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Mukesh Rajput
Motivator & Student Career Counselor
Plot No. 69, Simran Residency Govind Garden Raisen Road
Bhopal –M.P. -462023
Tell: 0755­4246750, 74157­47091



CA - Pass The Real Story (synopsis)

About the book……. The present book ‘C.A. Pass: The Real Story’ is the author’s life story in which he
describes in a very interesting manner the ups and downs of his life’s journey from zero to zenith. Through this
book you will come to know how a small boy, who, sick of the constant fights between his parents, runs away
from home and has to work in a canteen or in a hotel in order to put food in his belly and survive. How he
refused to give up and despite these many trials and hardships he realized his dream all because he continued
to persevere and is today a successful C.A. Via this honest auto – biography the author wants to say that you
don’t have to be exceptionally talented to succeed; sincerity and hard work make everything possible. People
with average potential can also polish and refine themselves to reach their desired goal. It is only after reading
the book that one realizes the true meaning of ‘Try Again’. This book tells us that failures are only repetition of
mistakes and so rather than getting demoralized by them and quitting we must try to identify and remove them.
This book is not written to sermonize instead it is a true account of the actual experiences of the author’s life
and inspires us not to be defeated by such challenges of life but to face them all the while telling us of the ways
to do it. All in all it is a practical handbook which gives us courage, teaches us and also entertains.
About the author…….Mukesh Singh Rajput is a C.A. by profession.
This is his first and probably the last book. It is so because he refuses to regard himself as a professional writer.
Had the thought of motivating others by telling them about his unbelievably hard life not rankled his
conscience he probably would have never put his pen on paper to write this book. The tribulations of his life
before he became a C.A. can be imagined when we realize that he has completed all his studies after 5th as a
private candidate; spent his entire childhood away from home – family working in hotels and shops. But the
flame of become something in life kept burning bright in him so picked up the lost threads of studies once
again and rested only after he had obtained the professional degree of C.A. in 2010. Presently he is a practicing
C.A. in Bhopal.

THIS BOOK/ MOVIE SAYS….. The aim of this

book/movie is to show people how important education is for success in life. It aims at encouraging students
and the youth to opt for education. This book will scrape off the rust from the minds of those children who
think that they will not gain anything from education and find excuses not to study and will also proveCA to be
a milestone to those who say that they are helpless because their elders did not let them study/ did not have
enough money/they could not study because of some circumstances etc. etc. This book will act as a torch
bearer for such people who think that they have become incapable of studying or that now they will not be able
to do anything in life or those who have accepted failure as their destiny. I believe that all these are just excuses
that students and the young people make for saving their skins. C.A.Pass will prove all of them wrong and
generate fresh energy in people of all ages especially the youth. It will clear all misconceptions from people’s
minds that they are not as intelligent as others or god has gifted this one and that one with intelligence and we
are not a genius like them. This book will point out ways to all such students who have become disappointed
because they have been facing repeated failures in competitive exams, have become tired of them and those
who have reconciled with their failures believing them to be their destiny or even those who despite failures,
keep trying but fail to learn. This book will inspire them and develop optimism in them. With the help of real
examples the book will tell you that how education has no need ofexcuses. If we have resolved to succeed and
are confident then even God opens ever new doors of opportunities for us or sends a medium to help us and
finally leads us to our goal. This movie will prove to be a boon for children, young students and unsuccessful
people and will act as a life saving drug in their lives. All in all, besides entertainment this book also offers
corrective measures.

TO THEIR MOTHERS AND FATHERS….Have you have given a thought to what must be going on in the
mind of those children whose parents are constantly fighting with each other? At times these fights become so
aggressive that children have to bear the brunt. Often they raise hands on each other and on the children too
and as such the children live in a constant fear and even take the risk of eloping from home as was done by the
protagonist of the book and the movie. Such children who run away from homes work in hotels and restaurants
where they are not treated well as a result they fail to dream of making anything of their lives. Such children
grow up, fall in wrong company and disrespect women thereby casting a bad impression on even the people
with good upbringing. ‘Why do children run away?’ ‘How to stop domestic violence so that their future does
not become dark?’ and other questions like these find answers in the live examples that I have given in my
book and will prove beneficial to you in raising your children. Through this you will be inspired to keep the
environment of your home positive, I am sure. Through this book I just want to convey one message to you
that: Even a stone can turn into a diamond provided it is polished well.
You will see that once he left home how the protagonist of the book ran from post to pillar, wherever he looked
for love and affection he found rejection; everybody used him. When he had left his home he had thought that
the world would give him the love, affection and support that he had never found at home but it did not happen
so; the outer world turned out to be worse than home. Whichever hotel or restaurant he worked in the
employees subjected him to night long physical abuses. He was tortured to the extent that he started regretting
his decision of running away from home.(This is a bitter fact that children who run away from home are
treated very badly by the society. They are exploited in many places in many ways. What a dilemma that we
are ready to die for our own children but find it difficult to treat other children in a humane manner. Through
this book I wanted to lay open infront of the society the pain and suffering of such children and appeal to them
to show some consideration for such unfortunate children and to treat them as one of their own.) Then despite
facing all trials of life he was on his way to reach the goal of his life when riots between two religions and the
strain in society created by them put a question mark on his future plans. I want to draw the society’s attention
to the fact that even students have to pay aprice, and that too unnecessarily, for mutual disputes or distrust
among members at homes or within countries. Thus through this book I want to appeal to all religions and
segments of the society that we should exercise brotherhood; violence has never proved beneficial for any
society or nation. C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput

