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Database Systems Journal vol. III, no.

2/2012 3

Implementation of Cloud Computing into VoIP

Floriana GEREA
Economic Informatics Department, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

This article defines Cloud Computing and highlights key concepts, the benefits of using
virtualization, its weaknesses and ways of combining it with classical VoIP technologies
applied to large scale businesses.
The analysis takes into consideration management strategies and resources for better
customer orientation and risk management all for sustaining the Service Level Agreement
(SLA). An important issue in cloud computing can be security and for this reason there are
several security solution presented.
Keywords: Cloud computing, VoIP, Data virtualization, DoS

Introduction convenient. Users can access data or use

1 Present article focuses on the
importance of virtualization in VoIP
applications with only a personal computer
and internet access.
technologies and how the virtualization Over the years virtualization had an
can improve the VoIP communication important role in developing IT projects.
technologies extending this article’s However which are the virtualization
conclusions. concepts, when can we use it and are there
Progress of research efforts in a new any risks that can appear in such
technology is contingent on having a implementation? These questions will be
rigorous organization of its knowledge answered in the following paragraphs.
domain and a comprehensive Also challenges in architectural design and
understanding of all the relevant security represent the main task that should
components of this technology and their be analyzed in implementing Cloud
relationships. architecture for VoIP.
The National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) defines cloud 2. Architectural Cloud Computing
computing as a model for convenient, on- Cloud computing is quickly becoming one
demand network access to computing of the most popular new idea that will
resources such as networks, servers, supposedly reshape the information
storage, applications, and services that technology (IT) services landscape.
can be quickly deployed and released According to The Economist in a 2008
with very little management by the cloud- article, it will have huge impacts on the
provider [4]. information technology industry, and also
Cloud computing is an emerging profoundly change the way people use
technology from which many different computers [2]. What exactly is cloud
industries and individuals can greatly computing then, and how will it have such a
benefit. Cloud computing services big impact on people and the companies
certainly have the potential to benefit they work for? In order to define cloud
both providers and users. However, in computing, it is first necessary to explain
order for cloud computing to be practical what is referenced by the phrase “The
and reliable, many existing issues must Cloud”.
be resolved. Cloud computing is in many ways a
The use of cloud computing is conglomerate of several different computing
particularly appreciated to users because technologies and concepts like grid
it is rather inexpensive and it is very computing, virtualization, Service oriented
4 Implementation of Cloud Computing into VoIP

Architecture (SOA) [3], peer-to-peer All of three software infrastructure

(P2P) computing [2]. subcomponents, cloud-customers can rent
To begin understanding cloud computing, virtual server time (and thus their storage
it is necessary to examine it in abstraction space and processing power) to host web
layers. and online gaming servers, to store data, or
Figure 2 illustrates the five layers that to provide any other service that the
constitute cloud computing [4]. A customer desires.
particular layer is classified above
another if that layer’s services can be
composed of services provided by the
layer beneath it.
The bottom layer is the physical
hardware, namely the cloud-provider
owned servers and switches that serve as
the cloud’s backbone. The next layer
consists of the cloud’s software kernel.
This layer acts as a bridge between the
data processing performed in the cloud’s
hardware layer and the software
infrastructure layer which operates the
hardware. Fig. 1. Cloud computing [5]
The abstraction layer above the software
kernel is called software infrastructure. When developers design their cloud
This layer renders basic network software for a specific cloud environment,
resources to the two layers above it in their applications are able to utilize dynamic
order to facilitate new cloud software scaling and load balancing as well as easily
environments and applications that can be have access to other services provided by
delivered to end-users in the form of IT the cloud software environment provider
services. like authentication and email. This makes
The services offered in the software designing a cloud application a much easier,
infrastructure layer can be separated into faster, and more manageable task. There are
three different subcategories: several Virtual Infrastructure Managements
computational resources, data storage, in IaaS, such as CLEVER [25], Open-QRM
and communication. [5] [8], OpenNebula [6], and Nimbus [9].
Several current examples of clouds that Cloud management provides remote and
offer flexible amounts of computational secure interfaces for creating, controlling,
resources to its customers include the and monitoring virtualized sources on an
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) infrastructure-as-a-service cloud. VI
[9], Enomaly’s Elastic Computing management provides primitives to schedule
Platform (ECP) [10], and RESERVOIR and manage VMs across multiple physical
architecture [6]. Computational hosts. VM managers provide simple
resources, also called Infrastructure as a primitives (start, stop, suspend) to manage
Service (IaaS), are available to cloud VMs on a single host.
customers in the form of virtual machines
(VMs). Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) telephones, instant messaging,
and audio and video conferencing are all
possible services which could be offered
by CaaS in the future.
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 2/2012 5

