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believe i have to shape this codex before it is ready to play if anyone can find something
wrong with it please tell me this only got 2 post on 40konline


1 handed weapons

*grot sticks: pts:3 counts as extra hand weapon

*Grot grenades (needs better title) PTS: 5 R: 6" S: 7 AP: 4 heavy 1 

Thrown: since these are always rolled under vehicles this weapon always strikes on side

*sluggers pts4 see ork codex for details

*Grot prods PTS 5 see ork codex

2 handed weapons

*Bomb squigs PTS 15 see ork codex 

*Grot big shoota: PTS: 10 R:24" ST: 3 AP: 6 Assault 3 

*Grot shootas PTS: 5 R: 16" ST: 3 AP:6 Rapid fire 

*Grot zzapers PTS: 15 R: 12" ST: 3 AP: X Assult 1 

AP depends on range [7-12"= ap 5] [4-6"=ap 4] [0-3"= ap 3] 


*scrap armur: pts:5 make the armour save 4+

*riding squig: pts:15 a riding squig makes the user Calvary and is limited to hq and squig


head honcho

WS:5 BS:3 S:3 T:3 W:2 I:3 A:3 LD:8 SV:-

unit size: 1
unit type: infantry
grot blaster
grot stick
may take anything out of the armory
special rules
preferred enemy orks

Da Red Gobbo 250 points

WS:d6 BS:d6 S:d3 T:d3 W:d3 I:d6 A:d6 LD:2d6 SV:d6

unit size: 1
unit type: infantry
war gear
twined linked grot blaster or twined linked grot shooter
grot stick
special rules
preferred enemy orks
grot randomness: at the start of the game role once for every stat. the results is the stats
for the game.

grot big mek

WS:5 BS:3 S:3 T:3 W:2 I:3 A:3 LD:8 SV:6+

unit size: 1
unit type: infantry
grot blaster
grot stick
a grot mek may take anything out of the grot armory
the grot big mek may take one of these updrade: a force field for +30 points or scrap armor
with built on auto sluggers for +5 points, built in auto grot shotters for +5 points, built in
auto Grot zzapers for +10 points, you may make any built in auto weapon twin linked for
+10 points
special rules
preferred enemy orks

grot weapons team 15 points

gretchin WS:2 BS:3 S:2 T:2 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:5 SV:-

the grot weapons team are the ones that handle the heavy weapons in a grot army. These
weapons team do not take anything in the FOC and you may have up to five of them and
attach them to a squad of infantry. the weapons teams must pick one of the following
weapons to handle: a big shooter at +5 points, a rockit launcher at +10 points, a kustom
mega blaster at +10 points or a shock attack gun at +40 points.

scrapper grots 5 points per model

WS:2 BS:3 S:2 T:2 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:5 SV:-

unit size: 10-20

unit type: infantry
war gear
grot blaster
grot stick
scrap armor
grot scrappers my exchange their grot blaster for a kombi or single weapon of these
options: slugger for free, grot shoota for +5 points, Grot grenade chucker for +15 points,
grot big shooter at +10 points, Grot zzapers at +15 points.
Special rules
preferred enemy orks


snotlings 5 point per model

WS:2 BS:0 S:2 T:2 W:3 I:3 A:3 LD:10 SV:-

unit size: 10-30

unit type: infantry
war gear
grot stick
grot stick
special rules
preferred enemy orks
swarm: swarm models count are 3 models on a base and count as 1 model but as 3 in the

gretchin mob 3 points per model

gretchin WS:2 BS:3 S:2 T:2 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:5 SV:-
grot nob: WS:4 BS:2 S:3 T:3 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:7 SV:6+

unit size: 20-50

unit type: infantry
grot blaster
grot stick
any gretchin may exchange their grot blasters for sluggers at +5 points
any gretchin may be given scrap armor for +4 points per model
up to 2 gretchin in a gretchin mob may be given a grot big shooter at +5 points or a grot
zapper at +10 points
character: a gretchin may be upgraded to grot nob. the grot nob may take anything from
the grot armory
special rules
preferred enemy orks

fast attack

pogo stick grots 5 points per model

gretchin WS:2 BS:3 S:2 T:2 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:5 SV:-
grot nob: WS:4 BS:2 S:3 T:3 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:7 SV:6+

unit size: 10-30

unit type: jump infantry
grot stick
grot blaster
any gretchin may exchange their grot blasters for sluggers at +5 points
any gretchin may be given scrap armour for +4 points per model
character: a gretchin may be upgraded to grot nob. the grot nob may take anything from
the armory
special rules
preferred enemy orks

grot sails 8 pints per model

gretchin WS:2 BS:3 S:2 T:2 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:5 SV:-

unit size: 3-18

unit type: bikes
grot stick
grot blaster
cutter saw(cutter saws count as 2 additional attacks, power cutter saws count as a power
a grot sail may exchange its cutters for power cuter saw at +10 points
a grot may exchange his grot blaster for a slugger
special rules
preferd enemy orks

grot squig riders 5 pintsper model

getchin WS:2 BS:3 S:2 T:2 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:5 SV:-
grot nob: WS:4 BS:2 S:3 T:3 W:1 I:2 A:1 LD:7 SV:6+

unit size: 10-30

unit type: cavulry
grot stick
grot blaster
any gretchin may exchange their grot blasters for sluggers at +5 points
any gretchin may be given scrap armor for +4 points per model
character: a gretchin may be upgraded to grot nob. the grot nob may take anything from
the armory
special rules
preferred enemy orks

grot cutter

BS:3 FA:10 SA:10 BA:10

unit size: 1-5

unit type: vehicle squadron, artillery
war gear
twin linked grot blasters
grot buggies may exchange their twinlinked grot blasters with twinlinked sluggers for free,
twin linked shooters for +5 points, twinlinked big shooter at +10 points or twin linked rockit
launchers at +15 points
a grot cutter may be given a cutter saw at +10 points or a power cutter saw for +15 points
special rules
preferred enemy orks

heavy support

big gunz-see codex orks for details and stats

pump wagon 150 points

unit size: 1
unit type: vehicle artillery
twin linked shooters
bolder chucker
range:G24 stranght:5 ap:5 type: heavy 1, blast
special rules
preferred enemy orks

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