Divisional Chart-I

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Importance of Divisional

Charts in Vedic Astrology

March 9, 2017 • 24 Likes • 1
March 9, 2017

For detailed analysis of the horoscope,

we have to study the divisional charts.
These are studied for two purposes.
Firstly, we study them to see the strength
of a planet by observing its placement in
various divisions. If it is placed in its own
sign, its mooltrikona sign or its exaltation
sign in most of the divisions, it is treated
as strong. Its placement in most of the
divisions in its sign of debilitation renders
it weak. A planet which is weak in the
natal chart does not improve its position
by occupying benefic, exaltation or own
sign in the divisions. However, wearing a
gemstone in a duly selected auspicious
time can strengthen those planets, which
are weak but functionally favorable for a

The Divisional Charts in Astrology assume

great and larger importance for
horoscope analysis according to Vedic
system. The Divisional Chart is also called
as Varga Chart. The credit for success of
Vedic astrology over all other systems
available in the present world goes in no
small measures to the system of
harmonic Vargas or divisional charts. The
Vargas holds the key to predictions and
delineating a horoscope for a
comprehensive analysis. if benefic planet
is exalted in the Natal Chart (D-1) but
debilitated in the respective Divisional
Chart fails to give any benefic result in
respect of the signification represented
by the planet concerned. For Example ,if
the ruler of 10th house is exalted in a
Natal Chart (D-1) and any astrologer
without analysing the relevant Varga
Chart has predicted that you have a great
luck with regard to your profession, such
prediction in all is likely to fail and
misguiding for you if the same planet is
debilitated in D-10 chart (Dasamasa
chart). The analysis of Kundli made by the
merely on the basis of Natal Chart (D-1)
as can be seen in most of the cases. The
skipping of divisional charts in horoscope
analysis or without having thorough and
adequate knowledge of divisional charts
on the part of an astrologer may lead to
wrong predictions.

First of all, the birth-data should be

correct for study of any divisional chart.
In D-charts we take into account the
analysis of position changing with a
difference of even one minute in the time
of birth.

As there is every possibility of some

amount of error in recording the time of
birth even in cases where utmost care
has been taken to record the correct time
of birth, it is imperative that divisional
chart analysis is taken up only up to (D-
XII). Horoscope analysis is done through
the natal chart and the strength of the
planets is ascertained in the divisional
charts. If the ascendant of the divisional
chart contains a mooltrikona sign, the
same becomes an additional factor for
consideration in horoscope analysis. For
divisional analysis beyond (D-XII) only the
position of lord of the corresponding
houses and the natural significator
planets should be considered in the
concerned D charts. The ascendant as
well as its lord in the divisional charts
beyond D-XII could prove to be

The longitudes of ascendant and planets

should be correctly worked out along with
divisional charts.

What is Vargas? The zodiac is consisting

of 360 degrees or divided into 12 signs of
approximately 30 degrees each. Each
sign is further subdivided into number of
generally equal divisions, wherein the
position of each planet is mapped in each
Amsa (Vargas/Divisions) accordingly.
These are called Divisional Charts (D-
Charts) or Vargas. Each Varga represents
a specific aspect of a nativeʼs life, like
wealth, education, marriage, love affairs,
children, profession, etc. Maharishi
Parashar says that Lord Brahma has
described 16 kinds of divisions (Vargas)
for each sign. These are –

1. Rashi Chart {30 degree}: D-1 is the

basic chart from where horoscopic study
of destiny begins. This chart indicates
physical body and its related activities.
The other divisional charts are sub-
divisions of this chart.

2. Hora chart {15degree}: D-2 chart

deals with wealth, sustenance, money
matters. This chart helps in
understanding the wealth position and
financial matters of a native. Male planets
in the Sun's Hora are taken as beneficial
while female planets are effective in the
Moon's Hora. If maximum planets are in
the Sun's Hora it is said that the native
earns money as a result of hard work but
the quantum of wealth may be very good.
If Moons Hora predominates, the earning
will be relatively easy. However, this is
subject to the Dhan yoga formed in the

3. Dreshkanna {10degree}: D-3 chart

indicates all about Co-born ( brother,
sister). This chart is important for
longevity analysis. Planets falling in 22nd
Dreshkona, Sarpa Dreshkona and Phasha
Dreshkona are not considered good for
the native and his health.

