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Sometimes in life giving up is the best thing to do. Whether it's right or wrong. I was wrong about
this. Because right now I gave up something that meant the whole world to me and it was a mistake.
I stood there unable to move. Think nor speak. It was hard. It was like my soul shattered and there
was no way of fixing it. And this thought scared me. Reality caught up with me and I blinked
rapidly to prevent the tears from falling but I couldn't. It fell down like a waterfall. At that moment I
was broken. Welcome to my life. I'm Katherine Carter.

I was a normal teenager, when my biggest worries was passing exams and finishing my algebra
homework and not saving the world. I'm 17 years old a high school student with a best friend called
Alexandra, Alex for short, a boyfriend called Max. I'm a tall chick, people call me 'Drop Dead
Gorge Kat' or 'Sexy Kathy'. I have got killer legs, lushy lips and cool blue eyes. My best friend,
Alex, is also as tall as me. She on the other hand has hazel brown eyes. We call each other twin.
'Cause we pretty much look the same. I love her to death and would practically die for her. Now,
Max. Max is a tall, hunky, blue-eyes hottie. I admit I am damn lucky to have him. And under his
perfectly sexy skin there's a heart. He cares for me and love's me.

You might say that it looks like I had a perfectly normal life and how did I ended up having to make
the biggest mistake of my life. Let me tell you. From start to now...


"So, Drew said, 'I think we should see other people' and I was like 'You're cheating on me, aren't
you?' and he was all 'No, baby...'course not?' and I instantly exploded, twin. I totally knew that he
was cheating on me. And this morning I found out who. It's skank Kristine. Twin, trust me. That girl
can't keep herself off damn guys. Better hold on to your Maxxy." Drew's Alex's boyfriend. Well,
now, I guess, ex-boyfriend. When Alex talked about Max I totally got all defensive.
"No. No way. You know Max is different. And totally, twin, Kristine is a ho." I said.
"Uh, twin? You sure Max is different? And about Kristine, definitely." I was hurt by what Alex said
about Max. She saw my eyes go all defensive and she automatically pointed at a corner. My eyes
followed where she was pointing. And there. Kristine was all over Max. And Max was laughing. I
cannot believe this.

