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z ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER ©! 40° S Room 206, GMT Built Corner Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City PANEL . UID A = cress sectional area of the moving plate Aluid's any substance that can flow. Itis either a Nauid era gas, Fluids $= shear stress experienced by the fluid ‘are dassified ds ether ideal fd (or perfect fui) and real fuidtor yu = absolute viscosty of te Mud ractical ug). = velocity of the moving plate ‘i = distance between plate and stationary surface (height offi) TEAL FLUIO REAL FLUID [ho wscosty Visous FAT Ss Z vk Tncompressible ‘Compressible Nm | Pa | Wear? or Paseo Have uniform velocity ‘Non-uniform veloy “Ibe |i? | pst] “Tbesin® or pss [nfs [in] istribution when flowing | distribution when Towing _| aye [em® | dyne/em™ | dyne-sfem or poise | emis | em} No friction between moving | Experience friction when layers of fui moving ayers of fluids Kinematic viscosity (xis the ratio ofthe absolute viscosity (y) of a fluid Real fluids are classifed futher divided into two, namely, Newtonian fluids and non-newtonian fluids. Mewfonian uid exhibit constant or Uniform viscosties while on-newtaalan fluids are thase whose Viscosites will vary with velocity. ‘BASIC PROPERTIES + Density (p)~ defined as mass (m) per unit volume (V) + Speafic weiahe (7) weight (W) per unit volume (V) Where: g = gravitational acceleration WEIGHT] ASS] GRAVETATIONAL | ACCELERATION. rewton wlgram 981 ms und or pound force | slug 32.2 fs dyne. [gem 381 cm/s! Note: 1 slug = 32.2 Ibm or pound-mass EXAMPLE: Find the densly of ethyl alcohol If 63.3 g occupies 80 ml. 1m _ 0.0655 ko, 10007, 10001 59g Ki vo em Lam? nm + Specific rauity (6) ratio of the density of a substance to the ‘ensity of water at a reference temperature of 4°C sou Ym, _ Pus YrfrecePreteence DENSITY] —SPECIAIC |_ wets He |B kale | 12.1i Water |" 1000 kg/ar” 9810 Nin 1.94 suas | ~ 628 LAURE: eer spc gy 073 Woe eee ae (9810) 1m om (29H), 75 NIL 155 Grstjeu ul OF AFLUID Hiscositycan be thought as the internal stickiness of a fluid, Its a measure ofthe luid's resistance to flow, Moving plate vA to its mass densty (p) yet P KINEMATIC ABSOLUTE TASS VISCOSITY VISCOSITY, DENSTTY 17s. best slugih ‘ems or stoke | dyne-s/cm’ or poise | — gramjer mis. Neg/m or Bars: kal’ Problem if: Two parallel plates, one maving at 4 m/s and the other stationary, are separated by a S-mm thick of cl with a specific gravity 0.8 and kinematic viscosity 1.25 x 10% m/s. What isthe average shear stress inthe oil? vAPOR AFLUI anor aressure is the pressure resuiting {rom molecules in a gaseous State. Pressure is force ner unit area perpendicular to the force Altmosahcrc pressure's the pressure caused by gases which composes inthe atmosphere. Gave pressures the pressure measured with respect tothe atmosphere pressure or bromette pressure. Its mescurd using ese ong or monometers FOOD FOR THE BRAINS: Unless otherwise specified, the term pressure, ‘means gage pressure inom Absolute pressure's the pressure measured with respect to the true ‘zero pressure reference. Postive pressure reading (Gage pressure) Atmosphere pressure * Negative pressure reaing (Vacuum pressure) Absolute zero pressure = 7h gage pressure (SG* Ywater XH) Pobsoiute = Pyage * Petmospheric Standard atmospheric pressures in different units: 14.7 psi 101.325 kPa = Latm or 1 atmosphere 760 mm Hg 29,92 inches Hg = 760 torr = 1.013 bar Problem #2: Find the pressure in kPa due to a column of mercury 74 ‘om high. ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Problem #3: A gage attached to a tank reads 7.4 In Hg vacuum, find the absolute pressure in the tank in pia PRESSURE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIFFERENT FLUIDS Fratton = Pp + (rh) oaton = Pop Tala he + Pep = pressure at the top 17 = specific weight of the specifi Nuid ‘n= head of the spectic Aud Problem #4: An open tank contains 5.7 m of water covered with 2.8 'm of kerosene (y = 6 kN/im), Find the gage pressure at the bottom of the tank. (COMPRESSIBILITY OF A FLUID Camara (6)'s te rational change inthe volume, $¥ of a ful per unit change in pressure, AP. at constant temperature process. v/v 5. lemons 2 fluids similar to modulus of elastic ofa soli ik moduli isthe sibility. Buk modulus is sometimes called 1 oP e-+-* B vy Note: Bulk modulus has the same unit as pressure. If not given, use 2.L.GPa 9s the bulk modulus of water at standard condtion. Problem #5: When a pressure of 300 psi us applied to a mercury sample, i contracts by 0.008 percent. Find the bulk modulus of mercury. SUREACE TENSION OF A FLUID ‘Surface tension (2's @ phenomenon in wiich the surface of a liquid, ‘where the liquid Is n contact with gas, acts lke a thin elastic sheet. “This term is typically used only when the surface is in contact with gas (uch as air). Surface tension has units of farce per unit length ‘Some common examples of = Drops of water from a faucet — as ifthe drops isa sold sphere Instead of a scattering water + Small insects walking on water surface -» as i the water surface ‘acts lke a solid surface + Needle or paper cip floating on water -> as if the needle is on & solid surface. © = $1(4P) — for droplets; 41(4P) — for bubbles side ~Poutsise © = surface tension (W/m or lyfe) <4? = change n pressure 1 = radhus of droplet or bubble Problem #6: The surface tension force of water in ar is approximately 0.00518 lb/ft. I the atmospheric pressure Is 14.7 psi, what isthe pressure inside a droplet 0.01-inch in diameter? « Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City (CAPILLARITY OF A FLUID Capilary action isthe name given to the behaviour of aliquid in a thin bore tule. Capilary action is caused by surface tension between the liquid and a vertical soli surface. The liquid tends to climb the wall “The curve surface of the liquid within the tube is known as @ meniscus, Note: For water in a glass tube If not given, the coniact angle Is zero. = height of rise = diameter of container. 