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id dt_soal dt_opsi1 dt_opsi2

B 121 When Eko was in Junior High Scholl, some ba Might bully Used to buly
B 122 All of the members of the English Team are goi Are accomplished Accomplish
A 123 Indonesia together with 18 other countries Was attending Were attending
C 124 The boy is fond ______ On the street becauseOn speeding To speed
D 125 The house needs ______ , but we plan to waitPainting Paint
B 126 Most stores in Jakarta close ______ Eight or nIn At
D 127 Neither Lia nor Alex ______ To Japan. Are going to Have gone
C 128 ______ Shandy often absents classes, she alwa As Because
B 129 The father away from the earth the human is T_he least The less
A 130 The donators will need ______ About our prop A little information A few information
A 131 She … the position if she submitted the CV on would get would have got
D 132 The old man made the little boy … his letter todelivered delivers
B 133 The new couple bough …. For their new housea furniture furniture
A 134 Computers solve problem by … data. processing processes
D 135 As I remember, she has just worked here for th she would be the boshe would have been t
A 136 Candri expected to get a quick reply after she had sent sent
A 137 Hanamael rarely talks to his mother, … . neither does his brohis brother is either
C 138 John did the test well and got "A", he … last nineed to study hard might have study hard
C 139 The lady handbag … from leather must be veryis made was made
C 140 Jayawijaya, … , is always coverd by snow. which the highest mis the highest mountai
C 141 Not only the bad students but also the smart odances happily dancing happily
B 142 Students that get schoolarship in that internais inteligence, activ are intelligent, active,
D 143 Bora didn't feel comfortable in this team, si quiting quit
D 144 Alan never attends the friend's birthday, … ? doesn't he? don't he?
A 145 … can solve the Algebra problem, even Simon,no one everyone
D 146 Simon can play "Fur Elise"on piano well althoufour-year-old boy four years old boy
A 147 Some people in that village are afraid … beingof at
C 148 …, the fifth planet from the sun, is the larger a Jupiter the Jupiter
A 149 Since his parents died in the accident, now heby himself by herself
B 150 Though … in the middle of the city, the restauis located located
A 151 I would have cut the cost of production 13% ifhad been in charge was in charge
D 152 I was scared, … I was also curious about the oyet however
A 153 This school … the biggest in the town. is believed to be is to believe to be
Choose the one word or phrase which would not be apppriate in standard written English !
C 154 James is <u>particularly</u> (A) <u>fond</u> of (B) cooking, and he <u>often cooks</u> (C) <u>rea
B 155 John's uncle doesn't <u>earn</u> (A) much, <u>therefore</u> (B) he can <u>send</u> (C) his <u>ch
D 156 Neither Cindy nor her friends <u>are able</u> to (A) buy the newest novel of Agatha Christie Becau
A 157 Hardly ever <u>we will see</u> (A) comet <u>as clear as</u> (B) we can see now because only <u>o
B 158 Do you know, <u>how many</u> (A) years <u>does</u> (B) star-light <u>take</u> (C) to the earth f
B 159 Indonesia <u>have</u> (A) <u>success</u> (B) <u>chosen</u> (C) as as <u>erratic</u> (D) member
B 160 He <u>gave</u> (A) the refugees food and shelter , <u>thus</u> (B) <u>safe</u> (C) them from <u>
D 161 I <u>am</u> (A) <u>absolutely</u> (B) sure you are capable <u>of</u> (C) <u>pass</u> (D) the exa
C 162 <u>The lonely</u> (A) man <u>to whom</u> (B) I talked this morning, lives in a house <u>which is a
D 163 <u>Before</u> (A) the vaccine was <u>found</u> (B) by Edward J. , the smallpox had been known <
A 164 <u>Among</u> (A) Thomas Jefferson's many <u>accomplishment</u> (B) was <u>his</u> (C) work
B 165 The hotel receptionist <u>asked</u> (A) us what <u>would we like</u> (B) for breakfast, and what ti
D 166 The <u>increased</u> (A) in revenue was <u>greater</u> (B) <u>than</u> (C) <u>had been</u> (D)
B 167 The <u>biggest</u> (A) statue <u>on</u> (B) Easter Island is 60 feet <u>high</u> (C) and <u>weigh
C 168 Some of the eye movements <u>used</u> (A) in <u>reading</u> (B) <u>is</u> (C) <u>actually</u>
Reading for question 169-174
We will never live in a truly global world, where geography and local culture do not matter. Globaliz
C 169 What is the topic of the text above ? Globalization and cuGlobalization destinat
D 170 What does the word "ply" mean ? To reject To misuse
A 171 What is the synoym of the word "nannies" ? Baby-sitters Housemaid
A 172 According to the text, which one is not true ? There is a possibilit Moving consumes tim
D 173 Which one of these jobs doesn't belong to a tDoctor Psychiatrist
C 174 What is the meaning of the word "sedentary"Mobile Sediment
Reading for question 175-180
Glass fiber extremely strong; for their weight, they are stronger than steel. They are made by forcin
A 175 What was the author's main purpose in writing the article? A. to inform you how special kinds of gla
A 176 The word "special" in the second paragraph is closets in meaning to … . A. Distinct among others of a
C 177 The word "changing" in the second paragraph could best be replaced by … . A. Altering B. Boring C. B
A 178 What are glass fibers woven into cloth for? A. Draperies B. Cars and boats C. Glasses D. Glue
D 179 The word "fed" in the fourth paragraph means … . A. to give food to B. to minister to C. to support D
C 180 "The word"changing" in the second paragraph could best be replaced by … A. Altering B. Boring C. B
dt_opsi3 dt_opsi4 dt_opsi5
Should bully Ought to bully
Has accomplisWill accomplish
Has attended Attended
Of speeding At speeding
To paint To be painted
On To
Were going Has Gone
Although If
Much less Much least
Little informatFew Informations
got has got
to deliver deliver
furnitures some furnitures
to process processed
she was the boshe were the boss
would sent is sending
does not his brso is his brother
must have studshould have studied hard
made makes
the highest moit is the highest mountain in Indonesia
dance happily dance happy
is intelligent, are intelligent, activity, and diligent
quits to quit
do he? does he?
all someone
to on
Jupiter if Jupiter
by himselves by themselves
locating being locating
were in chargehave been in charge
and but
believed to be believed to be

