Ingles Past

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I had a wonderful experience in a fantastic village near the mountain, I met new people,

most were from other countries, I liked chatting with them, then we went to a restaurant to
eat. We stopped in the little italy and had the most amazing pasta dish for lunch.       After
that, I decide to walk around 

I had a wonderful experience in a fantastic village near the mountain, I met new
people, most were from other countries, I liked chatting with them, then we went
to a restaurant to eat. We stopped in the little italy and had the most amazing
pasta dish for lunch. It was peaceful in the restaurant as the italian music was
playing in the background. After that, I decide to walk around. The weather was
absolutely perfect. After I ate, I looked at my watch and decided it was time to get
back to the train station.

I loved the trip, it was definitely fascinating.

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