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BSHM 1 1st sem(2020-2021)

1040G Gen Ed 1 Understanding the Self 3 3 MWF 04:00PM-05:00PM CEDAS


1041G Gen Ed 2 Readings in the Philippine History 3 3 TTh 08:00AM-

09:30AM CEDAS tent

1042G Gen Ed 5 Purposive Communication 3 3 TTh 11:00AM-12:30PM

CEDAS tent

1043G PC 101 Kitchen Essentials & Basic Food Preparation 3 3 MWF 09:00AM-

1044G THC 102 Risk Management as Applied to Safety, Security and Sanitation 3 3

1045G NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 3 3 SAT 07:30AM-11:00PM

NSTP tent

1046G PE 1 Movement Enhancement (ME) 2 2 CEDAS tent

1047G RS 1 God's Salvific Act 3 3 TTh 09:30AM-11:00AM CEDAS tent

1048G SC 1 Fundamentals of Acctg/Bus. And Mgt. ***Non-ABM 3 3 MWF

02:00PM-03:00PM RAMOS Sub-Teacher: TAMPIPI

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