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Pregunta 1:Incorrecto How many pre-defined service names are configured in tnsnames.ora for a single Autonomous Transaction Processing database instance, and what are they called? Five. They are called tpurgent, tp, high, medium and low, —_(Correcto} Three. They are called high, medium and love None. There ate no pre-defined service names in tnsnames.ora, _{Incorrecto) A, Two. They are called ATP and ADW. Explicaci6n Precefined Database Service Nemes for Autonomous Transaction Processing The tnsnames.ora file provided with the credentials zip fle contains five database service names identifiable as tpurgent tp, high, medium, and low. The precefined service names provice different levels of performance and concurrency for Autonomous Transaction Processing, tpurgent: The highest priority application connection service for time critical transaction processing operations. This connection service supports manual perallelism, tp: A typical application connection service for transaction processing operations. This connection service does not run with parallelism. high: A high priority application connection service for reporting and batch operations. All operations run in parallel and are subject to queuing, medium: A typical application connection service for reporting and batch operations. All operations run in parallel and are subject to queuing, Using this service the degree of parallelism is limited to Four (). lowe A lowest priority application connection service for reporting or batch processing operations. This connection service does not run with parallelisrn Pregunta 2iIncorrecto ‘When scaling OCPUs in Autonomous Database, which statement is true in regards to active transactions? Sealing cannot happen while there are active transactions in the datsbace Active trancactions are terminated and rolled back, _{Incorrecto} Active transactions are paused, Active transactions continue running unaffected, _(Correcto) Explicaci Oracle allows you to scale compute and storage independently, no need to do it together, these scaling activities fully online (no dawntime required) Pregunta 3Incorrecto Which Autonomous Database Cloud service ignores hints in SQL Statements by defaule Autonomous Data Warehouse. (Correctol Neither service ignores hints by default {Incorrecto} Autonemous Transaction Processing Both services ignore hints by default Explicacion Optimizer Hints Ignored by cefault in ADW, where honored by cefault in AIP Pregunta d:Covrecto. Which is correct about security features that are available in Orade Autonomous Database? Neither Data Redaction nor TDE are supported Data Redaction but not TDE DE but nat Data Redaction Data Redactin and TDE are both supported (Correctod Explicacion All data is encrypted at rest using trensparent dats encryption, and data redaction is part of ADB. Pregunta Silncorrecto ‘What REST verb is used to create an Autonomous Database service using REST APIS? A"POST" REST call (Correcto) AGET" REST call {Incorrecto} An INSERT" REST call A"PUT" REST call Explicacion Use REST verb POST to create Autonomous Datazase with REST API Pregunta 6:Incorrecto What predefined user ig created when an Autonomous Databare (ADB) instance is created that you connect to in order to create other users and grant roles? ADMIN — (Correcto) SYS {hneorrecto) DWOEV Explicacion Administrator account in Autonomous Database is ADMIN Pregunta 7:Covrects Which three statem ents are true regarding how Autonomous Database provides data sect Network connections from clients to Autonomous Database are (Correcto) encrypted using the cient credentials wallet Data is encrypted at rest using traneparent data e cryption, _(Correcto} Oracle automatically applies security updates to ensure cata is (Correct not vulnerable to known attack vectors c u Users are given QS logons or SYSDBA privileges to prevent phishing attacking Explicacién In Autonomous Database, Oracle encrypt your data everywhere—whether in motion in SQL*Net traffic and at rest in tablespaces and backups by default, each Autonomous Database service is automatically configured to use industry-standard TLS 1.2 to encrypt data in transit between the database service and cients or applicatons, Required cient certificates and networking information ere automatically packaged for the service consumer when the service is provisioned Oracle encrypt data atrest, by default the Autonomous Database is automatically enctypted using Oracle Transparent Data Encryption in tablespaces and backups Pregunta 8:Correcto ‘Which of these database features is NOT part of the Autonomous Database? Flashback Database Java in the Database —_(Correcto} Real Application Clusters (RAC Online Indexing Explicacion List of Restricted and Removed Orade Features Lists the Oracle Database features that are not available in Autonomous Database. Additionally, database features designed for administration are not available. Pregunta 9:correcto: Which task is NOT automatically performed by the Oracle Autonomous Database? Automatically optimize the workload Backing up the database Mask your sensitive data (Correcto) Patching the database Explicacion ~ Oracle patch the full stack—including the firmware, the OS, clusterware, and the databace, - Oracle Autonom ous Database is actually a family of coud services, with each member of the family optimized by workload, Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), which has been optimized for analytic workloads and Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP), ATP is optimized for transaction processing or mixed workload, it ie possible to use Oracle Data Safe data macking capabilities with cloned instances of ADB, but by the customer Pregunta TWiIncorrecto Migrating an on-pre of datainvolves mul storage object/locati database to Autonomous