Ask Questions Which The Underlined Words Answer.: The Egyptians Buried The Pharaohs in The Pyramids

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Ask questions which the underlined words answer.

a- Ancient civilizations tell us about our ancestors.

Wh question +……………………………+subject +…………………………rest of the sentence?
b- The Egyptians built the pyramids.
Wh question+ …………………+ subject+ ………………………………….rest of the sentence?
The Egyptians are proud of their ancestors
We must protect our cultural heritage
Activity: Ask questions which the underlined words answer.
1- The Egyptians buried the pharaohs in the pyramids



2- The Phoenicians built trading posts in North Africa about 3000 years ago.

3- The pyramids remind us of the glory of ancient civilizations

4- The land near the Euphrates was fertile

5- The first hieroglyphics were found on building and tombs.

6- The Phoenicians were nomads


Expressing time
As soon as + subject + ……………………….+ , + subject ……………………………………..

After the Egyptians ……………………….(mummify) the pharaoh , they ………………………(burry) in the pyramids

Before the Egyptians buried the pharaoh , they had mummified him
Before +subject+…………………………………., subject +…………………………………………
Subject + ………………………………..before +subject+ …………………………………………..

The Egyptians didn’t burry the pyramids until they had mummified him


Activity : give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1- The Arabs (to conquer) Persia before they (to spread) The Islamic culture and civilization.

2- After the Phoenicians (to settle) in the Maghreb they ,(to build) trading posts .

3- As soon as archeologist (to excavate ) the remains , they to display them on the museum


4- The French (to leave ) Algeria until the (to defeat) them

Activity: rewrite sentence ‘b’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘a’

1- I have accepted the bribe

I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2- I don’t have a car
I wish ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3- I am not on holiday
I wish ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4- I regret having stolen public money
I wish ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5- Lance Armstrong regrets having taken some drugs in Tour de France
Lance Armstrong whishes
6- People have a strong desire for authorities to eradicate counterfeiting.
People wish…………………………………………………………………………………..

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