devices. A service may perform the vast

majority of the function server-side,
enabling the client to be run on a device
with very limited capacity. This opens
up scope for long-promised but little-
used 'thin clients', but the primary
devices used are more likely to be
various forms of handheld computers,
and mobile phones. This depends,
however, on the service being designed
with this aim in mind
 Access to Services from multiple device-
types. Each user, whether within an
organization or acting as an individual,
is likely to use multiple kinds of devices,
including desktop PCs, portable PCs,
various forms of handheld computers,
Fig. 2. The five abstraction layers of cloud and mobile phones. A suitably-designed
computing [5] service may be able to support
convenient access to data and
3 Benefits from Cloud Computing applications on any and each of these
 Access to Services that are otherwise device-types, through a variety of user-
unavailable. In some circumstances, a interfaces
service-provider may offer a new or Other Technical Benefits
exclusive capability - although this is  Professionalized backup and recovery. A
likely to be the case only during a service may be designed to provide
limited period of time, since most assured backup of data and software, and
such services are, at least in principle, assured, simple, efficient recovery. This
compatible. A more common is because these are core capabilities of a
situation is that some organizational service provider, and that organization is
users, and especially many individual likely to be more professional, attentive
users, may be technically or and disciplined than many user
financially incapable of establishing organizations and particularly individual
and running a particular service for users. Backup and recovery services can
themselves be provided whether the primary
 Access to Services from multiple operational service is run on the user's
desktop devices. Each user, whether own network, outsourced, or delegated
within an organization or acting as an to the cloud.
individual, is likely to use multiple  Scalability. Where the transaction and/or
desktop devices, in various locations, data-volumes vary significantly over
including at home, at work, at clients' time, a service may offer assured server-
sites, in airport lounges, in Internet capacity, storage-capacity, and access to
cafes, etc. By using authoritative data the requisite application software. This
running on a remote device, the user may apply in a long-term growth curve
reduces device-dependence in (or indeed a tailing-off, as occurs with
exchange for increased network- many legacy systems), and in contexts
access dependence. In many that involve highly-peaked demand,
circumstances, the trade-off may be associated with daily, weekly, monthly,
advantageous annual or even longer cycles, and with
 Access to Services from scaled-down events
6 Implementation of Cloud Computing into VoIP

 Collaboration convenience. In the traditional VoIP technology because

Collaborative content (including the information is on a single server several
documents and other data which are problems can appear regarding data
co-owned and co-maintained) is availability and integrity, security and in
inherently accessible and amendable order to resolve these, money is spend on
by multiple authors. There are hosting software, applications and people
advantages in hosting a service such with the requisite expertise. On the other
as a Wiki remotely from each of the hand Cloud Computing is less expensive
participants. There may be advantages because of its financial benefits.
in the remote host being flexible rather Assuming that the hardware equipments can
than fixed encounter several malfunctions, in a time
 Copyright convenience. The service- when the services’ quality is extremely
provider can assume responsibility for important, the information needs to be
all aspects of acquisition, maintenance available in real time. The traditional
and licensing of software and of data approach is to invest in a large number of
Few of the potential benefits arise solely equipments in order to avoid the loss of call
from the incremental difference between and provide a correct functionality of the
cloud computing and its predecessors, telephony service. However, these long term
and hence rational users need to consider investments may be justified but at a closer
whether cloud computing or some more analysis we can find that those equipments
conventional form of outsourcing, or are not using all their resources. There has
indeed insourcing, is appropriate to their been statistically proven that most of the
needs. Moreover, none of the benefits servers’ hardware will never be fully used
arise automatically, but rather are and as time passes they will be replaced due
contingent on correspondence between to moral and physical degrading.
the user's needs, on the one hand, and the Cloud computing can solve all these aspects.
service-provider's capabilities, terms of Organizations can avoid large investments
service and pricing, on the other. in equipments and software by using a much
Despite the technical benefits, it appears smaller number of resources for one
that service-providers perceive the solution.
primary driver for adoption as being cost- In this way investments can be made in
savings. A secondary driver may be fewer equipments with larger resources that
convenience to business divisions arising are wiser employed, by creating a large
from the ability to by-pass internal IT number of virtual nods on one physical
departments and contract directly for machine. By monitoring and controlling
services. If this transpires to be the case, performance, organizations can easily
then the cautious risk assessment decide which resources can be allocated on
conventionally undertaken by IT different services.
departments will also be by-passed. It is The reduction of operational costs
therefore particularly important for senior In cloud computing the organizations or the
executives to appreciate the downsides of individual user are able to pay for only the
cloud computing that are analyzed in the services they need, avoiding the excess of
following sections. Technical factors are employed resources that is involved in the
identified first, then business risks. traditional method.
Despite all the benefits, there some Economy can be made, provided the service
security issues that are going to be provider has an well-organized plan. In this
discussed in the following part. way cloud computing has significant
economical advantages comparing to the
4 VoIP Cloud Computing vs. traditional method.
Traditional VoIP
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 2/2012 7

