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“PRAN-RFL Group Public Affairs Activities”

Public Affair: We can define public affairs as “issues arising from the relationship of the
public to an organization such as a government body or a financial institution.” It is also used to
describe an organization’s relationship with stakeholders. These are individuals or groups with
an interest in the organization’s affairs, such as customers, employees & local communities,
clients, stockholders, trade associations, think tanks, business groups, and the media.

PRAN-RFL Group Public Affairs Activities: PRAN (Program for Rural Advance-
ment Nationally) was established in 1981 by Amjad Khan Chowdhury is currently one of the
most admired food & beverages brands among the millions of people of Bangladesh and other
134 countries of the world where PRAN Products are regularly being exported. Pran pioneered
Agro business in Bangladesh. PRAN Foods, a sister concern of PRAN-RFL Group, produces a
number of agro products under the banner of PRAN. Its Public affairs work combines employ-
yees, customers, media, environment & social responsibility community to build and maintain a
strong reputation and find common ground with stakeholders. The following stakeholder group
are important for PRAN-RFL group to address their public affair issues:

 Employees: PRAN-RFL Group treat their employees as a core resource and family
member as their employees are dedicated to the success of our business. They give values to
their employee’s creativity and innovation. Their culture begins with our four values that
drive everything they do:

 Integrity
 Continuous Innovation
 Involvement
 Self-respect.

They give them proper training and development & encourage employees to ask questions &
make suggestions that they think better. PRAN-RFL Group employees are their best resource.
Currently PRAN has 80 thousand direct employees and 200 thousand indirect employees
working for them.
 The Human Resource department:
PRAN-RFL group also consider their employees as their best asset.They have their own Human
Resource Department with a strong management system. They give values to their employee’s
creativity and innovation to get best output in return. In order to make HRM become more
strategic in PRAN-RFL Group, management has reduced most of the administrative and paper-
work from HRM that might holds HRM back. PRAN-RFL has organized HRM function as
follows: -
 Customers: PRAN-RFL group view their consumers their king & themselves as their
laypeople as their consumers have given them such success for so long years. So, they care
for their consumers need and satisfaction. Through their communication activities, they let
their consumer know about the benefits of their products and innovations. The company has
adopted ISO 9001 as a guiding principle of its management system. The company is
compliant to HACCP & certified with HALAL which ensures that only the best quality
products are reaches to the consumers table across the Globe. As a result, PRAN-RFL Group
is becoming a globally renowned brand & more than 1,000,000 people around the world is
dependent on them. The following objectives they seek through their customers care:

 To create a culture of customer focus

 To receive complaints from our consumers on product related matters
 To achieve customer satisfaction
 To create rapport and loyalty.

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