7 = specific weight of uid Problem #7: Weter at 30°C (o = 0.0718 N/m) is able to climb up a glass of 0.2 mm diameter tube to surface tension. How far up the tube does the water climb? MANOMETERS ‘A canometeris an instrument for measuring the pressure of a fluid, ‘consisting of a tube filed with aliquid, the level of tre liquid being determined by the fuid pressure and the height of the liquid being Indicated on a scale. open end (Pa =0, 090) Aek Pastith =F + rahe Pa trate + ahs Problem #8: A U-tube manometer, attached to an air pipe measures 20 cm of mercury. The pressure in kPa inthe air pipe 's__. Problem #9: Oil with SG = 0.86 Is being transported ina pipe. CCalevate the pressure if a U-tube manometer reads 24 cm Hg. The oll in the manometer is depressed 12.5 cm below the ripe centetine. HYDRAULIC PRESS In a /uaulic press, the pressure at both ends are equal, thus its force {s directly proportional the cross sectional area of ts piston. 4A a: a: Problem #10: & hydraulic press has an input piston 10 mm in diameter and an output piston 50 mm in diameter. An input force of 80 Ngves an output force of __ Page 2/11 ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER . Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City INE SURFS F=PA>Path Pip ‘A = area of the horizontal plane (perpendicular tothe force) P= pressure at the bottom y= Specific weight ofthe fuid yw = Specific weight of water SG = specific granty of the Nid Problem #1: A 2-m diameter, 3-m high, cylindrical water tank is + pressurized such that the pressure at the top is 20 kPa. Determine the force in kN acting at the bottom. ‘Side View ofa vertical Plane 1h = distance of the center of gravity (cg) from the free quid surfece y= specific weight ofthe fuid Gp. = center of pressure 6g. = center of gravity = distance from the center of gravity to the center of pressure A = cross sectional area perpendicular to the force Jo = moment of inertia W/ respect to centroid Comman Rgures wsed in| Women of inertia wih respect weréed problem slving_| centroidal (horizontal Rectangle Tangle Gice Problem #12: Avertica rectangular gate 1.5 m wide and 3 m high is ‘submerged in water with its top edge 2 m below the water surface. Find the total force acting on one side of the gate and its location from the bottom. IED TO PRC IN PVp > Boyle's law bo” Arbubtie Mt FL + rma of” 2 P= absolute pressure at level 1 solute pressure at fevel 2 volume of the ar bubble at level 1 volume of the air bubble at level 2 Problem #13: &fish emits a 2 mn? bubble at a depth of 15 m in a lake. Find the volume of the bubble as it reaches the surface. Assume Its temperature does not change. Page 3/11 pouvancy BF = 1g 91 = SG * Yer BF = (SGnussMYwater (V5) Vs = volume of the body submerged (or under the fluid) = specific weight of the uid ‘SG = speafe grant of the Maid parent weights the difference of the welght of an object in arto ts ‘weight when immersed in water. ‘Roparent welght'= weight in air= buoyant force) 0ck weighs 90 Ibs in air and 62 Ibs in water. specific gravity, Problem #15: A pole 6-m pole with a square cross section of 89 mm, bby 80 mm is suspended by a wire so that 4 m is submerged in water and 2 m is above the surface. What is the tension in the wire? Assume specific gravity ofthe poe is 0.68. DISCHARGE OF A FLOWING FLUID. 0=0 A Ve For an incompressible fud, discharge Is called volume ow rate (0) while i the fluid is compressible (ike a gas) the discharge its called ‘mass flow rate (0) volume flow time mass flow Ma pV = Q > m= Ess owt Q=AV->Q= = dscharge rate 4 = cross sectoral area p= density of the fig Note: If the density of a gas flow is not given, recall the ideal aas law ‘equation to solve the density of the gas. PY =mRT -> ideal gas equation P Pry RT (MEMORIZE: For ar, R = 53.33 felbt/lbm“R ~» English units = 0.287 likg-*K > ST units Problem #16: Compute the average speed of water in a pipe having ‘an Internal diameter of 5 em and delivering 2.5 m? of water per hour. Problem #17: Air at 42°C and at 3 bar absolute pressure flows in a 2200-mm diameter conduit at a mean velocity of 12 mys. Find the mass flow rate of al. DISCHARGE STRIKING A PLATE —v ee a I<—* te woree a Fe pav’ Pate F = resistance force of the pate (equal to the force needed to hold the ‘nozzle hortzontaly) ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu ‘m = mass of water leaving the nazzle after t seconds V = veloaty of quid after coming out from the nazzle EXAMPLE: The nozzle ofa hose has a radius of 25 mm. Water emerges from the nazz at the rate of 750 L/min, Find the force with which the razzie must be held. Formula: F = pAV?; density of water, p = 1000 kg/m? F=paV? +Q=AV; Anat? ag NH a (X0.025)" “- ‘CONTINUITY FLOW EQUATION Gantinuous flow occurs wien at any time, the discharge Q at every section ofthe stream isthe same. This principle Is called conservation ol mass, ad 2 ARQ AM =A OZ Zee M4 =Ma + AM =020aVo 4 EXAMPLE: Liquid water flows in the pipe at 12 m/s. The plpe’s diameter '5 reduced by a factor of 2. What isthe velocty atthe reduced section? =O, Q=VA A= Fa? Vie? = Vat? 