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Red Gabriel C.

Belcina Pol Sci-60


Women is one of the basic units of the society. They are essential not only to the
household but also in the progress of human beings, thus they play a significant role in the
society. Through the years, the role of women has vastly changed. Compared to how women are
living many years ago, women are now proudly playing a key role in many key areas in the
world. Today, women have countless of significant contributions in the society, from science and
technology, business, arts, politics and other fields. There is a vast difference between the
participation of women in nation-building, before, they do not have a voice in the society.
However, today, women have attained respected positions and great power in helping build a
progressive nation.

Women in India were the most inactive members of the Indian population. Women were
not heard, and they do not experience the liberty that they deserve. Traditionally, they are
compelled to be in their households. However, as times change, their role in the society has
changed, as well.

Women in India do not have the same honor as the men. They belong to different classes
in their hierarchy. One of the possible reasons why there is deterioration in the status of women
is because of the Muslim influence. According to ancient Hindu scriptures no religious rite can
be performed with perfection by a man without the participation of his wife. The participation of
a women is essential to any religious rite. Married men along with their wives are allowed to
perform sacred rites on various important festivals. Wives are thus belittlingly called
“Ardhargani” or “better half”. They are given not only important but equal position with men
(Singh n.d)

Literacy and Education as are two of the most important indicators in a society’s
development. This would help citizens attain a better way of living, they will be aware of the
benefits and their rights as citizens of India.

According to the 2001 census report on the literacy rate of India, the literacy of women in
India is even much lower to the national average. The growth of women’s education in rural
areas is sluggish. This apparently means that a sizeable percentage of women in India are
illiterate, weak, backward, and exploited– given this situation of women in the Indian community
this results to a large number of discriminations among different genders.

The literacy rate of India in 2011 is 74.0 per cent, literacy among the female population is
65.5 per cent compared to the literacy rate among males is 82.1 per cent. However, the literacy
rate for females has been showing growth since the 1980s.

Moreover, for women to be competitive in this tough and challenging society, one must
need adequate or enough education and skills training that would take them a notch higher than
of men.

The increasing change in women education, the empowerment of women has been
recognized as the central issue in determining the status of women for women to hold the key to
freedom and independence in various aspects like financial independence and individuality, one
must be educated. This will enforce women empowerment and independence from the shadows
of men. Thus, through education women are given individuality and imparted knowledge which
would make them functionable and competent members of the Indian society, and the entire
world, as well.

There are several factors in which a society can empowerment women, and one is
education. Women Education plays an essential role in their empowerment. According to Nehru,
“If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a woman you can
educate a whole family. Women empowered means mother India empowered.” Women
education in India plays a very important role in the overall development of the country. This
does not only mean that women can uplift their social status but also their way of life.

Women empowerment is a fundamental part in any society, state, or country. It is women

who play a dominant role in the basic life of a child since it is the mother who molds the
character of their children. Women are important sector of our society. The use of education as a
tool in empowering Indian women can create a positive change not just in terms of how women
are accepted in the Indian society but also positive attitudinal change within the women.
Education simply makes a difference in the life of the Indian women. Education is a milestone in
women empowerment because it teaches women to be responsible, to use their voice, to be better
members of the society, and to respond to whatever challenges they may face. As per united
nation development fund for women (UNIFEM) the term women’s empowerment means:

Acquiring knowledge and understanding of gender relations and the ways in which these
relations may be changed.
•Developing a sense of self-worth, a belief in one’s ability to secure desired changes and
the right to control one’s life.
•Gaining the ability to generate choices exercise bargaining power.
•Developing the ability to organize and influence the direction of social change, to create
a more just
social and economic order, nationally and internationally.
Thus, empowerment of women through education does not only benefit women
themselves but, the entire nation. Through this they can have great influence and they will have a
sense of personal control.

Education is a key factor for women empowerment, prosperity, development and welfare.
This will not only make them influential, but it will also narrow down the inequalities between
gender and stop discrimination against sexes.