Database (ADB) for large amounts, le steps like creating a credential object, creating {access to} a running datapump export and running a datapumpimport.. Which three statements are true for SOL Developer (18.3 and up}in combination vith ADB Data Loading? SQL Developer can only export/move/impor files using datspump from databases running on Linu sy SOL Developer can import csv files ints ADB which are located on ‘the system where SOL Developer is running. fons Sal Developercan be used to eporimove/mportofa datsbareto ADB in| set of waard step SQL Developer can be started fram the ADB Cloud console but nly For dats loading scenarios corre) SQL Developer can impertfiles (dap and csv for ecample) into AL Develop wortfiles (amp pe) comeo) ADB which are located an Amazan S3 Object storage Explicacién SQL Developer isa free integrated development environment (IDE) provided by Oracle that simplifies the development and management of Oracle databases, 2 Java based platform, this IDE can run on Linax, Mac OSX, and Windows platforms. SQL Developer faciltates database migrations by providing options to use Cracle tools like Data Purr ecport, database copy, and SOL*Loader Pragunts HTilncorrecto What are the two methods that could he used during the migratis Oracle database to Autonomous Database? CSVfiles copied to Autonomous Datasase black storage Dats Pump (Comecto) Golden Gate (Correcto) Recovery Manager (RMAN) Expicacién The main migration tool for migrating to ADB is Data Pump, You can export your schemas andimpott therm into ADB using Data Pump. To sync up the additional/incrermental changes on the source database during the sxportfimport process you canuse GoldenGate or Golden3ate Claud Service to replicate thase changes to ADB, In the current release you cannet use physical migration methods like backup/restore, Date Guard, datebase clones, and tanspurtable tablespaces to rove your existing vatabave to ADB, Pregunta 1200000010) ‘The default eight day retention period tor Autonomous Database performance data can be modified using which D8MS_WORKLOAD REPOSITORY subprogram procedure? MODIFY_SNAPSHOT.SETMNGS — (correcto) UPDATE_OBJECT INFO CCREATE_BASELINE_TEMPLATE UPDATE_OBJECTINFO Explic The retention time can be changed by changing the Autornatic Workload Repository retention setting with the PL/SQL procedure DBS. WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.MODIFY_SNAPSHOTSETMNGS Pregunta 13incorrecio How can an Autonomous Datebare resource be provi Oracle Cloud Infrestructure console? Connecting to the Cloud Infrastructure Command console via SSH wallet Itcannothe done, Using Database Configuration Assistant (DECAY on the database bee (dncorrecto) Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command Line interface tool seco or REST API calls, “owen: Explicacion, ‘The Cll isa small footprint tool that you can use on its own arwith the Console to complete Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tasks. The CLI provides the sarre care functionality 45 the Console, plus additional commands, httost// using-ocicur Examples af using Autoramaus Database managing by REST API hitas://oracle.github..o/learning-lbrery/workshops/utonomous-trensection- processing/LabGuide900configureOCI-CLlind Pragunts Usincorrecto Ifyou need to connect to Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) using Java Database Connectivity UDBC) via an HITP proxy, where do you set the proxy detais? ewalletss0 eystorejhk ncontecto) sqlnetora tnsnamesiora — orreto) Explicacion JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy ‘To connectto Autanorrous Data Warehouse through an HTTPS araxy, open and update yourtnsnames.ora file, Add the HTTP proxy hostrameihttps proxy) and port (https_proxy_part) to the cannection sting, JDBC Thin client versions earlier than 18.1 do not suppart connections through HTTP proxy Preguinta Tlncorrecte Which Autonomous Database Service is NOT used te connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing instance? TPPERFORMANT — Correcte) TPURGENT —Cncorracto) Low MEDIUM Hig Explicacin Predefined Database Service Names far Autonamous Tansaction Pracessing ‘The tnsnamesor file provded with the credentials zip file contains five database service names identifable as tourgent, tp, high, medurm, and low, The predefined service names provide different levels af performance and cancurrency far Autonamaus Transaction Processing + tpurgent: The highest priatity application connection service for time ertical transaction processing operations, This conection service supports manual parallelism, Pragumnts 1érIncorrect Where can auser's public ssh key be added on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console in order to execute API calls? On the Autonomous Database Convole SSH keys are natrequited in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SSH keys eannatbe added from le Thay have ta be added using FESTADI: only, (neorecto) Navigate to Identity, select Users panel onthe console and select "Add Public Key" come Explicacién Inthe Console, click entity, and then cick Users. Locate the user in the ist, and then lick the user's narne to view the detail, ~ Click Add Public Key. - Paste the key's value inte the window and click Add, Pregunta TiCorrecto Which can be Scaled independent of the number of CPUs in an Autonomous Database? Concureney Merrary Parallelism Storage (Corracto} Sessions Explicacién, Oracle allows yout scale compute and storage independently, no reed te do it tagether, these sealing activities fully anline (no downtime required) Pragunta 1B: orrec Which method can be used to migrate on-premises databases to Autonomous Databases in cloud? RMAN backup étrestore Physical migrstion method like databace cloning Data Pump — orrecto) ‘Original Import/E

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