24,2 = Vo? Ve=48 mvs ‘BERNOULLI ENERGY THEOREM ‘According to Bernoull the total energy or head at any point in a ‘stream of fluid is equal tothe total head at any downstream point plus the head loss between the two points, This isa simple conservation of ‘enero concept % a ah = + Tota enersy head = 424 ay 2729 = veloaty head Ply pressure head ‘n= elevation head 17 = specific weight ofthe flowing fuid 5 ‘HL = head loss rom section 1 to section 2 Problem #18: Water flows steadily through a hortzontal pipe of ‘varying cross section. At one place the pressure is 130 kPa and the speed Is 0.6 mys. Determine the pressure at another place in the same pipe where the speed is 9 m/s, Problem #19: A 24-1nch water pipe carves 15 cfs. At point A the ‘elevation is 150 ft and the pressure Is 30 psig. At point B, 4000 fe ‘downstream from A, the elevation is 130 ft and the pressure Is 35 psig. Determine the head loss between A and 8. Q 11 height or elevation head of Auld (m) 17 = Specific weight of fuid (N/m?) poe Problem #20: A et of water issues from 100 mm dlameter nozzle with a velocty of 20 m/s. Find the hp of the jet. ORIFICE Oatize's a smal opening with a closed perimeter from which the Rud flows out from the tank. = Ag -+ theoretical discharged Q= Coho * Cy BR + actual dscharged Q= Ay JPR + C= Cy ‘Ax actual area of stream or fet Ao = orifice area = coelficient of contraction C= coeficient of discharge Problem #21: Calculate the discharge (in Ls) through a 100-mm ‘diameter orifice under a head of 5.5 m of water. Assume coefficient of contraction = 0.61 and coefficient of veloaty = 0.98. Problem #22: Water Issues from a circular office under a head of 45 ff. The diameter of the orifice is 4.5 In and the discharge Is found to be ‘740 f° in 3.4 min, If the diameter at the vena contracta Is measured to ‘be 3.54 In, what is the coefficient of velocity? [Note: Angle © is aways equal to zero since the projection ofthe quid ‘ut of the tank is alnayes assumed to be horizontal Page 4/11 ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Problem #23: Water discharges through the opening in a tank, 3ft below the liquid surface and strikes the ground 6 ft below. Ifthe velocity coefficient is 0.97 and the contraction coefficient is 0.70, determine the horizontal distance on the ground reach by the water. ‘The diameter of the orifice is 3 in ORIFICE DISCHARGED UNDER FALLING HEAD 1 head ofthe fluid (from the orifice level) Is decreasing ‘fy = final level EXAMPLE: A 4-t diameter tank contains oll of specific gravity 0.75. ‘A3:in diameter short tube is installed at the bottom of the tank. ‘Assuming the coefficient of discharge Is 0.85, how long wil it take to lower the level of the oll from 6 ft above the tube to 4 abave the tube? a aight 2080? (6-4) ee) esa oassayaria aaa * ‘REYNOLDS NUMBER, Revol number (Re)'s an experimental number used in fui flow to Predict the flow velocity at which turbulence will cur. This isa ‘dimensionless number interpreted as the ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces in the fluid Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City HEAD LOSSES IN A FLUID FLOW. In fluid dynamics, the Qarcy-Welstach equation san equation wich relates the head loss, or pressure loss due to friction along a given length of pipe to the average velocity ofthe fluid flow for an incompressible fluid, The equation is named after Henry Darcy and ulus Weisbach, ) = omic eaten >for a laminar flow but, Q=VA->v(202) 2 na ty -2{8) + simplified formula 29D | xD? ‘y= head loss due to frictional resistance in the pipeline ‘ction factor (usualy given or if nat the question being asked) length of pipe veloaty of fluid flow diameter of pipe Note: For non-circular pipes, use D = aR, = hydraulic rads j= 11055-seettonal area ofthe liquid flowing in a pipe wetted perimeter ofthe pipe Problem #26: What isthe diameter ofa cast iron pipe requited to ‘carry water at a discharge rate of 3 cfs and with a read loss of 4 ft per 1000 fe of pipe? Assume f = 0.015 Problem #27: Fluid flows through a 20-mm diameter pipe, 150 m long ata Reynolds number of 1750. Calculate the velocty of fui flaw if the head loss is 175m. EXAMPLE: A 2-m inner diameter pipe is flowing haf fll. What is the hydraulic radius? ross ~ sectional area of liquid ‘wetted perimeter fe = Reynkts number de te px mass deny of Hull [otis "at = clamoter ofthe pe F 172 vesoey of ft fw 1 = absolute vscosyof the Mat AMPLE: Whats he hyeraul radius of a rectangular alr ct 8 in by ‘ Kinamate isco ofthe td iin? Tarn OW TURBULENT FLOW yw 065 sec tonal area of auld Re < 2000 Re > 4000 raid pernetar Whe maving Pudi Wacous | Turbo means fast moving, a and the veloety isnot oo | This is the most common it -255in great type offi Now 7e+15 Note: When Reynol'snumber is above 2000 to 400, this is the MORE PRACTICE PROBLEMS! ‘transition zone, the flow is neither laminar nor turbulent. Turbulent ow Fluid with kinematic viscosity 0.00015 ft/s lows through a pipe of diameter 9 in. What is the maximum velocity for a laminar flow? 425: Whats the Reynolds number of oll (SG = 0.8, » = 002 Wb-sft) in a G-in diameter pipe at a flow rate of 10 F'/s? ‘GOLDEN RULE: The more problems you practice salvng..the more ‘ideas you get..2nd the more easier to solve the next problems to come. 2A the pressure in the air space above an oil (S$ = 0.7) surface in a closed tank is 13.7 kPa, what is the pressure 1.5 m below the surface? det kpa Chetan Ps azipa [ 8. 