Education and literacy empowers women. The only way a society or nation can move
forward and aspire to economic growth and development is not just through education- but
especially education among the women citizens.

Education liberates: It liberates them in several ways. It gives freedom to the mind. It
teaches women to be independent and autonomous on whatever decisions they make. They are
entitled with their opinion which could contribute to the progress of the society.

Education breaks down barriers: This breaks down the gaps, may it be religious, cultural,
political, gender, and other forms for barriers which hinders us to be united. When on is educated
one will not discriminate and will not use religion, culture, politics as barriers.

Education mobilizes: Education will be a useful tool for women in empowering

themselves and breaking the stigma about women in the Indian society. A woman who is full of
knowledge and intellect can actively fight against discrimination and other social evils such as
against dowry, bride-burning, marital rape, rape in general, molestation and sexual harassment,
and objectification of women. Educated women can also lead and actively perform their roles in
the society.

Education teaches girls and women to be independent. Educated women can stand on
their own. They are aware of their rights and they can decide over their lives. They live within
their terms and they don’t let society dictate on what they should do, who they want to be and
how they should live their lives.

Education helps choose their career. Education enables women to go beyond their
borders. Women who are educated can choose their path in life, they are able to delve into
industries where men are leading, like in the field of engineering, sciences, and politics. Women
who are properly educated can compete with men, as well. Education will enable women to be
financially independent, as well. She will not need a man or a partner to give her needs. Women
will no longer depend on men to feed them, they will feed themselves. Having financial
independence is essential to a woman. This will mean that she is capable, and she can do it on
her own.

Educated women can contribute to the progress of the Indian economy: The presence of
women can bring forth new ways of thinking that may have been previously overlooked by the
male population.

Aside from the several reasons which are mentioned, there is a much deeper reason why
women must be imparted education. Knowledge is essential for an individual to be productive.
Women must be encouraged to learn because educating a woman means educating more

A highly educated, liberal-minded, independent and professionally successful and

sensible woman will choose an educated husband. Then she will also educate her kids, and make
them into wise, responsible citizens, who will push forward their kids, and so on.

A society where women are respected and treated equally with men can become a much
more progressive and advanced society. Women play a significant role in nation-building that is
why women empowerment through education is not just a duty of the government but an
essential part for progress.

The education of women is the most powerful tool in making a change in the Indian
society. This will break the stigma that women only belong to the four walls of their houses, this
will narrow down inequalities and this will end gender discrimination. This will change how the
Indian society see women. Empowerment means giving them power, power to make difference
in the society where they are not treated the way they should be. Once they become educated and
empowered women they will make a change. A change not only they can benefit but whole
nation, as well.

Education is a right which should be made available for every women and for everyone.
This plays a transformative role in achieving more than just sustainable development. It is more
than just giving them a voice to be heard.

The presence of women can bring forth new ways of thinking that may have been
previously overlooked by the male population. Education is a weapon which when unlocked,
provides unlimited potential to whomever needs it. An educated woman is a capable woman. It
breaks the stigma that they are nothing more than housekeepers.

Since India is a fast-growing country women participation in various aspects is very

much needed. To move forward, they must consider the involvement of Indian woman in nation
building. Education empowers girls and women to achieve more in several aspects of their lives,
may it be economic, social, or their family lives. Thus, education means power. It gives power to
choose your own decisions, strength to stand for your rights and most especially power to say no
to harmful traditional practices which hinders growth and freedom.

If we push through empowerment of Indian women through education, then half of the
population which was once deemed useless are now utilized and more minds can contribute to
help build a better India.

The notion of whether politics and religion should be kept apart is highly controversial in
today’s world. Members of the community have different beliefs on whether the church and the
government should work as one.

It is evident in many ways that religion has a massive part to play in politics in ensuring
that we live in a tolerant and multicultural society. According to one of the participants in a
documentary entitled “Religion should stay out of Politics”, “In theory and in laws we have the
separation of government and religion but, in practice we can see very powerful religious groups
influencing the decisions our government makes”.