Positivity and struggle - If you have made these two your companions’,
then success is always a guaranteed outcome because every struggle with time and perseverance reaches its
goals. But nowadays when I witness the low esteem and confidence amongst the students due to bad academic
performance or peer pressure or when I see the children failing to take responsibilities, I feel disheartened. But
when I look back into my memories, my life, I feel proud not because today I am a successful CA but about the
fact that the troubles and predicaments that I faced to be what I am today allows me to feel good about myself.

My journey has been an interesting one.....

Hailing from a very poor family in PIPARIYA (M.P.), I had a small family of 5 - My mother, father, me and my
two siblings. I was in third standard when I experienced the sense of pain for the first time when my father
slapped me. Yes, I cried a lot that day and why not , crying at that age was like a right to a child. My mother
was always there with me , even on that day.

From that day, this became a routine in our house. My father was a short tempered man which made him
agitated off and on. I learnt what was called - Domestic Violence! But being a kid my hands were chained.

Somewhere, deep down I knew that my father was a good person, it was the situation which hovered on him. I
was sick and tired of the daily fights therefore one day I took a decision for myself. I ran away. Yes, I did run
away from my family, boarded a train and reached a new place - ITARSI. Unfortunately my parents searched
me out and brought me back home with the promise of never fighting again. But all in vain. Again the same
routine began. Fights, abuses. I was tolerating all of this until one day when my father started shouting on me
and beating me as soon as I stepped foot in the house. The reason was that I went out for a movie without
informing. My father kept on hitting me, his rage was so high that he took a hot brass rod and scarred my hand .
it pained a lot , I cried for help, the injury was so bad that I was rushed to the hospital. Though the doctor
treated my scar but the pain in my heart was still intact. At that very moment I decided to leave my home.

I left a note for my mother and boarded the train for BHOPAL. I stood at the Bhopal Junction and thought
Where will I go, what will I do now?'.
A boy merely of 10 - 11 years of age, who does not have a guardian, who is alone in a new city unknown to his
eyes, for him there are two option : Begging or working in a roadside teastall or a hotel ; I chose the latter. I
was able to manage food and lodging but along with the dormers came physical and mental humiliations. I
kept on shuttling, sometimes in a tea stall or in a barber shop, sometimes doing household chores or helping in
a tailor shop. I was like a vagabond searching my life sometimes in Bhopal and sometimes in Indore.

Through my uncertain journey I took the train to Mumbai one day without thinking and without any
preparations. I realized that if there is bad there is a great deal more of goodness in the world when I met a man
in the train to Mumbai who showed his concern towards me, gave me food, understood me. As soon as we
reached Mumbai, the man took me to a shop in Kalyan and with his reference I got a job there. It was a junk
shop whose owner was Wahid Qureshi. Along with my job I chose to work at his house all well. They were
very nice people. It took me no time to call him Abbu and his wife Ammi. Ammi took care of me like her own
son and she even sent me to madarsa for education. A whole year went by and I was old enough to not stay in
their house anymore. Abbu had a second marriage and I was asked to search a new job and home for myself.
As I was ready to leave, Ammo gave me her friend's address as a reference. They were Gujrati's and due to
Ammi's reference I got a job there but I couldn't be happy and soon left there house to find a new home at a
painting shop. The owner's wife knew Ammi so I got a home to live in with a new family.

They weren't so able and on top of it they had my responsibility so the owner gave me a job at a tea stall and
took my salary as their's. Overall I was happy that I had managed for my food and lodging. The tea shop where
I worked was situated near Canada Bank and I got the opportunity to deliver tea for the white collar bank
employees. I was always very keen to observe them working, I used to feel very good, I hoped for a life like
this. Maybe it was my future which was attracting me towards it. Anyways, one fine day i accompanied my
owner to buy some paint. The shop owner Mr. Chandrawali Singh Rajput asked about me and when he came to
know that even I am a rajput, he asked my owner to leave me with him and like this I got a new family.

I started working with dedication. Babuji (as I called my new owner) and the rest of his family had to visit his
village in Uttar Pradesh so they took me along. In their village I met Gayatri whom I liked a lot. Say my age
and lack of experience, I fell in love with her but as the news reached her parents, situations worsened and with
Babuji's help everything was back to normal.

