall 210 and does not cover the bracket empty volume.
The upper inclined surface is then provided with a wide upper
opening 212 in which the upper part 87 having a truncated conical
shape of the spigot 8 4 can accommodate.

Each assembling plate 203, 204 is traversed by an opening 208,

211 respectively through which is inserted the spigot 8 4 o f the
first adapter 80. The said assembling openings 208, 211 have the
same characteristics a s the assembling openings 108, 111.

Both brackets 201 and 202 are rigidly maintained to the

elongated part 205 by rigidity means 213, 214.

According to another aspect of the invention, a railway coach

(not shown) is mounted upon the railway bogie 1 and directly
supported by the bogie frame 7 for permitting the railway coach

- 12 -

displacement on rail tracks. Moreover, one can mounts two railway

bogies 1 at each end of the railway coach for supporting it.

According to any o f the two embodiments, the assemb ly process

implies the following steps:

a) the wheel set comprising the axle, the wheels 4,

the axleboxes 2 and the hydraulic suspensions 6 are all

mounted together;

b) the first adapters 80 are fast with the

hydraulic suspensions 6, by bolts 85 inserted in bores 8 4 for


c) the second adapters 100 or 200 are fast with

the frame bogie 7 by welding for example, with as many second
adapters 100, 200 a s there are axleboxes 2;

d) the spigots 8 4 o f each first adapters 8 0 are inserted

in the same time in the associated bracket openings 108, 111,
this step being facilitated by the upper part 87 having a
truncated conical shape of the spigot 84.

1. Railway bogie (1) comprising a bogie frame (7), a wheelset

including wheels (4) mounted on a rotatable axle, at least one
axlebox (2) wherein at least one rolling bearing i s assembling for
supporting the rotating axle, and at least one suspension (6)

mounted on a link arm (5) o f the said at least one axlebox (2) ,
and an adapter assembly (8)

characterized in that
the said adapter assembly (8) comprises a first adapter (80)

which is fast with the at least one suspension (6) and a second
adapter (100, 200) which is fast with the bogie frame (7), the
said first and second adapters (80; 100, 200) being able to
cooperate in order to have the wheelset able to support the bogie
frame (7) .

2 . Railway bogie according to claim 1

characterized in that
the first adapter (80) comprises an attachment base (81) of a
disc shape with a upper surface (83) and a lower surface (82),

the upper surface (83) being substantially equal to or greater

than the lower surface (82) .

3. Railway bogie according to claim 2

characterized in that
the lower surface (82) of base attachment (81) is
substantially equal to a assembling surface (9) on the top o f each
suspension (6) .

4. Railway bogie according to any of the previous claims

characterized in that
the first adapter (80) comprises a spigot (84) .

5 . Railway bogie according to claim 4

characterized in that
the spigot (84) i s protruding perpendicularly from the upper
surface (83) of the base attachment (81) o f the first adapter (80) .

6. Railway bogie according to claim 5

characterized in that
the first adapter (80) comprising the spigot (84) and the
base attachment (81) forms one unique device.

7. Railway bogie according to claim 5

characterized in that
the first adapter (80) comprises the spigot (84) and the base
attachment (81) being to separated part which are mounted together
during the assembly process.

8. Railway bogie according to any o f the claims 4 to 7

characterized in that
the spigot (84) has a lower cylindrical part (86) and an
upper part (87) having a truncated conical shape.

9. Railway bogie according to any of the claims 4 to 8

characterized in that
the spigot (84) i s the extension o f a metallic centrepiece of
the suspension (6) .

10. Railway bogie according to any o f the previous claims

characterized in that
the suspension (6) i s provided with a bore on the mounting
surface (9) and the first adapter (80) is provided with a bore on
the base attachment (81) for jointly attaching them via a bolt
(85) .

11. Railway bogie according to any o f the previous claims

characterized in that
the second adapter (100, 200) comprises at least one bracket
(101, 102, 201, 202) wherein an assembling plate (103, 104, 203,
204) is fast with the bottom surface o f the said at least one
bracket, the said assembling plate (103, 104, 203, 204) being
provided with an assembling opening (108, 111, 208, 211) and being
dedicated to rest on the upper surface (83) of one first adapter
(80) .