4. Chathurthamsa or Turyeeamsa {7d

egree 30ʼ}: D-4 chart indicates residence,
fortune, overall happiness, fixed assets,
property both in the form of property and
worldly attachments

5. Saptamsa {4degree 17ʼ 8”.57}: D-7

chart indicates procreative
power. Progeny related matters are seen
from this chart.

6. Navamsa or Dharmamsa {3degree2

0ʼ}: D-9 chart is most important in
predictive Astrology. It complementary
chart to the birth chart wherein planetary
strength is assessed. An exalted planet in
the birth chart (if it debilitates in the
Navamsha) may not give very good
results or its effects can get diluted.
However, a planet getting empowered in
D-9 by getting vargottama or by getting
exalted will give good results. This chart
indicates all about marriage, spouse,
partners and skills of the native. In Vedic
Predictive Astrology, D-9 Chart is said
essential to consult for accurate
prediction. The lord of 64th Navamsha
from the Moon becomes highly important
for the calculation of Longevity and the
Maraka dasa.

7. Dasamsa or Swargamsa {3 degree}:

D-10 chart indicates “Mahat Phalam” i.e.
the result which indicates the standing
and status of the native in society on
account of the interaction of fate and
action. Normally this chart is consulted
for getting clear idea about Career,
Profession, Occupation, Work etc. The
placement and avashtha of the tenth lord
of the birth chart is important here. Apart
from that the rashi rising in the 10th
house of this divisional chart and the
influence on the 10th house has also to
be considered, to judge the profession
and any professional growth or fall of the

8. Dwadasamsa or Suryamsa {2degre

e30ʼ}: D-12 chart shows about Parents,
their well-being, health, longevity. In this
chart Sun represents father and Moon
represents mother. Influence on the 4th,
9th and 10th also should be taken into
account. The Lord of the 88th
Dwadashamsha is important in longevity
analysis. This chart also is said to reveal
whether a person inherits a disease from
his parents.

9. Shodasamsa or Kalamsa {1degree5

2ʼ30”}: D-16 chart indicates about
Vehicles, Conveyance, Luxuries,
Happiness, Accident from Vehiclele, Inner
strength of the character. In this chart,
Venus, 4H and 4L are to been. Malefic
influence on these factors shows worry
from Vehicles etc.

10. Vimsamsa {1degree30ʼ}: D-20 chart

tells about Spiritualism and progress in
this field, worship of deity, leaning
towards a particular sect.

11. Chaturvimamsa or Siddhamsa –

{1degree15ʼ}: D-24 chart is seen for
gaining idea of Education, Learning,
success in competition etc.

12. Bhamsa or Nakshatramsa or Saptav

isamsa {1degree6ʼ40”}: D-27 chart
indicates general physical and inner
strength and weakness of native.

13. Trimsamsa {1degree}: D-30 chart is

consulted to ascertain the difficulties,
evils and miseries coming through
mishappenings and diseases for a
particular native. This chart indicates
inclination of natural traits based on
Trigunas – Swatic, Rajas and Tamas.

14. Chatvarimsamsa or Khavedamsa or

Swavedamsa {45ʼ}: D-40 chart generally
indicates the auspicious and inauspicious
effects of horoscope. Matrilineal legacy is
also seen from this chart.

15. Akashvedamsa {40ʼ}: D-45 chart

shows the character of the native.
Paternal legacy is also seen from this

16. Shastiamsha {30ʼ}: D-60 chart

shows Past Karma, repayment of deeds
of the past lives. D-1 and D-60 are
complementary to each other. D-1 chart
indicate when and D-60 tells why events
happen in the life of the native. Maharishi
Parashara has given lots of importance to
this chart and has advised to consult this
chart for every prediction.

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