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Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

Course Outline


Credits : 3
Type : Elective
Pre-Requisites : Nil
Term & Year : V, 2011-12
Faculty : Dr. Asharaf S and Dr. Shahid Abdulla
Introduction & Objective(s):

Course Description

Computational advertising is an emerging discipline with relevance to managers due to the explosion in online
advertising opportunities. Computational advertising endeavors to make the best match between users and an
advertisement repository so that the right advertisement is shown to the right person at the right time. The match
process can employ the behavior and context data of the user. The behavior can be inferred from the digital
footprints of the user. The context could be that of a user visiting a webpage belonging to a particular category or
entering a search query containing a brand name. The methodology used by online advertising firms is relevant
to managers as they should choose an optimum media mix to plan their advertising budgets to reach the right
market segment. Another computational challenge is to measure the effectiveness of their spend across different
channels. This course is designed to expose budding managers to the above said computational aspects related
to online advertising.

Course Objectives

Apprise the student on the current trends in ICT enabled advertising paradigms
Give necessary directions for further exploration, practice and innovation in this domain
Class room lectures, quizzes and presentation

Evaluation Scheme: (suggested. Please make necessary changes)

Class Participation : 20%

(including Quizzes)
Assignments/Presentation : 25%
Mid Term : 25%
End term : 30%
Brief Outline:
Market Place – Business and Revenue Models of Computational Adverting -
Display Advertising – Sponsored Search and SEO - Web 2.0 enabled Adverting
- Targeting based on Behavior and Context – Recommender Systems : Netflix
challenge – Advertising Platforms : Demand side platform – QR Codes -
Mobile Advertising – App Advertising - Media Mix models – Attribution
measurements – Advertising in Semantic Web - Advertising in Video Streaming

Signature of Faculty member(s) Offering the Course:


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Signature of PGP Chair Member PGP Exec Committee


Session No. Topics

1-2 Market Place
3-4 Business/Revenue Models of Computational Adverting
5-6 Display Advertising
7-8 Sponsored Search and SEO
9-10 Web 2.0 enabled Adverting
11-13 Targeting based on Behavior and Context
14-16 Recommender Systems, Market-Basket Analysis, Netflix challenge
17-18 Advertising Platforms, Demand side platform
19-20 QR Codes, Mobile Advertising
21 App Advertising
22-24 Media Mix models, Attribution measurements
25-26 Advertising in Semantic Web
27 Advertising in Video Streaming services
28-30 Student Presentations

1. Search Engine Advertising : Buying Your Way To The Top To Increase Sales 2/e, Lee and Seda,
Pearson 2009.
2. Computational Social Network Analysis: Trends, Tools and Research Advances, Ed/- Ajith
Abraham Et. Al., Springer Series on Computer Communication and Networks, 2010
3. The Impact of Internet Technologies: Search, McKinsey & Company Report, 2008.
4. How much is your personal recommendation worth ?, Dutting Et. Al., WWW 2010.
5. Optimal Online Assignment with Forecasts, Vee Et. Al, Electronic Commerce 2010.
6. A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Sponsored Search, Anastasakos Et. Al, Y! Tech Report, 2009
7. Mining the Network Value of Customers, Domingos and Richardson, ACM SIGKDD 2001
8. Smart Marketing or Bait & Switch? Competitors’ Brands as Keywords in Online Advertising, Rosso
and Jensen, 4 Workshop On Information Credibility, 2010
9. Media Mix Modelling 2.0, Pete Blackshaw, Nielsen, 2010
10. How CMOs can measure return on Ad Spend with better modeling and conversion attribution,
Doug Bryan, iCrossing, 2010
11. Semantic Advertising for Web 3.0, Thomas Et. Al, 2 International Conference on Future Internet,
12. Implementing a Multi-Channel Mobile Advertising Platform, Mobile Advertising Alliance
Whitepaper, 2008
13. SmartMobile-AD: An Intelligent Mobile Advertising System, Gao et. Al., 2 International
Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, 2008.
14. IAB Platform Status Report: A Digital Video Advertising Overview, Interactive Advertising Bureau,
15. The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privacy, David Evans, Journal of
Economic Perspectives, 2009.

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