Now we had to leave for Mumbai but before leaving I met Gayatri who said, ‘if you really love me then be
successful. If you can do that no one will stop you to marry me ' . I don't know it was love or infatuation, but
her words had a huge impact over me. As I was back in Mumbai, I spoke to many people for a better job
opportunity but slowluly came to realize that if I had to be a successful man , I will have to complete my
studies first. I started visiting various schools but no one allowed my admission as I did not have any previous
academic documents.

All my documents were at my home in Pipariya - my home which I left seven years ago. In between the
memories and reality I decided to visit my house and babuji's permission. Babuji packed sweets, clothes and
some money for my journey back home. He asked me to return soon with teary eyes. As I continued my
journey, excitement filled my heart to meet my mother, siblings but when I reached my home I saw it locked.
After inquiring from my neighbours I got to know that when I left the house, my mother was very sad and
tensed. I did fail to realize that just for my selfishness I made my mother suffer a lot.

Searching my family, I reached Ujjain - my grandmother's place where I got a trace that my family was in
Bhopal. With my maternal uncle I went to the factory where my father worked but all in vain. We returned to
Ujjain and I stayed. One morning as I was sleeping, a soft touch on my forehead woke me up. I saw my mother
sitting beside me and my father standing in front of me.

Though I thought to just take my documents and go back to Mumbai but family love did not allow me to go
back. I started working as a guard in a factory and in between all the hassle I filled my 10th examination form
as well. I failed at my first attempt but didn't lose hope. I continued my studies and filled the form again. In the
morning hours I worked and at night I studied. This time I passed my 10th exams. I was very happy to
accomplish my first level which made me think about my higher studies. During my study phase I met
Archana Rathore - a girl from a rich family. I fell in love with her, her beauty and her personality. When I
proposed her she mocked me, at my status and as she was leaving she said ‘First come to my stature then
think of loving me. You illiterate fool'.

Those lines marked my heart so bad that I decided to be successful at any cost. I directed the fire in my heart
and worked a lot ; be it as a night guard or as a factory worker. Meanwhile, another girl named Sabina entered
my life who was my factory supervisor's daughter and she fell in love with me. She always helped me, took
care of me, lend me money whenever I needed but I thought of her as my friend because I loved Archana. It
became difficult for me to study while working in the factory so I switched my job and started working as an
auto driver which saved my time for studies and also helped me to earn good money. I encouraged my younger
brother Govind to study with me. I cracked my 12th examinations with immense hard work. Sabina was very
happy for me. Without delay I took my admission in B.Com 1st year and started my preparations. One day
Sabina's mother came to me and said ‘ Sabina wants to marry you. We tried to make her understand but she
is not ready to listen that is why I have come to you to know your decision'. I was taken aback, I couldn't
respond. Sabina had so much in mind I was not able to realize until now. At last I had to tell the truth to her
mother, I had to say no. In the evening Sabina called me up, she cried , she begged, but I had already given my
heart to Archana. She cried till she kept the phone down but later that night another phone call came, Sabina's
mother called me up to tell me that Sabina drank Sulphase.

Sabina's death shook me to the core. It took me months to cope up qith the loss but i somehow managed.
One day, Vaswaniji gave me few documents to deliver to his CA Manoj Khare. When I reached his office, I
saw the man sitting inside a huge cabin, 10-15 employees are working under him, he is so intelligent to assign
work to his employees, beaurocrats are waiting to meet him. This was my first look of a CA.

After that meet my conscience said to me in a determined voice ‘Boss! This is the only thing I have to do.
Money, status, everything is surely mine inthis profession which I always wanted. So, I took the road of my
new dream; Completed B.Com 2nd year and for the 3rd year i took admission as a regular student in Chitransh
college. My family started staying with me and I left my old job to join as a driver at Subhash Jain ji's place
from which I got a lot of time for my studies, earned good money and most importantly i was happy. One day,
I was missing Archana very much so I thought to go meet her or atleast look at her from a distance and come
back. But when I reached her house, I got the need that she was already married with a baby girl. I was broken,
helpless, I calmed myself and enquired to know that she note lived in MP Nagar. Furthermore, Archana and
her husband are on the verge of separation and she lives alone with the girl. I was so eager to meet her that I
reached her house, saw that she has started her tuition classes. I saw her teaching and I was stunned to look at
her, admire her, after 10 long years. I kept on looking at her. Suddenly Archana looked at me and came to me,
‘Do you have some work here?' she asked. I just smiled back. She observed me for few seconds then said
‘ You are Mukesh right?' I validated. She laughed and said ‘ How could I forget you, wait for 2 minutes.'
After she came back I told her everything about my life, my struggle, also that I am in B.Com 3rd year and I
want to be a CA. She was very happy and motivated me but when I asked about her life, the pain and sorrow
was clearly visible on her face. She told me that she was very unhappy with her husband and now she was
waiting for the divorce. Her marriage was just like a chain strangling her down and she started crying. After a
small silence I said ‘Archana I want to marry you, I want to love your daughter as mine. Please allow me to
do so'.