We also must mention the personnel movement of the server from one location to
costs that in the traditional method another was needed as well as a list of
implies, because it requires a large modifications that are necessary for any
number of people to mange resources, physical movement.
allocated in different geographical areas.
Also, every new installation needs to be 5 The levels that can attack a VoIP
fully made, and this translates in large infrastructure
installation time for every new server. In Denial-of-Service or VoIP Service
cloud computing these aspects can be Disruption. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
solved in a reduced amount of time, the can affect any IP-based network service.
installation of services taking very little. The impact of a DoS attack can range from
It is done by cloning other virtual nodes, mild service degradation to complete loss of
so all the software and application service. There are several classes of DoS
installation is done only once and then all attacks. One type of attack in which packets
the new software is installed by cloning. can simply be flooded into or at the target
In this way a large number of identical network from multiple external sources is
servers can be created within minutes, called a distributed denial-of-service
without the need to separately install each (DDoS) attack.[3] DoS attacks are difficult
necessary application. to defend against, and because VoIP is just
Cloud computing reduces human error to another IP network service, it is just as
a minimum, due to the fact that there is susceptible to DoS attack as any other IP
no need to process the same information network services. Additionally, DoS attacks
every time. It is enough to have only one are particularly effective against services
correct virtual machine, that has been such as VoIP and other real-time services,
tested, all the other being replicas of the because these services are most sensitive to
first. adverse network status. Viruses and worms
 Migrating services from one are included in this category as they often
geographical area to another, from one cause DoS or DDoS due to the increased
machine to another, transferring from network traffic that they generate as part of
one solution to another their efforts to replicate and propagate.[9]
The classical method required for each ARP Spoofing
modification to restart all the installation ARP is a fundamental Ethernet protocol [3].
procedures, which involved time spent Perhaps for this reason, manipulation of
and large costs. Cloud computing has the ARP packets is a potent and frequent attack
extraordinary benefit of easily moving mechanism on VoIP networks. Most
information from one machine to another network administrators assume that
and between servers, without taking into deploying a fully switched network to the
account the geographical distance. It is desktop prevents the ability of network users
possible for a virtual machine to have a to sniff network traffic and potentially
node in Bucharest and to move that capture sensitive information traversing the
service within minutes on another server network. Unfortunately, several techniques
in Brasov, without damages or problems. and tools exist that allow any user to sniff
Within minutes servers can be moved traffic on a switched network because ARP
from one location to another, from one has no provision for authenticating queries
country to another, while keeping the or query replies [4].
service functional even while migrating. Additionally, because ARP is a stateless
This option did not exist in the traditional protocol, most operating systems (Solaris is
method. Using this method implied that an exception) update their cache when
the service would not be functional for at receiving ARP reply, regardless of whether
least several days, and that the physical they have sent out an actual request.
8 Implementation of Cloud Computing into VoIP