28 kPa 4 pete) B26 KPa oneal 2. One hundred grams of water are mixed with 150-9 of another Nuld (@ = 790 ka/m’). What isthe specific gravity ofthe resulting ‘mixture, assuming that the volumes are addlthe and the mixture |s homogenous? 4.063 0.86 8.077 D.01 Page 5/11 ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER : Room 206, GMT Building, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosarlo Sts, Cebu City 3g te sat nd comepecing tan vy of 10 7 _3Avae tank pins hr wat or 50a am Cisam 1s the veloty of escape of the water through the hole? e02m 5.0m" Ve VR ems Cums yogis t 8.374 m/s 0.36.1 mys a dulus of water Is 2.1 GPa. Compute the volume vy WN 100 ml of water when subjected to a pressure of 19, The actual velo inthe contracted section ofa jet of auld 15 MPa. ana flowing from a 2-nch dlameter orifice Is 28 Ys under a head of 15 0.056 m. cgnm hae ‘What Is the value of the coefficient of contraction I the 8. 0.083 mL onme bar ‘measured discharge ts 0.403 cfs. on A061 C066 ‘ ',_-A machine creates small 0.5-mm radius bubbles of 20 B07 0.054 Estimate the pressure that ests inside the bubbles, Surface tension of water at 20°C 0.0736 Nim. g- > L{A#] 20. stab of ee (SG = 0.92) floats on freshwater lke. What minimum 4589 Pa 598 Pa q ‘volume must the slab has fora 45-k woman to be able to stand 3.581 Pa 0.518 Pa ‘ont without getting her feet wet? 4.065 me €.0.46 m? _SC Wits flows trough along 1.0 om 1.D. hose at 10 hers per 8.0.76 0? 3.056 m? ‘minute. The water veloc is nearest to Alms CATS Q> fr/ 21. Acalbrated flask has a mass of 30 g when empty, 81 9 when _Saiems O.212ms filed with water, and 68 g when fled with anol. Find the density ofthe olin kg/ne. ‘A gasoline pump fils @80-L tank in 1 min and 15 s I the pump A510 745 ‘ext ameter is 4 cm, what isthe average pump flow ext velodiy? 8. 636 0.568, 8.057 ms C059 m/s 5 B.O45 mys | peowsms 9 >A Be Risch dameter ubbie)has an intemal pressure 0.0045 psi — greater than that of the buts atmosphere. Compute the surface Water asa sutoce whion Gan. n apt dame _Bpasion ofthe soap-air interface. she(gel Yertcal ie the hud ree anlaove the Tad outside the 0675 be coauss tye 7? Er tube, cakulate the contact angle." g 5tah 8. 0.00125 h/t 0.00367 It A864" wear A> TS wis B, 812° .79.6° wa A 1.5-m diameter vertical tank 3 m high contains 2.5 m of water. ‘A. 100-mmm diameter circular sherp-edged once located atts ‘open U-tube manometer has a column of water 40 cm high on bottom, How tong wil take to lower the level by 1.5 m, Assume ‘one side supporting a 31 cn columa ofan unknown Mud on the C206 a) ‘other side, What Is the density of the unknown flud? AMSS S45 Tm ee A120 kal? ©1275 kg/m? 8966s D.87s my B, 1265 kg/m? D.1260 kg/m? - JAE pressure of $00 KB2 angled to a(E TPP gut results ina 10, An 18-4g sab sides down a 15* indined plane on a 3-mm thlek volume change The Dole sf modus ofthe quid Is _ {ln of SAE 10 ol (x = 0.0814 Pa-s) at 20°C. The contact area is A.25 MPa CIM es wo 8 ‘03 mt Find the terminal velocty ofthe slab. 18-250 MPa , 2500 MPa eee A536 m/s 1.4.94 mys aP B.5.62 mys D.aa7 mys 25 Water comes out ofa valve atthe bottom of a tank at 20s. The height of water inthe tank is ir 114 Biood ows at 0.11/s trough the creulatory system ofa person A625 ft ene wee Vagh ‘whose caplares have a total cross-sectional area of 0.25 m. The B30 15k average veloc ofthe blood inthe caplares is __. ‘A.25 mms 204 mm/s. acav 26. How much power does the piston in a hydraulic system do during B.4 mays D.2mms ‘one 2 cm stroke If the end area ofthe plston i 0.75 cand the pressure Inthe hydraullc fu is 50 kPa? s 250 mt of fs flows out ofa tube whose inner dlameteris. A. 6S mW c.75 mW 7 mm Ina time of 41 =. What the average spocd ofthe fd in 8.5 mW 3.95 mw the tube? dems a=x c044m/s F Q=AV — 27, A1.8m wide, 3 m high vertical rectangular gate has ts top edge 6 roisms | © D.0.2.mys {below the water level TEs hinged along slower edge. What S force, acting on the top edge is necessary to held the gate shut? K pressure gage 7 m above the bottom of a tank contalning a ATOTAN C745 KN ‘quid reads 64.94 KPa, another gage at helght 4 m reads 87.53 8.81.6 KN 0.884 iN ‘kPa, Compute the mass density (kg/m) of the fluid, 28. A753 798 E mercury in a barometer i replaced by water, the height of 3.75 8.781 Derie THY = Padyelee “ crlermercry wil be equal to of water ASiom €.s0cn 38 Find the specific gravity of gasoline If 51.9 occupies 75 cm?, B.52.2cm D.SL7an 4.076 C083 60. Bwobjedt _ 8.058 Bris SA* CEPTS 29, Oi (SG = 0.72) is used as the indicating fluid in a manometer. If Yo bre the differential pressure across the ends of the manometer is 7 415, AZ-mtll,0.5 m inside lameter tank is fled with water. A 10 cm Pa, what wl be the diflerence In ofl levels in the mancmeter? hole is opened 0.75 cm from the bottom of the tank. What i the Ayaan velocity ofthe exting wate? Ignore all rie losses. B.820n 5.99.4m AATS ms 4.85 mys 8.428 m/s 0.495 ays 30. The pressure and température n air n a 10am dameter pipe are 500 kPaa and 40°C, respectively. What is the mass flow rate if the 3S: has deny of 1.29 gf ue standard canons. What's vty fA Inthe 100 2 of air in @ room with dimensions 10 m x 8m x 3m? A 6.63 ka/s. C.5.81 ko/s 310 kg C300 kg 8.4.37 ko/s: D. 4.02 kg/s 5. 