The New Version of Aripar and The Benefits Given in Assessing and Managing Major Risks in Industrialised Areas

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# Institution of Chemical Engineers Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


University of Bologna, DICMA, Bologna, Italy
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
Snamprogetti S.p.A., HSEQ, San Donato Milanese, Italy

he concentration of industrial activities located close to residential areas poses
problems of land use planning, risk control, emergency planning and responses to
public authorities. The decision-making process requires the analysis of a large amount
of information on risk sources, accident modelling, population distribution, etc. The treatment
of such information needs the support of informatic tools. ARIPAR version 3.0 is a software
package that implements a probabilistic methodology for the assessment of the risks of
complex industrial areas, including transport of dangerous substances, to obtain a number of
different risk measures. The paper illustrates the basis of the methodology and the main
features of the software; some elements from real applications on industrial areas in Italy are
presented as well.

Keywords: quantitative area risk analysis; accident scenario; accident consequences; local
risk; individual risk; societal risk; geographical information systems.

INTRODUCTION and curves supported and still today give help to local
authorities in taking decisions (Spadoni et al., 1997), a
Public authorities and private companies adopt quantitative major achievement was the design and production of soft-
area risk analysis (QARA) when major risks posed by large ware to support the risk analysts in performing the large
industrialized sites have to be examined and risk-related number of calculations required by QARA studies. The
decisions have to be taken. These decisions are related, for software—to which the same acronym as the originating
example, to process safety, the identiŽ cation of preventive project was given—has since then undergone a number of
and protective measures for risk reduction; land-use improvements (Bellezza et al., 1998). It is today in Italy a
planning, the ‘safe’ siting of residential quarters or new reference tool for the QARA and has been used in a number
industrial plants; territorial emergency planning, the deter- of area risk assessment studies.
mination of strategies to protect people, the environment and The paper describes the main scientiŽ c and technical
assets during an accident. aspects of the software ARIPAR, the hypotheses and the
This practice has recently been conŽ rmed and sanctioned numerical methods implemented, and the main capabilities
by the Community Directive 96=82=EC, as it is the basis of the tool. Some applications are brie y described to show
recommended by article 12 for setting out a correct policy of how the results can support authorities in taking decisions
Land Use Planning (LUP). on land use planning and on the adoption of risk reduction
If a history should be made of the use of area risk studies, measures. These studies give a good picture of the back-
Ž rst of all the Canvey and Rijnmond studies (Health and ground of procedures and criteria, which in the near future
Safety Executive, 1978; Rijnmond Public Authority, 1981) will be deŽ ned by the Italian regulatory process in an
should be introduced, since they represented the Ž rst attempt application decree.
to evaluate the risk from several plants. In this context, the
ARIPAR project (Egidi et al., 1995) was the Ž rst study
where the risk sources considered were a mixture of Ž xed
installations and of all transport systems (road, railway,
pipeline, and ship) and where the aim of the study was The quantitative assessment of the impact on a territory of
explicitly to give support to LUP (Uguccioni et al., 1991). many risk sources, from process, storage and transport
Among the results obtained from the Project, whose maps systems, requires the assessment of speciŽ c risk measures,
most of them used in all European countries.
Risk contours for individual risk representation and F–N
*Current address: D’Appolonia SpA, Milano, Italy. graphs of societal risk are familiar to risk experts. Some

20 SPADONI et al.

other measures can be added to complete the risk picture. amounts of transported substances and above all the routes
The societal risk may also be represented by of an I–N used is more complex.
histogram, showing how the population of the reference area The assessment of risks posed by each single source
(the geographical area that undergoes impact by risk begins with the identiŽ cation of a set of likely accidental
sources) can be grouped into categories of individual risk events and continues with the evaluation of all occurrence
I. The risk related to the geographical location can be frequencies and consequences. It is not necessary to recall
properly depicted by local risk, which does not contain well-known procedures and tools for risk quantiŽ cation;
any probability of presence of population or allowance for however, mention must be made of the rules to guarantee
indoor protection, so that the pertinent distribution map is a the technical validity of the results. In particular a common
sort of property of the industrialized area. set of methods for identifying sources and simulating
Essentially three types of information are contained in a physical consequences should be used to compare results
risk measure: the occurrence frequency=probability of an and rank source importance.
accident or of the event chain which causes the accident; the This last evaluation step transforms the results of safety
kind and distribution of physical effects responsible for the analyses of plants and transports into a large set of pairs of
reference damage; and the relation between physical effect frequencies and consequences of accident scenarios: it is up
and damage extent. When the societal risk is considered, the to the reassembling model to combine them in order to
information on the impact area must include the population produce risk measures for the whole impact area.
distribution and the location of vulnerability centres Equations combining such pairs are different if point
(hospitals, commercial centres, schools, etc.) in order to sources (plant top events) or linear sources (transport
evaluate the number of human beings suffering damage. routes) are considered, because the location of accidents
Territorial information, such as land use (urban, residential, ‘travels’, in the second case, on roads, railways, pipelines or
rural) and average meteorological conditions, is implicitly shipping routes.
considered in deŽ ning the population distribution and If P is an area point, the local risk is evaluated as follows:
frequencies and consequences of accident scenarios
for point sources
(for instance roughness, conŽ nement degree, ignition
probability). Note that information on soil composition N
X NI …i†
and stratiŽ cation or surface or underground water typologies RL…P† ˆ li pi;s ai;j
are not requested because the risk measures mentioned do iˆ1 sˆ1 jˆ1
not permit description of damages to the environment. N yv
Ncv X
Recently legislation has requested that safety reports include £ pcv;yv =s v· i;j;cv;yv …xS!P † …1†
evidence on such types of damage, but at present no index is cvˆ1 yv ˆ1
generally accepted to describe global effects on human
beings and environmental components. Indexes based on a for linear sources
fuzzy set approach, which put together the severity of Ni NST NI …i†
damage to different resources, have been proposed, but X X X
they are not widely accepted. Similarly, chronic effects of RLt …P† ˆ li pi;s ai;j
iˆ1 sˆ1 jˆ1
long-term releases and occupational health issues are not
included in the adopted risk measures. … X Ny v
Ncv X

