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Department of Education

Region XII
City Schools Division of Tacurong
Cluster IV
S.Y. 2019 – 2020


 Get the meaning of words using pictures and context clues.
 Get the main idea of a narrative text heard.
 Express love for stories and other texts by browsing the books read
to them and asking to be read more stories and texts.

Learning Activities
A. Pre – Listening
 Unlocking of Difficulties
1. There are red, yellow, pink, and white flowers in the garden.
They are very colorful.
2. We are five children in our family. I have four siblings, two
brothers and two younger sisters.
3. The visitors left the school immediately. They did not stay
4. The kitten hid behind the rose bushes.
5. After lunch, I lay in bed to nap for at least ten minutes.
6. It rained and the little cat shivered because of the cold.

 Motivation

Ask: 1. What animals will make good pets?

2. What animal do you like to have as a pet? Why?
Tell something about your pet. How do you take care of
your pet?

Show the picture that follows.

Ask: What is in the picture?
Describe the cat in the picture
 Setting of Purpose
Say: The story I am going to read to you today is entitled “Let
Me Get In” it is about a little cat that disobeyed its mother.

Let Me Get In!

by Florita R. Matic

My name is Pussy Cat. I am a playful little cat. I enjoy playing

hide and seek with my siblings. I feel love, happiness and excitement
whenever I play with them.

One day, I saw a beautiful garden with colorful flowers. I

wanted to enjoy its beauty. “Come, let’s play hide and seek in that
garden,” I asked my siblings.

“Oh no, we can’t go outside! Mother told us not to go there.”

They answered. They fear going out of the house.

“Well, I’ll go by myself. Don’t tell Mother Cat. Promise, I’ll be

back immediately!” Pussy told his siblings.

“Oh no, that is dishonesty. We can’t do that,” they said.

I did not listen to them. Instead, I ran towards the garden as fast
as I could.

I ran behind the rose bushes. I climbed the small trees. I hid
behind the tall grasses. It was fun to play in the big garden. When I
got thirsty, I drank from the fountain. Then I got tired. I lay down and
took a nap. When I woke up, it was already dark.

“Meow…meow…meow…,” I cried but no one is around. Then it

began to rain. I ran towards the house. It’s locked!

“Meow…meow…meow…let me get in!” No one heard me. “I

should not have disobeyed my mother,” I said to myself as I
shivered. It was cold and dark. I was miserable.

“Never again,” I thought.

Motive Question: What happened to the little cat?

B. Comprehension Check
Ask the motive question.
1. Why was the little cat in the garden?
2. Did mother cat know she went out of the house? Why or why not?
3. What did the other kittens tell Pussy Cat when he invited them?
4. How did Pussy Cat feel during the entire night?
5. What lesson did Pussy Cat learn?
6. What can you say about the title “Let me Get In!”? Given the
chance to change, what title would you give the story? Why?

C. Grammar Awareness
 Presentation
Say: Read the sentences taken from the story. Then
circle all the nouns in each sentence.
1. Pussy Cat said, “I feel love, happiness and excitement
whenever I play with my mother and my siblings.
2. I was amazed by the beauty of the garden.
3. I felt their fear.
4. I was full of misery.
5. “Oh no! That is dishonesty. We cannot do that,” Pussy’s
siblings said in chorus.

 Comparison and Abstraction

Ask: Which of the nouns tell something we CAN see, hear,
touch, taste, or smell?
Which of these nouns tell something we CANNOT
see, hear, touch, taste, or smell?

D. Generalization
Concrete nouns are nouns that name something we can see, hear,
touch, taste, or smell.

Example: Person girl, boy, teacher, baby, school, park,

church, house, car, sea, tree, leaves, fruit, flower, animal,
snake, crab, bird.
Abstract nouns are nouns that name something we cannot see,
hear, taste, or smell but can be felt or seen in the mind
Example: Happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, education,
hope, wisdom, friendship

Things I CAN
touch, smell, Concrete Nouns
taste, hear, see
touch, smell, Abstract Nouns
taste hear, see

E. Guided Practice 1
Activity 1. Use and Learn
Read the abstract nouns in the graphic organizer.
Use these nouns to complete the sentences found in the story read.

1-2. Pussy Cat feels ________ and _________whenever she plays

with her siblings.
3. The little cat could not hide her ________ when
she saw the beautiful garden.
4. She was amazed by the __________of the
5. The other siblings did not tolerate the __________of the little
6. She felt _______when she found out that the door was locked.
7. Pussy Cat felt ________for not obeying her mother.

F. Application
Answer Activity 3 Q1 Week 4 LM pp ____.

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