written English !
en cooks</u> (C) <u>really</u> (D) delicious meals.
u>send</u> (C) his <u>children<u> (D) to college
of Agatha Christie Because <u>it costs</u> (B) <u>them</u> (C) <u>two hundreds dollar</u> (D)
e now because only <u>once in ten years</u> (C) <u>will it happen</u> (D) again
ake</u> (C) to the earth from <u>its</u> (D) spots ?
>erratic</u> (D) member of Security Council of PBB last year.
e</u> (C) them from <u>dying</u> (D) of hunger and cold.
<u>pass</u> (D) the examination
in a house <u>which is alike</u> (C) a palace <u>alone</u> (D).
allpox had been known <u>as</u> (C) a <u>fatally</u> (D) disease.
was <u>his</u> (C) work <u>to establish</u> (D) the University of Virginia.
for breakfast, and what time <u>to bring</u> (C) it <u>to our room</u> (D).
(C) <u>had been</u> (D) foerecast
gh</u> (C) and <u>weight</u> (D) over 100 tons
</u> (C) <u>actually</u> (D) unnecessary.

e do not matter. Globalization is a process, not a destination. For a start, people are sedentary. Moving about will always take time and
Local services Process of globalization
To neglect somTo Conduct
Teacher Laundry
There are some Services are part of rich-country economy
Counselor Engineer
Settled Consuming

They are made by forcing molten glass through tiny holes called spinnerets. As many as four hundred spinnerts are placed together, a
u how special kinds of glass are made and used B. to persuade you to investigate the many uses of glass beyond those mentioned in th
Distinct among others of a kind B. Additonal C. Common D. Species
A. Altering B. Boring C. Bringing D. Doing
. Glasses D. Glue
inister to C. to support D. to supply
A. Altering B. Boring C. Bringing D. Doing
ng about will always take time and money. Most od what are concume cannot be traded. Since many services have to be provided on

d spinnerts are placed together, and threads of glass much thinner than human hairs are drawn off at great speed-miles of thread per
ass beyond those mentioned in the article C. to inform you about the strenght of glass fibers D. to inform you that glue is used to hold
es have to be provided on the spot, much of the economy is set to remain local : nurses, nannies, hairdressers, gardeners, shop assista

speed-miles of thread per minute. As they speed along, the threads are coated thinly with a type of glue and twisted into a yarn. The g
u that glue is used to hold strands of glass together
rs, gardeners, shop assistants, fitness instructors, cleaners, and therapists cannot ply their trade on the other side of the globe. These s

twisted into a yarn. The glass fibers are used with plastics to made boats and car bodies. They are also woven into heavy cloth for win
r side of the globe. These services are the fastest-growing area of rich-country economy.

en into heavy cloth for window draperies and into strong belts for making tires stronger. A special kind of glass fiber is causing a rev
glass fiber is causing a revolution in communications. A signal of light can be made to travel along the fiber for very long distances. By
or very long distances. By changing the quality of the light, many messages can be sent at once along one strand of glass. New office b
trand of glass. New office buildings are being "wired" with glass fibers as they are built. The glass fibers will be used to connect telepho
e used to connect telephones and computers in ways that not long ago were either impossible or too expensive. Glass wool traps air
sive. Glass wool traps air in a thick, light blanket of fibers. This blanket is then put into walks and ceilings to keep warm air in during t
o keep warm air in during the winter and cool air in during the summer. To make glass wool, molten glass is fed into a spinning drum
s fed into a spinning drum with many hokes in it. As the glass threads stream out of the holes, they are forced downward by a blast of
ed downward by a blast of hot air and through a spray of glues. The threads are then further blown about to mic them up as they fall
o mic them up as they fall in a thick mat on a moving belt. The glass we see through and drink out of has many, many other uses beside
ny, many other uses besides the ones described here.

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