These introductory statements make it clear that, when £ pcv;yv =s v· i;j;cv;yv …xdl! P † dl …2†
l cvˆ1 y ˆ1
the risk assessment of an industrial area is performed, the v

requested evaluations are not simply the sum of the risk

In equations (1) and (2) v· is the average vulnerability (the
analysis of each industrial plant, but the complexity
fatality probability) in P due to all accident scenarios whose
introduced by the interactions between all risk sources and
direction is included in a sector of the wind rose having yv as
the territory is taken into account.
bisector. It follows that the deŽ nition of an average accident
In a QARA procedure the choice of the impact area is the
scenario, whose vulnerability is given by
Ž rst step: the preliminary choice has to be veriŽ ed and, if …
necessary, corrected after executing the analyses. Apparently 1
this implies an iterative procedure, but in practice the Ž rst v· i;j;cv;yv …xS…dl†! P † ˆ v dy …3†
yset¢v yset¢v i;j;cv;yv
choice is conservative and often includes residential areas
that are not subjected to signiŽ cant risks. Obviously the It is worth noting that equations (1) and (2) do not contain
impact area due to the transport of hazardous substances is any information on the population at risk, which, on the
larger, since it involves crossed territories, but the trafŽ c contrary, will be included in the corresponding individual
density and hence the associated risk is surely higher near risk evaluation. In fact each location of the geographical area
industrial sites. can be occupied by people who can or cannot be present in a
On the cartography of the impact area plants, roads, given season, during day or night, and, if present, can be
harbour, railways, pipelines needs to be shown and, as outdoors or indoors. These conditions deŽ ne ‘categories’ of
outlined above, information on population. The risk sources population, sharing the same probability of presence.
inventory is the second step of the QARA. A complete Because the presence probability may signiŽ cantly reduce
quantitative knowledge of hazardous substances processed the vulnerability of a category in each scenario, a correct
and transported in the area allows collection of data that are evaluation of individual risk requires explicit consideration
useful in performing source risk analyses. The collection of of how the top event depends on day=night, through the
information on plants is relatively simple when safety probability pg, and what the probability is of a person being
reports are available, whereas the task of Ž nding the indoors or outdoors during a speciŽ c season, during day or

