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Looking Forward

Amanda Waller

National University


This paper is an outline of my professional development plan as a multisubject primary teacher.

My goals include completing an induction program and obtaining multiple certifications. The goals are

explained in depth looking at how they will enhance my teaching practices. This paper will also reflect

on why the artifacts were selected. It will also look at how the artifacts meet the criteria for TPE 6.

Professional Development Planning

It is important to develop a plan when it comes to professional growth. “A professional

development plan delineates a teacher’s goals for short and long-term professional growth”

(Constantino et al., 2008, p.18). Professionally there is always something more to strive for and it is no

different in the education profession. The California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) can act

as a guide when it comes to professional growth. The TPEs showcase the expectations of teachers.

Looking at the expectations it is easy to see how to grow professionally in the field of education. I hope

to continue to grow professionally in the areas of the TPEs by starting and completing an induction

program, become certified as a google educator, become certified in instructional strategies, and

become certified in social emotional learning. Below is a timeline presenting the activities mentioned


Timeline Professional Goal

2021 Clearing of Credential

Start the 2-year induction program within a school district in order to clear my

2022 Complete Induction Program

Finish the 2-year induction program and clear teaching credential with the state.

2023 Google Educator Certificate

Become Google Educator Certified which will allow the integration of technology in the

2024 Instructional Strategies Certificate

Obtain a certificate in instructional strategies. Apply new instructional strategies in the
2025 Social Emotional Learning Certificate
Obtain a certificate in social emotional learning. Help all students feel safe in the
classroom environment by learning and addressing their needs.

The professional goals set in the above timeline will all me to become a better educator. The

goals were selected on the basis of what would best fit the needs of the students in my classroom. My

first and second goals are to start and complete an induction program which will allow me to continue

working with all TPEs. Learning and working on the TPEs will better adapt my skill set to be a well-

rounded educator. It will also allow me to better assist the students in my classroom.

My third goal of becoming a google educator certificate would apply to TPE 4 Element 8 “Use

digital tools and learning technologies across learning environments as appropriate to create new

content and provide personalized and integrated technology-rich lessons to engage students in learning,

promote digital literacy, and offer students multiple means to demonstrate their learning” (California

Teaching Performance Expectations, 2016, p.8). A google certificate would help me better understand

google tools and how to implement them daily in the classroom. I would be able to pass my knowledge

of google tools onto my students allowing them to use technology for different classroom activities.

My fourth goal is to obtaining an instructional strategies certificate would apply to many of the

TPEs because it would allow me to learn different instructional strategies in an effort to better reach the

students that might struggle with traditional instructional strategies. The instructional strategies

certificate will allow me to learn new strategies and apply them in my classroom. This certificate would

also allow me to take my knowledge of instructional strategies and pass it on to my colleagues. Being a

resource for other teachers would benefit multiple classrooms at my school site.

My fifth goal is to obtain a social emotional learning certificate. This certificate would apply to

TPE 2 Element 1 “Promote students’ social-emotional growth, development, and individual

responsibility using positive interventions and supports, restorative justice, and conflict resolution

practices to foster a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully by adults

and peers” (California Teaching Performance Expectations, 2016, p.7). A social-emotional certificate will

help me to address the needs of my students. I will also be better prepared to notice which students

have social-emotional needs and how it is best to help them. My hope is to create a learning

environment were students feel safe.


California Teaching Performance Expectations. (2016, June). California Teaching Comission.


Costantino, P. M., Lorenzo, M. D. N., & Tirrell-Corbin, C. (2008). Developing a Professional

Teaching Portfolio: A Guide for Success (3rd Edition) (3rd ed.). Pearson.

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