She was shocked ‘What are you saying? How can it be possible?', she said. “ Why not “ , I replied. “ I want
to accept you with your situations . Don’t you think that I am doing this to you out of pity. I fell in love with
you the moment I saw you. Now that life is giving me a second opportunity to complete my love life then
please don’t say No.” She felt silent, she had tears in her eyes . I felt that her eyes were screaming out to tell me
that how come she couldn’t realize my love, how come she couldn’t understand me as a person. When I went
towards her to wiper her tears off, she hugged me . That moment , I considered that moment of my life to be the
most beautiful one in this whole wide world.

As I left, I asked her to wait for me. She smiled back but I knew that I have many challenges infront of me to
overcome. Firstly, I had to complete my CA then to search for a job through which I can plan for my new
house. Sometimes , I even went to the college and formed with groups of friends and we began our studies.
Due to our hardwork we passed.

After graduation, friends of mine went to different fields, only me and Pramesh were left to walk the path of
CA. Pramesh was always ahead of me , be it in studies or financial amenities but he was always very helpful to
me. We filled the forms and started our preparations. In the mean time my younger brother got selected for the
Army and he went off for his training.

Now we had to join our articleship and for that we went and gave our interviews in many CA firms and got
selected for a firm of CA Jain. We prepared for our examinations but I failed in my first attempt. For my
second attempt , I took a termination from my articleship and started my preparations yet again. We both failed
at our second attempts as well. Pramesh was very disheartened but I was happy as I scored equivalent to
Pramesh in both my examinations. Again we started our preparations and gave our third attempt but all in vain.
Pramesh was very much upset and decided to leave CA. I tried to make him understand a lot but he did not
listen. He even advised me to leave CA but I told him that I will make this dream come true and will not leave
the battlefield just like that. He left but I was very sad as I was left alone again . So, I thought to go meet
When I told her the recent event, she assured me not to lose hope but also warned me that If I want to marry her
I have to succeed faster as Heena’s father comes to Archana every single day and fights with her. She asked me
to be cautious so that I don’t fail to marry her. I left her housee that evening with a determination to clear my
exams and then only meet Archana. I began my preparations for my fourth attempt but I failed.

This time I self-judged and calculated myself that what are the mistakes that I am repeating in every attempt of
mine. I realized that the biggest mistake which I made was to terminate my articleship midway as practical
knowledge is far better than theoretical knowledge. Thinking about all this made me join my articleship again
but this time I wanted a good firm where I can learn all the work properly. I went to join CA Agarwal Sir,
wherein my friend Sudhanshu was one of the articles. I got the exact environment to work of which I dreamt of
and therefore satisfactorily I started my preparations of the fifth attempt. Though this time I gave just one
group but still was left behind for 12 marks. My strength was fading away and Pramesh’s words swirled my
mind – “ Leave it Mukesh ! CA is not our cup of tea “.

When you are into this circle of negativity , what you need is a good guidance , a person who can take you out
of it. I had that one person with me , My Sir – CA Agarwal. He made me understand that at first you need to
select the group in which you are confident. I was ponderinf over my decision making when Archana called
and went quite for a second when she heard about my result. Before keeping the phone down she said “ Take
care of yourself and forgive me”.

Next day the newspaper gave me a news which devastated me. She hanged herself. She left this world because
of domestic unhappiness. I saw her one last time in the paper and rushed to her house but they left for the
cremation ground before me reaching. Tears were profuse inside me like a tornado, screaming out just one
question – Why Archana ? Couldn’t you wait for me ?

I was left broken after hearing her say these words. I began to hate my studies, CA. This terrible course robbed
me off my happiness. Every second just one thought was cribbing in my head, The person because of whom I
was doing everything , when she only left me then what am I supposed to do now. I couldn’t get out of this
remorse for many days but if life was to stop because a person is no more then it wouldn’t have been called
LIFE. I calmed myself up and gave my 6 th attempt but failed again.

I did not have a single hope ti live anymore. I became quiet and started to lock myself up. I stopped making
friends and meeting people. But in this difficult phase of my life a person came as an angel : Shyamla- she was
the daughter of a scientist and was a good friend of my sister. My sister told her everything about me and one
day she came to me and said “ Look , the one who leaves us , we cannot bring them back but the hopes they
expected from us , the dreams which they saw with us , we can fulfill them for them so that wherever they are ,
they can smile”. She made me understand loads of things. These words of hers worked as an ointment to me
and gave me some motivational books to read as well. I began to change myself. When someone helps you to
come back to life , be happy , you tend to have an instant connection with that person which can go up to the
level of love. This happened with me and started searching Archana in Shyamla. But before I scould say this to
her I came to know from my sister that she is already engaged. I lowered my feelings to the same old closeness
which was purer than love.