"Oh, please. Twin, tell me ho is not flirting with my man." I hissed at Alex.
"I'd love to say no but yes, twin." Alex replied.
I huffed and walked over to them with Alex confidently walking beside me, I held my head high,
chin up. I walked right through the both of 'em.
"Oh, hey, Kristine. What's up?" I turned my gaze to Max who was smiling at me.
"Max. I didn't see you there. I'm sorry, am I interrupting something over here?" I looked at both of
them, acting innocent. Kristine spoke up and said,
"Actually, yes, you are." I was expecting for Max to pipe in and defend me but he just stood there. I
"I am most sincerely sorry. Kristine, I'll see you around. Max, I'll see you around." I looked at Max
and only at Max and my smile disappeared I showed him the hurt that I was feeling. His smile
disappeared and he was about to touch me when I flinched away. And took Alex's hand and started
walking again. I could feel everybody's gaze on me. Everyone saw the whole scene. But most of all
I knew Max was staring at me. When we were out of earshot of everybody, I said,
"Twin, how could've this happened?! We were perfectly fine last night and now he's flirting with
Kristine-ho out there in front of everyone. I cannot believe this. What am I gonna do, twin? I should
break up with him shouldn't I? Oh, no, twin. My mascara's gonna run!" I took books out of my
locker as I spoke and never did I hear once response from Alex. Normally, she would've said
something by now. So, I got worried and turned around. Alex wasn't there but Max standing right
there in front of me. I stopped talking and we stared at each other for a long time. The bell rang and
I started to walk when he caught my hand. I sighed.
"Max." I said slowly. This was hard. He spoke up.
"I'll talk to you in our class together. Chemistry. 'Kay?" He released my hand then he walked away.
I half jogged, half walked to my first class. Luckily, teacher wasn't there yet. I took my normal
place next to Alex. I glared at Alex for ditching me with Max. She smiled apologetically and I didn't
have time to start complaining when our teacher came in. And may I say he is a hot teacher.
It...uhm... 'helps' us girls to focus when he's around. Everyone went quiet. In his side was the most
fine guy I have ever seen.
“Morning. Today we receive a new student. He's a transfer from Canada. His name is James
Collins.” Wow. James had messy black hair, body built for an effing Hottie Of the Year with blue
eyes that is staring right at my own. I was flipping melting. And for a moment it felt like we were
the only two person in the whole world. Mr Richards cleared his throat and my cheeks burned
bright red. No one else noticed because they were all focused on James and James was well focused
on me. Alex then realized that me and James was having those cheesy moments and cleared her
“Now, if I can get onto my lesson? James, there is an empty desk next to Katherine.” Mr. Richards
pointed at the seat beside me and I screamed. Well, not out loud but you get what I mean.
Ohmygoodness! Sheesh! Why. Beside. Me?! James nodded and sat where Mr. R. Told him to go.
He smiled briefly at me and took out his books. This lesson is the first lesson where I thought Mr. R
was babbling in a lesson. Grr...Not good. Today my lesson was called 'James 101'. There's already
another guy I was fantasizing about seriously when I still have a complicated boyfriend. As if to
say, 'Get ready to face Max, Kath', the bell rang for the 2nd class.
I stood up exact same time James did and we kinda bumped into each other. I looked up at his deep
blue eyes, we stared at each other again. Alex once again cleared her voice.
“Twin,”She laughed and took my wrist and dragged me out of class, leaving James
“What the hell was all that about, twin? You and new hottie had more electricity than the Electricity
Company around the corner! Oh-uh. Speaking of spark, don't let your anger spark a break up.” She
said the last part like she was singing it. I was confused for a minute but then finally caught up
when I saw Max. I sighed. He was waiting for me in front of the classroom just like he always did
since 3rd grade. I usually go up to him and intertwine my finger with his but today I walked straight
pass him and in the classroom. I heard him follow. I sat down, so did he. Damn it, I shouldn't have
hurried, damn Alex. I'm early, which gives me and Max to talk. Talking ain't gonna do me any good
“Kath, what you saw...-” Max started saying but I cut him off with a simple question.
“So, how's Kristine? I was just curious. Since you guys are so close.” I smiled sweetly then my face
turned serious.
“Max, whatever I saw with my two eyes in the hallway needs no explanation in any way. I know
what I saw and it clearly speaks out well enough for me. Were done. It's over. I don't wanna hear
anything else. I just can't believe you did it. I use to brag you to my friends how different you were.
Well, you know what sucks about falling for a guy like you? You fall in love anyway thinking
they're different.” I sniffed while I wiped the tears that creeped to fall.
“Kath...” Max was about to say something but then the bell rang. We all went quiet. I don't know
why. We normally scream until the teacher comes in, even then we'd still be loud. Huh. I guess this
break up has effects on everybody.
“No way. My little maniacs are quiet? What gives?” Miss Heart walked in looking as fabulous like
always. Everyone kinda half laughed half mumbled.
“Well, let's get on with todays lesson.” She started teaching and I listened. Kinda. End of class, I
was the first one to stand up and walk out. I figured everybody will be looking and I didn't give a
shit. I went straight to cafeteria and got my usual can of Coke. I cannot be bothered eating today. I
felt someones arm go around me and I saw Alex giving me an encouraging smile. I scoffed and
rolled my eyes.
“I'll be fine, twin. I'm strong, remember?” I tried to laugh but it turned into a sob.
“Oh, twin. Everything'll be fine.Uh...twin? Hottie Ex at 2 o'clock.” Alex said. I look a little bit
sideways and saw Max going straight to us. But Kristine stopped him and well, flirted with him.
Ugh! I hate that bitch! But Max just excused himself and continued to me. He excused himself. Aw.
Perfect gentleman. Wait. What the hell am I thinking? He comes closer and stopped in front of me
and Alex. I looked away from his heavy gaze. Gave Alex an apologetic glance and stood up. I heard
him heave a sigh. Heavy footsteps followed. No, no, no, don't follow me, Max! He caught my wrist
just when I turned the first corner from the cafeteria. I stopped. Closed my eyes, took a breath then
turned around.
“What, Max? What do you want?”I crosses my arms around my chest.
“Are you seriously mad at what happened this morning? Damn it, Katherine, we've been together
for 3 years. And one, one simple conversation with another girl convinces you to throw all of that
away? Just like that?” He threw his hands up. When he puts it like that it did sound kinda pathetic.
Ugh. What am I gonna do?!
