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Review second Term

7th grade
Topics unit 4

 Vocabulary unit 4
 Past Simple: irregular verbs
 Gerunds and infinitives
 Relative clauses

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

CD player – digital camera – Smartphone – MP3 player – Tablet – e reader – DVD player – game console

1 My best present ever was a _________________. It was very expensive but I play on it a lot with my
2 My dad doesn't like my . He says he likes to turn over real pages!
3 I use my _________________ to talk to my friends everywhere I go. I've got a cool ringtone too.
4 My aunt does not use her _________________ anymore because she downloads all her music online.
5 I don't use my _________________ much now, even though it's very small – I listen to my music on my
smartphone or _________________.
6 Mum and dad usually record films from TV on their_________________ but I usually watch them later
7 My brother takes lots of photos and my dad got him a brilliant _________________ for his birthday.

Match the parts of the sentences.

Irregular verbs
Make the simple past

1) I ________________(come) to England in 1993.

2) She ________________(stand) under a tree to shelter from the rain.
3) They ________________(do) their homework yesterday.
4) We ________________(sing) too much last night - I have a sore throat!
5) He already ________________(eat) all the cake.
6) The child ________________(fall) off his bicycle.
7) It ________________(take) three hours to drive to Paris.
8) I ________________(find) your keys under the table.
9) She ________________(get) a new bike for her birthday.
10) She ________________(sell) her house last year.
11) We ________________(go) to New York in January.
12) Finally my mother ________________(let) me go to a party.
13) It ________________(be) cold last night.
14) I ________________(meet) John at the weekend.
15) Lucy ________________ (pay) the bill before leaving the restaurant

Gerunds and infinitive

Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'):

1) I don't fancy ____________(go) out tonight.

2) She avoided ____________(tell) him about her plans.
3) I would like ____________(come) to the party with you.
4) He enjoys ____________(have) a bath in the evening.
5) She kept ____________(talk) during the film.
6) I am learning ____________(speak) English.
7) Do you mind ____________(give) me a hand?
8) She helped me ____________(carry) my suitcases.
9) I've finished ____________(cook) - come and eat!
10) He decided ____________(study) biology.
11) I dislike ____________(wait).
12) He asked ____________(come) with us.
13) I promise ____________(help) you tomorrow.
14) We discussed ____________(go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.
15) She agreed ____________(bring) the pudding to the dinner.
16) I don't recommend ____________(take) the bus - it takes forever!
17) We hope ____________(visit) Amsterdam next month.
18) She suggested ____________(go) to the museum.
19) They plan ____________(start) college in the autumn.
20) I don't want ____________(leave) yet.

Complete the email with the correct words.

(Who – where – that – which)
We've got a teacher at school _________ knows a lot about computers. She told us about a computer course

_________ we can take online. Yesterday I had my first lesson _________ was all about writing code. We

learn things _________ are really interesting. There's a teacher _________ can answer questions on the phone

if we've got a problem. He told us about a website _________ we can buy a special book for the course. I'm

looking forward to the next lesson _________ is tomorrow.

Unit 5

 Vocabulary
 Grammar: Adverbs of manner
 Modal verbs
 Preposition of place

Use the letters to write the correct words.

Sorry I was in the WHORSE ______________ and I didn't hear the phone.
Leave the bath and the SHAWIBANS ______________ clean, please!
The light TWISHC ______________ in my bedroom isn't working.
Granddad is in his CRAMIRHA ______________. He's watching TV.
Don't walk on the ROLFO ______________ with your dirty boots! It's clean.
I like a dark bedroom at night so I always close my SCANTIUR ______________.
When I lie on my bed and look at the NIICELG ______________, I can see a strange mark.
My essay was on my KEDS ______________ but it isn't there now.

Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.

Bright – cosy – narrow large – modern – messy

My bedroom is quite dark but your room is lovely and _____________.

The sofa in our last house was big and uncomfortable but this one is nice and _____________.
The hotel had wide corridors downstairs but upstairs they were very _____________.
This wardrobe is too small for all my dresses and I need a _____________ one.
My mum likes old-fashioned furniture but my dad prefers _____________ things.
These days my room is always tidy but when I was younger it was very _____________.
Grammar: Adverbs of manner
Circle the correct option.

I usually eat my breakfast very (quickly – quick).

My young sister is a very (happily – happy) little girl.
Jack waved to me (carefully – careful) when I saw him this morning.
The man shouted at the dog (angrily – angry).
The students chatted (noisy – noisily) while they waited for the teacher.
Paul is a really (bad – badly) tennis player and no one wants to play with him!

Modal verbs
Complete the sentences with can or can't.

I _________ come round to see you tonight because my mum wants me to tidy my room.
We _________ use smartphones in class – not even to go online and look for information!
You _________ borrow my tablet if you want.
_________we look in the dictionary during the test?
I_________ learn to drive now because I'm too young.
My brother _________ watch TV until 11, but I _________. That's not fair!

Grammar: Modal verbs: can, have to and must

Order the words to make sentences or questions.

_____________________________________ _________________________________________

_____________________________________ __________________________________________
Choose the correct answers.
Can’t – musn’t – don’t have to

We ________________ give in this work before Thursday. We've got three days!
You ________________ shout at your brother. He didn't do anything.
I ________________ go on that website because I haven't got a password.
You ________________ join the photography club because it's full.
Olly ________________work at the supermarket tomorrow. He's ill.
You ________________ touch that key. It deletes everything!

Preposition of place
Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases.

On – between – in front of – next to – under – above – opposite – behind

The cat is lying ______________ the rug. A clock is _____________ the fire.

The dog is _____________ the cat. A letter is _____________ the clock.

They are _____________ the fire. My school bag is _____________ the table.

The fire is_____________ the two bookcases. The table is_____________ the sofa

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