My exam leaves were over and I joined the articleship again with new energy and hardwork. Every work that
I was given , I managed to finish it before the scheduled time and this made my Sir more happy.

The only tension I was having was for my 7Th attempt as it was my last one and family pressure for marriage
was on top of my head. There were two reasons, One – I was getting older and Two- My sister had to get
married and the money I will get in my marriage will be invested for her marriage.
I tried to make my family understand that CA is my aspiration and I will have to do that but my family did not
understand. A marriage proposal came for me which was from a very wealthy family. I tried to say no but my
voices went unheard and at the end I was forced to do the engagement. I had a year for marriage so I gave my
7th attempt and started waiting for the results. On the result day , I did not even dare to look at them as I was
very much afraid to fail once more. My sir saw my result and gave me the good news that finally I passed. My
happiness had no limits as this was my first success in my journey of becoming a CA.

Now my articleship was over and I had few job offers as well but I didn’t want to do job right now. I spoke to
my Sir that I wanted to work with him on assignment basis and he agreed to it . I started getting my pay as per
my assignments. I had my next group to get cleared so I started my preparations timely , gave my papers and
got my results. I could not pass though but I got exemptions. This examination calls for sacrifices and I really
couldn’t remember when I celebrated any festival. Meanwhile , the one year before my marriage was about to
end. I requested them to spare me just one more year to study but the pressure was too high. Therefore after my
exams in May , the dates were fixed for my marriage. According to the plan , my sister got married and then
Smriti – my wife , was welcomed to our house.

Married life began and so did my household responsibilities. I created my office in my homespace and carried
out my work and studies simultaneously. I gave my exams but could not clear. My work pressure and my
studies were too much now so I decided to send Smriti back to her house. No wife would want to leave her
husband and go but Smriti understood my position and left me alone for few days. Because of my workload I
asked my friend , who was my fraternity mate to join me as a partner but we could not get along and soon the
partnership was over. I decided to be thoughtful while choosing my partners from now on.

One day , one of my clients made me meet a shopkeeper whose all the business documents were destroyed in
a fire accident. I agreed to help him out but only after my exams and he too seconded that. I started my exam
preparations. I studies more new refreshers , asked my friends to help me out on chapters etc. In all of this
process one thing I understood that this will not be something very easy and wont be able to do it alone. I
needed a companion who was competent and intelligent. In the mean time my brother Govind’s marriage
preparations started. I went to invite a fellow Accountant whom I knew for the marriage where I met Maya ji
who was also doing her CA. As I had a conversation with her I decided that the kind of partner I was searching
for my office was her. But at that very moment I did not talk to her about it and left. Later, we became study
buddies. With all my ambition I started my preparations for my PE-2. I gave my exams and cleared it. I was in
my CA finals now. I was back to Bhopal with happiness.
I remembered that shopkeeper whose work I had promised to do. I contacted Mayaji and shared my proposal
of partnership with her , as she too wanted something like this , she agreed. We discussed everything and soon
became partners with our common friend Manish.

I met that shopkeeper and after discussing my fees I started my work. To complete this work we needed a new
office space so we told about this issue to the shopkeeper. He understood the issue and gave us a space beside
his own office. At that time , Agarwal Sir too gave us a huge audit work which we completed diligently within
a short span of time. We were making profits but alongwith that we were also becoming quite competent in our
work. Maya ma’am too was of my type who gave work more importance and did all her assignments quite
energetically. I was very happy working with her. We started indulging in our work so much that we failed to
notice that the final examination dates were near. So we decided to take 15 days leave and then we both started
our preparations. I wanted to appear for the second group , Maya madam for the first and Manoj Sir for both
the groups. We made our notes in a jiffy , did our preparations , gave our exams and then started our work
again. But when the results were out , we all failed but I got an exemption in one subject so I was now eligible
to appear for the examinations for the next 3 years.

This time we took a pledge that we all will do group studies and for that we rented a room where we we three
could study. But in between everything somewhere deep down , I was feeling really guilty that I was not able
to give a worthy amount of time to my wife. Therefore , I thought why not make her work somewhere so that
she will not feel bored and also will earn. She used to work before getting married so now she joined a clinic
and started working there.

Few days later, I got to know that my wife is pregnant. I was happy to my heart’s core but I could not express
my love to her. I asked her to go to her own house as by staying here she will not get the proper care which was
required at this stage. This is the sarcasm of life , that when my wife needed me the most I was not there with
her and was asking her to leave this place. But I did not have any other option. My goals were calling for this
sacrifice. Smriti left and before a month to my examinations my mother called me and announced that she is a
grandmother now. For seconds I thought of flying to my wife and my son but then had a reality check. All my
family was there with her , with my son , except me .