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


night, through pio=s=g . Obviously, the indoor exposure miti- distance from a physical location of a top event is the
gates the physical effect of the scenario, so that a speciŽ c greatest among those resulting from deŽ ned threshold
factor has to be deŽ ned bi;j;cv;yv ;io . values of effects of radiation and overpressure’.
With these considerations, the following equation holds: Equations (1)–(6) give an artiŽ cial picture of the risk
N NST 2 NI …i† measures, clearly showing the large amount of information
RI cat …P† ˆ li pi;s pi;g ai;j to be dealt with. The global impact on the territory could be
iˆ1 sˆ1 gˆ1 jˆ1
changed if it does not satisfy tolerability criteria and the
changes can take advantage of the possibility of disaggre-
Ncv X
X gating contributions of plants, substances, risk sources, etc.,
£ pcv;yv =s v· i;j;cv;yv …xS! P † and all the parameters which strongly in uence the results,
cvˆ1 yv ˆ1 as will be shown below.
£ pcat
io=s=g bi;j;io …4†
which describes the geographic distribution of the individual
risk for each population category. Spatial Data in Risk Analysis
As previously said, societal risk can be represented by The methodology presented in the previous section has
F=N curves, a measure of the societal impact of all accident
been implemented into ARIPAR, a software tool running on
scenarios; in order to build the different contributions, a Windows PC platform and using the ESRI desktop
attention has to be focused on an average accidental scenario Geographical Information System ArcView 3.2.
occurring in S; its frequency is given by: A geographical information system (GIS) is a software
Fsc …i; j; s; g; cv; yv † ˆ li pi;s pi;g ai;j pcv;yv =s …5† system for capturing, checking, storing, retrieving, manipu-
lating, analysing and displaying spatial data, i.e. data that are
The population subject to damages is distributed on the characterized by their location on the Earth. The method of
impact area or concentrated into ‘vulnerability centres’, e.g. representing spatial data is through maps, a two-dimensional
hospitals, churches, stadiums, supermarkets. In order to collection of graphical features (objects) characterized by
perform the risk calculation the distributed population is their x–y co-ordinates (Heywood et al., 1998). Spatial data
also represented on a grid and the number of fatalities results can be represented in vector or raster formats. The funda-
from: mental types of entities in a vector format are points, lines and
XX polygons. These three entities are used to portray real-life
Nsc…i;j;s;g;cv;yv † ˆ Nk v· i; j;cv;yv …xS! Pef † objects. For instance, in a chemical facility points may
Pef kˆ1 represent entrance gates or stacks, whereas lines may repre-
X sent pipes, roads, pipelines or electric power lines. Polygons
£ pkio=s=g bi;j;io …6†
may represent site fences, plant units, buildings, vessels, etc.
Raster data record spatial data in a matrix data-structure in
where Pef is the set of points where the physical effect of the which the smallest logical unit represents a pixel, i.e. a dot on
scenario is not negligible (an effect is negligible if threshold the screen. Raster data formats are typical of scanned maps,
values are not exceeded). digital photos and satellite images. The information stored in
The pairs of Fsc and Nsc so obtained are the basic elements a pixel depends on what the picture represents, e.g. it may
for producing the cumulative F–N curve. Analogously, the represent the light re ected by the object in a satellite image
F–N curves for transports can be calculated too, after or the brightness value in a scanned map. The combined use
partitioning each linear source into segments. of raster and vector data formats increases the powerfulness
A complete and detailed procedure of reassembling risks of a GIS in modelling and solving problems requiring spatial
due to many sources cannot neglect the importance of domino data representation and analysis.
effects, because new accidents in the industrial area may be A set of graphical objects of the same type, i.e. characteri-
produced by an initiating accident. The chain of events: zed by the same attributes, represents a thematic map, also
referred to as theme or layer; road networks, accident
Physical explosion of a vessel
locations, damage zones and risk contours are all examples
) overpressure of thematic maps. More complete maps, referred to as
) damage to an atmospheric tank topographical maps, can be obtained by applying the overlay
operation to two or more thematic maps having the same
) release of a toxic liquid
coordinate system.
) pool evaporation and dispersion of a toxic cloud The analysis of spatial data is fundamental in supporting
decision-making, and it can be performed on both raster and
is an example of different effects (overpressure and toxic vector formats. Spatial analysis, i.e. the analysis of spatial
load) and consequently of different probabilities of fatality data, is based on map algebra (Tomlin and Dana, 1990), a
in the impact area. special algebra applicable to thematic maps. Overlay and
A simple way to consider domino effects has been map algebra allows thematic map composition for problem
suggested from the outlined procedure. The top events of solving to be made. For example, the thematic map of the
plants are assumed as the vulnerable locations of the plant population distribution combined with the accident damage
themselves and only these locations are considered as source zones gives a new map showing the spatial distribution of
or target of domino events through the use of interaction the population at risk. Spatial data used in industrial risk
curves. Each curve is deŽ ned as a ‘locus of points whose analysis are listed in Table 1 (Contini et al., 2000).

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

22 SPADONI et al.

Table 1. Main geo-referenced data and results in industrial risk studies.

Phase Geo-referenced data Geo-referenced results

Hazard identiŽ cation Plant layout Accident location
Accident frequency analysis — —
Accident consequence analysis Plant layout Damage zones
Road, rail, water courses, pipeline networks Accident location
Accident location
Topographic map of the area
Risk assessment Plant layout Damage zones
Road, rail, water courses, pipeline networks Accident location
Topographic map of the area Local risk contours
Land use and population distribution Individual risk contours
Vulnerability centres
Risk management Local risk contours Risk zoning
Individual risk contours Land-use zoning
Topographic map of the area Preferred transport paths
Plant layout
Road, rail, channel, pipeline networks

In ARIPAR, overlay and map algebra are extensively data; (2) conŽ guration data; (3) accident scenario evaluation;
applied to the spatial data listed in Table 1, to offer the and (4) risk calculation and representation.
analyst a powerful tool for area risk analysis and risk control
over time.
Phase 1. Territorial data
This phase starts with the deŽ nition of both the source
The ARIPAR Analysis Procedure
area and the impact area. Maps used have generally a scale
The area risk analysis procedure, shown in Figure 1, may 1:25,000 or greater, depending on the extension of the
be subdivided into four phases concerning: (1) territorial effects of accident scenarios.