H.323-Specific Attacks HTTP, and SMTP may resurface in the

The only existing vulnerabilities that we VOIP environment.
are aware of at this time take advantage Policies and Processes
of ASN.1 parsing defects in the first Encryption
phase of H.225 data exchange. More All VoIP systems should use a form of
vulnerability can be expected for several Media (RTP channel) Encryption in order to
reasons: the large number of differing avoid the sniffing of VoIP data. All
vendor implementations, the complex communications between network elements
nature of this collection of protocols, should be encrypted. Complete end-to-end
problems with the various IP voice encryption is recommended to
implementations of ASN.1/PER mitigate the threat of eavesdropping
encoding/decoding, and the fact that these attempts. Additionally, all administrative
protocols —alone and in concert — have access to critical server and network
not endured the same level of scrutiny components must use encrypted protocols
that other, more common protocols have such as SSL and/or SSH [5]. All access to
been subjected to. For example, we have remote administrative functions should be
unpublished data that shows that flooding restricted to connections to the switch itself
a gateway or media server with GRQ or to a designated management PC [9].
request packets (RAS registration request Physical Security
packets) results in a DoS against certain Physical security is an essential part of any
vendor gateway implementations— security plan [6]. Physical security refers to
basically the phones deregister [9]. the protection of building sites and
SIP-Specific Attacks equipment (and all other information and
Multiple vendors have confirmed software contained therein) from theft,
vulnerabilities in their respective SIP intrusion, vandalism, natural disaster, man-
(Session Initiation Protocol) made catastrophes, and accidental damage
implementations [3].The vulnerabilities (e.g., from electrical surges, extreme
have been identified in the INVITE
temperatures, and spilled coffee). It requires
message used by two SIP endpoints suitable emergency preparedness, reliable
during the initial call setup. The impact of power supplies, adequate climate control,
successful exploitation of the and appropriate protection from intruders.
vulnerabilities has not been disclosed but Safeguards can be broken down into two
potentially could result in a compromise categories: human and environmental.
of a vulnerable device. In addition, many Human safeguard recommendations are:
recent examples of SIP Denial of Service - Console access should be restricted or
attacks have been reported. eliminated.
Recent issues that affect Cisco SIP Proxy - Logon, boot loader, and other passwords
Server (SPS) demonstrate the problems must be a minimum of eight characters
SIP implementers may experience due to including at least one each of alpha,
the highly modular architecture or this numeric, and ctl characters.
protocol. The SSL implementation in - VoIP components must be located in a
SPS (used to secure SIP sessions) is secure location that is locked and restricted
vulnerable to an ASN.1 BER decoding to authorized personnel only.
error similar to the one described for - Access to these components, wiring,
H.323 and other protocols. This example displays, and networks must be controlled
illustrates a general concern with SIP: As by rules of least privilege.
the SIP protocol links existing protocols - System configurations (i.e., hardware,
and services together, all the classic wiring, displays, networks) must be
vulnerabilities in services such as SSL, documented. Installations and changes to
those physical configurations must be
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 2/2012 9

governed by a formal change users that have accessed the room along
management process. with a date/time-stamp [6].
- A system of monitoring and auditing
physical access to VoIP components, 6 Security for the VoIP Infrastructure
wiring, displays, and networks must be One example of how to configure a secure
implemented (e.g., badges, cameras, an system cloud for VoIP is the creation of a
access logs). From the point at which an network demilitarized zone (DMZ) on a
employee enters the building, it is single host.
recommended that there be a digital In this example, three virtual machines are
record of their presence. configured to create a virtual DMZ on
- The server room should be arranged in a Standard Switch 1: Virtual Machine 1, 2,3
way that people outside the room cannot and 4 run Web server and are connected to
see the keyboard (thus seeing virtual adapters through standard switches.
users/admin passwords). These virtual machines are multi homed.
- Any unused modems must be The Machine 5 and 6 runs an Asterisk
disabled/removed. server. The conduit between these elements
- No password evidence (notes, sticky is Standard Switch 2, which connects the
notes, etc.) is allowed around the system. firewalls with the servers. This switch has
- The CPU case should be locked and the no direct connection with any elements
key must be accounted for and protected. outside. From an operational viewpoint,
A backup key should be made and kept external traffic from the Internet enters
securely offsite (e.g., in a safety deposit Virtual Machine 1 through Hardware
box). Network Adapter 1 (routed by Standard
- USB, CD-ROM, monitor port, and Switch 1) and is verified by the firewall
floppy disks drives should be removed, installed on this machine. If the firewall
disabled, or glued shut. authorizes the traffic, it is routed to the
- Adequate temperature and humidity standard switch in the DMZ, Standard
controls must be implemented to avoid Switch 2. Because the Web server and
equipment damage. application server are also connected to this
- Adequate surge protectors and UPS switch, they can serve external requests.
must be implemented, maintained, and Standard Switch 2 is also connected to
tested. Virtual Machine 4 and Virtual Machine 5.
- Cleaning and maintenance people This virtual machine provides a firewall
should be prohibited from the area between the DMZ and the internal corporate
surrounding network.
any electronics. This firewall filters packets from the Web
- Food, drink, or smoking is prohibited in server and application server. If a packet is
the same areas. verified, it is routed to Hardware Network
IP-PBX equipment must be located in a Adapter 2 through Standard Switch 3.
locked room with limited access. This Hardware Network Adapter 2 is connected
type of access must be provided as a user to the internal corporate network. This
authentication system with either a key- network could be used for virus propagation
card or biometric device. The use of a or targeted for other types of attacks. The
keypad alone to gain access is not security of the virtual machines in the DMZ
permitted. All methods of gaining entry is equivalent to separate physical machines
into the room must provide for a list of connected to the same network.
10 Implementation of Cloud Computing into VoIP