Several people agree to the idea of the church interfering in politics, according to Martyn
Eden on his article in Premier Christian Radio, he mentioned the four important contributions the
church can bring to the political world. First, is exercise a prophetic ministry in society. As
Kenneth Kaunda, the former Zambian President, suggested “what a nation needs more than
anything else is not a Christian ruler in the palace but a Christian prophet within
earshot.” Secondly, the church can also serve as an agent of reconciliation in a politically divided
society so long as it avoids becoming partisan. Third, the church has an obvious duty to
spearhead prayer for the nation. Lastly, the church has a prime responsibility to teach believers to
relate our faith to our duties as citizens of the nation as well as of the Kingdom of God.
Numerous thinkers believed that it is necessary for religion and politics to be united, some of
which are Niccolò Machiavelli thought that ‘religion was the foundation of state and society’ he
stated that ‘rulers use religion accordingly since religion is under his control’ (Barbier, 1999:112-
113). Thomas Hobbes argued about religion and politics in many of his works, the key argument
being in the context of a religion and a world state. Hobbes argued that religion was vital for
politics as ‘religion drives people to obedience, makes them familiar with laws and how to live in
a peaceful society’ (Barbier, 1991:130-131). Montesquieu also had a firm belief that religion
should be part of politics as ‘religion provides unity, harmony and social stability for society’
(Barbier, 1999:118-121). 

On the contrary, there are also many people contradicting the motion of the church being
involved in politics. Majority of the people interviewed for the documentary do not agree with
idea of the church intervening in politics. They say that Religion is a faith based organization
that doesn’t work everyone all the time. An interviewee from Bethlehem, NH said that,” Modern
progressive laws have been shut down like abortion and gay marriage almost entirely on the
premise of religious ethics”.  

On the other hand, Religion and Conflict is also another controversial notion today.
According to Sara Silvestri, there is an assumption that religion is automatically connected with
causing conflict. However, she contradicts that idea since studies have shown that there is no
direct effect concerning religion and conflict. She added that religion is a complex notion, there
is no agreed understanding with this notion.

Hence, religion can be a factor in promoting peace within the borders of the world.
Silvestri explained that Religious leaders involving in peace promotion can be positive because
they have established positions, highly visible strong connection with the community, in depth
understanding of religious scriptures.

She also explained the downside of religion. Marginalized minority communities ignore
the voice of the majority (individuals) women have been marginalized by religions since they are
promoting patriarchal views.

In my own opinion, I do not agree to the notion of involving the religion in politics. Since
religion is faith based and when we combine both there will be misunderstandings considering
the fact that there are many religions and many beliefs, as well. Combining both parties will only
confuse the people. And it will greatly affect the decision making and the creation of laws. Let us
take for example the Roman Catholic church and the Philippine government, they are the
greatest critic of the government. They always have a say on the laws and the decisions of the
governing body. Thus, it resulted to chaos and misunderstanding. There are many progressive
resolutions which are not put into law since the church have always been interfering and the
legislators are also basing their decisions on faith and their beliefs.

If only there is a clear border between the church and the government, I do think that our
society will be more progressive. If the church stays on where they should be and the
government will do its job rather than creating chaos with the church, we would be more
progressive in that way. The government should focus on the welfare of the people and the
church should pray for the goodness of the society.

I agree with what the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church
and State, Barry Lyyn stated “True religion does not require the assistance of governments, and
generally when governments touch religions they tend to degrade their authenticity. On the other
hand, governments are not – or should not be – designed to resolve theological issues. That
should be up to churches.”

Both parties should not be combined since there will only be misinterpretations and
confusions. Each party should just focus on what it is tasked to do. The church being a guide to
the people while the government being a leader to the community. What we see now is a
complete opposite since the church and the government are fighting against who is right. Rather
than doing this, the church and the government should just help uplift each other to create a
peaceful society.  It is essential to maintain the integrity of both religious organizations and
governments. Keeping a distance between the two is key.

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