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Ruben Dario: “Do you have any siblings?”

Viviana : If I have two siblings. And you?

Ruben Dario: “I have 2 brothers and a sister!”

Viviana: “Wow, a big family… I would have liked a sister.”

Ruben Dario: “Yes, my brothers are both married and have kids. Family gatherings can be quite

Viviana: “So you have nieces and nephews then?”

Ruben Dario: “Oh yes. My sister divorced my brother-in-law before they had any kids but my

Viviana: “Your parents must be very proud!”

Ruben Dario: “It’s Gran that is most proud. Grandfather and her love to baby sit.”

Viviana: “how do you get along with your sisters-in-law?

Ruben Dario: “very good, they are very kind and attentive to me!”.

Viviana: “I can’t believe that your grandparents are still alive!”

Ruben Dario: “Hah! You should sit down then, because I still have both great-grandparents on my
mom’s side!”

Viviana: “Goodness! I have a great uncle living in U.S, but I never see him.”
Ruben Dario: “You should get in touch. It’s great to have a sense of one’s family tree.”

Viviana: “Where do you all live?”

Ruben Dario: “Well, Troy lives in New York and has really done well.”

Viviana: “What does he do?”

Ruben Dario: “He became a lawyer right out of school and became partner of his firm within 3 years!”

Viviana: “Wow, he really has gone far quickly.”

Ruben Dario: “My other brothers both work for my dad in the family business.”

Viviana: “Do you have any dreams to travel or work overseas?”

Ruben Dario: “I am very happy at home. I have a good job and having weekends and public holidays
off is very important to me”.

Viviana: “What do you do in your spare time?”

Ruben Dario:
“I like to travel to the small towns of Colombia, they are quieter and safer”

Viviana: “who usually accompanies you on trips?”

Ruben Dario: Most of the time I have traveled alone and on a motorcycle

Ruben Dario: “And what do you like to do in your free time”

Viviana: “I love to dance and drink beer”

Ruben Dario: “I loved knowing you a little more. I hope you allow me to continue knowing you. Until
the next opportunity”
Viviana: “I also loved meeting you. And I also hope to see you again, take care of yourself.

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