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the risk analysis procedure implemented in ARIPAR.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


The basic cartography, which is generally available on Ž re protection regulations in a speciŽ ed building or
paper, must be scanned and its scale assigned so that structure. The location and identiŽ cation of the vulner-
distances can be measured and areas calculated. The map ability centres is done with the support of the local
may already be georeferenced and available in digital form. authorities.
Georeferencing is the assignment of geographical coordi-
The population is also classiŽ ed according to the prob-
nates to each pixel of the map. High-resolution satellite
ability of being present in the polygon. The probability of
images (e.g. SPOT, LANDSAT) may be used when the
presence (indoor and outdoor) is calculated from the number
topographical map of the impact area is not up to date.
of days per week and hours per day of presence in the
The raster map (or, alternatively, the satellite image) of
speciŽ c polygon for each ‘population category’, i.e. class of
the impact area is used as a background image to draw all
population deŽ ned by the same presence time.
thematic maps of interest. ARIPAR considers thematic maps
Examples of population categories are ‘residents’ (present
on risk sources (Ž xed plant and transport of substances on
the whole week, mostly indoor), ‘students’ (present mostly
road, rail, water courses or pipelines), population distribu-
indoor for some of the time), ‘commercial centre users’ etc.
tion and population concentrated into vulnerability centres.
The categories appropriate for each situation and the data
The generation of thematic maps is straightforward.
for the calculation of the probability of presence are deŽ ned
The population distribution on the impact area must be
in strict consultation with local authorities.
described with care due to its importance for the determina-
As previously mentioned, the risk is calculated with
tion of both individual and societal risk measures.
reference to a grid, which is automatically generated in
For the description of such a distribution, polygons
each polygon describing the population layer. The centre of
are drawn representing different land uses, e.g. residential
each cell is assigned the population automatically calcu-
(high, medium and low density), industrial, agricultural, etc.
lated with reference to the density and the cell area. The
Each polygon is assigned either the number of people or the
maximum number of grid points for the whole impact area
population density. The population density can be assigned
is set to 10,000. The user can assign the grid cell dimen-
to each land use category and the number of people is
sion to each land-use category, e.g. 100 £ 100 metres close
automatically calculated through the surface of the polygon.
to risk sources and high-density residential areas,
This feature makes the description of the population
200 £ 200 meters for low-density population areas, and
distribution a simple and fast operation.
so on. Generally the cell dimension increases with distance
Furthermore, a number of singular points representing the
from the risk sources.
vulnerability centres can be added. The data to be given to
Figure 2 is an example of possible representations of the
each vulnerability centre are the number of people present
population distribution. In the Ž rst example a dot represents
and the probability that people are present during a speciŽ ed
a given number of people (the relation between dot and
time interval (day=night, season). The number of people is
number of people is deŽ ned by the analyst). In the second
deŽ ned on the basis of two sets of data.
case coloured polygons represent the different land uses, to
(1) Census data obtained by local authorities. These which a given population density and a given cell dimension
comprise the total number of people present over a are assigned.
sub-area (these sub-areas are normally deŽ ned by the This Ž gure also shows the different risk sources: three
municipalities). This total number of people is dis- plants, two roads, a railway and a pipeline. These thematic
tributed over the grid covering the sub-area taking into maps can easily be generated using the ARIPAR editing tools.
account the fact that not all residents are found in built- The graphical objects making up thematic maps are
up areas (in recent studies it has been assumed that 90% described by attributes stored in the geodatabase. This
of people are present in built-up areas, 10% outside). description can be enhanced with drawings, photos, docu-
(2) Data from local Ž re protection authorities for the total ments of any type (with extensions doc, ppt, pdf, xls, tif,
number of people present in vulnerability centres. These bmp, jpg, etc), as well as satellite images, video clips, web
comprise the maximum number of people allowed by addresses, and even user applications. These are all types of

Figure 2. Screen dump of ARIPAR showing territorial data and risk sources.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