Exams were over and we awaited the results. In between , we earned some more projects and we got engaged
with that. We rented us a new office place. Results were out and we both passed our groups. Now we had to be
ready for the last group of our finals but we were engaged in a lot of assignments as we never used to say NO
to our clients. As of the work we could not focus on our studies and as a result we failed our last groups. We
gave it again but failed again but Manoj ji was now a CA this time. We stroke a consensus between our work
and studies and gave our groups again for the third time and one of us became a CA and one did not. As Maya
ma’am was a CA now , we could do all the audit reporting work and now we did not have to think about seal
and signature on them . But now I became very agitated which led to fights between me and Mayaji.
Meanwhile I gave my fourth attempt and failed again. Now I was so broken down that every second my
irritation led to fights and troubles in our office. The lovely fraternity bond that me and Mayaji shared was lost
somewhere as she was a CA now and I was not. The fights were so much now that we even decided to call off
the partnership but all of our clients loved to work with both of us so we did not make them more suspicious
about our ups and downs. Somehow I calmed myself and even Mayaji helped me through this phase which
helped me be ready for my fifth attempt. I wanted to be a CA this time desperately , so I asked my wife to go
back to Jabalpur and promised her that this is the last time.
I was crazily concentrating only on my studies as Mayaji took the whole lot of responsibility of the office. But ,
before 15 days to my exams my father got hospitalized where he had to get operated. When my mother
informed me about this I kept quiet. Maybe this was the last call of duty which I had to go through before my
final examinations. I had to choose between my father and my exams , at that time I chose my exams and said
no to my mother with a cold heart. People started criticizing me , taunt me , but nothing inserts inside your
mind when you have chosen to be a rock solid personality. As soon as my examinations were over , I rushed to
my father. He kept quite and I also kept standing there , teary eyed.

I was now back to office in a full working mode. The fights which were a normal aroma of the office lately was
now next to zero. Then D-Day came. Results were out at 8 am but it was 9.30 am , and my friends were calling
me to ask for my roll number. Nobody called after that. I was assured that I failed even this time. I quietly left
my house. I was remorse. I was cursing all my dreams, goals. This CA left me of nothing, anywhere. I lost my
Archana. I could not be with her because of this CA when she needed me the most. I could not give the desired
love to my son which is a responsibility of a father. While contemplating, I reached a temple. I screamed at
him, asked him – Why? Why are you doing this to me God?.

After an hour I reached office. Mayaji asked me about my result and I gave a sad look. She saw my
expressions and asked me for my roll number. I was so irritated that I wrote my roll number on a paper and
threw it over her desk “ Why are you asking this again and again? I have already told you I was not able to
clear my CA. I will never be able to. Stop irritating me so much please “ I stormed off.

She smiled at me and waited for me to calm down. “ Mukesh , you are CA now !”she said and turned the
computer screen towards me.

I saw my result and howled. I cried . I cried so much so to sit down on my knees. The biggest dream of my life
is achieved, Yes ! I AM A CA.

The dream , which I created in the year 2000 came true in 2010. I was now –
CA Mukesh Singh Rajput.

Honorable : Prime Minister of India– PM-Office 30-07-2015

Honorable Thawar Chand Gehlot

“The autobiography written by C.A. Shri Mukesh Singh Rajput – ‘C.A.Pass: The Real Story’ shows
that if a person wishes he can achieve anything provided he has the self belief and an unflinching
diligence to do so. I am hopeful that this book will definitely show a new way to youth and students.”
Thawar Chand Gehlot is an Indian politician who serves in the NarendraModi government as a
Cabinet minister in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. He is a RajyaSabha MP
from Madhya Pradesh.
Ramesh Chandra Agrawal
“I read about the life story of ShriMukesh Singh Rajput C.A. in the book written by him ‘C.A.Pass’.
He has overcome several difficulties to reach his goal. His book has a lot to offer to the present young
generation and also to the students of today who will realize that nothing is impossible to achieve
provided they have the will and firm determination to achieve it. It is said that if there is a will the
heart of a mountain can be split open by a timid stream. Similarly if there is hard work to accompany
a firm resolve everything becomes possible.”
-Ramesh Chandra Agrawal, Chairman, DainikBhaskarPatra Group

Hon’ble: Narayan Singh Kesari Ex – MP RajyaSabha

“I have read the life story of C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput in the book written by him ‘C.A.Pass– The
Real Story’. The reader is forced to ponder about each incident and episode mentioned there in. This
book sows a thought in the hearts of the young generation that if you have high ideals and the drive
then no difficulty of this world can stop you from succeeding, that while gaining knowledge
disappointment is like an enemy, that keep moving towards success with courage, that if one works
hard in the right direction that success is always his.”
Narayan Singh KesariEx – MP RajyaSabha
Honorable Suresh Chand Jain IAS - Bhopal
“The book ‘C.A. Pass: The Real Story” written by C.A. ShriMukesh Singh Rajput is based on actual
facts. It tells us that how he struggled hard and persevered untiringly in face of adverse social and
economic conditions to acquire a professional degree like C.A. I am sure that readers, when they read
it and viewers, when they watch the film based on it will get inspired and push themselves harder on
path of success.”
-Suresh Jain, IAS Bhopal MP