30Kg 0.330 kg © 3d hat Is the restant force on onesie ofa 25 cm diameter 2-cm diameter pipe transports water at 20 mys. If it exits out vertical circular plate standing at the bottom of a 3 m pool of ‘100 small 2 mm diameter holes, the exiting velocity In m/s will be water? = rer) ce r19 4 Fim 82 8.40 my, > Ww 8.1.38 KN D145 kN R ire Page 6/11 he F Sa ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER ‘Room 206, GMT Bullding, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City horsepower is required to force 8 m? of water per minute ‘Into a water main ata pressure of 220 kPa? A33hp Csh PT Or 837m BBM 3B. ‘Averial test ube has 2cm of oll (p= 0.80 o/c) floating an cm of water, Whats the pressure atthe bottom of the tube due to the fluid in it? A094 ta c.121 68 B17 Pa 0.072 kPa |. Water is lowing smoothly through a closed pipe system. At one ‘point the speed ofthe water is 3 m/s while at another point 1 m higher, the speed is 4 m/s. If the pressure Is 20 kPa atthe lower point, what isthe pressure at the upper point? 082 Pa CAL7 kPa 867, 1.10.1 kPa Calculate the pressure in a pipe transporting air @ U-tube ‘manometer measures 25 cm Hg, The weight of air in the ‘manometer is negligible. ‘A. 37.18 kPa B35 Kea 8.40.22 kPa D. 29.18 kPa 36, A plate separated by 0.5 mm from a fixed plate moves at 0.5 m/s Under a force per unt area of 4 N/m?, Determine the viscosity of the fuid between plates. A. 0.004 Pars 0.0036 Pa-s 8. 0.0024 Pa-s 0.003 Pas 37, Determine the submerged depth of a cube of stee! on each side floating in mercury. The spect gravities of stee! and mercury are 7.8 and 13.6, respectively. Roissm 0456 m 8.0428m b.oam 38, An object weighs 13 N in alr and 11.8 N in water. Determine the ‘specific gravity of the object. Rios esa Baa bie 39 Compe te pressure required for a water supply system that wil raise water 50 m vertically. pen cg = KL S10 KPa D180 Wa. ‘40. A 60-kg rectangular box, open atthe top, has a base dimensions 3 ‘m by 0.8 m and depth 0.5 m. How deep wil t sink in fresh water? 4.0.05 m €.0.075 m 8. 0.085 m D. 0.095 m 41. At what veloaty does water emerge from an orifice ina tank in which the gage pressure is 300 kPa? As24ms €.357 ms B. 29.6 m/s D. 24.5 m/s | Eater at: 20°C (e = 0.0736 N/m) wil rise Ina clean S-mm tometer gas tbe a distance of Aion Them gam Dilton 43, ‘The fuld in a manometer tube is 60% water and 40% alcohol (SS = 0.8). What Is the fui height dfference Ifa pressure difference (f 1.5 pst Is applied across the two ends ofthe manometer? ALES C33ik * B.432 ft 0.2.26 ft _BKieates repo inated the brome pressures 2875 of mercury Whats the atmospheric pressure In psi? Jeter C1292 8.15.29 0, 1828 45. The flow energy of 124 L/min ofa fuld passing a boundary to a system Is 108.5 10/min, Determine the pressure at this point. ‘A805 kPa 875 kPa 8.925 kPa. D915 kPa 46. A reservoir of aycerin has a mass of 1200 kg and a volume of 0.952 m. Find the speci gravy. 1.77 0.145 A136 B26 47, Vihatis the minimum volume of a block af wood (p = 850 kg/m?) IFTEIS to hold a 50 kg woman entirely above the water when she stands on i? A045 me 1.25 m@ 8.0.91 nm 0.33 mr From the following test data, determine the bulk modulus of ‘water: at 500 psi, the volume was 1 f° and at 3500 psi, the Vajyme was 0.99'R° 300,000 psi 600,000 pst 8, 100,000 ps ©. 200,000 ps! JE. Determine the theoretical velocity generated by @ 10-m hydrauile head. fra geitms VIR cams B. 16-4 m/s B10 mis '50, Oil (SG = 0.80) flows in a 200-mm diameter pipe. Find the critical velocity. Use w = 0.0814 Pas. A1.204 m/s. 1.128 mvs B. 1.018 mys 1.102 mys 53-6 of 5 Nope tothe pe ofa hydraute system. “Te input piston has en area of 60 cn andthe ou pston has an area of 15 cn Find the force the output pston exerts aaisn Bonen Eat Fv kw _ Paks the mass of water in 2 swimming pool 7 mong, 3 m wide 2.m deep? 42,000 kg ©. 55,00 ko 8. 65,000 69 1. 48,000 kg '53, What pressure is experienced by a skin diver 20 ft below the surface of a freshwater lake? : A 1248 pal © 165293 8. 21.44 ps 0.2336 pal 53--Fi many meters of waters equvalet toa pressure of 75cm a? . 49.99m catam 27 eb 8.735m O764m SS. Ona sea level standard day, a pressure gage moored below the surface of the ocean (SG = 1.025) reads an absolute pressure of 11.4 MPa. Approximately how deep inthis instrument? Adm c129m B.133m D.140m fa hydraulic press such that the large piston has cross sectional ‘area 200 cm? and the small piston has cross sectional area 5 cm’, If the force of 250 N is applied to the small piston, find the force ‘on the large piston. 6.25 KN C0156 KN B, 400 KN D, 57. SAE 30 oil (w = 0.0092 Ibs?) at 20°C is sheared between two paral piates 0.005 inch apart with the lower plate fied and the ‘upper plate moving at 13 fs. Compute the shear stress inthe oll (8245 Ib? . 287 lyr B26 hyn . 206 tyre Four cars with @ mass of 1500 kg each are loaded on a 6-m wide, 12 milong smaltcar ferry. How fong in em, wil sink in the water? A152 cus B102 0.83 38 tes fos trough a 3nch ameter pp ata veocy of 10s Fipd the mass fw rate. 40,952 slugis 0.824 stugls 4 Slag B.0.862 sun/s Diosssstals Ea Wat pressure in KPa is equivalent to 690 mm Hg? A100 8" 8952 Ds13 Fea nail - Wns eps 661, Determine the volume of 200 g of carbon tetrachloride, for which the specific gravity Is 1.6. A125 mL 133 mL, 8.118 mL ©. 121 mt Page 7/11 ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Room 206, GMT Bung, Corner unquera and P. Det Rosario Ss, Cebu Cty ‘A pressure rise of 500 kPa Is needed across a pump in a pipe transporting 0.2 m’/s of water. Ifthe pump Is 85% efficient, the Dower needed in kW is nue as 8,100 0.65 63. Ifthe atmosphere pressure Is 0.9 bar abs and a gage attached to 2 tank reads 390 mm Hg vacuum, what is the absolute pressure within the tank? Aare C64 kre B52 kre Du 142 KPa ‘64. The vertical plane is standing with 6 m height of water. The force of the water on the 2-m wide vertical plane area is nearest to _. A400 KN 350 KN 8.300 KN 0. 