24 SPADONI et al.

information that can be linked to graphical objects on use as far as possible information available in Safety
any theme. Reports to ensure consistency of the overall area risk
analysis with the criteria and results already approved by
Phase 2. ConŽ guration data the competent authorities and considered in emergency
These data concern: (1) the parameters of vulnerability planning.
Therefore, each accident scenario with related frequency
models; (2) default values for the automatic computation
and consequence is associated with the accident location in
of road transport frequencies; (3) population categories
with the associated probability of being present vs season, the area map. The data needed for the complete description
of the risk sources are the geographical location of the
day=night, indoor=outdoor; (4) meteorological data.
sources, the list of the accident scenarios, the frequency of
The parameters of vulnerability models (either Probit
occurrence, and the spatial distribution of the consequences
equations or threshold values) can be deŽ ned by the user,
associated with each scenario.
for up to 98 different substances. The data for the road
For Ž xed installations the data describing the scenarios
transport frequency calculation are the accident frequency
are taken from the Safety Reports issued under the major
and the probability of release given the accident, for
hazards legislation. For transport systems, for which no
different ‘road categories’ (This feature allows site-speciŽ c
safety reports are generally available, the risk assessment
statistical values for the accident frequency of road transport
has to be carried out on the basis of data collected from the
to be taken into account.). ARIPAR then, on the basis of the
companies shipping or receiving hazardous substances.
length of each road of a given category, calculates the
These data refer to hazardous substances involved, the
accident frequency.
number of transports per year, the physical conditions of
The number of population categories and the data required
transports and the origin=destination locations. The route
for their characterization can be deŽ ned as appropriate to the
(for road transport) cannot be deŽ ned with certainty, being
speciŽ c site.
Meteorological data can be aggregated into a maximum to some extent dependent on individual drivers’ choices.
The information on origin or destination, however, allows a
of Ž ve categories. Each category is characterized by the
most probable route to be inferred, considering the road and
couple ‘Pasquill stability class–wind speed’. Up to 16 wind
directions can be deŽ ned with their associated yearly trafŽ c patterns in the area.
Concerning the quantiŽ cation of transport accidents,
frequency of occurrence.
frequency data are taken from international literature
(Bonvicini et al., 2001; EGIG, 1998; CONCAWE, 1994).
Phase 3. Accident consequence analysis Three reference leak sizes are assumed: typically a small
A speciŽ c feature of the ARIPAR software is that it does leak ranging from 0.5 to 1 inch; a large rupture ranging from
not perform any hazard identiŽ cation and has no frequency 2 to 4 inches; and a full bore or catastrophic rupture. The
or consequence analysis model embedded: all the data accident scenarios deriving from the analysis are deŽ ned
relevant to the analysis are obtained off-line. This through the application of the event-tree approach adapted
allows the user to choose the data and modelling that for each type of substance involved. The consequence
best suit the speciŽ c case. This feature derives from the analysis of signiŽ cant scenarios is performed by means of
decision, developed during the original ARIPAR project, to user-selected models. The deŽ nition of all scenarios is

Figure 3. Dialogue interface for the description of accident scenarios.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


therefore completely under the control of the user, who can On importing these Ž les ARIPAR calculates interpolating
use the set of data, assumptions and criteria most suited for coefŽ cients on the basis of predeŽ ned functions that repre-
the speciŽ c case. sent a typical shape for each scenario. From these coefŽ -
This phase (deŽ nition of risk source data and additional cients a good approximation of the effect values that would
calculations) is the most signiŽ cant phase of a QARA, be obtained with the user’s original model can be calculated
involving at least 50% of the total project resources. for each grid point.
Accident scenarios that can be considered in ARIPAR are: To help the user in assessing the correctness of the
interpolation, the values of the effect vs distance are
° unconŽ ned vapour cloud explosion;
graphically represented, together with the points read from
° physical explosion;
the input Ž le. If the interpolation curve generated is not
° Ž reball;
satisfactory the user can modify the coefŽ cients to obtain a
° jet Ž re;
better Ž tting and checking the results of each choice in the
° pool Ž re;
control window (see Figure 4).
° jet dispersion;
The exposure time is related to the duration of the
° heavy gas continuous release;
accident and to the time needed for the implementation of
° heavy gas instantaneous release;
emergency measures. ARIPAR allows an exposure time to
° Gaussian dispersion.
be deŽ ned that is different for each scenario. This exposure
For each scenario, the frequency of initiating event and time is kept constant over the whole study area and set
the probability of occurrence are entered in the window as the minimum between the duration of the scenario and
shown in Figure 3. the time assumed to be necessary for a person to Ž nd an
An important feature of the software is related to the effective shelter.
calculation of the vulnerability in each point of the grid and
for each vulnerability centre. Three sets of information are
needed for each scenario: Phase 4. Area risk calculation
The risk calculation is performed over the whole impact
° vulnerability models (Probit equations, threshold
area, i.e. for each cell of the grid. The risk sources to be
considered can be deŽ ned by the user; the analysis can
° data for the calculation of the consequences on each
therefore be made for the whole risk sources or for a speciŽ c
point and for each reference meteorological condition;
subset of them. This feature allows new risk sources to be
° exposure times.
added and analysed without recalculating previously
The present version of the software allows the preferred analysed sources.
vulnerability model for heat radiation, overpressure and The speed of the calculation, together with the facility of
concentration of up to 98 different toxic substances to be retrieving and modifying data on scenarios, exposure
input. times, vulnerability models, etc., allows the user to inter-
Since the consequence analysis is performed off-line actively perform sensitivity analysis to verify the effects,
using user-selected consequence analysis models, the on the area risk indicators, of changes in assumptions
results must be made available in a predeŽ ned format and data.
containing the distance, value of the effect and, depending Typically, the whole phase of running the program and
on the scenario modelled, other information required to performing the sensitivity analyses requires a minor fraction
simulate the effect pattern (e.g. plume width, plume of the total resources involved in a project, of the order of
height etc.). less than 20%.