Dr. Sashi Rai“

‘If a person wants he can achieve the highest goals with hard work, balanced self confidence and
persistent dedication’ – the autobiography ‘C.A.Pass – The Real Story’ written by C.A. Mukesh Singh
Rajput embodies the above adage. Every single page of this book teaches a lesson of life to students.
Without blaming the circumstances for our failures if we can turn them around in our favour so that
they assist us in our search for success then nothing is impossible to achieve – this is the message that
this book has for students and the youth.
Dr. SashiRai, Member – State Higher Education Council, Madhya Pradesh Group Director,
ShaheedHemu Colony Education Society, Bhopal. “
Respected T.K.Shrivastava
The book written by C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput ‘C.A.Pass – The Real Story’ is a touching book based
on his real life. Having taken birth in a poor family, he faced extreme challenges in life and the efforts
he took to achieve his aim of clearing the CA exam are a testimony to the saying – Where there is a
will, there is a way’. After reading this book the readers will realize the value of education in life and
that only the educated earn respect in the society. If his heart desires desperately then man can achieve
the biggest possible goal.
T.K.Shrivastava, Principal – Polytechnic College Shamla Hills, Bhopal

Dr. Vikas Saraf

“This book is based on the actual happenings during the student life of C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput in
which his hard work in face of extremely difficult circumstances is shown. It is said that your hard
work is the greatest wealth in the world and your best companion is your determination. Acting on
this C.A. Rajput kept working hard amidst adverse social and economic conditions and completed his
CA studies and achieved success. I am hopeful that this book will prove useful for all those students
who want to succeed with hard work and courage. I also hope that this book will prove useful in
providing new direction towards success to students.”
Dr. VikasSaraf, Professor and Director – Vidyasagar Institute of Management, Bhopal Ex –
Joint Director, ICWAI

Surya K. RamdanyDadool - Mauritius

“I am really overwhelmed reading this book which is the key of great achievement and success in
author’s life. I appreciate and salute his courage, efforts and struggling journey which led him to what
he is today – a successful CA, a man of dignity, an example and many more which cannot be
described in words. Through this book he has shared his hard work, experiences and knowledge. I will
strongly recommend and advise people, especially the youngsters to read the book and learn from it.”
SuryaK. RamdanyDadool, Managing Director – Surya Marketing Limited Mauritius

DrArun Kumar Director – ShuchitaPrakashan(P) Ltd. Allahbad

“Going through this book ‘CA – Pass: The Real Story” I could see an evolution acting into today’s
professionals which assured me of a great future of business digest. I congratulate Mukeshji for his
generosity and spirit to ease out other’s journey. I am sure this book will help all the aspirants in
achieving their goals step by step and will keep them on track in good and bad times of their
DrArun Kumar Director – ShuchitaPrakashan(P) Ltd. Allahbad

Right First -Dr. Ashwina Rangnekar

“By penning down the actual incidents of his life with confidence Mukesh Singh Rajput has set an
example for student life. This book of his will act as a fine lesson and motivation for that section of
youth today which hopes to achieve much with little hard work and on failing to do so, out of
depression and cowardice starts moving towards suicide.”
Dr. AshwinaRangnekar Head of the Department, Music, Sarojini Naidu Government Girls
College (autonomous), Bhopal Stage artist (music/stage)
Dr. RajniGorowala
“This book authored by C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput is a concrete summary of his personal experiences
and is centredaround the various ways of reaching to life’s aims. In this he has thanked the various
testing conditions of his life and made a mention of the lessons they taught him. He has said that a
person’s resolve to accomplish his target should be so firm that his luck should wait for him.”
Dr. RajniGorowala Asst. Professor – Social Sciences Sarojini Naidu Government Girls College
(autonomous), Bhopal

CA Deepika Sahu
“Mukeshji has very beautifully moulded his real life story in inspiring words….I really appreciate his
hard work. It s well – written and contains sound, practical advice. I will recommend the students to
take the benefits of the steps shown in the book for ‘how to prepare for the exams’ and ‘how not to
lose self confidence’ as ‘Self confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings’.”
CA DeepikaSahu, Bhopal (Genpact, Bangalore)

ShriSantosh K. Agrawal
“I am delighted to read this book. The author has taken great pains to bring out this publications based
on real facts and hardships faced by an average student (author himself) to become a Chartered
Accountant. This piece of writing is indeed invaluable to everyone aspiring to become a CA.
Santosh K. Agrawal President Confederation of All India Traders, Bhopal