12. Railway bogie according to claim 9

characterized in that
the at least one axlebox (2) comprises at least two
suspensions (6) and the second adapter (100, 200) comprises a
first bracket (101, 201) and a second bracket (102, 202) at each
end which are linked together b y an elongated part (105, 205) , any
additional bracket being optionally placed between the said first
and second brackets (101, 201; 102, 202) .

13. Railway bogie according to claim 9 or 10

characterized in that
each bracket of the second adapter (100, 200) defines an
empty volume surrounded b y the bracket walls in which the spigot
(84) of the first adapter (80) can fit.

14. Railway bogie according to any o f the claims 9 to 1 1

characterized in that
each assembling opening (108, 111, 208, 211) of the
assembling plate (103, 104, 203, 204) is circular and has the same
diameter a s the lower cylindrical part (86) o f the spigot (84) .

15. Railway bogie according to any o f the claims 9 to 12

characterized in that
one bracket (101, 102, 201, 202) of the second adapter (100,

200) is provided with an upper opening (112, 212) wherein the

upper part o f the spigot (84) can fit.

16. Railway bogie according to any o f the claims 9 to 13

characterized in that
the upper surface (83) of the first adapter (80) is
substantially equal to or greater than the surface of the
associated assembling plate (103, 104, 203, 204) o f each bracket
(101, 102, 201, 202) o f the second adapter (100, 200) .

17. Railway coach comprising at least one railway bogie (1)

according to any o f the previous claims, the said railway coach

being mounted upon the said at least one railway bogie (1) .

18. Process for assembling a railway bogie according to any

of the claims 3 to 15
characterized in that it comprises the following steps:

a) the wheel set comprising the axle, the wheels

(4), the axleboxes (2) and the suspensions (6) are all
mounted together;

b) the first adapters (80) are fast with the

suspensions (6) ;

c) the second adapters (100, 200) are fast with

the frame bogie (7) with a s many second adapters (100, 200)
as there are axleboxes (2);

d) the spigots (84) of each first adapter (80) are

inserted in the associated assembling openings (108, 111) of
the first adapter brackets.
International application No

INV. B61F5/30

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC

Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)

EPO-Internal , PAJ , WPI Data


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

DE 10 2008 042198 Al (FI EDLER ANDREAS 1 ,2,

[DE] ) 10 June 2010 (2010-06-10) 4-11,
the whole document

0 2005/091698 A2 (SKF A B [SE] ; C0NTITECH 1-9,

[DE] ; HO) 6 October 2005 (2005-10-06)
the whole document

J P 1 074163 A (HITACHI LTD) 1-7, 1 1 ,

20 March 1989 (1989-03-20) 13-18
abstract; figures 4-6

EP 1 057 7 7 Al (DWA DEUTSCHE WAGG0NBAU 1-3, 17

GMBH [DE] ) 6 December 2000 (2000-12-06)
abstract; figures 4-6

□ Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . See patent family annex.

* Special categories of cited documents :

"T" later document published after the international filing date or priority
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
the principle or theory underlying the invention
to be of particular relevance
"E" earlier application or patent but published o n or after the international
"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) orwhich is step when the document is taken alone
cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other " document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
special reason (as specified)
considered to involve a n inventive step when the document is
"O" document referring to a n oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one o r more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than
the priority date claimed "&" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report

16 May 2012 30/05/2012

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer
European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040,
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 Awad, Phi l i ppe
International application No
Information on patent family members
Patent document Publication Patent family Publication
cited in search report date member(s) date

DE 102008042198 Al 10-06-2010 NONE

WO 2005091698 A2 06-10-2005 AT 383292 T 15-01-2008

CA 2559046 Al 06-10-2005
CN 1942356 A 04-04-2007
DE 602004011269 T2 15-01-2009
EP 1727720 A2 06-12-2006
ES 2299831 T3 01-06-2008
P 2007530330 A 01-11-2007
US 2007175356 Al 02-08-2007
O 2005091698 A2 06-10-2005

P 1074163 A 20--03--1989 P 1074163 A 20-03-1989

JP 2066964 C 10-07-1996
JP 7102810 B 08-11-1995

EP 1057707 Al 06--12--2000 AT 249952 T 15-10-2003

CZ 20002011 A3 17-01-2001
DE 19925634 Al 14-12-2000
EP 1057707 Al 06-12-2000
PL 340485 Al 18-12-2000
SK 8262000 A3 11-06-2001

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