Figure 4. Fitting the calculated results of a given scenario with interpolating functions implemented in ARIPAR.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

26 SPADONI et al.

These results are available for selected substances, risk

sources or population category. This means that as many
risk maps can be straightforwardly generated as the number
of selections made by the analyst.
Figure 5 is an example of representation of the local=indivi-
individual risk contours; another useful representation is
through the use of coloured surfaces for different risk levels.
Figure 6 gives the importance of the sources, with
reference to a speciŽ c number of fatalities. From this
histogram attention is drawn to the sources where mitigation
measures can be most effective in reducing the overall risk.
Figure 7 is the classical representation of the societal
risk as F–N plots. These curves are generated for each risk
category and for the total risk. These results are useful for
identifying the major contributors and consequently for
taking decisions about intervention for risk reduction.
Other useful information is the importance of the risk
sources in the overall local risk level in a speciŽ c point, as
shown in Figure 8. This histogram gives the ranking of the
risk sources that contribute to the risk at a speciŽ c point, e.g.
Figure 5. Local risk contours over the impact area.
a vulnerability centre. Hence the most appropriate measures
for risk reduction can be identiŽ ed.
Finally, considering that the risk changes over time as a
The following results are obtained for any selected set of consequence of variation in risk sources (old plants are
risk sources: closed, new plants are constructed, quantity=type of
° local=individual risk contours represented as points, substances change, new transport paths are used, etc.), it is
polylines or grid; useful to be able to compare area risk maps. From the
° local risk values on a predeŽ ned point the area with the comparison of two risk maps a new map is generated showing
ranking of major contributors; risk changes (increase–reduction) over the impact area.
° F–N curves;
° I–N histograms; Status and Availability of ARIPAR
° histograms of the importance of the risk typologies;
° histograms of the importance of the risk sources vs the The Ž rst two versions of ARIPAR had an Italian interface,
number of fatalities. because of their exclusive use in Italy, whereas the latest
version (ARIPAR Team, 2002) has an English interface.
Furthermore, it is possible to display, for any accident, the It has been developed for distribution to the competent
damage curves corresponding to three different effect authorities and supporting organizations of the candidate
values. countries participating in JRC’s PECO Project 26

Figure 6. Histogram showing the ranking of sources over the whole area.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


Figure 7. Plot of the F–N curves for the different typology of risk, including the total risk.

‘Management of technological and natural disasters in Since interest has also been shown by some industrial users,
Central and Eastern European countries (PECO)’. This the Emilia Romagna Region and the Joint Research Centre
project aims at the design and creation of compatible have been setting up a suitable procedure to make ARIPAR
regional and national central information systems for available to them. This procedure should be completed soon
supporting authorities in the management of risk and and the software should be delivered to all industrial users,
emergency situations owing to natural and technological under licence agreement, by the end of 2002.
hazards and the existence of heavily polluted sites. The ARIPAR working group is continuously involved in
The countries participating in the project are Bulgaria, the implementation of new capabilities with the aim of
Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, further improvement of the tool, in particular from the
Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. ARIPAR is avail- decision-making point of view.
able free of charge to the competent authorities of EU
member countries and to the Directorate General for Envi-
ronment (DG-ENV) of the Commission.
All users can beneŽ t from the ARIPAR web site (www. Table 2 summarises the main QARA studies performed, where they can Ž nd assistance, pose questions, with ARIPAR in Italy (Egidi et al., 1995; Uguccioni et al.,
propose further improvements of the tool, etc. 1999; Vanni, 2000; Regione Emilia-Romagna, 1999;

Figure 8. Example of local risk source ranking for a selected point.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


Table 2. Main data of the Italian area risk analysis studies performed using ARIPAR.

Hazardous materials transports

Scenarios (Ž xed Gnjless Study area Study developed

Area Industry=plant installations) Trucks=year wagons=year Ships=year Pipelines (km2) by: On behalf of: Status
Ravenna . . .=47 379 128,000 2500 3500 21 205 Snamprogetti– Civil Protection Completed 1990
NIER–DAM Department–
and University Emilia Romagna
of Bologna Region
Livorno 11=35 306 136,800 3800 3800 12 45 Snamprogetti National Research Completed 1999
Piombino 3=5 46 7300 — — — 3 University of Regional Completed 1999
Pisa Environmental
SPADONI et al.