ClusterBD Web Server1 Web Server2 VoIP APPS


WebServer3 Web Server4

web web Asterisk6 Application

Fig. 3. Architecture VoIP

VoIP is a highly critical data application switch-circuit system (circuit commuting), a

and as such, is subject to all the policies communication channel between the two
detailed in other data security policy correspondents is assured. This channel
sections (this assumes that the VoIP (physic electric circuit obtained by cables
Security Policy module is part of a larger and electronic circuits) must be assured
set of security policy modules). before the communication starts. During the
Because in the cloud-based computing conversation the channel must be used only
environment, the employees can easily by the same initial correspondents, being a
access, falsify and divulge the data. channel dedicated to communication. At the
Sometime such behaviour is a disaster for end of the conversation, this channel must
a big and famous company. be cancelled. This system was later
Some service providers develop some improved by multiplexing of more channels
technical method aimed to avoid the on the same physic conductor, but each of
security treats from the interior. For these channels is dedicated only to one call
instance, some providers limit the at a certain time. In telecommunication,
authority to access and manage the circuit commuting represents o routing
hardware, monitor the procedures, and method of the transmission between two
minimize the number of staff who has correspondents, through one or more
privilege to access the vital parts of the commuting centres. Between these two
infrastructure. However, at the provider correspondents a continuous electronic
backend, the administrator can also connection is established, which will have
access the customer’s VM-machine. the audio signal. The total of these
Security within cloud computing is an telephonic central systems and of the
especially worrisome issue because of the connections that forms between them is
fact that the devices used to provide called public network of commuting
services do not belong to the users telephony (PSTN: Public Switched
themselves. The users have no control of, Telephone Network).
nor any knowledge of, what could happen Improved functionality: another important
to their data. This, however, is becoming advantage is that of a improved functionality
increasingly challenging because as as compared to classic telephony. Some of
security developments are made, there the functionalities offered by VoIP are
always seems to be someone to figure out difficult or even impossible to accomplish in
a way to disable the security and take the classic telephony. Among these, there is
advantage of user information. the possibility to use an IP telephone
Traditional telephony, based on dedicated wherever there is a connexion to Internet.
transmission lines, used over the last This creates the possibility that the "fix"
decades, has found through VoIP an telephone be taken in travelling, having the
important competitor, mainly because of call number everywhere. The most
the technology differences between them. important beneficiaries of this facility are
In traditional telephony, through the the Call Centre agencies, that use VoIP
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 2/2012 11

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7 Conclusion Towards wider cloud service applicability
By innovation and a perfectible degree of by security, privacy and trust
security, VoIP industry is consolidating is measurements. International Conference
market place, frightening to be able soon on Application of Information and
to take the place of conventional Communication Technologies (AICT),
solutions (expensive, insecure and (Oct., 2010), pp. 1–6.
inflexible). [5] M.-E. Begin, An egee comparative
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costs and to be scaled to massive sizes, 30 (2008).
when needed. In many cases the best [6] B. Rochwerger, D. Breitgand, E. Levy,
VOIP solution is to use cloud computing A. Galis, K. Nagin, I. M. Llorente, R.
and replace the classical solution. The Montero, Y. Wolfsthal, E. Elmroth, J.
advantages can be defined both by the Caceres, M.Benyehuda, W. Emmerich, F.
providers, which are motivated by the Galan, The Reservoir model and
future profits that can arise due to the architecture for open federated cloud
lower costs that the classical technology, computing. IBM Journal of Research and
as well as the users who have the Development, vol. 53, no. 4 (July, 2009),
possibility of reducing or eliminating the pp. 1–11.
telephony service costs. [8]“Implementing QoS Solutions for H.323
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(2009, May). [Online]. Available: Lee, “Measuring Interaction QoE in Internet Videoconferencing”, Proc. of
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Floriana GEREA is Security Analyst at Raiffeisen Bank. She has

graduated the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics in 2007. Currently,
she is a PhD student in the field of Economic Informatics at the Academy of Economic
Studies. She is co-author of one book (“Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia bazelor de date”), 6
12 Implementation of Cloud Computing into VoIP

published articles, and 2 scientific papers. Her fields of interest include: Linux, Clusters, VoIP
and Cloud Computing.

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