C.A. V.S.Rajdev Founder Secretary & Ex- Chairman Bhopal Branch The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Photo-Welcome gate “Book Launched 01-07-2015”
CA Pass The Real Story - Book
Very few people in this world crush the various difficulties and challenges that come across in the way of
success in their life under their feet and keep marching towards their goal and rest only when they achieve
it. Fewer out of those few inspire the coming generation to move forward to achieve their aims and reach
their goals by stringing into words the inconveniences, momentary failures, obstacles faced by them and
the ways to overcome them. The author of this book C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput has had his name included
in this very few through his autobiography. The relevance of this book will be proven in reality by those
people who will read it and conquer all their difficulties, challenges and discomforts and get inspired to
then march ahead towards their goals. I congratulate C.A. Mukesh Singh Rajput for having becoming a
C.A. and carving a niche for himself in this profession despite all the mentioned hardships faced by him. I
am also extending my deeply felt appreciation for informing the coming generation about the successful
and tested recipes of success. I hope the very best for this book that after publication may it reach as many
people as possible and break new records of success. I also wish that the movie based on this book be
praised by the people and inspired by the same they reach the zeniths of their lives. With best wishes.C.A.
V.S.Rajdev Founder Secretary & Ex- Chairman Bhopal Branch The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India

This was how the book was written Within all of us lies the instinctive desire to succeed – though it
may in our careers or in any other aspect of life. But mind it that success is not a ‘guess’. The word
‘Success’ in itself may be small but to achieve it hard work, sacrifice, dedication and focus are very
important. Success is not an end but an on- going process which takes us to ever greater horizons. If
you have made struggle and positivity your co – travellers then success becomes a certainty because
one who struggles definitely reaches his destination. But today I see that if children have slightly
spoilt their paper or if they face a small challenge they regard it as the last examination of their lives
and takes rash decisions like suicide! Although it is a sign of cowardice. If only we could tell them the
life is for living and struggles teach us how to live. The foundation of this book is laid on that ‘if only’.
My own life has been a tale of hard labour and unending struggles to take it from zero to zenith. And
so the restlessness to save others from disappointment and helplessness was always there but the task
of converting it into a resolve was done by a client. During a power cut in a professional meeting
when I shared my story of achieving success because of the struggles of my life with him, his eyes
filled with tears and he took a promise from me that ‘I will first shape it into a book and then a movie
and pass on the benefits to children, students and their parents.’ And the other reason being that when
I was struggling with failures in my CA phase I found no such related book which was based on a true
life story of success and could motivate me. I missed this thing a lot during then. And so I felt that I
must do something to fill that blank. Writing this book has been a pleasant experience for me. When it
was near completion I thought that I will place a copy of this on the holy feet of Sant Shiromani Shri
Shri Vidyasagarji because when I was working as a driver I had received his blessings in Sagar and it
was then that I had decided that once I become something in life I would definitely seek his blessings
once again. One day all of a sudden I came to know that Sant Shiromani Shri Shri Vidyasagar ji has
come to Nemawar (Madhya Pradesh). Thus I had made up my mind to go and seek his blessings on
03-02-2015 (Tuesday). But just a day before I fell sick. Knowing that before any good task is
accomplished there are always difficulties to be faced I did not pay much attention to my ill health and
remained firm on my resolve to go. Despite all difficulties I, at the end, I managed to reach the room
where Maharajji was seated, having had his meal. It was about 11 in the morning and there was a huge
crowd waiting to seek his blessings. I introduced myself to the doorman and told him the reason
behind my visit. He asked me to wait. I can still recall the scene in that room. There was absolute
silence in the room. I peeped inside the room a little. Maharajji was sitting on a wooden takhat in
aasan and there was big wooden box kept infront of him. I could see the same glow and serenity on his
face that I had witnessed in Sagar. As soon as Maharajji saw me he smiled a little and the doorman
gave me permission to go inside. Once infront of him I kneeled down and gave my complete
introduction and told him ‘Maharajji, with your blessings today I am a C.A. Before today when I had
seen you in Sagar I was a driver …, with the help of this book I want to share my experiences
with the children and their parents , and that is why I am infront of you ….” And I don’t know why but
my throat choked and I started crying…the time stood still. I handed over this book to him and said,
“Just two words for the book…and if the film is made then some moments of your live presence..”.
Maharajji said, “My blessings…my blessings.”He said it twice. I looked at his feet from far and
bowed down because I believe that I am not even worthy of touching the feet of such an enlightened
soul. But the respectable people seated around him assured me that I could touch his holy feet. Scared
and with shivering hands I touched his feet and with my eyes filled with tears of gratitude I left. I felt
that as if all this was predetermined and had been possible only because of his blessings. This was an
unbelievable realization and I believe it to be the outcome of good deeds of my previous births.
Because I am not a professional writer I had contacted many professional writers for this task. But I
was disappointed to note that none was able to transfer the pain and essence that I wanted to come
across on paper and reach the people. Thus I myself sat down every morning from 5:30 – 8:30 and
starting writing. I managed to finish it after two years of consistent efforts. Although, at my end, I
have tried to keep it error free but then it is human to err. I hope that you will let me know of my
mistakes and give me a chance to correct them and also give significant donation for making of the
movie on this. Yes! Very soon we are going to present this book before you in the form of a movie!
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