Mantova — — 85,180 24,700 — — 5 University of Completed 2001

Pisa Istituto
Priolo 15=>200 To be deŽ ned To be deŽ ned To be deŽ ned To be deŽ ned >60 >100 Snamprogetti Ministry of the In progress
Milazzo 1=43 191 12,120 — 732 — 20 University of In progress
Gela 4=4 27 19,766 3654 1500 — 30 University of In progress

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003


Regione Toscana, 2000). Some other areas have been partially ° Ž nancing interventions to improve the safety of Ž xed
examined with the tool described: transport of dangerous sub- installations (revamping or new design of storage).
stances by road and rail in the territories of Parma, Priolo-
The interest shown by public authorities in the quantita-
Augusta and Brindisi have been evaluated and compared.
tive knowledge of risks has anticipated the Italian regulatory
The complexity of these cases is variable both in the
extension of the impact area and in the number of risk
The Italian regulatory process has recently become based
sources considered. The area extension varies from 3 to
on authorization given to individual plants on the basis of a
more than 200 km2; the number of Ž xed installations varies
safety case, in which safety issues of plants are considered,
from 10 to around 200; road, rail, ship and pipeline transport
besides their relation with the surrounding territory.
varies from a few units to about 50 pipelines and some
Recently the Italian implementation of the Seveso 2 EU
hundreds of thousands of transportations of dangerous
Directive principles (Law 334 of 1999) has led to the
substances per year.
explicit introduction in the regulatory process of land use
All studies were promoted by public authorities interested
planning that is based on the results of the industrial
in extending the quantitative knowledge of risks which
installation safety cases. The procedures and criteria for
always are present in territories where large industrialized
risk-based land use planning were set in a Ministry decree in
areas are located.
In order to give samples of the practical conclusions of
In addition, the Law 334 asks for a risk assessment at
some studies, mention is made of the industrial areas of
industrial area level to be performed when the authorities
Ravenna and Livorno and the concerned territories, which
declare an area to be of high-risk-potential. The area risk
are undergoing management and structural modiŽ cations
assessment has to be developed by the operators of the area
resulting from the QARA results.
involved, under the supervision of the competent authorities.
As far as the Ravenna territory is concerned, the follow-
The application decree detailing procedures and criteria for
ing list shows the interventions in progress, most of them
area risk assessment study has not yet (as of October 2002)
partially funded by the Ministry of the Environment
been issued.
(Regione Emilia-Romagne, 1999):
ARIPAR has been applied until now on request from local
° decommissioning of LPG sphere storage and building of authorities for local planning purposes or as research
new buried storage (16 vessels with a total capacity of exercises; this, however, has allowed wide experience and
39,000 t); know-how on area risk studies to be acquired and many
° movement of the marshalling yard from the old location Italian authorities are now familiar with the principles and
(near the Ravenna town) to a new and safer location; procedures of the ARIPAR methodology.
° new layout of roads used for transporting dangerous In mid 2002 the Ž rst ofŽ cial application of the Italian
substances to=from the industrialized area to assure risk Law 334 requirement for area risk analysis has started, with
mitigation; and the request by the Ministry of the Environment to the
° implementing a radar system (Port Approach Control) to operators of one of the major industrial areas in Italy (near
govern a safe entrance and navigation in the Candiano Siracusa, Sicily) to perform an area risk assessement.
Canal. ARIPAR has been chosen as the methodology and
tool to be adopted in the study, which is scheduled to be
The risk assessment of the Livorno industrialized area, its
completed in mid 2003. The application decree to be issued
results and intervention strategies are documented in
will largely beneŽ t from the experience of this area risk
Regione Toscana (2000). Several actions have been sched-
assessment study so that, even if the ARIPAR methodology
uled and are now being realized. Some of them are:
and tool, as any other tool, will not be the ‘ofŽ cial’ tool for
° revamping of LPG storage (spherical vessels replaced by regulatory purposes for land use planning in Italy, it will in
buried horizontal cylindrical vessels); practice be seen as the benchmark and ‘de facto’ standard
° mitigation of risks due to road transport of dangerous for QARA studies.
substances (new motorway intersections, dangerous
amounts moved from road to rail); and
° new regulations to manage transport of LPG by ships CONCLUSIONS
(only cryogenic transportation permitted).
The described features of ARIPAR clearly show the
These two studies and a comprehensive view of the capability of the software in managing the large amount
results of all the studies listed in Table 2 show that most of data which characterize the risk analysis of a complex
of them have been used by public authorities in: industrial area, where Ž xed installations and transportation
of hazardous substances are involved. A risk-oriented
° verifying the relative importance of risk sources (Ž xed approach is mainly addressed. Risk measures are evaluated
installations or typologies of transport) in order to and their importance is judged on the basis of both
address new distributions of dangerous substances  ows; frequencies and consequences of all accidents identiŽ ed.
° planning the territory taking into account major accident In addition, since the scenarios identiŽ ed in risk analysis
hazards (displacement of the marshalling yard in the can be considered independently, the consequence-oriented
Ravenna area, scheduling of relocation of houses in the approach could also be supported.
Livorno area, etc); The results of the application of ARIPAR to some Italian
° planning for improvement of transport infrastructure industrial areas have proved that the tool is particularly
(new roads mainly devoted to industrial trafŽ c in the useful in supporting decisions-making in risk assessment
area of Ravenna); and and management.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