250KN ‘65. Calculate the average velocity of blood in the aorta (radius, 1 cm) when the flow rate Is 5 L/min, Aziows 24am BZ7aWs 0.33 ems 66. The mass ofa callbrated flask is 25 g when empty, 75 9 when, filed with water, and 88 g when filed with glycerin, Find the -speaiic gravity of glycerin. A134 C143 B. 162 D126 ‘A boat srikes an underwater rock that punctures a hole 20 cm in ‘area In Its hull 1.5 m below the waterline, At what rate does water ‘enter the hull? A108Us C122 BALES 0.9.6 Ys (68. Determine the discharge of a 4-in diameter end-cap orifice on a 6- In ameter lp ifthe coeficent of charge is 0.7 andthe head fon the orifice is 12 in, 0.49 R/s 034 ys Boss ny 0.061 Rs 69, What is the flow rate through a pipe 4” in diameter carrying water ata veloc of 11 fs? A. 590 cm/s, ¢.993.on’/s B, 27,200 an'/s 0. 19,200 cm/s 70, If the bulk modulus of elasticity of water's 2.2 GPa, what pressure {Is required to reduce a volume of water by 0.6 percent? A132 MPa, C213 MPa B. 18.7 MPa 0.36.6 MPa 71, What capillary depression of mercury (@ = 140") maybe expected ina 0.08 in diameter tube? Use o = 0.0352 Itt. ADA7 in ©.-0.20in B.-0.14in 0.0.23 in 72, A cottonseed oil has a density of 926 kg/m. How much is the = ‘weight of one Biter of? A696 C.asiN 8.7.82N D.9.08N ‘73. The viscosity of water is given as 0.01008 poise. What Is this value In Pe-s unts? 0.01008 0.001008, 8, 0,1008 1,008 74. ‘The bulk modulus of water Is 23 GPa. How much pressure in atmospheres is needed to compress a sample of water by 0.1 percent? 10am 19. B. 16am 0.23 atm ‘At what rate (cu.m/s) does water flow from a 0.80 cm I.D. faucet Ifthe water pressure is 200 kPa? 0.001, 0.002 8, 0.003, 0.004 76. Find the absolute pressure in kPa at a depth of 10 m below the free surface of ol (SG = 0.75) If the barometric pressure reading 15752 mmHg. A 183.2 195.2 8. 1887 0.1739 Page 8/11 7. 78. a1. 97. 1. ‘Atank of water (SG =1) has a 5-m high and 3-m wide gabe in its ‘vertical wall, The top edge of this gate 1s 2 m below the water ‘surface. What is the hydrostatic force acting on this gate? AGN C367 KN 490 KN D662IN ” ‘An atomizer forms water droplets 45 ym In diameter. Find the ‘excess pressure within these droplets for water at 30°C (¢ = 0.0712 Nim). A. 6624 Pa C6329 Pa 8. 7650 Pa D.5921 Pa 9. A barometer reads 760 mm Hg and a pressure gage attached to a tank reads 800 cn of ofl (SG = 0.82). What Is the absolute pressure in the tank in KPa? A. 165.68 kPa B, 180.24 kPa ©. 153.53 kPa 17237 kPa . The speed of glycerin lowing in a S cm Ld, pipe is 0.54 mys. Find the fluid speed in a 3 cm Ld. pipe that connects with it, both pipes, flowing ful ALL mys 09 m/s BAS ms D.13 mys I the spectic volume ofa fuid is 360 f°/siug, what i its speaific. weight? A.0.0278 iy? 0.0926 tot? 1. 0.0895 Ibyrt> D, 0.0435 iy? ‘An object welghs 100 N in alt and 25 N when submerged in water. Its specific gravity s_. AML 8122 6.133 Dias . What volume of water will escape per minute from an open tank. through an opening 3 cm in diameter that is 5 m below the water, {evel in the tank? A.0.42 m/min 8.0.51 m/min ¢.0.47 m/min .0.59 m/min A waterfall has a total drop of 15 m and a flow rate of 2 m/s. ‘What theoretical power is avalable? A20KW C439 kW 8.375 KW 750 KW 5. An 89% efficient hydro turbine with a turbine head of 40 m. What Is the turbine output if the mass fx is 90,000 ka/min? ‘A510 RW C526 kW B.SI7 KW 5.502 KW ‘A.100-mm diameter pipe discharges 45.3 L/s under a head of 3.597 m, The diameter ofthe jet at the vena contracta is found by ‘alipering to be 8.81 cm. Determine the coefficient of discharge, 0.885 C0782 8.0923 3.0819 ‘Aaquatt of SAE 30 ol! weighs about 1.85 Ib. Calculate the oils specific gravity A089 097 8091 0.0.86 3. pump is needed to pump 10 ft/s of oll (SG = 0.82) over a total ‘head of 150 ft. What size of motor would be needed if the pump ‘efficiency s 809%? A174.44 hp . 158.23 hp 8 159.23 hp D. 163.52 hp ‘What volume does 300 g of mercury occupy? A1Scm c.18 8. 22cm D.41an" Water i lowing ina S-cm diameter pipe ata velocity of m/s. ‘The pipe expands toa 10-cm dlameter pipe. Find the velocty In the 10 cm diameter pipe? A25 ms 81.25 ms ©. 10 mvs 0.1.8 mis Find the force acting on the bottom of an aquartum having a base 1 by 2 fe and containing water to a depth of 1 fe. C.119.2 bs. D. 124.8 Ibs 121.8 ths 8. 123.2 bs ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Room 206, GMT 92, Castor oll at S9*F (y= 0.0316 Ibf-s/in’) fils the space between ‘two parallel hotzonta plates 3/8 inches apart. If the upper plate ‘moves with a veloaty of 5 fps and the lower one Is stationary, What isthe shear stress inthe olf? ‘A,5.06 pst €. 6.36 pst 8.5.91 psi 6.16 pst 93. A hortzontal pipe has constriction init. At point 4, the diameter Is 6 ‘cm while at point 2, It is only 2 cm. At point 1, the velocity is 2 Is. Calculate the velocity at point 2. Alms C18 m/s B14 m/s D.16 mvs ‘A horizontal pipe 15 cm in diameter has a constriction 7.5 cm in ‘lameter. Ifthe velocy of water in the constriction Is 10 m/s, find the ofference between the pressures In the larger to the smaller Pipes. ‘A472 Pa €.49.6 kPa 8. 42.7 KPa 2.46.9 kPa 95, A3sin dlameter orice in the sie of a 5 ft dlameter tank draws the surface down from 7 ftto 5 ft above the orfice n 53 s. Calculate the discharge coefficient. A091 com 8.0.83 0.069 96. A pressure of 35 kPa is measured 4 m below the surface of an ‘unknown quid. What isthe specific gravity of the liquid? 