“Katherine, give me one good reason why you would do that. Just one. If you can then do what you
want.” He looked at me evenly without flinching.
“Are you serious? One? Why only one, Max? Why only one when I can give you thousands of
reasons? You want me to give you one? Fine. Here's one. Yeah, you're going out with me but that
doesn't seem to stop you from making out with the whole stinking cheerleading team and the rest f
the girl in this school. I'm done with you and your lies. You think I didn't know, did you? Huh. And
one more thing. You're right. We have been together for 3 years. But you know what I realized when
I found out your dirty secrets? Those three years were composed of lies, cheats and definitely not
honesty nor love. So, don't you go shooting your mouth off at me, Max. Were through.” And with
that final speech I walked off. I didn't know where I was going. Or if there was any point since
every class for the rest of the day were classes with Max. Maybe I should ditch. That wouldn't be
good if I think about what my mother would say to me. Guess I'm gonna have to endure it. I went
straight to the playground. I know, right? How sad can this day more be? I sat on the swing and
silently cried. I saw a blurry white thing that was held by a hand, I realized it was tissue and took it.
I looked up and saw.... James. Boy, oh, boy.
“Are you alright?” He sat to the swing next to me and looked at me. I felt self conscious and looked
“Do I look like I'm alright, James?” I said sarcastically while wiping my face with the tissue that he
gave me. Then I knew I sounded bitchy so I followed it up with,
“I'm sorry. It's been a...-” He interrupted me to finish my sentence.
“Rough day? Yeah, it looks like it.” He gave me a tiny smile then looked at the direction of the
school and gave a small chuckle.
“What's funny?” I said raising an eyebrow.
“Your friend, Alexandra, is staring at us from the window. Her face isn't pressed up the glass...yet.”
He laugh and it sounded so cute. I looked at where he was looking and laughed along with him.
“So, how are you liking it here?” I thought I'd sound normal if I asked normal question but he saw
right through it.
“Katherine, you know asking normal question or giving topics to cover up your real problems isn't
gonna be doing you much good. But is there anything I can do to help?” He said while offering yet
another tissue.
“It's...complicated, James. Plus, it's really not something you talk about when you talk to someone
the first time you have a conversation. If it's not too much to ask, I'd appreciate it if you stay out of
it. I do admire that you're concern enough to offer your help. I need to go now. I'm gonna be late for
class. If you're struggling with anything about school just ask me, I'd be happy to help. I'll see you
around, James. Enjoy this high school hell.” I winked and laughed as I turned around and walked
toward the school. James seems like a really sweet guy. Hope he doesn't end up like what Max is
now. A lying, selfish, cheating player.
I haven't even put one foot in the school building when Alex was already there saying: “Tell me, tell
me, tell me!!!” I laughed slightly.
“He just offered some tissues and we talked about how he's settling in and that's about it.” I looked
at her and waved the tissue to prove it. But she just simply rolls her eyes and says,
“That's total crap, twin. He's interested in you and you know it.” She links arms with me to our
class. Classes I'm going to share with the one and only James.
“You'll get through this, twin. It's just two class.” Alex says while she winks at some cute guy. I
rolled my eyes at her and reply back with,
“It's two classes of torture. Now, I have a question...-”
“No, I have not spoken with Drew after the break up and no I'm not planning to. Does that answer
your questions?” She smirks, knowing she gave the right answers. She just knows me so well. We
had to go to class so we stopped at my lockers for 30 seconds and whizzed to hers then I walked
alone to mine. I sat where I normally sat. I placed my pens and notebook/books on my desk when
someone put their books on the one beside me. Realizing the sleeve of the jacket I looked away. It
was Max's. Can't believe he's going to sit next to me. Is he seriously insane?!
“Hey, Kath. What's up?” He said casually, like nothing happened this morning.
“Two more classes of you.” I replied without realizing I said it out loud. I could feel my cheeks
getting hotter. Crap.
“Thanks for the enthusiasm of having to spend more time with your asshole ex.” He said with
nothing but coldness in his sarcastic voice. I sneaked a sideway glance at him for a nano sec and
saw him staring at me. Pretty closely, I might add. I realized we had 10 more minutes of free time
before class starts.
Girls started to pile up, surrounding Max. I rolled my eyes, knowing Max saw this, I stood up
walked straight to James' desk and sat there. James raised his eyebrows at me probably thinking,
What the hell does this girl want? So, I tilted my head slightly to Max and James took a quick
glance and understood completely.
“You good?” He asks me.
“Walking on sunshine, James, thanks for asking.” This makes his lips curve into a tiny smile.
We started talking like old friends. How we'd rather starve than eat the cafeteria food or about his
old school, family, etc. After 5 minutes I told him I'll be right back and went back to my desk. I saw
Max was ignoring them when I wasn't there but now he has given them his full attention. I didn't
take very long there. I just took all of my stuff there and went back to James without lingering.
When I came back to James, I told him to scoot over to the next sit beside him and he did.
Time flies when you're with James because between the minute I sat back from James to the last
minute of this class, it felt like 5 minutes. I feel a heck lot better than I did this morning.
James walks me to my next and final class for today and I could see Alex staring at us, eyebrows
raised. I ignored her. Once, we reach her, standing in front of the class' door, I was laughing on the
verge of tears. Tears of joy. Alex said a quick 'Hey' to James before he took off.
“Seriously, twin, that dude is into you. He might as well a fluoro top saying “I am totally into
Katherine Carter” written in Neon font. You, on the other hand, could not feel anymore the same, it
is truly too much, twin.” I just stood there in front of her with crossed arms. I rolled my eyes and
“Twin, I think you're energy drink has got you pretty hype. To be honest, I think, too hype. What me
and James have is just an innocent new friendship. Nothig more, nothing less.” I said dismissively.
She didn't say anything more but she's probably screaming something inside just didn't let it get out
because I alreay said it was nothing. She shrugs and goes in the classroom just in time, the bell
rang. We sat and our teacher arrived. She was looking chirpy as always. She started taking the roll,
once she finished, she stood up and in one quick second she was down on the ground.

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