30 SPADONI et al.

Further software improvements are in progress concern- Heywood, I., Cornelius, S. and Carver, S., 1998, An Introduction to
Geographical Information Systems (Addison Wesley Longman, Essex,
ing the implementation of new functionality to further UK).
enhance the sensitivity analysis phase and the presentation Regione, E.-R., 1999, Piano di risanamento dell’area industriale e portuale
of results for decision-making purposes. ravennate.
Regione, T., 2000, ARPAT, Analisi del rischio per l’area di Livorno e
strategie d’intervento.
Rijnmond Public Authority, 1981, Risk Analysis of Six Potentially Hazar-
NOMENCLATURE dous Industrial Objects in the Rijnmond Area. A Pilot Study (Reidel,
ai;j occurrence probability of accident j, conditioned to occur- Dordrecht, The Netherlands).
rence of top incident i [i ˆ 1; . . . ; N; j ˆ 1; . . . ; NI …i†] Spadoni, G., Leonelli, P. and Egidi, D., 1997, Quantitative risk analysis of
li occurrence frequency of top incident i industrial and transportation activities in the Ravenna area: a second
pi;s probability that top incident i occurs in season s (the value is report. ESREL 97 Conference, Lisbon.
equal to 1=4 if a uniform annual distribution is considered), Tomlin, C. and Dana, 1990, Geographic Information Systems and
s ˆ 1; . . . ; Ns . Cartographic Modeling (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, USA).
pcv;yv =s occurrence probability of the cv (cv ˆ 1; . . . ; Ncv ) pair ‘wind Uguccioni, G., Senni, S., De Sanctis, S., Vestrucci, P. and Zappellini, G.,
velocity–stability class’ in direction yv conditioned to season 1991, Industrial area risk management through risk analysis technique,
s; yv ˆ 1; . . . ; Nyv PSAM Conference, Beverly Hills.
vI ; j;cv;yv …xS! P † vulnerability in an area point P, caused by accident j of top Uguccioni, G., Bellocchi, C., Russo, G., Spadoni, G. and Zanelli, S., 1999,
incident i occurring in meteorological condition cv with a ARIPAL–a project for risk assessment of an industrial area. Seveso 2000
wind direction yv ; S is the accident source and x the distance Conference, Athens 1999.
from S to P. Vanni, L., 2000, Aggiornamento della Valutazione del Rischio nelle Aree
Industriali di Livorno e Piombino. Tesi in Ingegneria Chimica, Università
di Pisa, Pisa.
ARIPAR Team, 2002, ARIPAR System for Area Risk Analysis and Control,
Main User’s Guide, Version 3.0, Report S.P.I.02.103, July 2002; ARIPAR-
GIS Reference Guide, Report S.P.I.02.104, July 2002; ARIPAR-DB Thanks are due to D. Egidi, head of Civil Protection of the Emilia-
Reference Guide, Report S.P.I.02.105, July 2002. Romagna Region, who promoted the ARIPAR project, and to the Italian
Bellezza, F., Contini, S., Binda, and Spadoni, G., 1998, A GIS based Department of Civil Protection which, has helped the dissemination
software tool for risk assessment and management in industrial areas. of area risk studies with Ž nancial support. Authors are also grateful to A.
ESREL 98 Conference, Trondheim. C. Lucia, and A. Poucet, unit heads of the Institute for the Protection and
Bonvicini, Vanni and Cozzani, 2001, The importance of modelling assump- Security of the Citizen of the JRC, for the support given during
tions in hazardous material transportation risk analysis. ESREL 2001 the development of the new English version of the software ARIPAR.
Conference, Torino. Furthermore, the tool could not have been implemented without the
CONCAWE, 1994, Performance of Oil Industry Cross-country Pipelines in fundamental work of F. Bellezza (JRC), and M. Binda (THS Informatica)
Western Europe. in the software development phase.
Contini, S., Bellezza, F., Christou, M. and Kirchsteiger, C., 2000, The use of
geographical information systems in major accident risk assessment and
management. J Hazard Mater, 78: 223–245.
EGIG, 1998, Positive Trends in European Gas Pipeline Incidents (European ADDRESS
Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group).
Egidi, D., Foraboschi, F.P., Spadoni, G. and Amendola, A., 1995, The Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Dr S.
ARIPAR Project: analysis of the major accident risks connected with Contini, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for the
industrial and transportation activities in the Ravenna area, Reliability Protection and Security of Citizens, TP 361, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy.
Engng Syst Safety 49: 75–79. E-mail:
Health and Safety Executive, 1978, Canvey: an Investigation of Potential
Hazards from Operations in the Canvey Island=Thurrock Area (HM The manuscript was received 10 June 2002 and accepted for publication
Stationery OfŽ ce, London, UK). after revision 16 October 2002.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

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