4.0.09 ¢.0.89 8.093 3.1.85 ‘97. Determine the fractional change In volume as the pressure of the ‘atmosphere (1 x 10° Pa) around a metal block is reduced to zero by pbc te block hveeuun. The bu modus or he meas 46x10? ©7107 BSx10" 0.8x 107 ‘98. Determine the power needed in discharging oll (SG =0.85) at 0.02 ‘m/s through a 50-mm diameter nozzle. ASIOW c.890 W Bez W 0.916 W 199. ‘The pressure 8 ft below the free surface ofa liquid Is 2.4 ps. What ‘is the spediic gravity ofthe iquig? 5 A07S 0.833 Bo71 0.0692 1100, Flud flows at mys ina S-cm diameter pipe section. The section is ‘connected to a 10-cm diameter section. At what velocty does the {uid flow inthe 10-cm section? Alms B25 ms 101A rectangutar tank has dimensions 9 ft long by 3 ft wide by 6 ft ‘igh. If the tank is filed with water to the top which is open toghe ‘atmosphere, the force on the 3 ft by 6 ft side Is mostly nearly". ‘A. 3370 fof C187 Ibt B. 6740 bt 1.1288 bf 1.25 mys. ©. 10 mys 4102.A rectangular concrete channel is 3 m wide and 2 m high. The ‘water In the channel 1.5 m deep and Is lowing at arate of 30 im'/s. Determine the hydrauit reds. A.065m 070m Bi. 0.80 m B.075m 103. The barometer reads 29 Inches of mercury. What Is the absolute ‘pressure (in psa) if a vacuum gage reads 9.5 psi? ‘A195 psia C.6.45 psia 8.4.75 psia 1. 24.05 psia 104.A pipe, 3 cm in diameter, 100 m long is used to transport water at ‘a volume flow rate of 0.00094 m/s. Ifthe friction factor, f = (0.025, the head lass expressed in meters of water Is mostly nearly A75m ism 898m B.22m 105. Determine the maximum velocity for laminar flow for medium fuel ‘il at 60°F (v = 4.75 x 10 f/s) owing through a 6-in pipe. A039 Ys €.0.24 Rs Box tys 0.033 Ms ‘Building, Corner Juncuera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu Cty 106.A solid aluminum cylinder (denshty = 2700 kg/m") has a measured ‘mass of 67 9 In al and 45 9 when Immersed In turpentine. Determine the density of turpentine. ‘A. 890 ka/m? 860 ka/m? 1B, 880 kg/m? 870 karen? 107A lake is covered with a 1.75 m layer of ice. Find the absolute Dressure at a depth of 2.5 m In the lake. Assume density of ice is 920 kg/m? A142 KPa 208 a B. 183 kPa 264 ka 4108. An oil has a kinematic viscosty of 0.000125 m?/s and a specific ‘gravity of 0.8. What is the dynamic viscosty In ka/m-s units? 4.0.08 ¢.0.425 Bo. Br 108. at what depth below the surface of ol, relative density 0.8, will Droduce a pressure of 120 kPa? ABM ©.1862m 8.1529 D.2132m 1110.A Jet of water Is discharged through a 1-Inch dlameter orice under a constant head of 2.1 f. The jet is observed to pass through a polnt 2 ft downward and 4 fe away from the vena contracta. Compute the coefficient of velocity. 0.893, 0.783 8.0976 g D.o912 ‘111. What isthe apparent weight of a rock submerged in water ifthe Tock weighs 54 N in air and has a volume of 2300 cm? A36N C29N BN DIN 1112.A smal orice of 300 sq mm area Is inthe vertical sie of a rectangular tank. The horizontal sectlonal area of the tank 0.40 sq, ‘m, At given instant the head on the orifice Is 1.2 m and 312s Inter is 0.6 m. Compute the value of discharge. A 0.605 0.619 8.0673, 0.0681 1113.A gallon of water and a gallon of antifreeze weigh, respectively 8.4 ‘and 9.2 Ib. The combined solution has a specific gravity of approximately _ 0.095 C091 B08 Dad 114.A floating cylinder 8 cm in diameter and weighing 9.32 N Is placed ina cylindrical container that Is 20 cm in diameter and partially full (of water. The increase in the depth of water when the float is placed init is A.10n C3an BSan D.2em 1115. Water flows through a garden hose of inside dlameter 2 cm at a speed of 1.2 n/s. At what speed wilt emerge from a nozzle of diameter 0.5 cm? A192 m/s C.4.8 m/s 8. 13.33 mis 0.5.76 m/s 116.How meny inches of mercury are equivalent to @ pressure of 25, si? A424 6923 8328 D.509 117.A pressure gage 19 ft above the bottom of a tank containing a liquid reads 13.19 psi, another gage at helght 14 ft reads 15.12 ‘st. Compute the specific gravity of the liquid. A.0.825 C0902 80.891, Bost 4118. Determine the diameter of a standard, sharp edge orifice required two produce a discharge of 35 L/s of water under a head of 3 m. ‘Assume coefficient of discharge = 0.60 A. 82mm. €.92. mm 8.88 mm 098mm 1119, What isthe Reynold's number of 0.4 m/s of oll (SG = 0.86; p = 10.025 Pa-s) through a 450 mm diameter pipe? 438,932 €. 40,342 833,194 .35,291 Poge 9/11 ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER 120.011 flows through a pipe 8 cm in diameter, at an average speed of 4 evs. What ‘ms. What Is the volumetric ow? A.0.03 m/s 0.02 mi 8.0.04 m/s 1.0.05 m/s 121, 90-qum diameter onfice with a coefficient of discharge = 0.8 is ‘placed In the bottom of a vertical tank that has a diameter of 2 m. How long does ft take to draw the surface down from 4 to 3.5 m. A3Is C365 8275 D2zs 122. Compute the volume change of a sold copper cube, 40 mm on ‘ech edge, when subjected toa pressure of 20 MPa, The bulk modulus for copper is 125 GPa. AIS mm 20 mn? B.i2mar 8.10 mm? 123.A barrel contains a 12 cm layer of ol ating on water that is 25, ‘an deep. Ifthe gauge pressure at the bottom of the bare is 3.158 KPa, find the densty of the ol. ‘A. 760 kg/m? C480 kgm? 500 ka/m? D. 600 kg/m? 124, At what rate does water flow from a 0.80 om Ld. faucet the ‘water pressure Is 200 kPa? ‘A.0.001 mis 0.002 m/s 8. 