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Topic – Supply chain analytics for improvement in each stage of value chain for an FMCG


1. Comprehensive study of FMCG Value chain

2. Case study of value chain of the following FMCG Companies –
B. Coca Cola
C. Johnson & Johnson
D. Mondelez
E. Amway

3. Recommendations for tech-based supply chain improvements

4. Primary research data sheet and inferences

Objectives –

Objective 1 – To understand the value chain of FMCG industry and study the improvements in the
same by Supply Chain Analytics

Objective 2 – To study the value chain of top FMCG companies and find points of improvements

Objective 3 – To analyse how technological interventions

Headers –

1. Scope of the use of Supply Chain 4.0 & 4SIGHT connect gateway to improve the loopholes for
FMCG supply operations

2. Decision phases in a successful supply chain

3. How the global FMCG Supply Chain has been transformed by Analytics?

4. Case study of value chain of the following FMCG Companies –


B. Coca Cola

C. Johnson & Johnson

D. Mondelez

E. Amway

5. Challenges in Supply chain of FMCG industries

6. How FMCG companies are using technology to revamp their supply chains and distribution

7. Impact of COVID on FMCG value chain

8. Recent Developments in the supply-chain side of FMCG in India and the world

9. Primary research based on surveys and conversation to understand pain point in a better way

10. Recommendations for tech-based supply chain improvements

Brief Approach –

1. Study the value chain of FMCG industries and narrow down the learnings to the focus
companies identified
2. Use the insights from primary and secondary research to make recommendations for
3. Incorporate the use of Supply Chain 4.0 and 4SIGHT to analyse the impact of technological

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