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Student: Leonardo David Sanchez Silva

Type of Paragraph: Persuasive

Main topic: “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.”

What you need Your sentence

T.S There are some strategies as to how people can avoid wordiness and write
A topic sentence effortless.
expressing the point
of view clearly
S.S #1
A supportive To begin with, eliminating the passive voice is highly recommended because some
sentence apprentices use many words to get a message across. So, writers should follow the
rule “less is more”.

Ex. S.S For instance: If learners write “the soda was drunk by john”, it will be
An example sentence grammatically correct. However, by shifting it to “John drunk the soda”, the
of the supportive sentence is more succinct.
A.I “Passive voice is wordy and uses a sentence structure which requires more
An author’s idea cognitive effort. Your reader will spend valuable working memory in making
supporting the sense of the sentence” Van de hulsbeek (2017).
supportive sentence
S.S #2
A new supportive Moreover, writing skills improve significantly when people avoid the use of
sentence qualifiers like very or really. These words do not convey a powerful message.
Therefore, what writers should do is to replace them by using strong adjetives. It
goes with saying that you will display both a richer vocabulary and a better
command of the language.

Ex. S.S
An example sentence To illustrate this, If you write “the paiting is beautiful”, you could replace it for “the
of the supportive paiting is stunning” instead. What is more, you should use other powerful adjectives
sentence such as: striking, exquisite or splendid.
A.I #2 The word “very “does not communicate enough information. It’s been called one
An author’s idea of the most useless words in the English language. Instead of saying, “very good”
supporting the say “wonderful” Remember, your reader’s time is precious. Ayres, A. (2016).
supportive sentence
C.S In short, when focusing on the quality over the quantity of the words, people
A conclusion managed to write easier..

according to APA Ayres, A. (2016 ). Five weak words you should avoid and what to use instead

Van de hulsbeek Jesse. (2017) why you should actively avoid the passive voice

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