0.003 m'/s D, 0.004 mys 125.One leg of a mercury U-tube manometer is connected to a pipe ‘containing water under a gage pressure of 100 kPa, The mercury In tis leg stands 750 mm below the water. What is the height of ‘mercury in the other leg which is open to the ar? co72m 5.0.80m 126. In a fud the velocty measured ata distance of 75 mm from the ‘boundary Is 1.125 ms. The fuld has a viscostty 0.048 Pa-s, What ‘is the shear stress at the boundary? A.072Pa C056 Pa 8.0.81 Pa 0.0466 Pa 127. The ice In an Iceberg has a specific gravity of 0.922. When floating tn sea water, the percentage ofits exposed volume Is nearest to 45.6% C.89% 8.74% 0, 10.5% 128.A piece of alloy has 2 measured mass of 86 9 in air and 73 9 when, Immersed in water. Find its volume. Al0cr C1Son B.2tan D.3cm" 129. The et from a standard 12 mm orifice (in a vertical wall) under @ ‘5.4 m head, strikes a point distant 1.5 m horizontally and 120 mm ‘vertically from the center point of the contracted section. The cdscharge is 400 Lin 569 5. Compute the coeffient of contraction, 4.0663 ©.0.647 8.0628 D.0.713 i 130; What isthe head loss for water flowing through a hortzontal pipe if ‘the gage pressure at point 1 Is 1.03 kPa, and the gage pressure at Point 2 downstream Is 1 kPa? Assume the velocty of flow is ‘constant? A. 0.0012 m 0.0018 m 0.0023 m 0, 0.0031 m 131. The compressibilty of water Is 5 x 10 m/N. Find the decrease in volume of 0 mo weer when subjected to a pressure of 15 ‘A065 mL B. 0.85 mi. 075 mL 5.0.95 mt 132.A jet of water SO mm in dlameter issued from a nozzle with a ‘velocity of 5 m/s acts on a fled vertical plate. Find the force exerted by the plate. ASIN B.49.1N C5838 D.SS4N 153.fool vib 96 = O35 and toamatc catty of 18x 20 ie Ina 10am diameter pipe at 05 L/s. Compute the Reynol's ‘umber ofthe flow? Aah 3.429 34 D.331 Room 206, GMT Bulding, Comer Junquera and P. Del Rosarfo Sts, Cebu Clty 134. Fresh water 2m deep flows over the top of 4 m of sat (SG. 1.04). The pressure atthe bottom in kPa is_. 5.604 C588 552 Ds13 135.An 85% efficent turbine accepts 0.8 m/s of water at a pressure ‘of 600 kPa. What Is the maximum power output, In KW? 4.320 C560 8. 408 D. 640 136.An open tank contains 9.4 ft of water beneath 1.8 tof oll (SG = 10.85), Find the gage pressure at the bottom of the tank. A. 6.633 psig 4.736 psig 8. 5.073 psig 5.593 psig 137. hydraulic Jock used to it cars is called a three-ton jack. The ‘arger piston is 22 mm in diameter, the small ne 6.3 mm, Assume. 2 force of 3 tons is 30 KN. What force must be exerted on the ‘small piston to lift the 3-ton weight? ALBIN CLOKN B.86KN D.256N 138. 1F the pressure ata polnt in the ocean is 60 kPa, what isthe ;ressure 27 m below this point? A361 Kea 382 KPa 8.318 kPa 0.333 hPa 139, Water flows through a mutisectional pipe placed horizontally on the ground. The velocty is 3 mys at the entrance and 2.1 m/s at the ext. What i the pressure difference between these two points? A.0.2 kPa 23h 8.28 KPa 0.15 kPa 140.A soap bubble 50 mm in diameter contains a pressure (in excess ‘of atmospheric) of 2 bar. Find the surface tension In the soap fim. A 1250 Nim? ©1260 N/m? B. 1230 Nim? 1.1220 Nim? 1141. How far below the water surface Is t necessary to immerse a ‘vertical plone surface 3 fe 2quare, two edges of equare belng horizontal, n order that the center of pressure shall be but 1 inch from center of gravity? Ag car B75R Dest 142.A glass tube Is bent into the form of U. A 50 cm height of ollve oil ‘in one arm is found to balance 46 cm of water inthe other, What isthe density of the olive ol? C.940 ky? A920 B. 950 kg/m? 1D. 930 kg/m? 143. 35-m by 55-cm block sides on oll (4 = 0.81 Pa-s) over a large plane surface. What force Is required to drag the biock at 3 mys, tf separating oll im is 0.6 mm thick? 8.650 N C.a40N 8. 780N D.980N 1144.An orf 2-n in diameter discharges Muid from a tank with a head ‘of 15 ft. Discharge rate Is measured at 0.5 cfs. Actual velocity at the vena contracta is 29 fs. Determine the coe cient of discharge. 4.0817 0737 80.782 D.0.619 145, What Is the energy requirement of an 85% efficent pump that ‘wansports 40 L/s of water if the pressure increases from 200 kPa ‘to 1200 kPa? A4B RW 8142 KW c34kW D471 kW 146.4 certain plece of metal has a measured mass of 5 gin alr, 3.9 In water and 3.24 9 in benzene. Determine the mass densty of benzene. ‘A, 890 kg/m? C910 kg/m? 880 ka/en? 7 D900 koje? 1147. The force in kN acting on one of the 1.5-m side of an open cubical ‘water tank (which is full) is_ A182 3 8.165 Diaz Page 10/11, 2 ROJAS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Room 206, GMT Bulding, Corner Junquera and P. Del Rosario Sts, Cebu City 148.A volume of 5.6 7? of ofl weighs 46.8 KN. Find Its relative densty. ‘A. 0.852 0877 8.0.83 0.0841 149. 60+kg woman stands on a light, cubeal box that is S cm on each, ‘edge. The box sits on the floor. What pressure does the box exert ‘on the floor? ‘A280 KPa C300 kPa 8 265 KPa D240 kPa 1150. The discharge through a 75-mm diameter ortice atthe bottom of ‘a large tank was measured to be 1734 L/min. If the head over the ‘orifice remains constant at 5.5 m, compute the coefficient of discharge. A055 050 8.0.69 0.0463 151 I the pressure ata point n the ocean is 60 kPa, what isthe ‘pressure 27 m below this point? A361 KPa ©.382 kPa B.318 kPa 0.333 ka 1152. The vscosty ofa flud with specific gravity 1.3 Is measured to be (0.0034 N-s/m. Its kinematic viscosty in m’/sis_. 26x 10% C44 x108 B.5.8x 10% D.72x:10* 1153. Find the flow in Iters/s of a non-viscous liquid through an opening (0.50 crn? In area and 2.5 m below the level of the liquid in an open tank, A035 C064 B03 3.051 4154. The piston of a hydrauic automobile tft is 0.30 m in diameter, ‘What gage pressure in atm is required to lift a car with @ mass of 1200 ig? AL2 cig B25 Daz 155. What isthe pump power needed to increase the pressure by 600 Ka in an 8-

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